Lindsey Bomgren

GOLD LIVE Class: 40-30-20 HIIT Workout 3

Lindsey Bomgren
Duration:   47  mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV live workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Lindsey’s back with another 40-30-20 HIIT workout because you loved the first and second ones so much! This is a total body HIIT workout, low intensity intervals, super-setting strength and cardio exercises back-to-back in 40, 30, and 20 second intervals. You’ll master each exercise as you perform it for 40 seconds, then 30 seconds, and then 20 seconds. All you need is a medium to heavy set of dumbbells (we recommend 8-12 lbs). We’ll hit the entire body from butt and legs, to upper body, and core!

Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: A set of medium and heavy dumbbells
Instructor: Lindsey Bomgren


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Hi, Get Healthy U TV squad. I am Lindsay, and I am here with a 40-30-20 workout, number 3. And I got Shelly joining me for this one. It's gonna be lots of fun. Yay.

If you've done our previous 40-30-20 workouts, we have a 1 and a 2. They are currently fan favorites. So we're back with another one, but number 3 is low impact. So this is a low impact. All you need is a set of dumbbells.

And don't let this confuse you. Low impact does not mean low intensity. This is still a HIIT workout. It's just gonna be low impact, and it's gonna be lots of fun. We're gonna sweat.

I love that. Let's do it, guys. It is a combination of strength and cardio. So let's get ourselves warmed up, and then all you need for this workout is a set of dumbbells. Shelly and I have 10 pounds with us.

You can always grab a heavier set and a lighter set. Or you can do a lot of the moves with just your body weight if you got some extra, extra baby weight. Extra baby weight, right? Okay, let's get ourselves warmed up. So we're gonna start.

We're gonna reach up nice and tall, pull your belly tight, squeeze your glutes, give me a baby back bend, open up your chest, pull those lats down. Reach up tall, and just pummel your arms back. Open up your chest and shoulders. Stop bending those knees. Core stays tight.

Nice work. It's gonna open it up and get nice and warm here, before we jump into this HIIT workout. You got 4. You can take your feet a little bit wider if you need to. Just going down into squats.

So squat it out, down and up. We're just talking about squats. They are your base. Right here, knees go out. It is, yeah.

Chest is lifted. Squats, we are gonna start on lower body. If you haven't done this 40-30-20 format, how it works is we do lower body, and then we do upper body, then total body, then core. So you're gonna get it all today. Whoa.

You got 4. Nice. Yes. 3, 2. Last one.

Hold high. This time, reach up and swim. Swim forward. Nice. Swim forward.

Get those shoulders nice and warm. You got 4, 3. 2. Back to squats. This time, add in knee raise.

So squat, right knee up, squat, left. Now you have the capacity, you can do a little knee to elbow, right? Maybe you can just do like a half like me. You've got it, Linds. You've got it.

Add that torso rotation. Get that core involved. Nice. Right there, give me 4. Yes.

3, you got it. 2, and 1. Let's tap it up. Let's go taps, taps, taps. Jacks or taps, they're up to you.

This is our low impact version. Up, up, up. There you go. Nice. Start to get that heart rate up.

Woo. Right here. 4, you got it. 3. Stay with it.

And, last one. Let's go wide. Take those feet nice and wide. Sink low in that spot. We're gonna go side to side.

Hit those inner thighs. Chest stays up. Hips are back. hold it center. Take it all the way down, all the way up.

Tap, reach. Now you don't have to go to the floor. You can go to your knees or the floor. Up, down, up, reach it tall. Squeeze the glutes.

Squeeze those inner thighs. Right here. you got it, 2. Woo. 1.

Sink it low. Let's do more pulses. Just pulse. Pulse down for 8, 7. Start to feel those legs turning to fire.

You got 4. Oh, yes. 3. 2. Let's tap it up, tap side.

Tap side, give me that cross body reach. Reach, reach cross. Cross. There you go. You can stay right here if it feels good for you.

Take it up. Reach up. Up. There you go. Open that back.

Nice. Heart rate's rising. Last one. Bring it back in. Back to those taps.

Tap it. We're jacking. Knees to the front. Right. Left.

Squeeze that core. There you go. Right here. 3. Kick it in 2.

Kick it, kick it, kick it. Drive your heel to me. Boom, boom. Boom. There you go.

Ha. Woohoo! Ha. Nice. Right here.

You got 4. 2. Hamstring curls. Take it back, back. Heels to the glutes.

Reverse it. Open up those quads. Front of the thighs. Add those arms and poles. 6, 5.

Nice work. Nice. March it up, walk in place. Woo! I'm warm.

Woo! Right? Ah, nah. It's hot. Right?

We're feeling warm in here. You feeling warm? Let that heart rate come down. One more set of squats. 4, 3.

2. Squat it. Take it down. Up. This time, can you give me a calf raise?

Can you lift those heels off the ground? Down. Up. Last set for our warm up. We're gonna start on lower body, so I wanna make sure we get those legs nice and warm.

Right here. Give me 4. 3, hold high. In 2. And 1.

Nice work. You warm Shelly? Whoa. I'm warm. All right.

Ready to go. Grab a quick sip. I'm gonna give you the breakdown of how this workout goes. I like to know what's coming. So we're gonna start on that lower body, like I mentioned.

You have 4 exercises. Strength, cardio, which is gonna get your heart rate up a little bit. Strength cardio in a low impact way. 4 moves. You're gonna do it 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off.

That's what we're doing first. Then the time intervals will drop. We'll do it 3 times total. So 40-20s, 30-15s, 20-10s. I'll explain it as we go.

All you need to know is that you're starting on lower body. So grab dumbbells. That's handy for that. Love it. Let's get strong, girl.

Right? Let's do it. Woo! We're gonna start with those dumbbells at our side. Find that nice squat position.

I'm gonna go a little bit wide 'cause I got a baby, but otherwise it's feet underneath shoulders, right? Squats. Chest is lifted. We're gonna start on a rocket squat. So it's down on 3, up on 1.

You ready Shelly? Yep, let's do it, girl. 3, 2. Let's go. Take it down.

Up on 1. Down, On that up, you can option to lift your heels off the ground at a calf raise. Down. Up on 1. Down.

3. Nice work. So it's slow and controlled on the way down. Then explode up. Down.

To the top, you got it. Slow, slow, slow, to the top, get that full range. Down. Come on, 10 seconds. Down.

Woo! Good morning, legs. Woo! Right? You feel 'em?

Yes! They're there. Nice work. Hup! Last one, right here to the top.

I'm gonna drop to 1 dumbbell. Next move is our cardio move, but we're gonna keep a dumbbell. Rapid sumo squat press, so it looks like this. Down. Up.

Down. Up. So that's gonna raise your heart rate. We're on 20-second rest. You got about 5 seconds left.

40 seconds, rapid sumo squats. In 3, 2. Let's go. Come on. 40 seconds right here.

Push it. Push it. Now you can do this with no dumbbells. 1 dumbbell. As you push overhead, lock out those elbows.

Pull those inner thighs together. Start to feel that heart rate rise. Oh, yes. Ha! Come on.

Adding those arms overhead with that dumbbell is gonna increase the heart rate, in a low impact way. Right here. Lower body, that's our focus. Come on, 10 seconds. Then you get a 20-second break.

Stay with it, push it. Let's go. 5, 4. 20-second break. Nice.

Gonna show you number 3. Back to strength. 2 dumbbells. Front rack 'em. Lunge, lunge, thruster.

Looks like this. Lunge right. Lunge left. Squat. Press.

That is your move, you're on. In 4, front rack 'em. Let's go. Lunge right. Lunge left.

Squat, press. Squat, up. Front rack 'em. Lunge right. Lunge left, 40 seconds right here.

Squat, press. Hello, legs. Lunge. Oh gosh, this is hard on those legs. Right?

And this is gonna keep your heart rate up, because it's really total body. That core's turned on. Those legs are turned on. Yes. Nice work.

Lunge. Come on, 10 seconds. Woo! 20-second rest. It's coming for you in 5.

Shelly, finish it. Nice work. Good job. I'm going no dumbbells. You can always keep 1.

It's 3D drive switch, so start right like that. 3, switch it. 1, 2, switch on the fly. Little hop in between if you can, or take it out. Phew.

Last one, 40 seconds. Cardio drive. 3, 2, let's go. 3. Switch it.

3. Switch on the fly. Hup! 2. 3.

Switch it. Hup! 2. Stand nice and low and that standing leg. There you go, switch it.

Hup! 2. 3. Come on, switch it. Hup!

2, switch it, switch it. Hup! There you go. Nice work. Come on.

Woo! Get that heart rate rising. Hup! 2. 10 seconds.

10 seconds. Come on. Oh, we can do it. This is where you gotta kick it into gear. Hup!

2. You got 5. You're out. Nice work. Oh my gosh.

Right? Lindsay, you're supposed to be pregnant. Yeah. Told you, low impact does not mean low intensity, does it? Right?

Okay, grab your dumbbells. I'm convinced that this is a stability bowl. Yes, right? It's gotta be. Okay, let's go, girl.

Woo! Okay. Now we drop time, you guys. Same 4 moves. 30 seconds on, 15 seconds rest.

Drop your work. Drop your rest. Okay. Rock and squat. In 3, 2.

Let's go. Down. Up on 1. Option to add those toes, or add that calf raise. Sorry, calf raise.

Down. To the top. It's 30 seconds right here. 30 seconds. I tell you what, shaving off 10 seconds, it's gonna mean something.

Big difference. Down, 2, 3. You've got 10 seconds. Down. It just means the recovery is a lot shorter.

Oh, yeah. We take off time on the work, time on the rest. To the top. You got 4. You're out.

Nice. Those rapid sumo squats with a press. 1 dumbbell or no dumbbells. Heels and toes out. Here 30 seconds.

In 4. Let's go. You feel that shorter rest time? Whoa. Come on.

Hup! You got 30 seconds to raise your heart rate. Get low, push high. Down. Up.

Inhale. Exhale. Come on. Let's go. 30 seconds to push it.

Right here. Move it through. I would say I like this format 'cause it's like, you do it, you do it better, and then you really crush it. So you get 3 times. Right.

You get 3 chances. You got 4. 15-second rest. Got that other dumbbell. Front rack 'em.

Lunge, lunge, thruster. Lunge, lunge, thruster. Woo! 4. Here we go.

Lunge right. Lunge left. Squat, press. There you go. Lunge right.

Oh, oh, oh. Lunge left. Come on. 30 seconds. Woo!

Right here. This is your strength. Grab those heavy dumbbells. Slow it down. Catch a breath.

Right? Lunge. Lunge, squat, press. Come on. One more time through.

Lunge. Lunge. Squat. You're out. Nice work.

You can do this with dumbbells or none. We're dropping 'em. 3 knee drives on the right, three on the left. Switch on the fly. You're on.

Let's go. 3. Switch it. Hup! 3.

Switch it. Bigger the arms, higher the heart rate, right Shelly? Yes. Hup! 3.

Switch it. Hup! 3. Switch it. Hup!

2, you got it. Woo! Come on. 30 seconds. Yes, you can.

Yeah, there you go. Ha, ha, ha. We'll add each time, come on, come on. Final. 2.

You're out. Oh my goodness. You guys ready? One more time through. Yay!

20-10. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. It's gonna fly. Okay. I love that.

It's gonna fly. But you gotta push harder. You gotta push hard. Deeper. Deeper.

Grab those dumbbells. All right. Rocket squats. We'll get a longer break after this, okay? You gotta finish it out.

20 seconds. In 3. Let's go. Down. 3, hop on 1.

Down. Chest takes up. Explode up. Slow, slow, slow. Explode.

Time under tension is longer on the way down. Then pop it up, right? Use those explosive leg muscles. 1 more, 1 more. Down.

I told you that 20 seconds goes fast. Drop that dumbbell, 1. Sumo squat press. Let's go. That 10-second rest, it's like non-existent.

Oh. Come on, 20 seconds. Hup! Yes you can. We're gonna fly through this.

20-10s. Like I said, you've done these moves twice. This is your third time. Now you've got it. Push it, come on.

Woo! Push it. Lunge thrusters. Love it. Front rack 'em.

Lunge, lunge, press it. In 3. Let's go. Lunge right. Lunge left.

Squat. Press. There you go. Lunge. Lunge.

Come on, 20 seconds. Finish off those legs right here. Lunge. Lunge. Come on.

Down, up, you're out, you're out. Weights are down. Oh, yes. You ready? 3 knee drives.

3 knee drives, this is it. Your long break is coming after this. Let's do it. 3, 2, 1, let's go. 3.

Switch it. Ha! 3. Switch it. Pull.

3. Switch it. Pull. 3. Switch it.

Boom, boom, boom. Come on, drive. Final. Oh. 1-minute break.

That 20 was good. Woo! Right? Grab some water. 1-minute rest.

That's lower body, knocked it down. Transition to upper body. Okay. Same format. Love that.

4 moves. Strength, cardio, strength, cardio. 40-20, 30-15, 20-10. All right. Woo!

Catch your breath. Take the rest, that's so important. Absolutely. Take the rest. High intensity.

Jump in, yeah, but. High intensity interval training is meant to make your heart rate go up, down. It's working on your stamina and your endurance. So in order to let your heart rate go up, it's gotta come down, right? Right.

You gotta have somewhere to go. Right. Pregnant and older ladies, yeah? You gotta take it down to go up. Yes.

If you're with me, you're pregnant. I'm using the talk test. So I'm talking to you the whole time, right? I gotta be able to talk. Yeah.

Through my workout. Good point, love that part. All right, you guys, upper body. 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off. That's our first set.

Starting with a good old bicep curl. Nice. So grab weights that you wanna use. The first move. Standard curl.

Hammer curl. Okay? Standard curl, into a hammer curl. Not swinging, controlling those weights. You guys ready?

Your 40 seconds starts in 4. Let's do it. Standard curl. Hammer curl. So it's slow and steady.

Standard curl, into a hammer curl. So hammer curl, palms face in. Standard curl, palms face me and Shelly. There you go. Palms face in.

And full range of motion, yeah? Oh, yeah. A lot of the time you see people cut that range of motion down. You need to have a full range, all the way up, all the way down. You got it.

Bicep is a 2-headed muscle. We wanna hit both of 'em on this curl. Hup! So I'm exhaling up, inhale down. Exhale up, inhale down.

Catch your breath, right here. Now we're gonna go to a clean and press. That's your next move. You're gonna get 20-second rest though. A lot of recovery time in that first set, right?

Nice work. Finish right here. You got 5. [Both] 3. And 1.

You're gonna rest. 20-second break for you, I'm gonna show you the next move. Take a narrow stance. It's a clean and press, so I'm slightly hinged. Hip are back.

I'm gonna pop, push. So, pop is heels come off the ground, elbows pop up to me. Pop, push. So the legs are still a little bit helping, but it's gonna get on my heart rate up, right? Okay.

3, 2, let's go. Pop, push, down, down. Pop, push, down, down. Hup! So on that pop, those heels should slightly come off the ground, and your elbows should shoot straight up to me.

There you go. Elbows, push. On that press, lock it out. Push overhead, lock out those elbows. Hup!

Push. There you go. Come on. Hup! Push.

Woo! Come on, stay with me. Pop, push. Feel that heart rate rising. Oh, yes.

That's the goal. Low impact cardio, 'cause of the weights. Right here, come on. You're in the final 5 seconds. Finish, finish.

Nice. All right, you ready? We're gonna hinge forward. Row kick. Row.

Kick. In. Down. Slow and steady. 40 seconds back in triceps.

Woo! That was a heart rate response. Right? Right? Oh, yes.

That's your cardio. Hinge it over. Row kick in 3, 2, let's go. How about tie, back. In.

Down. So it's 1. Think back, triceps, bring it in, bring it in. That belly has gotta stay nice and tight, right? Yeah.

Hup! Back. Now, if you're grabbing heavy weights, you can always alternate your tricep kick. 1 side. Down.

Up. Other side. That's a good option. Alternate those kicks. If it's too much on the triceps, you don't wanna swing 'em, you wanna control it.

40 seconds, right here. Come on. Hup! It's 5. 1.

Last move, you ready? 2 push press, 2 overhead triceps. So it's a tiny dip drive. Dip, drive, dip. That's 2, 2 overhead triceps.

2 push press. 2 triceps. Okay. You're on. In 3.

Let's go. Dip, drive, dip, drive. 2 triceps. Back to dip drive. Hup!

Hup! Triceps. 2 shoulders, 2 triceps for the burnout. 40 seconds. I'll tell you what, by the end of this 40 seconds, these weights are feeling heavy, right?

Yeah. That means you chose the right weight. You gotta squeeze your butt and squeeze your abs, any time we're overhead, right? Which we are the entire time. Beautiful.

Another reason this is cardio, right, Shelly? Yes. Arms above the heart. Come on, finish it, these weights. Woo!

You got 5. Cut 'em down. Nice work. Take a quick break for the forearms, right? That grip.

And it's so true, the arms overhead just add that extra, woo! Your heart rate is pounding. You may think it's easy, but, you know it's not. Right? Yeah.

Grab those heavy weights, we're repeating it. Same thing. 30 seconds on, 15 seconds rest. Ready? Starting with that bicep curl.

30 seconds on. In 3, 2, let's go. Standard curl. Hammer curl. So it's just a rotation of the wrist.

Uh huh. To get you that different angle. Right. Elbows are off my body. I'm not swinging, I'm controlling it.

I think they're zooming in on Shelly's sweat right now. Right? I know. Do you see it? Woo!

No, this is good. I love sweating. Okay. No, I'm just saying, low impact does not mean low intensity, does it? Not at all.

Right? Low impact does not mean low intensity. It means it's actually a little harder. Right? Come on, you got 5.

You're out. 15-second break. Back to that clean and press. Clean and press, right? So it's the pop, push, elbows pop high, press overhead.

You're on. In 3, 2. Let's go. Pop, push. Come on, 30 seconds.

Hup! Push, down, down. Hup! Push, down. Heels pop off the ground, elbows pop to me, press overhead.

Right here. Raise that heart rate in 30 seconds. Folks then, upper body strength with a little bit of cardio. Oh, yeah. Strength and cardio's our favorite way to work out, isn't it Shelly?

It is. Hup! And that back and glutes too with that little hang to go with. Oh yeah. It's hopeful.

Come on. One more, one more. Hup! You're out. Woo!

Ready for that roll K? Maybe. Okay. Can take a quick break maybe. My forearms, my forearms.

Shake 'em out. I know, but the sweat is making my weights roll. Right? Right? Okay, pick 'em up.

All right. You're on. In 3, 2, let's go. It's slow, slow, slow. Focusing on strength.

Back, triceps. In, down. Don't swing 'em. Up. Push it.

In. Down. Woo! Hup! You got it.

30 seconds. Biceps on fire. Right? Up. Squeeze.

Right? My back is stronger than my tricep. You feel this in the triceps. Yes. Come on.

Much stronger. 5. Right, last move. 2 push press, 2 overhead triceps. This is the one that gets me.

This is the one that gets me. It's only 30 seconds. You can do anything. We can do it. What's our motto?

Anything for 30 seconds. Anything for 30 seconds. Front rack 'em. Let's go. Dip, drive, dip, drive.

2 triceps. Now I'm taking the staggered stance on my triceps, to support my lower back. I'm a little front heavy right now. Come on. Hup!

Hup! 2 triceps. Like Shelly said, you can do anything for 30 seconds. Oh, yeah. This is your finisher.

Second time through. Woo! Feeling it. Woo! Feeling it.

Let's try. 5. Finish. Weights are down. Nicely done.

Shake it out. Okay, guys. Sweaty. One more round on the upper body. One more round.

20-10s. This one flies, right? Our 20-10s really fly. Yes. But we step it up, we go maybe a little faster.

Right? But keeping form, huh? Yeah, 20-10s. Woo! 20-10s.

Are you up for the challenge? Are you up for it? Starting with standard curl, hammer curl. 20-10s. You're on.

In 3. Let's go. Standard curl. Hammer curl. There we go.

Our music says it, here we go! Yes. Here we go. Let's start a standard curl. Hammer curl.

Biceps. We love 'em. We love to burn 'em. We do. Come on.

Strong toned arms right here. Use that breath. Up, and down. That 10-second rest is gonna go fast. We're gonna go right into our clean and press.

You're out. 10-second rest. Shake it out. Shake it out. Woo!

Clean and press. Clean and press. In 3. Let's go. Pop, push, down, down.

Pop, push, down. You got it. Hup! Hup! 20 seconds.

Hup! There you go. Nice work. Hup! Push it.

Come on. Yes. There you go. You got it. Come on, finish strong.

Woo! Can you give me 2 more reps? 2 more, 2 more. Oh, yes, come on. Let's go, last one.

Woo! Push it. 10-second rest. All right. Rolling kick.

Rolling kick, we're almost there you guys. We're almost there. Inching forward. Back row tricep kick. Back row tricep kick.

In 3. Let's go. Pull, push. In, down. 20 seconds right here.

Back, triceps. Hup! Kick it. You got it. There you go.

Push it. Woo! Use that breath. Stay with us. Row, kick.

Come on. 2 more, 2 more. Up. Push. In.

Last one, last one. Up. Push. In. You're out.

All right, you guys. Last set. 2 push press, triceps. Last set, you ready, Shelly? Oh, yes.

We can do this. Last one. We can do this. 3, 2, let's go. 2.

You got it. 1, 2 and 2. 2 shoulders, 2 triceps. Arms are up above that heart rate, or above the heart. It's gonna raise your heart rate.

Heart rate too. Come on, last set. 2 triceps and you're out. Woo! 2, you're out.

Woo! Weights are down. That was good, Linds. Grab some water. This is your 1-minute rest between sets.

Nice work, Shelly. Well done, girl. That is lower body done. Upper body done. Total body.

Set number 3, total body. Right here. And it's a killer. Same format. Same format, right?

I know. 40-20. I know. 30-15, 20-10. 3 times through.

I'm just slicking my wings back. My hair wings with my sweat. Woo. Woo! We got a warm studio today, you guys.

It's heating up and it's just gonna get hotter in the studio, right? All right. 2 rounds left. You're halfway through this workout. Total body.

Is where we're gonna go. Have a mat nearby. We're gonna, or if you're on carpet, that's good. We're gonna do pushups at some point. I know, right?

You didn't think you were gonna get away from upper body without pushups. They're in total body. She's innovative. Right? Watch her.

Grab those dumbbells. First move is a King Kong. So it's a sumo squat. Heels in, toes out. Sumo squat, curl press.

It looks like this. Squat, curl, shoulder press, down, down. That's your 40 seconds. Ready? Woo!

40 seconds. I gotta let my timer match up. You're on in 3. Let's go. Squat.

Curl. Press. Down. Down. There you go, yes.

Hup! Down. So, that sumo squat. We're thinking about pulling our inner thighs in as we stand, right? Yes.

Abductors. Not swinging the weights. Ooh. Abductors. We love 'em.

Those inner thighs. And you're rotating those hands with the palms at the top, Linds? Oh, yeah. Yeah? Okay.

It's like an Arnold press. Beautiful. Oh, yes. So we're getting all heads of the shoulder. Beautiful.

Up. All heads of that shoulder. Biceps, shoulders, legs. Like I said, this is total body right here. 10 seconds you guys.

Phwoar! Then we're gonna drop the weights for some cardio. Oh, yes. 5. You're out.

Weights go down. Make sure you have room. To move laterally. Okay? We're gonna go to our right first.

It's 2 walks. Cross punch. Looks like this. Right, 2 jab. Left.

2 jab. Right. 2 jab. Left. 2 jab.

That's what we're doing. Okay, so we're gonna move, add those arms. Keep the heart rate up. I'll try not to punch you, Shelly. Good.

You're on. Punch me. Go real. 3, 2, let's go. Right.

Boom, left. Boom, right. Boom, left. Boom, squeeze. Squeeze, cross, back.

Woo! Back, punch, cross. Nice. Feel that torso? Oh, yes.

Come on. And the kicks. Oh, yeah. Try to back. Stay low in the legs.

Give me something on that punch. Like I said, low impact. Raise that heart rate. Boom, boom, boom. There you go.

Come on. Ha. Move that coffee table on the way. Make it big. Boom.

You got it. You're out. Nice work. Back on the weight. Grab your mat.

Oh yeah. Grab your mat if you want it. I'm on my knees. Pull my mat in half. Push up T.

Push up T. I'm actually gonna go quadruple, 'cause I'm gonna be on my knees. You're on your toes, knees, whatever works for you. It's a push up T, okay? Oh wait, yeah.

We'll go this way, Shelly. Okay. We'll go this way. Perfect. We'll go this way so they can see our Ts.

Push up T. It looks like this. Push up, till your belly hits the ground. Nah, I'm just kidding. T, right?

Push up T. I'm on my knees the whole time. Not fair. Option knees or toes, right? Oh, yes.

I'm in a quarter push up, till my belly hits the ground. Push up T. Let's go. Push up. T.

Oh yes. So if you're on your knees like me, you're rolling over to that inside knee. Straightening that outside leg. I love Shelly's modification here. She's doing pushups from the knees, but then she's popping to her toes.

Right. Towards the T. And why is this total body? Because hello chest on the pushup, that's obvious. Uh huh.

But then, man, you're engaging the shoulder, the core. Woo! Oh, those glutes have to be engaged. Everything has to be engaged on that T push. Everything is squeezed.

Right? Tops. 5. 1. That's your pushups.

All right. Weights go in front of you. Mat goes off to the side. Just push it off. Last cardio move.

3 fire feet, 1 floor tap. Looks like this. 3. Tap. 3.

Tap. 40 seconds. Let's go. 3. Tap.

3. Tap. Little fire feet. Little fire feet. Come on, tap.

3. Tap. Hup! 3. Tap.

Hup! 2. Woo! 3. Feel those legs and that booty?

Those legs thought they had given up. Ha, ha, ha, tap. Come on. Last chance. Raise that heart rate.

Hup! Ha, down. 3. Tap it. Come on.

Ha, ha. 1 more, 1 more, 1 more. Right here. Tap, you're out. Woo!

That creeps up on you. Right? That is, that's our number 1. 2 more times. 30-15s.

Gotta catch my breath. Me too. We would talk, but we're breathing. Right? Give us a second.

Right? TV time out. TV time out. Okay. King Kongs.

King Kongs. 30 seconds on. I love that name. Right? Is that your name?

I don't know. I love it. I don't know, it's like a gorilla thing, right? Yeah. You feel strong and beat your chest.

Right? Beat your chest. Beat your chest. Sumo squat, curl press. We got 10 seconds to catch our heart rate.

I'm not, I'm not cheating us. I'm giving us the full rest. Yeah, I love that. Okay. Thank you.

3, 2, let's go. Squat. Curl. Push. Down.

Down. Again, that rotation that Shelly mentioned. My palms are in. Then they face you. Back to me, down.

Me. You. Down. Now Shelly and I are moving at a good pace. You can always slow each exercise down.

Right. Grab heavy dumbbells, slow it down. Work a little bit lighter. Speed it up. It's your workout.

This is really your 45 minutes, right? If you want strength, heavier weights. Heavier weights. Slower. That's the deal.

You're out. Okay, weights are down. Yeah, move, room to move. Oh, yeah. We're gonna go to the right again.

2 to the right, jab it. 2 to the left, jab it. You're on. In 3. Let's go.

Right. 2. Boom. Left. 2.

Boom. Right. 2. Boom. Left.

2. Get the, add those arms, make 'em big. Boom, boom. Woo! Come on, hup!

Back, chest, back, boom. Back, chest, back, cross. Land that punch somewhere. Boom. Land it, boom.

Come on. 1. Boom. Nice big finish. I like that.

Boom. Finish with that boom. Grab the push up. Push up T. Our favorite.

Yeah, it is, girl. Push up T. Chest, shoulders Full body. Core. Full body.

You weren't gonna get outta here without doing pushups, right? Come on. 3, 2. let's go. 30 seconds.

Push up. Up to that T. Push up. Again, you slow these down. If you're doing pushups on your toes, you might be moving a little slower, but, hey, toes are what we're all striving for, aren't they?

Right. I'll get there again someday, maybe. And then, if not, the thing is, pushups really never get easier. No, they don't. You just keep getting stronger.

It's a beautiful thing. 5 seconds, yes, you can. you're out. Oh god. Weights are up.

Mats are out the way. Fire feet. Ready for that fire? They call 'em fire feet for a reason. Yeah.

Called fire feet for a reason. Hamstrings, glutes. 3 fire feet. 1 floor tap. You ready?

Yes. 3, 2, let's go. 3. Down. Hup!

3. Tap it. Hup! 3, you tap it, yes. Come on.

Ha. Ha. 3. How low can you stay on those legs with those fire feet? Tap it, inner thighs, glutes, hammies.

They're all there. I feel. My gosh. I feel. Come on.

Woo! Oh, I missed it. Yes. You got 2 more, 2 more. 2 more floor taps.

1 more, 1 more. Boom. Help. Oh my gosh, Lindsay. And everything is shaking.

Right? Woo! 1 more round, you guys. 1 more on the total body. 20-10.

We can do this. 20-10s. We can do it. It's gonna fly. Do anything for 20 seconds.

There you go. 20 is better than 30. I agree. When you're fatiguing. Right?

Woo! Right? Okay. Heels and toes out. Those King Kongs.

Sumo squat, curl, press. Catch your breath. We got 5 seconds. I feel it gets longer. 3.

Let's go. Squat. Curl. Push. Down.

Down. Catch the breath. Right here. There you go. Down.

Nice work. You're doing so good, you guys. Come on. 5 seconds. 1 more full rep.

You got it. Hup! Push. You're out. Weights are down.

Laterals. 2 lateral walks. Jab it. To the right we go. In 3.

Let's go. Right, 2. Boom. Left. 2.

Boom. Right. 2. Boom. Yes.

Come on. Give me something with that punch. Ha. Boom. Land that punch somewhere.

Boom. Yeah. There you go. Add that breath. Come on, push it.

There you go. There you go. Come on. 5. 2.

You're out. Walk it off. Push ups. Mats if you want 'em. Push up T for the last time.

Good news, you guys. Last time I'm asking you to do pushups today. Right here. Yay. Right here.

Right? 20 seconds. In 3. Let's go. Push up.

T. Come on. 20 seconds. Yes, you can. Chest and shoulders.

They're on fire after that upper body segment. Oh my gosh, they are. But we are finishing strong. Come on. You got this.

2. You're out. The weights are in front of you. Okay. Mats are out the way.

Last time on the fire feet, you guys. And you get a 1-minute break. That 1-minute break is coming, Shelly. Fire feet, you ready? Fire.

The fire. It's building. It's building. It's so building. In 3, 2, let's go.

3. Down. Hup! 3. Down.

Come on. 20 seconds. Yes, you can. You do anything. Woo!

For 20 seconds. Boom. Hup! 3. Come on.

Yes. 3. Ah. 2. Tap it.

Hup! Tap it. Yes. Yes. Boom.

Let's go. Finish. You're there. In 5. 1 more tap, you're out.

Tap out. I tap out. Tap on out, girl. I tap out. Woo!

Water. 1 minute. 1-minute break. I look forward to it. I look forward to it each time.

Yeah. Okay, guys. Final set. Core. The last set.

Mm-hm. One more set. So excited. Hey, guess what? This one is actually our body weight core.

It's gonna be all body weight. So you can put your weights out of the way. There will be glute bridges, which you could add a weight to your hip to. If you wanted. Have a mat nearby.

Body weight. Get by. So good. Right? Body weight.

Body weight. It's a good way to finish a workout. Here's hoping by this point, you're starting to fatigue, right? You're like, what? I'm starting to fatigue.

Those weights are feeling real heavy. Well, most of us have enough body weight to give yourself that extra push anyway. Oh, yeah. You know? Oh yeah, you can do this whole workout with body weight.

Right? Upper body, you might wanna grab like some soup cans or something. Yeah, you go. Okay. Core, you guys.

First move, we're going back to that sumo squat. Heels and toes out. You're gonna sink nice and low. There are only gonna be 4 oblique regions. So it's 1.

Back to center, reach, down. So 4 obliques, up, down. 4 obliques, up, down. On that up, down, you gotta hollow out. Squeeze that core.

You ready? Squeeze that core. Right? Squeeze that core. All right.

40-20s. Get low. You're on. In 3. Let's go.

Up. Down. Reach. Down. Can you add that heel raise on the reach?

Squeeze, squeeze, down. I get this like, I used to play volleyball. Yeah. So blocking. Block.

It's like a pipe. Okay. 1, 2. 4. Like a pipe, hollow, down.

Oh, right. 1. It's like a hollow rock standing. Woo! That makes it balance, I'm top heavy.

3, 4, hollow it out, down. Obliques, 2. Hollow it down. 1 more. Obliques, right, balance.

4. Hollow it out. You're down. Shake it out. Shake it out.

Shake it out. Did I mention we're only doing 2 sets? Okay. 2 sets on the core. This is beautiful.

So 40-20s. Yeah. 30-15s. 2 sets on the core. Okay?

Front kicks for your cardio. Front kicks. Kick, kick. In 3, 2, let's go. Boom.

Boom. Woo! This gets sweat. Keep that corridor shut. Yeah.

Sweat is flying in here. Boom. It's flying up my arms. Drive your heels to us slightly in the back. That's where you get that core engagement, right?

Lower abdominal wall. Big arm. Bigger the arms, higher the heart rate. You kick to where it's comfortable for you. Yeah.

My kicks might be a little lower than Shelly's. That's all good. That's been a yay. Do your best, forget the rest. Ha.

Ha. I like that. Come on. Big arms, hinge back. Brace that core.

Right here. To the mat. Okay. To the mat. To the mat.

We'll go all the way out. Okay. And we'll go the long way this time, Shelly. We'll go quick. Okay.

Glute bridges. Like I said, if you wanted to grab a dumbbell, now's your chance. Now's your chance. Going down on your back. You can put that dumbbell on your hips.

Bending glute bridges. Flat on my back. Right here. Arms at my side, or holding the dumbbell. You're gonna press up 4 pulses, 1 down.

So lift up to the top of your bridge. Pulse 4. 1. Take it. Hover, lift, pulse.

Hover. I hope you join us. We're on. This is your 40 seconds right here. Hup!

Down. Lift. Pulse. Woo! 2.

Down. Now you know those little like plotty sponge balls that they have, the red balls that we've used for barre? Oh, yes. Down. Pretend you have one of those between your knees.

Right? You're squeezing those inner thighs. Hup! Hover. Lift.

Pulse. 4. Hover. Last set. Hover.

Take it all the way down. Roll yourself up, pop yourself up gracefully. To a table tap. Bird dog. We're gonna finish with bird dog.

4 pulses in bird dog. So reach 1 arm out, 1 leg, pulse. Take it down. Switch. Pulse.

4. Down. Down. Down. Nice.

Woo! Extending, all the way out. Keep those hips squared to the ground, right? Hold that belly button nice and tight to the spine. You're getting a little pregnancy core work here, because you're here with me today, but it's good for you, right, Shelly?

It still works at core, oh, hard. Yes, it does. Last one, last one. Down. Nice work.

Woo! All right. You guys, we are out of time. I am so sorry. We are not gonna get to go through another time.

We were supposed to do core twice. Well, feel free to do it at home. Do it again. Yeah! Do it again.

We're gonna stretch. We're gonna stretch. Beautiful, love that. Okay, let's go to our tabletop. Okay.

We're gonna stretch it out. We ran out of time today. 1 round of core, that's all you get. But guess what? That's a good round.

Do it again if you want to. Yeah, and you had core throughout. Oh, yeah. So do a couple of cat cows. You can drop the belly, lift the chin.

And then pull it in. Chin to the chest, pull that belly in. Just fold through a couple of cat cows. Your pace, you know. It feels good to stretch out that back.

It does. After those bird dogs. Right? Stretch out that back. That feels nice.

Take 1 more. And then find that neutral spine. Find that neutral spine. From here we're gonna go into our shoulder stretch. So let's go.

Arm up to the sky, roll up the wrist. And then you're gonna go all the way down, ear to the mat. Widen those hips if you need to. And just push into that shoulder. This feels nice.

Ooh! Always feels good. The rotation in this spot is delicious. Right? We hit it all today.

We did. Okay, bring it back up to table top. Other side, other side. Reach up to the sky, roll that wrist, and then thread the needle. Tuck all the way under, ear to the mat.

You get strength and cardio. Like I said, low impact does not mean low intensity. You guys hit it all today. That was 45 minutes of intense work. Nice work.

It was. Back to table top. Let's push. Tuck those toes under, go up and back down, dog. Just stretch it out.

This always feels so good. Pedal your heels. Press your chest to your thighs. Take a big inhale, pop up to your tip toe. Big exhale, melt your calf straight into the mat.

A lot of calf raises today. Yeah, lots. Good way to amp up the intensity, right? Ooh! Nice work.

From here, walk your hands back to meet your feet. Nice, right down pose. Grabbing opposite elbows or biceps, and just let it all hang heavy again, shaking out that lower back. A lot of overhead work today. Bend at the knees, roll one vertebrae at a time, back and shoulders last to rise.

When you get to the top, we're gonna turn back to you guys. 3 big shoulder rolls. Up, back and down. Up, back and down. Up, back and down.

Give me a big inhale. Reach up nice and tall. Right wrist grabs, left wrist, up and over. Right side body stretch. And then drop that palm to the ground.

Reach a little bit further to your right. Nice. Back to center. Switch it out, other side. Up and over, left side body stretch.

Drop the palm to the thigh. Reach a little bit further to the left. Open up those obliques. Lot of obliques in that core. Lots.

Back to center. Reach up tall. Give me that baby back bend. Open the chest, open the shoulders. Reach up tall.

One more big inhale. Are you ready, Shelly? Yep. Big inhale. Fill it up.

Oh, yes. Big exhale. Nice work, you guys. 45 minutes of intense strength and cardio in a low impact way. 40-30-20, number 3.

If you haven't done number 2 and number 1, come back and give those a try. Yes? That was fabulous. Thank you, guys. Nice work, Shelly.

Good job to you guys at home. Woo! Awesome job. Have a great rest of your day. Thanks for joining us.

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