10 Minute Tabata Interval Workout
Chris FreytagDescription
You’ll start with a quick warm up to mobilize your joints and activate your muscles. The first move is a curtsy or cross-behind lunge with a lateral raise. You’ll use both your lower and upper body in this move, activating the legs, glutes, shoulders, and arms. The next exercise is a squat and dumbbell swing. Chris will encourage you to get a nice, deep squat and even add a little hop as you swing the dumbbell from one hand to the next. You’ll start to get your heart rate up as you work your muscles using these full-body movements.
You’ll rest for about thirty seconds before heading into the next Tabata. You’ll first do push-up jacks and then do a squat curl press with your weights. Chris will encourage you to keep your elbows behind you in push-up position so as not to scrunch your neck. She’ll also show you how to modify your push-ups if needed. All in all you’ll get a fun, total-body workout with this tabata interval workout that takes just 10 minutes. If you liked this workout, try our tabata style HIIT program or bodyweight tabata intervals.
Hi, I'm Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV, and I'm going to do a 10-minute tabata interval workout for you that I hope you'll do with me. Now, tabata intervals are- I think they are very fun and they make the workout go by really quick. Here's how it works. We do 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, eight cycles in a row. That equals four minutes, and that's one tabata interval.
As soon as we finish that interval, we'll take a breath maybe like a 30-second break, and we'll go right into the second tabata interval which is four minutes, and then we'll put a warm-up and a cool down on the end of it. So when someone says, "Does a 10-minute workout actually matter?" The answer is, "Yes! It makes a difference." We are going to use our muscles. We're going to get our heart rate up, all in 10 minutes. So let's start with a quick warm-up.
We're just going to take a couple big, deep breaths right here. Inhale and exhale. The purpose of a warm-up is just to mobilize your joints and activate your muscles. So all we need to do is a couple of moves when it's a nice, short workout. We're gonna roll our shoulders back.
Just relax your ears away from your- relax your shoulders away from your ears and then go the other direction. Good. And let's roll out our back. You're just gonna come forward all the way into a squat and then roll up, and let's do that again. Come all the way down.
Eyes up, chest up. Try to touch the ground. Roll it up. Beautiful. And let's do some hip circles.
So we always warm-up those ball-and-socket joints, the shoulders and the hips. So it's like you're coming up and over something. This is your external rotation, and now you'll bring it internal. Just bring it up and around this way. Awesome, all right.
One more set right here. Good. A couple toe touches just to open up those hamstrings, and we'll get right into our tabata interval. To keep things simple, we're gonna only use two exercises per tabata. So we'll go A-B, A-B, A-B, A-B.
That's how easy it is. I'm going to use a timer right here on my phone; it's super simple-- 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Our first exercise is going to be a curtsy lunge with a lat raise using the shoulders. All right, I will help you out. I'm grabbing some heavier weights.
Go for 10-pound weights. Go for whatever you can handle. Muscle improves your metabolism so go for it. Here we go. Curtsy lunges with lat raises and I will help you.
So you're going to step behind, nice deep lunge, lat raise using the shoulders. Step behind. Now how fast you go is entirely up to you. It's really has a big- you know what really matters is how much weight is in your hands, and of course, I want you to go for nice, deep lunges. All the way down, all the way up.
And that's 20 seconds. All right, now we have 10 seconds of rest, which is just enough time to switch to Exercise B which is a squat and swing. Starting in three, two, one. You'll step to the right. Right hand.
Step to the left. Now a nice deep squat, bend those knees. Eyes up, chest up. And if you want to make it a little harder, add a little hop right here. So you just hop side-to-side, little front raise.
Abs nice and tight. Get that heart rate up. 20 seconds of work. Come on. And now we have 10 seconds rest and we're going to go back to Exercise A.
I love a tabata workout; like I said, it goes by quickly but it gets your heart rate up. Are you ready? Three, two, one, curtsy lunge. Here we go. Now curtsy lunge is also known as a cross-behind lunge.
So you step way back and notice how deep I'm going into that lunge. If this bothers your knees, you could lunge straight back if that is better for you. Breathe. Nice shoulder raises. Inhale, exhale.
And done. That was 20 seconds. All right, here we go. You can hear that my heart rate is starting to get up. Back to the squat-and-swings.
Starting in three, two, one. 10 seconds rest is just enough to take a deep breath and transition to that next exercise. Notice how low I'm going in my squats. Do the best you can. Remember eyes up, chest up.
Bend those knees. Bend those hips. Sit way back. Five, four, three, two, one. All right, we're halfway through that tabata.
Here we go. Woo! Curtsy lunge, lat raise. Starting in three, two, one. Here we go.
So you wanna really think form before speed. Once you have good form; then you can even pick it up just a little faster which will add power. Good. Breathe. Inhale, exhale.
Three, two, one. Squat and swing. Here we go. And you could actually do this without weights. If you didn't have weights, you could just mimic the movements without the weights.
Here we go. We're back to that squat and swing side-to-side. Again, you don't have to jump. You can step side-to-side. The key is getting that nice, deep squat.
You got it. Come on. Five, four, three, two, and one. All right, we have one more set of each exercise. 10 seconds rest.
Pick up that other weight. Woo! I've got that heart pumping. I hope you do too. Ready?
And go. Here we go. So four minutes is a full tabata. This is our last set right here. Good job.
I'm breathing heavy now. Five seconds left. Four, three, two, and you got it. Last set of squat-and-swing. Are you ready?
Starting in four, three, two, and one. Okay, you can do it. Remember, listen to your body. The point of an interval is to push yourself during the work so you get that heart rate up. Yeah!
Here we go. Last five. Come on! Four, three, two, one. All right, and that was our first tabata.
We have one more to come. So let's rest for about 30 seconds. You can drink some water. You want your heart rate to recover a little bit. And um, interval- interval workouts are no joke.
You get that heart rate up pretty quickly. Okay, moving to the next two exercises. Push-ups. So we're gonna get down on the floor. If you want to be on your knees, grab yourself a mat or a towel to put under your knees.
We're going to go for push-up with, um, jacks on the feet, and then squat, curl, press with the weights. And so we'll be getting biceps and shoulders with our squats. All right. Are you ready? That was 30 seconds rest.
Here we go. Starting in three- push-up with jacks. I will turn sideways. Two, one. Let's go.
All right, it's as easy as using a timer on your phone. Two jacks, push-up, two jacks. You've got it. Push-up, two jacks. Now in a good push-up, those elbows fall behind.
Nice. Come on. So don't scrunch your neck. Full push-up. And that's it.
Stand up. Squat, curl, press. Grab those weights. You have 10 seconds to set it up. I'm gonna explain those push-ups on the next round.
The good news is you have four rounds to make it work. Ready? Here we go. Squat, curl, press. So nice, deep squat.
Narrow squat. Woo! Right there. All the way down. Now go heavy weights right here.
You can do it. All the way down, all the way up. Let's go. Right here. Keep your eyes up, chest up in that squat.
Very nice. Done. Going back to push-ups. So when I was talking about keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Don't do this in a push-up.
Let those elbows fall behind. Three, two, one, go. Push-up, jack, push-up, jack. Come on! You can do this.
In that push-up, I want you to bring your chest all the way down, all the way down. If you can't do it, drop your knees, but bring that chest down. You can do it. This is your modification right here. Go.
Done. Squat, curl, press is next. 10 seconds to set-up. Grab those weights. All right, here we go.
Begin. That 10 second rest goes quick. Right there. Sit into those glutes. You want to imagine that you're putting your butt into a chair.
Squeeze up, curl, press. Right there. Awesome. Woo, man! When you can fit a 10-minute workout in, here or there, it will burn about 100 calories.
You will feel awesome. Okay, here we go. That was it. Here we go. Five, four, get ready for your push-ups.
Ready and begin. Push-up, jack the feet, keeping the abs tight. Push-up, jack the feet. Let's go. Woo!
Come on. Breathe. Ah, so good. Push-ups are such a sign of strength. They're hard to do.
You got it. Go. And done. All right, squat, curl, press. Here we go.
We're getting close to the finish line. Are you ready? Three, two, one, here we go. All the way down, up. So see?
You don't have to complicate the workout. We've just picked four total exercises, and that's it. Yet, you're feeling those muscles. You're burning up calories, and you're having fun. Four, three, two, one.
All right, push-ups. Wow, this is our last set. Are you ready? You can do it. Four, three, two, and let's go.
Right there. 20 seconds of work. Talk to yourself. Right here, give yourself the permission to modify. I don't care if you come down to your knees, I want you to give me a full push-up all the way down.
Come on. Five, four, three, two, one. You did it. One more set of squat, curl, press. Starting in five, four, three, and go.
Oh, yeah. Here comes the finish line. 20 seconds of work, let's go. Breathe. Nice!
Yes. Last 10 seconds. Go heavy with your weights. Pump those biceps and shoulders. Use your glutes.
Three, two, one, and that is it. All right, so that was two tabatas. We're just going to cool down quickly. A little over 10 minutes, no problem, right? Okay, let's go ahead and do a quad stretch right here.
I'm proud of you for believing that 10 minutes can make a difference. I'll take every 100 calories I can burn. I'll take any opportunity to use my muscles. Right there. Course, I want you to do any stretching that you need to do on your own.
Right there, figure four. And perhaps you would hold these stretches- whoa- a little longer than I am, all right, to really get into those muscles. Big side stretch. All right. Well, if you enjoyed that workout, try some of the other circuits and interval workouts that we have for you on Get Healthy U TV.
Have yourself a great day.
I am just starting these workouts and this was fun and doable for me. The 10 min workouts will be easy to fit into my day. Thanks!!
The push-up modification how do you do the jacks? Do you do the modified push-up and move into the jacks position?
AWESOME routine! I loved everything BUT I got so nervous about that phone being exposed to an injury. Ha! Seriously, loved it!!