GHUTV LIVE! Goal Setting in 2022
Chris FreytagDescription
Hello, everybody. Welcome to Get Healthy U TV live Q&A today with myself, Chris Freytag, and the lovely Sam Cam. Hey, how are you? I'm great. How are you?
It's been a while, I feel like. I know. Well, we missed you last month. But Shelley had filled in. She was great.
Yep, trainer Shelley Hawkins filled in last month. We had a blast as usual. Shelly, you know. She can just make you laugh all the time Hilarious. We had a fun time.
We answered a lot of questions, and that's what we're here to do today. So if you are new to joining us, if you're just coming upon us, Sam and I do this almost every month. Mm-hmm. Every so often, there's a hiccup, but pretty much every month. As a benefit of Get Healthy U TV, we come, and we answer your questions.
You guys pre-ask a lot of questions because we send you all an email telling you we're coming live. We also ask you guys on Facebook, and you pre-ask the questions. You do not have to be a Get Healthy U TV member to listen to this. Maybe you're just coming upon us on Facebook or somewhere else, and that's just great. And if you are a Get Healthy U TV member, we love you, we thank you.
We have so much fun stuff for 2022 coming up, don't we? Including this weekend. Including this weekend. We have our Fitness Weekend 2.0. This is our second annual virtual fitness weekend, coming up this Saturday and Sunday.
If you haven't signed up, it's not too late. It is completely packed mornings, from 8:00 to noon on Saturday and Sunday, of workouts and education. You guys know me. I'm a journalist at heart. I always say what you don't know can hurt you.
Knowledge is power. The more you know, the better you do. So we're gonna do fun workouts. We have eight trainers. We have eight of us coming in to, so there's gonna be in and out, and you're gonna kind of get to know the trainers a little better.
We have two workouts, two hour-long workouts on Saturday morning, along with two workshops. One about nutrition, one about mindset, if I'm right. Yep. On Sunday we have two, again, two more workouts that are fun. And then we have heart rate training, and we got some Q&As and some other things.
So it's gonna be really fun weekend. Go ahead and sign up. Now, here's the thing. If you miss it, if you're like, "Well, I'm already busy this weekend," sign up and pay, and then you'll get the link to the platform or to where the whole event is happening, and you can watch it for up to 60 days after. Yes.
So last year, a lot of people told us that they loved the workouts so much that for the next 60 days, they were doing the workouts. Yep, yep, and last year, I think it was only 30 days, so it's 60 this time. We lengthened it this time. We did. And so you can do the workouts for a few weeks afterwards.
Yeah, and we have a couple worksheets and different things for you guys, too. So anyway, come on. What do you got to lose? Join us this weekend for our fitness weekend. Ready?
All right. Let's get into the questions, Sam. People have already asked a lot of questions. We kind of are talking a little bit about setting yourself up in 2022 for success. I don't know, is 2022 the trilogy in 2020, '21, and '22?
I don't know. But here's the thing, positive mindset makes a difference. And so we are here to help you set up your year and get started. Let's start with some of the questions, Sam. Yes, and then just a precursor, if you are having any issues on Facebook, or not right now, but just in case you do, you can always watch on Get Healthy U TV, and we dropped a link in the comments.
So if there's anything that happens throughout this session on Facebook, just head to Get Healthy U TV, and it's in the link. Yeah, we tell you that because there's been some issues with Facebook today as a whole. So we were just a little worried it might not be stable throughout this whole hour. So hop on over to the website if anything happens. Absolutely, and you can also ask questions in there, as well.
So pre-ask questions, and then if you have them along the way, I'll hopefully get to all of them, as well. So with this live Q&A in January 2022, it's all about goalsetting. A lot of just blanket questions. How do you get motivated? That's like such an open-ended question.
How do you get motivated? Is it the cart before the horse, the horse before the cart? They always say motivation gets you started, habit keeps you going. That's really the truth. You know, motivation comes from within, but it's not easy.
It's not like some people just have this fabulous motivation that just makes them do things. I mean, you have to dig deep. Mel Robbins, who is somebody I follow, millions of people follow her, so maybe you already follow her on Facebook or Instagram, but she just wrote a book called "The High 5 Habit." But she also started her career on this whole thing about the five-minute rule, where she said you have to use your activation energy, and you have to get your butt moving within the five minutes of you deciding that something is gonna happen. So she was using an example of getting up in the morning. I'm sorry, the five-second rule, not five-minute.
Five minutes? Forget it, you'll change your mind. Five-second rule. So, like, for instance, your alarm goes off in the morning, you have five seconds to get out of bed. If you sit there and keep hitting snooze or give yourself five minutes, you're not gonna get up, you're not gonna do it.
Nike came up with that slogan, Just Do It, for a reason. Because you have to use that activation energy and get there. Now, once you're motivated to start some habits, and you're like, "Okay, I'm doing this," then the habit sets in, and then it just becomes something that your body craves, that your mind craves. Exercise is something that Sam and I crave. Yes, absolutely.
Every single day. Every single day because it's a habit that we've formed, and we don't necessarily need the motivation to do it because it's become a habit. I hope that makes sense to you, but you gotta do something to get you to that point. And it's not easy for everybody. And start with small steps.
I mean, we've talked about this so many times, like, don't change all your eating habits in January. It'll never stick. Don't start working out, like, some crazy bootcamp that you've never done before. It's not gonna stick. You have to give yourself, like, those little baby steps to slowly but surely gradually add on to your motivation plan.
Yeah, I think somebody recently said like, "Is your whole family like that?" My whole family? Well, and even with me, it's like no. I mean, my siblings and I, yes. But, like, my parents don't do it. Now we're getting my mom into working out, but that was the thing I told her was like, start small, maybe two to three days, and you're gonna feel better.
You're gonna feel sore some days, so don't hop right into seven days a week, right? That's not something- I don't even exercise seven days a week at my age. I used to when I was younger, but I don't anymore. But yeah, no, my family, my siblings do not exercise like I do. And my kids are pretty good.
I nudge them. They're pretty good. They grew up with it. But, you know, genetics loads your gun, but environment pulls your trigger. It's what you eat, it's who you hang out with, it's what you think.
So surround yourself with like-minded people that can help you get motivated. So going along with that, how do you find balance in the type of goals you set so you're not really overstretching yourself? So yeah, and I had someone say to me yesterday like, "Oh, it's my busy time of year at work, and I just had surgery or something, and then I had something else happen with my kids, and I can't handle all this." Well, of course you can't. Too many things at once is too much. So balance is kind of a weird word because a life in balance is pretty unattainable.
Life goes out of balance based on what is nagging at you at that time or what matters the most. So if something is going on with your kids, that's what's gonna take your attention. If it's January, and you're really thinking health, and you're like, "Okay, this is gonna be my year," maybe that's taking your attention right now. If you're in the middle of, you know, you're gonna go get married or something, that's gonna take your attention. So life is not always in balance, but finding that place where you're like, "Okay, throughout the day," and really map out your day and then map out your week and then map out your month.
So I say start small and then get to bigger picture. But like, okay, during the day, what can you do? What time of day could you exercise? Could you fit in 10 minutes? Because 10 minutes is honestly very worthy.
Every time we do a 10-minute workout, I always go, "Are you kidding me? Like, I'm sweating, I'm winded. It matters." Could you fit in just some easy stretching in the morning? Could you change one food habit? Instead of not eating any fruits and vegetables, you're gonna eat two a day?
Could you start drinking two of these of water a day? Set some attainable goals, get a friend or a family member to maybe join in with you, and just start with those little baby steps and allow the balance to ebb and flow. Perfection just sets you up for disappointment, really. Absolutely, okay, so we have somebody saying her goal last year was plow, and she did it. This year, her goal is a headstand.
She can do it against a wall but wants to be able to do it without a wall. Do you have any tips on how to build up to a headstand without the wall? Wow. Well, so that is really- Specific, right? I know you're a yogi.
I love it. Plow pose is hard. Okay, headstands are extremely hard, and one of the things that happens to me with a headstand is a little, not vertigo per se, but I get a little dizzy. It's really hard to find my centering, and it's so much core. But if you are doing headstands against a wall, so you're flipping your feet up and you have that spot to land on so it gives you a little confidence, start doing them against your couch.
So now when you throw your feet up, they don't have a wall to land on, but if you do flop, you're gonna flop onto your couch, and you're not gonna hurt yourself. So couch is kind of after the wall. And then after the couch comes just doing it in the center. Start in a tripod, get your feet, or get your knees on your elbows, and then from that tripod, grip your abdominals and start to lift up. After this, I'm gonna try it.
Should we do headstands after this? Let's do it. We'll get some videos behind the scenes, right? Yeah. We have somebody asking, what is a realistic time goal to set to increase their strength?
Currently they're using 8s, 10s, and 12s. So what's a good timeline? I think that's fantastic. So nothing happens fast. People love fast results because the media has told us over the years, like 21-day fix, seven-day whatever, get strong and gain five pounds of muscle in three weeks.
That does not happen. So it just takes time to build up. And here's the thing is I love that you're using 8s, 10s, and 12s 'cause every muscle group is different. You can't just universally say, "I'm using twelves for everything," because your back and your chest and perhaps your triceps, even, or biceps, I mean, are going to be a little bit maybe stronger than your triceps and your shoulders. So you might need to lower down to do a shoulder raise, but you might be able to go up a little higher on a chest press.
I would say if you wanna increase, start increasing in your back exercises and your chest. Like with rows and chest presses, start going up to like a 15-pound weight on those. I'll be real honest, though, and I've been lifting for, I don't know, 20, I've been lifting seriously for 23 years, and I use 12s and 15s. I mean, that's pretty much my go-to. I'm actually suffering from some tendonitis right now, and I've been using a lot of 10-pounder in this arm as I'm trying to get back my strength in my forearm.
So, again, it ebbs and flows. Be kind to yourself. Don't expect perfection. You're a work in progress, and keep progressing where it is comfortable. I think, too, going along with that, if you have options for multiple weights, different sizes, start with a heavier weight, and then as soon as you found that muscle fatigue, and you're still going, drop down, and then you can keep going.
Keep going, yeah. 'Cause I used to get stuck on only using 10s for the longest time 'cause I was like, "Well, I don't wanna grab 12s or whatever." And then once you grab the 12s, you might not be able to stick with it the whole time, but you're building that strength to be able to do it longer. Right, like you might do six of your 12 reps with the 12-pounders, and then you drop down to finish the last six with the 10-pounders. That's fine. Again, it's your progress.
Own it. So that's awesome. We have somebody saying I tend to bulk up easily and really looked built after doing the menopause challenge. She wants to tone it down now, so if she only does very low weights between three to five pounds, will it still give her the benefits of strength training for a 49-year-old woman? Well, yeah, I mean three and five-pound weights are better than no-pound weights.
I mean, they build strength, and so there's nothing wrong with that. If you wanna build muscle mass, you're probably gonna have to go a little heavier. Sounds like you said you bulked up a little bit. I don't know what that means, because to me, I kind of like a little bulk. So to me, that's like, ooh, that sounds good.
I mean, and everybody's different. I was looking at a girl today who came to my live class that I taught today, and she's literally 5' 11". And her arm, her muscle, I mean, her bone must be four inches longer than mine. Her femur in her thigh is probably three inches longer than mine. So she's just gonna naturally look a little bit longer in her look.
Longer. I mean, when you're taller and longer, bones, you're gonna look longer. If you're shorter, stockier, it's gonna look a little bulkier. Of course, always shedding the top layer of what I call upholstery makes a difference. When people say they bulked up, it's like, okay, well, if you have some muscle on there, if you think you've got a layer of fat on there, start to shred that because then you're gonna see the interworkings underneath.
But yeah, three to five-pound weights will help you stay strong. You probably won't build a lot of strength with three to five-pound weights if you've already become accustomed to 8 and 10s. But it's certainly worthy. Awesome, what is a good workout to do after a day of snow shoveling? Just kind of wanna elongate everything.
She tried yoga but the downward-facing dogs were kind of making her arms shake. So what's a good, and I feel like we should know this answer because we live in Minnesota. Oh, my gosh, and I'm telling you snow shoveling is no freaking joke. Yeah. It depends, sometimes we get that white fluffy snow in Minnesota, and sometimes we get that heavy snow that literally it's like a back breaker.
So if you were shoveling, and you were using biceps, triceps, shoulders, core, everything, I mean, it is a total body exercise to shovel. So the next day, yoga is my go-to choice. Stretch it out. Your arms are shaking in down dog. That just means you worked hard when you were shoveling, so go for it.
Stretch them out in that down dog, do some Pilates, some core body roll-ups. But definitely, I would say yoga. Absolutely, and I mean, so my parents both threw their back out the other week when it started snowing. So I had to go and shovel for them. I think the one thing that I tried to stay away from was back things because you use a lot of back stuff.
You don't need a back workout the day after shoveling. You don't need an arm workout, though, either, because your arms get it. Lower body, maybe. All right, people are asking. Chris, where do you teach live classes?
They would love to join. Oh, that's nice. At Lifetime Fitness in Minneapolis in the Plymouth area, in the Plymouth Club. And I've been doing it at 5:30 in the morning for 23 years, just a couple days a week, and it's just my friend group, so I just enjoy it. Obviously, I love the online workouts.
I kind of tend to, on the days that I'm not there, I do my online workout. It depends on the day. Somewhere between 7:00 and 8:00 AM is kind of my sweet spot at home. Yeah, yeah, yep. And so many of you get up at 4:30, 5:30 and do your home workout at that time.
And I'm so impressed by you. And sometimes I do. If I'm going somewhere, if I'm traveling, I'll get up really early and do my Get Healthy U TV type workout. And it's so funny because I was gone over Christmas, and so we were doing some Get Healthy U TV in our rental. And so we wanted to do low impact.
Of course, the low impact one was me leading, and I hate doing a workout that I'm leading. I much prefer to do one of the other trainers. I just hate listening to myself talk. But anyway, if you have a question about live classes, DM me, no problem. I don't think I've ever done a class that I've led.
You never have? I can't stand listening to myself. It sounds horrible. I love to do your workouts. They're fun.
I do yours all the time. So speaking of waking up in the morning, how do you get motivated to maybe start becoming a morning workout person if you weren't one before? So you have to be very disciplined at night and get in bed. It can be hard. A lot of times people are like, "Okay, I'm gonna go to bed at 9:00." All of a sudden, it's 11:00, and you're not asleep.
So I have found that I really have to be on that train of like, "Okay, I'm getting ready for bed," "Okay, it's quarter to 9:00." Or I mean, it depends on, when I had younger kids, and they were going to hockey and dance till 10:00 PM, it really was hard. But I'll start to try to, "Okay, go let the dog out. Okay, do this, do that," get myself towards my bed so that I'm in bed between 9:00 and 10:00 when I'm getting up at 4:30 in the morning. That's hopefully what I try to do. So you gotta do that.
But in the morning, again, Mel Robbins, activation energy, five-second rule, you gotta get up. I set three alarms. This is actually the truth. I set three alarms on my phone. My phone's right there.
I set 4:30, 4:35, and 4:37. And I rarely use the 4:37. I'm usually up by the 4:35. But I set that first alarm, and it goes off, wakes me up. And I go, "Okay, yeah, it's time to get up." And I start kind of thinking about it.
And then, boom, all of a sudden it's 4:35, and that second alarm goes up, and I just stand up. I just stand up because I have been doing this now for 20 something years. It takes practice. It's not easy. People ask me, "Do you just wake up automatically?
Do you just wake up at 4:30?" I'm like heck no. If my alarm doesn't go off, guess what? I ain't getting up. She's sleeping. So it is about discipline from that standpoint.
Now, Sam, how do you get up? Well, I am a lot worse than you. I set about 10 to 15 alarms. I cannot believe you do that. She really does.
But the biggest difference, and it's something that I was doing really well with and now that I'm not anymore 'cause I'm just a little bit busier at this time of season is going to bed early. That makes a huge difference. And so I'm not going to bed as early, and so that's why I need all of those alarms. What I will say is having somebody that is holding you accountable. This morning, Chris was like, "You're coming to my class." And so there was absolutely no way I was gonna sleep in.
I was rushing to class, but there was no way I was missing it. Or even signing up with somebody or saying, "Hey, I wanna work out at 5:00 AM tomorrow. You wanna join me?" And text them and see if your friend, if you wanna do a Get Healthy U TV. That accountability person really holds you to it, especially early. And I noticed that some of you guys in the group will be like, "Okay, tomorrow we're doing low impact burn." And other people say, "Okay, I'll do that one, too." And I think that's really like fun accountability to do that.
And the days that I let myself sleep just a little later because I'm going to, and when I say later like 6:00 or something, I was gonna say. and I'm going to do my workout at home, I still have it timed out. I still say to myself, like, "I gotta start my workout at 6:30." I'm working out from, you know, so because if you just let it linger, and you go, "Well, I'm just gonna work out when I finish my coffee," pretty soon, you haven't finished your, oh, shoot, I have to get to work. I missed my workout. So you have to be disciplined about your timing.
That's one of my tips for people workout at home. It's still about timing. Yeah, I always time out my day. It's a little insane. But we have a few people saying that she struggled to work out in the morning, and she just started doing 20 minutes.
And she's like, "That's kind of what started to get me becoming a morning person." She's like, "I realize it's not a full hour," but she's like, "I started small," so start small, as well. Totally, awesome. And actually, my husband, he wasn't a morning person like me, but now he'll do a morning workout, like shorter, like 20 minutes, and then he does yoga a lot at night. He loves to do yoga at night. I'm like, hey.
There's nothing wrong, like, the same calorie, 6:00 AM, 6:00 PM, same calorie burned, same muscle groups, same thing. Just do what works for you. My boyfriend started doing that, too. He's, like, 20-minute bike in the morning, and then he goes for his long runs at nights. And he's like, it just gives me that extra oomph, ready to go, even just for work.
He works from home and sits there, but he's like "I just need to move my body for 20 minutes in the morning," yep. In the morning, yeah. A lot of people are actually saying they love the dance videos for fun cardio. Hoping that we can add some more to the schedule. Okay, I'm so glad everyone's saying that because Sam's recent dance, if you have not done it yet, is it called Low Impact Dance It Off?
Yes. Okay, it is the most fun dance video we have. I'm just gonna say that. Sam is a true choreographer. It's so fun.
I did that one at home so no one could see me, and I actually could do it, so I loved it. We have a second one coming, Low Impact Dance It Off Two coming. Mm-hmm. Tara is a dancer, also, so Tara will be backing her up. And then Val, our lovely Val, she does a lot of African dancing.
And so she is getting ready to lead her first African-type, drumbeat type of dance workout coming up in the next, she's hoping to do it in February, if not March. So you'll see that, too. So that's gonna be really fun. It is, and like she said, like it's a very good cardio workout. You don't expect it to be.
And by the end, I remember the first time, I'm like, "Oh, this is gonna be low impact." I was sweating, over 300 calories burned. So great way to just stay low impact but have fun with it, and remember, no one's watching you. No one's watching you. That's why I love to do the dance stuff at home. We also have a few members asking if we could do more yoga and meditation.
So we have not done meditation in a while. We haven't done meditation a while. We will put that on the schedule. Currently, right now, Sheila, who loves to do our meditation and our yoga, fractured her kneecap back in September. Yes.
Poor thing. Oh my gosh. It's been such a long road for Sheila, and she will be back in March. We can hardly wait. Well, actually, she's gonna be here for the fitness weekend.
She is, yeah. Yeah. She's gonna be here on Sunday morning. So those of you haven't seen Sheila since September, she will be here on Sunday morning, and we'll get back into some meditation and more zen-like yoga. JC also loves yoga.
We're also gonna do some more yoga sculpt. So we've got a lot planned. Let's see, a few more people asking. Are dance videos part of the premium videos, and any Zumba coming for dance? So Zumba is a licensed program that we can't buy the license to, and you have to follow their choreographed routines, which, honestly, a lot of health clubs who buy the certification actually don't even follow their routines.
They kind of make up their own. Make up their own. So we can't call anything Zumba, but Zumba is Latin dance. It basically is. I used to teach hi-lo aerobics back in the '90s.
It's basically hi-lo aerobics with some Latin music. So we don't really have anybody who's doing Latin, you could do one of your dance ones with Latin music. Yeah, I could definitely try. Yeah, I don't know. We could easily try that.
So stay tuned, and we'll see. What was the other question about- Are dance videos under premium? So we do have a couple dance videos under premium. Benjamin, Ben, oh gosh, why am I forgetting his last name? He is a friend of mine from LA, and we licensed his dance program called Groove 3.
We've had it on the website for a couple years. It's actually very fun. He shot it in Minneapolis. Oh, I don't think So that's kind of a fun story. I knew that.
And it's one of those videos where you do his three lessons, and then you put it together at the end. It's super fun. Jennifer Galardi, who's also a friend of mine from LA, she did two premium videos for us called "Just Dance." I think both of them are super fun, so check those out. And then we do have a couple really strong ballet programs that are premium. But if you're not a ballet dancer, you might not love that.
We also have some of the, well, we have the one from Twitch and Allison. Oh, yeah, Twitch and Allison, hiphop. Yeah, yep, so Twitch did hip-hop, and then Allison did, I think, a little bit more like ballroom- And Jazzy. Yeah. And those are, again, are things that we licensed, but with our trainers and all the new dance, it's all under GOLD right now.
Yes, okay, so we have somebody asking, "I'm losing weight but a lot slower than when I was in my 20s and my 30s." She is 60. Is that normal? And are there any tips for keeping her mindset on the right path? So it's extremely normal. So I'm so proud of you for losing weight in your '60s because you still have tons of years ahead of you.
I always say you don't want just more years, you want good years. You've got decades ahead of you. So that's really exciting. It does come off a little slower. Here's what's happening as we age.
It's not necessarily when people go, "Oh, it's just age, this is what happens to me." Well, your muscle does start to deteriorate as we age if you are not actively using them or replacing them. The key phrase is the if phrase. So if you are actively strength training, if you are actively using your muscles, you will not lose that muscle that happens, typically, from people who become sedentary. So you're doing yourself a favor by getting started. It is a little slower.
Progress is slow. You probably didn't notice in your 20s and 30s how slow it actually could be because you probably already had a good amount of muscle on your body. But give yourself grace, keep on going. Healthy eating is the key. You got to get rid of preservatives, chemicals, food coloring, added sugars, too much salt, all that kind of stuff.
Eat really healthy, drink water, try to get some sleep, keep on lifting. Now, something that's happened to me at age 56 is I definitely have changed my routine. I don't work out so hard seven days a week. I probably go hard four days a week, four. And then the other ones are a little easier.
I have one day that's a little more cardio, and then two days of just power walking. So listen to your body. Don't overdo it because it'll cause inflammation. Just go with what your body's telling you. But congratulations for losing weight and doing the right thing.
And it doesn't matter what age you are. You can still do it. Yes, absolutely, we have somebody saying she has severe back pain from a bulged disc. What exercise is good for her? Okay, go to our free videos.
Go to the-10 minute videos. What would it be under, do you know? Is it under yoga and flexibility on- Which one? The back. Well, yeah, 10-minute video.
Yeah, but do you have to search? Yes, yoga. It'll be under yoga and flexibility. Yoga and flexibility. So go to free videos, go to 10-minute videos, go to yoga and flexibility, and look for the video that I did on back pain.
I have a bulging disc between L4 and L5, and about, well, now it's been almost like, gosh, I don't know, almost seven years, eight years. I was so bad I couldn't pick up a basket of laundry off my floor, it hurt so much. And I would just fake it in classes. I would figure out when I was leading a class, tell you guys what to do, and I wouldn't like pick all the weights all the way up or do all the repetitions, et cetera. I finally learned how to take care of it myself.
And in that video, I show you how to use a massage ball. The key is if you have a bulging disc that isn't nerve-related, if you've got nerve pain, that's a whole 'nother story. You need to consult your doctor. But if it's just causing you discomfort, typically, it's because the muscles surrounding your spine are tightening up to protect that disc. And it's bulging, it can bulge less with less inflammation if you treat it right.
So I show you how to use that massage ball and go on either side of your spine, not on top of your spine, but how to get to those trigger points and release the muscles. And it is about not only getting to that trigger point, but then doing what I call flossing, where you actually move the limb, and the muscles are contracting, lengthening and shortening, as you are pressing into that massage ball. Plus some stretches that matter. I do it every single day, 365 days a year. I have been doing it for, like I said, eight years.
And I have, in terms of back pain, I'd say I have about 10% back pain. Nice. If even, so. If even. Yeah, you can do it.
We have somebody asking, her left shoulder does not have full range of motion, and she cannot manage heavy weights. Is it okay to use a lighter weight on the left side but a heavy weight in the right side? Or should she go lighter on both sides? Well, that's kind of a hard question, because over time, if you do that for a week or two while you're nursing an injury or something, no big deal. If you do that for two years, it could cause some imbalances, so you do have to be careful.
You need to, and I don't know the answer to this, go to your doctor and find out why are you limiting range of motion? Is it something structurally that's never going to change? Did you have an accident or something where this is how it's at? Then you probably want to balance it out if this is gonna be long-term. Are you losing range of motion, though, just from something like frozen shoulder or something going on where a PT, a physical therapist, could help you get back that range of motion?
Or there are lots of different therapies out there that deal with frozen shoulder or lack of range of motion. You might want to get some PT to get back to that. Some injuries heal with rest. We talk about that like, "Oh, I hurt my ankle, I twist my ankle." Let it rest. Some injuries need rehab, like frozen shoulder, like tendonitis.
It doesn't just go away from rest. You need some form of rehab. So I would definitely consult a doctor if it's something that could be fixed. Let's see. Tell us more about the fitness weekend.
So we're kind of halfway through the show, and I think a few people missed the very beginning, too, so. Okay, so the fitness weekend is coming up this Saturday and Sunday. You can still sign up. When you sign up, you're gonna get an email that welcomes you in the next day or two, gives you the link to where the event lives. It is 8:00 till noon Saturday and Sunday morning.
We have eight trainers, well, I should also mention there is a happy hour on Friday night. I was gonna say, we do have something on Friday. And last year, we had like, I don't know, at least 200, probably 300 people come to happy hour. And it was just a fun Zoom meeting with us where you can have a cocktail if you want, we played a couple games, we did some Q&A, we just had a little fun for an hour. Friday night's kind of setting us up for the weekend.
Then 8:00 till noon on Saturday and Sunday. You're gonna get workouts, you're gonna get different formats. So on Saturday, we're doing strength and kickboxing and barre, no? I don't remember. HIIT?
HIIT and then core. Some core. So we're getting those on Saturday. We're doing some education. Mindset training, nutrition training on Saturday.
Lots of good education. The more you know, the better you do, the better the choices you make. Education is key to eating healthy and moving your body. And then on Sunday, we're doing yoga and Pilates. We'll throw a little meditative time in there.
We're doing barre. We're doing, what else? Do you remember? Is there one more? I don't remember the last one.
I don't remember either. So we've got a bunch of, it's kind of a little bit more about mind body on Sunday because you're probably gonna be a little sore from Saturday. We're gonna talk about heart rate training. We're gonna do some Q&A. It's a super fun weekend.
You'll be motivated. We're gonna answer questions. We've got giveaways from our partners at BiPro, I forgot to mention that. If you do not join us live, if you pay for the weekend but you don't have time, you have access to everything for 60 days. So you could repeat the workouts as many times as you wanted in 60 days.
You could go back and listen to the workshops. There are downloadable worksheets. It's just a really fun time. Last year, people gave us so much feedback, like, "Oh my gosh, that just set up my year. That just got me motivated.
I loved getting to know the trainers more. It just filled my boring weekend with something to do." Because, well, here in Minnesota, there's really nothing to do when it's sub-zero. Not when it's this cold. In the house. And just a note, too, with the giveaways on Saturday and Sunday, you have to be live watching, so.
We're gonna pick names out the chat. We're gonna play some games, and you'll say something in the chat. And then we'll have our randomizer pick you, and you'll win something. It's gonna be really fun. Just really quickly, we do have a member saying that she's going to be a grandma, which is super exciting.
Yay! Her daughter has registered for the fitness weekend with her, as well. Will there be any discussion on working out while pregnant? She had a miscarriage a year ago, so she's uncertain about exercise, even though she loves it and knows that she needs to do it. So we weren't going to discuss pregnancy.
But what I will say is having had a miscarriage before, there are a lot of women who do, so don't be fearful. I mean, that's just something that happens. And it doesn't mean you can't exercise, but you definitely have to consult your doctor. I don't know the situation behind it, but lots of women that I personally know, that doesn't mean it's the right thing. But lots of women I personally know who have had miscarriages exercised just fine, all the way through their pregnancy.
What they typically say, if you are not a high-risk pregnancy, I don't know what happened, but what they typically say is whatever you've been doing for the past six months, you can continue to do. So if you were running five miles a day the six months before you got pregnant, keep running those five miles till it doesn't feel good anymore. If you were doing workouts with squats and lunges, keep doing those workouts till it doesn't feel good anymore. You'll know when that point hits where you're like, "Mm, nah, I don't need this," or, "I'm not gonna squat quite as deep," or, "I'm gonna skip the core workouts," or whatever. Now, if you've never exercised a day in your life and all of a sudden you get pregnant and you think, "Oh my God, I better start exercising.
I'm afraid to gain weight," that's different. You have to be very careful with getting started with an activity that you've never done before. But you can do whatever it is. We've watched plenty of women exercise all the way up through those nine months, and it can make you feel better. It can give you a great delivery.
I mean, there's a lot behind it. But just make sure you talk to your doctor and whatever that miscarriage, if there was something more to it, then that's for your doctor. But otherwise don't be afraid. Well, I would say I'm really enlightened watching all these pregnant women exercise. Yeah, I'm just in awe, so.
We do have a member saying that she actually does your back pain stretches every single day, every morning, first thing. And said it has made a huge difference. Took a while. She can now do burpees better and tuck jumps. She said, "But the key to do it is being consistency with the stretches." So if you're somebody that is looking for them, I love this testimony.
yeah, consistency is key. Okay, and I'm gonna tell you right now, I've said this so many times, the key word to absolutely everything in health, there is one key word. It's the word consistency, because it's not what you do once, it's what you do every day. You drink green juice once, congratulations. I'm so happy for you.
But it's not gonna change your life. You might feel better that day, but it's all about what you do consistently. If your back hurts, and this is something I've been talking with my kids about, because one of my sons, in particular, keeps telling me his back hurts. I'm like, "You can't just stretch the one day your back hurts and expect that you fixed your problem." You might feel better that day, but if you want to make a change, it's consistency. You wanna make a change in any habit in your life, it's consistency.
So I'm on my soapbox right now. I'm so happy that that person just said that because it is the difference-maker. Any plans to include nutrition plans on the website? When we first started Get Healthy U TV, what was that, five, six years ago? Holy cow, how does time fly?
We offered some meal plans, and nobody used them. It was just something that just wasn't, like, we took a lot of surveys, and people were coming to us for exercise≥ And it's a big deal to add meal plans. It's not something that's just so simple, and meal plans are so personal, so it's not something that we plan to do. I love to educate on nutrition. Every time we have a fitness weekend, every time we do a Q&A, I'm happy to answer questions.
We talk about it in the Facebook group all the time. There are quite a few women in our Facebook group that have really mastered their macros, and they talk about it all the time about how to decide how many carbs, fats, and proteins to eat a day. But I will tell you, the one most important thing when it comes to nutrition is not following this tiny, little tedious meal plan, but it is about eating real food. I mean, if you follow the advice, eat real food, mostly plants, not too much. those three things, eat real food, mostly plants, not too much, it is a game-changer, and those are such easy rules.
There. Do you wanna go a little bit into macros? There's a ton of questions. Sure, yeah. We did do a full live Q&A on macros.
So if you've not watched that one, you can watch it on our website. It's free. It's Macros 101. But a lot of people just still don't get it. So wondering if you could just kind of break it down.
Yep, and if you're wondering where are all the past Q&As, you go to gethealthyutv.com, you go to free videos, and then you go to live Q&A, and you can see all the old ones. So macros was, like, six months ago. And most of the time, they're labeled with whatever the theme that we have put out there, so you'll find it. So macros stands for macronutrients. Macronutrients are proteins, fats, and carbs.
Water is just basically a need for life. But protein, carbs, and fats, those are your three macros. Within the macros, if you're eating a mixture of macros, you're going to get a very good mixture of micronutrients. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. I have never heard of anybody keeping track of the vitamins and minerals they get from their food.
That would be way too much minutia. Forget about that. If you are eating a good mixture of carbs, fats, and proteins, you should be getting a good mixture of micronutrients. So when people cut out a full food group, "I'm never eating carbs again, I'm only eating fat and protein," it makes me worry that you're gonna miss out on some of the vitamins and minerals that are essential and are in that carbohydrate group. But if you're eating a good mix, you're gonna have a very nice mix of micronutrients.
Now, supplementing is always good, especially depending on the time of year. For instance, in Minnesota, I get no sun in the summer, summer, winter. When's the last time you actually had sun on your skin? Summer. Yeah, and I mean, not that you're supposed to sit in the sun, but vitamin D comes from sun.
So a vitamin D supplement would be smart at this time of year in the winter. So supplementing is a kind of another subject. And it's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. But try to get your nutrients from food.
So how many carbs, how many fats, how many protein? There's no one right way. When people go, "Oh, the only way you can lose weight is if you cut out carbs." I'm like, "It's not true." That's a dumb statement. That doesn't make sense. It's not true.
Carbs are essential for life, and you can lose weight while eating carbs. I mean, if you grew up with me in the '80s when I was in college, it was like, "Do not eat any fat." We did not eat fat in the '80s. It was like, "Fat is bad for you." And we cut out everything with fat. Well, actually, fat is good for you. You can lose weight while eating fat.
So you need a mix of the three. So how you deal with macronutrients, if you really wanted to count, basically, it is a more sophisticated way of counting calories. So I'm gonna back up a little bit. Calories matter. Calories in, calories out.
You wanna lose weight, you need to deficit calories. You need to burn off more calories than you take in. So that is the essence of weight loss. Calories in, calories out. You wanna get a little more sophisticated, the type of calories matter.
That's when you're gonna decide what type of calories am I going to eat. How much of it is gonna be carbohydrate, how much of it is gonna be protein, and how much of it is going to be fat? And it's maybe a more fun way of looking at your calories. So let's just say you wanna eat 2,000 calories a day, and 50% of them are gonna come from carbs. That's kind of, for me, 50% of my calories are coming from carbs.
So that's 1,000 of my 2,000 calories are gonna come from carbs. Now, if you look it up, for carbohydrates, every four grams is a calorie. So that means I can eat 250 grams of carbohydrates a day in my 1,000-calorie allotment, if that makes sense. So now instead of saying, "I can only eat this many calories," I'm gonna say, "Hmm, okay, well, I'm gonna eat an apple, that's maybe 20 grams of carbs, and then I'm going to eat a banana, okay, another 20 grams of carbs, and then I'm gonna have a half a sweet potato at lunch, I'm gonna have some broccoli with my sweet potato." I mean, vegetables are pretty much, like, don't even count them. Just eat your heart out when it comes to veggies.
Maybe I'm gonna throw in some grains. Maybe I'm gonna have some granola on my yogurt. Okay, so then that's your carbs. Protein helps fuel muscle. So you want to eat protein to feed your muscles so you can repair your muscles and build more muscle.
Protein doesn't make muscle. It feeds muscles. So how much protein do you need? They say you need about a half a gram per pound of body weight. If you are exercising a lot, like our little Olympians who are getting ready to go to the Olympics, they're probably eating one to two grams of protein per pound of body weight, but that's extreme athletes.
So if you wanna eat about a half a gram to a gram, somewhere in there, if you weigh 140 pounds, that's about 70 grams of protein a day. Okay, and that kind of fits in my macros because I'm eating 50 carbs, 25 protein, 25 fat. That's kind of how I, give or take, divide it up. So now you wanna get about 70 grams of protein. Okay, it's a creative way of counting calories.
Let's say a chicken breast at 25 grams, maybe a scoop of protein powder at 20 grams, maybe a yogurt later in the day at 18 grams. You kind of get to know what you're, you just kind of get to know what foods have in them. And so pretty soon, you're at your count. And then fats are things like nuts and seeds and oils and olives and, help me out. Avocado.
Avocado, and I'm just forgetting some of the healthy fats. Coconut and some of those good things. So again, they help you feel satiated. They keep you fuller longer. They are good for a lot of systems in your body.
Fish oil is really important for you. So get your fatty fish like your salmon in there. So it's just a more sophisticated way of calorie counting, if you will. But you don't have to do one or the other. I would just say always get a good mix.
What I love about thinking about macros, I don't want people to get so stressed out because they're trying to count it, but just thinking like, "Hmm, does half my plate have fruits and vegetables and healthy carbohydrates? And then I got a nice source of protein and a nice source of fat in every meal, you're gonna end up with a good mix of your micronutrients. Does that kind of cover it? I hope that makes it feel less complicated. Macros does not have to be a complicated subject, and there is no right macro split.
Like, when people go, "Ooh, I can't believe you eat 50% carbs. How can you maintain your weight with that many carbs?" I'm like, you could eat 70% carbs if you wanted to and maintain your weight. It's all about who you are, what type of carbs you're eating, and that's the big differentiator. And I think two biggest mistakes that people are making right now is added sugars are in everything. People will say to me, "Oh, I don't eat sugar." And then we look at what they're actually eating, and there are these hidden sugars in a lot of packaged foods.
And the other thing is inflammatory oils. Safflower, sunflower, canola, vegetable oil, those oils create a ton of inflammation in your body. And honestly, it gets me so mad because a lot of the health food brands that are healthy chips and stuff, look at the oil they're using. They're using freaking safflower oil, sunflower oil. It gets me mad.
We we had a freak-out day one day. Yeah, we do where I'm like, "I wanna write to all these brands and say stop it." A really good chip is Siete chips. They use avocado oil, I think, on everything. And there's another brand called LesserEvil. They use avocado and coconut oil on everything.
And those are healthy oils. I don't see any other questions rolling in. So if we do, we can get back to that topic. But another very common question was, can you give suggestions on shoes that you wear? There seems to be a lot of running shoes out there, but not as many for cross-training.
I like a running shoe for working out. I don't like cross-training shoes. I don't either. For some reason, cross-training shoes traditionally have no padding in them. I need padding in my old feet and legs.
I like padding. So I don't like cross-trainers. I don't like Metcon shoes. Those just don't work for me. Everybody's different, though.
I have a wide toe box, so I want wider in the toe box. Some people have narrow feet. I like ankle stability. And now, don't get me wrong, exercising barefoot is excellent. Dancers who are always barefoot, they get a lot of ankle stability and stuff.
But for someone like myself who's never been a dancer my whole life, I'm gonna go err on the side of less injury. So I like more stability. I am a fan of Nike running shoes. They've always fit me. And running shoes have changed.
I'm gonna lift my foot up. Here we go. Running shoes used to be like, they used to have this big, really lot of spiky stuff on the bottom. Running shoes are very flat now. They're very flat.
And they have a ton of padding in them and a lot of good ankle stability. I am a fan of a Nike running shoe for working out. Now, if I'm gonna go power walking outside, I typically wear Hokas. I like Hokas. Do you?
I do. Yeah, I do. Is that recent? No, I've been wearing them for years. I go in spurts where I'll just wear my Nikes.
Yeah, that's what I thought you wear. I typically wear my Hokas, and they're really good for, they look a little orthotic. You gotta pick the right style. But I really, really like them. But I do Nike.
I like the Air Zoom. I know people are gonna ask. The Air Zoom. Winflo, I think they discontinued it, which is super- All of them? I think so.
I think all the Winflos are discontinued. So I have to find a new Nike Air Zoom. These are old, old Winflos. I have like 10 pair of Winflos, and I just keep kind of recycling them, putting a new insert. Here's a little tip, a pro tip for you guys.
What wears out in a shoe a lot of times is the bed of the shoe. So take out that insert that's cheap to begin with, and I stick a Dr. Scholl's insert in there, and it's like a brand new shoe, so. That's kind of nice. Yeah.
What is the best and most beneficial type of collagen? Well, okay, we have a whole blog on collagen 101. You should read it because there is a ton of information in there. Collagen type one and three is for skin, hair, and nails kind of a thing. Type two collagen is more joint related, but again, that's kind of getting to the minutia.
I mean, collagen is a type of protein. Protein is made of amino acids. So collagen is different than whey protein. Whey protein tends to be better for muscle synthesis, like feeding your muscles, which is why a lot of athletes eat whey protein. But collagen is still a mixture of amino acids.
It's a different mixture than whey protein and is really good for hair, skin, and nails. And like I said, some for joints. I tend to take the NeoCell pills. I go back and forth between the powder and the pills. But I like the pills because I just take them at night.
I have them in my bathroom, and I just remember to take them. And I do, strangely, I notice, when I stop, so I ran out just recently. Recently? And when I run out, I start getting these weird bumps on my face. Like, hormonal kind of.
Ugh, I'm always like, "Is that really the collagen?" And then I'll reorder collagen, and my face seems to clear up. So I like the collagen. I have used Vital Proteins is one brand of the powder and scoop it in my protein shake. But I also use whey protein. So then I'll end up putting two scoops of powder, which is kind of a lot of powder in my protein shake, which is why I switched to the pills.
But they're all good. Some people use the Vital Proteins creamer. They put the creamer in there. So do you use collagen? I also have pills.
I have done the NeoCells before. Sometimes the Vital Protein in smoothies, Not as much. but not as much, no. I didn't start using collagen til' I was in my mid forties and started having some skin issues. And then I decided that I needed it because I read online that it would help clear up my face, and it did, so Yeah, I haven't had very much luck in that actually helping clearing up my face.
So it's very sad. Your face is fine. And you're young. So when you're young, you're still making collagen in your body. It just slows down in your 40s So that's why a lot of women start to supplement with some collagen.
I dropped some of those products that Chris has been talking about in the comments. So if you're looking for them, they're in there. There you go. Let's see, when tracking calorie burn on your Apple Watch, what's the difference between active calories and total calories? Which one should she use towards her calorie count?
That's so funny because my husband asked me that last night. And I feel like we've talked about this before. We actually know the answer. Yes, we do know the answer. And here's the thing, go with the more calories because it makes you feel happier.
So the active calories are what the activity itself is burning. So there's an algorithm that says if you are doing strength training, and you're moving your limbs, based on the activity and what your heart rate is, that's the active calories you burn. But while you are actively moving, your metabolism is also going. So your total calories are your metabolic calories that were burned while you were doing the activity. Does that make sense?
Mm-hmm. So the activity calories were just from that activity. The total calories included your metabolic calories. So I always go for total. Total.
I do, too. We have a member saying that she's 68 and has always been very stiff but finds yoga very hard to do. What can she do to become more flexible? She loves lifting weights between 12 and 25 pounds and has been since she's 40, so. Gosh, and she's 68?
Yeah. I love that. 25-pound weight? That's nuts, I love it. A lot of people just are inflexible.
To make your muscles a little bit more stretchy, it's just gonna take, flexibility is literally consistency. It's just training. Warming up helps. I love a warm yoga class because I like my muscles to feel warm. So when I'm doing yoga at home, I have a space heater at home.
Although I just heard on the news, you gotta be careful with your space heaters. That was just a big thing. But just having a space heater that just warms up the room where I'm doing the yoga, I absolutely love that. That's why a lot of yoga classes will start with some flow because it's just getting that heat from within, and you wanna take some nice deep breaths. But gosh, you just gotta keep, I mean, there's no magic to saying how can you become more flexible.
It's really just consistency. Consistency and doing it. And finding what works best for you. If yoga's not something that you enjoy, just take up a stretching class. We have got 10-minute videos.
I love doing it at the beginning of a workout, but when I'm done, if I can take a good 10, 20 minutes, now, I was a dancer, so that's how I trained. But if I can just cool my body down for 20 minutes after, it feels so much better. But you gotta do it often. Okay, you just reminded me. There was a question that I saw on Facebook today.
Sam is the one that compiles everything, but I did see it. But I may miss a few. And I don't know if it, it was a comment that someone made about at the end of the workout. They said, "Can you guys start doing a 10-minute cool-down that involves stretches, holding each stretch for 30 seconds?" The American Council on Exercise recommends 20 to 40 seconds per stretch, which is why yoga is so advantageous because you naturally hold those poses a little longer. So that is a good comment.
I sat and thought about it for a while, and it's very industry-wide that we just don't do long workouts at the end of a a session. Because typically, if people wanna work out for an hour, they wanna work out for an hour. They don't wanna work out for 50 minutes and then stretch for 10. They want that whole hour. So we kind of, I guess just admitting, breeze over the cool-down.
We have created a whole bunch of 10-minute workouts, and they should be really easy to locate. We have a bunch of cool-downs. Under 10-minute free videos we have- They'll be under flexibility and yoga. But I just did one. Leah did two of them.
You did one. The one you did was really stretching. We also have another one coming out that I did a second one. So it's different than the first one that we did along the same lines. So there are four 10-minute cool-downs.
So when you dial up your workout, when you finish it, just quickly float over to free videos, 10 minutes, yoga flexibility, and cue up one of those 10-minute stretches. And I think that could, because for us to add a 10-minute cool-down to every single workout would be a huge industry change. It would just be a big difference. I don't know if we can actually do that. I mean, it is a fault.
I agree. But that's why we have put together these 10-minute workouts so that you could add that on. So, yep, we definitely have a few of those. And then Chris actually just dropped one recently. It was a pre-workout warm-up.
So if some of you are looking, and I know, Chris, you've talked about. over the years, you're like, "Oh, I just need my warm-up to be a little bit longer instead of just two minutes." But I feel like we do spend a lot of time, whether it's between five and seven minutes before our workouts, but if you need more. We do some good long work. Well, and the purpose for also creating that 10-minute warm-up was for those of you who go out power walking, or you go out on a bike ride, or you go out hiking. You really should warm up your body before you go.
And so it's a just a really good 10-minute mobility movement session. Another suggestion from a member, a good stretching video would be great for us who don't love yoga is like the back and hamstring one, which feels very less yoga-y but more stretching. So we could definitely look of adding some more. So we did a hip opener one that's all hip-focused. Yep, we did a neck and back.
We did the neck and back. Kate did a shoulder and neck mobility one, which, for anyone who has shoulder or neck issues, that is a really great one. But yeah, we could add a stretchy thing, you know. Yes, yep, we can add that to our list. I mean, if we could just film all day, we would do this.
We would, except for our bodies might be killing us. too. All right, let's see. A lot of really good questions coming in. Will you be adding more workouts with the five to six-pound bar?
I love the workout that I just tried. Yeah, boxing plus bar is coming. We have number two coming, what is it, in like a couple weeks? I think it's in a couple weeks, yeah. Yeah, so boxing plus bar number two is coming.
Sam and I love that workout. Love that one. We've always loved boxing with the bar, so it's really fun. It's a lot of cardio with a little bit of strength. And if you don't do it for a few weeks, you really feel a difference in your back using that, so.
Yeah. Let's see here. What are your thoughts about fasted workouts versus having eaten before a workout? So I don't eat a big meal before a workout. I actually don't feel good if I've eaten a meal before a workout.
I don't eat much. I eat like a half a banana to just put a little glucose in my tank. So typically, a fasted workout means that you haven't eaten in like 12 hours. And typically, your glucose, you burn up your glucose as you sleep. And so if your tank is low on glucose, it's gonna be hard to get energized.
You might feel a little less energized than normal. And here's the big kicker. Glucose and fat are your two fuels. Glucose is the pilot light for fat. So if you run out of glucose, you can no longer burn fat, and you end up burning muscle.
So just having a little something in your system, whether, like, I always say a half banana. People go, "Why half a banana?" I don't know, it's something my mom taught me when I was a kid, because I don't know why, but we always had bigger bananas, and I didn't wanna eat a whole one, so I'd eat a half. But if you have a small banana, then eat a small banana. There's no rules. But it's a quick, easy on the stomach, quick, simple carbohydrate to eat.
I also use these Nuun tablets that I drop in my water, and it's sodium, potassium, and magnesium. So I'm fasted, but I'm getting those electrolytes so that it gives me some energy, and I don't feel lightheaded. So yeah, that's kind of the idea behind it. That's the reason why you'd wanna just eat a little something is to get your glucose tank up. But it doesn't mean eat a meal at all.
I don't know if my stomach would be able to. I don't think I could. We have a member saying, "My husband and I love your program. Can you suggest the best way to keep track of your workouts we have completed?" Hmm. Calendars.
Like calendars. Are you doing the calendars? Because we have, oh my gosh, how many calendars do you think we have? It's like 45, maybe 46, somewhere around there. So we put these calendars together for you guys.
You'll ask. You'll be like, "We want a running calendar." "We want a calendar for beginners," and "We want one that's mind-body focused," or, "We want one that's just circuits and intervals." We change them up. We have 40 something different calendars, and you can kind of check it off. A lot of people print out the calendar, kind of old school, but then they write on it. They literally, like, I love it.
People show us pictures of it in the Facebook group, and they'll write on it, like, love this one. Or they rate it, or they'll make a comment on it so they can go back and say, "Oh, I loved this workout." One gal last year, she took a picture of all 12 calendars. She completed 12 calendars last year. Like, that's freaking nuts. That's amazing.
So you could keep track that way. You can keep track of favorites because on the website you can mark things as favorites. So that's not necessarily tracking the workouts you did, but you can keep track of favorites that way. And just a little insider info for those of you who made it to the end of the hour, we do have a new app coming. It's like the biggest news since 2021.
She's putting it out in the universe, people. 2021, we added Roku and Fire TV. That was a big freaking deal. That was a huge financial and technical undertaking, and that's just been amazing. We've had so many members who love, love, love Roku.
I love Roku. That's how I use Get Healthy U TV at home. But a lot of people have been asking for an app. So 2022 is the year of the app. It is.
Yeah. And we're super excited about it. We're super excited. We have just about three minutes left, and we have not gotten to nearly half of our questions. Are you kidding me?
Yeah, I got to most of them that people were dropping in throughout the hour. But some of the ones that we got asked before, we need three hours for this, I think. But going along with goalsetting, Chris, people wanna know what's your- How do you goalset? Well, no, what's your goal for 2020? Do you have one?
Well, I tell people all the time, Do you do that? everyone says, "New year, new you." And for me, I say, "New year, same me, same you." I mean, I do the same thing. I have my workout routine. I have my eating routine. I kind of am set in my healthy lifestyle.
I don't really have a goal fitness-wise. Now, I know a lot of you set goals, like I'm gonna go climb a mountain or whatever. And I used to, when I was younger. I'd be like, "I'm gonna do a triathlon this year." "I'm gonna do a marathon this year." I kind of have backed off on some of that stuff because those aren't my hill to die for anymore. I've done a triathlon, I've done a marathon.
I hated them both. No. Geez. I'm just kidding. They're hard, though.
But I've trained for those kinds of things. So I'm not necessarily training for anything. I have goals to do more activities that I enjoy. I love working out with weights, but I also love to hike. I love to do outdoorsy things when it's warm outside.
So I have those kinds of goals. I have personal goals, things that I wanna achieve, whether it's in relationships or business. What's your word? What's my word? Intention.
She stole it from me, everyone. I did. Actually, Sam did say that. And I go, "Oh, I love it. That's my word, too." Because last year, my word was brave.
I felt like 2021, we had to be brave because we were encountering so much weird stuff. In 2022, now I feel very intentional. We know what's going on in this world, and now I wanna be intentional about the choices that I make for my health. I wanna be intentional about my family. I wanna be intentional about helping other people.
I wanna be intentional about the way I spend my time. I wanna be intentional about helping my parents, like that kind of stuff. It feels good. But if you're a person who takes care of yourself, it's not new year, new you. It's new year, same you.
And kudos to you, right? Absolutely. How about you? Your word is intention, too. I stole it from you.
My word is intention, too. Why did you pick it? Kind of the same reasons. I am somebody, like, I need to be more intentional, honestly, about saying no because I say yes to everything and everyone, and then I give little to no time to myself. So really making sure that I'm making intentional decisions that also, like, I worry about everyone else before me.
So I just wanna be a little bit more intentional of me a little bit more this year. I don't ever really have goals as far as working out and stuff like that because that's just consistency for me. If I had to say one thing, though, it's to make sure I continue stretching because I can feel things getting a little bit tighter. But yeah, it's relationships, all that stuff, being a little bit more intentional about why I'm doing it instead of just doing it. Yeah, I wanna be more intentional about yoga, too, because it does really make, It makes a difference.
And Pilates. You guys, I met Sheila back 20 years ago in our Pilates training together. That's where I met her, and she's a great Pilates instructor. And I would love to teach a Pilates class. Maybe we'll add one of those in there.
But Sheila has recorded some really good Pilates, as well as Kate. And if you've never done Pilates, maybe add that to your 2022 goal because it is so good for your core, and it's a method. It's not just, "Do your abs, crunch, crunch." It's like you learn to move about it properly, and it's awesome. All right, we're at the hour mark. Two o'clock.
Oh my gosh. See, we run out of time. So come to the fitness weekend because we literally have one, two, three, we have five different opportunities to do this kind of thing. Discussion, Yes, we do, yeah. where you'll be in the chat.
Well, actually we have six because we have the happy hour on Friday night, which is gonna be a little more frivolous and fun. And by the way, for happy hour, you will not be on screen. You'll see us, but we won't see you. So you don't have to do your hair and make-up or anything. Just come in your sweats, and you're good to go.
But we're super excited. So we look forward to seeing some of you at the fitness weekend. Thanks for always joining us. We'll be back next month. We will.
February. And let us know if you have topics that you want us to talk about, who knows? Yeah, because we're always happy to answer whatever question comes up. Everything's fair game. It is.
All right, thanks, Sam, for being so organized. Thanks for having me, yeah. All right, you guys, have a great day. See you later.
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