10 Minute Vinyasa Flow Yoga Sequence
Chris FreytagDescription
All you’ll need for this yoga series is a mat and a little bit of space. You’ll start on your back in bridge pose and then Chris will lead you through other poses like happy baby, child’s pose, downward facing dog, chaturanga, chair pose, cobra pose, and more. This 10-minute Vinyasa flow yoga series would be a great way to start or end your day, or you can use it as a cool-down after your workout. However you use this quick yoga series, your body and mind will benefit from sinking into each stretch.
There are so many benefits to daily yoga practice; you can stretch your muscles, relax your mind, and de-stress after a long day by getting into the flow. If you have back pain, hip pain, or other aches and pains, doing yoga regularly can help keep your body feeling nice and loose and open up any areas of tension you may be carrying. The poses in this series are designed to give you a whole-body stretch. If you’re looking for more yoga classes, try our yoga flowetry program or stress relief yoga!
Hi, I'm Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV and I'm gonna lead you through a 10 minute, approximately 10 minute Vinyasa yoga sequence. Now here's the deal, I love yoga, it's great to calm yourself down, it's great to stretch the muscles and the joints. You don't have to be super flexible, I'm not, but if you are flexible you will still benefit from it. And the other big thing is the breathing, so I want you to really master the inhale, filling up those lungs, and then exhaling. Trying to keep your lips sealed if possible and opening that airway in the back of your throat.
Of course, always just like you're blowing through a straw open your lips if you need to, to provide more oxygen. Okay and Vinyasa means to flow. So we're gonna flow through a bunch of different poses. And again, I'll give you modifications and just do the best that you can. Where gonna start on our backs.
So we're gonna roll all the way down and you're gonna bend your knees and line them up with your glutes. Just relax your head, neck and shoulders to the mat. Relax your shoulders away from your ears and take a couple of really big, deep breaths. Inhale. Fill those ribs, feel those lungs filling and then exhale, knit your rib cage back together nice and deep.
Two to three more breaths at your own pace. And go ahead. Two more breaths at home. The most important thing is starting with a good breath. So just take your time.
When I'm talking, it's harder for me to do the deep breathing, but you can do it at home. Now let's begin with bridge pose. So your heels are lined up with your glutes. You're gonna inhale and on the exhale peel that low back one vertebrae at a time up off the mat, all the way up into bridge pose. Just enter shoulder blades in slightly feeling that little bit more of extension through your back.
Inhale, prepare, exhale roll down one vertebrae at a time. All the way down to the mat. Let's repeat that three more times. Inhale, exhale, peel up, up, up, up, up, get the top. Take your time.
We're not in any rush. You inhale and then you exhale roll back down. Again do it a couple more times at your own pace. This is hard for me because I'm not super flexible through the low back. So I have to really think about articulating all the way up all the way down.
One more. Why not? All the way up. Inhale and exhale all the way down and release. Beautiful, just draw those knees to your chest whether you're just waking up and doing this or going to bed or perhaps you just use it any time during the day.
We're just releasing the tension in low back rocking side to side. We're gonna go into happy baby pose. Which is truly one of my favorite poses ever. You're gonna grab those big toes and then try to set your tailbone down. As you set your head neck and shoulders down.
So your whole spine is on the ground. Nice big, deep breaths right here. Just oxygenating the body feels good. And then you add the stretching and it's absolutely awesome. Release and beautiful.
Legs to the sky. Open those hamstrings. If your hamstrings are tight, that's okay. Bend your knees I'm gonna lower those legs down. Now you really have to keep your abdominals nice and tight.
Draw the knees in lengthen the legs to the sky. Really feel those hamstrings stretch and lower back down. Legs circles bring them in and up and back down. Again make sure that breath is happening. Abs are nice and tight.
Keep your low back, slightly pressing into the mat. One more, lift to the sky. Open those hamstrings lower down and release. Draw the knees to the chest. And we're gonna roll up all the way up to seated.
Beautiful, hold those legs through. And we're gonna come into child's pose. Child's pose again. Another great stretch for stretching the low back. So you're gonna slay your knees on the mat.
Just a little wider and then drop your belly down. Inhale and on the exhale, come down nice and easy into child's pose. You're gonna place your forehead on the mat and release. You can either place your hands behind you or extend them out in front of you nice and long. Just breath.
And as you inch those arms out. Feel that big stretch through your... Now give your self two big breaths right hear. Nice big breath. Excellent, and come up with the cat howl stretch.
Right here on all fours. So the knees are underneath the hips. The wrists are underneath the shoulders. You're gonna inhale to cat stretch. Round your spine look for your belly buttons.
Stretch way up and then relax and exhale. The cow pose, the crown of the head away from the tailbone. So we're really using that spine. Inhale cat, exhale cow, or vice versa. There are no rules when you breathe.
So you could inhale and exhale however you would like last one. Coming back to neutral spine spinal balance right here. Opposite arm, opposite leg, extend. Point your toe reach your fingertips inhale the switch, exhale the other side. Nice, big, deep breath.
Keeping your shoulders and hips facing the ground. Inhale and exhale. Very nice, really activating your core muscles right here. Gaining some balance and release. Moving into our first down dog.
Tuck your toes under. And you're gonna lift your hips to the sky. Now, lots to think about in down dog pose. So you're gonna press your palms firmly into the mat. And fan your fingers like starfish.
You're gonna dig those heels towards the earth. So you feel those hamstrings stretch. It's okay to bend your knees slightly if your hamstrings are tight. You're gonna press your open armpits towards your thigh. So you get a nice long stretch through your back.
Inhale, exhale. Down dog is an awesome pose. We're gonna pull forward to high plank. Right here, shoulders over the wrists. Go ahead and drop your knees to the mat as a modification.
If you need to moving to Chaturanga. Which is truly a tricep pushup. Elbows stay in tight. Hover for a second and release the body. Flip the toes over.
Cobra pose. Just get that nice extension through the spine and then flip the toes back to down dog. We'll do our Vinyasa flow, our down dog Vinyasa. Inhale high plank, exhale drop down, Chaturanga holding hover. Reased the toad.
Cobra pose, again, where you come in Cobra is totally up to you and your body. Flip it over down dog. Two more down dog flows. Go ahead. Moving at your own pace.
And we'll do one more. Nice deep breath. Excellent, meeting you in down dog. Just digging those heels down low. Take one leg glide up high to the sky.
Open from big toe to big toe. And then bring it up between your hands. Now, if it doesn't make it all the way up help it up with your hands. Coming up for warrior. I'm sorry, crescent lunge right here.
Balancing on that back legs. So you have to really think about it. Draw those hands down. Very nice. Lots of balance here.
Pusher foot behind you. High plank and go ahead and Vinyasa flow. All the way through. Other leg flies high to the sky. Open up from big toe to big toe.
You're really opening those hips. Bring that leg up between your hands. Help it up if you need to with your other hand. Coming up to Crescent lunge balancing and breathing. Relax your shoulders away from your ears.
Bringing the hands down, high plank, Vinyasa flow. Beautiful. Feels so good. Let's go ahead and walk our feet to our hands forward fold. Now if you are tight, bend those knees.
It's always fine to bend the knees. If you can open up those hamstrings and just breathe right here in your forward fold. Go ahead and take your hands. Just cap your elbows. Think about it.
And we're gonna roll up one vertebrae at a time. Inhale, exhale roll up stacking your vertebrae on top of each other all the way up. Release the shoulders all back and down, beautiful. Inhale up, exhale Utkatasana chair pose. Heel toe together and sit into that imaginary chair.
Just breathe, energize your thigh. You pull those legs together. You're sitting in that chair. Back muscles are working inhale all the way up. Easy back then, the chair pose right here.
Just breathe. One more. All the way up and chair. Right there very nice. Releasing the hands to heart center and coming all the way down for yogi squat.
Bring those hands down. We'll finish right here. You're gonna take your heels and toes out. Just sit down. Now, see how this feels for you.
Only go down as hard as you can. Keep those heels on the floor. You're gonna take your elbows into your knees. Sit down and open your way to those hips. Just breathe nice and deep right here.
10 minutes goes by pretty quick, uh? Bringing those hands down. Let's come to a seated position and that was a quick 10 minute Vinyasa flow. Let's go ahead, inhale up, gather all the positive energy exhale. Press it down into your heart and have a wonderful day.
Namaste. Thanks for joining me. If you enjoyed this, check out some of the other yoga workouts we have for you on Get Healthy UTV.
2nd time around, it was at 10 minutes before I checked the time. Still struggling w/the more quicker moves towards the end, but hopefully in better shape next time!
My first yoga exercise and I enjoyed it.
This was a nice stretch and breathe routine before heading to bed.
This was great... not difficult, relaxed me, and I was able to stretch, all of which hopefully will help me with my back pain!
That was my first time doing this workout i loved it.i did the walk n tone before this so i needed a little more stretch..i will be doing this again and trying other yoga routines