10 Minute Pilates Abs Workout
Get Healthy U TV EditorsDescription
Kate will guide you through these basic, yet challenging pilates abs moves that have set the standard for core strength for generations! Using a small pair of 2-3 pound dumbbells you’ll begin with standard moves like ab prep and the ever-popular Pilates 100. Kate will model good form and talk you through each exercise giving you tips to work hard as well as ideas to make things easier if needed. No weights? No problem! You can do this routine with no equipment at all.
This is a great workout to add to the end of your cardio routine or just a perfect 10-minute challenge to squeeze into a busy day when you might otherwise think a workout is impossible to fit in! Kate will remind you the importance of listening to your body and learning how to create heat from the inside out. These great pilates abs exercises like half roll back, leg circles and single leg stretch are designed to train you to be stable in the middle while your legs and arms are moving around.
Our 10-Minute Power Pilates Core Workout is another amazing way to incorporate these pilates principles into your workout.This is the best way to strengthen your core for a stronger back and flatter tummy. These exercises focus on slow, controlled movement that will train your body to be stronger all over. You’ll even get some bonus bicep, back and chest work along the way. So join us for the 10 Minute Pilates Abs challenge today! And if you are looking for another great pilates workout like this, try our Core Blast Pilates with Chris Freytag!
Welcome to Get Healthy U TV. I'm Kate Laing and I'm your trainer today for the 10 minute Pilates ab challenge. This is a great workout to add into addition to your cardio or any other workout really or just in those days when you're busy. Just to fit in that extra 10 minutes. You'll need two to three pound hand weights for this workout and I wanna remind you to just listen to your body.
So if your neck and shoulders is getting tight, bring that head down to the mat for me. Let's get started. So I'm gonna turn to the side so you can really see me doing this work. We're gonna begin with the ab prep. So we're gonna articulate and control ourselves down to the mat while we hold those hand weights.
Walk the heels right underneath the knees and we're gonna roll those weights to come up. So gently nudge the chin to the chest. Take a nice big inhale for me, and exhale press into your weight's. Feel those abs engage and peel yourself up, past that bra line to the mid back. Nice big hold here and control it all the way back down.
Shoulders slide away from the ears. We exhale to press and feel those abs connect, bringing the rib closer to the hip and bring it back down. Three more left just to get a nice warm up. Exhale, press. Lengthen through those fingertips and return.
And two more. Really getting into our breath. And last one, and bring it all the way down. We'll go to the Pilates 100 next. If you're new to Pilates keep your feet on the flat.
If you're a little bit more intermediate, follow me. So legs we'll come to tabletop position and I'm gonna even challenge myself today and bring my legs up and out on that diagonal. Hand weights come into the hands and here we go. I want you to pump those arms for me and breath in for five, and out for five. So these are vigorous pumps.
We're trynna create some heat from the inside out. I want you squeezing those heels together so your back body is helping you with this exercise. Try to keep the eyes focused on that navel or the inner thighs. Big breathing at home. Shoulders down away from those ears.
And three more sets. You can do this. And exhale out. And two more. And exhale out.
You're doing great guys. And last one. And exhale out. Knees to chest. Give yourself a nice big hug and rock yourself up for a half roll back.
Arms come to shoulder height. Shoulders come down in the back, scoop out those abs for me. So I want us to tuck our tailbone and create a C-curve by really hollowing out our abdominals. Inhaling here and exhale to lift to those sitz bones and inhale again. Scoop out and roll back and exhale to lift.
Using that breathing. So it's inhaling through that nose. Exhale, out through those pursed lips. Two left. You can do this.
Inhale back, and exhale up. and the last one. Inhale back and exhale up. You did it. Bring those hands together for a nice spine twist.
Just to really get those obliques, movin' in a groove in. Using those rotators of the spine. So lift up tight to the sitz bones. So you're nice and high. Inhale here.
Exhale twist three times. Reaching a little bit further every twist. Inhale back to center and twist two, three. Hug those knees in. Inhale.
Inhale. Last set. Two, three inhale. Out, two, three inhale. Nice big breath here.
Inhaling through the nose. Exhale. Let's roll it on down to the mat. Going into a one-leg circle and bring one leg long and pull the toes back towards the chest. We bend the other knee into the chest and reach that leg towards the ceiling.
If you're a little bit more advanced, you can bring the head, neck and shoulders up. Push into these hand weights and really anchor that belly button to the floor. Here we go. Around to left. Inhale to exhale.
Three. Two. Last one. Now I want those hips still guys. Reverse.
Two. That neck is nice and relaxed. Two more. Last one, reach that like super high for me and let scissor switch to try it on the other leg. And here we go.
Around to left. Two. Three. Those hips are staying still for me. And five.
Reversing open to reach. Two. Three. Two more. Last one and bring those knees in.
Ah, that is hard work. Continuing, let's go to our single leg stretch. So we're gonna use those hand weights, like I said in the beginning, if you can't use the hand weights if it's just too much, just put them to the side. Legs are in tabletop, chin to chest, curl up. Hold up those abs for me.
Get that belly nice and tight. I want you to pull one weight to the inside of the knee and the opposite weights to the outside of the ankle. Now exhale out all that air you've got in those lungs. Inhale switch. And switch.
Good. We're reaching. And I want you to really press. You can see my biceps working a little bit here. You're activating those arms as you work those abs.
Six, five, four, three, two and one. Both legs in. Both hand weights go together for a double leg stretch. We're gonna reach the weights above the head. Hold the shoulder tips off the mat and exhale, circling to a ball.
Inhale and reach. And circle. Three and circle. Pull it on here. Two and circle.
Last one and circle. Reach those legs up towards the ceiling. Head, neck and shoulders can go down for just a moment. So we're gonna do scissors next and it's gonna be a different variation. Bring one leg up towards the ceiling.
And I want you to really use those abs and scissor up and down and up and down and up and down. Four, five and six. Now other leg. And we go up and down, two. Whoa!
This is hard. And four, two more. Five and six. Good, bring those knees in. Weights behind the head.
We're not done yet. Stick with me. Reach the legs towards the ceiling, toes apart, heels together for your lower and lift. So it's inhale, reach. Two, three.
Beats two, three and lift. Three, two, three and lift. Out and lift. Two left and lift. Last one, two, three and lift.
Oh, you're doing great. Head, neck and shoulders come down. Roll side to side for me. Here we go. Roll up series.
So before we roll up, I want you to really, bring those shoulders down away from the ears. And we're gonna do a nice open and close when we get to the top. Chin to chest. Scoop out the abs and lift yourself up. We call this, hug a tree or second position in ballet.
And control yourself down. Chin to chest and lift. Open, close and bring it down with control. Those little tiny hand weights sure get heavy, don't they? Three and down.
Shoulders away from those ears. And scoop out as you come down to that mat. Two left here guys and down. And last one here and down. Flip those palms up for me and we'll reach up, come into a nice bicep curl.
Reach the arms long like you're reaching your fingertips forward and fight coming back down to the mat. Whew and peel it up, curl in and reach and bring it down with control and three, in and out and down. Don't forget to hug in those thighs. Four, curl, release and control. Two left, curl, reach and down.
And last one, curl and reach. But the fun's not over. Bring those arms to 90 for me. Grip onto those weights. We're gonna open, close and roll down to that mat.
So peel yourself up, come to 90. Nice big angle there. Open, close and bring yourself down. So now you're using your lats and those mid back muscles. So we're toning up the jiggly arms, that mid back.
Maybe even if you have a little bit of bra bulge, not that any of you do and three left. Ooh, these are getting hard and down. Ooh, open, close and down and last one, open, close, bring it down. We've got two more left. So let's hit those obliques one last time.
You guys can do this. So hand weights are gonna come together. Legs come to tabletop and we're gonna do a nice twist. So bringing the weights over those knees to start, pull one knee in and reach across, as the other leg stretches long. Inhale, center and twist.
So I want you to really control this movement and slow it down a little bit. Twist, wrap that rib cage. Four, four left. Like your legs are brushing each other. They should swish Three, no woman likes to like swishing together.
Too bad, this is a good place for it to happen. And one more and twist. Good, hands to knee. Rock yourself up. Great job you guys.
Let's finish with a nice spine stretch forward. The legs are gonna come along. Toes back towards your chest. Sit up nice and high, again on those sitz bones. And I want you to imagine there's a wall behind your back and we're gonna peel away from that wall.
So chin to chest and we'll roll those weights forward. Scoop out those abs and then realign the spine and stack ourselves up. This time I want you to bring the weights with you. So we'll bring them up to shoulder height, chin to chest, scoop out, reach forward, really anchor that belly button towards the spine and then realign low back, mid back and upper, last one. Chin to chest, exhale, scoop out, reach, reach, reach and bring yourself all the way back up, connecting to that wall and you're done.
Great job you guys. That was 10 minutes of Pilates abs. I hope you enjoyed it. See you next time.
Absolutely terrible. How is this included in the Beginners course? I had to skip most of the workout because i cannot roll up. I did another workout instead. This is the only workout here that i have hated
This was really tough for me :( I had to skip several parts of it because I couldn't keep up...my abs and entire body is really weak.
Worked up a sweat! Towards the end, it was a little difficult for me. I skipped a couple of minutes but finished strong at the end.
Great level of intensity for 10 minutes!
Perfect ab add on. Thanks!
hard work!! haha! My neck is very weak too