How to do a Push-Up
Chris FreytagDescription
To start, when you get into push-up position you want to keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears. This is one of the most important things to remember when learning how to do a push-up. Next, place your palms on the floor and make sure your shoulders are over your wrists. If you’re doing a modified push-up on your knees, pull your hips down and keep your spine nice and long. Modified push-ups are a great place to start if you feel like regular push-ups are too difficult right now, and they still work your arms, shoulders, and back! If you’re doing a regular push-up, be sure to start on your toes. Keep your spine nice and long and your abs tight. Try not to sag your lower back.
As you drop down, let your elbows go slightly behind you. Make sure you’re not scrunching your neck as you do this! Then, press back up using the strength of your chest and lower all the way down again in a full range of motion. If you’re just getting started on your knees, you still want to make sure you’re getting that full range of motion, which is critical to good push-up form. Now that you’ve learned how to do a push-up, try different push-up variations that target new muscle groups and keep your body challenged.
Let me show you how to do a proper pushup because form is everything. So when you get into pushup a position, you wanna keep your shoulders relaxed away from your ears. Palms on the floor, shoulders over the wrists. If you're gonna do a modified pushup, pull your hips down, nice long spine on your knees. If you're gonna do a full push-up come onto your toes.
Keep your spine nice and long, no sagging through the low back, abs tight. And as you drop down, let those elbow slightly go behind you. Don't scrunch your neck, press back up using the strength of your chest. Lower all the way down, full range of motion all the way back up. If you're just getting started, make sure you drop those knees and drop all the way down and up.
Practice full range of motion, that's the most important thing.
Hi!! I have trouble making push ups, I just can’t. Are there some tips to start? Thanks