Chris Freytag

How to Do a Burpee

Chris Freytag
Duration:   1  mins

“I love burpees!” said no one ever. A burpee is truly one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do that works your ENTIRE body! In this short video you’ll learn how to do a burpee, as well as a few variations you can take on the traditional burpee to add more of a challenge or mix things up. Chris will lead you through each movement so you get the form down first, and then you can start to incorporate burpees into your workouts.

When burpees were first invented they were meant to be just a four point exercise, but fitness professionals have been putting their own spin on them for years. Chris will start by showing you the basic burpee, which is a four-point exercise. If you’ve ever wondered how to do a burpee, watch closely! You’ll come from standing to the ground, and jump or walk back into a plank while keeping your abs tight, your spine long, and your shoulders over the wrists. You’ll then walk or jump back in, standing back up or jumping back up and extending your arms to finish. The entire movement brings you down, out, in, and out.

Chris will then show you how you can add a push-up at the end, add a knee-up, or other things to mix it up or add more of a challenge. However you do it, a burpee is a challenging exercise that gets your heart pumping and works your entire body, making it an excellent move to incorporate in workouts. As you practice your burpees, you’ll start to notice you can do more and more than you did before.

Seemingly simple bodyweight exercises like burpees are some of the most effective around at building muscle, working your cardio capacity, and toning your body. Learn how to do a burpee so you can get your heart pumping and calories burning.

All exercises you perform are your own responsibility and you perform them at your own risk. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider before starting any physical exercise, fitness or wellness regiments of any kind.

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