GOLD Unilateral Strength 4
Chris FreytagDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Dumbbells (light and heavy), mat
Instructor: Chris Freytag
Well, hi there. Get healthy U TV squad. My name is Chris Fry Tag and this is unilateral strength. Number four. I have the fantastic Sam cam with me today.
Hi. Hi, it is. It's gonna be great. We love unilateral training. We think you guys love it too because it is a challenge.
We're gonna use one side of the body at a time. So you have to think, shoulders, stay steady, of course, stay steady. We're gonna turn on the balance, um, stabilizers because we're gonna be balancing on 1 ft. We're gonna do different exercises than number 12 and three. So if you like this, go back and do those, we're going 30 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest.
We're doing the right side twice, then a little, um, burn out move and then the left side twice, then a burnout move and we move through four blocks of work. Bing bang. Boom. Let's go. Let's go.
Here we go deep breath up in hell up ax T down. This is gonna be about 40 to 45 minutes today. Sounds like a good solid strength right, right there. Awesome. And then just relax those shoulders back.
Uh Just take the tension out of your neck and then pedal your arms back. Give me really big circles right here. And Christy said like a good strength workout. Did you start your watch? I didn't start my, I didn't think so.
I always looking out, I saw it and I was like, she's gonna be so mad after that. Thank you, Sam. Cam. OK. Coming the other direction if you haven't already.
So you put it on. What traditional strength training? Something like that? Strength training. Yeah, right here.
Give yourself a hug. But at the end of the day, you know, this is just uh you know, to give you a little goal setting, it's not accurate or I should say it's not 100% accurate. Ok. Arms up. We're gonna come to the right and then big circle all the way around.
Oh, I just heard a little crack in my back. You gotta love that and then go the other direction all the way around. Oh, and let those hands float down. Cat cow standing just flatten that back and then round it way up and then flatten. Really exaggerate.
Round here we go one more Latin round and good. All right, boot strapper. We're gonna reach for the fronts of our toes, reach to the tops of your boots right there and then open those hamstrings all the way up, do that three more times just come down as low as you can each time. Maybe you bend those knees and those hips a little more all the way down. Oh, baby.
And on this last one you're gonna stay down heels and toes out and come into that nice Yogi squat to open up those knees. Since we're here, we're just gonna sit down. I know you're saying, sit down, well, guess what? We're not gonna sit down much today. So enjoy it while you can right here all the way.
Now take that opposite hand and bring it over and drop your elbow. I want you to feel this in your back, feel it all the way through your right here through your glue through your back and then come up, switch those hips around other side, reach for the floor. Oh, doesn't that feel good? And then come around reach, we'll do one more on each side all the way over. We're working on mobility and getting those joints lubricated motion is lotion right there.
Good. And then come back up and we're going to take our hands forward and come into your down dock right there. Bicycle, those heels get a nice stretch through the back of your legs and then pull forward to your cobra stretch. Open up those hip flexors good job. Push it back.
Here we go. Bicycle looking good team. Here we go one more cobra now, lift up into your plank shoulders over the wrist. Hips are strong. Abs are tight side to side.
Nothing swaying, nice and strong. Ok. Runner's lunge right side, open up, roll the wrist and then we're gonna switch sides ready right there and switch sides. See how low you can get into that runner's lunge. It's just pressing that hip flexor open.
Let's do it again. On both sides. Rolling all the kinks out of your wrist right there. The last one, I love it all right. But comes down mountain climbers, one knee in other knee right there.
Now you pick the pace. You can speed it up. Sam Kim's got your uh modifications today. You got it. You got it.
Girl. This is a low impact workout. Walk your hands back to your feet. This is a low impact workout. Roll up.
So not a lot of modification. No, you're gonna use a few lighter weight, lighter weights. Yeah. Here we go down, up, down up. Let's just get into those squats.
Sit your butt back all the way back. Weight is in the heels. Eyes up. Let's go down, up down. Give me four more squats warming it up.
Four. You've got it. Three. Come on, baby, two. All right.
Knees to the front right here. Let's go pull them, pull them good. I love it. 43 hamstring curls. Here we go right there.
Now you take that heel all the way up to your glute, hold those arms, waking up the shoulders. Let's go for 43 knees back to the front. Let's go. 876. Come on breathe.
Take them to the back. 87, you got it. Come on 43. We're gonna take that right leg back and lunge. So take it behind you.
Nice strong lung. Give me 321. Now you're gonna hip circle around. You gotta balance 321. Hip circle around.
Take your time. I'm putting my hand on my core because you should feel your core engaged. Yes. 321 and release other side. I love that.
Yes. All right. Here we go. We'll count it 321 and circle three big hip circle right there. Oh baby.
Hold that balance. 321. Bring it around We're gonna do one more. This is it and done. Release of shoulders jumping jacks.
You got it low impact or a full jack. It's up to you right there. Come on. Get to head out of that range of motion. I love it.
Here we go for 432. Now skip in place skip right there. Just pull that knee up opposite arm for 43. Check it out for 432. Skip in place for 432.
Now two jacks. Come on, two skips. Let's go. You got it. Two jacks.
Two skips w right there getting that blood pump in. You feel it. I love it all coming up. Nice heels to the front. Ok.
How are we doing, we're warm. I'm warm. I'm feeling good. So unilateral strength. So keep moving.
Simon says don't stop. Here's what we're doing. Two moves. 3015 rests right side twice. Burn out move just gonna get the heart pumping a little bit.
Oh left side twice. Burn out move. We move to the next block. All right. Four blocks.
You said 321. Yes. Four blocks. All right. Let's go girl, let's go.
Ok? So I'm gonna start with my £15 weight. You got your 10. Yep. Ok.
So let's see where we go with this. There's no shame in dropping down in weight. The whole idea is muscle fatigue. So if you reach the point where you go, oh my gosh, I can't do another rep. Yep.
Yay. You switch down and wait and go for it. Ok? So first move it is a high snatch. Now when I put my hand here, you keep seeing me, put my hand here.
It's because your core should engage. You should feel those muscles march in place using that core down. That's a snatch to a double March. Then we're gonna go to a dead lift. So you're going to uh sorry, right leg, right leg, right hand.
We're gonna row twice and then we're gonna balance on that right leg. Sam's gonna kick stand and we're in a lateral race. This is a lot of balance to talk. Ok? Two times two on the right baby.
Are you ready. We're ready. Snatch in 321. Here we go. Squat.
Snatch. March. March. Bring it down. Squat.
Snatch March. Now, bring that way to the ground if you can all the way down. Pull it March. March, I love it. Drop your booty.
Get down there. So you're squat should look like a squat. Not a dead lift. You gotta get your booty down there. Yep.
Good. Great. Come on, baby. Right there. One more.
One more. Got it. Let's go right there and easy peasy. Done. OK.
Double row in a dead lift. Double lateral run. Lateral raise in a balanced move. Load your right leg. Here we go.
Let's go over double row. OK. Stand up. Now, this is the hardest right there. Lateral race.
Oh Squeeze something under your armpit. Here we go. Boom. Boom, up. Balance.
Mm Man. Cut upper body strength right there right there. Good job. You're loading that right leg. Come on, baby.
Right there. Holy bananas. Huh? Yep. W relax those shoulders right there and done.
All right. One more round on the right side. We're really loading up that right. OK. Fatigue.
15 seconds. Rest is all you get. We're starting in 321. Let's go. Oh Jeez.
Huh. That was quick right there. Keep those abs tight right here. You got it right there. So from the side view, you are dropping down all the way into a spot.
Pick it up right there. So what I was trying to say is don't do this but do this right. Come on, Sammy all the way in that squat. Come on right there and done good job. Double dead lift row, double lateral raised balance, right.
Load that right leg. 32. Let's go tip it over. Nice long spine, double row. Come up in balance.
Hm. This is the hardest one for me, especially with Come on option to tap the toe if you're like, oh, I'm just working on that balance. You still have like 80 90% in that right leg. Yeah. Yep.
You got it. Girl. Pull that elbow past your hip. Come up right there. Squeeze.
I don't know. Ok. At the end of this workout, Sam, tell me which is the hardest move that you think. Ok. Right here.
Last one, we'll have our whole squad comment too. We'll have a vote done. Ok? So that was the right side. We go to a burnout move before we move to the left.
So we're keeping that weight in the right hand. You're gonna let it take you all over the right side row back. It's a skater. Move your body. 321, go, move it, go row pull row, pull, come on.
So all your body weight goes over here, then you have to pull it back, comes over here and my right arm is so fatigued that what you say of our body burn. Come on. Yeah, we got it, pull it, pull it breathing. Five. Come on, baby all the way.
32, done. Hey, good job. Nice work. That was it on the right side. All right.
Here we go up giving that right arm a little break. Here it goes. We start in five W three. I play you one. Yeah.
Not a whole lot of work of rest until we get to the end of the block. No rest for the weary right there. Go. Now I say this all the time, Sam and I talk about it speed. A lot of things matter with speed.
It's about how much weight you have in your hands. Yep. It's about your age. I actually learned a lot. I'm taking this course on menopause and hormones and learned a lot about dropping estrogen and just the ability to react and move fast and the way your muscles are, et cetera, et cetera.
So a lot of things will affect speed, but here's the deal. Go with form first, right? Good form and then speed done. Here we go. Double di letts.
Are you ready? Girl? We're ready. Loading that left leg. Here we go.
321 over. Oh, so you do you breathe? I do find myself like really focusing on my breath when it gets super heavy. Yes. And I think a lot of people when they work out really don't even think about that breath, but like you really need it right.
Oxygen to that working muscle. You got it. Girl. Come on, go. And I always find myself if I'm doing like a straight up strength work.
I love having multiple weights. Yep. Last one right here. Come on. Come on.
Yes, you can team, go, go all the way. Uh, we got it. Oh, ok. Nice work one more time on the left side and we're throwing these two moves away. All right.
They're fun ones. So I, oh, you're gonna vote at the end of the world. Don't forget about 21 and go snatch right here. Lots of core happening. Yeah, because I was thinking about it while we were, I was trying to come up with moves that we haven't done.
Yeah. In number 12 and three. Yep. And I was like, oh, you gotta be creative. Which one do I like the best?
Yeah, because I love what you just said about creative. You know, people will go well. Should I do my road this way or that way? You know what? It's like, shake it up in a shaker bottle and pour it out.
Exactly. It doesn't matter. Change your, you know, moves and your compound moves and your workout formats, but use good form and challenge your muscles. 321, muscle fatigue is what we're going for on the strength workout. If this feels too easy, your heart rate's not up.
You need to have your 321 here. We go. Boom right there. Oh load that left leg. Ok?
This is what happened on the right side. Second round. Well, I was just fatigued. Yep. Come on bitches, ok?
Come on use that core from your hips to your shoulders. Right? That has all gotta stay still. Go for it. Alright.
321 and done baby. Nice. Ok. Skater pull just to burn out that this is a burn out here we go in Ready go. Team you row it, you pull it back, you drop it, you pull it back, you reach you pull you reach you pull come on, come on back.
Come on body. Come on. Got it. Let's go. Ah you are naturally hinged at the hips by long abs tight.
Pull that arm. Holy back muscles. Holy arm muscles. I feel it. Come on, go.
Go ahead. Yes you can. 4321 and done. Nice work. Hey, that wasn't so bad.
Block one. Block one done. Nice job. Yes. All right.
Grab a drink if you are a water drinker. Water towel. Mhm. Ok. So strength workout you gotta do push ups, right?
Don't beat yourself up. Do the best you can, right? All right. I'm gonna pull my mat out. We're going from push up to chest fly.
So Sam and I are gonna be laying on the mat for the second move. So set yourself up accordingly. I'm gonna do my push ups on my knees. So I've got my mat underneath. Sam is gonna drop to our knees.
Yep. Ok. So double push up, double lunge press. Say what you're gonna do? Two push ups in this position, you're gonna pull that opposite leg up, rack the weight, double push press.
That's hard. I go into a chess fly on your back with a glue bridge and an overhead pull. I'll show you when we get there. Let's go. Tina.
Ok. Are you ready? Girl? We're ready. 321.
Here we go. Double, push up, pull those elbows back, less shoulder more tricep. Pull that leg forward. R double push press. Let's go.
W double push up. Come on, girl, let's go. Use that chest and then here we are with the shoulders balance. I'm just moving my mat so I don't step on it. Get it out of the way.
Come on. Racket. Double push press. Heck yes and done. Oh, that wasn't so bad.
Not too bad. Ok. So keep that weight in that right hand glued bridge. It's a double chest fly right here. You're gonna do a double.
Then both hands will control it in an overhead pole. Are you ready, girl? Three? You ready? Two.
Let's start at the top. Here we go. Open, close, open, close and then overhead pull, reach for the ground. Bam. Back up, open, close, lift those hips, squeeze your booty.
Use your abs overhead pull right here. Nice. Work back up. Chest fly. Come on.
It's a single arm, chest fly. So you have to stay focused on staying balanced side to side. Got it. Yep. 32.
I had a look at the clock and done. Ok. Push ups. Again, that one you really got to think about like shoulders, hips, stay square. Yeah.
And honestly, I could have probably gone with a 20 pounder there. So go heavier if you can. 321, double, push up. Let's go. Team, double, push up.
That was your rest. Let's play. It was a transition rack, double shoulder. You got it. Oh, nice isometric lunch too.
Huh? Yeah. Lower body. Oh, nice work. Team.
We your book, I'm Making Faces today. Remember if you're scrunching your face, you're dying, you're trying. There it is. There it is w double rack. Come on, baby.
Oh, and there it is. Ok. All right to quote Sam. There it is. I like it.
All right. Here we go. Double chest, fly red pull with squeeze. So everything today is a compound move three. Start your arm at the top 21, open, close, open, squeeze your g loose, close overhead pull right here.
Oh, there's also an option to drop your hips down if you're like that, that gets into my lower back, drop your hips and just focus on that upper body. Good idea. Sam. Glute bridges are a great way to get started with more glute, squeezing more abs without like a lot of stress on your knees. It's exactly like a squat.
Right. Chris just without like that impact on your knees. Exactly. Ok. Here we go.
It's your last one. Open, open, open, overhead, pull. Come on. Ah, nice work. Who look at us, stand it up.
Leave that weight there. You're gonna need it for the left side. We're going four knees for our burnout and then we're going four inside of the toes, using that inner thigh. Let's go and you pull, pull and you can add a little puff to yourself or you can keep it nice and low impact right here. We're just trying to get a little heart rate.
Plus this is great for the hip mobility. Absolutely right here. Reach 321 go, go. Last one right here. Boom.
Ok. I swear left side, other side, more push ups. Everyone loves a good push up. Everyone's like heck, yeah. Yeah.
3210 my God. The timer is too honest, isn't it? It is. Keeps us instructors honest. And then you don't have to think about anything at home.
Here we go double push up elbows or back shoulders away from the ears, use your chest and triceps, rack the weight, double push press. Let's go. Come on baby, double person right there. W hen done. OK.
Trust by. Come on. Here we go. Blue Bridge, you're up in 54 arm starts at the top 32. Let's go.
Open, close, open, close. Squeeze those blues to overhead pull. Oh, relax those shoulders down. You got it. Good job breathing.
Really? Focus on that chest. Fly. Here we go. You're gonna open, I'm keeping your shoulder steady.
Yep, I'm keeping your hip steady. Use those core stabilizers. Last one I think, let me look at the timer and 321 done. Ok. So we're averaging six push ups per time.
So 1224 24 good push ups here. Got all that. Not a bad day. 321 hooks go team two push ups isometric lunge rack che overhead. Who come on all the way?
You got it. Keep that form nice and strong. We're maintaining these on my toast today and it's crushing me. Here it is. Come on push ups, you just get stronger.
So you do more from the toes, right? You keep working on it. Here we go. 321 done. Ok.
Last set of glue have chest flies for the day. See how time flies when you're having fun, time flies. When you have fun friends, we are starting in hips up 54 arm up, 32, double go, chest flies down, up, down, up and overhead. Paul. So the chess fly pectorals.
Yes. Arms are the helper muscles and then you use your back as you pull overhead and back up. I love it. Come on, team, come on. Come on, baby, we're gonna do two more chest slides just for the heck of it.
All right. Let's do it all the way. Yep. Just the two chest slides. I got it.
Come on. Ah, right there. Oh, perfect timing. Right. Burn out four knees, four inside of the shoes in 321.
Here we go. So turn it in. Use those inner thighs right there. Right. Inner thighs and the hip mobility that you talked about.
Round one. Right. Yup. Pull those arms down with intention. You've got this.
Let's go. Let's go. Come on, crunch those abs one more. Round go W block two off block 22, a 42 down two to go. Not bad heart rate.
Sometimes in strength, your heart rate stays steady but it's about the muscle engagement, right? What are you feeling? Right? OK. So I'm gonna move my mat so it's not in our way.
We'll be using it. Are we using it? Yeah, we are using it this time. I, we're gonna kneel for the second move and my knee, I like it like real cushy. So I'm gonna put it right there.
OK. So we're gonna do a reverse lung with that right leg. Double bicep curl right there. Side squat, release the weight, side squat, pick it up, reverse lunge, double bicep, side squat two times. So it's 22 and 22.
Hold your lung two bicep two squat. Then we go into the kneeling move and I'll help you. It's a chop with a tricep overhead two, tricep two is our number today. Yeah, brought to you by the number two. All right, here we go.
32, one right here. Reverse lunge, double bicep. Don't swing the elbow all muscle step to the side. Put it down. Pick it back up.
Here we go. Reverse lung, double bicep. Really dig into that bicep Step to the side. Put it down, pick it back up right there. W another isometric lunge right here.
I love it. Come on, let's go right there. 32. We'll just finish it. Let's just finish it.
You ready and done? OK. Kneeling, hurry up. We've only got 15 seconds. So you're going to kneel on your right knee.
We're going to chop it down. Lift double tricep. Are you ready? 321. So you chop down, swing it up, anchor, double tricep.
Keep your core connected. Rotate right there underneath the legs right there. Keep that elbow in tight. Use that tricep chop right there. Come on, baby rib cage closed one more.
Your abs. Oh jeez. £15 really takes me down there. Oh Yeah. Come on and done.
Ok. Still on that right arm. We go right into that side spot. Ok, Sam, I tricked you last time. Yeah, I'm following your lead.
21. Let's go. Here we go. Boom right there. Now.
Step right into it right there. Pick it back up. Good job. Team who come on right there. Ah, I'm right there.
Come on right there. Go, come on. Done kneeling. Come on. Make sure that Matt doesn't get in the way of your wood chop.
All right. You ready? 321, chop it down. Bring it up. Double tr keep that elbow in tight.
I love that Sam. It's easy to let it kind of flare out. You really gotta think about it and you've gotta keep your rib cage connected and your core muscles as you get that little bit of rotation with the wood chop. Come on baby and it's easier with a heavier weight. Right?
Chris to arch your back. So you really gotta tuck your booty under. Squeeze your lips. Oh My tricep is like free one more. One more.
Let's go. Come on team. Yes, you can. Last one. Come on.
Yes. All right, left side is next. But we got to burn out first. All right. We're gonna pull that right knee across the body four times.
We're gonna skip four times. Go 432143. Stay. Um Oh, we're alternate. I was like, are we still gonna alternate for the burnout?
Let's go just every other. Come on Keep that body moving and grooving. Come on. Come on. Oh, come on.
Come on. Give me four skits. 4321. I feels like five bicep step right into that. Um, squat.
Yeah. 321. Here we go. Reverse lunge, elbow and tight, double bicep step. Put it down, squat.
Pick it up. Reverse lunge double bicep. Oh, try not to swing that bicep. Right. Oh, come on.
Say on those legs right here. Come on, you got it. Team. You got it. Let's do one more right there and done.
Ok. Get your mat. We're going to kneel on the other leg. Weight stays in the left hand. Ready go chop lift double tricep.
Oh. Feeling it got a good bicep and tricep action front side of the arm for the bicep, back side of that arm for the tricep. We go starting to feel those shoulders. Anyone else? Oh my goodness.
Yes. Oh quart. Booty on. Come on. Breathe.
Don't hold your breath. Make sure as Sam said earlier, oxygen to the working muscles right there. Go form 32 and there you have it one more. Set my friends, we can do it right. We can.
Yes, we can look how well trained she is. Got you. Take it back. Let's go right there. Oops.
I'm gonna have to move my mat right there right there. Sorry, you're good. You gotta clear the space. Hold your balance right here. Heck yeah.
Come on. Come on right there. Good bicep. Yes. Yep.
And as our bodies get tired, right. Chris talked about form comes first. So you really start to, gotta think about it as our bodies get a little more tired. You got it and done last kneeling wood chop. We can do this.
Nice job. Team. Come on. I was just screw kneel on the wrong leg. Ready go.
That was our rest. That's why you have your back up to help you out, right? I know. Gotta love having another person with you. We're here for you.
You guys don't have to remember at home. Just follow us. You have to remember your favorite move though. Yeah, you still have to pick your favorite move from this work up. Let us know.
I love Sam. How you have your hand out for counterbalance. It helps keep your shoulders steady. Yep. Let's go.
We're gonna do one more because we can because we can. Let's go. Let's go right there. Ah. Oh I do this.
If you're going heavy enough, you're feeling it. I've stuck with my 15. Holy bananas. Huh? Holy bananas is right.
We'll start to this side in 4324 East. Let's go. It's 43. I'm off to one just for fun. Let's turn to the other side.
I wasn't listening. That's ok. You just said a 21. Let's go. 432 14321.
Let's go. That's a testament to like this is real life. Right? It happens. Oh yeah.
Come on, let's go for 4321 more. Go 434. Good thing. We have another block for me to redeem myself. All right.
I hope you're doing great right there. We just like that little burn out to get your heart rate is just a little bit of it. Yeah. How are your muscles? Muscles are?
They're, they're feeling it for sure. They're good. But using a lot of weight, let's, let's be sure Sam would be using a 15 too. We like to give you options. We want you guys to feel successful.
So, absolutely. You do. You, if you're just getting started in a five and £8 are challenging, you own it. Yes, it's awesome. Yeah, you're gonna progress.
Yep. Ok. This is our Plank series. Oh, so our first move, we're gonna hold that plank and we're gonna alternate. This is the only one where we're not going right and left.
We're gonna alternate. So we're gonna take that weight behind and to the outside of our hands. So look at our hands, look where the weight is. You can see it to the outside of my right hand because I'm going to pull it across. So I have to reach all the way with my pectorals, reach and down.
I'm going to pull it all the way across. Simon says to the outside of your hand, reach and down. Ok. Yep. You got it.
Our second move. Army call. I'm gonna put my math down. Yep. Ok.
And I'm gonna have it underneath my knees for the first time and then push it forward for the second one. OK. Love it. OK. And there's no shame in the modify game.
So, we've got modifications here. We're gonna start in three in two in one. All right. So here we go, you pull it all the way across, reach that arm, pull it all the way across, reach that arm, pull it all the way across. Now, I have my feet wide in a full plank.
Yep. Because you wanna keep your hips steady and same with me, I'm on my knees, but they're not like together, I've got them slightly separated to keep the hips still. As Chris said square, I finish to reach, I forgot to reach right there that reach just activates all your back extensor right there. Go last one. Boom and done.
Beautiful. Ok. So we are going to Army Crawl. T plank the way it's going to be in the center. You're gonna start on your forearms.
You're gonna come up t plank and down. We're gonna stay on the right side. Three. Start on your forearms. Two and one.
All right. Here we go. Come up. It doesn't matter which arm you come up with. I don't care.
And then you go back down. All right. Come up either arm. It doesn't matter. Right.
Tee plank that we're sticking with the right, all the way on the right. Oh, so your hips will be squared on that army crawl and then they open up to that tt plank using that oblique facing the ground. Come on, I'm feeling this. Yeah. Go from everything you did before this right.
Go. Come on. Yes, you can last one all the way down all the way. Give me a cheap point. Come on, baby all the way.
And there you have it. That's hard side one. Number one, we gotta do it again. Yep. Alternating with those reaches.
Are you ready? Team? All right. Round two and 321. Let's go.
OK. Reach and then reach and take it across. That's a reach and then a reach and a reach, right? So you're taking that way, way to the outside so that you can really use your pectorals to pull it through and then when you reach that arm forward trying to keep those hips squared. OK?
We got it. Come on one more. We're gonna do one more. Go and done. She played Timer two plank to plank.
Still on the right. All right. 32. Start on your forearms. Ready.
Go up up. Let's go. Come on. Work it, go. Yes, you can team.
It is sometimes very challenging. Right? That's what you're going for and all of you who work so hard at home, you're used to adversity, you're used to trying things that are hard. I love it. Come on, we're gonna do one more scene.
OK. Let's do it. Finish it out strong. Oh Right there, baby. OK.
Four mountain climbers, four jumping jack planks or low impact like Sam's got for you. I like my hands on my weight. So I'm just gonna put them here. You can put them on the floor. 321.
So you got four mountain climbers and then four jacks, you decide Sam's got modifications. If you would rather stand up, you could do that too. That one. Yep. Right here.
Four reaches knees crunch and two jacks right there. If you're with me, your shoulders are on fire from loading them through this whole Plank series right here. Give me four jacks. We're almost done. 321.
Oh, seriously done on that side. My shoulders are on fire. That was like salt on a wound at the end. Shoulders and like the chest on that side. Plank a little bit.
Ok. So we're going for the um crossover. I've got a little challenge for you. Uh Oh, so you're on your uh knee so you can do a bird dog. Sam, I'm gonna pull it through.
Are you gonna balance? And I'm going to try to balance where that is? That is going to be a little slow down. Oh, my shoulders. They're on fire.
They're on, there's a, there's a lot of shoulders in this one. Here we go. Team, let's start it. Let's start it on this side. It doesn't matter.
Ok. So go for that balance. Do what you can bird dog or a full balance. Three. Come on baby 21.
So you're gonna pull it through and I'm gonna take whoa balance at this part. Take it through. Gotta get the first one out of the way and then balance, take it through and then balance, take it through. Oh I really have to focus at the foot placement of my opposite foot. Yep.
Go come on notice I'm not talking anymore. Me neither. I'm really thinking I'm focusing. Come on, you got it. 321 and done.
That was challenging. OK. Are you thinking about your favorite move? Sam? Uh Yeah.
OK. At the end we're gonna, we're gonna reveal. OK, we're gonna reveal. You have one too, right? Oh yeah, I have one.
OK. 321 up up T plan. Let's go. Come on. Oh use that oblique.
Whole body works in a tea plank. Yep. Arms core. Keep those legs active shoulders. Yes.
Shoulders. How do we forget? I was gonna say come on, we can do this all the way. Come on. Come on.
Come on. Team four. Yes. 31 more. Team plank.
21. Yes. OK. One more. One more balance, right.
All right. That is a challenge, no doubt. All right. Last block you can do this team in 432. Here we go.
Pull it through balance. Squeeze your booty. Once you figure out where your feet and hands have to be, it could go a little easier. Right. Yep.
It's finding those core muscles also. Woo. Right. Yep, man. Pure muscle, pure strength.
Come on all day. 031 more. Finish it. Both of us go grunting side of a good workout. Right.
Tea plank in 54. Come on last time. Talk to yourself right here. Yes, we can. I am capable.
I am strong. Let's go. Here we go up, up tea plank, down, down, up, up teapot. Uh Yes. Really got muscle through this one.
Taste the finish line. You guys. This has been an amazing four blocks of strength. Come on, keep breathing. Five, four.
We're gonna do one more full tea plant. Come on, come on, come on, come on. You got this. You did it. Who said the Mount Cleer and Jacks?
Yep. Don't give up. Here we go. All right. Any modifications.
Welcome. You gonna do. I'm gonna pull my mic down. 321. Let's go.
Four mountain climbers, four knees, four jacks go. Oh my goodness. Huh. All the way. This is it.
Find that little push go. Go. Go, go, go. Come on. Four mountain climbers.
It's four knee high. Those shoulders. Thanks for going one more round one more round go. Go, go. My shoulders are literally on fire on fire.
Check done, man. OK. We're gonna vote. So I'm first gonna go on record saying the fourth block was the worst. Yeah, for me.
Yep. On my black the whole time. Yeah. It's a lot Yeah. Yes or no on your knee.
I was on my knees but like shoulders are burning. Ok. What was your favorite movie? We're gonna stretch. I have two.
Ok. Two. Ok. Give, give a, give a, my top second place. My first place was the deadlift, double row to the balance to the LAT race.
Really? I like that because like, I'm well, here's why team deadlift to start. Yep, that's my favorite. And then I love just like the row and the balance. Like there's just so much going on there and then I will go on record saying I normally hate push ups but the double push up to the lunge to the press is just like awesome.
So that was my number two. OK. Funny. OK. We're so much alike.
So are you touching your toes and feeling that safe from you guys? Um My number one is the push ups. Ok. I love tricep push ups and if we aren't doing 15 in a row, you know, we're doing, we did two push ups and we went into that lunge with that press. Yeah, I feel so powerful because I can really bang those push ups out.
Yeah, I love it. And my second is the lift because I love lateral pre races. You do like I love lateral raises. And when I tried that lateral raise, balancing like that with only one arm, I was like game changer. Holy bananas.
Two arms is a lot easier than one. Absolutely. And for me as like a former dancer, I love anything to, like, bring me back to balancing because I don't do it as much anymore. And it's like, oh, it brings me back to like, ok, I can still do this. We're holding no stretches for a good 20 plus seconds here because that makes a difference.
Now, we're gonna try to keep this butt cheek down and go back. Um Yeah, that's so funny that we picked one or just, I didn't think that that Plank series was gonna be as ugly as it was. It was just a lot of shoulder for me. I mean, that's with the 15, almost. How many minutes in a plank?
Really? You think a lot of time you guys, you did? Great, so do not discount strength. Strength is so important. Sam and I both love cardio like we love the mental side of cardio.
It's sweating, sweating and brain thinking and letting your stress go and being in the moment. But strength is the secret to metabolism as we age as your estrogen is dropping as your body is changing your muscles and ligaments are aging, strength, strength, strength and you will lose it if you don't use it. So you've gotta work and there's, you're not gonna get bulky, just keep working towards a little progressive overload. People ask all the time, when do you know when it's time to pick up a heavier weight. It's when you reach that point where it's too easy if you can do the prescribed amount of repetition that we're doing.
And we're, you know, you're just kind of flinging that weight around going la, la la, pick up a heavier weight. There's a fine line between, you know, your joint health, making sure it feels ok in your joint and then activating that muscle. And you just have to really listen to your body. And you've also, you know, told a couple of people, there is a difference between grabbing two heavy and only doing like one or two reps, like then drop down a little bit and make sure you're doing the full 30 seconds or whatever we're giving you um and get that burn. Yes, like start heavy or moderate and then drop down.
Don't go. So, but the more muscle we have in our body, the more energy we're gonna have during the day, the better we're gonna move during our day. And as we're getting older, it's like so helpful. We've just been so talkative today. We are.
That's not normally like me. I got Sam talking today. All right, you guys, this was super fun. Thanks for joining us for unilateral strength. Number four.
If you like that whole concept, please go back and do 12 and three. They were super fun um and different moves. So way to go team, we'll see you at the next, get healthy U TV. Workout.
Time went so fast, awesome workout. All moves were my favorite!
a new favorite for sure! the last block was my favorite - i just felt so strong! also loved the kneeling move. 15 and 12.5#
The unilateral strength workouts are some of my all time favorites. Modified to standing at the end - that plank series was brutal!
Great solid strength workout! I love unilateral moves - they really challenge my core. The lateral raise did not work for my shoulder with a 15 so I subbed a shoulder press for that move. Hard to believe my Apple Watch only said 282 calories - it was a burner!