10-Minute Resistance Band Workout
Jodi SussnerDescription
The resistance band is a great tool for exercise! It works for everyone from beginner to advanced. Where do you get this kind of band? They are sold all over the place from discount stores such as Target and Wal Mart to nearly every sports and fitness store out there. And of course you can shop for them online. How do you know which color to buy? In this workout our trainer Jodi Sussner explains the different colors right at the beginning. Green is easier and red is harder. Blue is super hard and yellow is gentle.
In this 10-minute resistance band workout Jodi uses exercises like resistance band squats to tone your butt and legs, rear leg lifts for your glutes and shoulder presses and bicep curls for a beautiful upper body. These full body resistance band moves
are an awesome way to tone and shape everything! Looking for upper body moves only? Try our upper body resistance band workout.
In this video Jodi shows you how to make any exercise easier or harder just by the way you hold the band. Take the band in your suitcase to workout while you travel. Bring the band outside and workout in the sun! Or just get a band to use in the comfort of your own home. No other equipment is needed to get your whole body strong and toned! So carve out 10-minutes and have fun with this unique resistance band workout! Then try some of our other amazing free 10-minute workouts too!
Hi, I'm Jodi and welcome to Get Healthy U. Travel & Tone is a 10 minute workout using just a resistance band. Now, there are different weights of resistance band. Green is gonna be a little bit lighter. Red is a bit heavier.
You can also go with blue, that's even heavier, or yellow that's even lighter. To make this workout work for you, all you need is your energy and a band. So let's get started with a warmup. We're actually gonna warm up with the band. Bring your palms down and hold on to the band wrapping your hand around it one time so your palms stay down.
Take an inhale pulling your elbows back, open up your chest, exhale, push your hands forward. Pull your elbows back, open up, rest them forward. My goal is to give you a total body workout. Strength, stretch, getting that heart rate up a little bit. I love taking bands on vacation just throw them in my bag.
They're light and super versatile. Two more like this, one more time. Now reach both arms straight up. Bend your elbows, pull the band in front of your chest. Reach straight up, pull it straight down and up.
Two more like this, big stretch. One, now hold add a bit of a squat. Sink down as you pull, reach up as you stand. Sink down and up, exhale on that pull. Pulling the band down and your elbows right down to your rib cage.
Four, exhale three, here's two and one. Now bring the band into one hand. Just put into your left hand, hands right down to your thighs. Take a deep breath with shoulders back. Arch down through your inhale, chin to your chest roll your spine up.
Go again, arching down and roll up. Two more inhale down, exhale rolling up, just warming up that low back and roll up to stand. Okay, shake it out a little bit. Let's start with our first strength exercise. Stand on your band.
I'm gonna use the green band 'cause it always bigger range of motion. Full range to make the movement a little heavier. So hands need to be down at your sides, or right at your hips, sink down for a squat. Down for two and stand it up. Again, down and up working the hips, the glutes, thighs.
Now as you squat, if this feels too light don't just change the band out right away maybe try to bring your hands a little bit higher challenging balance, making this movement a little bit heavier, that's the last two and one. Stand up nice and tall. Bring just your right hand down, keep your left arm up wherever you are. Right hand can be at your hips. Sink down for a squat press up with that left arm.
Legs, shoulders, stand very tall so you tighten your glutes and pull your rib cage down. Last two and one, other sides switch hands right hand goes up right by your shoulder right by your chest sink down and press. The opposite hand can be at your hip or to keep it a little bit lighter you can hang it down to your side. Four more stand very tall keep breathing two and one. Now we're gonna try both hands up right by your shoulders, a little heavier yet.
Just one arm is working eight reps, squat and press perfect. Got it, it's legs and shoulders. Four more, three, two, starting to feel an extension of that warmup. That's good right arm press it up. Sink down try to press through your heels.
You keep your squat. The range that feels best for you. Okay here's three stand tall one more time and whole take it down. Okay new muscle group take the band loop the handles together with your left hand. Take your right hand through the bottom.
Turn your left palm up. Take your right foot forward, reach both arms up pull that right arm down reach up with the left arm lift up, press down, pull up. So you're trying to get some work through that right rib cage. That right mid back, pull and I like to add a little bit of a lean. So you get some obliques as you go two and one.
Now add a lunge, we pull down and up. See back knee straight down toward the floor option to stay standing you don't have to add the lunge try to keep moving. That's it one more like this and reach right lap muscle. That left shoulder should be fatiguing too, one more time elbow down now both arms go up full palms press away from your body. Pull your hands apart, bring it back up.
Pulse, pulse. Backs of your shoulders, your mid back, a little bit of balance here. Do a little bit of a burn back of those shoulders go eight, seven, six, abs are tight. Four, three, two, and one, shake it out. Other side left leg goes forward, take the handles.
Turn your right palm away, left hand holds it on. Pull that left elbow down reach up with your right arm and bring it up. Again pull and reach, just from standing this way you should get a challenge a little bit challenge through your balance and a couple more elbow back and reach, try to lean to your left as you pull. Two more here, elbow down little lean one more time add a lunge to this back knee down reach up down and reach the obliques, legs, mid back and shoulders. It can be very efficient, I can get a lot accomplished in 10 minutes.
All you really need to get exercise started, if you couple a few of these 10 minute workouts together you got a little more time, a little more energy to spare. Let's go two more like this. And one more time, a little burn in that shoulder. I know, hold them balanced press your palms away from your body and back up. Press and reach, now make that a pulse press, press shoulder blades down abs in nice and tight smile exercise is fun, right?
Eight more, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. Perfect, one more set of exercises and you're done. So stand on the band with your right foot right on top of that band through the loop if you're wearing tennis shoes, okay? I want you to work the back leg glute and the backs of your shoulders along with the bicep curl. So tip your body forward so you're parallel to the floor, shoulders back and down, kick your back leg up and down.
Once you get that movement down try to add a lift with your arms, the rear fly hands go wide body stays forward. Now put them together leg up and down on. Arms go up with that leg. Lift big balance challenge. The standing leg, the kicking leg the backs of your shoulders, they're all working here.
Try four more, three, two, now hold it here standing tall bicep curl facing me stay with that balance. And always lift your back leg up, hold it there. Squeeze it up soft through your grip working the front of your arms or biceps. Let's do four more. Three, two, now hold your hands halfway up and pulse little tiny pulses soft through your grip.
I'm still bouncing on that back leg. You can always set it down if you need to. Four more pulses two, one, take it down switch legs, left foot forward, put that band right between the arch of your shoe so it doesn't flip. Hinge forward so you're parallel to the floor. Kick your back leg up and down, work the balance first.
Get comfortable with the movement two more, hold your body forward rear fly. I try to listen to my word and look toward the ground. You wanna keep your eyes slightly in front of your foot. Hands pulling back, back of your shoulder four three having fun here two put the two together leg goes up, arms go back up and back. Good balance work left thigh should feel a little burn, right glute kicking up back of those shoulders working.
Let's try four more. We'll come back for a second set of our bicep curls. There's two, standing tall in curl up and down. You've got it, yes you can. That's what we say here at Get Healthy U, yes you can.
Awesome, balance challenge, bring that back leg up, curl and reach, four more like this. Shoulders back, almost there, two show me some pulses here. Go eight, seven, six, try to stay balanced for four, three, two and one shake it down and take that band away from your foot. Take the band all the way out again. Wrap your hands around it just wherever you're comfortable.
Bring them up, pull the band apart. Open up that your chest and your shoulders reach up, exhale and stretch up and over to your right side. Lift to the center, bend your elbows. Open up at your chest. Reach out straight to your left side.
So in 10 short minutes you worked your legs, your shoulders your arms, your glutes, reach out, deep breath stretch to your right, reach it up again bend your elbows open up your chest, reach up and stretch to your left. Exhale over, inhale up. Be proud of yourself you did it, 10 minutes I will see you again for Travel & Tone.
I love it so quick but effective.done and I did core off the floor gold before this it was a 30 min and I loved it first time love being a gold member...
Did this workout on my porch today....love it!