Fitness Challenges

Get Healthy U TV is here to make your workouts fun! In these free fitness challenges, you’ll join our friendly, enthusiastic trainers as they guide and motivate you toward achieving your goals. Whether you want to try something new, develop a routine, or take your workout to the next level, you can get started today! Choose any of the Get Healthy U TV Challenges below and we’ll give you the tools you need, calendars to follow, and some motivation to feel accomplished—all for free!

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1,917 Responses to “Fitness Challenges”

  1. Rochelle Berger

    Which workout is best for losing inches, getting toned, building muscle

  2. karen crowder

    Anxious to see this and see if there is anything I can use, with only 1 leg working at the present time

  3. Amy

    Thank you. I’m 44 and I have my days where I will walk everyday but then I’ll stop for months. Plus I feel tired a lot, even when I was younger but now it just seems I can’t walk as much as I use too. Walking is my thing but I also like using weights sometimes but I’m not using weights like I would like to. I would like to get back into that again too. Thank you again.

  4. Anne G

    I have zero will power, need accountability. I am willing to give this a go as I am feeling so tired all the time and much has to do with all the Covid weight I have gained. I want to feel energised/flexible and able to keep up with the grandkids. I am 60yrs of age.

  5. Laura Suchocki

    Looking for low impact, had 2 rotators done and an ankle reconstruction. I also am on Keto and know when I am ready to get off, I will start with low carb as a maintain.

  6. Rhonda

    Thank you for free workouts thats really helpful for those of us who don’t make a lot of money. :)

  7. Vanessa A Williams-Bourne

    I need to start slow and easy, have a few chronic conditions

  8. Julie Watts

    Need to get motivated – your short 10 minute workouts may be just what I need.

  9. Lisa Plaisted

    Thanks, maybe this is what I need to get focused again on my weight loss journey!

  10. Lori Newman

    Hi Can you explain a little about each of the different challenges. I have a few health issues and can”t jump around or do any rigorous exercises or work outs.

    • Customer Service

      Hello Lori,

      Thank you for contacting us. Great question! The ‘Ask an Expert’ section is currently for members of our online community. By becoming a member, you will have access to our expert’s knowledge in working out. With your membership you will also receive discounts on products and hours of Premium video content.

      If you are interested in becoming a member to Get Healthy U TV, please click on the special offer below:

      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

  11. Teresa

    I’ve not been exercising for a year now- need to start back- miss it – definitely can tell.

  12. Joyce Lew

    I would like to cancel my membership which is $3.00 being charged to my account. I never used this site unfortunately.
    Thank you
    Joyce Lew

    • Customer Service

      Hey Joyce,

      We sent you an email confirming your cancellation. Remember you can always email or chat on our website with questions or concerns!
      Please reach out to us again if you have further questions!

      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

  13. tina allen

    Have a very physical job, would like to get stronger…back & core especially
