GHUTV LIVE! Boost Your Midlife Metabolism with More Protein
Chris FreytagDescription
PLUS, don’t miss out on this guide to blast away belly bloat! Download our Top 10 Foods to Eat to Combat Belly Fat and take control of your health today!
Hey everybody, how are you? I'm so excited to be here. I'm Chris Freitag with Get Healthy YouTV, and I'm here with my usual sidekick, the wonderful Sam Cam. How are you? Good.
How are you? Actually Sam Fuller. She, she's married. um, we can keep it the old one, Sam Cam Fuller, and today we have a special guest with us, Micah Kinney. From Joy to the Food.
Hi, hi, I'm happy to be back. I know. I'm so happy to have her. So Micah was the meal plan portion of the midlife metabolism makeover, affectionately known as the MMM challenge, um, that we just completed in January. All of you who completed it, so fun.
It was a 28 day challenge. So for most of you, what's today, the 30th? God, will January please end? I'm so sick of January, but a lot of you completed it already. Some of you are just, uh, you know, still trailing along.
The workouts will be unlocked for, uh, till I think it's like the 5th or the 7th. OK, so they'll be, uh, unlocked for a little bit longer if you want to finish it was. Such a successful challenge. It was a hard challenge with 28 days of some pretty intense workouts as well as a great meal plan created by Mica herself that was all geared towards getting you 100 g of protein in a day, which can be really hard. We're gonna talk about protein today of course we're gonna take any of your questions also, but we'll talk about the importance of protein in midlife and for building muscle, and then we'll talk to Mica about some of the interesting things about how she and her husband create these recipes.
Because you've got that scientific engineer mind like not me. I couldn't create recipes to save my soul like for like for like putting on a website and asking other people to make it. So anyway, we're live on, I don't know, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, get healthyTV. We're happy to be here. We're gonna start with some questions.
Sam is always the keeper of questions. She always keeps us rocking and rolling. Anything you wanna ask during this hour, feel free to just put it in. Uh, whatever device you're using and we'll get to it. Um, we're also gonna taste some protein loaf today.
So, um, she made one of her sweet treats that's actually a protein snack, which, I mean, I'm all about it, so I can't wait to taste that in a little while too. So let's get after it, Sam. Um, first question, how do you track your protein? Do you use some sort of app for macros? Like how do you track it all?
Well, for me personally, I just I've been doing this for so long I just know in my head I look at a yogurt and I go, OK, that's 13 or 15. I, you know, I this morning I had some cottage cheese. OK, I'm like, OK, that's, you know, 10 or whatever collagen powder 10, but you know, so I kind of know in my head and so I can. Track during the day, but for people who like are like brand new tracking on MyFitnessPal is a great app. There are other, there's one called My Macros, um, but MyFitnessPal is probably the most used and it's very easy to enter.
Do you? Uh, you know, your followers, do they have a device they use or do you use anything or an app, I mean? Most people use MyFitnessPal. Another one I've been using in testing is called Chronometer. Um, I like it.
Everything with their app, um, is verified by their team, uh, twice and 3 times, and so it's a little bit more accurate than my fitness, which was nice. OK. Um, for tracking, I like to do like a check-in like once a month and just kind of see where my overall macros are and then that I'm hitting that protein because once you do it so long it is, you know, easier, but it's game changer for beginners for sure just to understand what's in your food. It really is and you know as you're trying to get up to that goal. it's not easy.
I mean, you really do have to think and be very intentional about saying I need to have protein at all three meals. When I choose a snack, like in the afternoon, I try to make sure that it has protein in it so that because otherwise, especially as we get older, like some of the food choices we make, even if they're healthy, they don't involve protein and protein feeds muscle, so we'll get into that conversation, but yeah. Um, so there's a lot of people, um, are saying stop working and get outside, um, because it's nice outside in Minnesota today, um, but speaking of walking outside, so if you do like a 30 minute walk outside with an 8 pound vest, like should you eat immediately after, um, you're doing something like that? No, I mean that isn't like this crazy hard workout like your watch isn't gonna say you just killed yourself, you know, it's. It's an outdoor walk, um, but what I love about the weighted vest, what I have found about the weighted vest is it's gonna, number one, it adds, obviously it adds weight to you so it's gonna build bone mass through driving more force through your bones and as we get older, osteopenia and osteoporosis is a real thing.
Like I, you know, I'm 59 and lots of my friends, most of them are in their 60s and everybody is. Literally shocked like jaw dropped when they get their first DEXA scan and someone says, you got osteopenia, which is the beginning of osteoporosis and they're like, what? Like you just don't expect it. So right now at whatever age you're at, you got to start bone mass building so it's gonna drive force through your bones, strength training, jumping more weight that's gonna do that. It's gonna give you a little extra calorie burn.
I do notice it now. On a daily walk, I just feel like it's, it's a little more work to wear a weighted vest, but when I'm hiking or, you know, adding a little incline in there, holy bananas, do I notice the difference? And we were just talking before we came on air. We're talking about walking vests. They're just a big, you know, trend and how heavy should your vest be?
People always ask. So there is a rule of thumb out there that says it should be 10% of your body weight, but. I personally think that's a heck of a lot. I mean, I think that's almost too much, at least for me. I mean, again, you do you, but like let's say if I'm gonna try weigh 130 and I'm gonna try to where that would be, I told you I'm not math or science.
What is it? 1313 13 pounds. So I have a 12 pound vest and I like my 12 pound vest for the shorter walks. When I say shorter, I mean a couple miles, but I start to feel the pulling on my shoulders and I love that the weight is distributed around your core. You're definitely not gonna put 12 pounds on your ankles.
You'd end up with some, some joint issues, um, but the 8 pound vest for me it's just like, it's like Goldilocks. It's just perfect. Now I realized that's not 10%. My body, um, weight, but I do feel like it's good for me. So part of it when people are asking how heavy should I go, like you do you like you gotta try it out and figure it out and one of the tips I give is when it's on your shoulders sometimes I just, it starts to slide in on your neck just push it out a little bit so it's distributing on your shoulder muscle as a versus your neck um but yeah you don't have to like after a walk you don't have to immediately go eat now after you do like after.
Taught two classes in a row or something and I'm really working hard and I burned a ton of calories and I've lifted weights. I'm gonna eat protein because I've just, you know, really used my muscles you break them down and then you feed them with protein but you go out on a daily walk, uh, you don't have to. Um, she also is asking like if it's a 30 minute brisk walk wearing your 8 pound vest, like should you then do do protein right after or still like not. You don't have to do protein right after. You just need to get your protein throughout the day.
There is this window of opportunity called the 45 minute window of opportunity, which now has been often talked about the 2 hour window of opportunity to get protein into your muscles after a muscle building workout after a. Strength training strenuous workout. So if you have used your muscles to fatigue, you need to feed them within 45 minutes to 2 hours because they are readily they're ready to accept the amino acids from the protein. But if you go out for a walk, yes, you're using your legs, but you're not, you know, it's not taxing. Um, and so like if I'm just doing everyday activities and walking and stuff, I make sure I eat my protein during the day, but I'm not so worried about that refueling window.
Does that make sense? Yeah, I think it depends on who you are too. So if, if you feel heavily fatigued, then you're gonna wanna feel with protein. But if you're not, then you just eat it throughout the day, right? Like if you just ate breakfast, then you went out for a walk, you don't have to immediately refuel with protein, but good point if you are fatigued, protein is your friend.
Um, there is a member saying a friend's husband recently had a kidney stone problem due to too much protein in his diet. How much is just right? Uh, she says, I thought it was half your weight in grams, so 100 pounds means 50 g of protein is going above that formula harmful. Um, I don't know anything about this gentleman who got the kidney stones, so like I do know though there are some people who are like. Quadruple turbo loading protein that's a whole different subject and maybe you have something to say in it.
I'm not a doctor so I can't tell you how much is too much to create a kidney stone plus everybody's genetics are different, um, but what the rule of thumb is 0.5 g to gram of protein per pound of your ideal body weight. So if you are 250 pounds but your ideal body weight is 180, go with 180. So go with your ideal body weight and then do about a 0.5 g to 1 g. A.5 gram is good if you are very lightly moving during the day. You're not a big active person.
The rule now and what a lot of nutritionists are saying is go all the way up to 1 g per pound of body weight if you are super active. So like I said, I weigh 130 pounds. I try to average 100. I just, I feel like I getting to 130 is a lot, um, so 100 is. You know it's above the 0.5.5 gram per pound of body weight, but it's a little below the 1.
What do you use for a rule of thumb or do you have a different, so I go for about a pound of ideal body weight. OK, 1 g per pound 1 g per pound. Yep, yep, um, and again I sometimes I decrease that a little bit because I am a small individual and Um, some weeks I am, you know, playing soccer multiple days a week, and some days I am in the hospital and so, you know, with my son because he's sick, so it varies, right? So on days that I'm not as active I'm not gonna push it as much. On days that I am, I'm gonna push it because I playing soccer.
I love this. Yes, I love it, um, but with the kidney thing, yeah, without knowing the background it's really hard to say um we're not experts in that sort of stuff. I will say my brother has one kidney and so he's always been told his whole life to not have too much protein not have protein powder, things like that. um, he can have regular protein, you know, your kidney works to break down protein, right? So that's the whole premise of it, um.
I, my understanding from his doctor has always been it's a lot of protein to be over that threshold. 1 g per pound of your ideal body weight should not be putting you over that. But again, we are not doctors, so we cannot give you any medical advice. Um, how do you work out your body fat percentage? How do you figure it out?
Well, you have to find out usually the easiest way is to get, get tested. You have to find out what your lean muscle masses and back in the day there was no way to do it in the gym or anywhere like you had to go to the doctor, um, or you could use the calipers, but as a personal trainer I've never liked the calipers because everybody there's such a huge margin of error like do I pinch you really hard on the back of your arm or do I punch you lightly? That could change your body. Fat percentage by 2% which people can hang their hat on their body. So I always felt bad to tell a client what their body fat was in case I was a little bit off.
There is like putting yourself in water, what's that called? It's called like, um, bio something when you like submerge your body in water. There is this device called the bod pod that a lot of hospitals, a lot of nutritionists have where you get it looks like an egg you get into it and you have. Really tight clothing on and it's the displacement of the air and it's very accurate with how much body fat to muscle you have but now there are a ton of machines I know at a lot of gyms where you step on them and you put your hands here and I think they're like bioelectral impedance or whatever they're called and it, it tells you your body fat, but every single one of these machines can be off by a couple percentage so never like hang your hat on that. Um, but if you are thinking like I really wanna know I wanna work towards lean more lean muscle and less body fat, I would definitely, uh, look for a gym or a doctor's office that has that device.
Now you can buy these body fat things at home and I'm just gonna tell a quick story. So this company, you know, can we please send you, can we please send you an at home body fat measurer? and I thought. If it works, heck yeah, you know, um, and my husband is always doing his body fat, uh, you know, every so often at his where he works out so I said yeah, send it to me so they sent it to us my husband and I used it for a week straight every single day my body fat was different by about 4 to 5%. And I was like, absolutely not.
I am not going to um market this. Are you kidding? Like that would put people into a complete tailspin that your body and your body fat can't change that much. So the at home ones. I'm a little leery of them.
Yeah, I've, I had the same thing. Somebody sent uh an at home body analyzer and um it varied greatly. Um, the trends were OK, but I was gonna say a lot of gyms will offer you a free, um, one-time scan, and so like our local YMCA will, and you can do a free training session and with that they'll do a body scan so that can give you a low cost barrier of entry. I think so too, and I like you heard the word scan the calipers. I don't even see people using them anymore because they are so inaccurate.
Um, we have someone asking, is it OK to get protein, um, via bar, shakes and or whey powder or should it just come from food? Um, she usually does a shake or a bar once a day, but is that too often? And then there's a follow-up questions, but we'll start. OK, well, that's not too often, but go ahead and talk about because Micah's recipes are all based on not using protein powder like so that you don't have to feel like you have to rely on it. Yep, yeah, and I should say I'm not anti-protein powder.
I think it's really efficient. It's really easy to just get that quick hit of protein, especially after a workout when you're busy, um. 90% of the diet, it's nice if it comes from whole sources of protein, um, but your protein powder is going to get you over that. I think the big thing like we talked about last time is making sure it's clean ingredients, it's organic, um, third party tested, that's a really big one. you can find out all of this information online.
There's plenty of sources to figure out if your protein powder is a clean one, if it's third party tested, if it's, you know, showed up for any heavy metals, things like that, yeah. Um, and I use protein powder almost every morning. I just love a protein shake and I use collagen powder every morning. I've been taking collagen forever, so I put the collagen powder in my AG1 and I shake it up. So that's about.
I think my uh collagen, oh gosh, I think it's close to 20 g actually they vary greatly so like you gotta look, um, and then you also then I also do a scoop of protein powder in my protein shake in the late morning after my workout and I shower and I have a protein shake, but that's just what I like for breakfast. But then the rest of the day I'm not a big bar person. We talk about that all the time and Sam has so many allergies she doesn't need any of that. And so I'll do nuts and seeds for myself like I'll do trail mix that I make myself that have nuts and seeds. I'll do, um, you know, I like hummus.
I like Greek yogurt. I like, I just like those things so it's not too much, but there are so many ways to get it without it. Yeah, yep, and I will say though, protein powder is nice. It adds a nice texture to your shake and so it makes really yummy shakes and protein balls. So in those situations I prefer using it.
Um, do you have any recommendations for the best brands of powders and or bars? So kind of both. What you, you said last time, what do you use for a protein powder? Um, I use drink wholesome. It's an egg white one though, so it's not whe, so it's the, the time to use it is technically different, um, but whey protein, I have used Clean Simple Eats.
I've used, I don't know, Clean Simple Eats. I use, um, Naked Way. Um, which is really clean, um, and I also use Terra's, I think it's called Terra's Way Terra's something way, you can get Whole Foods, yep, you can get those at Whole Foods. You can get both at, um, Amazon. We have links, um, and they're both clean, and I just look for the least amount of ingredients.
And then I look for how do I feel, you know, some, some protein powders make you feel horrible actually. I like, uh, you know, so we've, we've been very careful about that. And then there's a ton of good plant-based ones. I mean, I love, um, yeah, Chuvani, all clean, 5 ingredients, so good, but I tend to go for whey protein and bars. I don't really eat bars.
Do you have any bars that you love? The only ones that I keep going back to, I go to Aloha bars. Aloha. You said this time um they do have like brown rice syrup, which I'm not crazy about. Um, but they're the only ones that taste good to me, um, and I keep going back.
So do you have any recipes on your website for like how to make your own? Yeah, well, I have it in my Google Drive. It's not on the site yet, but it will be. So you're adding that. That's OK, some chocolate chips if you want.
Love that. Love that. Got to have a little fun like that. Awesome. Um, we have someone asking, what is your opinion regarding essential amino acids.
Um, so the BCAA's I assume, well, essential, no essential is the nine essential amino acids, and then the branch chain amino acids are just, uh, a few of those essentials, um, so basically essential amino acids are not made in your body. So the non-essential mean that you can make them on your own and so you don't necessarily have to take them in through food, whereas the essential you really. Need to take in through food. Animal products contain all the essential amino acids, so animal products just make really nice sources of whey. But if you are a vegan or a vegetarian, you're not eating animal sources.
There are plenty of plant sources that if you mix up a whole bunch of plants throughout the day, you're gonna end up with those essential amino acids. They are very important. The 9 essential amino acids feed your muscles. That is what helps you refuel, recover, um, you know, and it they're important and they also protein keeps you satiated, makes you feel better, um. Do you have much to say about that?
I mean, I know most of your recipes do involve animal products, don't they? Yes, they do, we're, we have, um, a lot of vegetarian recipes recently, but, um, yeah, I mean 9 essential amino acids, they're essential, right? You need them. They fuel your muscles and um we can't make them on our own, so they are much needed for if you want to build muscle. And it's so interesting to me when I talk to people and they're like, I'm just so tired.
I just. Feel good and one of my first questions is, what do you eat? And they're always a little shocked like, well, who cares what I eat? I'm like, oh my God, what you eat is absolutely 100% tied to your energy levels. Like, are you getting a mix of all of the vitamins and minerals that make your body tick?
Are you getting protein? Are you getting hydrated? Are you like all of the things that matter really, really affect the way you feel and I'm always shocked that people disassociate. The way you feel your body relating to how you feel, how you feel. I always say, um, after having my son or being pregnant, I was really sick for a long time, so I had to increase my protein and that kind of really, um, skyrocketed my path of a high protein diet, and I feel better now than I ever did growing up and I ate pretty clean, but, um, protein is, is the big difference is the big difference maker.
Um, we have a lot of people saying that they completed the challenge and they loved, uh. Challenge with uh the workouts and the um recipes so um we have a couple of people kind of telling us which recipes they did um someone made your cinnamon roll oatmeal and they loved it so awesome to hear all of those, um, question about oatmeal, yay or nay, I read that that's what they feed livestock to fatten them up. So thoughts and opinions on oatmeal. Yeah, I mean, oh it's um. And number one, I look for one that's organic and gluten free.
Um, number 2, oats in small quantity is not gonna fatten you up. Um, I think having it a couple times a week, I'm a big fan of it. I, it's quick and easy to eat. It has lots of fiber, um, heart healthy, all of that and satiating. It is satiating, yeah, yeah, fiber and protein together really keep you full.
Um, so like in those protein baked oats, for example, they use. Greek yogurt in them, um, lots of egg whites, things like that. So, um, I am pro oats. I'm not gonna eat it for every meal, but I am pro oats, right? And, and they are a carb also I think people just forget they are a carb.
So you know, you don't wanna like eat 3 cups of oatmeal. That's a lot of carbohydrate. You have to within reason. I like oatmeal in the winter. I just like something hot sometimes, so I am a protein.
Shake person, but every so often in the winter I'm like, oh, some nice hot oatmeal, um, but organic is absolutely in my opinion, imperative. Oats are really well known for having spray on them, pesticides, different things like that. So it's one of the main things that I really look for that it's organic. I'm a huge fan of like overnight oats, like the cold. I actually don't like oatmeal because of the texture.
It's a texture thing for me. It's too soggy, um, but I love like overnight oats. It's my favorite. Have you ever blend them? I haven't tried it.
That's really popular right now cottage cheese blended overnight oats. Wow. Speaking of cottage cheese, cottage cheese is having a moment. Everybody's realizing, hey, cotage cheese is full of protein and it's creamy, and you can put it into anything. I put it into my protein shake for the first time and I was like, wow, it turns it into almost like pudding, you know what I mean?
It's so decadent. And, and so delicious and a lot of people were commenting they finished the um the challenge but they were loving the cottage cheese meatballs and the cottage cheese, um, uh, yes, but the uh lasagna, the lasagna, a lot of people like that. Now the cot cheese meatballs, I'm gonna say love. I love the cottage cheese meatballs and right before we came. Online here I was looking at that 28 day meal plan and I was um really focused.
This is one thing I haven't made yet so I'm going to is the salmon with the mango sauce. So how did that mango sauce come to be? What, how do you come up with your recipes like. I was laughing. I just for lunch today I had a poke bowl and that's like one of my favorite things in the whole world.
And so the mango sauce was inspired by one of my favorite poke bowls, but we wanted to keep it really simple. So I think it's like 3 or 4 ingredients, maybe 5. it uses fresh mangoes for sweetener, a little bit of honey. Um, it's really just a simple, easy kind of teriyaki vibe. Um, most of our recipes are inspired by our travels and things that we enjoy and like.
Um, my husband really likes meat and potatoes, so we have, you know, the lasagna pasta, um, we have parbo roasted potatoes, things that maybe are more lean that way. I like really fresh things, so, um, the mango with salmon and, uh, things like that, chipotle bowls, yeah. So delicious. Um, also, I loved the, I did one of the, um, shakes. Which one did I do?
Um, I did the berry. Yeah, I know the cottage cheese in there, right? It's like a cheesecake. That was my first time putting cottage cheese in a smoothie. brilliant.
I know it's so good. It literally is decadent. It's like pudding. I was like, are you kidding me? And I've, I've got a sweet tooth like that's my thing.
Um, I still have a few more, um, that I wanna look at, but I love the way you lay out your meal plans. You, you give the meal plan and then you give the grocery list for those of you, oh my gosh, following a foodie who gives you not only the recipes but the grocery list, check it done. I mean, because that's my thing. I get to the grocery store and I'm like, OK, wait, I'm pulling up the recipes and I'm trying to figure it out and when I look at the. Grocery list before I leave the house I'll go through and be like, do I have these spices?
OK. And then I just kind of highlight what it is I need and boom, I'm there, yep, and we're working on integration with like Instacart too so then you can just order it. Oh my good to go. OK, I'm dead. I'm dead.
Yeah, I'm not alive yet, but it's coming. Um, that is fantastic. So just out of curiosity, so everybody got your 28 day, um, meal plan. So there was 4 weeks. Of meal plan.
So if someone joins your sub stack, well, how did, what, what happens? What's delivered? Is it weekly or yep, so you'll get a meal plan weekly. It has, um, 6 recipes. So it has 3 main meals for dinner, and then it has a snack and it has a breakfast and a lunch.
The snack breakfast and lunch can be meal prepped. Um, everything is really simple classic ingredients. They're all recipes that we make in our own household that are toddler approof too. My son loves them all. I shouldn't say he loves them all.
He's a toddler. He loves food and he likes some of them, um, but no, he loves like the cinnamon baked oats, um, so they'll get that every week. You get it Friday morning at 5 a.m. It comes with a complete grocery list and a grocery list that's broken down by recipe. Um, it also comes with a sample day of eating, so kind of like you saw in the 28 days, it'll have your calories, um, your carbs and all that, and then it'll show you how to put them together to hit the 100 g.
Protein or more, so we offer two options. So I loved that because I really loved going down when someone was asking how do you count your macros on this 28 day meal plan every day if you followed what you're doing, it told you you're at this many grams of protein. I was like, oh, and it told you your calories too, which and it's fairly low calorie. I mean 1700, 1800 calories. I mean that's pretty low for me and you can always reduce that pretty easily like.
Don't have your chicken salad with chips, right? Just eat it as it is, or you could up it if you wanted to. So if you felt like, oh, I need a few more calories, but, um, such a great program. So you deliver that through subsex. So somebody signs up for your meal plan and then is it like, do they pay monthly or can they?
Yep, so you can do monthly or annually, um, so right now if you sign up by February 14th, by Valentine's Day, you can get 50% off the annual, um, which works out to about $55 for the whole year. Um, you get it through SubStack, but here's the thing, you have to only create an account. You don't have to sign into Subsec if you don't want to. It'll just send it directly to your inbox, to your email with a downloadable PDF. Um, if you want to go into SubSec, you also have access to the entire archive of past ones.
So we are on week 24 right now, um, so you'll have access to 23 other, um, meal plans. I love it. And how many times, I always find this interesting with foodies, how many times you have to, uh, Test a recipe before it becomes the recipe. Baked goods take a lot longer, you know, 456 times, um, cooking ones, it depends on if I made it before, so probably at least 2, if not 34 by the time we get it, yeah, 3 or 4 and that is a commitment. I know, yeah, and what we do is, um, because my husband isn't a super, he's much better cook now that we've done this is I'll make it and then he'll go photograph it and so he.
Has to retest it again to make sure that it's you know, easy to follow and things like that right so you guys kind of tag team each other, but there is a science to recipes like how much of something or just one more ingredient that could change. I mean, I'm very appreciative like it is such a science of like when you taste something in the flavors you're like, oh my gosh, I would have never come up with that and you don't know until you know, right? And so like a lot of. Research comes in the form of cookbooks and um really classic ones like uh salt, fat, acid heat like it teaches you how to combine all these different things and I don't I'm like that's how to read, right? Yeah, so that's my world.
That's everything that I, I love, um, so I really pour that into these recipes. So let's talk about this over here. Push it over this. So this is uh this this was not on the uh. 28 days, but this was, didn't you give this out, this recipe?
Yeah, this is on our site so you can access it. So basically Starbucks lemon loaf that everybody loves in the spring, um, this is a healthified version of that, I guess. So it's made with almond flour. It's grain free. It's made with maple syrup, so no processed sugar.
We add hemp seeds. You can also add chia seeds to make it like a poppy seed, um, so higher in fiber and, um, it's all mixed in one bowl. It's super moist. It's, uh, and collagen you said, and so it's got some protein to it, yep, so it's got the collagen, so each slice is like 8 to 9 g really nice. So like I, my kids when they were younger, they loved that lemon loaf, and I looked it up one time.
I'm not kidding. I, I mean, I don't quote me on this, but it was like 96 g of sugar, something ridiculous where I was like. Oh my God, my youngest already hyper enough like that was not, and my daughter would always be like, I want the pumpkin loaf. I want the and then she'd want a sugary drink and I'd be like, that is too much sugar in your system. I want, so it's fun to have something like this.
So I'm just gonna take a little bite because I, I don't wanna sit here and eat while we're on TV. Sam, you're gonna have to talk because we're eating, yeah, but it also has like Greek yogurt in it, so it's more protein has Greek yogurt and what do you, because there's a little bit of like, oh my God I don't wanna say frosting, but there's something. The glaze, so I used monk fruit sweetener for it. Um, you can use powdered sugar. OK, it's so tender.
It's so moist. It's just like addicive. This is delicious. I mean, seriously freaking delicious. And so we also have one of my other favorites is we have, um, Starbucks does their cream cheese pumpkin muffins.
We have a version of that. That one's made with all-purpose flour, but you can do it with the 1 to 1 gluten-free too, um, but it has almond flour mixed in, hemp seeds, my extra eggs, you know, Greek yogurt, all that we're done. Yeah, I remember that's a great snack. Oh my god, that's delicious. So really think about it.
It's so easy. If you get the right recipes and you make real food, I mean if you're getting 9 g of protein from a slice. That that's a nice little snack, yeah, and I always say like, you know, I'm not necessarily a gluten-free baker so if you need that, go to a gluten-free site, but I'm a protein maker, right? So I'm gonna show you how to use your protein sources. So instead of butter we're using Greek yogurt.
We're adding hemp seeds, we're adding the cheese seeds instead of poppy seeds, um, things like that. Wow. And I know like when you add Greek yogurt or something. There it's something to do with the acidity, right? You have to do like baking soda or you have to do, so it will react.
So a lot of times you'll see baked goods, you know, you mix the wet and dry separate because you don't want the baking soda and baking powder to react to your acid right away, um, otherwise it'll overdevelop and be like gummy and everybody hates that. Um definitely have made that mistake, not recently, but a long time. I'm like, why can't I just mix these together and it does not work out well. So, um, I've made a way to make it all in one bowl. This one is all made in one bowl.
Basically you add the Greek yogurt at the very end, so you're gonna avoid that reaction until you get there. Super interesting. It's all about the chemical reactions it's a, um, speaking of cottage cheese, um, dairy products in general, um, are they safe to have when you're in menopause? She's been reading a lot of books, um, referring to menopause that specifically say no dairy. Um, she's getting a little confused because you also need calcium.
Um, as a woman in menopause, so, and you can take calcium as a calcium supplement, um, also as much bone mass building as you can do through strength training and driving force through your bones, that's gonna be super helpful for remodeling bone, building bone mass, but I don't know anything about dairy not being good for you when you're in menopause. Here's the thing is everybody is different. Like I, I was just talking to my younger sister who's going through menopause and I said you maybe should go gluten free like she has some of these symptoms where I'm like. It kind of sounds like it has something to do with gluten and in my family we have like 456 people who definitely have gluten issues so you know everybody's different like if you don't react well to dairy as we get older, our digestive system slows down a little bit maybe dairy isn't digesting good for you. Yeah, maybe it's not good for you, but.
I'm a big believer. You got to go organic because you know you really have to think about organic dairy, but other than that, like if you don't have trouble with it, it's a great source of protein. Yeah, there's different layers of like things that can inflame your gut, right? Different layers of the dairy, yeah, so you're not doing organic, you always have other things that could be inflaming your gut to begin with. If once you take that out and you still have issues with, I, I'm somebody who is dairy-free for 2 years, so I'm, I'm pretty familiar with that world, um.
Slowly you can add it back in, but like I'm OK with Greek yogurt, but I don't drink milk, right? So there's even levels to what can be inflammatory to you, and it changes as you age because I grew up drinking a glass of milk with everything, um, and we all did and we did like my parents were like, drink your milk. Do you do that anymore? No, like none of us do, um, and I, I think, you know, it still goes back to the thing about the best advocate is you for you. Everybody's body is different when it comes to exercise.
We have to tailor it to work with you and your body shape and your body composition and what's going on in in your health history and how it works for you when it comes to food like some people you have to test all like you said Greek yogurt's OK, but milk's not like you have to do some playing around and be really intuitive and really aware and I always say if you have issues journal. 11 symptom of menopause is brain fog. It's really hard to remember like when someone goes, does that bother your stomach? I'm like, I can't remember if it, you know, so if you write it down like this. bothered me.
This didn't bother me. You start to have a better read on what you should do. And that's where those apps can be handy too. Whether or not you're tracking just for nutrition, it can also help as a food diary for sure. Um, do you have to grind the chia seeds in order to get the best nutrition?
Um, you should let them soak in liquid. I don't know about grinding. I don't grind them and I don't soak them in liquid. I just eat them. Yeah, so I think the the amount different is probably pretty minuscule.
They hydrate so quickly. Like when you put them in a protein shake, they plump up really quick. I stick them in my yogurt all the time. I stir them in and they, you know, kind of moisten up. So no flax seeds you do need to grind.
Those are much different seed but not chia seeds. Um, any ideas for mid-afternoon snacks, high in protein? Lemon loaf. Yeah, I mean, seriously, 9 g of protein for me personally, hard boiled eggs. I love hard boiled eggs.
I do nuts and seeds. I create my own like little, I'll do Lily's chocolate chips. They're sugar free, and I do a couple of nuts and seeds and so I'll eat that by the handful. Um, I love hummus, so I'll do like carrots and hummus, has a little bit of protein, not as much. Um, what else?
What do you do? I'm a fruit maniac and so I will have, um, cut up apples with uh peanut butter powder. Yogurt and um chocolate chips. I love it. I guess I am hungry right now because we're talking about, yeah, and then the other one I do is that right now I'm taking papaya, so I'll cut the whole papaya in half and fill it with Greek yogurt and top it with granola.
It's so good. Oh my word. OK, I love Greek yogurt as a snack too for me. How about you, Sam, because you're nut free. You're, you're free.
What, what, what do you eat? Um, I'm also a big like um veggie. And fruit person for sure, um, occasionally for like more protein if I need more of that, um, I do do some of like the meat sticks, um, just because I'm on the go a lot. So, um, those are easy and they're, you know, easy to transport, but I'm a big like I probably eat too much fruit, but I love it. So yeah, I love fruit too.
Um, we have someone who entered the chat a little late, um, but what is the best protein, um, before and after a workout? Well, uh, I mean, what do you like? What do you like to eat? The best protein is one that you will actually eat and enjoy. Um, it doesn't matter.
We just said that animal products have all 9 essential amino amino acids in it, so it's a very convenient way to get all 9 amino acids to the to the muscles right away, um, but if you're not eating animal products, then you can, you know, eat a bunch of different, um, uh, plant-based products and you'll get those non essential amino acids before a workout. Everybody's different. Like I don't eat protein before I workout because I work out at 5:30 in the morning and I'm just really not eating a meal before that. So what I do is I use electrolytes in my water. I am a huge proponent.
It has changed my life having a, uh, we use element. Sam and I have links for element. We talk about it all the time because we're diehards. I just, it is salty tasting, but I get that energy, so I don't do protein before my workout, but after I'm always eating breakfast. So it's like the meal is placed.
There for me, so you know what I mean like it's meal time, so I don't even have to think about it. So I usually do a protein shake. I do Greek yogurt. I just experienced cottage cheese in my protein shake because I, I wouldn't like eat cottage cheese in the morning without it being in a shake, and I'm like, heck yeah, yeah, I actually focus more on carbs before I work out, um, so I love to have a piece of fresh sourdough with some fruit and yeah, or like a banana fruit, um, and then after I'll have breakfast usually or whatever else it depends on when you work out too. What time of day and sometimes I even just have an orange before and it it almost is that with my electrolytes is like the perfect amount.
And for for me at 5 in the morning, um, you know, it's just electrolytes, but like if I'm gonna work out at like 9:30 in the morning then I usually have a piece of fruit before so it will be grapes for me, usually grapes or a banana that's my thing. You're a fruit person. I'm a fruit person, um, but I work out most of the time fairly early, so like food does not sound good to me in the morning. Um, I've tried doing like bananas and stuff, um. And I probably will never do it again.
So yeah, so, um, you spoke a little bit about electrolyte drinks. Um, it seems kind of gimmicky, um, is water and salt like sufficient, especially if you're training, um, weight training 4 times a week. Yeah, you don't need to buy an electrolyte. You can make your own and just don't use table salt. Um, what, which salt do you recommend?
Do you have one that you recommend? I actually make like an electrolyte mocktail, I guess you call it with, uh, coconut water and, uh, the cherry juice and, um, Maldon sea salt, salt, yeah, a little bit of that. You can also add magnesium if you want, but that's more of a nighttime thing. Yeah, so, uh, any kind of like the. Salt, the Himalayan sea salt like a, a good quality salt.
Just don't use table salt, but yes, you can make your own and yeah, coconut water has some natural electrolytes, so that's a good thing, a little bit of potassium in your coconut water, so that's good. So yeah, you can make your own. I just um don't and I mean I've said it so many times. I love something sweet. I love something salty so I.
Love the fact that I just take my tube, pour it in. I'm getting and and and at first I was always afraid to have more salt because of my whole life I've been programmed don't overeat salt. Don't overeat salt it's bad for you, bad for you. Well now there's so much science that says no, that's not true. If your blood pressure is normal, salt is actually needed to help keep you hydrated, to keep your cells healthy.
Um, and I had, so I had to get over the hump of thinking that too much salt was bad for me. Now, if you have blood pressure issues, if you have a health history in your family, I'm not telling you to go eat tons of salt. I'm just saying for me personally it wasn't a problem. Yeah, and like for me I like to have a fun drink in the afternoon and having a cup of element in the afternoon like it replaced my coffee. Like my energy level just skyrockets after I have it and It replaces mine like in the afternoon.
I'll just sip like I just use a half packet and it just keeps my water flavored and then I'm not gonna go grab something like a sparkling or a, you know, soda or anything, um, kind of going back to our dairy, um, topic, somebody is asking, um, is dairy inflammatory or can it be? depends on who you are. It depends on who you are and it depends on what kind of dairy you're buying. Um, there's so much overprocessed dairy. There's so much overprocessed.
Some of those milks out there now, the nut milks, the oat milks, they say they're horrible. Like they're loaded with weird chemicals in them, so I don't eat any of that. Um, is there extra added sugars and weird stuff in your yogurt? Is your, it. Depends on the brand.
Try to go organic. Try to go clean. I just look for one that the only ingredients are milk, right? And um or maybe probiotics, um, Greek yogurt. So yeah, because that's the only thing like Greek yogurt is a fermented food and so that actually is not, it shouldn't be inflammatory for most people, but it might be because everybody is different, um, is working out on an empty stomach, um, butter or Should you be eating something before your workout?
Well, it depends. Like, in theory, you need glucose in your body when you're working out hard. Now if you're just going for a walk and your heart rate is at a low rate, you're probably using more fat as fuel than glucose, converted sugars, so you're probably just gonna be fine. But once you get that heart rate into that aerobic zone, often called zone 3, where you're breathing through your mouth, you're breathing heavy, your body switches to using glute. Glucose and that's not a bad thing because you're burning calories at a higher rate.
People will say to me, oh, I just want to burn body fat. I'm like, OK, well if you only want to use fat as fuel, you're gonna have to walk really slow back and forth for the rest of the day. I mean, you're, you start to use converted sugar as glucose as that heart rate goes up, so it's not a bad thing, but you have to have a little glucose in your system so that your body can use it. If you have zero glucose in your system, your body will turn to muscle. Um, and it'll start to deteriorate muscles so you don't want that to happen, but that being said, for us normal people who are getting up, you know, working out for an hour, lifting weights, and my heart rate's up and everything, but I'm not like training for any crazy event.
I have some glucose in my body left over from the day before. There is stored glucose in your cells, so I don't eat before. Now when I was training for a marathon. I would definitely make sure that I had fueled my body before because and during the run because if I'm running for 2 hours or 2.5 hours, you better refuel in there because that glucose, I don't have all the math numbers, but your body can store X amount of glucose and once you deplete that tank after a very big workout and I mean intense like 2 hours like you've depleted it all, then you need to refuel that. Glucose so it doesn't use muscle.
Think of your kids if they do intense sports when my son was in hockey. I used to help with the hockey team about how much glucose they were burning in during the game because they were using X amount of grams of glucose per period because they were doing basically if you're a hockey player you're doing 32nd sprints all the time, right? So your heart rate is up then you breathe, then it's up then you breathe. Um, and so we were refueling the boys at like, you know, between 2 and 3 because it was like, why is everyone so tired in period 3? They've run out of glucose.
But again, back to us normal people. Uh, it's not usually a problem like I'm never worried that I don't have some glucose in my cells because I'm never that long without food. I mean, and I'll go like 12 hours without food from like, you know, morning, but I still have some stored glucose am I making sense? And that's why they talk about when you hear about marathon runners carbo loading the night before because it's gonna last you to the morning and then you can have a lighter meal right before. So like when I would run have marathons, I would eat really big.
The night before and then right before I have my orange or whatever, so your body can store just so much glucose and once you deplete it, you've got to replenish it prefer a basic hour long, even hour long intense workout, you're not gonna run out of glucose. um, for someone that cannot eat eggs, do you have any suggestions to substitute for eggs? I know a lot of people who ate it. I love eggs, but I know a lot of people who don't like them at all. It's like fine.
Yeah, um, I would make like the cinnamon roll baked oats and instead of use flax, um, flax eggs, so it's, uh, water mixed with flaxseed, and then you just let it soak and it coagulates, creating an egg consistency. You can do the Greek yogurt with the fruit. You can do a smoothie. If you Google, um, egg replacements, there are like 5 different ideas on how to make it for if you're going to use it for baking, but like, let's just say you don't like to eat eggs like you're not. Can eat scrambled eggs.
Don't pick something else. Yeah, there are so many different protein things where you could literally use, um, meat, uh, other dairy sources, um, nuts, seeds, uh, protein powders, whatever it is to, to find a meal with enough. Um, can you do or like what are your thoughts on strength training if you have, um, arthritis or joint pain? It depends depends on what kind of arthritis and the degree. Like if you have rheumatoid arthritis, you need to speak to your doctor about what uh is actually causing too much stress to those joints.
If you're just basically you have osteoarthritis, which is another word for aging, isn't that nice? Osteoarthritis, it happens to us all as we get a little older, you might get a little arthritis in the joints because your joints are aging right along with you then movement is good. Remember this phrase, this is our key phrase. Motion is lotion. When people go, oh my joint hurts so much I'm not gonna move.
It's like, well, it's gonna stay stiff, stiff until you move it because the minute you start to move it. The synovial fluid in your body starts to lubricate it like lotion and all of a sudden you go oh that doesn't hurt so much. I guess I can go play golf, you know what I mean? You're just getting those joints going so the degree of how much exercise you do is entirely up to you and your doctor like with the degree of your um arthritis, how much arthritis you have. I talked to a lot of friends who are like, well this really hurts me like this really, really hurts my joints.
I'm like, OK, we're not gonna do that. Let's pick something different. This movement really hurts. I'm like we're not gonna do that. We're gonna do this movement like you have to play around with it.
Do you have arthritis or anything? No, I mean, I threw my back out but otherwise, but I was at the chiropractor and I was like, she's like, does that hurt? And I was like, yeah, but it's like a good hurt right because you wanna stretch and I was like I've been trying to move and she was like that's exactly what you wanna do, right? Because the more you move, the easier it gets and like today I don't feel anything. When you are stiff and sore, oil up those uh those joints by self lubrication.
Motion is lotion. Um, can you talk about a couple of ways to prevent injuries while lifting weights? Like, you know, there's a couple of things that you can probably do to like make sure that you're not, you know, causing any injuries. Well, for sure, form, form is number one, get some help on form, go slow, look in the mirror. Body awareness like how is my squat?
Am I pushing forward into my kneecaps or am I sitting back a little bit and really engaging those glutes? Am I trying to use my back or do I have my abs engaged and I'm allowing my core to be strong so I can really focus on my glutes when I do a bicep curl, am I being lazy and letting my. Elbows go all over or am I swinging or am I really just focusing only in on the muscles? So number one is form. Pay attention to form, get some help.
Think about it. Number 2 is how much weight. If you're a beginner, I wouldn't advise that you go pick up 15 pound weights that's gonna be too much stress to your muscles and joints. They have to acclimate. Start slow, pick up those 3 pound weights, pick up those 5 pound weights.
Once those start to feel easy, move up and go to something a little heavier as you get a little bit more fit. So you have to kind of work into it. That's how you prevent injury and then pace. I mean if you're not a runner, if you, if you go running and it hurts you, then become a walker. Like you, you have to think about everything, but the first thing is farm, get your form right.
The second thing is how much weight in your hands when we're we're talking weightlifting. And the third thing is then pick a pace that goes well for your body. Don't whip those weights around, you know. I think one of the greatest things that I've learned over time lifting so long, um, is the slower you go, the better your workout and the better your form and the less chance of injury. And so you know, you start out when you're lifting weights and you're like this and then you learn, oh, this like slow retraction is what's really gonna get that right?
Well, and here's a little tip. For you or a little info, the gain is on the eccentric part of the movement, the lengthening of any muscle that you're using. So bicep is really easy to imagine. This is the shortening of the muscle. This is the lengthening of the muscle.
You can't really see me with my computer. So if you go like this, if you lift and then you go, you just drop it, you're not getting that gain. So you've gotta control it up and you gotta control it on the way down and that is hard. The eccentric part is hard. That's where you're gonna get the gain.
Um, can you talk about a couple of ways to improve like your posture as you as you age? Sit up tall. We all sit up, do back exercises the stronger your mid back an area where women tend to start to lose a lot of strength is right here, that mid back. So we just start to lose that strength and then what happens is our shoulders around forward and also a lot of us work on computers. We work on computers all day.
So instead of sitting like this all day and stressing out your even your neck, you have to sit up a little bit. You have to think about your posture as you are sitting. Um, good pastures though just relates to everything. So strengthen your back, do some strength training, do some Pilates. Pilates is about the core.
So the core meaning the front and the back of your body working as a whole. So it's about learning how to contract your abs as well as thinking about the whole back side of your body, all 24 vertebrae and how it all interacts. It's really important. Yeah, and I think um when you're some tips that I found on your walking pad is a really good to, you know, during the day if you're at the computer. A lot use a walking pad, but even just standing, so I stand at the kitchen counter a lot and work and something that I've learned is I will put a stool in front of me, just a short one, so I'll lift one leg up on that, and that forces my hip posture so I have to sit stand up straight versus going like this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good. And sometimes you have something in front of you can step up with 1 ft, then you step up with the other foot. So again, what did I just say? Move. So if you sit in a chair, I tell people this all the time, if you sit in a chair for work, get up every hour, do 10 body weight squats, and do 10 of these 10 cows, do it every hour on the hour, so simple yet so effective.
I think new research just came out showing that um 10 squats every hour is more effective than a 30 minute walk. I love it. I love it so. No excuses people. Yeah, um, Mica, is the electrolyte mocktail recipe on your website?
People are asking, but you guys have one. Well, we have the mocktail. So it's essentially the same in the morning. I don't magnesium, yeah, I don't do the magnesium, yeah, because magnesium historically or most there's so many different types of magnesiums, but magnesium glycinate is really good for muscle relaxing. And promoting good sleep, although I have taken it by accident in the morning and I mean it's not like I'm falling asleep or anything so you and there are other forms of magnesium that you could add to it too, and you can like take their basic recipe the tart cherry juice, which tart cherry juice is supposed to help with sleep as well, um, and sometimes I'll swap it out with just lime juice, um, if you don't like coconut water, the big key with that is adding some citrus and then it tastes good or you'll do, I like, I'll do half coconut water, half plain water, and then a little bit.
Lime juice or like right now I have passion fruit so I'll use those or orange juice or something like that. I, I love coconut water, but I go for organic. I go for nothing added to it. You have to look. Some coconut waters are like soda pop.
They just have so much junk because they're healthy, right? And then you look at it and you're like, what? Yeah, so you have to get the right brand and um, I actually like that idea. I do have a salt that I bought that was recommended by Doctor Hyman. I can't remember the name.
It starts with a C. It's in our Amazon cart. And it's a super healthy salt that he said to use and I bought it and so my husband sometimes just pinches some salt into his water when he makes his own. I, I actually use it too. I just, I carry the packets with me, the element we carry them when we travel, especially when we're flying we use them, um, but yeah, for those of you who wanna make it was probably a while ago you're probably gonna have to put the word salt.
You want to know what comes up on my chips, on my chips. I love chips. If you're like if you're flying too, that's like one of the main thing that you get dehydrated because you have all that circulating air. So the packets are really great for that because I'll get a cup of water from the flight attendant, right, and then dump in half a packet of element. This one, it's called Colima.
Yeah, Colima sea salt. This is from Doctor Hyman. If any of you follow Dr. Hyman, he says, we'll put a link in the chat. He says it is the healthiest salt for you, and he says just take a couple sprinkles and put it on your food or in a drink or something during the day.
Yeah, that's awesome. And we have somebody saying do a squat every time you hear your, uh, hear the word mom from your kids. Yeah, you will have the most toned backside ever. Um, I think this is just like more information, but um for looking for ingredients, don't just go by the label on the front. You definitely have to read the label on the back.
I think is where the marketing gets you, right? Yeah, and even like um new research with protein powders, a lot of them tested positive for heavy metals and so there's um sites on Google that you can search. I think it's called like lab.com or something. Um, and you can plug in your company and it'll tell you if it's been third party tested and what it has tested positive for. I love it and, um, just thinking, you know, it goes back to just cook at home.
Um, it's just, you know, obviously I eat out, yes, but the more you can cook at home, the more control you have of what you're eating. Now Micah, I saw this thing on your website, or was it an email that you made a new fudgesicle? I'm obsessed. I was telling Sam about it. I'm like, because again I like sweet treats.
So tell me about this fudgesicle. Yeah, so this is one, I developed it because my son would not eat protein and so. We made a fudgesicle, um, yeah, so it actually has um cottage cheese, avocado, cocoa powder, maple syrup, um, and then you freeze it in popsicle. Um, you could also eat it as pudding too. It's really good.
So I read your blog or whatever you had with it and you had said you had to test it because like when you're just trying to make homemade stuff like that, it can be icy instead of creamy. Like nobody wants an icy fudgeicle. You want a creamy fudge it drives me crazy and so like I um. Without the avocado, I've tested it with um condensed milk, but I was trying to stay away from processed sugar and so the avocado really makes it. I mean that is the key to freezing.
Um, it keeps it really creamy and delicious. We keep them on hand all summer long. I'm gonna make. I mean, even though it's like what a great little like at night to have a protein fudgesicle. Yeah, it's delicious.
You could add chocolate chips if you want. I don't know. Oh my gosh. Can you um give any hint of like what's a new recipe that's coming? Oh, a new recipe that's coming.
Um, we have, so with Valentine's Day coming up, we have a lot of um marry me sort of things, so Tuscan marry me and yeah, yeah, so Tuscan, so I'm a big fan of sun dried tomatoes. So one of our most popular is um a sun dried tomato cottage cheese sauce. So instead of whole milk or heavy cream, we use blended cottage cheese and so we've done that, but we have um. Chicken in it and uh white beans to add some more fiber and kale and uh yeah that's one that is coming. We also have um almond chickpea bars, so like almond croissant but turn them into a chickpea bar with protein.
I know so how do I get? I'm yeah as soon as I write them, they will be off. I'm excited. Um, I, and I, so if you start like being conscious of every meal you make, adding some protein to it, your treats that you make, add some protein to them. You'll be surprised at how quickly you can add it in.
Um, we had such a fun challenge. This 28 days was so fun. We saw so much great feedback, um, in the group. Thank you for being a part of the group. Yeah, so happy how you answer questions and see everybody making things.
I saw a lot of the protein moves, which was fun. And if anybody wants to contact, um, Micah, you can find her at Joy to the Food. We've put her, um, handle in our uh group many times if you're part of the uh private Facebook. Group, um, and you guys, that was a hard calendar we did have a lot of people say holy bananas like the MMM challenge was tough and it was meant to be because you guys have always told us that in January you kinda wanna go hard like you kinda wanna have a little bit of a challenge so we have so many different 28 day calendars they are not all that difficult. I mean they're all good, but they have different like are you a bar person?
We have some that are focused on bar. We have a new yoga. Calendar out. Do we or is it not out yet? OK, it's coming.
See, you get, you get special info here. So we have a new yoga calendar. We have uh updated what the total body transformation is a new one that has all new workouts. So if you're that person that says, I just want a calendar and I just want you guys to tell me what to do every day, we've got you. We have like 60 calendars, I think we have a lot and Sam and I even have some new ones in the hopper coming.
Um, so get ready for those. Um, this was just really fun. Thank you for being a part of this, Mica. Thanks for having me. It was great.
Is there any last questions, Sam? Um, we do have one person asking our our cardio walking workouts, OK, with, uh, degenerative disc disc disease. She's looking for something to help keep her active. Um, again, we're not doctors, so I can't tell you what you can and cannot do, but typically the word degenerative disc disease is a very big. Open space.
It could be a little bit of degenerative degenerative disc. It could be a very big problem. So it all depends on where you are in that spectrum. That's the word I was looking for. It's a big giant spectrum.
I have degenerative disc diseases. As a matter of fact, my brother, who's an orthopedic surgeon, said anyone over 50 has it because your back just starts to deteriorate a little bit from the wear and tear of what you do. If you take an MRI of somebody who's 50 versus somebody who's 10, the spine will look completely different because of the life that you've lived. So like I was able to handle my degenerative problem. Um, through therapy exercises, a lot of Pilates, just being smart about the way I do things, but I do a lot of walking.
I do a lot of weight training. I did stop running. I stopped running because I was having so many back issues from running, um, but if you are in like late stages, you have to talk to your doctor. However, 99% of the time and again. I'm just gonna say one more time I'm not a doctor, but 99% of the time walking is the best therapeutic exercise.
My mom is on a walker and her cardiologist literally writes on top of her chart every time. Exercise is king. Walking is king. So in my opinion I would say yes, the walking is amazing motion is lotion, but do talk to your doctor. OK, I think we're running out of time.
Yeah, so thanks so much, my oh my gosh, you guys. You have, so where do they get this recipe? Yeah, you can get it at .com. Um, you can also join the meal plan again if you're joined by February 14th by Valentine's Day, it's 50% off for your membership, but this is on is on the site. Well, how did I get it?
Did you email it? Um, it was on social media on Instagram, yeah, because I watched it and I was like, Michael, will you please make this one in love because this looks fantastic. OK, great. And Sam, thanks as always. Sam keeps me in line.
Thank goodness. Um, great to talk to all of you guys. We'll see you next month, February. Uh, do we have a live in February? I think we do.
I think we do know the date of it offhand, but it's usually a Thursday and it's usually at one o'clock, but we'll be back to you. Thanks you guys for joining. We love you, all of our members, and if you aren't a member, check us out. Thanks so much.
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