GOLD LIVE Class: Lengthen and Strengthen 3
Leah ZahnerDescription
Join us for this Get Healthy U TV live workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! If you liked Lengthen and Strengthen 1 and 2– you’ll love this Lengthen and Strengthen 3 with some new ideas and moves! Leah Zahner will help you slow down and focus using eccentric movements and isometric holds. Using dumbbells, you’ll get an amazing strength workout that is different than your typical quicker intervals and circuits. This workout can be effective with heavy or light hand weights, so choose your own challenge and join us!
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Dumbbells
Instructor: Leah Zahner
What is up Get Healthy U TV squad? My name is Leah. I'm here today with Sheila. Hi, how's it going? Excellent.
She- We'll see. Yes. She'll be determined. Sheila and I are ready to do lengthen and strengthen three. So of course that means there are two of these formats earlier on if you wanna go back to them.
But if you're new to this format or just need a refresher, what you can expect is a strength-based workout. You'll see that we have three options of weights available to use for us today. I'm just gonna call them your heaviest, your lightest, or maybe your middle weight, depending on what you have at home or what you feel comfortable with those numbers may vary. So don't worry about matching our dumbbells. Just think about whether the dumbbells feel heavy, light, or somewhere in the middle.
And we'll give you plenty of options. Sheila's gonna be your modifier, so anything that you want to drop the intensity down or maybe give yourself a little more stability, she's gonna be where you wanna look. I'm gonna give you a few intensifier options for some of the movements if you're looking for just a little bit more. But think about this workout as your way to focus on the eccentric part of the movement. So that's usually the way down, but not always.
So I'll show you what that's gonna look like with each of our movements. We've got five super sets. We're gonna be working for about 50 seconds. You don't have to count any reps because we're gonna be counting tempo, and when we get there, you'll see what that looks like. But first we have to warm up.
So Sheila, I'm gonna have us breathe first. So I'm gonna have Sheila face forward. I'm gonna turn sideways. And you're gonna take one hand, doesn't matter which one. Place it on the front of your belly right underneath where your rib cages, and try to get your other hand to your back in whatever way is comfortable.
We're gonna take a couple breaths and you're gonna try to breathe forward into the front hand and backward into the back hand. So you'll inhale through your nose. Fill up. Exhale. Really empty out.
Another inhale breathe, and exhale, push it out. Go ahead and take three more on your pace. The front part is usually a little easier to fill. It takes a little more focus to fill the back. So imagine that you've got a suction cup there and you're tugging back with that back hand.
Inhale. Do one more for me, in through the nose. Out through the mouth. Hopefully already feeling a little warm. Shake out those arms.
Try to keep that same breath idea every time you're inhaling and exhaling. Set your feet nice and wide. Inhale, arms up. Inhale, fill. Exhale, dip, bend the knees.
Inhale, fill, up. Exhale, bend the knees again. Maybe a little bit deeper. Inhale, lift. Exhale, drop.
One more inhale, all the way up. One more exhale. When you drop, stay there. Take your hands to your knees, maybe just on the inside to give yourself a little push out. And then sit down, maybe rocking side to side.
Open your hips just a bit here. Couple more breaths in this position. They don't have to be quite as full as the first ones, but don't hold your breath. In three- Or shrug your shoulders. Yeah, this one.
You want a neck here. Yeah. So you wanna push up and out. All right, finish this last exhale. Come to the center.
Start to hinge forward. You can let your toes point forward as you drop into a stretch. Maybe you need your hands on your legs for support, or maybe you can touch the floor, up to you. One big inhale here. Inhale, stretch.
Exhale, walk over to one side. We're over to our left here. We're gonna start to bend the left knee, keep the right leg straight, and then extend. Two more, nice and slow. Bend the knee.
Maybe you can reach your arms a little further. Deeper stretch when you straighten. One more bend. And one more straighten. Go ahead and walk through center.
Still breathing. Other side. Right knee is gonna bend. And straighten. So if you're with Sheila there, she's got some support on her leg.
If you can reach the floor, use the floor. This is our last straightening, come back into the center. Hands wherever you need them on your legs. Bend your knees, start to roll up. As you come up, roll your shoulders back.
We're gonna take some big arm circles all on the way back. Little bit of swing is okay, but you wanna feel like you're in control. Warm up the shoulder joints for two, and one, bring it forward, all the way forward. If keeping your arm straight is a little too intense, you can always tap your shoulders, do elbow circles instead. Yes.
Couple more of these. Two and one. A few alternating hugs, swing your arms open. Hug your body, open your chest. We're about ready to go.
So your heart rate should be lifted. Go ahead two and one. But not to any point of a cardio burn. And that's gonna be true pretty much this entire workout. We're gonna go into our super sets next.
If you wanna grab a sip of water, you can do so. Now, if you're with Sheila, you're only gonna need the two dumbbells that we're gonna put on the mat for our feet. So choose dumbbells that you're not gonna hold in your hands. We're doing legs here, so you wanna have a heavy dumbbell if you're gonna use it. So I'm gonna use my more medium weights to set them.
And you're gonna set them like this. Now, if you have dumbbells that are round, maybe you just put a book on the floor, right? These aren't gonna roll on me, but we're gonna use these to elevate our heels like this. Now I'm gonna go grab a nice heavyweight. And if you're with me, you're gonna hold it like this.
We're gonna do a goblet squat. If you're with Sheila, you're just reaching forward. We're gonna do a squat, and it's gonna go down for three up for one. Looks like this. Down, two, three, up one.
I'm gonna start my timer. 50 seconds for each movement. Sheila's gonna start right when I say go. And then I'm gonna jump in, in three, two, one. Down for three.
One, two, three, she pops up. It's down, two, three, pop up. Yes. So we're keeping this tempo. If you've got the weight, you're asking a little more of your core.
Plus, it's just a little bit heavier. If squats aren't your jam, and maybe you're still practicing them, you don't get down as low. That's okay too. All right, about 20 seconds left. This is where you'll be able to tell maybe the heels elevated is not for you.
If this doesn't actually help your squat, then you could go flat feet on the floor. That's okay. About five more seconds to go. You could get one more rep in. Take it down, feel the quads lengthen.
Then squeeze to stand. Go ahead and put your weight down if you have it. We're gonna be moving into an overhead tricep extension. You can go one dumbbell held horizontal, or if you're with Sheila, take a light dumbbell, use your free hand here. It's three, two, one.
Here we go. Bend, two, three, extend. Bend, two, three, extend. Yeah. So check out Sheila.
Her free hand is just adding a little stabilization to her working arm. Yes. Oh, she looks so good. If you've got both hands on a dumbbell, you can go a little bit heavier. Yes.
Boom. If you don't have a heavy enough dumbbell, watch this. Grab two of them, push them together. Yes. And then extend.
So you've got extra weight. Two, three, and up. We can get one more in. Whoo, push it up, bring it down. Two moves that we're gonna do one more time.
So we have about 30 seconds of rest. You wanna set those dumbbells, whatever you're using under your feet. Now when you elevate your heels, that means that your ankles don't have to flex as much for your squat. It can make it much easier for you. So if you're noticing your squats are deeper, that might be why.
How's it feeling? Feels good. Good. Feels good on my knees. All right.
Quads and not knees is where we're headed. Absolutely. Here we go. Pick up your weight if you're using it. We go three, two, one, take it down.
Two, three, pop it up, squeeze. Yes. Remember the breath. Uh-huh. I like to exhale on the way up.
Push it out. Yeah. Good. I got my eye on the clock. Because remember we're not counting reps here.
We wanna stay with a tempo. It might feel a little brisk, especially- Also if you drop, as we get through. if you drop too low, you kind of lose it. So you almost wanna get in that slight uncomfortable space. Yes.
So I think what Sheila's saying is don't sit down at the bottom. Collapse and then bounce up. Yeah. Exhale, good. Almost there.
Abs turned on. This is your last lift. Bring it up. Step up off of your weights. Two dumbbells or one, or a single arm.
If you were single arm, you've got to switch arms for this side. Go ahead and bring the weights up. Bring them together. Turn your abs on. Three, two, one, it's down.
One, two, three, extend the arms. Yes. If you didn't guess already. This is all for triceps. Whoo.
One thing I like to always point out, as the triceps are lengthening, try not to bring your elbows forward. Right? Then you kind of have to tuck your head to get it out of the way. And you're also bringing your shoulders into an angle we really don't want for this position. So if you feel your elbows moving forward, or you can see them, drop the weight.
Yes. Couple more like this. Squeeze, lengthen those triceps, and then contract them for one more. That's it. Bring the weights down.
Whoo. Whoo, just like that, our first super set is gone. So we did the quads, we did the triceps. Sheila's crushing it. I know you are too.
We're going to the floor for pushups here, but we're only doing the negative, the way down. So what that means, if you're with Sheila, it's on your knees, if you're with me, you're on your toes. You don't have to push up. You get up any way you want. You just start in your plank, lower down until you lose control, and you can drop to the floor.
Let's go. You can have wrist issues, Find your plank. maybe use those weights again. Absolutely. Go up, bring it down.
Your tempo now, we're not counting threes. This is all up to you. There will be a point where you have to drop. Now Sheila and I don't have these handy here in the studio. But if you want a little bit more of a modification, take a pillow, place it on the mat under your chest.
That way when you hit that point where you can't control it anymore, you don't drop as far. It's there to catch you. You can take a couch pillow, bed pillow, anything in the world that you want. Thinking about your chest muscles lengthening. How's it feeling back there, Sheila?
Whoo. Yes. I have to remind myself to look in front of my mat and not tuck my chin. Ooh. and tuck my, or look overhead and lift my chin.
That's right. 'Cause you don't wanna tuck your nose to the floor. Last one. Come on up, shake it out just a little bit. We're gonna stay on the mat for a side plank.
So I'm gonna come down here to the floor. Sheila's gonna keep her knees stacked. If you're gonna be working with me, we're gonna lift the top leg. So find your side plank with your knees down. Here we go.
We lower three, two, one. With me, the top knee pops up. Down, two, three, pop up. Yes. Good.
So with your knees stacked, you take just a little intensity out of the lift, but your obliques are stretching, and then contracting. And the other muscle group that's working, I know you can feel this, Sheila. Oh, yeah. That bottom hip, right? Yes.
Oh yeah, it's there. Awesome. You might feel a little burn in that bottom shoulder as well coming out of your pushup. Yes, I'll say, a little isometric here. Yes.
Those are called bonuses. Exactly. Bonus gains. One more. Down, three, two, one, and up.
Shake it out. We'll do the other side when we get to it. So we're just gonna turn our pushups and face the other way, Sheila and I for this next set. Couple more seconds. You wanna find your top and then bring it down your pace.
We don't have to time it here. Push it up, find the top. Keep your abs in. Start to lower down. Just until you hit that failure point.
Get back up in the most efficient way that you can. Down. Yes. Keep going. I'm gonna go ahead and face the camera here.
When your shoulders are lowering down, try not to let them creep up towards your ears. It gets real easy to shrug and kind of make your neck disappear. Don't let that happen. Push away, however you need to lower down with your shoulders controlled. Look at Sheila.
Yes, very nice. Almost there. We'll take a few more. Take a nice deep breath in if you feel like you need it, use that pillow on the floor if you feel like you need it, wherever you are. Take one more rep.
Whoo. Whoo. Breathe it out. Nice work. Oh, yeah.
Shake out those shoulders a little bit. Stretch the chest. We're coming into the other side for that side plank. So as a reminder, when we're on the side, sometimes your knees can be a little bit in front of you, but not this far. We're going for a side plank.
So start to set that up. Hand on the hip if you'd like it, hand on the head if you'd like it, wherever it goes. We're up to the side, down for three counts. Up one, hip down. Two, three, up.
If that top knee's lifting, it's right here nice and quick. Lengthen the hip. Lengthen the oblique, then contract them. Yes. So what's something you like to think about here, Sheila?
What do you keep in mind? Breath, exhaling through the mouth, and navel to spine always. Yes, keep those abs always under your control. Really good. More than halfway done.
So I almost like to think that I've got an imaginary sling from the ceiling underneath my side. Oh, good one. And I'm pushing into it a little bit on the way down and letting it tug me up. But that tug comes from my muscles up. Yes.
Whoo, one more. Take it down. Two, three and up. Good work. Whoo, that's another super set done.
I'm gonna grab some water. Oh, we're gonna come back up to the feet. So make your way there however you need to. This is gonna be, one of the movements coming up next, Sheila's just gonna use lighter weights, maybe her lightest. We're going to do a hinge throw in a lunge.
And we're gonna go ahead and face this way. Left leg in front. Other arm is going to have the weight. Step back, find your lunge. With me, we'll go one, then down two, three, four.
You row quick, then lengthen on the way down. Stay with that up. Yes. Now we, like I said, Sheila and I, we didn't bring anything extra. But if you're at home, you might have a chair, a bench, a couch.
If this isn't enough stability for you, you can go ahead and use something completely different that is not your leg. Put your hand on it. It will help stabilize you. Contract your lats then lengthen them on the way down. Good.
Pull, release. Awesome. Ooh, abs turn on right here. I know Sheila's thinking navel to spine. Oh, yeah.
Last one. Pull, release. Now, you can set your weight down. Shake it out just a little bit. We're gonna go right back into that leg position.
Sheila's gonna leave her weight on the floor. I'm gonna pick mine back up. Let's all get back into that position. Start in the hinge then bend the back knee three counts. Here we go.
Go lunge, two, three, push to the hinge. Lunge, two, three, push to the hinge. Yes. Ooh. Really nice.
Now if you want a little intensity, it's lunge, you can push all the way to a leg lift. Set it back down. Keep the hinge though down. You should be feeling this in that front standing leg. Oh, yeah.
That booty. Yes. Breathe. Now you don't have to kick that back leg. You can just push from it.
If you still got the weight, you don't wanna let it pull your shoulder so it's low and your torso's twisted. Keep your shoulders in line. I think we do one more. Take the lunge. Two, three, hinge.
Step out of it. Whoa, shake it out. Oh. That's your super set this time. So all we have to do is switch over to the other side.
Take the weight with us, shake it out. This is the biggest leg burn of the workout. You know the main thing in that quick up Mm-hmm. that they don't hyperextend the knee. 'Cause you kind of think you wanna hyperextend it, but don't.
Good point. Something to think about this next set. So just flip around. We're gonna switch to the other side. Grab your weight if you're using it, find your hinge.
Back knee bends, two, three, then we come forward. Sorry, no, we pull. Two, three, four. Whatever you say. Sheila did tell me whatever I said today, she would follow.
So we might be doing a kick line by the end of this or something. Yes. All right. As you pull, you wanna think a little bit pull, yes. But also a lot of squeeze.
If you only pull, sometimes your elbow goes flying to the ceiling. You want it close. Yes. Awesome. As you breathe then exhale, pull, then catch your breath, pull it into your abs.
Nice. Start to feel that burn in the front leg. All right. Put your weight down, shake it out for just a few seconds. Whoo.
You know what's coming. Now I'm, Now I'm thinking, wheel in that front heel, dig into that heel. Yes. Front foot stays flat. Go ahead and find your hinge.
Grab your weight if you need it. Take a nice big breath. It's three, two, one, then you hinge forward. Lunge, two, three, hinge. Yes.
Good, keep on going with or without the weight. I'm gonna face forward for just a moment. So when you're in your lunge, you're not on a balance beam at all. You want a little space between the legs. And how Sheila was saying to keep that front heel connected.
As I lunge, I try to put a little opposition in both feet. So I'm squaring off my hips. If they go to twist, I push my feet. Keep it stayed square. Yeah, good.
You can get two more in. Again, with or without the weight, square your hips forward, find that hinge. That's it, weight down, shake out the legs. Ooh, we've passed the halfway point, Sheila. It's called a booty burn.
Booty burn is right. About 20 seconds before we're into a sumo squat. Now if you're with Sheila, you can pick up one or two dumbbells. Your arms are just gonna stay down in front of you. If you're with me, you're gonna go into what's called a front rack position.
Right here. I like to stamp the number of the weight right on the front of my shoulders, keep my elbows forward. We're down for three, up for one. Here we go, sumo squats. Go down, two, three.
Up, one. Down, two, three. Here's your intensifier if you want it. You push up, pull it down, two, three. Press overhead.
Yes. That's only if you want it. You wanna think about this sumo squat being your focus. No additional overhead press if it's not good for you today. That's bonus, that's extra.
What are we feeling here, Sheila? Glutes, inner thighs. Yes. So abductors. Hamstrings are there too.
Yes. On the way down, think abductors, those outer thighs. On the way up, zip up with the abductors, right in the middle. Last one. Push up.
Go ahead and set those weights down if you have them. Shake it out. We're gonna make our way to all fours. Sheila, we're gonna go ahead and face this side. And we're gonna start with our right leg.
If you're with Sheila, you can come to your elbows. With me, stay on your hands. Extend your leg straight, and then go ahead and rotate your hips so they point straight down. Abs are turned on, tuck your hips. It's gonna be a quick curl.
Then extend three counts. Here it goes. Hamstring, curl, extend. Three, four. Big curl, one count, extend for three.
Yes. Now you're going to feel whichever leg, whichever hamstring is working, that's the arm that should have a little bit more of your body weight in it. You should be able to wiggle your fingertips of that other hand without tipping. Or pray. Always pray.
That's right. Good work. This is all about that hamstring. But your abs need to stay engaged to keep your hips from opening up. Last one, two, three, four, knee down.
Whoo. We're back up for sumo squats, that's what's coming next. Right back to that first move of the super set. This is heavy on the low body. Lots of work happening.
If you want that extra upper body bonus, add the press overhead. I'll add it with my single wrist. Ooh, Sheila's gonna get fancy too. It's time to get set. Your toes turn out, but not further than your knees can point out.
Three, two, one, here it goes. On the way down, it's lower. Two, three, maybe add the press. Yes. Really good.
Ooh, that one I was a little too fast with my arms. If you're pressing up and pulling down slow, it's a lot for the triceps and a lot for the shoulders. That's how you're supporting the weight. Good work. This is another one where I'm gonna turn sideways, put my weights down, but pretend I'm still working with them.
As your knee points out, think same direction as your toe. So right here, I've got a pretty good alignment. If I try to put my toes a little too wide, my knee won't follow. It will start to point this way. My toes are pointed here.
You don't want that triangle. You want this. We're not ballerinas. Okay, last one down. Two, three and I'll shake it out.
What was that, Sheila? We're not ballerinas. No. We're not splaying. At least most of us are not.
I know. All right, all fours, but it's a different leg this time. Go ahead and send that leg back. Bring your abs and tuck your hips. One strong curl.
You curl, one, two, three, four. One, extend, three. Slow counts, good. Awesome. How's this feel, Sheila?
Yes, I love it. I really think about pulling my belly away from the earth, like it's a little hot cooker by my belly. I'm always thinking this. Ooh, yes. So the way that Sheila's on her elbows, it's really not gonna give her hamstring too much help, but it takes a little pressure off of the upper body.
So if that's for you today, go right for it. As long as you're not collapsing your chin here, like this. You're good. Five more seconds, you got one more rep. Big curl, extend, feel the hamstring, and shake it out.
All right, we are coming down to the mat for this last super set. It's going to be a leg lower and lift. That's our base movement. So you're gonna be with Sheila leaving your hips on the floor if that's for you today. If you would like a little extra intensity, you'll come along with me, we're gonna add a hip lift, but we're all gonna start together with just the leg.
So roll on back to your mat. Arms by your side. We'll start with a right leg up in the air as straight as you can get it. If that means a little knee bend, that's okay. It's gonna use the low abs to lower the leg down with control and then lift back up right here.
Go down, two, three, and lift. Like I said, you can stay here with Sheila or add a lift of your hips like that. Yes. Two, three and up. I'm gonna do a few more here with you, and up, and then I'm going to go ahead and sit up.
You stay going. Lower the leg. So these muscles right here, if you can peek at the screen, the low back muscles, those are gonna be a little bit of what you're focusing on, not just the glute. With that hip lift, you want your low back core muscles to work as well. And if you're with Sheila, it's just that leg lowering.
Lower abs, lengthen. Two, three, and lift. Get a few more in. Last one. Down two, three, and up.
Good work. Hips down if they're lifted, roll up. We're going to find a C-curve position. And if you're with me, you're gonna grab dumbbells. If you're with Sheila, you can keep your hands empty for bicep curls.
Palms are up, start at the top. You'll lower down, lower extend. Two, three, curl lift. Just like this. Join in as soon as you're ready.
So obviously some bicep work here. I know you can feel it. Start to think about your core as well. So that last set that we did was a little one-sided. As you were lowering your leg, that was your low abs but mostly on one side.
This one is the whole front side of your core. Pull those abs in tight. Right, Sheila? Yes. Yes.
And I know Sheila reminded us once already. No shoulder shrugging here. Try to keep the shoulders low. Just like earlier in the workout, we wanna do it at the end too. Two more like this.
Whoa, almost to the end. All right, curl. Set the weights down if you've got them. We're gonna stay on the mat. Shake it out just a little bit.
You have the second side to do. So remember as your leg is lowering, you're extending through the core. As you lift, you contract. Let's all get set together. So arms are by your sides.
Send the leg up into the air, the second leg this time. Pull the abs in, start to lower, three counts. Right here, leg down. Two, three, and lift. Down, two, three, and lift.
Add the hips if you like. That's where it'd come up. Good. I'm actually gonna pop over to Sheila here. She's got great ab control happening.
So she's not lifting her stomach as her leg lowers. It stays down to the floor. Yeah, and she's taking that nice lifted shoulder option. Her neck looks relaxed though. I love it.
Almost there. Good, I'm jumping back in carefully. Let's all finish together here. It's good if you're breathing. Good time to check and see, am I holding my breath?
If the answer is yes, exhale, catch it on the next inhale. A couple more, down. Really nice. Last one. That's it.
One more set to get through. It's your bicep curls, one more time. If you feel like you want a lighter set of dumbbells, you can go lighter. You can even go heavier if you want. Or one.
Pick them up. You can go body weight or one. Here we go, it's down. Lower, two, three, curl it up. Yes.
Keep the abs pulled in tight. Now super important here, especially because it's the last working segment before we stretch. You wanna focus on your breath, but you wanna focus on your form as well. Don't lose control. You're not flopping to to the mat and then rolling back up however you can get up.
Lengthen those biceps, lengthen the core, then crunch. Yes. Awesome work. I know you're crushing it. Oh, Sheila, how you feeling?
Almost slipping. Yes, we got less than 10 seconds. Yes. That means one more rep. Extend.
Curl it up that's it. Weights are down. Spin and face your screen. Go ahead and shake it out just a little bit. Come to a comfortable seated position.
We're gonna do a couple stretches. Starting with right while we were just working the biceps. Take your hand. Palm faces your screen, fingertips point down, so you can give yourself a little gentle tug, and start to straighten your arm. This is more for the wrist when your arm's in front of you.
But we're gonna turn it into a bicep stretch here by just reaching the arm back. Keep the wrist flexed, extend your arm reach, and rotate your arm. I think Sheila said on this one, thumb up towards the ceiling. It's a good way to start to feel a little stretch in your bicep. Maybe you have to lift a little bit, or maybe you can already feel it.
Take one more breath. Wiggle out your wrist, bring that arm forward so you can switch sides. Fingertips down. Start with a little gentle assist from your other hand. Ah, breathe.
And then go ahead and take the arm behind you. Keep the wrist flexed. Push your arm straight, reach it. Give it a little rotate, give it a little lift if you need. Try to feel a stretch in your bicep.
Good work. And then roll out your wrist as you bring your arm forward. We're gonna go right into a butterfly position if you're not already there. Soles of the feet together here. Go ahead and grab where your shoelaces would be or your ankles.
Never tug on your toes. Sit up nice and tall. Let your knees kind of fall open and then you can start to hinge forward. Get a little assist from your elbows here you can push out. Whoo.
This one's a toughy for me, but it's super effective for my hips, so I love it and I do it anyway. Awesome job, keep that breath. Go ahead and bring yourself all the way up, but don't disconnect your feet just yet. Take your hands behind you. We're gonna let gravity help us by leaning back.
Pop up into the air just a little bit. Your hips will fall a little more open and you can wiggle side to side. And then take advantage of that extra depth. Put your butt back on the floor. Reach your arms back forward for your feet or your ankles, and deepen your stretch.
Maybe you get a little further forward. Ha. And then go ahead and sit your upper body back up. Bring your knees together. And then send your legs straight forward.
We'll stretch the back of the legs for our last little stretch. So think about your tailbone is always reaching back behind you, your heels as reaching forward. We're gonna start with the legs straight, but then you're gonna get the opportunity to bend them. Start reaching up to the ceiling. Inhale, get taller.
Exhale, start to hinge. Now this first part of this stretch, you might not go very far at all. This is all about keeping the legs straight and feeling the back of the legs stretch. One more inhale, big lengthen in the spine. Exhale, go ahead and release the hands down towards the floor or on your legs.
And this is where take advantage of that big stretch you just did. And relax your upper body forward. If your knees wanna bend a little bit, they can bend here. Enjoy this stretch. After your next exhale, roll yourself on up.
You can bring your legs to whatever position is comfortable. One more stretch that we're gonna do it's a nice big chest opener. Slow motion, not the way that we did it in the warmup. Big reach open, chest is proud. And then give yourself a nice big hug.
Ooh, yes. You can drop your chin to your chest wiggle out your neck. What do you feel stretching here, Sheila? A little bit of everything. I love it.
I love it. Anytime a hug comes in, we love it. Big open with the arms. Now make sure that when we get back to the hug, it's the other arm on top. Here it is, nice big hug.
Feel the upper back. Relax. And then go ahead come on, back up. Roll your shoulders back. Sit up nice and tall and proud.
That is lengthen and strengthen three. Sheila, thank you so much for backing us up for this workout. Go revisit lengthen and strengthen one and two. Come back to this one as well. And as always, stay tuned for more Get Healthy U TV workouts coming your way.
Take care.
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