GOLD LIVE Class: No Jumping Strength 4
JC LippoldDescription
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Dumbbells (medium and heavy), mat
Instructor: JC Lippold
GHU TV friends and family, congratulations on making it to your workout today, right? Whether this is your morning, your evening, the start of your day, the end of your day, whether you're feeling full energy or maybe low energy, congratulations. You have everything you need to accomplish this workout. No jumping, strength number four. I'm JC, this is Shelly.
Hi, Shelly. Hi, guys. Hi, sweet pea. Yeah, so no jumping strength. We have as little surprise for you today, as well.
Not only no jumping, but no standing. As soon as we get through the first minute of our warmup, we're gonna be down on our mat for the rest of this workout. I hope that sounds great to you. Hopefully, it's gonna be something, maybe you haven't done before, which means you're gonna feel different things than before. You're gonna be capable of doing different things, than you've done before.
Let's get things going. Bring your hands behind your head. And go and bring your left knee down into the space. And then your right knee down into the space. Hey, left heel, right heel into a little squat.
So left knee leads the whole time, as we move here. So in this little prisoner squat, I want you to start thinking about your joints, right? Your ankle is having to flex and point, as you stand up and come on down. Your knee is staying relatively bent in that squat, 90 degrees or 90-ish degrees. And your hip is having to find a little stretch and a little squeeze.
Getting into your side bodies, getting into your rotational muscles. Chest is open. Back is strong. Y'all, we spend so much of our time standing and seated. How much time in your day do you spend on your knees, on your seat, on your back, in a plank?
We're gonna work things that we don't spend a lot of time in. Hey, 3, 2, 1, pause. Other direction. Right heel leads the way. As we move today, you know you're gonna have Shelly, as your option person for the duration of this workout, but here's my challenge to you.
Don't see option as, if you can't do this, do this instead. Or, Hey, here's your easier option. No, no, no. Right? See the two of us doing something different, and you get to choose what is gonna serve you now.
What are you seeking? Strength, calm, pause, control. All those things are great. What are you needing today? Woo.
Whew. All right, one more time. Oh, hey, one more time, down. Now go and bring your right knee forward, left knee down. Single kneel.
Begin to stir the pot, right? So as you move in your front knee and hip, find what feels open. Find what feels maybe a little sticky, a little tight. And give yourself a second here. That's what we do, when we warm up.
We become aware of what we have, entering this workout. Those are gonna be your tools. That's what you're gonna use today. What we working with? Yeah.
What are you feeling today, Shell? I'm feeling good. A little tight, but good! I love it. All right.
Hey, find some . Knee over your big toe and breathe in. Slide your hips back, a little single leg split. Come back forward to that kneeling. Every time you slide back, feel a little bit more of the back of that front leg.
As you drive forward, feel a little bit more of a stretch of that quad. Hey, if you need a little bit more challenge, a little bit more awareness, bring your hands away from the ground, away from your body. Allow those balanced muscles to stabilizer muscles to come to life. Hey, maybe it will feel good to live in that split for a second. Live there.
Stay there. What are you feeling? Own it. Hey, three more seconds. Two and one.
Up to your knee. Open your hip, right? Open the inside of your foot to the front of your space. And drop forward a little bit. Come on back.
Close it up. Slide forward a little bit. Yeah. Hey, continue this, open. Stretch your inner thigh.
Ooh, yes. Close. Stretch your outer glue. Every single time you make a little movement from your knees, you're gonna start to feel tight. Become potential movement.
Potential opportunity. Hey, one more time. Open. One more time. Other knee up.
Always, if you start left, great. If you start right, great. Stir the pot. Right, we are not symmetrical beings, but we can, in our mind, balance out the amount of time and awareness we bring to our strong side, our weak side, our dominant side, our non-dominant side. That's what you're doing right now, taking this time.
Right, I feel a little bit of stretch when I press my knee out. You may feel it on the inside, on the back. On the front. Take that time right here. All right.
Hey, find stillness. Point your knee over your big toe. Breathe in. Exhale, slide your hips back. And slide your hips forward, when you are ready.
Bring attention to where you feel. So, yeah, no jumping, strength. Which means we're gonna focus a little bit less on heart rate increase today. Don't worry, the heart rate will still increase quite a bit. We're gonna focus on the engagement of that muscle, right?
Your ability to contract and extend. Hey, one more time back, one more time forward. Open your front, your front hip, right? Inner heel points. Lean forward, lean back.
Close it up, lean forward, lean back. You'll see, me and Shelly, we have slightly different ranges of action, but neither of them are huge, right? We're simply going, here's the muscle. Here's where it wants to move. Here's where it can move.
Never move to a place where your body says, "don't do that." Right? There's a difference between pain and sensation. There's a difference between pinch and ignition or exertion. Hey, one more time close. One more time open, yeah.
And then go ahead and bring yourself down to two knees. Ah, come on down, to sit on your heels. It may feel better to uncurl your feet here. Right arm, across your body. Give it a little squeeze.
Hey, did you just notice if your right shoulder poked up towards your ear? Squeeze your lats. Squeeze your back muscles, pull down. Okay, inhale open. Right arm up and over.
Find your elbow, rather than pulling, broaden your chest. But also nip your rib cage in. Breathe in, and breathe out. Okay. Switch out your arms.
Left arm across. Nuzzle it in. That side down. Oh, I can feel my quad stretching too. Ah, right.
Beautiful. Yeah. Sitting in that pose. Everything is working, y'all. When was the last time you kneel down?
Sat down on the ground? You're getting that exercise today. Alright, let's stretch out our upper body. Come on down to sit on your heels. Feel free to uncurl your toes or keep them tucked under.
Inhale with your arms out wide. Exhale right arm across your body. Squeeze it on in. Invite your right shoulder away from your ear by squeezing that long lat muscle, on the side of your posterior. All right, inhale, reach out wide.
Right arm up and over. Bend your right elbow. Left fingers touch. Yeah, broaden in your chest. One of the great things about training from your knees, or from your seat, makes you so much more aware of how you place your torso.
So drag your ribs back, on top of your hips. One more breath in, and exhale. Reach your arms out wide. Breath. Left arm across your body, nuzzle it.
Give it a good hug. Left shoulder, invite it down. I always love thinking about how stretching is a great time to feel, not only relax and stretch, but also different engagement, right? Lats are working big time here. Yeah.
Inhale, left arm up and over. Grab your left elbow. Broaden your chest, rib cage in. Breathe. And breathe out.
Hey, liberate your arms. Shake out your wrist. It's time to get into our workout. How does that sound? I love that idea.
Cool. Hey, I haven't mentioned yet, but we have five minutes of planks coming up in the middle of this workout today. Don't forget, we love you. In those five minutes of planks, they're gonna be spread out. You're gonna have lots of options.
We're really going to use being close to the ground to get our work in. Our first two minutes is gonna be a little core blast. Join me on your back right now. That was sneaky. I know it's like, and I love you.
Okay. And I love you. Alright, onto your back. Extend your legs to the sky. One minute of toe reaches beginning right here, in three, in two, and one.
Right fingers reached your left foot. Left fingers reached to your right foot. If you're like, "Hey, I can't reach my toes." No worries. I can't either, right? Maybe your legs are long.
Maybe you're tight in your low back. Maybe you're tighten your shoulders. Feel your core engage. Great option, bend your knees. Great option, bring the soles of your feet down to the ground, but still reach up.
Think of this as a ceiling reach, as a sky reach, rather than, right, reaching to your toes wherever they are. Reach. All right, so two minutes of core. And then we'll get into our first, five minute upper body block. We have three sets of weights today, a light, a medium, and a heavy, whatever you decide for those to be.
All right, here's what our five, two minute core blasts are gonna look like today. You're getting a nice little preview. In these five, two minute core blasts, the first minute will be on your back. The second minute will be in a plank. So 15 seconds from now, yeah, you'll be finding your way to a high plank or a forearm plank, or a knees down plank.
That's where we'll begin. Coming up in five. Ooh. I'm already losing my breath from this core work. Ooh.
It's burning. 3, 2, 1. Flip on over. I'm gonna start in the high plank. Shelly, what are you starting at?
I think I'll do forearm plank. I love it. So 60 seconds here. Okay. Even though your body is in a still shape, you are not a noun.
You are still a verb. And there's evolution, there's process going on, inside your body right now. Press your palms or your elbows down. Right, if your knees come down, you're not gonna be missing out. Still feel belly engaged.
Pucker, right, your shoulders, or your mid-back, away from your shoulders, knowing you got 25 more seconds here. I went down to my knees for a little bit, and then I came back to my toes. We're gonna be done with our core work, coming on up in 20 seconds, for five minutes. It'll be back again. Spreading out your work today, y'all.
Breathe in and breathe out. Can you move your ribcage muscles, those intercostal muscles with big breaths in? You got 3, 2, 1, down to your knees, y'all. Five minutes of upper body work. I'm gonna grab two sets of weights.
I'm gonna lay my medium set of weights down on the mat, and I'm gonna start with my heavy weights in my hands. Five minutes, these weights are gonna be in our hand. So I'm ready, to go ahead and downgrade whenever I need. Super. Cool?
All right. Let's begin. Our first minute, a bicep curl, half down forearm curl, all the way back up for the finish of that bicep curl. It'll look like this, bicep curl, palms face forward. Now, rotate at the top.
Come down halfway. Right now, my palms are facing the ground. Come back up. Face your palms back to your shoulders. And right on back down.
Let's walk through that again. Right? Regular bicep curl up. Rotate. Come halfway down, all the way up.
Curl back and all the way down. Move at your own pace. You can take this one arm at a time. You can go ahead and lower or lift heavier, right? Wherever you are, know that right now, 25 more seconds, and it'll move to our second exercise.
It's gonna get into our rear delts. Biceps come to life, and also forearms come to life. Ooh those forearms, definitely. Yes. That's mean.
Come on y'all. 15 seconds. Mean with love, right? Yes. You get to feel things today.
Feel things you may not normally feel. Are you squeezing your glutes and your inner thighs? I bet you have to, right? Those large, lower body muscles are not doing the work they normally do for you. Three, two, and one.
Hey, face your palms behind you. Tap your weights behind you. Then, tap your weights in front of you. A little rear delt, front and back. And every time you go behind, weights touch.
Those mitten shaped muscles on the back of your shoulders, right, are going to get a little squeeze. But also, can you make sure that you don't pop your belly out to touch those weights. No, keep your strong core engaged, and all of a sudden, as you feel that squeeze, and that squeeze in front, all of a sudden these weights get heavier and heavier. Shelly made a really great point before about grip, right? All of a sudden, holding these weights for five minutes, yeah, your grip strength is gonna get stronger, because it's gonna get challenged, y'all.
Keep going right here. 15 seconds. Don't be scared. Use that grip. When you feel something, it's not a sign you can't, it's a sign you are.
Come on y'all. Five. Hey, three, two and one. Lat raise. Go ahead and bring your arms to 90 degrees.
Palms face in. Raise your elbows to your shoulder height. Back down. So some options in this block, you can come and sit down on your heels. You can go ahead and raise one arm, and then the other.
You can slow this down, or you can take a rep, take a pause. Hey, take a rep and take a pause. What are we doing here? Strength training, right? Go ahead and watch, right?
As Shelly's elbows come up, her shoulders are staying down. Why? Those lats are finding that squeeze. Chest is staying open. Back is staying strong.
And right now, I can see head over shoulders, over hips, over knees, that length. This is helping you stretch out hip flexors. I'm jumping back on in. Or How often do we feel tight hip flexor, tight hip flexor? Yes, because we stand and we sit.
Y'all, we're working from our knees, today. Hey, we're moving to some tricep kickbacks, in three, in two and one. Hinge forward. I'm gonna twist, to the front, so you can see this. Pot belly stays in, kickback.
Woo. Kickback. I'm dropping my weights, just for a moment so you can see. Right, often when we hinge, we drop our ribcage. Pull your ribcage in.
Keep going, y'all. One arm at a time, two arms together. You got it y'all. Hey, I'm not gonna tell you, that we got 35 seconds left. Well, I guess I just did, right?
Because all of a sudden you go, oh my gosh, I can't. Yes you can. Yes you can. You can take breaks when you need, right? You can take options.
One arm, the other arm. Can you engage your inner thighs right now? Can you feel your glutes holding you in place? How is this different, since you are working from your knees rather than your feet? Less momentum, right?
You have less lower body pressing down, to swing those weights. There's no swing right now. One more minute within this set. Coming your way in, three, two, and one. I'll turn back forward.
We have a hip drive, punch. It'll look like this. I'm curling my toes under. Weight starting right at your chest line. Pop your hips forward, weight across your body.
Pop, pop, pop. If you're like, "gosh, I really need some cardio." Here's your chance, right? I'm dropping my weight down, so I can focus on my pace. So I can move my body fast. This is your last minute, within this first, five minute upper body block.
You'd be like, wow, "I really like this block." Oh, good. You get to do it again, after our next little two minute core blast coming. Oo! I gotta drop down. Yeah Shell!
Oh! Hey, at home, you're doing it. Do not forget, hip drive, pushes that weight forward. Pop, pop, through the camera, through your screen, and right back at us. We are doing this together, y'all.
Come on. Oh. Wow. Come on, come on. 5, 3, 2, 1.
Good job, y'all. Weights are going away. We're onto your back. Sneaky Super sneaky. I feel like that's my middle name here at GHU TV.
Yes. Sneaky, JC. Sneaky. On your back, we have a tricycle. It looks like this.
Right leg straightened. Left elbow, or right elbow touches your left knee. Left elbow, left knee. Right elbow, left knee. Switch legs, tap 1, 2, 3.
Switch legs, tap 1, 2, 3. Every time you switch legs, three taps. Switch legs, tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Every time you switch.
30 seconds y'all. And then where do we go? I hope you remember, plank number two of five. Y'all, it's not happening to you. It's happening through you.
Yes. Hey, need an option. Bring that opposite foot down. Great option, touch hand to knee. Wherever you are.
10 seconds. Keep going, y'all. What you can do, is enough, right? You're not gonna miss out, if you take that break, if you take that option. 3, 2, 1, flip over.
I'm gonna hit that high plank again. It felt good the first time. I'm gonna see how it feels, this time. I'm gonna do my forearm. I like it on the forearm.
Look at us finding the planks we like right away. Drop your knees if you like. Yeah. Push back in the heels. What a great idea.
A couple other options for you. Remember, so you have high plank, forearm, plank, and plank from your knees. You can find a little side plank. Yeah. A little side plank, knee down.
If you need a little active rest, maybe a little down dog. Mhmm. Wherever you are. Cool work. Can you ensure, Woo!
that you remember where the work is? 20 seconds. And then we're right back to the top of that upper body block. This will be our last, of our upper body work, for the day. Come on, y'all find little shake, side to side.
If you're one of those cardio lovers? Maybe you find a little step out of your plank. Wherever you are though, five seconds. We are in this together. Come on, come on.
3, 2, 1. Down your knee. Okay. All right, y'all. We have that bicep half down, forearm curl, back to the top.
We get going, right here, in three, in two and one. Weights in hands. I'll start heavy again. But I already kind of feel it. I may be needing to drop down to that medium set of weights.
Sensation drives the way. If all of a sudden you go, "wow, I still feel I'm working really hard, but I don't need that heavy weight anymore." Guess what you do? Drop down, keep moving. Whew. As you lift up, JC, or go down halfway, you get a little in that arm, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Kind of splays out. Exactly right. So if you notice, you may have a choice. Right?
If, when you get to that top you, your elbows may want drop, point out. But keep your elbows and allow those weights to splay out. Like Shelly just made the point. But your shoulder is such a specific joint in your body. Ball-and-socket joints are gonna move creatively, you to your neighbor.
So it will look different perhaps, than what you see me or Shelly doing. Feel your forearm come to life. Feel all that shoulder supportive tissue come to life. Y'all, you got three, you got two. You got one.
Palms face back, rear delt. Kiss your weights. Kiss your weights in front. Kiss your weights behind. Kiss your weights in front.
If you want a little more challenge, here's a great option. Create a larger orbit around your body. Okay? So those weights are staying close to your body, your shoulder supportives are not gonna have to work as hard. If you bring those weights a little bit in front, a little around the side, a little bit behind your booty, depending how big your booty is.
Right, all of a sudden you're gonna go, "okay. I feel a little bit more work happening." Inner thighs are working. I'm coming down to my heels for a little bit. Why? Because now I feel a little bit more still, a little bit more supportive in my upper body.
Shelly, what are you feeling right now, being on your knees longer? I feel, actually I love it because I feel my core throughout. Absolutely. Actually my glutes. Now, if I came down onto my booty, disengaging the glutes, right?
Yeah, a little bit, right? It's that little break for your booty. Yes. Okay. 3, 2, 1.
Palm face in, lat raise. Wow. I'm going to my medium weight. I could feel right away, right? I was gonna have to speed up my action.
I was gonna have to give up control, not control of my thoughts, right? We know we're gonna have positive, negative thoughts, as we move our body and all the voices are gonna speak. But I was talking about control of saying, I want to move my body in a way that I can feel, in a way that I can take ownership of. I had to drop down to a lighter weight to do that. How about you at home?
Woo! Yeah Shell! Ooh, my shoulder. Hey, everybody, notice, right? I'm moving a little bit faster than Shelly.
Shelly's moving with a little bit heavier weight. Who's doing it right? I think we both are, but we both get to feel good about our work, right here today. You get to feel good about your work at home, Yes. right now.
10 seconds, y'all. No right or wrong way. Woo! Do you. Where is your exhale, y'all?
Exhale is here. 3, 2, 1. Lean forward. Tri-kickback, tri-kickback, tri-kickback. Hey if you're taking a break and looking at us, you may notice my weights come further out than Shelly's do.
That's the way my shoulder works. That's the way Shelly's shoulder works. How does your shoulder work? Feel that tri-fold muscle, on the back of your arm squeeze, right, as you lengthen your arm straight. Feel it extend, as you bend your arm back.
Right now, you got 30 seconds, and then we say goodbye to this tricep work, for the day. You got one more minute of upper body spotlit, focus work. Come on y'all. Ribs, pull 'em in. If you are pushing your belly out, pull in.
Pull your ribs in. Stretch your back, as you stretch your triceps, as you contract your triceps, as you lengthen your arm. Come on, y'all. 10. Oh my gosh.
The way you are doing it is so much harder, and now I'm gonna do the same. three, to the corners two, one. Sit on your heels, curl your toes under. Pop, pop, pop. Yes, we are punching, from our shoulder to our finger knuckles.
But what are your hips doing? Hips, drive. Hips drive. Hips drive. Yes you can, y'all, right?
Speed is secondary to strength. Speed is secondary, Woo! to strength. Speed is secondary to strength. That's your focus today, y'all right?
We are getting strong, strong, strong. 30 seconds and then, you get a little bit of core. Woo. And yes, if you just shouted at your screen, "JC, Shelly, this is all core." You're right. It is!
You're absolutely right. But who doesn't love a good core? Come on y'all. Let's get this last eight together. Right here, 8, 7, 6, 5.
He's pushing me. 4, 3, 2, 1. Wait to lay, wait away. Holy moly. Boat pose, y'all, boat pose.
We are keeping things moving today. Hey, hands behind your thigh, maybe toes. Heels down on the ground, great option. Guess what? Belly is still strong.
Lean back to where you feel. Here's the way I like to think of this, lean back until you feel, oh. When you feel, oh, when you feel that body go, "I have to catch myself." That is when you settle in, when you balance. Squeeze your knees. Squeeze your calves.
Squeeze your inner thigh. Yes you can. 30 seconds right here. Hands out, maybe leg straightened a little bit. Can you be proud and can you be graceful?
We don't often train grace, when it comes to strength training. I don't know y'all, right? If you can move graceful, it does not mean the work is easy. It means you are making the work look easy. You're using what you got, for five.
How about we plank? We haven't planked in a while. Three, two, one. Let's flip on over. Let's plank.
Alright, I'm getting the Shelly plank. I'm coming down on my forearms. What are you doing at home? I'm gonna try your plank, JC. Oh my gosh.
We're sharing planks. Can you imagine? This is how we roll. World peace baby. Right here.
Yeah, baby. Ugh. Woo. Now hey, think about what's touching the ground. Whether it's your elbows or your palms.
Can you press them down so much that rather than, look at the difference for everybody, right? My belly just dropped. Now lift your belly. Lift the space between your shoulders. You can.
Yes. 30 seconds. Push back in those heels. People keep this plank for like, how many hours? How many minutes?
The world record? See, we can do this. One minute. Come on. And think about this.
When you heard five minutes, what did, what was your thought? I can't, I can't. Well, you are over halfway through. You got 10 seconds left of your third minute. Y'all you're doing it.
Come on, come on. 3, 2, 1. Down to your knee. Beautiful. Hey, we got two blocks of lower body.
We got two blocks of core left. This is a really good time, to get a little bit of towel. I want you to think right now too, what can you move in your upper body? Core, ribs, arms, shoulders. Feel this work.
Then grab your heavy weights. We got a little kneeling thruster. So we've already warmed up this movement, with this hip drive. Weights are gonna now go overhead. If you're like, "wait, you just said we were done.
Hey, you said we're done with upper body." Y'all, those weights moving are not because of your biceps, or your arms, because those booty muscles. We get going in 10 seconds. Heavy weights, rack 'em to your shoulders. Toes are curled under. Right, so you can engage your inner thighs and rise up.
We go in five, we love y'all. You're doing it. Keep it up, right here, in 3, 2, 1. Drive up, drive up. Your exhale is as you explode away from the ground.
Rocket ship up, reset. Rocket ship up, reset. So not only are we training strength here, but this explosive, this passionate second, this is also training your ability to be powerful. Strength is different from power. Yes.
Strength is the foundation of power. Power is the expression of strength. So if you need to find stillness, awesome. Still find that powerful moment, when you are ready. Great option, one side, the other.
Even losing your weights, pop. This is a hip drive movement. 10 seconds. We are gonna find our way down, to our side plank. Right elbow down first.
In 3, 2, 1. Lose one weight. You can bring one weight with you to your top hip. Bottom knee down. Straight leg lift, right here.
Lift and lower. Lift and lower. So what is this weight doing? I have mine set right above my hip joint. This weight is not adding resistance, but it's bringing awareness to your foundation, right?
Sometimes we wanna roll forward or roll back. You'll feel that with that weight. If all of a sudden you're going, "wow, this is a lot on my shoulder." Great option, come down to your bottom hip, and lift and lower that leg. Outer glute come to life. Bottom side body, still strong, still lifting.
Come on y'all. 20 seconds, right here. If you're on your hand, bend your elbow too, because that kind of gives your shoulder a little bit of relief. What a great option. And that little micro bend, of that elbow, will bring in more bicep, more tricep.
Oh my gosh. My glutes are going, "no more." You got three. You got two. You got one. Switch to the other side.
It's the supporting leg, right? Exactly. Oh my God. I'm thinking of, okay, okay. He's got me there.
That was good. This is the leg that's gonna speak to y'all. Let's get it going. Lift, lift. You are sneaky today.
Lift. I love you. Isn't it funny though? Right, we think this is gonna be the leg that's gonna speak to us first. It's that glute that's having to be still.
So broaden your chest. It's easy to cower. It's easy to curl. No, be open. Wow.
What can we do if we need that break? I say take that break. If you need an option, bring that weight down, but still keep an open space, in front of you. Yes you can, y'all. Come on, come on.
You got 15. You can do it right here. Yes you can. Yes you can. Come on y'all.
Whew. Oh, we can do it together. We are so able to. We are so in this together, right here. The lightest weight you got, you're picking it up.
In 3, 2, 1, sit on down. Lightest weight. Maybe it's one pound, two pound, five pounds. Place it on top of your ankles, squeeze your legs together. Hands next to your hips.
Legs lift to the left corner of your mat. Lift to the right corner of your mat. This little straight leg rainbow. Sure, core's working. Think about what those quads are doing.
Think about the work you've now created. Space of flexibility, of heat and length, in your hip flexors. Lift and lower with purpose. Lift, lower with purpose. If you're like me, my weight keeps moving.
Guess what? That means, I need to move with more sensitivity, more control, more precision. If you need more, hands up off the ground lift, place. Jiminy Crickets, right? Can you feel it?
Ooh, you got 10 seconds. Quads on fire? Ah. Come on y'all. Yes you can, yes you can.
Five, on your back, heavy weights. in three, in two and one. Light weight gone. Heavy weight on your left hip. Okay.
Little bridge. Right leg to the sky. Weight's on that left hip. Lift your hips up, place back down. That right hand, can come down for a little support on the ground.
Feel two things, left glute squeezing, to lift. Right glute stretching, to create length, on the backside of your leg. Oh my gosh. Shelly, is your right quadricep shaking right now. It is, but my glutes are really on fire.
Oh, good. We're feeling all the things, y'all. Thanks for that All the things. And the good news is, we're already on our backs. Which means, 20 seconds from now, what are you gonna be ready for?
Planking! A little bit of core, y'all. Coming on up? Come on, come on. Oof.
Right. Lift and lower may be small, may be a large range of action, but it's your range of action. What are you feeling here? 3, 2, 1. Weight goes away.
Heels forward, hands overhead. Hollow body hold. Now I'll start this up from it. Options. Knees can start over hips.
Hands can press in into thighs, option one. Option two, hands overhead. Option three, straighten your legs any amount, even if they raise higher. Option four, lower your legs any amount, to where you go, "that is enough." But ensure, belly presses down into the ground. And it doesn't mean you're gonna take away the natural curve of your spine.
No, it means, right now you are feeling strong. From fingernails to toenails, from manicure to pedicure. Y'all, come on. You're making me laugh in bug hold. Me and Shelly are going to get our nails done after this.
Y'all come on. Yes! 5, 3, 2, 1. Plank it. Holy moly.
Flip it. Yes, you can. Please shout through the TV if you agree with me right now. This plank is easier than that hollow body hold was. Yes.
So much so, right squad? Perspective, y'all. We can do this all day. I mean, just the plank, nothing else. And maybe this is an unpopular opinion too.
This plank is easier for me than the first one was, because things are turned on. But right now I feel so much support in my hips, in my supported muscles that connect to my hips. My legs, my arms are recovered from those two blocks. I'm feeling good. 20 seconds y'all.
Woo. This is the easy part. Who would've ever thought. Right? Woo.
All right, coming up, one weight. You'll be down on your right hip. A little clam shell, in five. I'm going with my medium weight. 3, 2, 1.
Coming on down. All right. Medium weight, you're down on your right hip. That weight is going on your left hip. Stack your knees, stack your heels, stack your hips.
Pop, lift, and close back down. Drive your hips forward, back down. Hey, I'm gonna show you something. Shelly, you keep going. Okay.
Notice what I'm doing right now. This hip drive, which we did before, it's the same action as your clamshell here, right y'all. We're working this movement in different angles. When you are on your feet, this is your deadlift, right? It's the same action.
But right now, you are isolating this, to the drive of that hip. Oh my gosh, y'all, what are you gaining from your practice, from your work? This is your last block of the day. Last little two minute bonus core, coming up after. 3, 2, 1.
Flip around, second hip, second clam shell. Now the weight that is on your hip, is providing a little bit of added resistance. So if you're going, "I can't anymore." Lose the weight. Ensure that your shoulder is right over your elbow, right? Mine is flipping out.
I make a little adjustment, then I keep going. Still a powerful drive and a controlled return. Powerful drive. Controlled return. 30 seconds.
Yes you can. Woo, baby. It's nasty in a good way, right? Exactly. Y'all, probably my favorite, and my least favorite movement is coming up next.
I'll leave you in suspense for another 15 seconds. I love it because I feel it. I struggle with it because it creates fatigue. In five seconds, wrap one of your lighter weights in a towel. We got hydrants in 3, 2, 1.
I'm going with my lightest weight. I have a five pound weight, wrapping a towel around it. Placing it behind my right knee. Press down through your palms, table top. Right hip opens and closes.
And already, right, I'm losing that weight. I have to squeeze more. Every single time you lift and lower, can you find control in your range of action? Right, on purpose, I had you grab a lightweight here, so then you can go, "okay, I am owning this movement." That weight is a little pinch of salt. Think about that perfect bowl of soup, that needs one more pinch of salt.
And when you give it back, it comes to life. The flavors, the understanding of the depth, of what's been created for you. You are creating that masterpiece, that recipe right here. Come on. Five, woo!
You're making me hungry, with your talk of soup. I know, I always talk about food. 3, 2, 1. Switch sides, y'all. Weight behind your left knee.
Back to your tabletop. Squeeze that weight first, lift and lower. And it doesn't have to be a big range of motion, does it? No. Cause then you start to lose that form.
Because that's what I do. I'm like, "Woo hoo!" But you don't have to give that big range of motion. Your range of motion is established by when you feel engagement, so then you can return your starting place again. Sometimes we think a flexibility as a gift. Ask a hyper-flexible person.
They'll say, "gosh, I wish I wasn't so flexible." Ask someone who has no flexibility. They'll say, "gosh, I wish I was more flexible." We always want what we don't have. Y'all, today is your chance to strengthen what you do have, to own that, to honor that. 10 seconds. We have one more leg, of that single leg hip bridge, coming up to finish our fun.
Hey, in 3, 2, 1. On your back. Heavy weight going on your right hip this time. Left leg to the sky, lift and lower, lift, lower. Exercise to exercise today, y'all that is on purpose.
Right, so you can go, "alright, my mind is working as much as my body, right? I'm finding fight and fire. I'm finding to focus and friction." Every time you move right here, own it, feel it, sweat through it. Come on. Come on.
20 seconds. And you got two more minutes of core, coming at ya. Oh! This is beautiful. Woo hoo!
Again, that quad y'all. Mine is shaking. It is. You can see it in my heel. Come on.
Come on. 5, 3, 2, 1. Oh my gosh. Two minutes of core. This last one is building upon what we've been doing.
So here's what I recommend. Go ahead and wrap one of your heavier weights in a towel, and place it in between your shins. Squeeze your inner thighs. We are going hollow body hold, to weighted boat. You ready, Shell?
I think so. Let's do it, baby! Let's go. Lay on back. Hands overhead.
Now, sit on up. What is this weight gonna do? It's actually gonna help your torso get a little bit higher, a little bit easier. If you feel that weight slide down your shins, try it again. If you get to the place where you go, "gosh, I can't," lose your weight, but do not give up, before you've tried a couple of times.
You are adding friction. You are adding fight. You are adding fire to your body, before you hit your last plank. Y'all 15. That's the fire!
Ooh. Ooh! Come on. Come on. Everything is working, right now.
Victory lap. Last plank in 5, 3, 2, 1, wait away. High plank, forearm plank. Knees down, knees up. Side plank, side plank.
If you want to finish surprising yourself, you are the one who's gonna know, what that little scary thing is in front of you. The obstacle. The, "I don't know if I can." So you fight for that. Yes. You give yourself what you need.
Strength, grit, grace. I have no idea what that's gonna be for you today, but I bet you do. Listen to your voice. You are your best coach right now. 30 seconds.
Woo! Woo! I'm changing my scenery, coming down my elbows. Often, even just a little change, gives your mind a fresh tank. Then it's only 15 seconds.
Woo. We stretch after this, y'all. Oh, the dessert after the meal. Yes. The stretch.
This is amazing. Everybody. 4, 3, 2, 1. Drop down to your knees. Hey, send your hips back.
Open your knees. Child's pose, but come down to your elbows and your upper body. So butt to heels or as close as possible. Now on your elbows, you can roll at your neck. So you can keep your head above your heart.
Right? I bet even right now, Shelly, what about you? Is your heart rate a little bit elevated? It is. Yeah.
I need to keep my head up. Right? You may be surprised, that when you see a strength workout and when you're not jumping up and down, but when you're not on your feet, you may go, "okay, it's gonna be easy. It's gonna be an off day workout." Na nah nah. That heart will support your large, strong muscles, y'all.
Hey, press up to your palms, and swing your legs around. Don't worry, we'll be back to our knees, for a little bit of stretch. But let's go ahead and find length first. As you sit tall, open your chest, squeeze your shoulders back. Hey, let's take our upper body exercises, that we did in our warmup, right arm across your body.
From our seat with long legs, this is secretly, giving a little stretch, to the posterior chain of your body. Right, so from heel to hips. But right now, long, long stretch. Imagine almost, as if you're sitting on a frying pan. Okay?
Right arm up and over, left hand to your right elbow. Right, just like that little slab of butter in the frying pan begins to melt, from heel to calf. Calf to knee. Need a hamstring? Hamstring to glute.
Feel stretched there. Hey, arms long. For a moment, bring your hands down. Re-assist your seat into sitting tall. Feel your belly long, your shoulder's back.
Now arms wide, left arm across your body. Give it a squeeze. Shelly, how are you feeling right now, sitting tall like this? I'm having problems with my ACL, so I'm bending my knees slightly. But I do feel amazing, with that long kinetic chain, up my back.
Oh, that's awesome. But my legs definitely have to be bent. Yeah. Right? Any bend in your knees or even, Inhale, reach your hands up overhead.
Even crisscrossing your applesauce. Oh yeah. Yeah, right hand to your left elbow. Will offer what you need. Right, what if we started to find your options, your modifications, making those little shifts and going, "intuitively, this feels pretty good." Feel that, especially once you get into the midst of a long workout.
Y'all are rock stars and exemplars at doing the things. What have you learned? Then inhale, reach out and shake out your arms. All right, let's come to our knees, one more time to get a little front flexion, back extension. As you come to your knees, uncurl your toes.
And then carve out your belly. Okay? Bring your chin to your chest, forehead down to your knees, Right, think almost here, like you are carving out a cantaloupe. Right, feel your belly pull in. And then hey, inhale up to your knees.
Hands to your low seat. Remove your chin from your chest. Your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Squeeze your glutes, inner thighs. Breathe in.
Exhale, butt back to heels. Let's repeat this one more time. Chin to chest. Forehead towards knees. Do not have to get there.
But feel that gravity, that pull down. And inhale, up to your knees. Hands to seat. Fan open your ribs. Look back.
Hey, big breath in, and big breath out. All right, I'm gonna have you find a down dog. We'll get a little half pigeon and then it'll be on the home stretch. Alright? Hands and toes.
Pedal out your feet. And then swing your right leg forward. Right knee towards your right wrist. Right ankle towards your left. And then as you slide your back leg back, inhale, lift your chest, then exhale, fold forward.
If you're like, "Hey, knee, or ankle, or hip, this doesn't serve well." I'll show you another option. Shell, are you cool hanging there? I'm good for now, yes. Okay, awesome. Right ankle to your left knee, pull on in.
So here's the thing I want you to think about. Right now, in Shelly's body, gravity is the compressing force. If you're on your back like I am, your strong arms are your gravity, pulling you in. So no matter what, your arms can help you control the amount of intensity in this stretch. Right now, if Shelly needed more, she could bring herself down to forehead.
If she needs less, she can come up to palms. Same thing, right? If I need more, I could pull in more in my upper body, or I could let go in my upper body. What do you need to feel here? One more big breath in and big breath out.
Wherever you are, find your way into the second side, of your little half pigeon, hip opening stretch. So left leg forward, if you're on your back, left ankle to right knee. And then as you find length, like a strong tree trunk, timber on down. Y'all, what are the things that you have learned, within this workout today? Right?
Think about length, think about hip flexion. Think about core strength. Think about quad activation, glute activation, mobility in your hips. Different perspective, different challenge. Something I've not done before.
Walk away from this workout with one thing that you can go, "wow, this is a gift today." Shelly, is there something that you can go, "this is my gift from this workout today?" Give yourself, grace, this hit me hard. Give yourself grace, and you talked about this before, modification, maybe not the right word to use. Like just do what your body wants in that moment. I love that, what you said to me. There's no such thing as, modification does say to me, "oh, you gotta step it back." You don't have to.
Exactly. Okay, one more food analogy. Right, sometimes you want the mashed potatoes and gravy. Sometimes you want the coleslaw, right? It's not, one's better than the other.
One's more nourishing than the other. What is gonna fill your craving today? Look at modifications, Always potatoes. Always potatoes. And I'm always coleslaw.
So I don't even know why I said that. Alright, swing your back leg around y'all and come on down to a seat. Crisscross applesauce, stack your shins. Do whatever's gonna feel good. One had to chest, one hand of belly.
Close your eyes for a moment. Feel sweat. Feel a heartbeat. Feel fullness of breath. In this last moment of stillness today, y'all.
Gratitude, strength, all the things that make you feel good, about where you are. That is where you are strong. Big breath in and big breath out. Y'all, shake out your wrists. Give yourself a big round of applause.
We're Shelly and JC here, at GHU TV. Have a great rest of your day. We'll see you next time. Bye! Bye.
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