10-Minute Morning Yoga Stretch

Sheila Chenier
Duration:   11  mins


Check out this 10-minute Morning Yoga Stretch! An energizing yoga practice at the start of your day, may just be the thing you need to jumpstart your internal alarm clock. (Of course feel free to use it any time of day, but stretching in the morning is the perfect mood lifter.)

Doing yoga first thing in the morning has both mental and physical benefits. From awakening your senses to cultivating a sense of purpose, increasing flexibility and beginning to move your muscles, yoga has the ability to wake your body up and improve the quality of the remainder of your day. Instead of hoping out of bed and rushing to your to-do list, start your day peacefully and set your intention by doing this morning yoga workout with Get Healthy U TV Trainer Sheila Chenier.

Whether you’re a yoga beginner or a regular yogi, this quick workout is perfect to squeeze in when you’re looking to get the blood flow moving throughout your body. Designed for people of all fitness levels, Sheila will guide you through a vinyasa flow sequence including a sun salutation, triangle pose and more! When moving through a vinyasa sequence you’ll find yourself connecting your body, mind and breath through each movement.

Sheila will guide you through a yoga sequence with extra focus on breath awareness. She will walk you through a guided flow and make you aware of how your breath can stimulate the depth of your stretch and poses you will go through. Challenge yourself to tap into your inner self to set your intention for the rest of your day as you work through this 10-minute morning yoga flow.

In just 10-minutes this morning yoga stretch routine will lengthen you, stretch you and help to align your day! If you enjoyed this 10-minute morning yoga stretch you may also want to try our yoga flowetry program or stress relief yoga!

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7 Responses to “10-Minute Morning Yoga Stretch”

  1. Shelly Hollingsworth

    Guess I need something pre-beginner. I have to work my way up to these.

  2. Meg

    THANK YOU for this clear guided 10 min journey. I have a teen new to exercise and this is the perfect amount of time, pace and clarity needed for them! Thank you for sharing these and being here! ❤️

  3. Rose Chiu

    i need to work at the movement that goes into a plank and back up again 😃 I'm hoping this will help stretch out my aching parts from yesterday's full workout.

  4. Alan

    Just discovered Shelia and did the yoga stretch. Perfect pace and instruction. All instructors are great but as I get older I appreciate her pace, voice and guidance. Thanks Judy


    I do this one at all different times of the day. It's always great! Thank you Sheila!

  6. SUSAN

    Thank you so much for this. Such a great way to start the day with gentle movement. Looking forward to making it a part of my daily morning routine!

  7. Theresia Hamilton

    Thank you, this is an excellent video, very clear instructions. Just what I needed today!

Hi, welcome, "Get Healthy U TV." My name is Sheila Chenier. I'm here to give you a 10-minute yoga practice, something that you can do every morning, something that you can take with you on the road, okay? Let's get started with our practice. Starting out with your shoulders down and back, and feel your spine lifting up, Go ahead and spread out all 10 toes, and feel the arches of the feet lifting. Feel the kneecaps lifting.

Roll the shoulders again, back and down. And then arms rise up, reach up, extend up overhead. Take an inhale, and an exhale, and palms might meet. If they might, just fingertips, and then exhale, arms come down along the sides of the body. Go ahead and take those hands behind the back.

Roll your shoulders back and down, lifting up the gaze. Two breaths here, as you inhale, and exhale. One more breath, please, inhaling and exhale. Inhale. Arms rise.

Reach up, extend up overhead, open twist, shoulders soft, and encourage that hip. If the hip wants to rock back, see if you can glide the hip forward, sliding that back knee, and shoulders are soft. Inhale, arms reach. Let's take it to the other side, exhale, twist, turn. Again, check and see where your hips are, where the knees are, line up.

Soften, wrap, one more breath as you inhale, and exhale, inhale, come back to center. Now, finding a backbend, cactus arm, or maybe you interlace the hands behind the back. Another or, palms might meet. Then you're reaching with the heart. One breath, as you inhale, shoulders soft, exhale.

Inhale to come back to center, exhale, swan dive forward, hinging forward. Inhale, half lift, look forward. Exhale, looking towards your belly button. Inhale, go ahead and step your right foot back. Go ahead and step your left foot back.

Now, option, come to your knees if you like. Spew the fingers wide, slide your shoulders back and down. Lower yourself down toward the earth, and then start to lift the heart, and maybe lift the gaze, but relax the shoulders. One breath, inhale. Exhale, press yourself back.

Now, finding yourself in extended child's pose, allow your knees to separate, arms extend out over the head, and breathe here. Keep reaching those fingertips to the very top of the mat. Keep reaching your seat to the back of the mat. Two more breaths, here's your inhale. Exhale, if your head doesn't touch the earth, that's okay.

Inhale. And exhale. Bring yourself to all fours, tucking toes under. Spew the fingers, and seat goes back, head goes low. Breath here.

Now, keep pressin' the seat back, walkin' out those legs. And then find stillness, heels down, or up. Last breath here, as you inhale. Exhale. Look between the hands.

Go ahead and lift up a leg, step it through, and then bring the other leg with. Inhale, half lift, looking forward. Exhale, and fold. Bend the knees, rise and reach up. Come all the way up to standing.

Reach, hands to heart center, and breathe. Let's take that sun sal' through, one time, one breath, one motion. Inhale, reach. Exhale, swan dive, fold. Inhale, half lift, flat back, gaze up.

Exhale, fold. Inhale, step a foot back, or maybe you bend, and you jump back. Find ***, maybe knees down, lower squeeze, hover, flow through, uncurl toes, knees down or up. Remember, option, that cobra. Go there, curl toes under.

Down dog, remember your extended child's pose. Yes, you know, it's a choice. Breathe here, two more breaths, inhale. Exhale. One more breath, as you inhale.

And exhale. Coming back to all fours. Right leg goes high, right foot steps through. Uncurl the toe, rise up, reach up. Find a backbend.

Breathe your inhale. Exhale, add a little motion to that. Hands come down, push your seat back. Now, maybe you lift the toe up. Maybe the knee stays back.

Come back up, exhale. Now you decide. Breathe, inhale. One more time, exhale. Inhale, coming forward.

Curl that back toe under, now lift the knee. Rotate the heel down to the earth. Hands to thigh, prepping for warrior one. And then arms come up, sink, shoulders soft. Breath, maybe palms meet, just like in that backbend, or maybe cactus arm.

Inhale, straighten out front leg. Open yourself up. And keeping that toe pointed forward, thumbs up, triangle pose, reach, open the heart, use the breath, inhaling and exhaling. If you have a block, a book, you can maybe prop your hand up on that. One more breath here, inhale, exhale.

Reverse this triangle pose. Breath. Back leg, find energy, turn that big toe in, roll the weight to the outside edge of that foot. Now bend front knee, reverse warrior. Breath, as you inhale.

Exhale, side angle reach, forearm to thigh, to sky. Breath, inhaling, or maybe you take that, and you slide that tricep down, and maybe your fist comes forward, or it extends out. Last breath, as you inhale, and exhale. Now, slowly, top arm comes down, so just straighten out your front leg. Now, turn that toe forward.

So your right toe is in, your left toe is in. Lift the heart, and then fold, breathing here. Now those hands, you might touch ankles. Might keep the hands out in front, or you take 'em around, and breath. So, the strange part about this, the wider your feet go, a little bit easier, more digestible for your hamstrings, back of those thighs.

So if you need that, go ahead and do it. One more breath here, as you inhale. And exhale, coming into a flat back. Now, we're gonna go a little in reverse, so walking yourself around, find your side angle. Lift the heart, using breath, full inhale, full exhale.

One more breath here, as you inhale. And exhale, reverse your warrior, sinking into front leg, and again, tidy up. Breath, sink. Now, that front knee not extending over your toe. Line it up and breathe.

Now straighten, reverse triangle pose, breath, inhale. And exhale. Last breath here, as you inhale. And exhale. Start to bring yourself forward, and if you'd like, a triangle pose here.

So remember, we were down low before. You can be right here. Take it where you need to go, just hinge, send the hip back, open the heart. Gaze go upward. Last breath, inhale, exhale.

Now, right away, sweeping down that right arm. Pivot, bend front knee, find your warrior one. Sink, breathe, and again, option with those arms. Maybe you get a little bit of a heart opener here. Breath here as you inhale, and exhale.

Inhale, reach, exhale, hands go down. So now that left foot, send it back. Breath. One more breath here as you inhale, exhale, find your plank, lower, lift, press back to extended child's pose. Using breath, or you down dog.

One more breath here, as you inhale. And exhale. Start to bring yourself up, coming to a seated position. And moving into a pigeon pose, seated pigeon pose. Sometimes your knee is doing a traditional pigeon pose, if you're going, "Sheila, I don't get that, what that is." So you have that right leg bent, and then you come here.

Some, it's just not conducive, so let's change it up if you'd like to. So you can cross that leg around in front, same thing, in that glute piriformis in there. You can even give it a hug. Wrap, and if you'd like to challenge balance, hinge back, and then lift, breathing here as you inhale. Exhale, one more breath, inhale.

Exhale, foot comes down. Now go ahead and lower down that right foot, sitting up nice and tall, left arm comes up, twist, turn, spine is tall. See if you can anchor down that right glute. Keep twisting, keep lifting the spine, inhaling. With each inhale, like a sip of air, see if your spine grows tall.

Exhale, and rotate. Last breath here, as you inhale. Exhale, unwind the body. Unwind the legs. Give the legs a hug here.

Let's get ready for the other side. So now take that over to the other side. Now the opposite knee, the left leg comes around in front. And again, you find that space that one side, what might work for one side, might not work for the other. So go ahead and try maybe something different here.

Give a hug. Breathe, it's okay. Rock back, or not. And then start to lift. Breathe here.

So can you feel your core? Oh, I can feel mine holding me here. Breath, foot comes down, and then go ahead and bring that foot around in front. Now, again, even if this bend in this leg is not working for you, straighten out your right leg, okay? Spine grows tall, lift tall.

And then twist, turn. Shoulders down. Every time I'm in this position, you know, like I said, sip up from a straw, I think of a straw. My spine is like a straw, and is lengthening, and then I just rotate around. I can use that hand to guide, wherever you need to be, just breathe.

One more breath. Here's your inhale, and exhale. Coming back to center, unwind. Sit up nice and tall. Let's take those spine twists again.

Inhale, arms reach, open twist to the right side. Gazing over that shoulder, sitting nice and tall. Arms reach, exhale, twist, turn, other side, roll the shoulders back and down. Coming back to center, hands to heart center. Now, here's the most important part.

Take 30 minutes. "30 minutes." 30 seconds, maybe a minute. Breathe. Thank you so much for joining me. Namaste.

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