GOLD LIVE Class: Yoga Tune up – Hip Openers 1

Sheila Chenier
Duration:   32  mins


Join us for this Get Healthy U TV GOLD LIVE workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! Get some relief with these hip opening exercises led by trainer Sheila Chenier. Whether they’re tight from sitting all day or over-exercising, you’ll feel better after this. Help you unlock tight hips, lubricate the joints and strengthen your muscles through a series of very needed poses and stretches.

Level: All Levels
Equipment: Mat
Instructor: Sheila Chenier

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Hi, Get Healthy UTV team. My name is Sheila and we have beautiful Lia here today. We're moving through a hip opener for you. There's not that many modifications, so Lia will show you just a couple of options Thank you of things to do. but for the most part, this will be a great one to do before your workout or even after your workout, just to help you keep those hips nice and open.

So let's get started and let's have a seat on our mat. So you can decide whether you'll go into souls of the feet together, or if maybe you're feeling like your hips aren't ready for that together, then you can go ahead and crisscross applesauce, Yes. that's what they call it. So let's go ahead, we're just take some circles. So take a circle in one direction and then keep that circle moving around and change directions, opposite directions.

And start to incorporate your breath, inhaling and exhaling. Find your center, meet at center, holding nice and still. Feel that spine growing nice and tall. So to inhale with the nose, open mouth exhale. Inhale with the nose.

Open mouth exhale. One more time please. Inhale the nose open mouth exhale. Now start to seal the lips. And inhale the nose.

And exhale the nose. Inhale the nose. Exhale the nose. Continue through with this breath as it feels comfortable for you. And anytime you'd like to go back to your open mouth, do so.

So inhale, arms rise up, reach a extend over the head. Exhale, allow yourself to fold forward over those legs and just start to rock yourself side to side. Now some of you, your legs might be all the way down. Some of you, your feet might be out, some may cross. But just allow your hips to rock, even if in your cross leg, just rock your hip side to side.

Just lifting one butt cheek and then the other. And then coming back to your center. Rise up. Lift up. Inhale.

Arms reach up to lean over to your right side, roll that left shoulder back. Gazing up, inhaling and exhale. One more breath here, please as you, inhale and exhale. Inhale, come back to center. Exhale, take that over to the other side.

Now roll the right shoulder back. See if you can anchor down your hips. Inhaling and exhale. One more breath please. Inhale and exhale.

Come on back to center. And arms come down. Meeting in all fours. So we'll meet in this all fours for a second. Spew the fingers wide, ground the back, cat back, and then cal stretch.

Now start to incorporate brow. Exhale, round the back. Inhale, Cal stretch last time, round the back, cat back. Inhale, cal stretch, find tabletop good and walk your feet out a little bit. Your knees out, not your feet, your knees out.

You can walk your feet out if you'd like. So going into a gentle, this little open up frog pose. And come down to these elbows, forearms. So you can flex at the ankles. You can point at the toes, knees.

We're just starting to open up the hips. We'll revisit this later just to get that opening up. Take one more breath here as you inhale And exhale Now making your way to downward facing dog. To start to curl toes under. Find your down dog.

Walk it out. Bend one knee and then the other. Inhaling and exhaling. So that down dog seat is high. Head us low.

Keep it one more breath as you inhale. And exhale. Now start to find stillness. Start to bring your heels together and you're gonna bend your knees, bend your knees open out and then push back. Just like a little plie.

Bend the knee, push the seat back and then straight. One more time bend. So this is a little play with your down dog. Go and separate those heels. Look to the top of your mat.

Bring yourself to the top of your mat. Inhale half lift, flat back. Gaze is high. Exhale, fold, tuck chin to chest. Moving through a sun A inhale, arms reach, exhale for a back lift, just warming up the body.

Inhale, reach, exhale and fold. Inhale, half lift, gaze is high. Exhale, fold inhale. Step back. Now you find your plank, knees, toes, and then lower.

Squeeze everything close into the body. Scoop up. Lift up. Maybe up dog or cobra. Down dog.

We'll take that sun A through. One more time. Full inhale and exhale. Inhale. Look right between the hands.

Step to the top of your mount. Inhale, half lift, gaze goes high. Exhale, fold. Bend the knees, use the legs, rise up, back bend, maybe support it back, bend or palm together. Inhale, find center, hands to heart center.

Exhale, fold. Inhale, half lift, exhale, fold. Inhale, step or jump back. Exhale, lower. Inhale, lift.

Exhale. Down dog. Breathe here. Inhaling and exhale. So spew the fingers nice and wide.

Push your hips back and really feel your upper body sink down. So going into a little three-legged dog. So now your right leg comes up. So Lia, beautiful. She's coming down to all fours.

So go ahead and circle out through that hip big circles and then reverse them big giant circles. Find stillness and maybe you feel like you're gonna bring that right heel to your left butt cheek, breath sink. And then step that foot right between the hands. So right here you're gonna take little circles, lift the hips up and circle. The best circle out to one side and then down.

Out. Down. And now reverse. Reverse other direction. Reversing.

I always have a little bit of problem with reverse. There we go. And then holding and finding stillness. Breathe here. Now moving into warrior one.

So rotate back, heel down, rise up, lift up. Find your warrior one. Front, knee bends back, toe turns in. See if you can turn your torso forward. Maybe palms, meat, maybe gaze goes upward.

Breathe huge. Inhale and exhale. Last breath here. Inhale and exhale. Start to take those hands right behind the back.

Lift the chest, straighten out that front leg. Lift the heart. Coming into pyramid pose, hinge forward, reach forward, for extend forward. Drop those hands as you need. Now feel that right hip, send it back, send your left hip forward breath here.

Which inhale, exhale. If you interlacing, maybe knuckles, go to the sky. Pull. Inhale. And exhale.

Last breath here. Inhale. And exhale. Start to release the hands down to the earth. Breath here.

Now pivot, keep that left hand down. We're gonna go into that side plank. Walk the foot, maybe your left knee goes down. So figure four side plank and open up. Breathing here.

You can always come down to that forearm. Just feel that opening out of that leg. Roll an outside edge of that right foot. One more breath, you inhale and exhale. Start to lower the hand down, lower foot, chaturanga, if it comes back.

Lower lift and meet and down dog. Or extend a child's pose. Remember options. Go inhale and exhale. One more breath here.

Inhale and exhale. Lets take it over to the other side so the left leg goes high. Kneeling or from your down dog. And circle, big circle, opposite direction. So trying to get three nice full circles.

If more, go for it. Sink that leg back. And maybe you're taking that left heel to your right butt cheek. Encourage that left shoulder to stay down. Remember here.

Inhale. Exhale. Big steps, step to fifth. So find your lunge. Take that circle, take one direction, circle and then opposite direction.

Nice big circles. If you bend and extend the leg, that's totally fine. Find your center. Hold here. Prepping for your warrior one.

So back heel comes down front knee stays bent, rise up. Using that breath, arms can reach, extend up, sinking into that. Inhale and exhale. One more breath here. Inhale and exhale.

Such a straighten out front leg, maybe interlace. Lift the heart. Prepping for your pyramid pose, hinge reach. Encourage that left hip to go back, right hip to go forward. Knuckles high to the sky.

Breathing in, inhale. So should feel that stretch deep it's called your Quadrecip femoris, it's the muscle that lifts the butt up. This is the muscle we wanna have on that left leg. So should feel that pull, breath. Then limp in like so.

Inhale. Exhale, release the hands down to the earth. Good. And put a bend into that front knee, right hand stays down, left foot off to the side. Open up and find your side plank.

Encouraging that knee to open out. Breath here, inhale. And exhale. Last breath, inhale. Exhale, start to lower the hand down.

Step back to a plank. All fours, whatever feels right. Lower low plank. Flow, breath. Leaning in your down dog or extend a child's pose.

Breath here. Now click and walk your feet out. Turn your toes in. Ah, push the seat back. So feel that little medial rotation as a toes turn in.

Breath, inhale. And exhale. Feel your heels kicking out. So you'll feel gluteus medias. These are all muscles around the hips.

Breath here. Inhale and exhale. Last breath. Inhale. Exhale.

So now start to turn your heels in and start to walk your hands towards your feet to the back of your mat. We're going right into prayer squat malasana. So knees go out option. You might choose to be here or you might might sink down into that. Just rock with that.

Play with it. Inhaling and exhale. Now maybe use those elbows to help to open out those legs. Get little inner thigh stretch. Remember that frog we went through at the beginning, we're just prepping for it.

Two more breaths. Inhale and exhale. Less breath. Inhale and exhale. So hands come down, knees come down.

So now your knees are a little wider. Maybe you flex a little bit more. Maybe you sit up a bit and then surrender down. If your hips touch the earth, awesome If they don't, awesome. Breath.

So sometimes I like to put a little block underneath me. Just keep my hips elevated. Taking three breaths here full inhale the nose. Exhale the nose. Inhale through the nose.

Exhale. Notice if something else is tightening up like his shoulders, mouth, inhale. Excellent. So pressing yourself up. Now go walk yourself forward a little bit.

Shift curl toes under. And now you're back into that wide legs. So turn your toes in. Good. Walk your hands out a little bit more.

Push your seat back. Kick those heels out. Toes in. Inhale and exhale. Final breath here.

Inhale. Exhale. So let's take a walk. Walk those heels in, toes in heels in. Toes in and find your down dog.

Inhale, look through. We're gonna go ahead and pick up that left leg. Left leg goes high, left steps, big steps. Start to straighten out that front leg. Walk yourself around to center, turning your toes in.

Ready for wide leg straddled pose. Now you might take two piece things, breath around the toes. Beautiful option, hands on the shins, or maybe even come into your hip crease. So allow yourself to fold here. So keep turning those toes in.

Keep kicking those heels out. And breathe here to inhale and exhale. Feel your weight shift into the balls and feet just a bit inhaling. And exhale, final breath here. Please inhale and exhale.

Start to release the hands. Turn your toes out. So taking a bend into your right knee, bend into your right knee, your left leg will go straight. Feeling a beautiful opening into that inner thigh. Breath here.

Now we've done this pose, well I've taught it for you a couple of times, but you can stay here or go shift right into your skandasana. So you start to peel up that left heel and then you might encourage balance. Breathing here. Inhale and exhale. One more breath, inhale.

And exhale. Hands down to the earth if they're not already. Shift, find that wide leg straddle. Toes in, heels out. Oh man, this feels good on my hips.

How about you Lia? Oh, it's so good. And the second time through, I feel like I can reach a little bit further. Yes. Yes.

Good, cause we're gonna do this all again. Walk it over to the right side. Get a little twist. A little reach. Oh a little extension.

Encourage that left hip to shift your body over to the left side. breath. Come on back to center please. Over to the other side. breath.

So right here, my right hip wants to drop, but I'm encouraging it. I'm shifting it over to that right side. Now you mentioned a block earlier. If you have one, you can use it for your hands here too, right? Absolutely.

Block a book, whatever you have. A pillow. Yep. Come on back to center. So now turn toes out.

So go and bend to that left knee. So finding that bend options, beautiful options. And you find, as you say, you do you. Breathe. So even from side to side, your hips are so different and you have to honor and respect that.

I like to say make no assumption. Absolutely. That's good. Even about yourself. Yes.

One more breath. Inhale. Exhale. Release the hands down. Now we're gonna take a walk over to the left side.

Breathing here. Put the lower down, that right knee. So I'm gonna turn and face you. Then you can stay right where you are. So that knee is down, walk the foot off to the side and now you're gonna take your hand inside the thigh and open up and get a little twist open.

So you're like taking, pulling your hand underneath and then pulling and opening up like twisting from the inner thigh. Yeah. So grab right at the hamstring and like you're pulling that hamstring up towards you. Breath. Inhale and exhale.

One more breath here. Inhale and exhale. Now release that hand. Now hands can come down. Here's a block.

Or you can come down to four arms. Breath here. Or you can surrender yourself here to the earth. So whatever feels right, breath will inhale and exhale. Last breath here for inhale and exhale.

Press right up into the hands, If you're not already, curl that back toe under. So we're gonna come back to that malasana. So step your right foot forward, toes out, heels in sink. Breathe. Enjoy.

We have two sides, we gotta get it full. Inhale and exhale. One more breath here please. Inhaling and exhale. Hand to the earth.

Lift the seat a bit. Good. And step that left foot back. So your foot is already out to the side. When knee comes down, that right hand comes right in your thigh.

Pull it up and opening out. Ah, breath pull. Inhale and exhale. So you're pulling your hamstring. Hand comes out to the side and you pull it up.

Pull away. Breath. Two more breath here please Inhale and exhale. Last breath. Inhale and exhale.

Start to release that. Hand comes down, you come down. So when you come down you have to decide what's down for you. Breath here. Allow the hip just to sink and breathe.

Inhale. Exhale. Coming into our final breath here. Full inhale. And exhale to the press up.

With the hands, curl to under, we're gonna meet in down dog. Shift. Back down, up. Rock it out. Oh man, that feels good.

Breath here. Inhale. Exhale. So come back to those plies. So heels together and frog awakes, bend, sink.

And then straighten. Rub chest, lift the heels. Bend the knees, sink. Push the seat back. Straighten.

Drop the heels. One more time. I think this one has to be my favorite one. Of the hip opening series. And then drop down.

Who to separate those heels. Let's take that through one more time. Right leg high. You can circle if you like, both directions, should feel amazing. Hold it, kick it back, then step it through.

Warrior one, rise, breathe. Pyramid pose. Straighten, fold. Just a tiny little add on. So left hand stays down.

Encourage that leg to go back and start to open up. Add a twist Now that really encourages that hip to go back by adding that twist. Breath. Last breath. Here's your inhale.

Exhale. Start to lower down in the hand. Then keep it right hand where it is. Left hand where it is. And bend your right knee.

Find your figure forward. Open yourself up. So lift the hip, maybe knee can be down. Open out that leg. Breath.

Release. Hand comes out. Vinyasa lower. Lift. Down dog.

Other side. Ready, left leg goes up. Circle, opposite direction. Find stillness. Heel may be deceit.

Open. Big step, step it through. Warrior one. Back, heel down. Rise, breathe and sink.

Inhale and exhale. Straighten out. Front leg. Fold into it. Reach.

Keep sending that left hip back. Keep going. Keep going. Release the hands. Ah, that right hand stays down.

Open twist, breathe. Encourage that right hip, that left hip right or left, whichever front leg is. And then open it up. Breath, releasing out of your twist. Go ahead and put a bend back into that left knee.

Hand comes down that side plank. Figure four, walk it out, open it up. Open up that leg. Breathe. Twist, open.

Inhale. Lia, loved that one. Just drop the hip down. Take the weight out of that hand. Last breath.

Come on back. Find your plank. Or all fours for one more last time. Lift. Down dog.

Walk it out. Ah. Inhale and exhale. Final breath. Find stillness.

Left leg goes high. Left steps in front of you, left wide leg straddle. Turn. Toes in, heels out. Breathe.

Maybe ragdoll. It helps to be a little bit more weight as you fold forward. Feel the tailbone aiming up to the heavens. Toes turn in. Heels kick out.

Inhale. Exhale. Releasing the hands. Prepping for that spin. Toes out, heels in, right knee bends, sink.

You've been here before. Breathe here. Inhale and exhale. One more breath. Inhale.

Exhale. Come back to center. Wide leg. Toes in. I'll sink here.

Play here. Be here. Maybe walk your hands out a bit. Maybe walk back, maybe walk them to one side and then the other. So here's that time to just sink in and feel what you might need.

Now bring yourself back to center. Toes turn out, left knee bends. Right toes can come up. Breathing here. Balance.

Maybe. One more breath. Inhale. And exhale. We're gonna make our way down to the earth.

So it's a little fun way. So walk your toes and heels in. Step one foot, knee down. So we're gonna come back into that frog. Woohoo.

Yay. But goes back here. Ay Yai! Oh yeah, here we go. And sink.

Oh man, Get Healthy UTV. We're almost done. I know your hips are going. What? What?

But it's okay. A little what what for your hips are good. We're up here. And maybe those hands go back. You can push your seat back.

And as Lia said, this is a great time for a block. If you have any hip injuries, this is not gonna be the best pose for you. So come back to where we started at the beginning where we had that small out and we went into that extended child's pose with just a wide leg and that might help you out. Last breath here. Inhale.

Exhale. So to press it into the hands, you're gonna walk one leg in, other leg in and then come into a seated position. So seated pigeon pose. So taking your right leg and it's gonna cross right on top. So we did a lot of inner thigh, a lot of.

And now we're just gonna go a little bit outer with medias, piriformis. So you can hold onto that foot and rock it. We call this cradle. Breath here. Inhale and exhale.

Last breath, as you inhale. And exhale. This feels so good, I don't wanna let it go. Okay, so we're just gonna get a twist with it. We're gonna keep that going.

So you go ahead and take that right foot down and maybe left heel in or left leg straight, you decide. Sit up nice and tall and just pull that leg across your body and rotate, twist, and encourage that right hand to drop your hip down. So use it like a little anchor, push down and then turn and then solve it. What needs to solve it? Breathe here.

Inhale. Oh, this is another one I like too. Exhale. Inhaling and exhale. Unwind.

Let's take those legs out. Shake 'em out. Shake 'em out. Let's take that, that seated pigeon on the other side. And I know a lot of you go into full pigeon and that's perfectly fine to do full pigeon.

But try this. Just see. Just staying here. Breathing here. Remember each side is so different.

No judgment. Remember, no condo, no bond. No condemnation, no bondage. So hold and maybe cradle. Breathe here.

Now as you're doing this, you feel any sharp pinching pains, you come out of there right away. All right, so, but you should feel a pull, a lengthening of the muscle. Breath. One more breath please. Inhale and exhale, hold, release.

And then find our twists if it goes down, anchor down the hip. So now taking that hand into that left hip priest and I'm dropping it down. And then rotate, turn, twist. A spine grows, tall as you inhale and exhale. So me, my right shoulder is somehow thinks it's helping.

But now if, if I slide it down, I noticed it didn't help at all. It stopped my range of motion. Breath here, inhale. And exhale. Last breath please.

Inhale and exhale. Slowly bring yourself out. And then go ahead and bring those legs around in front. Shake 'em out. So we're coming down to our mat.

Before we do so let's get a little hamstrings, maybe move flush out of the way. So you can sit right on your sits bones. Lift up nice and tall and bring yourself forward. Hinge, forward breath. Some may hold onto feet, some may hold onto ankles or shins.

Breath. Inhale and exhale. Final breath please. Inhaling here. And exhale.

Good. To bring yourself up. Make your way down to your mat. Going into bridge poses. Souls of feet are gonna be on the earth.

Palms are down. Take an inhale. Exhale, lift the hips up. Now inhale. Separate your knees.

Separate your knees. Ah. Now bring 'em back and then lower the hips down. Move it two more times. Inhale.

Exhale, lift the hips. Inhale. Open out those legs. Maybe roll onto the ninth edge of the feet. Inhale, legs come back in.

Exhale. And last one please. Inhale. Exhale, lift. Breathe, inhale.

Open. Exhale, close. Inhale and lower yourself down. Now go ahead and hug those knees in toward your chest. Gently make little circles on the earth and then go in the opposite direction.

Coming back to center. Gently set lower, one foot down and then the other. Walk the feet out about as wide as your mat. So your baby toes are off of your mat. Arms come out to a tee.

Rock the knees over to your left side and maybe you look in the opposite direction as you inhale and exhale. One more, about your face, inhale and exhale. Then come back to center, gaze center, legs center. And then rock your legs over to the other side. So with the legs wide, we begin, go into the hip flexes a little bit more into the quad.

Gazing with me. Opposite direction. Also we go into this muscle. The upper back connects hip to bottom rib. It's called your ql.

Quadratus lumborum. Breath. I'll take those words there. Begin right breath here. Inhale and exhale.

Head comes, center legs come center, your knees rotate in. Push your lower back into your mat. Oh, this should feel good on your back. Anytime you work through your hips, you wanna consider your back as well. One more breath.

Here as you inhale and exhale. And if you'd like. You can stay right here and rest for a few moments. I know rest is something that we have to fight for. Personally, me too.

I'm with you too. So any moment you can get to rest. When you rest, you become stronger. You actually can work better the next day. Just encourage you to find some time in your day to find rest.

And please know you can stay here as long as you'd like to. Otherwise you can roll yourself to one side. You can come into a seated position and your seated position. Inhale, arms rise, reach, exhale. Hands to heart center.

Let's do that two more times. Inhale, arms reach. Exhale. Hands to heart center. One more time.

Inhale, arms street. Exhale, hands to heart center. My prayer is that you acknowledge the hope, the peace within you. You are an amazing person. You may fall, but you always get back up.

Thank you so very much for being here with us at Get Healthy UTV. May God bless you with love, peace and compassion. Namaste.

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