5-Minute Guided Meditation for Mindfulness
Chloe FreytagDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: No Equipment
Instructor: Chloe Freytag
Hi, my name is Chloe Freytag, and welcome to Get Healthy U TV meditations. Today, we're doing a five minute guided meditation for mindfulness. Mindfulness is something that you can practice at any point in your day. It's basically the activity of being completely in the moment of whatever you're doing. It helps us to get into this space through meditation so that we can be more present in our lives in whatever it is that we're doing.
If we're spending time with our children or family members or working out or any activity that we're in, being totally immersed in it is really beneficial for ourselves to be more present and more connected both internally and externally. So find your way into a comfortable seat. If you want to sit on the floor like me cross-legged or if you want a pillow or a blanket underneath your hips, maybe sitting in a chair feels a bit more comfortable, whatever works for you to lift up your spine, nice and tall, and then allow your hands to either rest on your knees or come comfortably resting in your lap. You decide what feels better. From here, we can either choose to close our eyes down or just softly gaze towards the floor.
Start by taking awareness into your breath. So, allow your breath to become deeper and fuller. Breathing through your nose. Big inhales in, big exhales out. Our breath is one of the best tools we have to bring ourselves into the present moments to become more mindful, more connected.
So, just take a few more of these breaths at your own pace, letting all of your attention, all of your focus, simply be on that breath. On that slow, full breath. As you keep your breath slowly flowing in and out, we can begin to take awareness into our bodies. So start to feel the position that you're sitting in, feeling where your body is maybe in contact with the floor, or with the chair that you're sitting on. And also feel where your body contacts your body, where your hands are resting, either in your knees or your lap.
Become aware of those subtle sensations of feeling that connection to whatever it is, to the floor, to your body. You can also start to feel the clothing that you're wearing. So, how do those fabrics feel on your skin? Do they feel warm? Do they feel light?
Notice all of that sensation of your body, where it's connected, how it feels, the fabrics. All while your breath is still flowing fluidly in and out through the nose. You can also begin to feel the temperature of the room you're sitting in. Does the air feel fresh and cool, or warm and comforting? Be completely aware of this moment.
Exactly as it feels in your body, in your breath. You can begin to take your hands, with one hand on your hearts, and one hand on your belly. Start to get deeper into the present moment of your physical body. As you feel your breath flowing in and out under the hand that's on the belly. And you feel the rhythm of your own heartbeats under the hand that's on the heart.
Just breathe long and deep and feel that presence, that life in your body. Feel that connection to all of those inner workings happening inside of you. Take a few more long, deep breaths, just soaking in this presence, soaking in this mindful energy of the moment. Exactly as it is. Take a nice, full, deep inhale in through the nose.
Exhale as you let the air go and let the hands fall back to either your knees or your lap, wherever they were before. Just sit tall, keep the eyes closed or soft. Just feel this new sense of awareness of connection to yourself, to this moment. Feeling mindful of exactly where you are and how you are. Gently begin to blink your eyes back open.
This concludes our meditation for today. Take this mindful awareness and connection into your day into your evening, wherever you are, wherever you're going. And thank you so much for meditating with us here. Be sure to check out all of our other meditations at Get Healthy U TV, and remember, this is something simple. It only takes a few minutes of your day but it can have a huge effect on your health and on your life.
Thank you, have a great rest of your day, and we'll see you here next time.
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