Stability Ball Butt Workout
Chris FreytagDescription
You’ll start with prone hip extensions, extending your legs up as you lay on the stability ball and squeezing your glutes the entire time. Next, you’ll move onto hamstring lifts on your back. You’ll lift up into a bridge, taking one leg up on the ball, lifting and lowering your glutes. Next, it’s time for hamstring roll-ins–a super effective, low-impact move. If you want to make it more intense, Chris will explain how you can pike your hips up to make it more challenging. Chris will show you a few more moves, and your glutes will be feeling it!
Next it’s time to repeat the whole routine again, with Chris encouraging you every step of the way. This last time through, really try to give it your all, engaging your glutes as much as possible and performing each move to full intensity. A bonus to this glute workout is that you’ll also get an amazing hamstring and leg workout, too. Plus, by engaging your core throughout the workout, you’ll get some great ab work in, too.
With less than ten minutes and a stability ball, you can get an amazing glute workout that also incorporates your abs and legs. On those days you think you don’t have time, this time-effective workout is the perfect one for you.
All exercises you perform are your own responsibility and you perform them at your own risk. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider before starting any physical exercise, fitness or wellness regiments of any kind.
Hi, I'm Chris Freytag, and this is your Stability Ball Butt Workout. All right, it's all about the butt, and it's gonna be low impact. So this would be great if you're trying to reduce the number of squats and lunges you're doing, or maybe just for cross training. So, we're gonna use the stability ball. Come down on the floor with me.
It's gonna be about eight minutes, approximately. We're gonna go 30 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, which will be just enough time to get into the next exercise. There are five exercises. So I'll take you through it twice, and do the best you can. We're gonna start with prone hip extensions.
So you're gonna come over that stability ball. You're gonna place your hands down on the floor, shoulders over the wrists. Your toes are just touching the floor in the back, and we're gonna really extend our legs up, and you're gonna really feel it through the backside. Okay? Here we go.
Ready? And, lift. So you're just gonna lift and lower. And I want you to squeeze those glutes as you lift and lower. This is a great low impact workout for your butt.
All right, here we go. Lift and lower. And you can go at whatever speed works for you. You can follow me, or you can do whatever works. Keep going.
We're going 30 seconds. Make sure you breathe. Lift and lower. I can feel this all the way up through my low back too. So this is a great exercise.
Prone means facing down, so these are prone hip extensions. Come on, one more. And done. That was 30 seconds. All right, we're gonna switch over to on our back.
So you're gonna put your feet on the ball, and we're gonna do hamstring lifts. So here we go. Get your feet on the ball. Lift up into that bridge. Take one leg off the ball, either leg, it doesn't matter.
Lift and lower. Now, these, I think are hard. I can really feel these through my hamstrings. You're gonna lift and lower those glutes. If you feel like it's too much work with one leg up in the air, you can always put that leg down and do both legs together.
It's up to you. Come on. Keep going. Lower and lift. You can go faster than me if you want.
I'm stabilizing through my elbows. My abs are nice and tight. Come on. Three, two, one. And we're gonna switch legs.
Woo. Thank goodness. You might get a charley horse in the back of your legs. If you do, take the time to stretch and get back into position. Here we go.
Other leg. Lift that bridge. Leg up in the air. Here we go. Down and up.
Now I'm pushing through my heel into the ball. So I really feel my hamstrings activate all the way up into my glutes. Breathe. So you're working your glutes, but the bonus is you're really getting your hamstrings too. Right there, lift and lower.
Breathe each time. You can do it. Come on. Let's go. Almost there.
Lift and lower. Three, two, one, and release. All right. Hamstring roll ins. This is probably my most favorite stability ball exercise.
So you're gonna lift your butt off the ground. You're in a full plank. Ready? Let's go. Pull it in, pull it out.
Squeeze. You're really working those glutes. Again, feeling it through the hamstrings. Great low impact, lower body workout. Now you wanna make it harder?
Pike up. So you're lifting those hips up. Pike all the way up. Good job. Come on.
Squeeze through the glutes. Breathe each time. You got it. Five, four, three, go at your own pace. Come on.
Two, and last one. All right. One more exercise. We're gonna hold an isometric. So you're gonna put your feet on the ball.
We're gonna come all the way up into a bridge. Do the best you can. 30 seconds. You ready? Here we go.
All right, now I want you to think about bringing your knees together, so it really engages your inner thighs. Pull up through your core, abs tight, butt is working. Hold on. If you start to shake, that is absolutely fine. Those muscles are talking to you.
Make sure you're breathing and not holding your breath. You can do it. Come on. Here we go. Here we go.
Yes, you can. Come on. Eight, seven, six, five. Pull those abs in. Lift higher.
Three, two, and that's first round. All right, we're going right into the second round. Sticking with our 10 seconds rest. Come all the way over for a prone hip extension. You ready?
Three, two, get in position. Let' go, right here. Oh my gosh, my backside feels it. It doesn't take much, right? If you've got five to 10 minutes, you can get a workout in.
Right here, lift and lower. Now maybe you're going a little faster. Maybe you're going a little slower. You're taking your toes off the ground. Squeeze those glutes.
Bring it back. Breathe Keep coming. Last time through. Oh man. Four, three, two, and done.
All right. Flip it over. Hamstrings glutes. All of this is great for the glutes, but you get a good bonus hamstring workout too, ladies. So, here we go.
Lift up. One leg at a time. Pick which leg. It doesn't matter. Lift and lower.
You're really pressing your heel into that ball, so feel it. Stabilize through your elbows. Abdominals, nice and tight. Squeeze your glutes. Again, if you want, you could put your foot down and work both legs on the ball at the same time if you're just getting used to this.
Come on. You got it. Five, four, three, two, and one. Other side. You've got 10 seconds to set up.
Make sure you're breathing. Are you ready? Five, four, three, two. Here we go. Come on.
You can do it. Pull down. Oops, I'm losing my microphone here. Hold on. Right there.
Come on. The beauty of video, let's go. Yes, you can. Push through that heel. Go.
Breathe You got a few more in you? Come on. 10, nine, eight, seven. Yes. Oh, boy.
Three, two, and one. Woo. All right, I'm gonna put my microphone back on. Hamstring roll ins. Are you ready?
Let's go. Three, two, heels are on the ball this time. Lift the hips up, and go. Roll it in. Roll it back.
Now, how fast you go is up to you. You can keep your hips steady like this, or if you wanna make it just a little more difficult, pike up, and down. You gotta use your core, as well as your glutes and your hamstrings. Lift and lower. Right here.
Come on. Breathe. Pull it in. Squeeze. We're near the finish line.
Keep going. Five, four, three, two, and you did it. All right, last but not least, the isometric hold. Let's do this. Here we go.
Heels into the ball. Soles of the feet on the ball. Lift up. 30 seconds. All right.
Now I want you to draw those knees together. Pull up through your pelvic floor, pulling those abs nice and tight. Your glutes are working. Hamstrings are screaming. If you start to shake, that's your body talking to you.
Here we go. Breathe. Hold those hips up. Come on. Don't give up.
10 seconds. Lift up. Lift up. Yes. Five, four, three, two, and wow.
It doesn't take much. Let's just stretch forward, those hamstrings and glutes. Feel it. Just stretch forward with the ball. Woo.
Keep on breathing. I'm really proud of you. Five to 10 minute workout. It works. So that was Stability Ball Butt.
Come back and join me for another workout.
I thought this was great as an add on to any workout. Only 8 minutes but worth it. Thank you!