10-Minute Total Body Tabata
Sam CameranesiDescription
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Level: Intermediate, advanced
Equipments: none
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi
Hey, hey, get healthy. You TV squad. I'm Sam. Cam. And this is your 10 minute total body Tabata workout.
All you're gonna need for this workout is a mat and your body weight, it's gonna be fast. It's gonna be furious. We have 20 seconds on, followed by 10 seconds of rest. So we, you might like to do this just for your stand alone. 10 minute workout.
You might also want to tack this on at the end, do whatever works best for you today. I've got your timer. Um We're gonna start with a quick little warm up to get the body warm and then we're right into that 10 minutes deep. Squat down Rachel's arms all the way overhead. Inhale, exhale, let it all go deep, squat down, reach and let it go roll those shoulders to the back.
So in this 10 minute workout, we're gonna use our body weight to do both strength and cardio one arm at a time. Start to pedal it to the back. So we've got a lot of legs total body 20 seconds on 10 seconds of rest. Reverse both shoulder circles to the front right there. Good.
And we're just gonna go side to side to get that heart rate up just a little bit again. If you need to press, pause and warm up the body just a little bit more. Reach across that body. Go ahead and do a little bit longer of a warm up, but we'll get it nice and moving here. 321, peel those heels towards your glute.
A little bit of those, uh, hamstring curls. You have 4321 deep squat down, reach all the way down all the way up. Just a couple of squats to get those legs nice and warm right there. Four more. You got it last three, two and one.
Nice work. All right. So that was a quick warm up. We've got 20 seconds on 10 seconds left. We have four exercises.
We'll do 1234, we'll repeat them one time through and then you have a second set of exercises. So your first exercise is going to be strength based squat, calf phrase, squat all the way on your toes. If you want to take the caf phrase out just straight up. Uh squat, I've got your time. We start in 432 and one.
It's a squat to a calf race. Squat calf race. So you're firing up the backside of your glutes, your quads, your hamstrings and then in that calf, raise you go right on to those toes, firing up the backside of your calves. Right there. You have four, three to rest.
10 seconds of rest. Now we go right into squat jumps. It's a little one load. Big one all the way down. Explode.
20 seconds. Fire up those legs. 321 to about to go. Little big, little big 20 seconds. Come on.
Burn out those legs right there. Little big load. It explode it right there, almost there. Halfway, halfway, three, 21 rest. 10 seconds.
Exercise number three, L lung you reverse lung jump switch. We'll go to the other side in 321 lap lunge right here. LA L step back with that same leg jump switch. Are you noticing that this is all about the lower body? Who right here, heart rate's climbing 20 seconds, 10 seconds to breathe.
And I'll tell you those new exercises. Come on right there. 321 who rest exercise number four, your final one M four with the right leg. Step back. Jump 32, just the right leg steps forward, step forward, squat right there.
Step forward, right leg. Stay on the right the entire time. You got it. Burn out those legs breathe, relax those shoulders. Right.
But if you want to take the jump out right there, it's a lunch low impact. 321 breath back to the top. One more time. Do those four exercises. 321 squat calf race, squat calf race who find your balance right there.
Back to the top So, you know, your four exercises, we roll through it one more time and then we got some more upper body. Focus right here. 321 rest. 10 seconds deep, inhale, deep exhale. This is gonna go fast and furious load explode.
It's a little one. It's a big one for that squat jump in 321, little big, little big, low impact. If you're like, I'm not jumping today. We're right here. Rep out those squats.
Come on, go little big. How high can you get right here? Almost there. 321 that lunge. We start to the left, you reverse you jump switch 321 to the left.
Now, step back with the left, jump switch to the right, right there, alternating side to side. Are we smiling? Are we breathing? Do we feel those legs right there? Come on.
Get as deep as you can in that full range of motion. 321 rest taking that left foot forward again. This time lung squat jump low impact. I'll show it 321 last time through left foot squat jump left foot forward. L get into that 9090 low impact right here.
It's 20 seconds of your life. Burn it out. Come on under 10, let's go. 321. Moving on upper body.
Four new exercises we have, we'll start on the right side. Oh, your mat, you're gonna walk it over two times to the left. 12, you jump your feet in bear plank, shoulder tap, shoulder tap. We'll start that timer for that upper body. Are you ready for new exercises?
32 and one, you're in a plank, you walk it over one, two. Now hold your plank. Jump your feet in shoulder tap, right shoulder tap, left, jump your feet back out. Find that plank, walk it over two times. Find that upper body breathe, keep that core stable as you're walking over right there.
Come on. 321. Drop your knees. You have eight mountain climbers into a Burpee starting in that high plank. Here we go in 38 of them.
Two 18 mountain climbers go 876. Breathe. Now, jump your feet in or be at the top 087 five. You got it. Jump those feet in Burpee at the top.
Go, go find that heart rate rising. Yes, you right here. 32 and one rest. You're going to come all the way down. It is going to be a Superman reach.
Pull up row, right row left. 32. Lower yourself all the way down, all the way down. Reach extend hands can learn under your shoulders, row row all the way down. Clean yourself up.
Use your back, use your core right there row. Use that back. 32 and one exercise number four. Stand up. It is your cardio too.
Lojas two. Hi, Jacks in 321. Exercise four A block two touch the floor, touch the floor. No, two jacks get the heart rate up strength and cardio just using your body weight. Low impact 12, tap it 12, 20 seconds of your life.
You can, oh, breath. You have three. Do you finish it? One, rest those four exercises. One more time.
Starting in that high plank. You walk it over in three. That goes fast. One, let's go. Team one to find that plank jumper.
Walk it in shoulder tap, right shoulder tap left, walk it back out. 12, jump it in chorus tight hits. They're trying not to move. They stay in the center right here. 321.
Drop your knees breath, eight mountain climbers to that. Burpee shake those shoulders out. You have 10 seconds. It's enough time just to transition. Here we go.
32 and 18 mountain climbers go timers on. You got this the one and only bury today. Low impact. You take it a little slower. You walk it in, you stand up tall.
You do not need to jump today. Come on. Find your version. Find your why right here. Three one coming down to your mat for that Superman.
Now in your row, I want you to use your body weight to squeeze those shoulder blades together. We started three. Find a high 0.21. Drop it all the way down. Lift a push up right here.
Now, squeeze, squeeze option knees down for that. Push up and you can row from your knees. Look at that. You are strong squad right here. After this.
You have one more exercise. Can we keep it coming? 321, 10 seconds to stand up to find your two low jacks to hijack. This is it, this is your 10 minute total total body. About a 321 last time.
Let's go, one, 22 jacks at the top. This gets your heart rate up and we feel good today. Let's go remember. Low impact modify right here. No shame in that modify game.
Come on, finish it strong. You'll five all the way. Can you give me one more rep? Yes, we can. Yes, we can.
32 all the way one and rest deep squat down, reach those arms all the way over head. Inhale, breathe heart rate, tie, exhale, let it go one more deep down. Inhale, exhale, taking that right leg, grab it for a little quad stretch, pulling down the muscle just a little bit. That first block of about exercises. Four of them were focused on the lower body.
Definitely felt the legs burning block two, a little more total body, but a little bit more uh upper body focus which legs now if you need a couple extra minutes to like cool the body down to start breathing a little bit slower. Maybe join us for another 10 minutes of your yoga. Maybe some Pilates core or just 10 minute stretch, do whatever your body needs, but you just crush that 10 minute total body. Tabata workout. Thanks for joining and we'll see you next time.
Sam, this was awesome! I really liked the combination of moves and it was just what I needed to boost my energy!
Hmmm...I always like to watch a short workout video before doing it and in this one Sam says "8 mountain climbers" but does 8 for the first two then does 6 sometimes 5 mountain climbers for the rest - what's that about?!!