10 Minute Ankle, Hip & Knee Mobility Workout
Sam CameranesiDescription
Sam will focus on rotating, flexing, and moving the hip, knee and ankles joints to stimulate your body’s natural lubricant, synovial fluid. “Motion is lotion.” When you are stiff and sore, mobility is the key to feeling better. Do this workout whenever you feel like you need to release and move through your joints!
Here is free full body mobility workout if that interests you. If getting down on the floor is too much, check out our Chair Mobility workout.
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Bodyweight
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi
Hey, hey, get healthy U TV squad. I'm Sam. Cam and I'm coming at you with a hip, knee, ankle mobility. 10 minutes. All you need is your body weight.
I have a mat here with me because we are gonna make our way down to the floor. So having a little padding underneath your knee, this is something that you're gonna add on to the front of your workout or afterwards, if you're like needing a little bit of extra stretch, we get a lot of uh questions into the website about hip, knee and ankle mobility. So we're to get started. It's 10 minutes. That's all we have today.
Body weight and your mat and here we go. So all I want you to do is just start with a nice deep squat down just waking up the body again. We're gonna start with like a nice quick warm up and then we're gonna get right into the stretching and mobility, ok? So the mobility is we're gonna move through everything and we're not just gonna hold that stretch, roll the shoulders to the back just because it feels good. So mobility in the joints is oftentimes moving through um, different ranges of motion, relax those shoulders down, reverse that circle to the front and a stretch you kind of typically hold for anywhere between 30 seconds and about two minutes.
We're gonna be moving through everything today to get the joints ready to work. All right, here we go flat those wings a couple of times. Give yourself a nice big hug. The upper body will be working just a little bit. But again, most of this will be all about the lower body good right there.
Last one and we're gonna get right into the mobility section. So I'm gonna plant my right foot down. We're gonna work on the hip to start. We're gonna start with standing hip circles so that right foot is grounded into the floor. Hands can be on your waist.
They can also go to something next to you, holding on to a chair. You're just gonna take that hip up and around who find that balance, making a big circle with that hip, tapping the toe and bringing it right back down. So you wanna start from the front, open it all the way to the side, bring kind of to the back and back down just making a couple of circles with that hip right there. Relax those shoulders good. Finding that core a little bit of extra balance right here.
And last one, this direction, we're gonna take that same foot and you're gonna come out first, bring it around front and then bring it back down. So we're making that other direction with that same hip cool. And if you start to fall out of it, that's ok. Find your balance, root that other foot into the floor and make those hip circles all the way around. But lifting your chest up tall, give me one more in this direction on this leg.
Good, one more, one more. And so it's rooting that opposite leg. Left foot goes into the floor, right foot starts tapped. You're gonna start with that hip circle, external rotation right there. Good modification.
If you need to hold on to something, you can hold on to a chair, you can hold on to your couch, maybe your center island, a wall right there working on that balance as well as that mobility in your hip joints. But give me two more this direction. One and two, same thing. You're gonna tap it and bring it out to come in to reverse that circle right there. Good.
Finding that balance lifting up tall, squeezing that opposite group behind you. Give me two more in the same direction. One and two, we're gonna make our way all the way down to the floor and you're gonna start 9090 position. So I have my front leg in a 90 degree bend and my back leg knee is going right out from my hip and then a 90 degrees from here, I'm gonna place my hands behind us to start lifting your chest up tall, you're gonna rotate, trying to keep those hips open for as long as possible. Lift your chest up, up, up and come over to the other direction.
You should be in that 9090 position here. Same thing. Hands behind you, lift yourself up. This is what you call a hip car, ok? So you're trying to not lean backwards and kind of do any of this.
You want to lead with the knee, open up the hip and then come back down, mobility in the hip joints. Ok? So those, those hands are there for your assistance. Feeling that opening of the hip option to make this a little bit more challenging. Hands can come in front of you and you're gonna sit up tall, sit up tall, sit up tall hip car right there, squeezing the glued at the back.
Good right there. Open, open, open. Give me one more just like that. Oh Feeling those hips. Yes, you can good.
Give me one more. Oh Coming and laying down all the way onto our back. So you're gonna pull your right leg into your chest. You're gonna open it up to the side, bring it back down and around, pull it into your chest and he goes out to the side using that hand for a little bit of support, back down and around, pull it in but out to the side using that hand for extra support back down. If you want to not use those hands, they can go out to the side really working.
That hip goal is to keep that opposite hip butt cheek on the floor. So you don't want it to lift. You want everything from your pelvis region that core to stay nice and tight. Give me one more, but you can either pull it in extra support and same thing on the opposite side. I'm gonna grab my knee into my chest first, I'm gonna open it up to the side and then bring it all the way back to that starting position.
Feet together, it hovers off the floor. Good option for maybe one hand. If you just want one hand to bring it in maintaining that core, your whole box in the center should stay nice and still. So don't let that opposite hip or butt cheek come off the floor. You can also do it without those hands good right there.
All the way back around. Give me one more good squeeze all the way in. Good right back. Give me one more all the way in good. Bring it right back down.
We're gonna come all the way to come to stand. We're gonna be in a half kneeling position, moving on a little bit to the knee from here. I'm gonna sit my butt back. I'm gonna push down on my knee as I go on to that toe and then press it down you want your toe, your knee to be right on top of the toe and press it back down. So we're moving on to the ankle and the knee go right there, pressing it down, mobility in the ankle.
If that's just too much, you can place your hands right here and just go up and down right there. Extra support. But it's slow and controlled. You lift all the way up under that toe, go ahead and then you come all the way back down, really working through those ankles. But all the way down your building strength here as you're working on that mobility in the muscle, give me one more just like this, but squeeze and all the way down.
So like that half kneeling position, we find that balance start with that toe up hand here and you press that heel down all the way up up up. You can add that resistance as I'm pressing. So as I go on to a rela a or that tippy toe, you can have that extra resistance with that upper body. So you're moving against something harder than just that gravity right there. You should also feel that knee in a stretch through your cap just a little bit as you place it right back down.
Give me one more. But uh like that last 10 Good right there. Coming back to a seated position. This is what we call a knee car. So it kind of sounds a little bit weird.
You're gonna grip underneath that knee, you're gonna lift it up so your chest is lifted tall from here, you're gonna turn your foot inwards. Opposite hand pulls on top, you're gonna press down, turn that foot out, keeping that knee exactly where it is. Then you lift up, you press, he turn your foot in ankle, turns in, press that knee down, turn your foot out, lift your foot up. There we go, sir is just like not understanding what we're doing because it's different. Here we go.
Open it up, but right there. So knee is staying still good and just that ankle is rolling. Now, try the opposite direction. You're gonna go out with that toe, turn it down, turn it in and around, hold that knee nice and still as you roll that ankle, relax your shoulders, make sure you're sitting up nice and tall, but just reversing. Ow.
Ow. Ow. You can feel it. Maybe a little cramping. That's ok if cramping happens, shake it out and come back to it.
Give me one more of the same direction. Feeling good in those hips, those ankles and knees switch side coming in, bringing the opposite knee and you're gonna pull that knee into your chest. We're gonna start with turning our foot in. That feels weird. But you gotta keep that knee right there you go all the way down, turn it in, turn it out and then lift back up, but you wanna make sure that you're keeping that knee nice and stable and you're working around that knee joint.
So the ankle is moving, but you're also holding that stability in your knee good right there. So this will be a little bit of that knee control, but also ankle mobility all together. So it's kind of all interconnected from your hip all the way to your knee, to your ankle joints. Last one, this direction we're gonna go opposite direction. Turn the ankle out, keep the knee nice and stable.
If you're feeling the knee move around, reset yourself so that everything stays nice and still rotate out, down around and back into more this direction. Good right there. We're gonna stand up for really our only standing move here and I'm gonna move back to the wall right there. Nice job. Last little stretch or strengthening for the knee.
So you're gonna find a wall and everyone's favorite right here. You're gonna find a wall sit before you do that. I want you to make sure that your feet are about shoulder with a part toes are pointing forward and you're gonna slide yourself down your back is all the way up against while you might have to move your feet just a little bit. You are in that 90 degree position right there driving through your heels. So this feels pretty good if this doesn't feel good.
Work on your squat, making sure that knee stays nice and forward. Right. So, right from here you're gonna shift your weight just a little bit. And hello? Oh, my goodness.
This is knee stability, knee mobility right there. You're finding that strength holding. You've got 5343 to one place, the back down, shift over to the opposite direction. Hold, making sure that knee stays right there. So this is where I really want you to pay attention to what your body is doing.
Knee stays right over the heel. If you're noticing that your knee is going forward or back, we need to reset one more time. You have five, hold it for 321 and switch. Last time you have five seconds. Here we go.
Four, lift your chest all 321. Nice work. Last little stretch for those ankles, we're going to come down to a downward facing dog position, hinge forward, walk your hands out just a little bit and start to pedal at your heels right and left really good for the ankles. Here. The backside of those paths just a couple more.
32 and one, you're gonna place that right foot behind your left calf. You're gonna go all the way up on your tippy toes. Hello ankles and then press your heels back down all the way up. So single leg kind of like a calf phrase right here in a downward facing that position. If your heel does not touch the floor.
Absolutely. A ok. As far down as you can go, give me two more just like that. Waking up the ankles and the last one, that last one, can you send your heel ones further? Press, press, press, switching legs right foot on the floor, left foot behind the calf, single leg, calf raises.
Let's go on the other side. UF five, four. Are you bereaving three? This should start to feel pretty good. Last two and last one, last little stretch right here.
Mobility in those ankles to finish off our routine. You're gonna be seated, your butt is on your heels from here. You're gonna walk your hands backwards, so your hands are supporting you at the back. You're gonna lift your knees as high as you can and you should feel a stretch through your ankles and your toes released. Come back, sit up tall, press those hands back, lift your knees as far as you can feel like a little stretch.
So from the side, you may be able to see it just a little bit. My feet are planted on the floors as high as my knees can go. I feel a stretch in the top half of my foot and ankle really sit down. If you're like, that doesn't feel good. Just a little lift.
Ok? I can rock myself back a little bit further breathing and give me the last one. This is stretching out the ankles. I'll give you a homework to do and see if you like it. If you're really struggling with mobility in the ankles.
Here is my homework for you. Have you ever tried doing ABC S with your ankles? If you start to like, draw out the ABC S with your ankles and you're kind of seated just like we did this one and you start to write the letters ABC all the way through Z. That's a lot of ankle mobility. You have to do it on both sides.
So maybe you only get through, um, maybe you only get through D but try doing some of those, um, writing out the, the, the letters of the alphabet and that's your homework. Hopefully you enjoy this hip knee ankle mobility. We've got other stretches on the website, other workouts, check them out and we will see you next time.
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