10-Minute Low Impact Interval Workout
Jodi SussnerDescription
Join our trainer Jodi Sussner as she guides you through fun and different ways to get your heart pumping without the jumping and pounding that you might get in so many other interval programs. Jodi has a great way of showing you that hard work through intervals does not have to mean jumping lunges or squat hops! You can work hard while maintaining your low impact goal.
In addition, she will give you options in case some of the moves don’t work for you. If you enjoy this low impact interval workout and want more workouts like this, check out our low impact training program called LIFT. In addition, if you are looking for a low impact workout with a little different style you might enjoy our low impact barre workout.
Interval training is such a great way to exercise. Changing the level of your heart rate to keep the body guessing is a more effective way to burn calories than a steady-state bout of exercise. For instance, the use of high intensity intervals for 20 minutes can burn as many calories as a 60-minute moderate walk. Fitting interval workouts into your training should be done two to three times a week. After this workout check out our 10-Minute Bodyweight Intervals. You will love that one too!
Hi, I'm Jody. And welcome to Get Healthy U. Low impact intervals is a 10 minute workout That's easy on the joints but challenging on the heart and muscles. All you really need is your own body. Your energy.
Ideally, grab a mat and a water bottle. Let's get warmed up. Bring your feet apart. Take a nice deep breath, soft knees up and arms go wide. Take a deep breath.
Reach up, exhale, arms wide. One more time. Reach up, exhale, arms wide. Bring your right knee up, bring to your hand and switch. Up and down.
Pull your knee to your chest. If you want to go a little bit further, reach for your shin, work on balance. You can always do this movement a little bit smaller. You can hold onto a wall or a chair. Just try to keep moving.
Stretching out the low back, your hips, strengthening your abdominals. Let's try four more, three, breathing two and one. Right arm across, left arm across. Rotate your torso, punch across if you can. feel the twist right through your rib cage, four more here and left knee up.
Pull right knee up. Keep this going, four more. Up, two, left arm, reach across. Perfect. Keep it going.
Four, three, two. Left knee up. Right knee up. Just like that. Four more here.
Right arm reach it across. Rotate that torso, four more. One more time left and right knee. Perfect heart rate. Getting up, last four and punch with the right, just across.
Feel that right through your waistline. Four more like this and one. Deep breath up. Arms go out, one more time. Deep breath up and out.
Now, step out with your left leg, pull your elbows back, step back with that left leg, bring your arms down. Like we're making an X. So we go out and back, open up and press back. Squeeze the backs of your shoulders. Now we're doing a lot of things, right?
Warming up your back. Strengthening that right thigh. Pull and press. Pull and press. Keep this going here.
Try four more. Three, two, one more time. Bring your arms wide, your knees bent and flex to your left and your right. Flex. Feel your torso working right here and the tighter you bring your hands right behind your head, the more work it'll be for your ribs.
Soften your knees as you go. Perfect, challenge yourself and reach a little lower. Reach down, right and left. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, both knees up. Reach up exhale, arms go wide.
One more time. Reach up and step your feet together. Bring your right foot up to the side. Open up, right foot goes back, make an X down. Out and back, strengthen right behind your shoulders.
Perfect for your posture. Strengthening that left thigh. Keep it going. You decide how wide you're going to step. You decide your pace.
You decide how big you can step back. Perfect. Really squeeze. Try four more. Three, heart rate coming up, two, one.
Keep it back. Go wide with your arms, wide with your legs. Hands behind your head and flex side to side. Focus on bringing your ribs down to your hips. Try to avoid over-arching.
kind of lean forward with your body. Perfect. Soft through your knees. Tighten your hands up a little bit more right behind your head. Feel the difference.
Added challenge, to reach side to side getting a little bit lower. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three. You got it. And one, deep breath up. Relax it down once more.
Deep breath. Relax it down. Okay, take your right foot behind you. Soften your left knee. Pull both hands back, palms pressing back.
Lean forward. Pulse your arms up, little squeezes for the backs of your shoulders, your triceps. A little bit of balance through that front leg. Squeeze it up. Bend your left knee more.
Get a little lower. Eight more. Start to feel that back of your arm warming up, four, three, two, now keep your arms back. Lift your back leg up. Up and down.
Can you pulse it here? Balance, arms strong and reaching. My left legs working hard to balance, right leg lifting up, go eight more. Seven, you can always hold the wall if you need it. Four, three, two, hold, step back with that right foot bigger.
Reach up with both arms. Lunge down, reach up, again, down and up. Two more. You decide how low you go. Last one here.
Now swing your arms down. So we lunge and lift, down and up. Keep this going or add a little twist to your left, back up, that twist challenges your balance. Feel the difference. Sink, reach, two more, down, balance here.
One more, down and hold. Perfect. Shake it out. Right foot forward. Left foot goes back.
Hinge forward at your hips. Nice straight arms. Pull them back and pulse your hands to the ceiling. Backs of your shoulders, triceps. Try to gaze forward at a spot in front of your foot.
Shoulders stay back. Try to bend your front knee a little bit more. Try eight more pulses. Four more here. Pulse two, three, four, bounce on that right leg.
Kick your leg up and down, up and down. Keep reaching your palms toward the ceiling. A little isometric through your triceps. Let's pulse that back leg up, little tiny lifts. You can always hold a wall and stand up nice and tall.
Try to keep pulling that left leg back. Pulse, pulse, looking good. Yes you can, you've got this. Four more here, four, three, two, step back with your left foot. Reach both arms up, shoulders down and lunge, straight down, reach up.
You decide how low you can go, up to you. Bend your knees, both knees equally. Perfect. One more time. You can stay here or sweep your right arm over and bring it up.
Again, sweep it and look to the right side. Straight down, reach up, breathing as you go. Lots of balance. Arms, core, leg strength, sink, lift. One more time.
Sink and lift, stand tall and shake it out with both arms. Grab a mat and go to your knees. So you're facing forward you're at both knees. You could always do this movement seated. If it bothers your knees to be kneeling, You could do this seated.
Bring your knees about shoulder width apart. Reach up, take your right wrist and pull your body to the right rotate around over to the left side and back up. So we're doing a little half circles through your entire core. Stretch right, sweep it around and all the way up. Again, over and up.
One more time. All core hip stability and hold it here. Switch hands, other wrist as you stretched your left, rotate forward, out to the side and around you decide how big you can go and lift. Out, reach and up. Again, you can do this seated.
Three and up, two, big stretch, one and hold, bend your elbows. Open up your chest, onto a plank. Push up, hands to the ground. Knees can stay on your mat. Bring your hands right beneath your shoulders.
Shift your weight forward and shift your weight back. So if you're at your knees, your hips will go to your heels. If you're at your toes, your movement will be a little bit smaller forward and back. Getting those shoulders warmed up. Ready to go.
Hold your plank wherever you are and take it down for a pushup and back up straight down, straight up. Again, you can be at your knees. One more time right there. Now, hold it. We'll do one pushup.
And then one opposite arm lift. Last exercise, you've got this, ready? Down for a pushup, left arm up. Down for a pushup, right arm up. Notice you shift your weight to the opposite side.
Now, if you're at your toes, same thing applies down and up and lift. Four more times. Everybody's going, come on. At your knees or your toes. Yes, you can.
Two more here. Last exercise. One more time. Exhale on the up and shift to your knees. Press your seat to your heels.
Rest your forehead toward the ground. Start rolling yourself up. Nice, slow controlled, shoulders up, shoulders back. Take your right foot forward, give your hips a little stretch. So intervals all low impact heart rate up, muscles working, it'll help you feel great.
Let's take both arms stretching up to the ceiling. Bend your elbows. Open up at your chest. Reach straight up and push your hips back a little hamstring stretch. Flex your front foot.
Pull your toes back towards your body. Take a deep breath here. And we'll swing the other foot in front. Press your hips forward. Reach up, press both hands toward me.
With back to the back of the room. Chin towards your chest. Reach up, bend your elbows. Open up at your chest, press your hips back. Flex that front foot and reach forward for more stretch.
Stretch out the backs of those legs or hamstrings. Now, lets stand tall right here. So low impact intervals. Great job. Hope to see you again very soon.
Great morning workout when short on time!! Thanks