20 Minute Full Body HIIT Workout
Chris FreytagDescription
During this full body HIIT workout you will do 3 exercises, each for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds rest in between. You’ll repeat each set of 3 and then move on to a new one. The idea during a HIIT program (high intensity interval training) workout is to push yourself during those 30 seconds to your highest intensity and then completely rest for 10 seconds. It’s an amazing cardio challenge! And since this is a full body workout you’ll work every muscle too! Exercises like squat jumps, renegade rows, superman push-ups and lunges give you variety and a complete package.
What’s the very best thing about a 20-minutes full body HIIT workout? It goes fast! The variety and quick changes keep you thinking and moving and before you have time to look at the clock you are done and feeling amazing! So come with us for this fun fitness challenge and if you love it, try our 10-minute Upper Body HIIT too!
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Equipment: Medium to Heavy Dumbbells, Mat
Instructor: Chris Freytag
Hi there, I'm Chris Freytag founder of Get Healthy U TV and today Get Healthy U TV is here at Snap Fitness headquarters to do a special edition workout. As many of you may know, or you probably see many people bring their favorite workouts with them to the gym to avoid distractions or to get away from the kids. So we're following this trend and bringing you a workout that you can do anywhere anytime on any device all you need is some space where you can move and a few dumbbells. Snap Fitness focuses on functional fitness and they have a lot of open space. So this is the perfect place to sweat to one of our Get Healthy U TV workouts.
So let's begin and today I have the lovely Lindsey Bomgren with me. Hi Chris. Hi. One of our Get Healthy U TV trainers and we are ready to do a 20 minute total body burner. This is going to be a high intensity interval workout.
So here's how it'll work. We're gonna do 30 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Six cycles in a row that takes four minutes. We'll catch our breath, get a drink and we'll do it again. We've got four of those coming at us.
Now we've got exercise ABC, and then we repeat them. ABC in each interval, you good to go? I'm ready. We're gonna do a really quick warmup because this is just a 20 minute workout. So grab a couple sets of dumbbells.
If you need a mat on your floor, please do. Maybe you're gonna want a sweat towel and let's make it happen. You're ready-- Let's do it. Here we go, deep breath up, inhale up and exhale down. Good, one more big deep breath.
Awesome and let's just roll those shoulders back. So you're just gonna roll them back, get the tension out of your neck. Feeling good today Lindsey-- Oh yeah ready to move. Ready to work it out. Okay, let's just peddle those arms back.
Big pedals, we wanna get those shoulders and hips warmed up today, ball and socket joints. So now let's just go the other direction. Bring it around this way. All right, just pedal those arms feels good. And give yourself a giant hug right here.
Big hug, okay couple hip circles. Big right here, external rotation, just up and around. And then let's switch it around. Internal sorry. This one always gets me.
I know, this it feels a little awkward but this is so good for your hips right there. One more on each side and then we're gonna take it to a squat right here, down and up all the way down all the way up now in a good squat you've got your eyes up. Chest up, you sit back into that booty. Squeeze your glutes, awesome. Let's go two more of these and I'm gonna hold it down low.
Hold it down low, okay, here we go. Pulse it, pulse it. Beautiful, come on, breathe, awesome. Four, three, two, we're gonna bring our hands down to the floor walk it back to a plank. We're right here in a plank.
We're gonna drive our knees straight down the center. Like a slow mountain climber. Just stretching those glutes. Are you ready? Pick up your pace right here, Just drive it in.
Drive it in, nice and strong. Push away from the floor. Abs are tight, use your chest four, three, two. Awesome, walk your feet to your hands, we'll roll it up. Feeling good, that was a very quick warmup.
Are you ready, girl? I'm ready. Okay, are you ready? Let's go, so I've got a timer ready to go because a timer keeps a trainer honest. All right, first exercise.
I call it Hercules. I'll demonstrate it before we turn on the timer. So we're gonna grab a set of weights. I'm gonna go heavy today Lindsey. Going heavy with you Chris, I got my 12s.
Going heavy, I got 12s too. And we're gonna start right here. You are gonna drive your feet in to a nice deep squat. You're gonna bicep curl up. Now, keeping those abs tight straight up squat thruster all the way up, bring it all the way down and we'll start it over are you ready?
Let's do it. All right, team here we go. 30 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest and begin. Here we go, drive it in bicep curl. Pump it up all the way down, beautiful.
Now, if you would like to modify in any way feel free to do so. All right, maybe you wanna walk back into that plank and walk it up. Maybe you go with lighter weights or no weights. Keep it coming, baby come on 30 seconds. Right there.
Let's do one more right here. All the way up, all the way down and watching that timer and done. Beautiful, okay, you have 10 seconds. Breathe, renegade rows in a plank position abs are tight spine is long hips are down feet are wide. Here we go, we're working in the back in three, two, one go on the right and then the left.
Now you're pulling that weight up past your hip, driving it back using your back muscles. Abs are tight breath. Come on. Yes. Right there feeling it?
Oh yes. Awesome. Keeping those hips square to the ground. Yap hips and shoulders square to the ground keep it coming. Pull it back, you are strong today.
Come on man. One more each side. Yes we can right here. You got it and beautiful, done, you have 10 seconds. Stand it up, squat jumps.
Let's go girl, no weight, plyometric. Now I'll give you an option, let's get you started ready and let's go boom, push away. Come off the ground right there now, nice deep squat chest up eyes up. Now, if this is your bright here. So keep it low impact, whatever works for you.
I always say there's no shame in the modified gain. No way, yeah, you're moving that's all that matters right? Challenge yourself, you got it. 10 seconds, come on. three, four, three, two.
And that's the first time thrill. Cool, shake it out. Yeah, here we go Hercules, come on. Starting in five seconds catch your breath three, two, one. Here we go, jump it in bicep, bam, straight down.
We wanna keep those abdominals tight. Boom right there, all the way up. All over head press. come on, drag it in. What are you thinking?
Oh yeah, straight turning that heart rate stays high, big muscles, everything's engaged right here Chris. The key is we're keeping a rhythm which is gonna give you that extra heart rate. Multitasking and done. Right 10 seconds, stretch back. If you'd like renegade rows.
Come on baby, you can do this. Here we go, ready? Yap, let's do it. Feet are wide, hips are square go right left. Pull it up there be strong.
Now option on the knees no problem. I want you to keep your abdominals tight. Notice how she has her hips down. So we don't wanna pop those hips up. Keep them down, you've got it.
come on you got it. All right, you gotta talk to yourself a little bit-- Right, you gotta keep that, you gotta motivation-- You gotta say I can do this. Three, two, one, yes, all right here come the squat jumps last set, last set-- We need to go hard. You got this, getting ready position. Come on baby, three, two, one let's go.
Right-- I would tell myself, Chris you can do anything for 30 seconds right? Right, right, it's all about mind over matter where the mind goes the energy flows. I like it-- impact right here, right here. So whatever you're doing, work hard. That's what matters.
Come on, girl, what do you thinking here, you got the last 10 seconds? I'm thinking I feel that fire in my legs. Here we go, five, four, three, two. Holy moly. Shake it out.
Baby, shake those legs out. Yeah. We're gonna take about 30 seconds recovery. Grab that water. Grab some water if you want it.
And next interval coming up. So our work is longer than our rest ratio. So it's hard, okay alternating and the lunges, here we go pick them up, you got it. we're gonna step one foot forward. Front lunge, opposite arm is gonna come up.
Are you in ready position? I'm in. I'm turning on that timer in three, two, one. Let's go, power that arm up overhead, multitasking. Now in a lunge, you're on your back so you have to really think about your balance.
Bend that knee, you can slow it down a little bit. If that feels better, you decide how heavy the weights are. Gotta keep that core tight anytime you go overhead. Right and you got to really think about what you're doing here. Opposite arm, opposite leg three, two, one hold onto those weights.
Curtsy lunges behind us, or cross behind's whatever you wanna call that. raise in between. Ready, let's go, step behind lateral raise. Now, I might've thought to lower my weights. Right.
a lot of shoulder happening here. You're in that curtsy when you cross behind I want you to think about your knees keep them protected. I want you to think when you cross behind that you're protecting that knee. Don't let it go too far out to the side. You got it, come on three, two, one.
Weights go down, nothing like a set of skaters. Oh yeah, I love these skaters. Remove my weights on the way-- Here we go. Three, two, you can hear us breathing hard, right? One go, there's no hiding hard work.
Nope, we are sweating with you every step of the way here. Okay, now I want you to get low. I want you to go big, think of this as a single leg squat you push off, you push off, push off. Skaters have good backsides for a reason. Right?
Right. Come on. Feel that burn. Here we go, I'll count you down. Five, four, three, two, oh yeah that was the first time thrill.
work them up, let's do it. Here we go-- I was like repeating the moves because you do it the first time you master it the second time-- And we decided to go with the heavyweights we are all in baby, we are all in, ready, go. Right there, breathe. Now think about how you feel, are you challenged? You should be breathing pretty hard.
Yes. Awesome. Especially with the heavier weights. I like to think those last couple reps should be really challenging. If you are going slower than we are that's totally fine.
If you're going faster, that's totally fine. You find your rhythm, last one done a cross behind, so you're ready? I'm ready. I love that ten second break. Oh yeah it goes fast.
Three, two, let's go cross behind our curtsy lat raise right there. Now when you do a lateral raise I want you guys to keep going, here's what I want you to remember. You want to avoid this, no scrunching on the neck and shoulders but you relax those shoulders away from your ears and think about squeezing something under your armpits. It's all about that medial deltoid. Keep going girl.
You can add that big breath, big exhale keep these heavy weights up. It helps oxygen and water to the working muscles. Three, two, one, Last set of skaters. Nice work. Yes we can, these 30 seconds go by man.
Here we go, three, two, we're going to the right. Let's go push off push off again think of it like a single leg squat and push off right there. If you wanna go faster, you can. If you wanna slow it down you can. Low impact right here, low impact just keeps one foot in contact with the ground.
So you decide, come on let's go. Picking up that pace on me, picking up that pace. You can do this, you can do this to the finish line. Let's go four, three, two, one. And that is number two-- Nice work.
Short workouts work when you're pushing yourself. Grab a quick drink, if you have water nearby hydration is key. Intensity. Okay, you know what's next. Push-ups, why do people hate push-ups?
They're one of the best exercises that show your strength. Here's the thing, I don't want you to do this. I don't want you to do this. This is poor form on a pushup. Your elbows should fall on the sides or close to the sides back behind your rib cage.
More tricep, more chest, less neck. Here we go, we're doing Superman pushups. So they look like this. You start in a push-up position, knees or toes. You drop down and engage all of your back extensors.
Spike the hands under the shoulders, spike the toes. Push up in one piece, starting in three, two, one. Bring it on, let's go down, extend, now right here pick it up one piece of plank. Yeah, baby, it's all the way down. Breathe, your nose just points towards the ground.
Oh man, Superman is so good for you. Watch Lindsey all back extensors fire right there up in one piece, Lindsey you're doing great with pushups. They are my struggle, but I didn't work it out on Chris you know what they say, it doesn't get easier but you get stronger-- Right on right there three, two, one . Yes. All right, moving into one of my favorite exercises, overhead pulls, which works more back.
A bunch of your arm, muscles and core with leg drops in three, get in position two one. Now we're gonna pull those weights overhead as we drop our legs down, so here's what I want you to think about your head neck and shoulders are on the mat. All right, as you keep going, if you feel this in your low back you can drop one leg at a time. When you bring those arms back, elbows are in and slightly bent and you feel it through your back muscles. Keep it going, you've got five, four, three, two and one that was fabulous.
Take your heavyweights up with you. Let's get some cardio and some bicep. Are you ready to girl? I'm ready. Two bicep curls for high knees go one two four sets of high knees.
One, two, three, four. Here we go, bicep curl. Keep those elbows in tight. Here we go, one, two, three, four. Come on, breathe, here's your low impact.
One, two, three, four, no shame to modify. I love that shrinks and cardio combo. It's good, baby, come on one, two, three, four. Come on, believe, yes let's go. One, two, three, four, Superman pushups.
Here we go, round two friends round two starting in three, two, one, let's go down all the way. Superman ready pull up. Now make sure you are not doing the worm. What do I mean by that? Don't pull up your chest and then your butt.
Everything comes up in one plank. Go down, out, in, up, strong. Yes. Yeah, come on. I always remember remind our members.
You are not tired, you are inspired. Last one. Yes. You are not tired, you are inspired, let's go. I like it.
Overhead pulls, are you ready? Gotta move our microphones over a little bit? Here we go in three, two, one. All right, now when you've got those legs, dropping down I wanna remind you strong core. So right here, everything has to be pulling together.
Low back, slightly presses into the mat. I'll give you some modifications on the legs. You could do one leg at a time right here. You could bend the knees shorter levers. So you decide keep it coming.
Elbows are in tight, yes, let's go heavy three, two, one. And that's it high knees biceps. I'm gonna move my microphone back. All right, you guys ready? In three, two, one, let's go.
Double bicep four high knee sets. One, two, three, four. Come on, I love feeling strong. Oh yeah, right, go heavy on those weights. That's where you see change.
And one of the things I love about is the fact that you're doing strength and cardio at the same time-- Separate way. We're working our muscles, but we're also pushing pace. So we get our heart rate up, give me this last two curls and we're done and nice work. Awesome job. And that would be three interval sets done, we've got one more.
Come on one. One set one set. Here we go, all right, did you grab some water? Water and oxygen fuels those muscles, grab one heavy weight. I'm proud of us, we're sticking with the heavyweights.
Yes, I know. I'm proud of you. Stick with those heavyweights, one of them squat and swing. You're gonna step to the right with the right arm. Nice deep squat, now eyes up, chest up.
And then you switched sides. Here's a pointer for you when it comes to squats. If you were wearing a jersey I wanna see your number the whole time when you squat, so this is not a good squat. This is not a good squad, okay. Here we go, three, two, one and let's go down swing, a little front shoulder raise right here.
Ton of booty, abs tight, breath. If your knees are healthy, go as low as you can. All right, come on, try it. Yeah, I am sweating. Oh yeah.
I gotta tell you the best detox system in your body. Your skin, sweat it out. Come on, all right, let's go. What do you think? Four-- Four-- Three, two and that's it tricep overhead.
One or two weights. You tell me how heavy are you going today? Elbows are in tight, full range of motion, ready? Go, now I'm gonna turn them sideways just so you can see. I want you to do the whole range of motion down and up, slow and controlled heavy.
So not this not that all the way down. You know, if you can find a mirror I'd like to think, hide 'em, show 'em, hide the weights then show 'em. I like it Lindsey. That is a good tip. Take it to the gym find a mirror and there you go.
Come on. this is . We're so close, three, two, they're getting heavy, one. Nice work you guys. And one of my favorite core exercises, oblique burners.
Oh yes. All right, a little ballet for ya, real men do ballet by the way. Oh yeah. Heels and toes out hands up. Let's go, you're gonna reach for the belly of your calf right there, you wanna pretend that you're against a mirror wiping that mirror so you aren't leaning forward in those hip flexors, let's go.
We get a little lower in your the lower you get your the more engaged those adductors. Hello inner thighs and obliques. Oh yeah and by the way, your oblique is right here those are your twisting muscles. Go ahead, I'm on the other side. Come on three, two, one, bam.
We got one more set for the win. All right. One more step for the win we are finishers here. Are you ready? Go hard-- Swing.
Here we go, in three, two, one, let's do it down up, how low can you go? Right there. Nice work you guys this is the big finish. Big finish. This is where you give it all you got.
Mind over matter like I said earlier, where the mind goes, the energy flows, bring it, right here. Let's go, now, if you wanna go faster or slower, you know this you know the game you're in charge hashtag you do you. Yeah. Right, come on four, three, two, one. Awesome job.
Tricep overhead let's go team. Two weights-- Here we go, if you are breathing heavy congratulations you are trying hard. Three, two, one all the way down. All the way up, as Lindsey says hide 'em show 'em. Yap.
Good and this is the long head of the tricep, such a good way to work those arms all the way down all the way up. No one wants that arm that waves when you wave. Right. Say goodbye. The hello helen arms.
Yes. Let's do this, come on strength is your friend. Let's go five, four, three, two, baby we dit it. That was a real struggle. Here we go, oblique burners.
Get those feet wide heels in toes out. Sink that butt down, you feel those glutes thighs inner thigh adductors hands up. Go right there, go for the belly of the calf. Do not inch forward in those hip flexors work side to side, good for flexibility, good for core. The whole time, pull your belly button to your spine.
So you wanna zip up a pair of tight jeans you've got it right there. Oh yeah Nice work you are in the homestretch-- For the win right here. Give me five, four, three, two, one. Nice work. High girlfriend-- Nice job.
High five to you out there at home or in the gym or wherever you are. Thank you Snap Fitness for letting us use your space today. That was fun. That was fun I got sweaty. Let's do a quick, cool down all right.
Quick one, that was a good 20 minute workout. Give me one foot a little balance right here. Hip flexor feels the stretch quad just push forward through your hip keep your knee down. Maybe raise that arm up, that was awesome. That was, we accomplished so much in 20 minutes press.
When people ask, you know us do 20 minute workouts work? Our answer is always, have you tried one? Have you tried one? Because if you really put forth the effort get your heart rate up, stay focused. It delivers right there.
Okay, we're gonna come over and touch our toes. Now, if you feel like your heart rate is still zooming, I'd rather you just sit down on the ground and reach for your toes. All right, if your heart rate is feeling good we're gonna put our head below our heart. So never put your head below your heart until your heart rate has slowly and surely returned down to a comfortable spot. Relax your neck, we're just going for a good hamstring right here.
Oh yeah. Good hamstring stretch, it feels awesome doesn't it? Always feel so good, you earned it at the end of the workout. Yeah, nice. And you know, a lot of times you might say to yourself, oh, let's go ahead and sit down I just don't feel like working out but just turn on a 20 minute workout.
Just do it just dedicate 20 minutes it makes the difference. Let's go for our reverse tabletop. So many of us that work out in the gym get really tight through our shoulders and our chest. This is one that I've been working on. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
So we're gonna point our fingertips towards our glutes lift your hips up and then I want you to release your head neck and shoulders and just relax up right there, oh yeah . Hurts so good. Right, feels awesome, such a good stretch. Really good for the front body. Come all the way down, that was nice.
Face the front day, if you need more stretching, please do. Thanks for all of you joining Get Healthy U TV and Snap Fitness and Lindsey thank you. Thanks Chris. All right, I hope you'll come back and work out with us again real soon.
Thank you for this, a good start to the day👍
Great quick full body workout!
Just did this one for the first time, and even out of shape, I freakin' LOVED IT!! Got my sweat on, and I'm feelin' great! Thanks Chris and Lindsay!!
I'm so glad this was posted in the FB group. I had never seen it before, but I really enjoyed it!
Yeah, that was fantastic, worked really hard and sweated loads in 20 mins! Thank you!
Good quick work out when you are pressed for time. Though I typically appreciate alignment cues, there's just too much talking during this short work out.
Kinda hard for back and knee issues. Couldn't complete.
Is this beginner?
Awesome!! Now for a walk, getting those 10,000 steps !! :)
Love this workout!! Thanks girls!! Xxxxx