Sam Cameranesi

GOLD Step Strength 6

Sam Cameranesi
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Duration:   45  mins

Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Trainer Sam Cam will take you through the sixth version of our Step Strength format. Get ready to feel your muscles burn in a good way with this strength-focused workout. You’ll sweat and burn calories from the hard work, but our focus will be on strength. The step adds a level of difficulty to some of the exercises, but you can do it without the step platform and modify as needed. Get ready to rev your metabolism and build muscle!

Level: All Levels
Equipment: Step, medium to heavy dumbbells, mat
Instructor: Sam Cameranesi

In order to view the class, be sure to visit this page while logged in to your GOLD member account. Want to stream this workout to your TV? Here is how to do it.


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