Baby Bump Prenatal Boot Camp Video Download
Video Download: Baby Bump Prenatal Boot Camp
Equipment needed: A set of medium dumbbells (anywhere from 5-10 pounds)
Hey expectant mamas! Are you ready for an invigorating pregnancy workout that combines strength and cardio? If so, this workout is for you! This 40-minute pregnancy workout led by Lindsey Bomgren is for moms who were strength and cardio training before they got pregnant and want to continue that training into their pregnancy. This is also a great workout if you’r postpartum and looking for a low-impact way to get moving again. For this workout, you’ll just need a mat and a set of medium dumbbells—anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds will work, depending on what’s best for you.
As always, be sure to consult your doctor before beginning a pregnancy workout program, especially if you are brand new to exercise.