You’re in! We are SO excited you’ve decided to join the 28-Day Routine Reboot Trainer Challenge. This challenge is the perfect opportunity to take a good look at your current eating habits, movement goals and improve your overall routine. While we’re all for a healthy balance (we preach the 80/20 rule!), it’s always fun to evaluate where you’re at and how you’d like to improve.
One other bonus of this challenge? It’s a chance for you to get to know all of the GOLD trainers at Get Healthy U TV a little better! Maybe you’re brand new to Get Healthy U TV or maybe you’ve been here for a while. Either way, we’re so excited to have you here and hope you learn a few new things about our amazing group of trainers. Here is the 28-day calendar you can follow along with. Click on each day to get either a 10-minute workout video OR a nutrition suggestion/recipe for you to try. Can’t wait to kick things off!

If you are just starting out on your clean eating journey, first off CONGRATULATIONS! You have made the first step in leading a healthier and happier you! While we often want quick fixes, know that the health and fitness journey is an ongoing one. It will take time, but in the end, it is worth it.
Ready for some advice from the trainers at Get Healthy U TV?? Take a look below at what everyone had to say to those of you getting started on this new clean eating journey:
Chris: I like to say: don’t “diet” but rather “edit” your food choices. The more you know about food, the better choices you make so be curious enough to learn about it! Also, be kind to yourself … if you slip up, get back in the saddle! We all mess up, it’s about how you move forward that makes the difference. In summary, Michael Pollan says it well: “Eat [real] food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
Kate: Be patient and take your time. Small changes WORK!!!! Reward yourself with a pedicure, new clothes, or whatever you consider a self-care treat when you’ve reached a set goal. Diets do not work. Food is wonderful, just enjoy it in moderation.
Lindsey: Strive for veggies at every meal! I’m not super into ‘counting/tracking’ my nutrition but if I do pay attention to anything it’s the number of grams of added sugar I consume a day. I try to keep that under 25-30 grams tops!
Sam: Change your mental focus to: I CAN AND I WILL. And: I AM WORTH IT! See the health and nutrition journey as a positive one! Plan ahead: whether it’s prepping your meals, planning out what your week looks like, or packing your gym bag the night before, planning ahead is going to help you stay on track and hold yourself accountable. Don’t forget about water! You should be consuming the equivalent of about half of your body weight in ounces. And this does not include when we are sweating and working out. So if you are working out, be sure to be getting AT LEAST half of your body weight in ounces of water if not more than that!
Shelley: Be good to yourself. If you find yourself cheating, get back up and start again.
Leah: This is more philosophical, but I find it to be just as important: Adjusting eating habits involves assessing emotional and mental approaches and reactions to food, and that can feel quite intense.
Give yourself the grace you deserve, and spend time training your mind to appreciate your body exactly as it is every morning you wake up. You can change that body, you can strengthen that body, and you can fuel that body, but all of those things become more consistent and more empowering when you train yourself to love and respect that body in the moment! Good luck and know that you have all of us GHUTV Trainers cheering you on! We are here to motivate you and help you continue working towards the happiest and healthiest version of you!

Planning and preparation are key to a successful healthy eating plan. If you have healthy snacks and meals ready to go, that’s what you will eat and you’ll stay on track! It’s not rocket science, but it can be hard to implement sometimes. So this morning, the Get Healthy U TV trainers and I are coming at you with our meal prep routines. Take a look!
Sam: These are the meals/foods I typically prepare each week:
Kate: I typically shop on Friday so I am stocked up for the weekend. Then I prep chicken, hard-boiled eggs and salad fixings on Sundays when I have the most time.
Chris: I do my meal prep typically on Sundays. I always:
Shelley: I blanch my vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower/zucchini. I then fry onions & mushrooms in avocado oil and use them as my base and add protein in daily.
Leah: I don’t do a lot of specific meal prep, but I always have the basics on hand for an egg scramble or avocado toast. Meal prepping doesn’t actually fit my non-traditional schedule (plus my husband and I really like trying new recipes together) so I find that if I have one main go-to always available, I’m able to use it for breakfast, lunch, or dinner to fill the gaps between the meals we cook together.
Lindsey: I try to be home with my son on Fridays if I can so we typically do some quick meal prep then:
Then on Sundays (or Mondays if we’re traveling over the weekend) I always prep:

Who loves a good snack?! I know I do. But when it comes to your health, being sure that your snacks are nutritious and not pure junk is critical. In our busy world, we seem to be on the go a lot. From work to errands, running to the gym, driving your kids around, no matter who you are, life seems to always be busy! So, this week, we wanted to ask our Get Healthy U TV Trainers: when you’re on the go, what sort of snacks are in your rotation?
Check out their responses below:
Kate: Baby carrots: they travel well and are an easy way to sneak in veggies. Apples and beef jerky too!
Chris: Raw veggies and hummus or guacamole. Nuts, seeds and fruit too.
Shelley: Peanut butter Clif bars, cashews & almonds, raisins & Triscuits.
Leah: RX bars, freeze dried mangos, chunky natural peanut butter.
Lindsey: Trail mix and dried fruit, Tahini Oat Balls, Cashew Butter Oat Balls, nut butter packets, apples.
Sam: Fruit (strawberries, cherries, blueberries), carrots and cucumbers (they’re easily transportable!) and rice cakes with avocado!
Well, I think it’s about time for me to grab a healthy snack here. ;) This list is making me hungry!!

So, you’ve committed to eating healthfully, yes? Things are going along smoothly, you’re rocking the meal prep, you’ve got healthy snacks on hand but then your husband or girlfriend invites you out to eat. What do you do now?
Most of us know that the dishes served at restaurants are typically calorie-laden with all sorts of extra salt, sugar and excess fat. But all hope isn’t lost. There are so many ways to stay on track with your health and fitness goals when eating out. Here we asked our trainers: what’s your trick to staying healthy when you’re out to eat? I think you’re going to love their tips!
Chris: I ask for what I want! Sauce or dressing on the side. Grilled, not fried. Extra veggies. Skip the white bread. I basically “have it my way” and it’s rarely a problem.
Leah: Choose a protein as the main portion, get some kind of greens onto the plate and ask for any sauces on the side to apply yourself. Other than that, I give myself permission to stop eating when I start to feel full, or sometimes intentionally leave a portion to take home when I know I’ve got a great way to use it for leftovers!
Lindsey: I usually like to know where I’m going and take a peek at the menu online ahead of time if I have the opportunity. Then I decide what I want and stick to it so I’m not tempted to order something less healthy when I hear others ordering fries, etc. That said, I’m all about splitting meals with a friend so I’ll have 1/2 a burger + 1/2 a salad. My staple rule is 1/2 a plate of veggies even when I’m out to eat.
Shelley: I try to have a salad with a protein, cut out carbs at dinner & one alcoholic beverage (Tito’s and a splash of cranberry).
Kate: Honestly, when I am out to eat, I order what I want. I love food and don’t think depriving myself works. I eat pretty clean and healthy Monday through Friday but if I am out for dinner, I order what I like. I also typically fill up on a salad before my entree arrives.
Sam: Read the menu before you go! This helps me have an idea of what I am able to eat when I sit down at the restaurant. Also, I stick to drinking only water during dinner; the extra calories and sugar found in soda and juices can be easily avoided. Lastly, have as many vegetables with your meal as possible. Whether I order a side salad to start or a salad as my main meal, I always make sure I have my plate filled mostly with veggies and a protein to help me stay full.
What do you think? Which of these practices will you start implementing when you’re out to eat? Don’t be afraid to order your food exactly how you want it; 9 times out of 10 they will happily customize your meal without a thought!

The dinner dilemma: it’s a problem we all face on a daily basis. And I don’t know about you but I love hearing about other people’s staples when it comes to healthy, satisfying meals.
Luckily, we have a whole website full of great meal ideas. Some of my personal favorites are:
But I also wanted to tap into the insights of our trainers so I asked them: what is your go-to meal? And it looks like my repertoire of ideas just got way more delicious!
Sam: Lately my go-to dinner has been a black bean burger, some sort of vegetable, and sweet potatoes! I recently discovered a black bean/quinoa burger that I absolutely love and am slightly obsessed with. Pair this with some sweet potatoes in my air fryer and I’m a happy girl.
Lindsey: My favorite meal is kabobs on the grill during the summer so we have this often! And I have lots of staples in my routine, but a couple of my favorites include: my Blueberry Kale + Quinoa Salad, roasted veggie bowls with quinoa or brown rice and topped with eggs and my 7-Day Weeknight Dinner Meal Plan is usually on repeat in my house monthly!
Leah: Egg scramble. I toss some protein (turkey pepperoni, diced chicken, ground turkey, etc.) and/or veggies on hand into a skillet, add eggs (including a yolk or two, the rest egg whites) and cook it all up. It’s easy to make, clean up after, or even add to a wrap if I want to change it up. Breakfast foods are my favorite, I use them all the time!
Kate: I eat a lot of the same things over and over. Eggs with veggies or smoothies with fruit and spinach for breakfast. Protein on a salad for lunch like chicken or tuna, and whatever for dinner.
Chris: Buddha Bowls: I take all kinds of veggies, greens, sweet potatoes, quinoa, a protein like chicken or fish and heat it up in a bowl with a dollop of hummus or guacamole.
Shelley: Turkey burgers on the grill with mushrooms & onions, avocado salsa and jalapeños.
Got a healthy weeknight meal you can’t get enough of? Share the recipe and/or link in our Facebook group so we can all benefit!

We spend so much of our time eating, cooking and planning what we’re going to eat next! But how are you doing on your pre- and post-workout fuel? Did you know that what you eat before and after your workout can either be the key to seeing results or sabotage your efforts all together?
You all know I love my workouts by now, but you might not know what I eat before and after my daily sweat sessions. So I wanted to share below along with lots of ideas from our amazing group of trainers!
Chris: I typically workout pretty early so pre-workout I drink my electrolytes and maybe grab a half a banana or a handful of some other fruit. Post-workout, I have a meal with protein, carbs and healthy fats that keeps me full all morning… often a protein shake.
Lindsey: It takes a bit of testing to see what works best for you and your body as everyone is so different with pre/post workout food preferences (and it depends on the time of day you typically workout). But as someone who typically likes to workout in the morning, my pre-workout go to’s are two baked eggs + avocado toast or almond butter toast with a banana. If I’m working out super early, I’ll sometimes just grab 1-2 baked eggs to get something in my stomach. And I also love adding some electrolytes to my water for before/during my workouts. Post-workout, I LOVE having a smoothie loaded with fruits + veggies. It’s so refreshing after a workout and an easy way to refuel. And post-workout coffee with collagen peptides is also a staple in my routine!
Kate: I eat something small before a workout, not a heavy meal. Stretch, and hydrate pre-and post workout!!! I always have a little protein post-workout as well.
Shelley: I do not eat an hour before working out – I drink XTend Hydrasport BCAAS during working out & after workout I will have a protein shake.
Leah: Don’t assume your post-workout nutrition has to be a protein shake! There are other great options out there if protein shakes aren’t your thing (more ideas below).
Sam: Depending on what my day looks like my post-workout meals will differ, however I always have a plan as to what I am eating and when! The window to get your post-workout nutrition in is anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours after your workout. My post-workout nutrition always consists of a protein, carb, and fat source (with an emphasis on the protein source!). Also, be sure to stay hydrated during and after a workout!
Want even more ideas? Check out my best pre-workout snack ideas and post-workout meals for more!

Can I just say how amazing you’ve done during this challenge?! You’ve committed to eating healthier, you’ve accomplished so many workouts and I’m guessing you’re seeing the results, not only physically but mentally as well. But here’s the thing: a lot of us need some sort of short-term “reward” when we’re doing something hard long-term. But when it comes to weight loss or just living a healthier lifestyle, how do you navigate allowing yourself a “reward” or an indulgence while still keeping your healthy habits going? It’s hard! But it can be done.
Whether you choose to reward yourself in some other way other than food (think: a pedicure, a girls night out, or just a date with good book), sometimes eating that piece of chocolate is exactly what you need to keep up the good work! And that’s okay! Complete deprivation often leads to out-of-control binges so we like to take a healthier approach with our indulgences and enjoy them once in a while!
So, once again, I’ve tapped into the minds of our trainer to find out what their favorite indulgences are and how often they let themselves enjoy them.
Shelley: I make a banana/nut loaf and have a slice every few days.
Lindsey: Trail mix: the chocolate and peanut butter chip loaded kind (hello, Target Monster Mix)! It’s my favorite. I typically find myself reaching for a couple handfuls throughout the week.
Sam: Oooh, my favorite indulgence is chocolate – a good chocolate chip cookie is my weakness. I don’t always indulge in a full chocolate chip cookie, but dark chocolate chips make an appearance at least once, maybe twice a week!
Kate: Probably a fresh homemade pasta. I really don’t limit myself too much. I do find pasta makes me sleepy so I probably only eat it every month or two. I also enjoy a glass or two of wine on a regular basis.
Chris: Ice cream! I have it when the moment presents itself…typically when travelling and we come upon an amazing ice cream spot, or when out with friends.
Leah: I have trouble digesting red meat and generally avoid it, but about once or twice a year, my husband and I will splurge on some high quality bacon to add to a Saturday brunch.
So, next time you’re feeling bad that you had that chocolate chip cookie or whatever your favorite treat is, don’t! Enjoying some of life’s guilty pleasures here and there can keep you focused on your goals all while honoring your body.
Need a new challenge? Check out all of our other challenges here. Or if you like the idea of focusing on one small thing each day, check out my 101 Fitness Tips that can lead to awesome results and lasting change!
Thanks so much for participating in this challenge with me. I do hope you feel proud of yourself; I know I do!
Until next time, –Chris Freytag
I enjoyed the 100 mile walk, actually did 121 miles🤗 I can’t wait to try this calendar!
I am ready to get started
Thank you !
Anxious to start
I’ve tried clicking on the day in the calendar and nothing happens.
Thank you
Thanks for the push
Where are the links to the daily menu or workout mentioned in the calendar?