10-Minute Total-Body Strength 2
Patty KnudsenDescription
For more total-body strengthening, check out the 10-Minute Total-Body Strength 1 workout.
Level: All levels
Equipments: Heavy and medium dumbbells, mat
Instructor: Patty Knudsen
Hey, hey, Get Healthy U TV Squad. Welcome. Thank you so much for joining me. We are here for our 10 minutes Total Body Strength. My name is Patty Knudsen, and I'm gonna take you through this fun 10-minute workout.
My goal for you is to grab a little bit of a heavier weight so whatever that means to you it's gonna be different than me as well, right? I've got a no repeater going so we're gonna go through the exercises. We've got 30 seconds to each move, give or take a few seconds. We'll do a real quick warmup, and we'll do a little stretch at the end, and then we'll just send you on your way. So thanks so much for joining.
Let's take our feet apart right here. Nice deep breath in. Inhale, reach to the sky. Exhale, reach behind your body. Gimme a little lace and open up your chest.
Good, you got it. Rolling out your shoulders, up and around, reaching back, right and left. Abs are nice and tight. That's it. Four, three, two.
Gimme a little squat. Here we go. Squat, pull it up. Squat. We got little squats coming up.
We've got some lunges, right? We got biceps, we've got triceps. We've got it all, chest, back. I've got you, adding in that little reach, sink. Reach.
Good. Right here. That's it. Four more. Three.
Two. Gimme a little march. Right, left. Here we go, up. Woo.
That's it. Four, three. Two. Gimme knees, right here. Reach up, up, up, up.
Abs are nice and tight. Now, if you can gimme a little kick, finding that stretch right through the back of the legs. It's a real quick warmup, friends. So, if you need a little extra time, just put me on pause. Give yourself a little more.
Four. Three. Two. One. All right, we're starting now.
Heavy, back work, right here. Grab heavy weights. Four, three, reverse grip. Row. So two rows, two flies, two rows, right here.
Now, you can work with the music if you want. It's all timed, so you don't have to. You pick, you choose. Palms up. Grabbing that back.
You got it. Woo. Three. Two. One.
Nice job, hold. Shoulders up, back. Slide down into your back pockets. Right leg goes back. Reverse, side, front, squat.
Right foot, right foot, back. There you go. Side, front, squat, back. Good. Chest up.
Woo. You gotta gimme that little pivot off of your back foot, right here. We're just staying on the right side. You got it. Awesome.
One more. Woo. Awesome work. Nice job you guys. All right.
I'm swapping out. We're gonna do a little squat curl press. Four. Three. Here we go.
Squat, curl, over your head. Drop, strong. Now, as your weights are going up over your head, pull that belly in nice and tight. Multitasking. Drop it, curl it, push it.
Nice. Woo. You have four more for me? Three. Two.
Love it. One more. Awesome. Weights at your side. Here we go.
Left side, four, three, left foot goes back. Reverse, side, front, squat. Here we go. Left, back, side, front, squat, reverse, side, front, squat. Awesome job.
Come on squad. You've got this. Two more. Woo. One more for me, right here.
Beautiful. Awesome. Okay, so now we're gonna grab our mat. So, go ahead, grab your mat. If you have it out.
Out you go with it. We're gonna need one of your heavier weights. So we're gonna take that weight over to your right side, but I need the other weight on your left so it's ready to go. We're multitasking. This is 10 minutes people.
Looks like this. Push up, row, push up, row, knees or toes, or any little combination of the two, right? You could push up on your knees. You could come up on that row. Down, up.
Elbows are going to the back corners of the room on that pushup, right? You got two more here. All the way down. Pull. Woo.
There you go. All right. Coming up onto your knees, you're gonna bring your right foot forward for me. Now, we're gonna grab both those weights, so we're ready to go. Take your right arm up over your head.
It's just gonna hang out there. Left arm, hammer curl, right here. Now, if it doesn't work to be on your knee, just stand your body up, right? That's not a problem. You could even have both knees down if you wanted to.
So if that works better for you. This is your workout. What do you need? You got it. Four more, right here.
Three, two, last one. Now, you're gonna take your weights. I want you to keep with your heavy. If you can, take 'em end to end. Come up off your back and pulse, pulse, pulse.
Shine your heart. Four, three, two, left foot comes up. Tap, stand, drop, back, tap, stand, drop, back. Tap, stand, drop back. Tap, stand.
Drop. Good, good. Come on. All the way up. Now, you could just leave your weights if you wanted to.
See if you can't grab them though. Come on. Come on. Two more. Woo.
One more, one more. Up, down, down. Nice job. Set your knees down. Take your right weight to the side.
We'll be back. Here we go. Left side, hand on your weight. Three, two. Woo.
Two pushups, down, up. Two rows. Two pushups. Did I do one on each side on the other side? I think I did.
I like the two better. See how we switch it up? Stabilize, strong through your core. Good. Bring that weight right to your ribcage.
Keep your hips as steady, as squared out as you can. Three, two, one. Beautiful. Set your knees down. Bring your left foot forward.
Grab that right weight, left arm up over your head. Here we go. Here we go. Up, up, strong. Press that weight up over your head and hold it there.
All the way up. All the way down. If it's too fast, you slow yourself down. You know that, right? You don't need me to tell you that.
You've got this. Four more. Three, two. Awesome job. Take your weights.
Here we go. End to end, come up off your back knee. Pulse, pulse, pulse. Shine your heart, right? Shoulders relaxed.
You got it. You got it, for four, three, two. We're moving. Here we go. Tap, stand, drop, back.
Tap, stand, drop, back. Tap, stand, drop, back. Good. Up, up. Whoop.
There I go. Two more. One more. Oh, nice job, you guys. All right.
Come on up. Set your weights down. Grab something a little bit lighter. How you doing? Heels in, toes wide.
I'm gonna come nice and wide, wider than my mat here. Let's start with that sumo. Nice flat back. Squeeze through your inner thighs. Up, here we go, down, upright.
Right here. Got it. Work right along your body. All the way up. All the way down.
Now, if it's a little much, how about one arm at a time? That works, right here. Woo. Squeeze. Three, two, one.
Nice job. All right, one last move, for the win. Grab one heavy weight, right here, right at your center, heals in. Drop, three, two, one, launch, three, two, one, launch. Three, two, chest up.
Launch. Now, do your feet have to leave the ground? Absolutely. Now let's go. Get low.
Get low. Get low. Push. Three, two, one. Two more.
Woo. One more. Awesome job. You did it. Nice job, you guys.
Set your weights down. High 10. High 10. Awesome work. Let's go ahead and roll out your shoulders, up and around.
Reaching back, right and left. Awesome job. How do you feel? Now you could go back. You could repeat that if you wanted to.
Right? Right hand goes back. Grab your shoelaces. Little quad stretch, or go back, add on maybe a 10-minute stretch. Maybe a 10-minute upper body, 10-minute yoga, core.
That would be a good one. String 'em along. Left arm reach back. Grab hold little quad stretch. Thank you for your time.
I want you to walk away today. Think of the things that you can do, right? What can you do, a lot? Think about that. Don't think about what you can't do.
Think about what you can do. Take your feet apart. Inhale, reach to the sky. Exhale, reach and stretch. One more.
Bring your feet together. Exhale. Bring your shoulders up, back, slide down into your back pockets. That's a wrap friends. Thank you so much.
10 minutes, Total Body Strength. See you next time.
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