10-Minute TRX Beginner Workout
Kate LaingDescription
TRX stands for total body resistance. Using these straps will help you engage the entire body even when focusing on just one part. For example, the bicep curl with dumbbells strengthens your biceps. The bicep curl with the TRX strengthens biceps as well as shoulders and core all at once. That’s why this TRX beginner workout is such a great way to get a full body workout in such a short amount of time.
Join trainer Kate Laing as she shows you how to get an effective workout using proper form with the TRX straps. Make sure to have not only the TRX but also the door attachment securely in place so it won’t slip. Once secure, you’ll start the workout with some deep squats holding the straps. Kate is great at showing you how to move your body just slightly to make the move easier if you are a beginner or harder if you are a little stronger. You’ll perform each exercise for 50 seconds and then rest for 10 seconds before moving to the next one. Reverse lunges, tricep presses and some amazing ab moves are all part of this TRX beginner workout. You’ll even get a fun set of TRX jumping jacks to boost your heart rate!
If you like this challenge you’ll also love our resistance band workout! Give it a try!
Welcome to Get Healthy U TV. My name is Kate Laing, and I'm gonna be your trainer today for TRX for Beginners. All you need for this 10-minute workout is a workout mat and a TRX unit of your choice. Now the TRX unit will have to have that door attachment that goes over a door so you can close it securely and make sure that it's not gonna slide out while you're working out. We're gonna start out today with our TRX handle about hip height.
I'm gonna face my door to begin, and I want you to look up at that nice anchor. To start off with, nice wide stance, and we're gonna squat to lift. So I want you to find a nice 90-degree bend with your knee and your hip, squeeze those glutes, and pull the legs up. Inhaling back, squeezing the lift. Now we'll do each exercise for about 50 seconds, and that will give us 10 seconds to rest, recover, drink water, and explain the next exercise, so stay with me here, guys, squeeze to lift.
Now if you wanted to make this a little bit more challenging, you could walk your feet forward, increasing your incline a little bit. Drop that seat, and I want you to feel that glute-to-leg attachment as you squeeze up. So TRX stands for total resistance training, so I want you to feel total resistance the entire time. We're not letting those cords go lax, we're not letting our legs relax, we're making it intense. Big breathing, five more seconds, four, three, two, and last one.
Nice job, all right. Now we're gonna walk our feet in a little bit. So we'll pull ourselves in and control ourselves out. Your degree of incline depends on your strength level at this point. So if you're just a beginner, start out more upright.
If you're a little bit stronger, walk your feet in for me. So again, shoulders down in the back, and we're gonna control those straps. Inhaling out, now exhale, tighten that belly to lift the chest through the window of the arms. Inhale out, exhale, pull in. Great job, guys, stay with it.
These movements are really controlled, so I want nice form here. Think elbows tight to your side body, kind of like you're juicing an orange. I want you to pull those elbows in and tighten them towards your rib cage, juicing those oranges. You're about halfway done here. If you wanna kick up that intensity, walk the feet in a little bit more and increase your speed.
But remember, total control the entire time. Don't want you to feel this in your neck. I want that mid-back working, those triceps should be firing, and I want those buns to be squeezin', great job. We've got 10 more seconds here. Whoo!
Keep going with me. Five, four, three, two, and one, whoo! All right, shake it out. Give them arms a little bit of a shake. Now we're going to a reverse lunge, and I want the hands in the straps, and we're gonna press those straps out to the sides as we reverse that lunge.
So standing upright to begin with, I'll start with my inside leg, I'll lunge back, tap the floor if you can, and lift all the way up. So it's a tap press, and lift. Tap press, and lift. If your knee doesn't make it all the way down to the mat, that's fine. If you need to modify, that's fine.
Just pulling these straps alone is a lot of hard work. Big breathing, whenever you're exerting that force, I want you to exhale. You can hear me breathing, that's for sure, halfway done here. Big breaths, in through the nose, out through the pursed lips. Great job, guys, stick with it.
My legs are starting to burn a little bit. Three more seconds, two, whoo, and one, nice job, all right. So now we're gonna go into my favorite, the bicep curl. So facing my anchor point, I want you to lift your elbows up to shoulder height. If this is too intense for you, come back a little bit, or challenge yourself by walking forward.
We'll open those arms out for a count of three, two, one, and then curl, bringing fingertips by the ears. So out one, two, three, exhale up. So you should feel this in between your shoulder blades. Clearly the top of that bicep's working, but your belly's working here, too . Keep going, think about the elbows being drawn in towards each other.
We're trying to keep the traps out of it, and we're not gonna thrust ourselves forward or back. It's a gentle hinge. Halfway done here already, guys, keep it up. Doing great. Nice big breathing.
Probably got about six left. Go at your own pace at home. Two, and one. Great job! All right, now we're gonna turn around.
I want you to lower your straps about two inches. So now my straps are gonna come down just by pulling on this simple little attachment, about two inches, two inches, and I always wanna make sure they're even. So now straps go over my head, and we're gonna go to a nice big jumping jack. But remember, total tension the entire time. So I'm pressing into my straps, I'm kind of leaning into the wind, and here we go for 50 seconds.
Jump and press, big breathing. I've got my belly engaged, my tail's slightly tucked under, and my arms and shoulders are really working here, whoo! Keep going. Halfway there, guys, stick with it. This is hard, it looks easy.
You could always make this low impact by stepping out and pulling in as well. Keep going for five, two, and one. Nice job, all right. Next, one of my favorites, roll out and roll in. So we walk our feet back, those straps come overhead, think shoulders sliding down away from the ears.
I'm gonna press into my handles. My hands come in line with my shoulders. I inhale, roll to the balls of my feet, maybe my toes, and exhale, press back. For more challenge, I'll step myself back. So inhale out, exhale in.
So it's kind of like a rolling plank, isn't it? Really working all of those abdominal muscles. I can feel this in my upper abs and my lower abs while I'm strengthening my spine and those little extensor muscles that support it all day long. Big breathing here , roll out, roll in. Nice job, guys, keep it up.
You've got this, whoo! It's getting warm in here, whoo. Stick with it. You've got about 10 more seconds here. Keep those abs tight for me.
Two more. And last one. Great job, all right. Getting close to done. We're gonna stay in this same position and go right into our tricep press.
So if you know you have weak triceps, this is the exercise for you. Take a step forward, decreasing your angle a little bit, bend at your elbows, press away. Bend at the elbow, press away. You've been doing this for a while, or lifting for a while doing our other workouts. Need more challenge?
Walk back a little bit for me. Come to the balls of those feet and press away. Hands are connected towards each other, elbows are hugging in towards each other. So it's not just my triceps working here, my belly is really activated, too. Whoo, again, big breathing.
Stay with me. Great form here, guys. Think about squeezing those cheeks together, legs are strong and long. Keep it up. We've got about six more.
Going about 15 more seconds, and remember, form is key. You've got this. Let's go three more, two, and last one. Nice job. Walk it forward, turn back towards your anchor.
Cooling things down just a little bit, we're gonna go into a warrior three with a nice curl. So pressing into my handles again, I don't have to adjust my straps at all, I want you to step, lift one leg up towards the ceiling, finding your balance. Now the head and knee come in towards each other, we lift up, and we press out. Knee to chest, and reach. This is a great one, working on all those balancing muscles, my left leg is working really hard here, and I feel it in my arms, my abs, and my glutes.
We're gonna go 10 more seconds here, so we're splitting this last exercise up. Almost there, guys. Work on that balance, keep your straps even. Two more, last one, switching feet, here we go. Lift and pull, lift and pull up, tightening that belly towards the spine.
Good job, guys! 10, whoo! Getting that balance, keep with it, belly tight, four more, three, big breathing for two, and last one, standing tall. Let's finish with a nice spine stretch forward. So standing up upright, hands in the handles, chin to chest, inhale, exhale forward, let those hamstrings release a little bit.
Tuck that tail and restack that spine nice and tall. Great job, everybody. That was your 10-minute TRX beginner workout. See ya next time.
I have a 6' ft Very Heavy 30lb COREFX Advanced Toner (Resistance Toner) with the Door Lock. Could I use it in this type of TRX program or do I need the straps that have no give in them? I have done the TRX at the gym so I know the difference in the equipment. Just wondering if there is a chance to use what I have. I love the TRX!
Great workout, I wish we had more of these TRX for beginners.