10-Minute Stability Ball Abs with Intervals
Kate LaingDescription
Stability ball abs are truly the best way to strengthen your entire core, which includes your lower back, and help you stay tighter in the middle. This workout adds the bonus of intervals created to take the workout up a notch and boost your metabolism as well as your heart rate. You’ll burn more calories using this format which means a flatter tummy for you. You see a flat belly doesn’t come from ab work alone. The ab work strengthens the muscle beneath the skin. However, most of the time there is also a layer of fat covering the six-pack you are trying to find. So proper eating and using cardio to burn extra fat and calories is equally important.
Keep in mind that core work isn’t just about how you look. With the extremely high number of people experiencing back pain, it is crucial that you strengthen your core. Stability ball abs gives you an added challenging of working on an unstable surface. The ball forces you to pull in tighter with every muscle to help keep your place on the ball. But don’t worry—trainer Chris Freytag is going to guide you through every step, giving you all the tips needed including how to work at a slow, controlled pace in order to achieve the best results. You are going to love this workout and you will definitely feel it in your abs the next day!
Looking for more core workouts? Check out our Ultimate Abs workout calendar.
Hi there, I'm Kate Laing. Welcome to 10 Minute Stability Ball Abs with intervals. So, what you'll need for today's workout is some form of stability ball. The one I'm using today is 55 centimeters. There's a variety of sizes available on the internet.
They're not expensive and they're an awesome piece of fitness equipment to have at your home. I also have a little timer going for me. Because we're going to do 50 seconds of an exercise on, 10 seconds of rest. Okay? We're going to run through it just one time for about a 10 minute workout today.
Feel free to do this circuit two, three times and really make it a full workout for yourself. Let's get started, okay? So we're going to start off with one of my favorite exercises. I'm gonna to hit my timer. It's called bedbug.
So get your stability ball and come down to the mat with me and meet me here. Here we go. I'm gonna hold that ball at my knees and I'm crunching my knees in towards my chest, and my hands are pressing in towards my abs. Really tightening that belly down towards the spine. This is a lot of work.
If you need to take a break while we're doing this, that's totally fine. Just bring the ball up and head neck and shoulders down, but try to keep holding, keeping that consistent pressure, anchoring that low back down to the mat, using those abdominals. Think of shortening the distance between the ribs and the hips. It's shaking. Are you shaking?
You should be. Woo! Keep breathing in through that nose, out through those pursed lips. And gage those abdominals for me. You can do this!
And we're done. Roll on up. Okay. Next one is seated. So we're going to come up right?
And sit on that ball. You want your feet at least hip distance apart, maybe a little bit wider to kind of anchor yourself. And we'll do around the world. Hands are behind the head. I want you to tuck down that tailbone and round back onto one side of that back.
Come to your center, give me a twist and come all the way up. Now, other side, articulate back just on that one side. Come to your center, twist and come up. This is a lot of oblique work, controlling on the way back and up. Woo!
Do you feel those side body muscles? I do. Keep breathing. Stick with me. Remember, we can do anything for 50 seconds.
You got this. Woo! 50 seconds has never felt so long. Keep rounding back with that control, and up. Great job, you guys.
Okay. Next one. Ooh, arch and lift. I almost went to a different exercise. Arch and lift, here we go.
Okay. Modify by bringing the hands behind the head. We're going to come to a nice backbend, inhaling and extending that spine. Exhale to sit up. Inhale and back, exhale up.
Tighten that core. And up. So the modification would be here, and you can always make it a little bit smaller, right? Both are really hard. I want you to control it in both directions.
Stay with me. Remember, it's only 50 seconds. Getting there, guys. And we're done. All right.
Now moving on to my little taps. Okay? So we're going to come to a full plank position. Okay? Hold that plank.
This is a challenge in itself. Toe tap to the side, tap to that side. Woo! I feel everything firmin' and burnin' here. Go as slow as you need to, again you can modify, hold a plank.
Maybe it's a kneeling plank, with your arms on the ball. Woo! My ball's rollin'. I think we're sweating already. And using those little supportive muscles to really balance.
Woo! Double-tap on that side. Oh! Good job. Stretch out that back after that one.
Come all the way up. My ball ran away from me. All right, next. Elbow circles. Kneeling, take the forearms to the ball and coming to a nice forearm plank and we'll circle in one direction.
Then circle in the other. Circle, complete circles and switch. This is really hard. So modification, make it harder by a full plank. That's too hard for me today.
So I'm gonna stick here. Woo! I've got my feet elevated to make it a little bit more challenging. Again, using the side body. Those obliques.
Muffin top melters. And last one. Stretch back over that ball. Woo! You're doing great.
Great. Next one. Hip lift. Coming to a side plank, here we go. Lift and lower working right here, and the back of those thighs at the same time.
It's nice to have that top hand down for support. Good. Breathe deeply. You're doing great, guys. Great.
Give those inner thighs a nice squeeze. Get a couple muscle groups at the same time. Woo! We're almost there. And switch.
So we're just going to switch sides on that one. Grab my mic there. Switch to the other side. Here we go. They're quick switches.
10 seconds rest isn't much, is it? Lift, lift. You're doing great. We're over halfway through this workout. Really targeting those abs.
Try using that top hand on the hip for less support. And again, squeeze those inner thighs for me. Woo. Want to keep the hips nice and stacked. Stick with me, you're doing great.
15 seconds left. I'm looking at my little timer. Stay here. You're doing awesome. Two more seconds.
Last one. Great job. Okay. Basic crunches. Come to seated again.
Sitting up nice and high on that ball. Feet right underneath the knees, hands behind the head. Coming back, back, back and curling up, up, up. Good. So you're trying to keep your feet still.
And I want that chin slightly knotted to the chest. Protect that neck. You're doing great. Big breathing. I want you to use that exhale to tighten the transverse abdominals.
Woo! This should really fire up all your abs. I gotta remind myself, too relax neck Two more. And last one. We're getting there.
Just a couple left, here we go! So, down to the mat, legs to the ceiling. Hold your ball and lift. Upper abdominal crunches. Again, chin to chest.
You've got those abs engaged and it's right here. Crunch it for me. Shorten that distance. If I came and poked you in the belly right now, my finger would bounce off. You got abs of steel.
And those inner thighs are working hard for you too, aren't they? Stick with it. This is a short workout, but it really does work. Commit. Don't quit, right?
Stay with me. Use that breath. And one, one more set, okay? And we're going to play catch. Are you ready?
So we'll find that nice diagonal, legs are apart, and I'm gonna hit my timer for one more time. Okay? And here we go. I come up, I reach down, I switch. I switch.
Woo! If you're not sweating, something's wrong at home. Here we go, guys. Final countdown so to speak, right? Woo!
Don't quit. Keep that neck nice and relaxed. We've got five seconds left. Woo! Three, two, and one.
Oh, did you hear the timer? I sure did. Ooh! Great job, you guys. That was super hard!
So that was 10 minutes of Stability Ball Abs and you stuck with it. I'm so proud of you. See you next time.
Just did this for the first time. Loved it!
This is such a great add on!!Excellent challenge - thank you!
great workout! more please!