Fitness Challenges

Get Healthy U TV is here to make your workouts fun! In these free fitness challenges, you’ll join our friendly, enthusiastic trainers as they guide and motivate you toward achieving your goals. Whether you want to try something new, develop a routine, or take your workout to the next level, you can get started today! Choose any of the Get Healthy U TV Challenges below and we’ll give you the tools you need, calendars to follow, and some motivation to feel accomplished—all for free!

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1,915 Responses to “Fitness Challenges”

  1. Janet Niendorf

    My biggest problem I have found with exercise programs on the internet is that none of them offer exercises for persons with heart problems (low impact).

  2. Patti Weeks

    Thank you for this offer. Im looking forward to improving my fitness and health.

  3. Leah Rotenberg

    Really looking forward to getting serious about getting in shape

    • Debbie

      Me too! I just want to know which one to start with – if they’re appropriate for people our age who haven’t really exercised for a very long time. It doesn’t look like “they” reply to many of the comments though.

  4. judy

    Is there a cost involved, Im 73 and not sure if this work out will work with my old body.

    • Customer Service

      Hi Judy,

      This is a Free Fitness Challenge! There is no cost involved.

      Have a great day!

  5. Barbara arminen

    It would be very beneficial to see a program for seniors who are not able to get down n the floor etc

  6. Diane

    Looking forward to trying these workouts! Thank you for all you do in keeping us healthy and fit! Healthy beating Heart to fitness! Diane Ontario :)

  7. Rebecca remsburg

    Excited to join a challenge group! I’ve been struggling to get motivated

  8. Lynne

    Working out is part of my lifestyle but since Covid I stopped going to the gym and WALK! This will add some additional exercise

  9. Shelia Buskey-Allen

    I may not have time in the morning. Hopefully this challenge is that I at least workout 10 minutes everyday.

  10. Jody M Eskine

    I am ready for a fitness challenge – thanks for the free introduction classes

  11. Lana Rogan

    Trying to get back at it after shin surgery. Still limited on a few things but am willing to modify as needed.

  12. Terita B.

    I signed up for the 10 for 10 Challenge yesterday. This morning I tried to open it on my tablet. The calendar loaded but the link to start the workout did not. Is the link not compatible with tablets? I ended up finding another 10 min workout, which did load.

    • Customer Service

      Hello Terita,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      What class link did not work and connect you to the class.

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

  13. Cherie Harvey

    I’m interested in this but would like to know if it would be ok for me to do as I have rods & a cage in my lower back holding everything together & I’m 3weeks post op from having the sleeve done so not sure if it’s to early for me to start excercises.

    • Customer Service

      Hello Cherie,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Please contact your doctor before starting any new work out programs and they will be able to tell you what your limitations are. We hope you have a quick recovery!

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hello Marina,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Great job! Make sure to consult your doctor before starting any new program.

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

  14. Cliffern Skoda

    I originally signed up for the 60 day start challenge but then could not participate due to a family issue. I just tried to download the challenge again but it said protected access. Please advise how I can start this challenge.

    • Customer Service

      Hey Cliffern,

      Thank you for contacting us. I am sorry that you are experiencing technical difficulties. We are aware of the issue and working on a resolution to get this resolved as quickly as possible. Once resolved, you will be contact via email. I apologize for the inconvenience.
      Please let us know if you have any further questions
      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hello Eleanor. Sign up for the free challenge, then download the calendar on the next page. Each day on the challenge calendar has a clickable link. Our workout calendars are full of variety, so you won’t get bored!
      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.
      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hello Jean,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Great to have you and so happy you want to get started on a workout program. I look more at the level of fitness than I do at age. I know 74-year olds who are amazing athletes, and I know some who can barely move through a parking lot without falling. Sounds like you are in the middle somewhere.

      Let’s look at some beginner calendars that will be great for you to follow:

      Get U Started: this is our beginner calendar to get you going.

      Foundations: this is also a great beginner calendar that also includes some excellent chair workouts for the days you need to be off your feet but still working hard

      Walk & Tone : A fun calendar of indoor walking and toning your muscles.

      Check out some of those by clicking on the name and see what you think!

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hello Vicki,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      Hope your surgery went well.
      As you recover we have some great options that will keep you moving:

      Chair Exercise Workouts – This will get you moving, both strength and cardio, without being on your feet at all. Perfect!

      LIFT Workouts – This is all on your feet, but low impact so might be an option as you improve.

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

  15. Carol

    What about us oldies? A gentle exercise challenge would help us a lot, (I’m 70 yrs). I could certainly use some motivation.

    • Customer Service

      Hi Carol, We do also offer Low Impact workouts! You can enter “low impact” in the search box and this will bring up all of our workouts for that. Let us know if you have any other questions.
      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hi Sue!
      Here is what our expert had to say: I would suggest you stick with a low impact routine. Whatever program or workout you choose will work, but you will want to replace the jumping with low impact options and people do that ALL THE TIME! We do have workouts specific to Low Impact like our LIFT program nd our walking programs. But open yourself up to any workout and substitute low impact options.

      Good luck!
      Kim GHU Team

  16. ANN HILL

    I’m a senior, approaching the big 80. Very inactive, hate exercise. Will any of your programs help me? What do you suggest?

    • Customer Service

      Hello Ann,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      In regards to your inquiry, please contact a doctor before starting any new program. Also with that exercise is great for us all at any age. We have great walking work outs and some chair exercises as well.

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

  17. Grace Van Doren

    just send me your emails. the place to put in your email address doesn’t work on this website!

    • Customer Service

      Hi Grace. Are you looking to sign up for the Free Newsletter? I can get you signed up if you would like.
      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hello Rhonda,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      In regards to your inquiry, please click on one of the 7 options. nter your email address below to sign up for the Routine Reboot Challenge and get access to a free workout calendar. Plus, get new fitness tips and workout videos in your inbox with the weekly Get Healthy U TV newsletter.

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hello Maria,

      Sign up for the free challenge, then download the calendar on the next page. Each day on the challenge calendar has a clickable link. Our workout calendars are full of variety, so you won’t get bored!

      During the challenge, we will send you emails full of meal and nutrition advice with the Get Healthy U TV newsletter. Stay up to date with these favorite meals, hacks and tips to enrich your challenge experience!

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hello Diana,

      Sign up for the free challenge, then download the calendar on the next page. Each day on the challenge calendar has a clickable link. Our workout calendars are full of variety, so you won’t get bored!

      During the challenge, we will send you emails full of meal and nutrition advice with the Get Healthy U TV newsletter. Stay up to date with these favorite meals, hacks and tips to enrich your challenge experience!

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Customer Service

      Hello Patty,

      Sign up for the free challenge, then download the calendar on the next page. Each day on the challenge calendar has a clickable link. Our workout calendars are full of variety, so you won’t get bored!

      During the challenge, we will send you emails full of meal and nutrition advice with the Get Healthy U TV newsletter. Stay up to date with these favorite meals, hacks and tips to enrich your challenge experience!

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

    • Judy

      I would all in, but I don’t subscribe to Instagram and don’t want to join another social media platform.
      Might do the 1 of the programs with out the sicial

    • Customer Service

      Hello Geo,

      Sign up for the free challenge, then download the calendar on the next page. Each day on the challenge calendar has a clickable link. Our workout calendars are full of variety, so you won’t get bored!

      During the challenge, we will send you emails full of meal and nutrition advice with the Get Healthy U TV newsletter. Stay up to date with these favorite meals, hacks and tips to enrich your challenge experience!

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

  18. Josie Juatco

    Hi! Happy New Year! I’m new here, non exercise for a 70 yr. old grandma. What do you think is appropriate for me? I need to lose a lot of weight too. Thanks

    • Customer Service

      Hello Josie,

      Thank you for contacting us.

      In regards to your inquiry, please consult your doctor first before you start any new plan. Our workouts are welcome to any age. You can modify if need.

      If you have any other concerns, please contact us at 1-844-278-2050, or chat with us on our site.

      We greatly appreciate your business!


      Get Healthy U TV Video Membership

  19. Trudy Robinson

    I need this, hopefully I can find a level that I will be comfortable with. Thank you for this opportunity!
