Walk, Sweat & Sculpt: Calendar Program
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3-DVD Set: Walk, Sweat & Sculpt Calendar Program
15 Different Workouts, PLUS a printed Calendar
Are you just getting back into working out? Do your workouts depend on the weather outside? Or do your life demands not allow for a trip to the gym? Get Healthy U TV has the perfect solution for you: Take your walking program indoors!
A workout as simple as a brisk walk each day can be so beneficial for your overall health. That’s why we’ve created this Walk, Sweat & Sculpt Calendar Program – a fun yet challenging opportunity to get your miles in at home!
Watch video preview of this program:
Forget about walking late when it’s dark out or walking alone, get your miles in at home in the comfort of your own home with your favorite tunes. But don’t be fooled by indoor walking! This program will incorporate not only walking and cardio based movements, but also strength-based movements to sculpt and tone your muscles.
So, you’ll get a well-rounded program of cardio, strength, and stretching! Give this program a try and sweat it out at home!
Total video run time: 7 hours, 15 minutes
Workouts included are:
– 1-Mile Power Walk (16 min)
– Walk, Sweat, Sculpt: Upper Body (33 min)
– Walk & Tone Express (22 min)
– Power Walking: Core Connection (31 min)
– Stress Relief Yoga (40 min)
– 2-Mile Endurance Walk (32 min)
– Walk & Tone to the Max (42 min)
– Power Walking: Fat Burning Cardio Walk (20 min)
– Walk, Sweat, Sculpt: Lower Body (31 min)
– LIFT: Pilates Yoga Fusion (35 min)
– Power Walking: Tone Every Zone (31 min)
– Power Flow Yoga (22 min)
– Power Walking: Indoor Interval Walking (20 min)
– Core Blast Pilates (30 min)
– Calorie Sizzler (30 min)
All exercises you perform are your own responsibility and you perform them at your own risk. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider before starting any physical exercise, fitness or wellness regiment.