10 Minute Medicine Ball Circuit
Chris FreytagDescription
Watch Chris as she demonstrates each move in this medicine ball circuit workout, starting with a quick warm up to wake up the joints and muscles. Your first exercise is medicine ball body slams. You’ll slam the ball to the ground using your back muscles and core, trying not to pause or hesitate between slams. Your second move is a forward lunge with the medicine ball. Your chest, shoulders, legs and glutes will all be activated during this exercise. The third move will be push-ups, using one hand on the ball at a time and then switching hands after each push-up. You’ll feel this move not only in your upper body but also your core! The fourth and final move will be burpees on the ball, requiring a little extra balance.
After running through all four moves you’ll take a quick break before doing the cycle again and then one last time. The whole medicine ball circuit workout will take around 10 minutes and you’ll have worked all the major muscle groups and burned calories at the same time. If you want more medicine ball workouts, be sure to check out our total body medicine workout and our GOLD Member exclusive medicine ball circuit workout!
Hi everybody. I'm Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV and we are going to do a medicine ball circuit workout here today. Now, here's what you need a weighted medicine ball. I've got an eight pound ball but you could use a six or a four. You could use a basketball if you don't have a med ball or you could use a hand weight but just improvise carefully.
Circuit means string exercises together with no rest in between. So we're gonna keep it really simple. We have four exercises. We're gonna do 30 seconds of each, which will take us two minutes. We're gonna rest for about 45 seconds to a minute after that and we're doing three rounds.
This workout will take us a little over 10 minutes. We're gonna add a little bit of a warm up and a cool-down to it. So if you ever say to yourself, "Well, does a short workout really work?" The answer is yes. All right, here we go. Deep breath, inhale up, exhale down.
I'm just using a timer on my phone. That's really super simple to keep me honest. Right there. One more big, deep breath. Adding that little squat with it.
Beautiful. And then roll those shoulders back. We'll just warm up those shoulders. Beautiful. We'll do a couple of hip circles, gait swings right here.
Just breathe in. Your heart rates gonna get up. Don't you worry. Right here and we'll do a couple of squats right here. Down and up, preparing for this workout.
Now 30 seconds of work. We've got four exercises in a row. So that's two minutes. First exercise is body slams. So let me quickly set you up with that and then we'll turn on the timer.
Body slams are a whole body exercise. This is what I love about them. Not only are you slamming to the ground so you're activating all your back muscles but you're activating your core muscles as you pull in tight, you're using your legs. If you live in an apartment with people underneath you you might wanna warn the neighbors first. Maybe you should go out in your garage.
Okay? Here we go. Three. Are you ready? Two.
Let me get that timer turned on and one let's go. Body slams right here. So slam it. Slam that ball to the ground. Now notice I'm going right away to the next one.
Don't hesitate in between ball slams. Pull that ball up over your head. Work it! This is a great one to get your aggression out. Woo!
Let's go. 10 more seconds. Come on, go, speed it up. You can do it! Four, three, two, one.
Moving right into lunges. No rest in between. Forward lunge, push the ball out. I feel this through my chest, shoulders, legs, glutes. 30 seconds of work.
Now, if your shoulder starts to fatigue you can just hold the ball right here. That's up to you but we are getting a total body workout right here. Woo! Keep it coming. 10 seconds.
You can do it. Right there. Breathe. Whoa. It's amazing how this med ball starts to feel heavy.
And push-ups, let's go. Now when you bring it to the ground you are gonna have one hand on the ball, push up, switch. So you feel it through your core. Now you can go faster or slower than I am. You can drop your knees to the floor if that is better for you.
I want to make sure you are coming all the way down in push-up position and you can notice that my breath is getting heavier. Why? Because my heart rates going up, which is awesome. All right and here we go. Burpees are exercise four.
Hands on the ball. Jump the feet in, jump up and back down. Now you got to hold your balance right here. So be careful as you step those feet back. Here's an option for you.
Walk it back, walk in it. You don't even have to jump. I want you to make it as intense as it works for your body. Push. Come on.
Nice. Three, two, one. That was two minutes of exercise. Woo man. Huh?
All right. So we're gonna rest probably about 45 seconds here. This is where you grab your water. This is where you catch your breath and then we do it all again. Two more times, breathe.
I always like to drink water during my workouts. It's a great way to stay hydrated and get your water intake in for the day. Okay, here we go. We still have about 20 seconds. So I always tell people to walk it off.
Don't just stand in one spot. Especially if that heart rates high. You can swing those arms. Swing those legs. Great job.
Okay. We're getting ready to go in 10 seconds. That was 45 seconds rest. Nice work, everybody. We are starting with the ball slams or body slams, whatever you want to call them.
Here we go. In four, three, two, round two. Yeah, baby. Come on. Now, you can make the rest shorter if you wanted to.
So then it gets even more intense. Right there. Come on. Let's go. Let's go.
No hesitation between slams. You go right away. I feel this in my back, my shoulders, my abs, my legs. You've got it. Come on.
Woo. Five, four, three, two, one. Lunges right away. No rest in between. Press the ball out.
Chest pass right there. Nice deep lunge. Keeping that front knee tracking over the shoelace. You've got it. Come on.
Breathe. You want to make it harder? Push that ball overhead. Yes you can. Come on.
Breathe. Heart rate going up. Oh, eight seconds. You can do it. Let's go.
Woo. Yeah. Come on. Done. Pushups.
Here we go. All right. Down on the floor, switch sides. You're getting a lot of core work here as well as chest and shoulders. Let's go right here.
Passing the ball side to side. It feels a little awkward on purpose. It's awesome. Let's go. Come on.
You can do it. Woo. Three, two, one. Here we go. Burpees.
Hands on the ball. Jump or walk the feet in. 30 seconds of work. Let's go right there. Think about what you're doing.
Now this is a lot of balance right here so you could always walk it. I don't want your hands to fall off of the med ball. You have to really engage your core right here. Let's go. Come on, keep it coming.
Five, four, three, two, done. Woo. Okay. I'm telling you we mean business, short workouts are no joke. All right, so I'm breathing heavy.
We have about a 45 second break we're trying to take. Great work. You can hear my heart rate is up there and it all has to do with how hard you push yourself. So once you get the range of motion, once you understand the exercise, try to add a little speed. That's what gets the heart rate up?
Okay, I'm gonna take a drink of water. So good. Water never tasted so good as it does when you're working out. All right you guys, it's two minutes of exercise. We've got it.
We can do it. Round three, starting with those ball slams. I want you to use your whole body but we still have 15 seconds rest. I don't want you to do this and then just catch the ball and stop. I want you to continually slam it so you're really working all those muscles.
Here we go. Start. All right. You're on round three. 30 seconds.
Go for it. Believe that you can do it. Slam it as hard as you can. Go. Oh yeah.
What are you doing at home? Come on. Now if you live where there are people below you maybe you change the exercise to this. Okay? You don't want to wake them up.
It's up to you. Woo. Three, two, one. Lunges. Let's go right here.
You wanna make it harder? Pull that ball up. Keep it coming. Breathe. Nice form.
Knees tracking over the toes. Deep lunges. Keep it coming. Go. You're almost there.
Five, four, three, two, one. We're talking push-ups, let's go. All right, round three. Come on. No rest.
Go. Spinning my timer. Right there. So for those of you at home, use the timer on your phone. It's not hard to do and yes, a 10 minute workout works.
Keep it coming. If you want to drop to your knees keep that full range of motion in your pushups. Breathe. Go. Woo.
And last set of burpees. You've got this. All right, here we go friends. Come on. Do it.
Keep it coming. Woo. Let's go right there. Come on. Work it.
10 seconds. Do it. Do it. Go. One more burpee, do it!
And that was round three. All right. Quick cool-down, walk it off for a few seconds. If your heart rate is up like mine, congratulations. Yeah, like I said it doesn't take much to get the heart rate up.
All right, as we breathe, let's take a couple of big, deep breaths. Try to bring that heart rate down a little bit. Beautiful. Now let's go ahead and come into a runner's lunge. Just open up that hip flexor, come down, keep your head lifted and open up your wingspan.
Beautiful. And then we will switch sides. Go ahead and switch right there. Beautiful. Man.
So whenever come on down for a figure four stretch just open up that hip, press your chest into your leg. So whenever you have 10 minutes, never think that it's a waste of time to get that heart rate up and you can divide your workouts throughout the day. Maybe it's one 10 minute in the morning and one 10 minute at night, but it will make a difference. So thanks for joining me on that medicine ball circuit workout. Super fun.
Hopefully you'll pick another workout to do soon. And if you enjoy these free workouts, check out all the full length workouts on gethealthyutv.com See ya.
First time doing this and I did it with a 10 lb medicine ball..sweaty oh yes u can get a good workout in 10 mins what will I do now on this sat august 4th 2018