GHUTV LIVE! New Habits, New Ideas and Better Health
Chris FreytagDescription
Get your questions ready and join us!
Okay, hello everybody, we're live. Welcome to the Get Healthy U TV LIVE Q and A, monthly LIVE Q and A. Hey, it's 2021. Yes, it is. It's a new year.
New excitement, new goals, new, new everything, hopefully. So we're super excited to be here. I'm Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV. And I've got Sam Cam with me, Hi. my right and my left hand.
I used to say my right hand, now I'm like, my right and left hand. I don't know about that. And my brain and everything else. We're really excited to be here. We come here every month to answer your questions.
Sometimes we will bring in one of our other trainers. You know, during COVID, it's been a little bit more tricky. Sam and I have kind of been in our own, what do you call that, quarantine bubble? Quarantine bubble, yep. Together, but it's hard to bring in a lot of different people.
So hold tight, you guys, we're gonna make it through. It's fun to hear from some of the other trainers. Also, some of the other Gold trainers, and I'm just gonna lead into that by saying, if you haven't signed up for the Fitness Weekend yet, sign up, it's January 30th and 31st. We're doing our first virtual event that we've ever done before. Information will pull up on the screen here soon.
So I'm probably stressing out our production gal. Jess, are you okay over there, Jess? She's got it. But we're going virtual for a two-morning session from eight to noon, two mornings in a row. All eight trainers will be there.
You'll get to know them a little better. We'll be in our new studios that are much bigger. I'm so excited for you guys to see our new studios. It's so exciting. And so we'll be able to socially distance.
We're gonna have some Q and A's and some workshops. So at that time, you're gonna get to see and hear from the other trainers too. But Sam and I are here today with a lot of pre-asked questions, you guys are always full of questions. I talk as fast as I can, and we talk as fast as we can for an hour. Just a little info.
We are in the middle of moving studios. So we're in my kitchen right now. Normally, we would be at the Get Healthy U TV studios, but we're moving. So you guys are gonna see that new studio on January 24th or 5th, whatever that Monday is, we're so excited. But I have two dogs running around and they're like, toddlers.
They make a little noise. So we're gonna try to keep them quiet while we move along. So, all right, Sam, let's, let's hit it. Real life. Real life.
Just while we're on the virtual Fitness Weekend, we do have a question. Yes. When, they signed up, so when will they receive this link how to kind of access the weekend? That is a good question. We're gonna put that on our to-do list right now.
We do have a series of three emails that are gonna be coming to you that are telling you about, reminding you about the weekend, telling you what to have ready, like wear your workout clothes, have a water bottle. They're gonna give you the link to an event platform. We are using an event platform that kind of embeds Zoom. You guys are gonna love it because we have over like 500 people coming. So it's, we need a lot of space and it's a platform that can handle a lot of people.
So stay tuned, that's coming. I will, I would assume we'll get that first email out in the next few days. Yep, in the next few days, and then, right before that weekend, there'll be everything. Oh, we've got about three emails coming to you before that weekend to remind you what to do. PS, I wanna tell you two things about that weekend.
If you have not signed up, the Early Bird Special already ended. So those of you who jumped on Early Birds, way to go,. It's still very affordable. And I have a 10% off coupon for those of you who haven't signed up yet. You can put in the coupon code with the link we're gonna give you, CHRIS10.
So it just says my name, C-H-R-I-S-10, and you will get 10% off. So that's kind of a nice thing. So just stay tuned for that. And I had one other thing I was gonna tell you, but who the heck knows, it escaped me. When it comes to me, I'll tell you.
Chris, somebody is asking, "Is there gonna be swag bag for the fitness class?" Swag bag. If we can hand it through the screen, there would be. We don't have any swag, but you know, we do have downloads that will be available. And you're gonna get the chance to really converse with the eight trainers. Oh, I know, here's the swag bag.
We added a little happy hour to Friday night. It was supposed to be just Saturday and Sunday, but we were like, "Let's do a little happy hour "on Friday night where we'll have a little conversation." It's not like we're gonna be able to talk to each other on the screen because there's so many people. But you know, I dunno, we figure only about a third or a fourth, maybe a fourth of you will come to the happy hour. But it's gonna be me and Sam, probably be Shelly. We'll see who we can gather.
We're gonna talk about, you know, grab a cocktail, chit-chat. We have some things to cover about goal-setting, and our word for 2021, and fun stuff like that. So if you wanna join in before, we'll talk about where you guys are all from, and that kind of stuff. So okay, now let's get into the questions. All right, now the questions, here we go.
"Benefits of protein, specifically protein powders, "When is the best time to consume? "And what else should be added?" Okay, so protein in general is the building block of muscle. In order to repair and rebuild muscle, you need to eat protein. Protein is made of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids.
Oh, now I'm gonna screw, change this up. Nine of them are essential meaning your body cannot make them. So you have to take them in through food. 11 of them are manufactured in your body. The nine that are essential are always in animal foods.
So if you eat animal products, you get those nine essential amino acids. If you are a vegetarian, no worry though, because if you combine different fruits, and vegetables, and grains, you're gonna get those nine essential amino acids during the day. You don't have to freak out about it. Just eat a good, well-rounded diet, and you're gonna get those amino acids. Now, how much protein you need, approximately a half gram per pound of, or let's just say, one gram, no, we'll say a half gram per pound of body weight.
So if you weigh 140 pounds, you need about 70 grams, give or take. If you are super athletic, if you are training for some major event, if you are an athlete, like when my kids were playing college sports, you need more protein. You might go up to a gram. If you are a male, you might go up to two grams, depending on how intense of an athlete you are. But a half a gram is gonna be a pretty decent amount for the midally, you know, moderately to heavily active female.
How do you get that protein in? That's up to you. If you like protein powder, use protein powder. If you don't like protein powder, don't use it. It is literally another form of amino acids.
So when I look at my day, I'm like, okay, I usually eat some, I kind of eat chicken pretty often because I like it and it's easy to make. I do to, yep. I know you do too. Like every night. She and I eat a lot the same, but she's allergic to nuts and seeds, and I eat a lot of nuts and seeds.
So, you know, you have to do what works for you. Nuts and seeds also have some protein. I take in protein through some of the vegetables I eat. I'm trying to think of, oh, I eat Greek yogurt, which is about 20 grams of protein. I eat like that once a day.
But to get to that 70 plus grams of protein I need a day, for me, a scoop of protein powder just helps me get there. Do you feel that way? Yeah. And I like it for my breakfast. So my point being is you don't have to consume protein powder, but if that's another way for you to get to your protein grams, use it.
Now, you can use plant-based protein powder made from nuts, and seeds, and pea, and rice, and there's hemp, and all different kinds of plant-based proteins. If you like whey protein, what I love about whey is it's a perfect protein. It's those nine essential amino acids because it is derived from dairy. So dairy and animal products are gonna give you those nine essentials. If you like BiPro, you know, we have partnered with BiPro, gosh, for the last five years.
They are a protein powder company that was originally based in Minneapolis. They were a small company based in Minneapolis, and they are high in the BCAs, which are the branched-chain amino acids, which are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. I mean, I am giving you way too much info here, right? So leucine is really, really good for muscle synthesis. So that's why we really recommend the BiPro.
Here's the other thing, word to the wise, protein powders can be filled with a lot of crap. Just like anything, protein bars can be filled with a lot of crap. So you have to be a label reader. I like just plain old protein powder. I wanna put it in the blender.
And then I wanna add my own berries, my own banana, my own avocado, my own whatever I wanna add to that blender, almond milk, and mix it up. There are protein powders that you shake with water, and that's all you need, and you're on the go, and it tastes great. It already has everything added to it, that's fine. I prefer not to use that kind. So again, it's a choice that you make.
BiPro Elite is the plain protein powder. BiPro Bold is the protein powder with other things added, not bad ingredients, but other things added so that you really don't even need fruit, you can just shake it up in water. I use the protein, the BiPro Elite all the time. We hand out the protein, the powder code all the time. As a matter of fact, we give you a 20% discount off BiPro, and somebody asked for the code today and we found out it expired on December 31st.
So we got a new code for you. So Sam will put that in the group. So I hope that answers your questions. Now, when to fill with protein best is, they call it the magic window, the window of opportunity after a workout. So within 45 minutes, if you can get protein into your system, that would be amazing for muscle recovery.
But up to two hours is that magic window. So let's say you work out at 5:00 p.m., and then you go and eat dinner right away, you don't need protein powder, 'cause if you're about to eat up a nice well-rounded dinner, you don't need it. Let's just say you workout at one in the afternoon and you're not gonna eat again until 7:00 p.m. Then maybe protein powder would be a nice supplement for you right after that workout to get those 20 plus grams of protein into your system for muscle recovery. So it is good to get that protein in about 45 minutes up to two hours at the longest after a workout into your system.
And Chris, does it matter whether you're doing a strength workout that day or a cardio, do the protein amounts change depending on what type of workout you're doing? I mean, you can get like, if, again, if you're an athlete that's training to win an Ironman or whatever it is that you're doing, you probably wanna consult a nutritionist and get serious, serious about the nutrient timing. So nutrients are in, so you guys, we're doing a deep dive here, okay. Macronutrients are carbs, proteins, and fats. That's what food is made out of, carbs, proteins, fat, and water.
And then, micronutrients are what are in the carbs, fats, and proteins. So micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals. There's no reason to count or time your nutrients if you're just, you know, I guess I don't wanna say a regular person, but I guess I'll say regular person, like we are. High-end athletes are going to time their nutrients. So that being said, I wouldn't get so worried about like, you know, when did you get your protein or, well, protein after workout is good, but all the other timing or spacing out of nutrients, I think it's just about getting a well-rounded diet.
What was the other part of that question? Just if you strength train to be-- Oh, strength versus cardio. So it depends on what kind of cardio workout you do. Like if you're doing a cardio workout that just involved jump lunges, split jumps, and squat jumps, and box jumps, and you were doing burpees and stuff, well, that is using your muscles. And so getting protein in after that workout is smart.
And when you go running, you're still using your muscles. So to me, I wouldn't go, "Oh gosh, I did cardio today. "I'm not eating protein." I would just go with the idea of protein after a workout. Absolutely. We have Sandra asking, "Are there certain workouts better for certain body types?
"I am short, 4'11" to be exact, and I bulk up fast, "but at the age where I need to do weights regularly. "So what would be the best workouts "to help look leaner instead of stockier?" Yeah, and so some people do hold muscle faster than others and they bulk up faster. And so workouts like Pilates, and Barre, and Yoga Sculpt, like our Buff Body Yoga, and things with lighter weights, higher reps are maybe gonna keep you away from bulking. But the other thing is when you're short, it's just making sure to get that ratio of body fat too. So a lot of times people go, "Oh, my arm is so big," but it's like, well, if we got reduced the body fat around the muscle, I bet you wouldn't think the muscle was so big.
So it's finding a way for your body to be able to reduce the extra upholstery, as I call it. And so when you're 4'11", I mean, you still can do any workout. I do think women in particular get more concerned about like, "Will my legs bulk up from running "or my butt bulks up from whatever," right? Sam's laughing 'cause she's like-- I'm laughing 'cause I am that person. She says that all the time, I'm like, "No, your legs and your butt are awesome." But you know, Barre, yoga, anything like, I love that Buff Body Yoga, where we use the weights with the yoga, Pilates, high reps, low weights.
But I wouldn't be, you know, the thing is in most of like, for instance, our Get Healthy U TV workouts, we're using weights from somewhere between five and 15 pounds, that's not considered like uber-heavy. If you were to go in the weight room, you might be pressing, you know, bench pressing, let's just say 75 pounds, you know, and do 10 reps. That's a different kind of lifting than the types of classes we do. So honestly, I feel like if you are a Get Healthy U TV member, any class is fair game for you. Yeah, and I wouldn't be afraid to even take some days to lift a little heavier.
I mean, I'm only 5'3", I'm not that tall either, but you know, it does feel good every once in a while to pick up the 20 pound weights. Again, that's heavy for me, but I'm not somebody that's gonna go bench press 75 pounds, but don't be afraid to pick up a little heavier every so often. Right. We have Maria asking, "What are your thoughts on soy milk?" So the only way that I would ever drink soy milk is if it is non-GMO. Soy is like the most highly genetically modified crop in America, sugarcane, soy, and wheat.
So I, personally, this is a social decision I make, ethical decision about the environment or whatever. I just don't like to eat genetically modified foods. So that's a preference for you. I mean, it's a whole nother discussion, right? I'm not a big soy lover.
Getting too much soy in your diet is not recommended. However, soy itself is not a bad thing, like edamame is good for you or good quality soy. The problem is soy and sugar are both bastardized ingredients. They are so abused. So a little bit of raw, good sugar isn't gonna kill you.
But sugar has 60 alias names and it's chemically refined, and all these things, same thing with soy. Soy isoflavone, soy isolate, all these hydrolyzed soy, yuck, yuck, yuck! And they're put into all processed foods because they're cheap and they help the makeup of the food. And that's where soy gets its bad name. Absolutely, we have April asking, "I've been getting stronger and more flexible, "but side lunges, I still am not able to do." Her knees are always out of position and they're no longer over her ankle.
So she has resolved to just doing reverse lunges. And that's just how she kind of makes that modification. Is there any type of suggestion that you have to get that range of motion? Well, here's the thing, without knowing you, if side lunges aren't good for your body, like if your knee hurts you, or if you feel this weird twinge, or whatever, don't do 'em. A reverse lunge is as effective as a side lunge, no problem.
You could do cross behind lunge. See if that feels better. You don't even have to do a lunge, do a squat. Because, depending on your age and your body, I would give you suggestions because for all of us over 50 years old, I mean, there's just a point where it's like, "Okay, that doesn't feel good on my body," don't do it anymore because there's other alternatives. It's like, okay, if you know you're allergic to strawberries, don't eat 'em, eat raspberries and blueberries.
I mean like, it's that kind of a feeling. So don't feel like side lunches are the be all, end all. Don't do 'em if they're bio-mechanically, it is going to cause an injury or a problem for you. However, if you feel like, "Well, I'm just not strong enough yet," when you go into that side lunge, it's like you wanna sit one butt cheek on a bleacher, you know, the old fashioned bleachers or picnic bench? So you sit into it, don't go, you know, make sure your feet are nice and wide too, sorry, Sam, I didn't mean to hit you.
'Cause sometimes people's feet are too narrow. Like really widen those feet. Sit into that one butt cheek and pull back up. And maybe you do them with no weights in your hand and a lot slower so you can really focus on the form, and see if that helps you. But at the end of the day, if it is something that you think is promoting injury or knee instability because of age, or your past, or whatever, don't do it.
Awesome, "How do you work on stabilization of the hips?" She knows that she needs to strengthen, but how do you work on that muscle stabilization in your hips? So your hips, I mean, are a ball and socket joint, like your shoulders, so you really wanna stabilize the joint. There is muscle in there, you know, you've got the glutes surrounding it. You've got your quads that tie up in there, and you've got your psoas muscle that goes from your hip and is like a piece of rope that goes cross-section through your body and attaches to your sacrum back there. So there are different muscles in there.
But you have a lot of ligaments and tendons, and joint mobility and stability are super important. We have a couple of workouts on Get Healthy U TV called Mobility and Stability, Core Balance, things like that, where you balance on one leg and you get all those stabilizers to work. You do single leg squats, single leg work. You do hip circles, and runner's lunges, and yoga poses holding warrior one, and crescent lunge. And some of those things are gonna get you to hold and stabilize.
So working on mobility and stability will create joint health. And so, yes, you wanna strengthen the muscles, but you really wanna stabilize the joint. The way the question was asked, I was thinking maybe there was some stability issues in the hip. So ball and socket joints need to be attended to. And then, Pilates is also such an underrated method.
The reason people sometimes underrate Pilates is because you aren't super sweaty. You're thinking, "Oh, is this a waste of my time?" I mean, if you got that mentality, which I'm gonna admit, I come from that world of like, "I wanna burn calories and I wanna work out," you know? It's like, well, a Pilates workout might only burn 200 calories. But I came to find out that it's not about the calorie burn. It's about the health of your entire body.
Love your whole body. Love burning calories. Love moving your body. Love your muscles. Love the fact that your body can do all these amazing things.
And Pilates is so important for preserving your core, your back, and your joint health. So we have some fabulous, they're all, you can type the word Pilates into the search engine, but I also, on Get Healthy U TV, but I would suggest going to the Gold workouts. If you're a Gold member, click on abs and core, and you're gonna see about 10 plus, probably more, 10 plus Pilates workouts. Going on that same topic with yoga and Pilates, When you do, I'm even blanking on the name of the move, but you're all the way back and you bring your feet all the way up and over. Rollover.
Thank you. All the way your feet behind, how you get to that position? She's saying that she can get her feet up, like straight up into the air, but to actually touch the ground behind her, how do you make that progression to get there? First of all, you have to be warm. That is, as a mat Pilates instructor, I actually sometimes pull my mat Pilates sheet out and I look at it when I'm teaching Pilates so you're going in the right progression because it is a method.
That would be the last exercise you would do in your progression of the workout. You would never do that first because you need all those vertebrae and back extensors and everything to be warmed up. So how do you get there? It's through flexibility, whoops, sorry. My dogs are underneath the table.
Both dogs are underneath the table now. Now what is going on? Rusty, get outta here. So you have to get that flexibility in your back. Cat-cow, rollover, roll up.
All of those things are gonna help with that flexibility. Then if you feel really warm, start to try it out. However, you may have some limitations. You may just not be that flexible. You may have some injury to your back, depending on the age.
I got my back MRI'd when I was, I dunno, I was about 48 years old. And the doctor said to me, "Yeah, you got the normal wear and tear "of a 48-year-old woman who has been active. "There's no way your spine is gonna "look like a ten-year-old. "You're going to look like a 48-year-old." So you have to take that into a little bit of a consideration that you may or may not be the person that does that exercise. And then, the other thing I was going to say about flexibility is bend your knees.
If you've got your legs long lever, anytime the lever is long and away from the core, it gets harder. So what you need to do is bend your knees. They call it candle pose, actually, when you pull your feet up and over and bend your knees kind of around your ears and that will help to increase the flexibility in your back. Rusty is physically under the table. You guys have to see Rusty, Rusty, Rusty, right there.
Are you there? What a naughty dog. No, we love you. Kind of along the same topics. We have a member saying that the last mobility workout she did was awesome from Leah.
Come here. She said that, "I can never fit it in "because I'm always rushing to do cardio "or strength workouts. "Are there any 10-minute mobility videos?" Yes, there are. We have quite a few. I'm gonna, oh, he went right back under the table.
We have a couple that are stretch, they're called 10-Minute Lengthen and Strengthen or something. We have a couple 10-minute stretches. So absolutely go to the 10-minute workouts. You can now sort the 10-minute workouts by category, which is so nice. Everybody was so excited because there was like 60s plus of those 10-minute workouts.
So you wanna be able to sort by what you're looking for. So go to the yoga flexibility section and you'll find them. But the other thing I would suggest, and you know, this is hard for me too, but is take a day off, and do the long 30 to 40-minute mobility workout. Skip the cardio for a day. Your body is gonna be fine.
If you burn 200 less calories on one day, guess what? Nothing's gonna change in your body. You're gonna be fine. And you're gonna benefit from that 30 to 40-minute mobility. But I get it because I did the same thing.
Yeah, I think that something that an injury has taught me, Yes! is to really, really listen to your body. Like there might be a day, actually, yesterday was one of those days for me. I was super sore from taking your workout on Tuesday. And Wednesdays, I just really like to get a workout in, but I was like, you know what?
No, I can flip flop my days around. I don't have to do my recovery day on Sunday like I normally do. And so yesterday I took it easier and I did a 30-minute Pilates just to like, cool. And that was all, I mean, it felt weird, but I was like, I have to do it. And so an injury will slow you down and it'll make you realize, you train really hard, but you also have to recover even harder.
Right, and so Sam, and I love hearing that from you, Sam, 'cause she is Energizer Bunny and she had foot surgery. How many months ago? Four months ago. Four months ago. But still, I mean, it's a long, It's a long process.
It's a long journey, so. "New workout calendars for 2021. "Are there any beginner, moderate exercise level? "Or is there one that you would recommend?" She's 49 years old. She loves Get Healthy U TV, Yay.
but is looking for kind of a beginner intermediate. Okay, so all of you who are Get Healthy U TV members, we have how many calendars? 45 did we say? Yes, 45. 45 calendars and we make new ones all the time.
We do our best to either take suggestions from you members. I mean, you guys are great at giving us suggestions. Like, "We're looking for a calendar that incorporates..." We're still going to do a calendar that incorporates the Tread and Shred? Yes. So we're gonna put the Tread and Shred if you guys have treadmills, lots of you do.
So anyway, my point is we create calendars that you guys suggest. We create calendars that we see the need for. There are a couple of newer beginner calendars. Foundations is one of them. Foundations is truly beginner, but I love that calendar.
Yeah, I do too. There's a lot of different workouts in there. Like, not a lot of repetition. Yeah, a lot of, a lot of different. Some of the first calendars we made like five years ago had a lot of repetition.
And then we started learning from you guys that you wanted calendars that had no repetition. So we started really, really giving you a variety. So check that out. You will notice in the corner, there on one corner, it says Gold if it has Gold workouts in it. So you'll know if it includes Gold or it's just Premium.
And then the other corner says Beginner, if it's Beginner. So do look at that. There are like seven different Beginner workouts, or Beginner calendars. Foundations is the one I'm thinking of first. If you're looking for intermediate, I'm gonna say Fit Over 40, that's a really good calendar.
That would be kind of your intermediate. And I also like the LIFT calendar, Low Impact Fusion calendar that gives you low impact. And I also love the Walking calendars. I'm a huge fan of the power walking, the Walk, Sweat, Sculpt. That calendar, Walk, Sweat, Sculpt might be close to my favorite.
Yeah, that one's a really good one. And it is marked Beginner. Yeah, it is? It is. It's not that Beginner.
It's I would say, it's Beginner to Intermediate. But yeah, it is. And Jab, Punch, Crunch. Jab, Punch, Crunch is a good one. Mm hmm.
Mm hmm. Just a lot of great ones. Yeah. Let's see, okay. We have somebody is saying she recently joined Get Healthy U TV and is loving the workouts.
She is 60 plus years old and has osteoporosis. "Are there any workouts specifically good for bad bones?" Lift, lift, lift, lift. Strength training builds bone mass. And depending on your fitness level, even a little jumping, little jumping, jumping builds bone mass. Any kind of impact will help to build bone mass.
Now, I don't want you to get injured, but I teach a live class that is all functional strength training. There's no cardio in it, it's just strength. And I have women from probably 70, 75, in the back row to the front. There are some kids who are literally kids. They're 20.
In high school, yeah. Yeah, and everybody gets a decent workout because strength training is, you know, you take it and you tailor it to your body. So the range of motion that you squat or lunge and the heavy weights that you pick up is up to you. You wanna challenge yourself. So to build bone mass, you gotta build, you got to build, you know, strengthen your muscles at the same time through strength training.
I would, you gotta feel fatigued. So it's that feeling of, "Oh, I can barely do another bicep curl." If you're going like this, and you're just looking around, that's not gonna help you build bone mass or build muscle. So you want to feel muscle fatigue. And then be kind to yourself. I'm thinking of one gal in particular who's been coming to my classes, my live classes.
And she, boy, I'm not sure how old she is. So I'm not even gonna say that, but she had a hand surgery, 'cause she looks, she looks young, but she's gotta be in her late 60s, 70s. And she had like a wrist surgery. And by gum, that woman is so motivated. She wears a brace.
She cannot put any pressure on her wrist. Her bone growth has been really slow to regenerate, but she's working on taking her calcium, and she uses her forearm plank. And she picks up that weight everyday just to start to build that bone mass. So, you know, where there's a will, there's a way. Put your mind to it.
But the best thing you can do for yourself is start a strength training program. Absolutely. We've actually had this question quite frequently lately. "Is there a way to preview the workouts "when you are logged into your account?" You know, that is an interesting question because it immediately takes it into, you have to log out. Yeah.
I mean, that would be a question for our developers 'cause the website is super complicated, you guys. You have no idea. That's a question we'll ask the developers, but I don't think-- I don't know. there is. I mean, if sometimes if I wanna preview and I logged in-- I just log out.
Well, I stay logged in and I just kind of jump forward to see. Oh, you jump forward, okay. So I kind of just jump forward and see what it is. But logging out would probably be the easiest because we give you a one-minute preview. Yeah, there's a one-minute preview for every workout.
So that's a question for us to ask the developers. I kept that on the list. Okay, we'll ask him. All right, "Is it okay to do the workouts "combine cardio and weights all of the time "or should we do straight cardio "and straight weights on other days "so that there's kind of a combo of it all?" She really wants to firm up. And she also does try to do one day of stretching, so.
Nice, good job. You know, see, here's the thing. I'm not as big into rules because when you give too many rules, people quit or they fail because it's very hard to stay so regimented, you know? Yes, we're in the middle of a pandemic, but people's lives are busy. They have careers and jobs.
They have kids, they have parents they are taking care of. You have a house maybe that you own and that you've gotta do all the maintenance on. And you've got friendships to maintain. It's like, "Okay, now you're gonna set "a million rules on my workouts?" Forget it. Move your freaking body.
And if you like to do weights and cardio every single day and you aren't over-sore, go for it. See how your schedule works out. Now, this is my personal opinion. I like to have one straight up cardio day. I just love the euphoria I feel from just straight up cardio.
So I do kickboxing one day a week, where it is just kickboxing, and just get that heart rate up and sweat it out. The way my schedule has worked out, over the years I used to kind of lift weights Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Then I did this, this, and this. Now, the way my schedule works out, I always do weights Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Like those are my weight days.
And then Friday, I do straight up cardio, and Saturday and Sunday are my recovery days. I'm either doing, typically, I change it up, but typically it's some sort of stretching, and then walking, I walk. So, you know, it depends on what's best for you, but you don't have to be uber sore every single day. That's not necessarily the goal. If you are sore and you used your muscles in different ways or really overtaxed them, do take a day off.
But if you are doing the combo type workouts that we do circuits and intervals, a lot of like combining of getting the heart rate up while you're lifting weight, and you stay regular, listen, you can change your body. You can build weight muscle. This is what I kind of always say. So I've been a group fitness junkie for 30 years, and the power of a group. And I've also been a personal trainer for 20 plus years.
And one thing that I notice about group fitness, and group fitness is what we do at Get Healthy U TV, it's the concept of weights and cardio at the same time in an organized workout, is that people who stay consistent with that kind of workout make changes. I see people in the gym who come to the gym and they lift weights and they're a little haphazard. They maybe aren't working out as hard as they would if someone was pushing them or they maybe take longer breaks in between things or they do cardio one day, and then strength the next day. And it's just not the same. Like when you are committed and you are doing that type of high intensity workout, you're getting the afterburn, you're picking up challenging weights, and you're so consistent with your every day, I see bodies change all the time, bodies and minds change all the time.
I'm a huge fan of it. So get away from following too many rules. Absolutely. We have somebody asking, "What workouts do you recommend when you have upper body issues like a stiff neck or a stiff back?" Hmm, Pilates, Pilates, Pilates. Pilates is all about back and core.
Pilates is all about the 24 vertebrae. The first thing you learn in Pilates is about your seven vertebrae in your neck, which are your cervical spine, C1 through C7, your thoracic spine, T1 through T12, and your lumbar spine, L1 through L5. And Pilates is all about getting range of motion and movement through all of your vertebrae. So there are exercises where you just even do neck rolls. And you think, "Well, that's silly." No, it's not because those cervical vertebrae support your head.
And if you ever saw the movie "Jerry Maguire," the human head weighs eight pounds. I will never forget that, right? Did you see "Jerry McGuire? Uh-huh. I mean, 'cause you're younger, I don't know.
I made my kids watch it. Yep. One of my favorite old time movies. So you are supporting your head every single day. And now in our new world of technic, where people are kind of like pulling their head forward so those cervical vertebrae are getting abused, there are things you can do with neck stretches, with neck rolls, with making sure that when you're lifting weights, you are not pull, I always cue people not to pull it into their neck, but to keep their shoulders relaxed away from their ears, and actually use the shoulder muscle, not the trapezius and neck muscles.
So you can learn to strengthen your neck through Pilates. You can learn to relax your neck through stretching. It's a body area that definitely deserves attention. Especially now that we're all sitting at our computers, Ugh, yeah. all day long.
Okay, a few questions on heart rate zones and kind of what to do with those. But we have one member asking, "I am 54 and my heart rate is higher than the suggestion "for my age group at times during a workout. "Do I look at the average? "Do I try and decrease my activity "so I don't go as high with that number? "Looking for some guidance as far as heart rate zones." So if you can get your heart rate up that high and you are not like at the place where you're gonna pass out, yay you!
Now again, I have to preface it without knowing you or knowing your health history. If you have any heart health issues in your genetic DNA in your family, if you have any heart issues that you know of with your own doctor, then you should be asking about that through your doctor. But if you are just able to get that heart rate up high and you still feel okay, go for it. Everybody's body is different. Sam and I have a friend, she is tiny, tiny, tiny girl.
She's just this peanut. She works out so hard and she's my age. Well, she's a little younger than me, but you know, she's a mom. And her heart rate is always like 180. And if my heart rate was 180, call 911 right away, 'cause I'm having a heart attack.
And my workouts as I've aged, I used to get my heart rate up more like 160, but I'd say right now for me, really working hard, 140s and 150s is me really working hard. Now, that being said, some of it is genetic code. Some of it is just the size of your heart. Like our little friend, she must have a small heart that beats really fast. And you know what?
Her daughters have the same thing. Same thing. Their heart rate goes like crazy high where you'd think, "Oh my gosh, you're gonna have a heart attack." Well, no, that is who they are. So own your own zone. Don't get so concerned with what a chart on the internet told you.
The best thing I ever learned when these devices first came out was, and my device is on right now. I was laughing, you bumped it. I bumped it in and turned on. But here's the thing, is to own your own zone. So when you first start working out with a watch or a device, you get your heart rate up to where you're working really hard and you look down and you look at that number.
And then you look at that number. And then you look at that number, day after day, a couple of weeks in a row. You're gonna get to know your zones. You're gonna go, "I know that when my heart rate "gets 145, I'm pushing myself. "That is a high zone for me, I must be in my zone four.
"I know that when I'm walking outside, I'm at 110, "I'm in a very low intensity zone." So you kind of get to know your own zones and own it. It is not dangerous. Like if you can get your heart rate up that high and you feel okay, you're not gonna pass out, good, Yeah. I mean, yeah, go for it. We have another member too, kind of asking like when she works out with someone, they kind of compare.
And I think we all kind of get into that, like, "Oh, how many calories did you burn and how high?" But really, just know your numbers. And for me, knowing your resting heart rate, like mine sits around 40. And I think yours does too. Nice and low, yeah. And so for us to get to that 200, like that's a wide range.
I'd never get it to 200. Yeah, and so just really, I would say, try not to compare to somebody else, because again, the size of your heart, your genetics, everything goes into it, and it doesn't mean that somebody is more conditioned than the other. Yeah, if I compare it to my friend, my little friend, I'd always feel bad about myself because her heart rate is always higher than mine. And same thing like burning calories. When I work out with my husband, he always burns like 300 more calories because he's a bigger human than I am.
So, you know, that's gonna play into it too. So own your own numbers. We do have a really great blog article about heart rate zones and fat burning zones on Get Healthy U because fat burning zone is kind of, don't get me started. Fat is one of the fuels that you use when you exercise. And you don't wanna just sit in the fat burning zone because pretty much we're sitting in the fat burning zone right now.
So you're not gonna get super fit in the fat burning zone. We'll have to give a link or something to that article. Yes, yes, we can do that. Oh, there's another question. "Will you just repeat the promo code "for the virtual weekend?" Yeah, yeah, the promo code for the virtual Fitness Weekend is CHRIS, my name, C-H-R-I-S-10.
And you get 10% off the price. I tried it the other day on the link to make sure it was still working and it was, so let us know if you have problems with it, but otherwise, that should be good. Okay, a few kinds of modifications or things, questions as far as movements go, she loves skull crushers, yay, love that one. Tricep. And overhead tricep work, but she really struggles with the triceps.
"So can you skip the tricep kickbacks all together, "or there are substitutions for like tricep work?" Skip the kickbacks? She mentioned three different ones. Does she wanna just skip only the kickbacks? She, okay, she loves skull crushers and overhead triceps, but she struggles with the kickbacks. She struggles with the kickbacks, okay.
Well, if you wanna get super technical, the overhead is the longer head of the tricep, and the kickback is the shorter head of the tricep. So it is good to kind of mix up those exercises. But at the end of the day, it wouldn't be a big deal if all you did was the overhead presses. But again, if they're challenging, face the challenge head on. We were made to do hard things.
I lower my weights in kickbacks. I don't, I can do a much heavier weight here, than I can here. And what I see people doing, sorry, Sam, that I'm pushing you, is I see people doing this with their kickbacks because they wanna use a heavy weight. And you wanna just isolate that tricep. So if you have to lower down, no problem.
But tricep strength is so important as part of pushups, but is such an important part of our body. Often we just focus on chest and biceps 'cause they're like kind of the front, and you're like, "Nope, you gotta get the back too." You gotta get the back and you gotta get the triceps and it will well-round out your daily movements. Absolutely. I always drop down on those ones just so that you're not also scrunching your neck. Putting it into your neck.
'Cause we see a lot of this too. And also, standing up and bending over and doing kickbacks to me is not as comfortable as going on all fours on the floor and doing one kickback at a time. Yep, absolutely. It's a little more comfortable. "What core's workouts," or core exercises, we should say, "can substitute for crunches and leg drops?" She's 48 and has low back challenges with these movements.
Okay, crunches... And leg drops. Okay, crunches don't really use the low back that much. So that's kind of interesting to me. 'Cause crunches are literally just lifting your rib cage up off the ground.
Unless you're talking about full sit-ups, but crunches, you just kind of crunch up. You bring your ribcage closer to your hip bone, and then you lower down. So crunches are like a very little move and they really focus up on your rectus abdominis, which is actually the long muscle, but it's really up here, versus a full sit-up is going to torque on that low back probably a little. And then leg drops are a lot of, because they're long levers, are a pretty intense exercise. So I said earlier in this hour, any exercise that has a long lever, so where the weight is farther away from the core of your body is going to be harder.
A shoulder raise with a straight arm is harder than a shoulder raise with a bent elbow. So you could bend your knees in those leg raises. You could, or in the leg drops. So you could have bent knees and just drop one leg down at a time instead of both at the same time. You could put one leg down on the floor and do one leg at a time.
And then try doing one straight leg at a time. What you wanna do to stabilize that low back, and this is what we talk about in Pilates a lot of times, it's called the imprint. So when you're laying on the ground, you wanna slightly press your low back into the mat. The imagery that I was taught when I took Pilates was think about laying on the sand and that you just wanted to make a small imprint of your vertebrae into the sand. Like not jamming it down, but you just slightly press it, so you leave a tiny imprint in the sand with your low back.
So by slightly pressing that low back down and really engaging those low body muscles, low ab muscles, you're kind of engaging what we call our human girdle around our body to protect that low back. So that's also really important to remember, and it might behoove you to take a mat Pilates class. We have three mat Pilates workouts on Get Healthy U TV Gold workouts. It's called Mat Pilates one, two, and three. And they're very instructional about dealing with that because if you did, how old was she?
48? Ah, yeah. You're young, you're young. So if you can still find ways to strengthen those low back extensors around the vertebrae to help you do some more of those movements, go for it. I mean, I learned that, when I was about 48, I was having such bad back pain that I could barely pick up a thing of laundry.
And I was like, "Oh, for the love of God, this is my job." I literally couldn't do burpees and it was starting to scare me. And what I did is I adapted a therapy program for myself at home with a massage ball. And every single day, I stretched my low back. I get those muscles that are so tight back there to loosen up for about 5 to 10 minutes every morning. We have a video on Get Healthy U TV.
It's a 10-minute video that says how to do stretches for low back pain. And I show you how to use that massage ball in that video. I think it would be worth your time to look at that. And then, do the precautions I just told you about. We have somebody asking, "People post an annual coloring calendar, "tracking their workouts, in the squad page.
"Where can you find it?" You can find it in the files under our private Facebook group. So it's under files and I think it's called like Fun-- Calendar? Calendar or something like that, so... I've seen that in our private Facebook groups. So for those of you who are members of Get Healthy U TV, we have a private Facebook group, crazy, fun, active women who are just, I love that group.
And they're all using this coloring sheet where you color it in. It's kind of like looking at your calendar on your Apple Watch where you color it in every day to see if you've done your workout. But by the way, in that Facebook group, in the files tab, there's a lot of stuff. Like one gal literally made a spreadsheet of every workout on the website, like 300 workouts. She made us freaking spreadsheets of every workout and you can print it out and check them off or reference that, I was like, holy moly.
That's amazing. Yes, very motivated group. We have Sandra asking Chris, "Your kids sounded like they were very active growing up." She cannot seem to motivate her girls, who are 11 and 10, to do anything physical, "despite them seeing me workout every single morning. "I'm really trying to lead by example. "Any advice to get them moving?" I would say workout with them.
Do it with them because sometimes it's just hard for them to get started. So I'll even use an example too. My two nieces are, well, one just came off an injury, but my littler one, younger one, she's maybe, I don't know, 9, 9, 10. She was like, "Yeah, I don't really like to exercise." And I'm like, "Well, come with me, let's do a hike." You know, we were talking about it. And as we're hiking, like, "How you doing?
And then I was giving her as much positive feedback as I could. Like, "You're doing great. "Look at how strong you are." You know, "Look at how strong your heart is." And then I was telling her like, "A healthy heart. "This is why you need a healthy heart." And, "This is why you need strong muscles, "and blah, blah, blah." And you know, they listen. I mean, they absorb what you're talking about and they start to go, "Huh, maybe that would be good for me to feel better." Now, I don't know because I mean, you know, believe me, I've met people who've said to me, "Listen, Chris, I don't like exercise.
"I don't feel better. "I don't like it." And I mean, I get that there's going to be people like that. But at that youthful age, sometimes just the comradery of you doing it with them, going on a walk with them, doing a workout with them, giving them accolades while they're doing it, pumping their esteem so that they go, "Oh, I'm capable." Giving them the understanding that they don't have to be perfect, that it's like, "It's okay if you're not like good at this, "I'm not good at it either. "Like you don't have to be good, just give it a try." I really believe that those things make a difference. Absolutely.
Let's see, okay. "Do you know of a product that is comparable "to the Organifi Gold that is not as expensive?" It's so expensive. I know, it is my favorite drink. They had a special the other day. It was a one-day deal where there was 20% off.
I put it up on Instagram with a swipe up, 'cause I was like, holy cow. So this tea I'm talking about is made by a company called Organifi. It's, I love, they have some really good products, but this turmeric tea has turmeric, or turmeric, I guess as you say, reishi mushroom, it sounds disgusting, it tastes like chai, it's delicious. So good. It has like 10 calories, so it's not like full of sugar or anything, it's so good.
It's like good for evening sleeping. But I'm knocking on wood. I started drinking, uh-oh, the dogs are gonna start. Uh-oh, that was dumb of me. The dogs are gonna wake up.
I started drinking it like two years ago and I have not had a cold in two years. Now, watch, you guys. I'll probably be in bed next week with a cold. But I literally haven't even had a freaking cold in two years. So I think there's something to mushrooms.
That being said, there is a company called Four Sigmatic, F-O-U-R Sigmatic, that makes mushroom-based health products. They make coffee, but they make teas, and elixirs, and hot chocolate, and different things. So you might look into that. You might do a Google search on something that, I think the magic behind it is not only the turmeric, but the mushrooms. Yeah, I agree.
Yeah, so... And you just have to find something that you can, that you like 'cause some of that, some of the tastes are hard to-- Yeah, have you tasted other ones? I don't know. I mean, I just, this Organifi Gold, a girlfriend of mine told me about it about two and a half years ago. And I was like, holy moly, and I savor it.
Like it is my one treat, you know, once a day, only once a day. And by the way, you could also ration it, you know, instead of doing a full scoop because it is pretty potent, you could do a half scoop. Yeah, we have somebody saying her goal to get a Healthy U TV membership was the best money she spent in 2020. "You guys rock and are great motivators." So thank you for the compliment. Oh, that's such a nice comment, thank you.
Yes. I love hearing that because, you know, gosh, it is hard. It is really hard. I talk about this all the time with my friends and with all you Get Healthy U TV members, and if I teach a live class, we talk about like, it's hard to get up and get your butt moving, and get your workout clothes on, and dedicate time to doing something that feels hard sometimes. But the fact is you get it back tenfold because in today's world, nobody cares more about your health than you, and nobody can cure some of your problems but you.
As much as your friends, and your family, and everybody can give you support, nobody can do the deep dive that you can do for yourself. And so it's like kudos to everybody really putting forth that effort. Absolutely. "Do you have anything that you have tried "for a menopausal insomnia, "and links to all of your high neck tanks?" Oh my gosh, I was laughing with a girlfriend last night. We got on the phone and I haven't talked to her in a couple months because she winters in the warm weather, as should everybody.
And so we were on the phone and we were talking, and she goes, "Oh, and there's this dress that, you know, "high neck like we like," and I'm like, "High necks!" When you get older it's like, give me the highest neck you've got. Okay, so the high neck tanks, Sam and I are constantly in search of high-necked tanks. We have two on Amazon that we love, that we've been wearing a lot. We'll give you links to those 'cause those are under $20 a tank. And they're just your basic rounded neck.
Instead of the low scoop, they're high neck. I kind of like that muscle tee look with the high neck and then the scoop. So we have two really good tanks we like there. They're kind of croppy though. They're crops, so don't know if you like that.
And then Athleta and Lululemon are the two other places where we have seen high-necked tanks, but they come and go. Yeah, you gotta get 'em quickly. You see one in the store, get it. Like, we always talk about that 'cause we're like, "Why do they make all these dumb, low cut tanks? "Like, we want the high-neckers." So if we find them, right away, we'll tell you.
We'll get 'em. And then menopausal sleep, oh my gosh. That is like a course in and of itself. It is such a true problem. I was like the rock sleeper.
Like you could put me in a subway and I could sleep the whole night. And then I turned 50 and it's like, forget it, I hear the dog sneeze. I hear a drop of water in my kitchen, like it's crazy. And I'm like, "What is going on?" So things that have worked for me, I've tried melatonin on its own. It hasn't really been great for me.
But I do have some friends who say, if they take a good dose of melatonin, which is a natural product, they fall asleep. I've used that Natural Calm. It's a drink that is like raspberry-lemonade flavor. And it's not many calories. And you just put it in four ounces of hot water.
And that has some magnesium in it, 'cause magnesium is really good for sleep. And so those have been good for me. Something else that has worked for me is a noisemaker. I know it sounds crazy. But if you can't hear little noises, sometimes that white noise just helps you stay asleep, 'cause I swear I'm like, I've reverted back to when I was a new mom and you could hear the baby just make any noise.
And you're like, "Oh my God, they're awake." I'm like that now, and I'm like, "Who am I?" I hear everything. And then once you wake back up, it's hard to get back to sleep. So those have kind of been my little tips making your sleep more regular. I've been trying to, when I get tired, I get right into bed because sometimes, and I don't know if this could even happen to you. If I am super tired and I'm falling asleep on the couch, then I get up and start doing a million things, I can get a second wind and I can't go to sleep.
So the minute I am like, "Okay, I'm feeling sleepy," I'm trying to get that bedtime to be more regular, okay, same time every day and just go to bed when you feel that versus, you know, start loading the dishwasher and then I'm back awake. That's actually happened to me where I was like falling asleep on the couch and I went and washed my face, did my nightly routine, and then I all of a sudden was awake, and all I did was wash my face and brush my teeth. So I don't know. Let's see, we've got just a few more minutes left. Let's see...
I was gonna say, I saw a question in Instagram, where one of our great members was suggesting new workouts. Like, "Can you do HIIT with yoga or kickboxing with this?" And what I was gonna say is, you guys, you're gonna love our new trainer. JC Lippold is our new Get Healthy U TV trainer. He is well-known in the Twin Cities. He is a lover of movement.
He really focuses on the zen of movement, just getting your body to enjoy movement in general. You're gonna love his style. But his signature workout is Yoga Plus. So he does yoga movements to get your body and mobility going. And then he goes right into a HIIT workout.
Like you don't know what hit you, you go into HIIT workout, and then he cools down with yoga. So he has a lot of combos of that, where the yoga is integrated. And you might even notice in some of our warmups, I know for me, my warm-up has become more yoga-oriented, because yoga is so mobility focused, and the first thing you need to do is mobilize your joints. Then warm up your muscles. Then do the workout, and then wind your body down, so...
Yeah, yeah, that's gonna be a fun format for everyone. "Dry January, looking for a beverage or a drink "for happy hour at home that is festive and non-alcoholic." Okay, that's so funny. I'm gonna go grab my newest thing. Hold on Sam, you stay there. I knew she would have something for this.
Yes, of course I do. Okay, so I was turned onto this by a friend. I've got one shoe on and one shoe off if I look like I'm walking... I just realized. I had to take one boot off so I could bend my leg here.
So I'm wearing one boot and I'm not. Okay, this was a friend who is a GGTV member. She's a Twin Cities gal. And she posted this and said that she's been drinking this. It is a alcohol-free tequila.
Okay, well, I am a big tequila girl. I love me some tequila. So it's called Ritual. It is zero proof tequila alternative. It has the blue agave flower, the Mexican lime, cracked sea salt.
It has a little mesquite smoke. I'm not big into smoky flavor, and I like this. I am telling you, okay, so here's the thing. My husband and I bought it, he's doing Dry January. And we took the top off and smelled it and I'm like, "Oh my God, it smells horrible.
"Are you kidding me? You're gonna drink that?" Put it in a drink with diet ginger beer, a little bit of club soda. So little diet ginger beer, a little club soda and lime. It's amazing, it's amazing. Now, I come to find out that this company Ritual, I'll turn it this way, Ritual also makes an alternative vodka and whiskey.
So they have three different drinks. Now, of course, there's alternatives for beer. You've seen non-alcoholic beer in a lot of places, and I'm not a beer drinker, so I don't pay any attention to it. But we do have some non-alcoholic beer because my husband is doing Dry January. But this is seriously, like the best find ever.
My only tip is don't smell it. It literally, it smells so offensive. I was like, "Are you kidding? "You're gonna drink that?" And I'm literally like, I love this. You would think they would make it smell a little bit better.
I don't know. It's just, it doesn't smell like tequila, but holy moly, I love it. So there's my new tip. So you're saying on Friday for the Fitness Weekend, that that's what you're gonna be drinking? So on Friday for the Fitness Weekend, I am gonna have a cocktail in hand with my alcohol-free tequila.
And let it be known that I would do regular tequila if I wasn't leading the weekend. Yeah. You've got a big weekend ahead of you. We got a big weekend. Really quickly, we've got a few minutes left, but somebody is asking, "Do you wear tight-fitted tanks with built-in bras, "or sports bras under your high-necked, tight tanks?" I wear sports bras.
I wear a sports bra. Oh my God, do I have a tank? I have a tank and a sports bra on right now. I wear sports bras. I, you know, back, I don't know, it was like eight years ago.
The style was to have your bra built into your tank. Now I kind of feel like the style is like, when you go into stores like Athleta, Fabletics, Lulu, they all have separate bra from tank. I way prefer in my older age, a separate bra from tank. I just like the way it looks. I like the way it feels.
I do too. I feel like sometimes those built-in bras just don't quite fit right. So. I would agree. Let's see, okay.
"Have you ever posted any ab exercises "that can strengthen the pelvic floor?" This question is coming from Instagram too. So I don't know if this makes a difference. Oh, yeah, so pelvic floor, what did we just do with a pelvic floor? We just did a, oh, a partnership, We did. with Always Discreet, which was talking about, you know, Always makes, what do you call 'em?
Mini pads, maxi pads? I don't even know what you call 'em anymore. And they also make products for women who have bladder leakage. And so we did a little partnership with them because the pelvic floor is something that every female and male should be in touch with. And it doesn't matter what age you are.
Your pelvic floor is super important. There are younger women who also have bladder leaks. And your pelvic floor is like a little hammock that is, you know, in your you know what area. And if it weakens, it's like water can get through. So plus, for you to tighten your abs, you need that pelvic floor to be intact.
So Kegel exercise, we looked it up, it's Kegel, Kegel, yeah. not Keegel, the phonetic dictionary says kegel. It's like picking up a blueberry with your you know what, okay? So that's the best description I can tell you. So think about you're sitting on your chair and you're just gonna take a blueberry and you're gonna pick it up with your, you know, hoo-hoo, right there.
We're onto, who cares? I don't care. We're all women, and if a guy's here, he doesn't care either, I mean, give me a break. It's the women anatomy, it is what it is. So you pick that blueberry up.
You've got to Kegel, at any age, you have to Kegel. I'm not kidding, you guys. This is important for pelvic floor health. You also can learn how to do what I was talking about in Pilates, is slightly imprint your low back, pull in those abs like you're zipping up a pair of tight jeans, but the Kegel is the king. I'm telling you right now, pelvic floor, it's super important.
And if you do, like I do have some friends who have had multiple births, issues, things going on where that hammock, or sling if you will, is never going to repair itself. And there are some simple surgeries, surgery is always your last resort, but that you can do to feel good again. Because there is nothing worse than feeling like you're wetting your pants, you know, everywhere you go. But pelvic floor health is not just about bladder leakage. It is about back pain too.
It's about, you know, that whole pelvic floor working. And the first thing they teach you in Pilates is pelvic floor. Pelvic floor, yep. It's 2:30. It's 2:30.
Holy cow, you guys, this always goes by so fast. So we are really excited about the Fitness Weekend. Friday night will be happy hour. Bring your cocktail. We're gonna kind of have a little fun discussion and just talk about where everybody's from.
It's just one hour. It's only one hour. It's like a happy hour, Friday night. We'll just all come on to the event platform and just kind of get psyched up. Saturday morning starts at 8:00 a.m.
We start right away at 8:00 a.m. It goes till noon, both Saturday and Sunday. If you can't make it, or let's say you can only do Saturday, but you can't do Sunday, you have access to the event platform for 30 days. So, you know, you can always revisit it. And we're super excited about this.
We have so many people who are pumped up. I want you to get to know, we have so many great trainers with different personalities. So cool, like it's just, it's fun. So anyway, we're really excited to see you. As always, thank you to production help that helps us do this.
Next time, Sam and I'll be, in February, We'll be in the new studio. In the new studio. We'll be out of my kitchen. You'll get to see the new studio on January, what, 25th? 25th?
That Monday. Whatever that Monday is, 24th or 25th, we're gonna do our live workout from the new studio with JC, our new trainer. He'll be at it. And then that weekend is the... The Fitness Weekend.
Right, oh, and can I say one last thing? Okay, Jess, I know we have to go. Our production gal, she's like, "You're done, Chris." So Gold members, just a little info for you. We'll be sending out emails, but we are upping our game for 2021. And starting in February, the first week of February, we're gonna give you two new workouts a week.
Yep, you heard me right. You heard it here first, two workouts a week. So the Monday workout will be live as it always has been, on Mondays at 9:00 a.m. And they're gonna deliver, and we don't have the exact date, don't hold me to it, we think it's gonna be on Fridays, a second workout for that week. It will be prerecorded, because the way our production team works, we can't, it just needs to be prerecorded.
But for all practical purposes, it will feel live to you because it will be a brand new workout that you've never seen. So in essence, you are getting two new workouts a week. You're gonna see more of the trainers. And this is for you Gold members. So if you wanna upgrade to Gold, you guys, you get that deal for your first year.
It is the best. I mean, to me, it's like, go Gold, just go Gold because you get so many amazing benefits. But that is so exciting, isn't it? Yay, lots of exciting things. Anyway, okay, we love you guys.
Have a great, what is it? Thursday. See you later.
I love these monthly live sessions! Had a tip for the person looking to see previews: If you're using a modern browser (e.g. Chrome), just open an incognito window and cut and paste the URL. You'll stay logged in in the normal window, but incognito windows don't log you in until you log in in it.
I am a gold member and I get emails about videos or DVDs and calendars that I can purchase I’m just wanting to know are those different workouts than what I can find on get healthy UTD or are those the same ones that I can find
I would highly recommend the Calm, you can buy it on Amazon. I love it!
most teens are cynical with parental complements...
Hello from Kansas. Thanks for this great information!!!
If you sign up and cannot make it, will it be recorded?
How about a live workout at night or on the weekend for those who work during the day . Love the energy from a live workout. All of the trainers are awesome!