10-Minute Chest and Shoulder Workout 1
Shelley HawkinsDescription
Just like our 10-Minute Bicep, Tricep and Shoulder workout, in this video GHUTV trainer Shelly Hawkins will take your through some basic strength moves that build muscle in the upper body without building bulk. This is about being sculpted and toned. Right off the bat Shelly gets you down for unique push-up that gets this chest and shoulder workout started off the right way. Push-ups are definitely the king of all chest exercises. Then you’ll move right into an army crawl exercise that works not just chest and shoulders but incorporates your core body muscles too!
You’ll find all of these moves simple enough to follow, but challenging enough to keep you thinking and keep you focused – big time! The shoulder exercises are designed to build strength in your shoulders and help you avoid future injury that so often occurs in the shoulders. Whether everyday routines or exercising with bad form, shoulders are vulnerable. If you have any issues with your shoulders, check out these exercises for shoulder pain.
The best part of this chest and shoulder workout is that is only takes 10 minutes out of your day. You don’t need to carve out an hour to get your workout in. Squeeze in 10 minutes at a time and it won’t take long to see progress! Take a look around GHU TV for more free 10-minute workouts!
Hi, I'm Shelly Hawkins. One of your Get Healthy U TV Trainers. And I'm here today with a 10 minutes chest and shoulders workout. Big muscle groups on deck. I'm going to be using my 10 pound weights.
But note that you can go heavier, all right? We're gonna do four exercises and any anytime you want, you can change your weight. So if you start heavy and you want to step it down, feel free to do so, all right? We can start with a minute warmup and then we're gonna go into our progressions. I've got my timer.
So I've got your back don't you worry, I will not push you over time, all right? So let's grab a nice big bottle of water a towel, your mat, and a set of weights and let's get pushing some weight around. All right, team. Let's start with a warmup. Big breath in for me and exhale.
Just fill those lungs. Big breath in for me and exhale. Nicely done, take the arms to the front, interlace the fingers and I want you to invert and round out that lower back, all right. I'm turning sideways so you can see I've got a slight pelvic tilt. I'm engaging those lower abs.
And now I'm gonna take my hands behind me plus the fingers together, lift off the glutes and you're gonna hinge forward. If it's in your wheelhouse otherwise you're just standing with your hands pressed away from the glutes, and hold it there. Nicely done. All right, let's take it one more time. Open up the chest for me, squeeze back in our shoulder blades and lift the chin very quick warmup, all right?
We just wanna signal to our bodies that we're coming and we're going to come strong for it, all right. Let's go down to the floor. Our first move is a push-up and you're gonna be moving the weights, all right? So I'm gonna show you before I start my timer. We've got a push-up and I choose to use my weights it's just easier on my wrist.
You can also just go down to the floor and a basic push-up. So what we're doing here, option on your toes, modification on your knees, always, all right? So you're gonna push up. You're gonna take that right weight you're gonna pike the glutes and you're gonna move the weight back. You're gonna push-up, you're gonna pike and move it back.
Alright, team. I'm gonna start my timer and let's get started together, all right? Nice strong move for both the chest and the shoulders, all right? We're incorporating those two mostly chest shoulders incorporated. Let's go.
Push-up, pike it back and release that weight. Push up, squeeze into those glutes. I wanna a nice strong core, all right? Now you've got to pull those weights back one at a time and pike it up and a push-up. Pike it up, bring that weight back and a push-up.
Keep it coming team. Keep coming. Compound move, all right? At all times, I want that core ignited. And think about this, if you're fatiguing, come down to your knees.
Please do. You've got one more, let's go all the way down, push-up grab your weight and a push-up. Nicely done. All right. 15 second break.
You got to plank, to shoulder tap, to army crawl and back up. Hold your plank, shoulder tap, army crawl down, up. Are you you ready? Let's take it away team. Plank, tap tap down up, tap tap down, up.
Now you're working both the shoulders. You're working the shoulders, the chest. And I want you to think about that core, all right? Core is always ignited. And as you come down to the army crawl try not to rock the body.
Let's go strong muscles. Keep it coming team, down up and tap and tap. Opposite hand to opposite shoulder. Let's go one more, down and up, nicely done. Come down to your knees.
Our next move is upright row. We're gonna kneel for this, all right? I want that core or that lower body just engaged. We're going to be working from the knees up, working into the shoulders and then into the chest. Let's go.
Push it up, pull it down, squeeze. And once again, I'd like you to hesitate at the top, all right? Now as I said, I brought 10 pounds. You can go a lot heavier and I could go a lot heavier. I just know that I have a lot more in me but today this is working for me, all right?
Keep it coming, up and down, up and down the shoulders, front head of the shoulder. We're gonna move it into the shoulder press in five seconds team. So you've got an upright row, a shoulder press, all right? Are you ready, in two and one let's go. Shoulder press push bring it down and release, slow and steady does it, all right?
Now if you wanna work that lower body as well as that upper body, you couldn't lunch with these. You could squat with that shoulder press but I'm targeting individual muscle groups. We work in strength here, all right? And I want you to try and get that heavyweight up and engage in those weights. All those muscles, one at a time.
Let's go, let's go push and pull. Keep it killing, and pull, squeeze. Show me those palms of your hands way going in four, three, two, and one. And you're out, chop the weights for me. Have some water, we're going into round two, all right.
Push-ups, moving those weights. Of course, if you don't like that, you can just keep it with a basic push-up on your toes, your knees, all right. Let's set it up. Set it up. And as you come down to that push-up I want your hands are decided with chest, all right?
Let's take it away team. Straighten, push-up pike the glutes, push back, push-up pike the glutes, push back and a nice strong push-up, chest towards the floor. Keep your core active all the time. Push, pull down, up, squeeze into that chest. Keep it coming, keep it coming and put those weights down nice and lightly.
You hear me con the weights. I need it light. So you're still engaged that chest. Come on. One more team and down and up, nicely done.
15 second break. We go straight into plank, show the tap, army crawl down, up. Be very aware. I just have to soak my sweat off. Be very aware that when you work into that army crawl that you don't rotate the body, all right.
You keep it strong core. Are you ready? Here we go. In three, two, one. Right hand to left shoulder, left hand to right shoulder down and up and keep it coming, slow and steady, slow and steady.
Strong strength move. Let's go team. Now you're free to hip width apart. You've got stability in the core and you're breaking down those muscles. Slowly but surely fatiguing the chest.
Fatiguing that back. Remember you can sell them work one muscle group at a time. You really have to incorporate that primary mover and a secondary mover. And you are out onto your knees please. We've got the rows into our, into our armpits, basically here, all right?
So keep it nice and controlled. Are you ready? Let's take it away girls and boys, all right. Knuckles facing me and slowly up and slowly down. Think of this as an elastic band, all right.
You're pulling it and then you slowly releasing it, not snapping it. Keeping that core strong. Be very aware. I mean, it's time for you, that you don't have that hinge forward. I want you nice and strong.
I want you upright and I want you to glutes engaged. Let's go and breathe in, hold it there at the top just hesitate for a second and bring it down. But hesitation really recruits all the muscles. So hold it and release. Two more girls and boys, let's go.
Up and down and bring it up and down, nicely done. 15 seconds. We've got an upright to a shoulder press, all right? that lower body is engaged. You have got strong glutes.
You're pulling your navel into the spine so that your muscles are firing all time. Are you ready, let's go. In a row shoulder press and release. This is not about speed. I want you to take your time.
Take your time get that form correct. Get that big range of motion. Nicely done. Squeeze, push up and release. Show me the palms of the hands.
Incorporate that medial handle that shoulder blade. Up for the shoulder, keep it coming. Keep it coming. Push pull, all right. You got two moves, a push and a pull.
So use them, keep it coming. Just one more for me team and drive and release. Nicely done. Weights down team. All right, that is your chest and shoulders.
Your 10 minute workout. Be sure to check out the other 10 minute workouts on our Get Healthy U TV website. And remember stay strong. Together we can do anything. Have a great day.
I used a pair of 7 lbs weights, and it was challenging enough. Hoping I will feel strong the next time I do this. That plank sequence was hard on my because it's difficult to hold myself up, but i modified by being on my knees and elbow, although I could tell that was too easy. All in all, it was a good quick workout.
As a beginner, I found it difficult to hold the moves. I should have watched the video first, so I would know the positions. My arms really feel it!