Chris Freytag

GHUTV LIVE! August 2017

Chris Freytag
Duration:   1  hrs


Thanks for tuning in to the August GHUTV LIVE Q&A session with Chris Freytag. Chris answered viewers health and fitness questions live on air! Stay tuned for next month’s session. See you then!

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Well, hello everybody. It is Tuesday night and this is Facebook Live. And my name is Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV. And this is our monthly, live evening, Q and A. I do it once a month in the evening.

And I'm using a platform tonight called, BeLive TV. I've used it a couple different times. And I love it. So, and now I'm starting to see people populate on it. Ooh, it's getting easier and easier to use the Live.

It's great. Okay. So now I know I'm fully live on Facebook. So I'm so glad to be here with you guys. I typically come live, on Mondays at noon.

I try to do that every week we call it "Lunch and Learn." Where we talk about some different subject but I'll come live once a month in the evening. For those of you who, you know, it works better in your evening schedule, to answer your questions. So here's how it's gonna work today. Hello Jennifer. Hello Jean.

So here's how it's gonna work today. I just wanna announce myself so people can see I'm getting used to this platform. So, bear with me all right? I'm kind of proud of myself that I actually have my company colors on here. And then I've been able to list like my own name.

But anyway, we're gonna start with all the questions. We had some pre-asked questions but I see some questions coming in right now. So here's what I'm going to do. And by the way, hi Susan. Hi Lisa.

Hi, Julie, I'm still doing the January challenge. I love it. Hi Kathy. There's so many of you. Hi, Elaine.

Hi Michelle. I could keep listing all these wonderful names of all of you guys. I really appreciate your joining tonight. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm gonna keep looking.

So I'm getting all of your comments here on the side. And I'm gonna start looking at your questions. And like I said we have a few pre-asked questions I can interject. But I'm gonna start reading them. And I just want it from the get-go tell you guys, I will do my best to keep up with it.

It gets really hard because so many questions come in and I can't see them all. So bear with me. I will try to go back and answer some of them. And anything is fair game, fitness and health related. Anything with mindset, meals and movement, right?

Okay. So, hi to all of you. Wow. Hi Amanda from Melbourne, Australia. That is so exciting.

I hope I get to go to Australia some day in my life. It seems like a pretty cool place. All right. So all of you wonderful people who have said hello let's get started with questions, okay? Thank you so much, Kym, for commenting that she's glad that I do this once in a while in the evening.

And here's a quick question here. Robin is asking, the best way to rehab a right elbow when you are right-handed. Well, Robin, it really depends on what you did to your right elbow. You know, if it's just, if it's tendonitis or tennis elbow or something like that, it is going to take a little bit of time. If it's just like a bruise, because you knocked into something, you could probably still use it.

I've had tendonitis in my elbow. Like they call it tennis elbow because tennis players get it all the time. But I got it from a Yoga Sculpt where I was holding these lightweights out and constantly flexing my elbow, unsupported flection. And it took me, you know, four weeks of just being really careful with it. I've seen some people who have used a brace around their elbow too.

Okay. So let me keep moving here. Do I take a daily probiotic? And if so, what brand? So Shelly, I don't take a daily probiotic.

Now here's why. Because, probiotic is to help with your gut flora. And it's a really good product and it's important. But, I eat so much fermented food, that I don't need to double up. You know, there's such thing as too much of a good thing.

You've heard that before. So, I drink like today I drank a kombucha. I typically drink kombucha every single day. I eat Greek yogurt almost every single day. I take Apple cider vinegar in the morning.

So I'm kind of getting my dose of the probiotics. And so I don't actually take an extra probiotic. But if you aren't eating fermented foods I highly suggest you take probiotic. It's really good for gut flora. And everything starts in the gut.

Your health starts in your gut, a sick gut, a sick body. So it's, and your immune system is, I think they say 70 to 80% in your flipping gut. Can you believe it? Okay. Let's keep moving here from Gerri, hi, Gerri.

Let's see what she has to say. I know you have weight train for muscle mass. Do you think the Monday workout, walk and bands is weightlifting? Okay. I get what you're trying to say, Gerri.

So yes, we talk about weight training. And so does for instance, if you are a Get Healthy U TV member and you try our gold member. And you tried the live walk and sculpt workout that we did with the resistance band on Monday. Yes, that is weightlifting. I mean, in the sense that I guess it's not weights but it's resistance training.

And any kind of resistance training where you put strain to the muscle fibers, is gonna help you get stronger. It's going to build muscle. It's going to build bone mass. So yes, that's good. Now, it depends if you were using a super light band and weren't putting in much effort.

You know, I always tell you that you need to feel muscle fatigue for it to actually count. Okay. And here's our lovely Jodi Sussner. One of our trainers and actually, Jodi, I wanted to have you at live today. But as typical to me, you guys, if you knew me personally, I'm a super organized person.

But here's the problem, I fly by the seat of my pants. If you can be that person where I'm also organized and I'm also kind of a mess, is there such a thing? But, I didn't get a chance to ask Jodi in advance. So we're gonna have Jodi on the next live Q and A. Because I think it's really fun to have some of our other, Get Healthy U TV trainers on here.

So that you can hear their perspective on things too. So thanks for joining in Jodi. Okay. Lets see, what else is going on here? Tracy asks, do you have a specific calorie total that I try to live by every day?

So Tracy, here's the thing. Okay, couple of things, First of all, I have been focusing on food for 25 years of my life. Even more than that, I've been interested in food I love to eat. So I really have a good handle on calories, in my mind. Like I can look at something and go that's about 200 calories.

That's about 300 calories. So in my head I am kind of calorie counting. But, quite frankly, no I'm not. Like I'm not, you know keeping a journal. But, I'm a really healthy eater.

So I know, that if I'm eating, primarily plant-based foods. And I know, that I look at my macros. So your macronutrients or your carbs, your protein and your fats. And I eat about 50% carbs every day, 25% protein, 5% healthy fat, that I'm gonna end up with. And if I stick with it in the right portion so I'm gonna end up with a decent calorie amount.

If I were to add it up it's probably somewhere between 2000 and 2500 calories maybe not 2,500, maybe 2000 I don't know. Like on the weekends, I, you know have a couple of glasses of wine this week and I had a lot of chips with my guacamole. So, it goes up on the weekends. But I am truly a healthy eater. So I don't get as worried about it.

However, if you are trying to lose weight, calories do matter. You could eat 50 chicken breasts a day and you're gonna gain weight. Because that's too many. And too many calories get my point? By the way, you guys, we have a new e-course coming out.

That has literally taken me it's like my passion project. It has taken me a year. Like, and I'm not joking. My team, if they were here right now in the office with me, they would be laughing their butts off. Because literally it's taken us a year to put this project together.

Because, it's all the information that I wanna share with you guys. And I'm just, my schedule is so crazy. And I really, wanna feel this from my heart. Like really give you guys information. I am a true believer in knowledge.

I've been a journalist my whole life. And I believe that when people understand something and know something, they make better decisions. So this e-course that we have coming to you guys, we're gonna do like a soft launch in September. Have some of our super fans try it out. And then, you know, go big, maybe towards the end of the year.

But we're gonna go, I cover in it two weeks of mindset. Two weeks, oh three weeks of food and two weeks of movement. And really educating you. It's really for the person who says, I want to understand my body and take better care of myself. It's not for the person who says, tell me what to do and help me lose 10 pounds tomorrow.

It's not for you. But anyway, I'll give you more information on that later. Let me keep going with all of your questions. You guys are freaking awesome. Okay, Melissa asks, I've been told to do breathing exercises.

What the heck is that? I'm glad you're so honest, Melissa. Okay, breathing exercises. So first of all, breathing exercises are often related to yoga, to meditation, to stress relief. They are really good for you because when you oxygenate the body, lots of good things happen.

Your brain works better, your heart and your lungs and everything works better. So breathing exercises can be, a ton of different things though. It can be just like inhale through the nose. Exhale through the nose. That is a very, yoga type of breathing we call pranayama breathing where you're, really opening that airway in the back.

You can do single nostril breathing. I've done this in a seated meditation which was super interesting and super relaxing and stress relieving. You can do a Pilates type breathing where you inhale through the nose. And then you exhale through a straw. If you've ever gone to a Lamaze class, am I dating myself?

Is there such thing as a Lamaze class? Maybe not. Baby classes for baby birthing. They teach you how to do very rhythmic and controlled breathing. And the reason they do is because it's good for stress relief, oxygenating the body.

And it's good for clearing your mind. And you know, we take about, I wanna say it's like 21,000 breaths a day. And people don't even think about it you just do it. You know, I guess we're so blessed that we don't even have to think about breathing. But it's something that slowing down your breath pattern and really taking deep breaths every day is actually really good for you.

So it's great question, Melissa. All right, let's move to the next one. What is kombucha? Oh, thanks and by the way, shout out to my coworker, Molly. One of our team members.

She is working with me tonight and putting up links to anything that you guys are asking. If we have a written article about it we're putting up a link for you. Okay Jordana asks, Balsam Probiotics food doesn't have enough CFU to make an impact on microflora. So that must be, some sort of a product that you're saying isn't good enough. Here's my thing.

I always go food first, supplement second. But I do take some supplements. Okay. Jessica asks, what do you do on your rest days? So it depends.

To me, a rest day is like a nice walk with girlfriends and with my dog, you guys have met my puppy Roxy. She's crazy. She needs to get outside. So that to me is a rest day walking. I love to walk.

It's cathartic. I can't even talk today. It's cathartic for me. It is relaxing for me. But yet it's a workout, in a way.

Because, if my girlfriend Joy were online right now, she walks, so darn fast. It's really hard for me to keep up with her. So it depends on who I'm walking with. I try to stretch every day, Jessica. I have had some back pain, about four and a half years ago it was pretty bad.

My L4 and my L5 were degenerating or herniating, whatever you wanna call it. And now they're completely degenerated. And so now it's pretty much, there is no disc. I've been very lucky that I never had nerve pain. But, 'cause when you have nerve pain, it's debilitating.

And you have to go for like a couple of years. Somebody wrote in this week about getting a steroid injection. I never had to go that route because, if for me it was stiffness and soreness, but not nerve related, nothing shooting down my leg. But what I learned, is if I stretch properly every day and use heat, that my back pain is basically over the course of four years, kind of gone away. I mean, besides old age , I'm not suffering from a lot of back pain anymore.

So for me, stretching is really good on my rest days too. And even, I'll sometimes just do like a quick yoga flow. And when I say quick I mean like five-minute yoga flow. And we have a lot of those, online for you to check out if you'd like to. Okay.

So a lot of hi, hi, his. Thank you so much. Mitzie says, I love your workouts Jodi. Hey Jodi, if you're still on, Jodi is great. You guys, our trainers are amazing.

And our five gold trainers, are the bomb. And we have a big trainer challenge coming up which I'm gonna talk about in a few minutes with the Get Healthy U TV trainers. Okay. Kathleen says, I feel like I have upper body strength but I can't do proper pushup. Kathleen, you are not alone.

Pushups are so hard. They are such a sign of strength. If you haven't been doing pushups your whole life, it is going to take time to build up that strength. So please, don't give up on yourself. Get down on your knees, put your butt in the air so there's less body weight going into your shoulders.

But, you wanna push those elbows behind you. So you don't want to do this in a pushup. It's just gonna cause too much neck tension. And it's actually using the wrong muscle group. So you wanna use your pectorals, your chest.

So elbows slightly back, start with less body weight and just work your way up and give yourself time, okay? All right. So, I'm proud of you for even trying. I think it's awesome. Okay.

A lot of his from different parts of the country. I love it. Leigh Carpenter says, workout with you every day don't count, work out with you every day, yay! I love having a new workout buddy. You guys are awesome.

Okay. So what was your verdict on the food delivery that you tried? Blue Apron. Okay Ronnie, we liked it. Actually my team, a bunch of us took the different meals home and tried it.

We liked it. But I'm going to be super, super honest. It's a little fussy for me. I'm kind of a wham bam thank you ma'am cook. I grew up kind of our, well, I really started liking Rachel Ray in her earlier years because she was always like just throwing stuff in and she wasn't like completely measuring.

And like I was saying, I have two sides of my personality. I'm like a super organized, and type A person. But then I'm also like, Uber overbusy maybe this is the entrepreneur in me. And I kind of like, half-ass a lot of stuff sometimes. And like cooking is one of those things.

So, it was a bit much for me to have all those ingredients and take 30 minutes to put together my meal. I love some of the meal delivery services out there but I'm not sure for me, that it's the right decision long-term. Let's put it that way. Maggi asks, if I've ever thought about doing a podcast? Yes Maggie I have.

But OMG! Like if there's one more thing I can add to my day and I got to tell you, you know, I'm an empty nester now. So my kids are gone. I have one at home right now for another week. Before he goes back to college.

But, I would think I would have all this time on my hands. And just because I'm so busy at work. And then, other obligations that I have for other people. And then even my kids aren't even living at home. For gosh sake I'm busy.

And then of course a puppy. So, it's something on my to do list Maggi thanks for asking. Amanda says she'd love to do my course. Okay, great Amanda stay tuned. Because, we're gonna be talking about our new e-course.

It's called The Whole Body Reset. And we're gonna be talking about it on Get Healthy U, in our newsletters, on Facebook, on Instagram. I'm gonna be telling you all about it. I'll be doing some free webinars, to kind of educate you about the course. So stay tuned there will be info coming.

I appreciate it. Okay. How many hours of sleep do you get most nights? Kym, I'm really glad you're asking this question because, I go in spurts. So when I was younger, and when I say younger, when I was in my 30s, I literally could survive on five hours of sleep no problem.

I was like, let's go, let's go. I was like, never tired. And then, I hit my 40s and I started realizing that I needed sleep. And so I started kind of like, giving myself one or two good nights of sleep a week. Because I was so busy and I work a lot of weird hours.

I worked at QVC for six years. And when I was working at QVC I would fly out to Philadelphia and I worked crazy hours and I took crazy flights and it was really nutty. And now I work at Evine, Home Shopping which is located in Minneapolis. And if any of you guys saw me this morning online, I was online. I was on air at, on TV, at 9:00 AM Central Time this morning selling an amazing, in-home bike for those of you who like to bike.

But, I lost my path here. But, anyway, when I got to my 50s, my late 40s and 50s, I need sleep. I can no longer pull those old night, all-nighters. When I was writing books, I have like four or five books out. I used to literally, I would pull all-nighters at the end in a row and have no problem.

And now, there's no freaking way. So, how many hours of sleep do I get? I average and I'm gonna show you something I just started using a new app. My son talked me into it. My husband's been using it.

But it's called and I just heard about it it's called Sleep Cycle. Can you see what the little icon looks like down in the corner there? And so the Sleep Cycle app, what it does is it tells you and I'm wondering if I can go to my statistics. Here we go. So Monday night, I was in my bed for six hours and 34 minutes.

Shame on me. That is too little. But I teach really early on Tuesday mornings. Today, I get up at 4:30. So, and you can see my sleep cycle.

Like you can see how, my deep sleep. The night before I was in bed for six hours and 19 minutes. Shame on me. 'Cause that is not enough. But the night before, on Saturday night when we were up at the cabin and I got to relax I was in bed for over eight hours.

Yay me. But look at my sleep cycle. And I'm kind of getting, so what's gonna happen is it tells me over five days it'll calibrate and tell me if I'm getting enough deep sleep. Because, it doesn't even matter. Like you could be in bed for 12 hours but not get much sleep.

So, I'm really enjoying this app. And I'll remind you guys what it's called. Let me close it out. It's called Sleep Cycle. It's this thing right there.

Okay. So, I just had to tell you that. So Kym, good question. Hello from Savannah, Georgia Beverly. Love your balance with food tips thank you.

Any tips on video equipment for FB Live cooking videos? Any tips on video equipment? Oh, you mean to do it yourself? So if you're trying to do it. So if you're trying to do live cooking videos, I use a tripod.

And put my phone on a tripod and have it face in. Or I have one of my team members hold it, so that they can answer the questions. 'Cause quite frankly, if I use a tripod, and it's too far away from me I can't read the questions that people are asking. The other thing you need is a good set of lights. I mean, you need lights.

And you can get lights on Amazon, Karen. I got all of our lights like I've got a couple of lights set up right here to just brighten everything up. And they were a couple hundred dollars maybe even less, for two to four lights on Amazon. What can't you buy on Amazon? Oh my gosh!

Okay. Abby says hello from Maine. And hello from Michigan and Pennsylvania. Oh my gosh! You guys are awesome.

Okay. Joy is dealing with plantar fasciitis. What exercises do I recommend? You're doing PT twice a week, which is awesome. Okay, here's what I wanna recommend.

Joy, I'm gonna have Molly put up our written article about plantar fasciitis. We talk about how to heal and deal with it. And we give you tons of ideas on stretches and on potentially items that you want to use for your shoes. I had plantar fasciitis after I ran a marathon. And the only way I got rid of it, was sleeping in a boot.

Because, when you sleep, your foot goes like this. And this tendon where all the problems are happening on the bottom of your foot, stretches. As you wake up in the morning is super painful to bring it this way. So if you sleep with your foot flexed, that tendon has a chance to heal while you're sleeping. And for most of my friends I've lent my boot out to like 10 different people.

And that's the thing that has helped. All right. Abbey says, your skin looks awesome. Aren't you sweet? I really enjoy when I talk about beauty.

Thank you so much. And I just was, we just posted something, a partnership that I did with Walgreens because, Abbey, I really don't spend money on skincare. You know, I'm willing to spend money on a great pair of shoes. I'm willing to spend money on certain items it just depends on what it is. Athletic wear, of course.

But when it comes to skincare all of the expensive stuff just wasn't working for me. Especially, when I hit my menopausal years. And I went into a very low cost routine which has been working for me. And I'm not gonna change it because it's working. I use a product called Zenmed, Z E N M E D.

It's their support serum. They have over a thousand reviews online so you should check it out. And then, I've been using this, it's actually sitting over here. This Walgreens charcoal mask. I did it twice last week detoxifying.

And OMG do I love it! It's the charcoal and charcoal is really, trend right, right now. So, check it out. Okay, Jennifer says, what probiotics do you recommend? Jennifer, I talked about a little earlier.

I don't have a particular probiotic that I'm using right now. I eat a lot of fermented food. So to me, food first, supplement second. I really love kombucha and Greek yogurt. And I take two tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar in the morning.

And I'm getting enough fermentation that I'm working with my gut flora that I don't take a probiotic per se. But, I would have to do a little research I did for a while. I've been using Life Equals is a brand. Out there it's called Life Equals like the equals sign. They have a really good product and New Chapter vitamins are favorites of mine also.

I've been, I take their multivitamin. Okay. Can exercise improve your skin? Amber asks, you betcha. And that is straight from Minnesota.

You betcha. Yes. I mean, one of the, you know, we spend so much time on skincare on the outside. I actually, I'll be really honest I don't spend a lot of money on the outside of my skin because I believe on, healing from the inside out. And what you do with exercise and sweat which is the best detoxifier in your life is sweat.

Your skin is your largest organ. So you wanna clean the pores from the inside out. I mean, eating healthy for skin health is so important and having your gut flora, be in sync. All of those things matter. And I also take CoCollagen.

I've talked a lot about that on Facebook Live. I take Collagen orally I use the pills. That's what I prefer. But there are powders, which are great. And we have a whole blog on Collagen to which we can put up.

Okay. Laura says, after three C-sections, hold on you guys I'm gonna move my table. My foot is falling asleep I've had my feet crossed. Okay. After having three C-sections, sit-ups are practically impossible.

Yes, I believe that. And Laura, I'm kind of thinking that maybe you have some, some . You guys, my tongue is tied today. I've been talking all day. Quite frankly, I was honestly I said to my husband right before Facebook Live I'm like, I don't think I can talk for an hour.

But, you know what? Put me up to the task. And you bet I can talk for an hour. I can talk anytime. More than probably any human being.

But, you probably have rectus diastasis. That's what I was trying to say. We have a great article on that. I sound like a broken record. But we, you know, my editors and my team, we write about everything.

Because, we're journalists at heart. And when I'm passionate about something, I'm like, you guys let's write about that. So it's documented and people can read about it. So please go ahead and read that article, about different exercises that you can do, Laura. Because, yeah, sit-ups are not good for somebody after three C-sections.

And as a matter of fact, you know, if you feel like you get to that point where you have a hernia, then you really need to talk to your doctor. Okay. Chris is asking, my sister takes a Motrin tablet every day to keep inflammation down. Ooh. Well, here's the thing.

You know, they say that Motrin and ibuprofen and Advil. For you. But, I'm not sure about that. Hey Molly, give me a shout out. If there's anything wrong with the audio.

Okay. Cheryl says, since December I've lost 30... Oh! It says the screen froze. But I'm still live.

Darn it! I wonder what's going on you guys? I feel really bad. Let me, I'm waiting for my coworker Molly to give me a vibe. She says she can hear me now.

Okay. Gosh, you guys I'm really, really sorry. I'm using, BeLive TV. And I wonder if there was a blip. I'm actually using the paid version of BeLive TV.

Because, they only allow you to go 20 minutes on the unpaid version. So I will be really mad if, I go, I love you guys. You're all saying, okay, now you're back, you're back. Okay. Thanks you guys.

Okay, so Cheryl is asking, said I've lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers. Congratulations Cheryl, you must be so proud of yourself. Besides losing weight, I've been losing hair. Can you recommend anything that can help? That's kind of interesting.

You definitely wanna make sure you're getting the right macronutrients. And if you're getting a good mix of carbs, proteins and fats, you should be getting your right micronutrients, which should help with hair. So, that being said, I've talked a lot about hair, skin and nails from New Chapter vitamins. It's mostly biotin and some other herbs, that really help with hair growth. But, I definitely would look into making sure that you're getting enough fruits and vegetables.

So that you're getting the right micronutrients to keep a balanced, flora in your whole body. If you continue to lose weight, I would talk to your, I'm sorry. If you continue to lose hair I would talk to your doctor about it. But hopefully that helps. So, Heidi is asking about strengths DVDs for 50 and over.

Well, Heidi I'm 50, I'm turning 52 in two months. Holy crap. But in the 50s I gotta say, 'cause you guys know I'm a really positive person. But, like 30s came along and I was like, I'm good. I'm 30, I'm 35.

I'm 40, I'm 45, nothing. You know, what are all these people talking about aging? Everything's great. And when I hit 50, it was like . It was like, what happened to my body?

So, things have changed for me since I turned 50. But, and one of the things I've noticed is that like, and I do still do high impact because my body has been trained to do that. But I can't do it every day. And I have to be really smart about what I do. So Heidi, on Get Healthy U TV, we offer a lot of strength programs that intel, no jumping.

They're all low impact. We have a program called, Definitions, which is all strength. We have a program called, Walk and Tone. Which is all low impact indoor walking, get your heart rate up. And low impact strength.

We have a program called, Move to Lose. Which is a beginner program, but it's all low impact. And we are filming, spoiler alert, we are filming a new program next week, with the lovely Jodi Sussner. Which is going to be called Lift, Low Impact Fusion Training. And it's gonna be, intense but low impact.

So it's gonna be really great for all of you over 50. So if you're not a member, of Get Healthy U TV, stay tuned I'm gonna be talking about it at the end of this broadcast. And you definitely should be, because it's the best deal in town. Okay. Somebody just said, you didn't get to hear what I said about inflammation.

So I'm gonna quickly repeat that you guys. What I said was, and give me a shout out on screen I really appreciate it. If you heard what I said about Motrin. Okay. Because Motrin and Advil and those kinds of ibuprofen-type products can be hard on the stomach lining and on the kidneys.

And if you take them over the course of a couple months a year, two years, it could really wreak havoc on your body. So what I do is I eat anti-inflammatory. I try to eat as many fruits and vegetables plant foods are, definitely anti-inflammatory in nature. I avoid food coloring, food flavorings, fake sugars. I just use a little stevia every so often.

I avoid preservatives. I avoid all that kind of crap. Because, crap, makes you feel like crap. And as I was just talking about age, like when you're 20 you're kind of just resilient, you back bounce back. When you're 30s, you're still bouncing back.

When you're 40s, you're kind of bouncing back. When your 50s, not so much. In the sense that you eat the wrong food preservatives, you eat the wrong foods and you feel yucky. And you have low energy or you do the wrong, you know or you're lazy and you're not moving a lot and then your joints get stiff. So you have to take care of yourself.

Which is why I'm so excited about my e-course. That stuff will be coming. Okay. Jean says, she's looking forward to the e-course. Jean, you are such a super fan girlfriend.

I can hardly wait for you to be a part of this. And I'm planning on you being a part of our soft launch, if you will. Okay. So Robin says, I have a hard time taking pills for liquid vitamins. There are great liquid vitamins out there.

I don't know exactly which brands. And by the way, Beverly just said she takes turmeric for anti-inflammatory. Thank you, Beverly. Actually it's pronounced turmeric. And yes, turmeric is one of the best things you can do, for anti-inflammatory same as cinnamon.

Both anti-inflammatories. But Robin, I don't know liquid vitamins. I do know powders. Like you can take powdered reds and powdered greens. And there's some really good green mixes, that are gonna give you all the right micronutrients.

And if you're getting the right micronutrients, those are your vitamins. You see, macronutrients are the carbs, fats and proteins. And if you eat the right mix of those, you get your micronutrients. Which are your vitamins and minerals. So that's what I would recommend looking into some of the powders that are out there.

I don't know of liquids per se. Okay. Cheryl says, she remembers me on QVC, yay! You still use my blender it's still working? I seriously can't believe that.

'Cause that blender was like $26 back. Well, now it's been like 10 years. And mine did break over time. But for $26, holy cow, what a good deal right? That was a really fun time.

I'm glad you remember. Okay. Here's the sleep cycle information. My lovely Molly is just amazing. Giving all this great information.

Thanks for all the thumbs up everybody. Hey penny, how are you? What do you recommend for an exercise routine when on vacation? Well, Kristi, you walked right into, helping me promote Get Healthy U TV. Yeah, that's what I recommend.

Because, you don't know what the facilities are gonna look like. I'm kind of grossed out by public facilities anyway in a lot of hotels. Every so often I'll do a treadmill but, not very often. They gross me out. Like they're so dirty and grimy.

And I don't think they get cleaned, like a health club cleans. A lot of times you can't count on weather, a lot of times you can't count on neighborhoods or whatever time of day you're gonna exercise. So Get Healthy U TV is right on your phone, your tablet or your computer. You open it up. You log in.

You can use the hotel wifi and you do a workout. If you don't wanna use the hotel wifi, you can download a workout or two, prior to your travel. And have it right there on your computer ready for you to go. And we have everything from Pilates to yoga, to body weight training, to low impact training, to high intensity, you know, tons of high intensity intervals and circuits. To, stuff that involves equipment, all kinds of fun stuff.

So I hope that you will try it out and I'm gonna give you guys all a coupon code, if you hang tight with me. So I would really appreciate it. Gerri says, I'm a gold member and I love all the live workouts. Thank you, Gerri. What a great testimony!

You really can't, how could you flip and get bored? I mean, one of the things that I'm so passionate about, the live workouts, if you are a gold member to Get Healthy U TV. And I'm gonna be talking about that. But one of the reasons I'm passionate about it, is I've been teaching classes for 25 years. I've been teaching at the Life Time Fitness in my area, now for, well, going on I wanna say it's been like almost, 19 years at the same facility.

I love my fitness community. I love them. And I love you guys, the Get Healthy U TV community. But what I wanted to do was be able to bring what I do at Life Time Fitness, to life online. So that I could involve all of you, who are watching.

And so that's what I love about Get Healthy U TV. It's really, like a combination of what I do in a live class. And then, we brought on all these great trainers. And if you've checked out the gold trainers, they're all local trainers in the Minneapolis area that are like kick butt, educated, certified, fun, friendly, positive trainers, that can really help you out. So I hope that, you know, you will consider any of you who are not Get Healthy U TV members, checking it out when we're done here.

Okay. We put up the link to Zenmed so you can check it out. Hello from Badger land. Go Bucky, you got that right, Renee. I am a Badger through and through.

My son plays on the men's hockey team. You guys will hear a lot about it in the winter. Okay. Anastasia says, just restarted working out with you and I love it. Calorie Sizzler is a kick ass, can I say that?

Workout? It is 30 minutes, non stop of cardio body weight and it is super fun. I love that whole format. So thanks for checking it out Anastasia. Okay.

You have a beautiful name I'm not gonna botch it up. What do you say about kombucha? I've been talking about kombucha. We put up a link to Kombucha it is a fermented food. It is basically fermented tea with some fruit added to it.

It's really good for your gut flora. Oh, I already put that one up. All right. Now, let's see. I'm getting through the point of all the your back, your back, you're back.

Okay. All right. I'm going to be 50 in December, Kristi says. And I have a goal to be fit and hit my goal weight. Okay, Kristi.

So we just talked about it. You can do it. You're never too late. You are never too old. That's the thing that people have to remember.

I would say in my live classes, I have any, I have 20 year olds, in the front row. That are like friends of my kids that are darling. And they're, you know, working out hard and they're flexible and they're so cute. And then I have everything from 20 to 75 in my class. 75 years old.

And we pack the gym on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 80 to 100 people. And we just all work out and we're all doing our own things and we respect each other and we're all different ages. And it's great. So, you are never to late. Another, yes I love Jodi.

Rightfully so that is fantastic. Okay. Mary Young, I'm noticing as I'm getting older in my 50s that losing weight is getting more difficult. What might have worked five or more years ago doesn't work now. I'm exercising more the past six weeks.

I just got back on an exercise program, eating better but the scale isn't budging. Okay, so here's the thing, Mary. It took time to gain that weight. It's gonna take time to lose that weight. And those of you who know me, I'm a realist.

I'm never gonna get on here and say to you guys, hey, sculpt your abs in two days. Or, you too can have six pack abs in a week. 'Cause that's not true. And especially as we get older, it is harder. But, don't lose hope.

Because, you know, positive attitude mindset is the first M that I always talk about. And it's really important that you get your mind in the right place. Secondly, it's going to be a beautiful marriage of eating healthy and moving. Because, I can't tell you the number of people, that I've met in my lifetime they exercise a ton. But they also eat like crap.

And they don't see any change in the scale. And you can't, you can't out-train a bad diet. So you have to improve your diet. Sounds like you're doing both of those things but here's the thing. It usually takes four weeks for you to feel like there's, a good difference happening.

It takes eight weeks for your friends to say, hey, you're looking a little different. And it takes about 12 weeks, for those who don't really know you to make any comment like maybe, you know, a coworker that you don't know so well. So, you know, three months is a long time for people to hang in there. The other thing I wanna say about losing weight, is that when you say the words losing weight, what most people mean is losing fat, okay? Because no one's trying to lose bone mass or muscle.

You're trying to lose fat. And fat loss is gonna happen, if, you get some good cardio in, get your heart pumping. Lift weights. Build more muscle 'cause muscle is a secret to metabolism. The more muscle in your body, the more calories you burn at a resting heart rate.

And you eat healthy. And that is the mix. So, Mary, I hope that you're an, a Get Healthy U TV member. Because, I would love to work out with you. And I appreciate Beverly giving us the tip on turmeric or turmeric.

You know what? I looked up the phonetic spelling 'cause, truth be told in our e-course, I say the word term turmeric, like four times. And I get, I stumble on it each time it gets me so mad. Because, I wanna say turmeric, but phonetically in the dictionary it's turmeric. So, whatever, right?

Okay. Let's see. Cindy says, she just found she has a UTI and I'm a water drinker. Ooh, Cindy, you got to talk to your doctor about that. 'Cause I don't know.

There could be a lot of reasons for that. And I am definitely not qualified to tell you on that one. Kym says, thanks for the sleep app. And also for your new program for those of us over 50. Yay!

You guys are gonna love this new program. We're filming it next week but it won't go live, for a couple of months. We do have a new program on Get Healthy U TV going live in the next month. And Madeline, I don't know if you're listening. But it is a really fun dance program.

She is our super fan that loves to dance. So, it is the cutest. Can I say cutest? I don't know. But, it is kind of like a little, it's for those of you who have got some rhythm.

And you're gonna love it. So, Kym is turning 53. And feeling my osteoarthritis. Yeah, you know what? Arthritis, catches up with you as you get older because, some of it is just wear and tear to the joints.

And so here's a saying that one of you GHU TV people, put in our private Facebook group, and here's what it is, motion is lotion. I love this. I have not forgotten it. I think I saw it like last week. Motion is lotion.

So when those joints start to get stiff you got to keep moving them. So Kym, you are doing yourself, a lot of good by moving your body. Because if you let those joints sit you literally get like, rigor mortis. Okay. Looking at purchasing Nike Lunarglides, which number Lunarglides are the best?

Here's the thing, Renee. We don't really have a choice. Nike keeps upgrading them because they always have to do something new. I loved the Lunarglide 5. I loved the Lunarglide 6.

I loved the Lunarglide 7. I have the Lunarglide 8. I wear them. You guys probably see me wearing them in the videos. They are not my favorite of the Lunarglides because, the bottom is so flat, that when I'm teaching on a gym floor, I get slippery.

Okay, so I get very slippery. But if I am on like carpet, or laminate floor they don't slip. So, or if I'm walking outside, I like them. But, they are not good on a gym or like a shiny hardwood floor. But that being said, it's pretty hard to find the old Lunarglides, Renee.

So you're probably just gonna have to go with whatever's the new. And the newest one is the eight. And I do have a couple pair of them. I just wish they would go back to some of the, features in the older model. Ginger root is also good for anti-inflammation, absolutely.

Mitzie asks about gummy vitamins. The reason I'm giggling is I have to tell you guys a very hilarious story. So I'm not a huge fan of gummy vitamins. Typically they can't fit enough gummy, vitamin into that gummy. So you have to take like a load of them like four to eight of them.

And then the other thing is that, a lot of them have added sugars. And so they're just a lot of gelatin and added sugars and food coloring and stuff like that. So I'm just not a huge fan. But, wait, what was it? Memorial Day.

We were up at our cabin and my mother-in-law has some gummies, gummy vitamins. And my girlfriend and I we were in the kitchen we were saying that we were feeling low energy and I just took one of the gummies. And it was like, it was a super hard gummy and it popped off one of my front teeth. And when I say popped off, I mean popped off. Because, I broke both my front teeth when I was a kid.

And so, I have veneers on the front. And they've lasted for decades. But every so often, something just the wrong way hits it. So it popped all the way off. I am not kidding.

And the good news is it popped off in one piece. So I had it, all I needed to do was glue it back on but this was Monday, of Memorial day. So, my kids came in the kitchen they're like, oh my God mom, keep your mouth shut. Like, when you have a nerve dead tooth it really changes your life. I couldn't get it glue down so I had to teach class the next morning at 5:30 and 6:30.

So I just went and taught my classes and I told everybody like, don't look at my mouth, I'm missing a tooth. And then I got glued on. Anyway, I don't know why I find so much humor in that but it was quite hilarious. Okay, Shirley. I'm 40 I was diagnosed with early stage arthritis in my knee.

Should I still be doing lunges and squats or will it make it worse? Okay. So Shirley, you definitely need to consult your doctor on that because it depends on, you know, you say early stage arthritis. Back to the what I just said, motion is lotion. So if you wanna keep those joints from getting stiff and sore, you need the motion.

Should you overdo lunges and squats? No. Should you keep doing them? I would say absolutely. However, if you start to get anything that's pain like muscle fatigue is like, ooh, wow, I've done a lot of squats and lunges.

And you know, I'm really starting to feel it. Pain is like, uh-oh, something's not right in my knee when I'm bending forward or bending backward. And then you wanna stop. So, sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it doesn't.

I think you have to go with that rule of thumb of, when it hurts, don't do it. But I would say doing a moderate amount is gonna be good for continuous, you know, keeping that knee healthy. I wouldn't add like plyometrics and jumping to that routine. But, I would definitely, go with what feels good. My brother is an orthopedic surgeon.

And whenever anything hurts me, back in the years of Step, in particular. I used to say to him, well, when I step up on the Step on the right foot with it, turn this way it hurts. And then he'd say, don't do that. Don't turn your knee in that direction. I'd be like, wow, that was the most expensive advice I ever got from a doctor.

Kidding, no, he doesn't charge me. So anyway, just be really careful. Let's see, okay. GHU TV body weight videos are awesome. Yes, they are awesome for vacation.

Thanks Andrea for the testimony. All right. Love taking resistance bands on trips. That's an awesome idea. Penny says, she's been doing the exercises you recommended for my shoulder injury plus foam rolling and feeling so much better.

Good, Penny. I'm glad to hear that. Foam rolling, by the way you guys, foam rolling is basically self massage. I have a foam roller way over there I can't reach it right now. But, it is, if you don't have a foam roller invest in one.

You can typically buy one for $20 at Target, Dick's Sporting Goods. And they are self myofascial release. So you're getting to the fascia underneath the skin and you can roll out every area of your body. Get blood flow circulation and relieve sore muscles. It is fabulous.

Okay. Let's see. If I upgrade to a gold membership will it last for a full year? Or just until my premium membership expires. Okay, so Anastasia, it lasts for a full year from the day you go gold.

So let's say you go gold tonight. You have a full year from tonight, to be a gold member before you pay the full fee, for the following year. Does that make sense? And I'm going to give you guys a code at the end of this hour, for a $20 membership for the gold membership with the access to all the live workouts, which is awesome. Angie is giving us a really good testimony.

She's a gold member and also a member of the Facebook group. Any of you who are Get Healthy U TV members whether you're a premium or gold member, you can join our Facebook group. And I got to tell you, it is a group of amazingly, positive, kindhearted and motivating women. You need to join the group. Okay.

Oh, she missed my information but I did repeat it. So that's fabulous. Susan is 61 today. Happy birthday Susan. That's fantastic.

You're a member of our Facebook group I know you. Oh, missed half your answer. Okay. Let's see. All right, I'm just cruising through here you guys.

Tracy says, thanks for being so real. Oh, I appreciate you guys too. You have no idea. I am really, I am really a realist. And I also know that I'm over 50.

And I'm no longer, in my 20s. And I feel like I can help a lot of women who are, you know, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s. That are like approaching those years of like, feeling like, oh my gosh, what's happening to my body? Who am I? What am I doing next with my life?

You know, how do I adapt to knowing that I look different or feel different? And we all should feel really good about ourselves. So I want to be there for you. Anastasia, just upgraded to gold. Yay Anastasia!

You are the bomb. Welcome. And I hope you're a part of our Facebook group search for it, on Facebook. It's the Get Healthy U TV members, yeah, that's what it's called, members. Okay, let's see.

It is not an app. Kristi is asking if it's an app, we do not have an app. Let me tell you, an app is a huge investment. You have no idea how much money this costs. To start up a streaming channel like this.

Because, there is so much to it. It's not like you just flip something you guys up on YouTube. There is so much with security, with continual making sure that the website is working, with video quality, with, I can't even go into it. But I gotta tell you there's a whole team behind it. And I'm so appreciative for them.

And so the app is something that, like our website works so well, on mobile, on iPad, on laptop. And then of course, taking it over to your TV that we, that is, you know, something that may happen down the road. But right now, you know, we're spending a ton of money on everything else. Okay. Does the BiPro special end tonight?

Karla is asking. Yes, it does. It should end, automatically at midnight tonight. And I got to tell you thanks to all of you. We have BiPro orders up, to our ears in this office right now.

And we're gonna be sending out those of you who ordered yesterday. Most of those went out and those of you who ordered today, they will be going out tomorrow. And I love seeing a, hello from Brazil. How do I get a DVD? So here's the thing.

You don't need to have a DVD. It's a website, its Gethealthyu, the letter U And I'm gonna be giving you, a URL and a code in a very short period of time here in about five or 10 minutes. So hang tight, okay? Let's see.

What do I think about the keto diet? Chris is asking. A lot of talk about the keto diet lately. It's like paleo or keto? And guess what?

We have an article, about paleo versus keto. So the lovely Molly, will hopefully find that link and put it up for you to read. Read the article we wrote. I'm not a huge fan of keto because, I love fats. I mean, I eat a lot of healthy fats.

But here's the thing, If I eat fat all day, I don't feel that great. It's just, and because I exercise a lot, I really wanna get healthy proteins. And I just love fruits and vegetables so much. And I've never in my life been a red meat or a bacon eater. I don't, even if someone told me it was the best thing for me I don't like the taste of it.

I don't like the way I feel. So I just don't eat that stuff. So anyway, read the article. I think you would really, really like that. Starting a home gym, says Kate.

What do you recommend I start with? Well, first and foremost, I recommend resistance, bands and weights, dumbbells, okay? Because, you get those pretty cheap, like I said, Target, Dick's Sporting Goods. And I think that, you know, between body weight training, resistance bands and some dumbbells, you can get some really good serious strength work in. If you have hardwood floors, you might want a mat.

And again, you can buy mats pretty cheap. And then you can move on to some of the more fun things like a stability ball is a really fun thing that you should be able to purchase for under 50 bucks. And that can go into the closet. A medicine ball, we have a bunch of medicine ball workouts which just adds an element of fun. So that kind of is what I would start with.

Typically in our workouts, in the gold workouts, we use a stability ball, a medicine ball, resistance bands, Step. We add in some of that more fun equipment. Okay. Let's see. So, did I miss anybody's questions?

Any tips on buying resistance bands? So, yeah. I, you know, you guys know, many of you who have been following me know I've worked for SPRI, S P R I, for like the last 15 years. And they are really high quality product they sell to the gyms. So when you go into a gym, nine out of 10 times you're probably seeing a SPRI resistance band or a SPRI stability ball.

So I recommend purchasing those if you're a Get Healthy U TV member, gold member, you have in your dashboard, a coupon, a one-time coupon to use on SPRI. So you can get I think it's a, 15 or 20% discount on SPRI. So check that out. In terms of medicine balls, so I'm gonna ask what size medicine ball? I would start with a six pounder that's kind of a good rule of thumb.

I typically, I personally use an eight pound. I feel like the 10 pound is too heavy for continual movement. A 10 pounder is great if you're just gonna do like 15 lifts and lowers or slams or whatever. If you're doing like an hour long workout with it, or a 45 minute, I would say six pound, maybe eight pound. What's the lifespan of a resistance band?

You know, Laura, you have to look at them. If you start to see a rip in one, then I would say, yeah, throw it out. But, they should be able if you keep them out of the sun and out of the heat last, like a really long time. I've had some of mine for over 10 years. Okay.

Something else I want to mention for you guys that I totally forgot. My team is gonna kill me. Justin from my team told me Chris, mention our pre and post-workout checklist. We put together for you guys, a pre and post-workout checklist. The kind of list of things that you should do pre-workout.

And the things that you should do post-workout. Because so many of you ask that. So we put together the cutest little download for you. And then, silly me forgets to mention it in the beginning of this Facebook Live. So, if you are still online, Molly, do we have the link up so they can find it?

I'm hoping they do. So, I'm waiting for Molly to respond but I'm pretty sure she just put the link up. So if you'd like that pre and post-workout checklist, please, click on the link that Molly just put up on the post. And click on it and give us your email. And then, you will get the checklist in your inbox.

The other thing I wanna say is, you know, I hope you get our newsletters. We try to send you guys a newsletter a couple of times a week. Just to give you ideas of the new stuff that we're writing about. And then some of the new videos that are out. So, that is the purpose for that.

Kym says, she's trying to get her husband to join her in working out. Well, I got to tell you Kym. My, we've been married for 28 years. And I think for the first 10 years it was hard for me to get my husband and motivate with me. But now he loves to work out.

And actually, he's the one that's always like, got to get up for my 6:00 AM class. He works out at home though. He is a definite at home, most of the time he loves to work out in the basement. Jennifer was asking about soy versus protein. So here's the thing.

Soy, if you're gonna eat soy, you wanna make sure it's non-GMO. That's my personal opinion. But non-genetically modified. Because, and too much soy is not a good thing. Especially for us women, with our estrogen.

You don't wanna over eat soy. And what happened was when soy became fashionable in the market a decade or so ago, everybody started adding soy to everything. So, hydrolyzed soy was added to everything and you don't wanna eat hydrolyzed soy. So you have to be really careful on are you eating like real tofu? If you're eating organic tofu, I say, go for it.

But, I'm just not a huge fan of the soy protein powders. I just feel like I would rather have whey protein because it is more readily available and used by your muscles. And a high quality whey gives me, less gas and bloating. I literally have zero digestive problems, when I'm using my BiPro protein. And I do get digestive issues with soy.

So that's my personal opinion. Okay. So, Gerri is still asking about the resistance bands. Yeah, the color is, the colors are not universal for tightness depending on what brand you buy. So, you have to look on that particular brand and go for like, for instance, SPRI red band is medium, SPRI green band is easier.

So, but that might not carry true to other companies. Okay. Let's see, anybody else asking a question? We're kind of coming to the end of our get together here. I wanna talk to you guys, about Get Healthy U TV.

So, for those of you who don't know anything about it, this is the link, to join as a gold member. We have two memberships, premium and gold. And the gold membership is the one that gets access to the live workouts every Monday morning. So we do a live workout every Monday at 9:00. But you don't have to watch them live.

They go into your account. So if you are a gold member, you're just getting a brand new gym quality workout every single Monday. Now, the live workouts are all 45 minutes. So they're a good, solid workout that go into your account. Then we have the programs which are available to the premium members, our regular members and gold members.

And those range from 10 minutes to 20 minutes to 30 minutes to 45. And we even have a 60-minute Yoga Flowetry which is beautiful, by the lovely Jennifer Galardi. And we also have a 45-minute stress-relief yoga. By the way you guys, if you haven't tried that stress relief yoga by Jennifer, it is truly, a stress buster. Like it is, I wanna use the word lovely.

'Cause not only do you feel so stretched, you feel so relaxed afterwards. She literally holds Savasana, which is the resting pose at the end for 10 full minutes. I don't know any exercise video that gives you 10 minutes of full on meditative Savasana. I love it. So, I think you should check it out.

But, if you join as a gold member and you use the coupon code, Chrisgold20, you can become a gold member for $20 for the year. That comes out to like, a dollar, 20 something a month, which is ridiculous. Like that is ridiculously cheap. I don't know how anyone could tell me, that that is not the best deal in town. And I just saw somebody put up something they said they love Jennifer.

Yes, Jennifer is an amazing trainer. Amy is an amazing trainer. We have a new dance, spoiler alert, program coming on with the funky and cool, Ben, he's our first male trainer. And he's a hip hop/jazz/cool dancer. So that one's gonna be great.

We have five gold trainers, Lindsey, Jodi, Leah, Kate and myself, who are fun and awesome. And you know, really good at what we all do. So, we have a lot of variety at Get Healthy U TV. So I hope you'll join us. For those of you who've been doing my DVDs, and should I say VHS tapes, from back in 2000 what?

Like, well, in the early 2000s we used VHS tapes. I just kind of decided about two and a half years ago that I wasn't gonna do that anymore. Because nobody has a DVD player anymore. And I decided to move into the streaming world. And it has been a learning curve for a lot of you.

I know to move into the world of like, you know, WiFi. And it can be frustrating. Because, they do get stuck. But, I think back to some of the, or they do freeze up or your WiFi goes out. But I think back to some of the days of DVDs when the DVD would freeze.

Or you had to, like go like this through the menu for every workout or whatever, I mean, the technology brings on frustrations. So I really appreciate all of you who just stick with it. And Get Healthy U TV is really, you know, it's high tech. It's really fun to talk to the tech people we have so much going on. I get really excited every time I talk about it.

So, this is your code to join Get Healthy U TV, if you would like. Don't forget about the pre and post-workout checklist. If you'd like it, please, go ahead and download it. 'Cause it's really fun. We put it together as a team for you guys.

Someone was just asking about the code for BiPro. So, on BiPro I mean, sorry on If you go to gethealthyu, the letter U .com, click on the store and click on BiPro. The coupon code to get $5 off the tab, is summer 17. So just the word summer, and then the number 17.

And it's good through, thank you Karla for sharing that. It's good through, midnight tonight. Now, also one other thing I just wanna clarify for those of you who have stuck with us, this is a long time, its an hour long. We have two websites. So is the free website.

That's where we post new recipes, a lot. We post recipes every week. We post new articles every week. Everything is free on Gethealthyu except for the stuff in the store. But it's all free information about lifestyle, workouts, getting fit, losing weight, mental fitness, physical fitness, food, nutrition, all that stuff is free.

And then we have a bunch of free videos and stuff like that. Gethealthyutv is the paid membership. So if you actually wanna work out with me and the other trainers then you join the membership, which is So there are two websites that sit by side-by-side. So hopefully you guys have figured that out.

And I hope you will work out with me and the other trainers. We love it. I thank you so much for always being engaged. And I want you guys to know that from the bottom of my heart, thank you Renee for your kind words. From the bottom of my heart, we put so much effort into this.

And like I said, this is my passion project. Helping all of you at home have a resource, to move your bodies. And should realized that it doesn't matter what age you are. Or if you're five pounds overweight or 10 pounds overweight or whatever, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you take care of your body you get your heart pumping.

You feel strong in your mind and your heart and your body. That you have great relationships. That you care about meaningful things. That you live by the 80/20 rule. And you, you know, like life is too short to say you're not gonna have another chip in your life or a stupid French fry.

I mean, knock yourself out and have one. And enjoy life. But that, you got to go back to that 80/20 rule. So, just to end, I wanna mention that this new course that's coming out, The Whole Body Reset, which you will have to pay for, has become my passion project. And it's gonna be seven weeks of learning.

And it is literally learning. Like we're not handing you a menu that says, eat this for two weeks and do this for two weeks. And yay you! You know, those are like, the challenges that we give you guys, through Get healthy U and Get Healthy U TV. But this is a full on course.

Like you're signing up to learn more, about your mental health. And to learn more about your physical health. And what food actually does in your body. And I've literally spent the last 25 years of my life researching all this about movement and meals and mindsets. And I've gone to a million seminars.

And I've talked to a million gurus. And I love it. So I really hope that you guys will join me in the course once that is out and available. Okay, Beverly says, thank you you guys. So this has been a really interesting experiment for me today, using BeLive TV.

I love that I can put your questions right on the screen. But when you guys are typing into Facebook, the comments are disappearing really quickly. So what I think I'm learning for the next time, is that I need to have my Facebook app open on my phone. And then I can read your comments as they're coming. So thank you, you guys all for your kind words.

Life is too short to hate. So thank you for always being so kind. And remember that you deserve it. You deserve to be, to take care of yourself. And if there's one thing I could say about my three kids but there's a lot of things I could say about my three kids.

But, I think that they do in their hearts, value their health. I think they would tell you that, like they're gonna work out, they're gonna eat healthy and they're gonna take care of their bodies and their mind because they know that they are worth it. And that's something I wanna impart to you. I hope you impart that to your families and your friends. It takes a community.

So anyway, gosh, I got on a soap box at the end. Didn't I? All right. I am so flipping tired you guys, I don't wanna talk to another person today. I'm going home and I'm going to bed.

I have a really big day tomorrow. So thanks so much for joining. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. All of you are Get Healthy U TV members. I will be live on Monday again at lunch.

That's what we always do. And I just wanna mention, we're doing a really fun giveaway on Monday. So just so you know, we're doing some giveaways from Juice So Good, one of our partners that we partner with. We only partner with brands that we think are the bomb. And they are the bomb diggity.

I'm talking amazing products. So get ready for that on Monday. All right you guys, take care. Have an amazing evening. Keep taking care of yourself.

And I will check in with you as always, on all social media, every single freaking day. Okay. Love you guys. Bye bye.

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