10-Minute Feel Your Core Workout
Tish WatsonDescription
You’ll need a towel and a light to medium dumbbell for this core workout. The towel will be used as a prop throughout this workout. And as always, you have the option to choose a light, medium, or heavy dumbbell for this core burnout! We will incorporate ab movements that will tone all muscles of the core, including the obliques, the rectus abdominus, and the transverse abdominus. Starting with seated walkovers, you’ll use the weight to keep your legs up off the ground while rolled back into a seated core hold. Tish will provide lots of encouragement, motivation, and of course modifications to guide you through this fun and uplifting core workout.
Next, we will hit a wide-leg crunch using those “low abs” to pull your legs out and back into your chest. This is where you are going to want to grab your towel. In the “pass the towel” exercise, we will pass the towel between our feet and hands, incorporating the upper portion of the core for this movement. Modifications will be given and instructed by Tish throughout this movement. Find the variation that works best for you. And of course if you don’t have a towel, just pretend! Our workout will finish with a focus on the side obliques, Russian twists, and plank weight drags.
If you are looking for other ab-focused workouts, try our 10-Minute Ab Crusher Circuit Workout or add on a little extra cardio with some core with this Cardio + Core Workout!
Hello, Get Healthy U TV family. I am so excited to be here with you today. My name is Tish Watson and we are doing a 10 minute core work out. So, for today's work out you will need a small towel and medium to a lighter weight. We are going to use our weight for a prop.
Yup, I said a prop, and then we are going to use it for a Russian Twist. So I want something that is going to challenge you a little bit. So, for warming up. Warming up is key, right? So, just want you to give me high knees and I want you to swing those arms.
So athletes, do not stop warming up. I'm going to stop, because I'm going to tell you about today's work out, but you keep going. High knees, swing your arms. We have two circuit sprints. Circuit number one.
We have 30 seconds on. 15 seconds recovery. We are going to do that twice and then we are going to finish with a bang with Tabata. 20 seconds on. 10 seconds recovery.
We are going to do that twice. Okay friends, meet me on the floor, so we can burn up that core. We are going to do circuit number one. So I'm going to show you, you're going to take your weight, put it right in the center of your mat and hopefully you can stand it up. You're going to have your feet to the outside of your weight and then your going to bring your body back to about 45 degrees.
I want that belly button to your spine. Suck in that core nice and tight. Your hands will be at your booty and your going to bring up your heels. Okay, so then all your going to do is, walk it over, walk it over. Bring it back, bring it back.
That's our first one. Friends, are we ready? It's going down. In three, yes we can! In two, we got it.
One, lets go! Walk, walk. Back, back. And if your like, "Tish, no, I don't know if I'm going to do this." That's okay. Bring it down, down.
Over, over. If your weight falls, don't even worry about it. Pretend, just that's it. Swing it over. Swing it over.
Swing it over and breathe. You want a little extra work? Oh, come back on that core! Now keep that belly button to your spine. You got to just do a rainbow effect.
If your weight falls, do a rainbow effect. Okay, we got three, two, one. Drop. Nice job. Alrighty, if your weight fell, no worries friends, bring it back.
Lets just be safe, we'll keep it down. Okay? So now, wide leg crunch. You're gonna bring it in. Crunch, and out.
We're going in three, in two, in one. Crunch. That's it. And breathe. Every time you bring your legs in, breathe.
Exhale out all that good energy. Yup, there we go Or actually, inhale in that good energy. Exhale out anything you don't need. We got it. We're looking good.
You're going to get a double work out. You should feel it in your quads as well. Yeah, there we go. Come on, we got it. Eight, we are great.
Five, we are alive. We got three, yes we can. Two. And one. Whoa, rest.
Aright, put your weight to the side. We're going to pass that towel. Friends, If you don't have a towel, don't worry about it, you can use a t-shirt. You don't have to have anything, but what you're going to do is bring your feet up and then you're going to pass that towel and then down, okay. That simple.
Ready? Go! So, hands behind, bring your shoulders up, feet up, pass the towel. I'm having difficulties today. Keep that belly button to your spine.
There you go. Always smile, it makes you a lot better. There we go. If it falls, who cares. If you don't have a towel, I'll show you what that looks like.
There we go. We have less than 10 seconds. Okay, so if you don't have a towel, just pretend to pass it and then make sure your feet aren't touching the ground. And three. And two.
And one. Nice job. Recover. We're going back up to the top. I demoed, you know what it looks like.
We have got this. Are we ready? Put that back. Align your weight with your ankles. Coming back.
Go! Up. Over. Over. Rainbow.
Rainbow. Yup, if that weight drops it just gets harder, friends. It doesn't get harder. It just gives you a bonus. You just have a bonus, that's it.
And make sure your chin is out to your chest. We have 15 seconds, athletes. I hope you're feeling it. I am. That's it, breath it out.
Almost there. Eight, we are super great. That's it. Five, we're alive. Three, we will, we can, we must.
We're two. And one. And rest. Nice job. Weight in the middle.
Hopefully... let's just be safe again. Okay, ready? Assume the position. Your feet are up.
You're gonna crunch it. Three, two, one. Crunch. Wide leg crunch. Crunch.
That's it. You got it. I always breath. Any time you're given a good exertion, always breath it out. It just helps you.
Makes you feel stronger. Makes you feel a little better. Oh, we're doing it. We have less than 15 seconds. We have 10 seconds, athletes.
Yes, we can. Yes, we will. Tell yourself you are strong. That you are powerful and that you have got this. Three.
Two. One. Whoa, it's time to pass that towel. So make sure you get that weight out of the way. And athletes, we're gonna pass that towel.
You start. I'm gonna show you the modification for passing that towel. If you're like, " Tish, no, I'm not gonna do that!" It's all right, there's no shame in that game. There's no ego, amigo. Squeeze it.
And bring it out. So, I'm gonna go back to the original, pass the towel. And shoulders are up. Tummy is tight. Passing that towel.
There we go. And remember, you don't need a towel, 'cause you'll do it without. There we go. Make sure your chin is out to your chest. Oh yes, we can.
We got it. We have about 10 seconds. Oh, we're almost there. Athletes, five, we are alive. For three, yes we can.
For two. One, just hold it, crunch it. Crunch it, yes. Down. Nice job.
Whoa, high five. You need to validate your success. That was awesome. All right, we're going to circuit number two. Tabata.
20 seconds on. 10 seconds of rest. I'm gonna set our timer, then we're gonna get ready for it. So, Russian twist. Take that weight.
You're gonna come back. Tummies are tight. Feet's up and then twist. Twist, twist. You can do it with your feet down, okay.
Now the next one we're gonna do is, plank weight drag. So, put our weight to the side. Your gonna widen your stance, athletes. I wanna make sure your core is super tight and your glutes are super tight, because that's gonna help you from not rocking. Alrighty.
So, you do not want to rock. You want everything to be tight. Roll back those shoulders and you're just gonna drag that weight. Yes, drag the weight. And if you're saying, "Tish, nope!" That's all right.
Just hold it. Or down here. Whatever you prefer, okay. And then we're gonna go to mountain climbers. I have two ways, friends.
I like going side to side, because I always hit my obliques. Or you can go to the middle. You can go fast. Or I also like to isolate, okay. 'cause I like to just be like, yes, I'm feeling that muscle.
Alrighty, we got it. Three moves. Ready? I'm setting it up. Russian twist.
In three. In two. In one. Let's go. Breath it out.
Remember, feet down. There we go. Or feet up. Whatever you do, it's awesome. Because you're doing it, right.
Because you showed up. Because you are working on you. You have five seconds. We've got it. We're three.
We're strong. We're two. For one. And stop. Rest.
Friend, I hope you're sweaty like me. We're going. Three. Two. One.
Over. Over. See, my core is tight. My glutes are tight. So, none of this, athletes.
None of this swinging. Everything needs to be super tight. Yes you can! Widen your stance if you need to. It just helps with stability.
We have less than 10. We are five. Three. We're almost there. Two.
And one. Nice job! All right, mountain climbers. Ready? We're going in five.
In three. In two. In one. I'm gonna show you both ways. Opposite knee to elbow.
Fast. Fast. Or slow. Slow. Slow.
Slow. Or in the middle. Fast. Fast. Or slow.
Slow. You got it. Which ever you prefer. For five. We're strong.
For three. Come on, we got this. For two. One. Rest.
I find those way to fast, right. We have one more. Get ready. Russian twist. In three.
Two. One. Hit it. That's it. Squeeze.
Twist. Elbow to the mat. Come on. We got this. We have less than 15 seconds.
We are almost there. 10 seconds. Eight, you're great. Yes! We're five, we're alive.
For three, you got power. For two. One. Rest. Good job!
Set it up. Weight to the side. In position. We're going. Three.
Two. One. Core is tight. Mind is strong. Body is powerful.
All right. Your body's got you. Tell yourself, "I am strong." Say, yes I can. Yes, will. I must.
I got this. Breathe. Eight. Come on. Seven.
We got it. Five. Four. Almost there. Three.
Two. One more, one more. Nice job! Now, rest. Whoa, one more.
Last one. Last one. Alrighty. Keep giving it everything that you have. We're at 100%.
Wherever your 100% is, go. Remember, I like to isolate. Isolate. Isolate. I like to feel like, yes, I'm getting that lower ab.
Want to switch it up? Go side to side. For five. Four. Three.
Two. One. Drop. Whoa! Validate that success.
Boom. We did that. Breath in, deep through your nose. You're breathing in all that confidence. Your exhaling out any doubt that you had, that you couldn't do this.
You killed it. Now, let's go into a cool down, really quickly. We're gonna go into cobra. So, belly down. Hands to your chest.
Now, we're gonna bring that chest up. Get a nice stretch in that lower back. Bring those arms all the way up. Extend them. Breath in.
Exhale out. Say, "Yes I did!" Now, toes under. Meet me in a downward dog position. There we go. Let's pedal it out.
Breath it out, still. Alrighty. We're coming up. Hands to your feet. Put a slight bend in those knees if you need to.
Bring them on up. On vertebrae at a time. Nice and slow. Hands up. Say, "Yes I did!" Bring it down, heart center.
Thank you friend, for joining me today. You killed it. You crushed it. See yo next time. Bye.
Great workout and learned some new moves.
I am very interested and motivated in joining this program. I am currently injured and unable to workout for two weeks. Can you send me information about enrolling on Dec 28th, if there are programs for seniors and if there is support for nutrition/weight loss? Thank you !
My favorite core workout after my runs! Love it!!
Loved this workout! It was quick but effective...great to tack on after a workout or it is perfect as a stand alone workout when you are short on time!