Ab Crusher Circuit Workout
Chris FreytagDescription
You’ll need a set of weights for this core circuit workout. We’ll incorporate several powerhouse moves designed to tone all parts of your core, including the ever-important transverse abdominus, which makes up your “lower abs.” Think of this area as a belt that goes all around your body and tightens your abs while protecting your low back—it’s the area most of us want to flatten and tone the most! Starting with a bend and extend move, you’ll roll through your core, working not only your abdominals but also your shoulders. Chris will provide plenty of encouragement and motivation—along with potential modifications if needed—to guide you along in this core circuit workout.
Next it’s onto Russian twists, another move that will work that transverse abdominus and help flatten and tone those lower abs. Next, are side plank dips that will also work your obliques. After that, Chris will guide you through froggy crunches and dolphin dives, encouraging you to keep your energy up! Get the most out of each targeted move by keeping your spine long, creating stability through your core, and not forgetting to breathe! Lastly, you’ll work on glute bridges, incorporating your inner thighs as well as all your core muscles.
If you like this Ab Crushing Core Circuit Workout, you should try our popular muffin top melter workout or a variety of other intense workouts in our Power 20 series!
All exercises you perform are your own responsibility and you perform them at your own risk. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider before starting any physical exercise, fitness or wellness regiments of any kind.
Hi, I'm Chris Freytag and this is your 10 minute ab crusher circuit workout. We're going to work hard for 10 minutes. It's all about the core. I'm going to coach you through it but we're going to start with a quick warmup. So you're going to come onto your knees, splay your knees a little wider on the mat.
Sit back onto your heels. And you're going to come down into child's pose. Reach your arms all the way out, stretch through your back. Then pull forward into cobra, opening up through your hip flexors through the front of your body. Relax your neck, and then push back child's pose and just come between those two poses a couple of times at your own pace.
Last one. Breathing, you want to breathe whenever you're working your abs. Come into cat-cow right here. shoulders over the wrists, hips over the knees. Round up to cat, really look for your belly button.
Exaggerate and then lengthen the crown of the head away from the tailbone. Do that a couple of times, just articulating through your spine and waking it up and then release. And we're going to get right into our ab crushing circuits. Now we're going to do 45 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest between each exercise. Just enough to transition.
I want you to think about your abs I'll coach you through the whole thing. I'll give you some good pointers. So grab a weight to get started. Yes, a weight, and go heavy. We're going to roll back and we're going to start with bend and extend.
Put that weight into your right hand. Bend your left leg. Bent right arm bent left leg. Here we go. Reach up bend and extend and lower down.
Inhale and exhale. Lift up, extend. So you want to really extend that leg, really extend that arm. Bend down. Reach up, extend, roll down, bend.
Now we're going 45 seconds on this arm. You are rolling through your core. Abdominals, belly to the spine, pull them in. Breathe each time. The heavier the weight, the more shoulder action you're getting here.
Breathe, bend and extend. Come on, you can do it. 45 seconds of work for each exercise. The pace is entirely up to you. You can keep my pace or your own.
I'm starting to feel this in my shoulder and my core. And I really want you to squeeze your quad. That makes a difference, too. One more on the side. Breathe and release.
Other side. Thread that belly button through to your spine. You really want to work your transverse abdominous, That low--It's like a human girdle. It's your low abs and it wraps around your body like a belt. Here we go.
Bend your other arm, bend your other leg and go. Lift up and roll down. Roll up, extend, roll down and bend. And you're squeezing that quad muscle. Really work it.
Squeeze through your shoulder. Belly to the spine. Exhale. Beautiful. You want to articulate like you're coming up, a piece off of a piece of Velcro.
So each vertebrae comes one at a time up. Squeeze those core muscles all the way down. Power on the way up. Beautiful. Really think about what you're doing.
Good. Come on, few more seconds. You got it. Here we go. Can you do one more for me?
All the way down, all the way up. Bam! And done. All right, Russian twist is the next exercise. Now you're going to take that weight end to end.
You could do this without a weight. I want you to sew your knees together. Pull your abs in nice and tight and lean slightly back. Abs nice and strong. We're going to go side to side knees together.
Go. Bring it all the way over to the side. I want you to wrap your rib cage all the way around. Think about squeezing or wringing out a washcloth with your core body. Belly to the spine, wrap it all the way around.
Breathe. Good, slightly leaning back. Now, if you want to take your feet up off the floor that would be awesome. That's a little extra work. That is entirely up to you.
Speed is up to you. You got to breathe. Sew those knees together. I love it. Come on.
You can do this! 45 seconds of work. Wrap that rib cage. You got it. Almost there.
Four, three, two, done. Very nice. All right. Side plank dips. You're going to come into a side plank.
Just going to straighten out my mat. On your forearm. So either arm, it doesn't matter. You're going to stack your feet, lift up right here and we're gonna bend down with those hips. Here we go.
Lower down and lift, lower down and lift. Now I want you to really lift through that core. You're going to feel it through your obliques. And you can place that hand on your hip or if you want to make it harder, reach your arm all the way up to the sky right here. Another thing you could do is put your bottom knee down.
All the way down, all the way up. You got it. And switch sides. We're gonna switch halfway through. Here we go.
All right. Stack those feet. We're doing a little over 20 seconds on each side. Notice I have my arm up the whole time on the side. It's up to you.
Modification is to put that bottom knee to the mat. That is fine. Really feel it through those obliques. Breathe. Come on, you got it.
Three, two, one, done. Awesome. All right. Froggy crunches. Here we go.
Soles of the feet together, roll back. You ready? Hands behind the head, just loosely, and roll out. Now get those shoulder blades up off the ground. All the way up.
Good. So you're sliding. What you're thinking about is sliding your rib closer to the hip. Belly to the spine. Relax your neck and crunch up.
We call these froggy crunches. Lift and lower. Exhale each time. You can do this. Come on.
You got it. Soles of the feet are together. Now, if this is getting to be a little too difficult, you can draw those knees together. That's up to you. You want to make it a little harder, you can bring the feet off the ground.
Pull those shoulder blades up off the ground. You got it. Come on. Done. Beautiful!
All right, next exercise. You 15 seconds between each exercise. Dolphin dives. You're going to come over into a prone position. Now come onto your elbows, interlace your fingers together and you're going to come into dolphin pose.
Pull forward, here we go. Chin comes just in front of the thumbs. Push back. Stability through the shoulders. Pull your belly to your spine.
Long spine. Stabilize through your back. Good. Push forward, push back. You want to keep a nice long spine.
Very good. You can always drop your knees to the mat. That's always a good modification. I always tell you never quit, just modify. No shame and modifying whatsoever.
Always do what works best for your body and challenge yourself. Keep it coming. Good. Down, up. You got it.
Couple more. Yes, you can! Give me one more, and done. All right. 15 seconds to transition.
Beautiful. Come this way. Glued bridges. Okay, you ready? Here we go.
Line your heels up with your glutes. Abs are nice and tight. Ready? And go. Get all the way up into a bridge.
Now you want to slightly pull those knees together. Lower down almost to the ground, back up, squeeze, lower almost to the ground, back up, squeeze. Now what you want to think about is squeezing your glutes, drawing your knees together. So your adductors, your inner thighs are firing, and you want to pull your belly to your spine. So you're really feeling it through those core muscles.
Down and up. You got it. We're going to hold it up top for the last 10 seconds. Oh yes, you can. Here we go.
Hold it to the top. Draw your knees together. Squeeze your glutes. Breathe. Belly to the spine.
This is a good isometric, Back extensors working, core muscles working. Three, come on, two, and one, and release down. Roll up to seated. That was a quick 10 minutes. Take a nice deep breath.
Roll forward. I just want you to round out your spine all the way down. Good, and roll back up. Roll the shoulders back. And you did it.
Now, if you enjoyed an ab circuit workout, you should try the Muffin Top Melter in the Power 20 series on Get Healthy U TV. I hope to see you soon and I look forward to working out with you.
What pound of weights are you using?
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