Use only Chrome as your browser when “casting” with Chromecast. Also it is recommended that you are on the most current updates for Chrome and Google Home.
GHUTV does support casting using Android devices and the past two versions of Chromecast. The casting icons for users who have a Chromecast device will show up in the Brightcove Player once the video is started.
In order to mitigate any caching issues between your mobile device and your Chromecast, we highly recommend that you perform your video casting via your Android mobile (or Android tablet) following the steps below.
NOTE: If you are not seeing the casting icon within the video player, please clear your history within Chrome, and launch gethealthyutv.com again.
STEP 1When on gethealthyutv.com via Chrome:
- Select the Video
- Open “full screen” mode (icon at the far right in the player)
- Select the casting icon (to the left of the fullscreen icon)
- Select your chrome cast TV
- Watch casting
At this point we recommend managing the play and pause via the remote app associated with Chromecast (Google Home). If you do not have Google Home installed on your mobile device, please install.
STEP 2- To end casting of the video, we recommend you use the Google Home app. When you launch the Google Home app your Chromecast Device should list the video you are watching at the very top associated with the “device” name you gave to your Chromecast.
- To pause/play the video, use the pause/play button within Google Home.
- Select the “blue” square to the right of the play/pause button when you are finished with the video AND before you attempt to select another video on Gethealthyutv.com. This will clear the video from the casting cache/queue within Chromecast (we have found not doing this can cause videos from not casting properly from Android mobile devices through to Chromecast).
Then you can go back into GHUTV and select your next video. Repeat Step 1 to cast the selected video.
Download the Video and TV Cast Browser for Chromecast app from the iOS App Store.
Open the app and enter or paste the URL to your video in the browser’s address bar.
Wait some seconds until the video link is recognized and shown at the bottom below the browser. (You might need to start playing the video to get it recognized.)
Select “Tap Here to Cast” to send the video to your Chromecast.

I have the GHUtv app and it has worked find up till yesterday. First it asked for my password, which I haven't had to use in a long time. It used to cast to my bedroom, now it is saying nearby device, then asks for a pin and listen for the pin. I waited and no pin was sent. I shut my phone down and unplugged my Chromecast several times. I got it to work yesterday finally, but can't today. This is getting very frustrating. My husband just spent another 1/2 hour and got it to cast to the bedroom so I'm good for the day. Hopefully this doesn't happy again tomorrow. I'm finally on track with doing a class on a regular basis and this happens. Thanks for listening and I hope this doesn't happen again.
How with iPhone?
This is not working, why don’t you develop an app instead of this website. I cannot get this to cast from my iPad, no I don’t have an android and no I don’t have Apple TV and that app TV cast will not play the videos 😡
Casting is horrible. This should be free until the site is able to keep up with today’s technology
It would be nice if we could just click the chromecast button on the corner of the videos. Most other services work that way. Your technology needs to be updated to current to make it less cumbersome. The ones on you tube work great. Anything on the get healthy U site doesn’t work that way. I joined because I wanted more variety than what was on you tube so was very disappointed that it doesn’t work that way. Very frustrating.
I too am having difficulty using Google Chromecast to cast a video to my smart tv. It just says error loading video. Bought the package to be able to stream new workout videos to TV. Also tried to use web browser on tv, but can’t see where to log in to my account. Like other people say, it should not be this difficult....
Video's don't chrome cast, there's not chrome cast button on them at all
I’m having the same problem. When I had ATTTVNOW I had an app on my tv screen. Since switching to ATTTV the app is no longer there and have been unsuccessful in streaming on apple or chromecast so am waton my iPad which is not as good but will continue until you provide an app— which I’m hoping is soon.
Why oh why is getting it to cast so difficult? I had the app and now it has disappeared. I’ve tried to cast for the past few days without success. So very frustrating. Apple Fitness it is😳
Can I access the workouts using a Roku?