Chris Freytag

Perhaps a Pli??

Chris Freytag
Duration:   1 mins


Perfect your plié to get the most out of this ballet move that’s a little different from a squat but allows you to reap great lower body benefits like a tighter core and glutes. Learn the differentiation and how to do a plié safely to start seeing results. A plié is a great move to add to your lower body workout routine and can be done anywhere at any time–learn how to do it properly to start toning your lower half today.

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Hi, I'm Chris Freitag, and I'm gonna show you how to do a plié. A plié comes from the world of ballet, but it's a little bit different than a squat, so let me give you some pointers and tips. When doing a squat, you push your butt all the way back like you're sitting into an imaginary chair. When doing a plié, we're gonna tuck our tailbone underneath. Tighten up those abs and you're gonna really feel it in your inner thighs.

Heels in, toes out, and take your feet as wide as you need to. Then you're gonna come all the way down. Think about sliding your back down an imaginary wall. Knees, send over the toes, and then squeeze up through those inner thighs and glutes as you come back up. Inhale and exhale, send the knees over the toes, pull back up, come down as deep as you comfortably can, and make sure you're squeezing your glutes.

Pliés are a great addition to your lower-body strength training.

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