10-Minute Legs and Glutes Workout 1
Shelley HawkinsDescription
During this leg and glute workout each lower body circuit consists of 45 seconds performing a solid lower body strength exercise using weights followed immediately by a 15-second lower body blast interval that will get your heart rate to soar and your muscles burning! Imagine 45 seconds of weighted squats followed by 15 seconds of squat jumps! Or picture 45 seconds of weighted lunges followed by 15 seconds of jump lunges. Toning your legs and glutes has never been so fun and so effective all in 10 minutes.
So many people are under the impression that in order to improve your body you need to spend hours in the gym. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Two things are crucial for getting in shape: strength training and interval training. This workout does BOTH! Using weights you will do slow, steady strength training moves to build muscle and shape and tone your legs. Then, using just your bodyweight, you’ll blast out a plyometric interval move that pushes your heart rate to its max! And the best part about interval training is that is takes less time because the short, intense intervals are far more effective than long, moderate intensity workouts. This is definitely the way to go for busy people! So grab some weights and a bottle of water and join us for this leg and glute workout! And for more 10-minute workouts make sure you check out our entire GHU TV library!
Hi, I'm Shelley Hawkins and I am one of your Get Healthy UTV trainers. Welcome to our 10-minute leg and glute workouts. Today, we are going through a four-round progression. You have 45 seconds on, 15 seconds after those 45 will be a rapid heart rate response workout and then we will rest for 15 and go straight back into it, all right? We will see how many rounds we can do depending on time.
We will try to get through as many as possible, all right? You've got a set of weights. I'm using a 12-pound weight today. You've got a nice big bottle of water and you've got to towel for those sweats, all right. Shall we get started?
One minute warm up and then we'll get straight into it team, all right? Feet, hip-width apart. I want you to take a nice big breath in, open up that rib cage, lift those hands and squeeze the glutes and exhale. Give me two more of those. Big inhale please, squeeze the glutes, engage those quads and exhale.
And one more for me. Big stretch. Now you're gonna take it down into a nice low squat. Releasing those adductor, abductors, opening up those hip flexes and just getting that blood flow, all right. Let's just switch it left and right, left and right.
Keep those hips nice and juicy. Nicely done, right. We're gonna open it up one more time. Take your hands up, reach for your right wrist. Gently pull up, opening up those lax.
And then we're gonna switch sides, left side opening up the lax. Give yourself a nice gentle extension. Now we're gonna squat with an adduction right and left just to release those hip flexes. It's gonna be a lot of squats today and lunges, all right? So you got a nice low squat and you're pulling up into that hip flexor and switch sides.
Now, try to flex that foot so you incorporate all those major muscle groups all right? Into the glute, into the hip flexors, into the quads, into the hamstrings. You've got two more team. Let's go. Down you go nice and big range of motion.
One more for me and a big one. Bring your feet together. We gonna take it down into a narrow squat and hold for me. Hold gently. Pulse it down.
Glutes pushing down gently, knees are over the toes, all right? So you sitting back in those heels for four, three, two, one. Big breath in and let's get it started. Pick up your weight, up they come. Our first round basic squats, all right?
45 seconds. And then you have a jump score for 15 seconds. All right, let's do it. I'm gonna start my timer. So I stay on task and we're gonna get going.
Let's do it. Slowly down and up. And as you come up, I want you to squeeze glutes, all right? Knees are soft. Engage that core.
So though we work in lower body, its really about that whole body, all right? Your arms are at your side. You're weighting those glutes down. Keep it slow, keep it steady. And let's go down and up.
Push the heels into the floor. Keep a nice strong base. Let's go, team. You've got 10 more seconds. Time flies when you're having fun.
Yeah? Alright. In five, you're gonna put the weights down. You're gonna give me 15 seconds of a jump squat. Are you ready down go the weights.
Lower the counts. Let's go. Pushing that heart rate. Pushing, landing soft. Glutes back, knees over the toes.
No further. Let's go team. let's go. Push, pull, push, pull, and cheer out. Nice work.
Next progression. 45, second lunge. Right, left. And then you'll have a plyo lunge, left, right with a squat. All right?
Are you ready team? Let's take it in, in eight, seven, six, five You gonna lunge it back. Right to left, slow and control. Let's go. Down goes to the knee and up.
Slow and controlled. I know I'm in the habit of moving really fast. I get so excited and then I have to back it down, all right? So let's keep it going, team. Major muscle group.
You could see that that yesterday was my day of rest. My lower body is starting to talk already. Let's go. 10 seconds. 10 seconds team.
Come on. Lower with that leg. One more either side and then you've got that plyo lunge, all right? So its one, two, squat. Its one, two, down.
One two, down Lower the glutes, push. Lower the glutes down. Keep it coming. Push four, three, two, one, out. Nicely done.
Rest and then we've got 45 seconds curtsy lunge. And your 15 second is a skater. Alright, let's get it going, team. Let's get it going. Hope you come in four, three...
You're gonna curtsy to your right side. Let's go. Down and up. Take that knee to the ground and up. Now want your hips facing forward I don't want that rotation, all right?
Keep it coming. Lower and up. Shoulders back and down. Push and pull. I'm taking my knee way down, all right.
If you want you can that chin parallel to the ground but I want the adductor, abductor included in this workout. Let's go. Two more, one more. Down go the weights. you come in straight into that, into that plyo move, all right?
You got skaters right and left. Let's go, Team.. Let's go 15 seconds. Burn those legs, burn that booty out. Push, push, push, push.
Five, four, three, two, one, out. Rest it up. Fourth exercise. And the last one in this block. You have got lunge, squat, then you've got a curtsy lunge and a squat and then you switch sides.
Are you ready? Yes you are. Of course you are. You were born ready. Are you ready?
In four, three, two... Wide leg. Let's go. Squat and lunge, squat and curtsy squat and lunge, squat and curtsy. Keep it coming.
Big range of motion. Get that knee down. Push, squat and lunge, squat and curtsy. Two more. Come on, keep it coming.
One more for me team. Squat, lunge, squat and curtsy. Nicely done. Put your weights down. Take a breather.
Time for some water. We're gonna do it all over again. Cheers. All right. Remember to hydrate throughout, all right?
So important that water. So, second round leg and glutes. We get to do it all over again. Now, remember modification. If you do not like the plyo move, keep it local.
Keep it below that squats, all right? Keep it nice and low and keep it basic. All right, let's get going. We're not catching my breath. All right.
In four, we're gonna start with the squat. Three, two, one. Let's do it. Slowly down and slowly up. Now, I'm gonna show you from this side.
Knees are soft. The tailbone is tucked in, all right? So I don't wanna see this. I want that lower back engaged. I want those glutes working hard.
Let's go to team. Down, up. Down, squeeze. Nice strong squats, all right? You want a strong booty?
You want strong legs? This is where it's made. Keep it coming. Keep it coming. Let's go.
You've got 10 seconds. And then your work in straight jump squad, 15 seconds. Are you ready? One more. And let's go.
15 seconds team. Let's go. Down, down. Chop the glutes. Chop the glutes.
Chop the glutes. Up, up. Push, pull. One more and out you come. Nicely done.
All right. Our next progression, out lunges. Right, left, starting with that right side, all right? You got five seconds. Are you ready?
Two, one. Let's go. Right side up, left side up. Now once again, I'm gonna show you from this side. Be careful that you don't fall forward, all right?
Shoulders, back and down. Nice, strong move. Keep it coming, team. Let's go. Push, pull.
Push, pull. Half the workout when you're training is actually the talking. Yeah, you gonna learn to breathe which we should be doing already. And then you've got to work into those big range of motion. Come on, keep it coming.
10 seconds. Come on down. Up. Are you ready? Two more.
One more nicely done. You've got scissor, scissor squat. 15 seconds. Let's go. Down, scissor.
Down scissor. Down scissor. Down scissor. Push three, two, one, nicely done. 15 seconds rest.
We've got curtsy lunges and then we've got our skaters, all right? Are you ready? Here we go. Three, two, one. Curtsy right and up.
Hips forward. I know I keep reminding you of the same thing but it doesn't change, all right? I want a nice, strong core. I want strong glutes. Come on.
Push, pull. Push, pull. Shoulders are relaxed. Elbows are soft. Keep it coming.
Down, up, down. Come on, team. You got 12 seconds. You can do anything in 12 seconds. Knee down, push up.
Adductor, abductor. Glutes and hamstrings. Three, two, one. Weights down. You're working back into those skaters.
15 seconds, team. Let's go. Let's go. Push, push. Come on, come on, push.
Keep it coming. Three, two, one out you come. All right. I'll ask progression. Squat, lunge, curtsy, all right?
Here we go. Weights up. Weights up, team. Let's take it. Down and lunge and curtsy and squat and lunge and squat and curtsy.
And of course she's switching side. Squat, lunge, squat, curtsy, squat, lunge, squat, curtsy. Keep it coming. Keep it coming. Keep it coming.
Big, strong range of motion. You've got 10 seconds. Come on. Big move. Lunge, squat and curtsy.
And out you come. Nicely done team, Two rounds, legs and glutes. Let's stretch it out quickly, all right? Whoa, its hot. All right, team.
Take a down low yoga squat. Open up those hip flexors. And I just want you to move it right and left. Keep it low. Take your hands, reach to the floor, extend your glutes up to the ceiling.
Stretching the glutes to the hamstrings. Hold it there for a second. Nicely done. Bring it up. Shoulders back one vertebrae at a time.
Let's take that right knee up. You got a nice glute stretch. You need more adductor, abductor. Bring it across that mid line. Let's go team.
Hold it for four, three, two, one more. Switch legs. Up comes that left leg. Challenging your balance. Pull that me into your upper body.
Pull that knee across the mid line. Nicely done. Hold it there for me for four, three, two, one. Open the feet wide toes out. Big breath in and out.
One more for me. And out. Thank you so much for joining me. This is your 10 minute leg and glutes workout. I hope you enjoyed as much as I do.
Have a great day.
Great workout
WOW. I did this earlier in the week and I can still feel it. Awesome 10-minute workout, and if the burn is any indication I expect results. Thank you Shelley!