Get Healthy U TV Editors

Super 8 Workout

Get Healthy U TV Editors
Duration:   26  mins


Your Super 8 Workout is a bodyweight circuit workout that uses intervals to get your heart pumping and help you work smarter, not longer. There’s no equipment needed for this workout, so you can take it with you on the go and do it anywhere, at any time. Led by Chris Freytag, you’ll perform eight exercises in a row for one minute each. After you go through each of these eight power moves, you’ll take a one-minute rest and then repeat the whole thing again. Lindsey Bomgren will provide modifications throughout the workout to keep it low-impact if that’s what your joints need.

You’ll start your bodyweight workout routine with army crawls; a fantastic total-body move that works your upper body, core, and glutes at the same time. Next, it’s onto squat jacks—a plyometric—that will act as a great cardio interval. Afterwards, you’ll do skaters with a single leg hop. That added hop is the key to making this a powerhouse move that works multiple muscle groups. Next, it’s onto push-ups with alternating runner’s lunges. This combination move will not only work your upper body but stretch out your chest and side body at the same time.

Next up in your bodyweight circuit workout is burpees with mountain climbers (are you feeling the burn yet?) and sit-throughs, before moving onto split jumps and a full-body roll up ending in a leg lift. Chris will provide plenty of instruction and encouragement so she’s with you every step of the way! After round one of this workout, you’ll take a brief one-minute rest before beginning the eight exercises all over again. At the end of this bodyweight circuit workout you’ll get a nice cool-down to stretch out your body, calm your mind, and celebrate the amazing work you’ve put in! A bodyweight workout program like this will leave you feeling stronger, leaner, and healthier—all while using the power of your own body!

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Hi, I'm Chris Freytag, and this is your Super 8 workout. This is one of my favorite workouts. I like to name my workouts and this is one of my favorite circuits. We're gonna do eight exercises in a row, one minute each. And then we'll take a rest and repeat it again.

So it's quick, it's fast, it's furious and it's fun. And I have the lovely Lindsey Bomgren with me today to do the workout with you guys at home. So let's start with the warmup and then I'll help you with all of the exercises. Are you ready? I'm ready.

All right, deep breath up. Just take a big, deep breath up. Inhale and exhale. I want you to do that two more times. We're just starting to breathe deep.

Bend your knees, bend your hips. Good. Awesome, just roll your shoulders back. Big shoulder rolls back. We gotta wake up our joints, we gotta wake up our muscles.

Roll it back, all right, so taking just the right arm I want you to make a figure 8. Internal external rotation right here. Just rotate that arm. Breathe. We are gonna have some fun.

All right, other side. So just figure 8, internal, external rotation in that shoulder. We warm up the shoulders, the hips all of the joints, all of the muscles before we get started. Give me two more figure 8s here. Good, just flap those wings.

Just release those arms. Feels good, all right, take your feet a little wider now. We're gonna come into a side lunge. Come over, hold, just pulse it. Just hold it right there, push your booty back.

Put the weight into the glutes. Hold it here, just count to four, three, two. Now other side, just slide over. Hold it here, just pulse it. So it's like you're sliding your butt on a picnic bench side to side.

Ready, here we go. Switch, two, other side. Two, other side. two. Good, now you can move at your own pace.

That's always up to, now we're gonna add a little shoulder press right there. Shoulder press. Press it. Good. Two more, now come to the center, roll it up.

Just roll it up. Good, awesome. Knee drives with the right leg. Here we go, just drive it in. Drive it in.

Right there so let's warm up those glutes, hamstrings and quads. Are you ready to have some fun, Lindsey? I'm excited. Now Lindsay is gonna do some modifications for you today. If you wanna keep it low impact, so keep your eye on her if you'd like to, four, three, just switch.

Here we go, just switch on the fly, you got it. You're driving that knee and I want you to pull your belly button to your spine right there. So you really feel that core start to activate. Here we go. Let's go for four and three and two.

We're gonna jack it out right here. Awesome. Getting that heart rate up. Remember you can always do the low impact version of a jumping Jack if you'd like. Lindsay can show you right there.

Big, come on, four, three. We're gonna go to a jack and a jack. You ready, try it here. Give me one jack. One jack, jack, jack right there.

Boom. Awesome. Light on those toes. Just those baby bounces help build bone mass. Get your heart rate up.

Come on four more. Three, two. All right, I call these Frankensteins. Just touch your toe. Let your hamstrings talk to you.

How are they today? Mine are always tight, always tight. Right there. Awesome. Give me one more each side.

Fabulous, all right, skipping in place. One of my favorite warmups, right knee first, just up, there we go. This gets the glutes, the hamstrings, the quads and starts to get the heart rate up, yes? Yes! Come on, right here, go eight, seven, you got it.

Four more, we're gonna go right into skaters. Here we go, skate, get low. Now you're gonna wanna remember this. We're gonna do a skater variation during the workout. Awesome, get down low.

Here we go, two more. Good now back to the skip right here. Right here, we'll just do one more series of this. Good, it makes me feel like a little kid, huh? Yes, I love it.

Right here, come on, eight, seven, reach. You got it, four, three, skaters. Go right into it, right here. You got it. Get down a little lower.

Start to activate those glutes. All right, now I'll count you down. Eight, seven, breathe, four, three. Awesome, we're warmed up. What do you think?

Ouff, I'm warm. Heart rate's are up. Okay, super eights. So we're gonna do eight exercises in a row. One minute each.

Watch Lindsey for some modifications. Take a break whenever you want one. We're gonna repeat it twice, we'll take a break in between. We're starting down on the floor. If you have a mat, that's great.

Otherwise, you can be on the carpet. Army crawls. Come into plank position. You're gonna come down to your elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist. Then we're gonna add some footwork out, out, in, it.

All right, you ready? Lindsey, ready? I'm ready. Okay, here we go. Begin, let's go, now down, down, up, up, out, out, in, in with the feet.

Now you're going at your own pace. Down, down, up, up, out, out in, in, keep your butt down. You're gonna full plank. Now here's an option for you. You could do two jacks with your feet instead.

So you can either make the feet go out, out, in, in or two jacks. I feel this in my upper body. I feel this in my core. I feel this in my glutes. Come on now.

One minute is a little longer. So I think you guys are awesome if you were still coming with us right here. You could always drop to your knees. Lindsay, you can show them that in the army crawl. Come on, whoo!

Yes, next exercise, squat jacks. Hold on, we're almost there. Four, three, two, one, stand up right away. So squat jack looks like this, big squat, touch the ground, jumping Jack up, here we go. Now you're gonna pick up your pace, drop your booty.

Lindsey is giving you a modification right here so you can keep the bounce out of it. I'm telling you what, this is gonna get my heart rate way up. Stay with me. Remember, you can always do that low-impact version. You're dropping that booty down.

If touching the floor is too much, just come right here. That's okay. I want you to challenge yourself, to change yourself. Mind over matter, right? Right.

Oh yeah. Come on, we're almost there. I'm telling you what, you feel one minute, Come on 10, 9, 4, 3, 2. Holy cow! Skaters with a hop like this, skate, single leg hop, skate, single leg hop.

Now I don't know about you, but my quads are on fire. Yes, feel that burn in the legs. Holy cow. So you just skate, single leg hop is the key right here. It looks easy, it ain't.

Lots of core. If you're at home, you are feeling these hops. Keep breathing. You and I said we're heavy breathers. We are heavy breathers.

So if you're breathing heavy, all good, come on. Our heart rate's up, we're burning calories, whoo! All right, come on, you're with us. Let's go, almost there. Eight, seven, come on.

Two, one, man, push-ups, let's go, bring it down, friends. Push up alternating runner's lunge. Here we go, push up. Right leg forward, open up, push up. Left leg forward, open, now Lindsey's gonna do her pushups on her knees right there.

Pushups are such a sign of strength. They are hard. I know they're hard. So hard. Do the best you can, come on.

They make you feel so good though. Don't they? Yes. Reaching that wingspan open. Right there, come on.

Stay with me. Love that opportunity to stretch my chest after those pushups. No kidding, right? Come on, you guys. All of you at home, I'm super proud of you because most people aren't working out right now.

Come on, let's go. Give me one more pushup right here. Take a breath. Here we go, mountain climbers with one burpee. It looks like this.

8 mountain climbers go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Bring your feet in. Jump up, go back to your burpees. Count out your mountain climbers. You count them somewhere around 8.

I don't care if you do six. I don't care if you do 10. Drive those knees in. Lindsey, we'll show you the low impact version. You don't have to jump.

You can walk your feet in. Good job. Come on. You've got this, work it. Man, what do you think?

We are burning here. Everything is turned on. I can feel it. Come on, keep it coming, you're almost there. You can finish this.

Finish strong. Go, come on. This is the last one. Come on. Somewhere around 8 mountain climbers.

You did it, man, all right, we're not done. Come on down to the mat. Let's go, sit throughs, I'm sorry, come this way. Here's what I want, on all fours right here. So you're gonna lift your knees right here and you're gonna bring one leg through, drop your butt.

Come back to home base right here. Drop your butt, come back to home base, drop your butt. But now you can do a sit throughs fast but more importantly do them well. Bend your knees, feel this in your upper body, whoo! I think it's almost more challenging the slower you go.

This is not a speed game. And if you lose your balance like I have a few times not a big deal. Come on, come on. Holy cow, we got this. Yes, yes.

Right here. Come on five, four, three, two, stand it up. Okay, kick, lunge, lunge. You can do a variation if you'd like, here we go. One leg back.

Give me a kick. Jump lunge, jump lunge, kick, jump, jump. Lindsey's taking the jump out. Right there, you gotta bend those knees in those jumps. Bend them, whoo!

Come on. Right there. Let's go. Whoo! I told you this super 8 workout was a super one.

Right, pushing for one minute is no joke. If you're used to shorter intervals, this is a good mind and body challenge. So you're doing one kick, two split jumps. One kick, jump, jump. Yes, my legs are like noodles right now.

They're so on fire. I love it. Whoo, burner! We're almost there, we're almost there. Come on, one more set of jump lunges right here.

Boom, boom, done, to the mat, sit throughs, so let's go. Exercise 8. Are you ready, Lindsey? I'm ready. Okay, roll down, arms overhead.

Roll up opposite arm to toe. Get your butt off the ground. Roll down, roll up, lift. Here we go, roll down. Roll up, lift, you pick your pace.

Option is to keep your butt on the ground. If you wanna show them that Lindsey. You got it. Ooh, she's like sure, no problem. Absolutely, I love it.

Right here. Come on, lift it up. Oh man, big finish, yes, you can. Let's go, we're almost done with round one, go. I love finishing with four, I love it!

Come on. Oh, yeah, belly to the spine. Yeah, work it, roll through those vertebrae. Form trumps speed, my friends. You guys know that, right here, go.

Give me one more, yes. Reaching for that toe! And done. That is what we call the super eight. We're gonna do it one more time Let's stand it up.

You've got one minute rest, right here. Whoo and boy do we want it. We want it. If you're at home thinking, yeah, rest sounds good then you challenged yourself and that's what it's all about. Intervals and circuits, work smarter, not longer.

Work harder, not longer. You don't have to be in the gym for two hours. It's about being smart. So can we have about 30 seconds. We're getting started.

30 seconds, you got it. I think I'm gonna take a little water. I'm with you. Never gonna turn down a water break. Always have a water bottle nearby.

We're getting ready for round two. One more round of super eight. I know you can do it. Are you ready to do this again? I am.

Here we go. All right, army crawl with the footwork. You can modify the footwork in any way you want. Here we go, here we go, here we go! In five, four, three, two, one, let's go, right here.

Down, down, up, up. Get that feet out and in, it's up to you or two jacks. I want you to keep your hips low, your abdominals pulling in, strong through your chest, shoulders. It's okay if you're going at a different speed, it does not matter. You can alternate the arms.

This is one of my favorite body weight, total body work exercises, Lindsay. I love it, it's so functional. It's getting everything engaged I feel it in my low abs. The first 30 seconds aren't bad. But the second 30 seconds.

Come on, come on, whoo! Yes, we're almost there. Almost there. Let's go, let's go. Five, four, three, two, one.

Stand it up, Wow, squat jacks, here we go. Wide and low, up and high. No break in between. We just wanna keep going. And I want you to drop your booty down as low as you can.

Get that oxygen to the muscles. Right there. Lindsay is showing you the modification. Range of motion is important. So you could go faster but I don't want you to compromise your squat.

I want you to drop your booty down there. One minute, man, huh? Right? Legs on fire. Legs on fire.

Let's go. Push through, push through, breath. Come on. You got it. Push.

Yes. We're almost there. 10, 9, 8, 3, 2, 1. Hello, legs. All right, skaters with a single leg hop, you're ready, go.

Right there, hop. This little hop looks like a no brainer until you're doing it. So if you're just watching us join in, right? I love the balance. You gotta really hold your core strong right here to balance, bent knee, bent hip, activate those glutes.

Right there, go. I love it. Man, heart rate is up. This is multitasking at its best because we're getting our strength workout and our cardio workout at the same time. I love that.

Makes me sweat. Good, go, go. Come on, yes, you can stay with us. Come on, Simon says keep going. Five, four, three, two, one, pushups alternating runner's lunges.

Here we go, on your knees or on your toes. Let's go, pushup, right here, runner's lunge, pushup, runner's lunge. Let's go, take your time, giving a full pushup. Right there, so good. Yes Pushups are so challenging.

They are. Are you catching your breath? Woo, let's go. Now you can modify. Come on right there, pushups work the core, the chest and shoulders, the arms.

And then we add in these runner's lunges and I'm telling you total body burn right here. Keep going, we're almost there. Oh yeah. Whoo! Come on, right there.

What are you thinking? I'm thinking I'm feeling this one tomorrow. Okay, mountain climbers, let's go, ready? How about eight of them, go! Into a burpee, go.

Modify like Lindsay if you'd like. Right there. I don't care if you do 6 mountain climbers or 10, let's go. Awesome, keep your head in alignment right here with your spine. Just getting that body off the ground.

You guys were doing so good. Keep moving, whoo! You're moving at your own pace at home, let's do this. Come on. Feeling this one in the quads even.

No kidding. No kidding. Last burpee. Yeah! Yeah!

All right, come on down, sit throughs right here. This is home base. Tuck your toes, lift your knees. Here we go, come through. Now you can touch your butt down.

There's an element of balance, wouldn't you say? Yes. Go slow. Yeah. Whoo!

What are you doing here, activating your core. Now if you sit down like I'm doing, Lindsay kept going. If you sit down, that's okay. But I wanna make sure that your core is activated. Come on right there.

Oh yeah. Shoulders too. You got it. Whoo! Whoo.

Come on one minute. Man, whoever said you need dumbbells for a workout? Yeah right? Throw those dumbbells out. Back to good old body weight training.

If you are concentrating right now, congrats because this requires a lot of concentration, done. Whoa, stand up, Lindsey. Come on, girl. Kick, lunge, lunge, here we go. Kick lunge, lunge, kick.

Kick, now I'm doing jump lunges, getting that body off the ground. You can do what Lindsey's doing. Come on. Whoo, man! Heart rate up, chest and heart lifted.

Keep your eyes up. Definitely a little element of balance right here. Right? Right and those low abs. I love how this workout targets those low abs.

You may not think this is a core workout but I gotta tell you core and more. Right here. I love that, core and more. I feel my core firing. Yes, me too.

All those planks, kicks almost there. Come on, one more, Lindsey. Whoo, all right, you got it. Done. Here we go, roll it up and do the workout.

Here we go, roll down. We'll touch that right toe. Here we go, boom. Now you can keep your butt on the ground like Lindsay is, you can pull your butt up like I am. You can pick the pace right there.

Finishing with strong cores. Now notice we're taking our hands above our head. I want you to roll through those low ab muscles. Keep going Lindsey, I want you to think roll down, scoop up those abs or roll up scoop up those abs. That is the key to this exercise, you guys are killing it.

Keep going, I love it. We are so close to that finish line. This is it. I see it. I can taste it.

Here we go, last 12 seconds. Let's do it. Oh my gosh. Don't let anyone tell you you don't have time for a workout. It takes less than 30 minutes.

You can even do this one time through. Done, done, oh my gosh. High fives. Stay on the ground for this one. I'm so proud of you, 20 plus minutes of working out it is no joke.

Now let's cool it down because that is so important. We never wanna skip the stretch. So we're gonna lay it down as long as we're down here on the mat. Right, I'm sitting down here. We weren't kidding this time.

Both you and I thought the super eight workout's gonna be a toughie. Before we started, I was like, oh-uh. Now I want you to make sure that your heart rate is coming down before you ever put your head down to the ground. That's always important. You feel like your heart rate is too elevated right now I want you to stay in a seated position.

But if you're okay, we're gonna come down to the mat and lay it down all the way down. Whoo, oh, that feels good. Let's grab our right toe. So I want you to lift that leg up. If you can reach your toe, reach it.

If you're feeling better on the calf, this is all about the hamstring right here. Breathe deep. And then here's what I want you to do, I want you to take that leg all the way, open to the side but keep your left hip steady. Don't roll over with that left hip. So keep your left hand on your left hip and just let that leg fall to the side.

Nice stretch to the inner thigh, adductors through the hamstring and glutes. And then let's go take that leg, swing it up, Lindsey. And we're gonna bring it all the way across the body. Bend your knee, this right here. This stretches the money for me.

Oh yeah, this one feels so good. Can you stay here for an hour? Yeah. I love this. Okay, just breathe and one more stretch on this leg.

Figure 4 so just put it over that bottom leg. Pull it up, just get your hands underneath your left leg or whatever leg you're doing and just stretch it out right here, feel that. These are all my favorite stretches. Seriously, yes. All right, let's change legs here.

So we go left leg to the air. Now as you lengthen your right leg right now, you are opening that hip flexor. That's a really good stretch. You are either reaching the big toe or you're just pulling through that calf ever so slightly, feel that nice stretch. Now right hand to the right hip.

Don't let that right hip roll. And I want you to open that left leg to the side. Deep breath. So excellent and recovery is key. If you ever feel like you're dragging the next day after a workout, maybe it's time for rest day.

Make sure you follow our calendars at Get Healthy U TV. We have a lot of pre-program calendars for you to help you create your workout week. All right, let's take that all the way across, bending the knee. This is the money stretch right here. Ooh, I got a crack in the back of that one.

That was free, right? Yeah, awesome. Yes, we are sweaty. So sweaty. I love sweat 'cause it makes you feel accomplished, doesn't it?

Right, flushing out all those toxins. All right, Figure 4 stretch, let's do it. Right here. We're trying to give you some really good stretches in this program because that is really key at the end of a workout, especially when you've had some plyometrics in there. Let's get you stretched out.

Roll up to seated and let's just come pretzel right here. Just one stretch across the front right here. I don't know about you Chris but I think I earned a Get Healthy U smoothie. I'm going to the- I'm making myself a smoothie with peanut butter. You and I liked the same thing.

Smoothies, Trail Mix. Yes. Other side. I know, right? Yeah.

Okay, and then just release. Now. I want you to take those shoulders up, back and down and release. I am so proud of you. Thank you so much for giving your time and attention to us.

We appreciate it, have a happy healthy week and we'll see you at the next workout.

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