Dumbbell HIIT
Shelley HawkinsDescription
By now most people know the value of high intensity interval training: it torches calories, boosts your metabolism and increases your capacity for working out. But HIIT can also sound and look pretty intimidating. Not this time! This 30-minute HIIT workout brings you the best mix of solid, steady dumbbell exercises and fast, energetic bodyweight moves all combined for a calorie-torching, metabolism boost to shake your body into fitness mode! Shelley Hawkins will coach you while Sam Cam plays along and Chris Freytag provides low impact options for everyone. No matter where your body is coming from, this HIIT workout is accessible and fun!
This 30-minute HIIT workout is based on tabata interval training. This means 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight moves in a row! 20 seconds is just enough time to push yourself hard and reach your high intensity goals. The blend of moves in this workout is what makes it so good. It mixes dumbbell moves like squat-bicep curls or reverse lunge front raise, with fast energetic bodyweight moves like burpees and side to side taps.
If you are looking for a little more strength, grab 10, 12 or even 15-pound dumbbells. If you want to keep it lighter, 3 or 5-pound weights will do the trick. You can even skip the weights and simply go through the range of motion without them. The whole way through, these girls encourage you to go at your own pace! So come on into the wonderful world of HIIT! You won’t regret it!
Hi there, Get Healthy UTV squad and welcome to Hit. My name is Shelley Hawkins and I'm here with a hit workout. 30 minutes? Yes! And I'm so excited.
I am here with Chris Freytag. Hello. Yes, and Sam Cam. Hi. Are you excited, ladies?
Ready! Yes! All right. So we have got a Tabata-style hit workout. 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest or recovery.
Enough time just to get you moving in terms of weights. Now in talking about weights, you are able to switch it up, all right? Maybe have two or three different options. I have got a 15. No, I haven't.
A 12 and a 10. How 'bout that? And the ladies have got eights and twelves. You do you, right? This is your workout, it's not ours.
We are here to guide you, the rest is just up to you. So we are gonna get started. We got a quick warmup, about five minutes, and then we're gonna hit into that hit and it's gonna be a doozy. All right, so let's go, team! All right, ladies, feet hip-width apart.
Let's take a big breath in, and exhale, and a big breath in, and exhale. Give me one more, please. Lift that ribcage. Now sit down into the squat. Single squat.
Down, up, down. Now as you come up, I want your knees soft so I do not want you to lock at the knee out. All right, keep constantly that quad or that hamstring in action. Four more. Three, two.
Now take it down and hold for me. Hold it there. Sit lower into those glutes. And I just want you to sway it right and left. Working into those hip flexors.
Opening it up. Hold it there. Four, three, hands to the floor. Glute extension. Push it up and hold.
Bring it down. And I want you to look at us as you come down into the glute. Four more, four. Hello, hamstring! You've got three.
Knees are soft, but I want that booty high. One more, team. Slowly, walk it up. Up you come, round those shoulders back. Now march it out, right-left.
Let's go! Let's go! Come on, start that heart rate. Get it a little higher. You've got four more.
4, 3, 2. Knees up, right-left. Pull, pull, pull. Now it's a crunch. Think about the abs.
Engage that abdominal wall. Four more. Three more. Two, bringing it out to the side. Now pull into those lats.
Pull into those lats. Hup, pull, pull, pull. Four more. Three more. Rear lunge coming to you.
Right-left. Let's go right and left, into those quads, into the hamstrings. Make sure your feet are hip-width apart and you are low in that lunge. 4, 3, 2. Deadlift: two, two.
Come down. Two. Reach for those toes, and up, down two, and up. Two more. Push and pull.
One more! Jack it up for me, team! Jack it out. Now Chris is gonna give you the modification, all right? If you need, take it, all will work out.
Come on. Four more. 4, 3, 2. Sumo squat. Here we go.
Down, up. So your toes are turned out, your knees are tracking over. Down, up. Four more. Three more.
Two more. One more. Feet together, big breath in. We're ready to start. Are you ready, ladies?
I'm ready. And low impact is awesome. So I'll be your low-impact friend. There it is. Modify where you need, drop weight, drop anything you need.
You can use body weight as well, all right? So I'm gonna start my Tabata workout or my timer to hold me accountable. So important, all right? You have got 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. In fact, I'm gonna just walk you through the first- just the first exercise.
It is a squat bicep curl. Feet: hip-width apart, toes slightly turned out. You gotta squat, you gotta curl. 20 seconds, all right? So I want you to move as fast as you can without compromising your form.
Alright, let's go. Squat, bicep curl. Nice, big, full range of motion. All the way down. All the way up.
Remember as you get to the bottom, I don't want you extending your arm, I want you to immediately pull up. So it's one constant motion. Keep coming. Come on, 3, 2, 1. Put those weights down.
You've got a jack in our toe, in our toe. Jump in, all right? Heart rate. 3, 2, 1, let's go. Pull, up, hup, and turn that toe out.
Heel in. Use the adductor. Come on, hup! Pull, push, in. Come on.
Woo! 3, 2, 1, out. Nicely done. Rear lunge, frontal raise. Rear lunge, frontal raise.
All right, right-left. Let's go, rear lunge. Front raise, alternating legs, front raise. Elbows soft, and knee are soft. Shoulders back and down.
Hup! These long-lever shoulders, I feel them. You do, right? Beautiful. 3, 2, 1.
Weights down. Lateral lunges. You're going down, reaching into those adductors. 3, 2, 1. Hit it!
Down. Dynamic. Push, push. 20 seconds on, team. Come on, hup, hup!
The lower you go, the bigger the glute... response. Down. 4, 3, 2, 1. We're gonna do it again.
Pick up the weights. Squat, bicep curl. Whoa! Catch your breath. Two, one.
Let's go. Now as you squat, sit heavy in the heel. Heavy in the heel, slow and controlled. All right, I'm moving away from the beat. And that is hard for me because I love a beat.
Come on. 4, 3, 2, 1. Put it down. Squat, in-out. Sorry, Jack, in-out toe tap, all right?
3, 2, 1. Hit it. In, out, tap. In, out, tap. In, out, tap.
In, out, tap. Pull, screech! Come on. Woo! Five seconds, Team.
You got it. 3, 2, 1. Nice! Rear lunge, front raise. Rear lunge, front raise.
Right leg, rear lunge. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Down, up, frontal raise. Now, no higher than shoulder height.
And I wanna see those eyes, all right? Lift the chin. Keep a long kinetic chain. Up, down, pull. You've got 3, 2, 1.
Done. Weights down. Lateral lunges, team. Lateral lunges. Are you ready?
In two, one. Down. Push, push, push, down. Lengthen the leg. I want you to lengthen into that hamstring.
Use the glute strength and push yourself off the floor. Let's go, girls! You got it! Come on. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
First run, done. One to bottom, check mark. Done! I love that! They, they go so fast, that 20/10 goes so fast.
Doesn't it? 30 seconds. You're going into your second one. Deadlift to a side squat. Alternating, all right?
Alternating. So your deadlift, your feet are hip-width apart. Slight turn out of the toe. Knees are soft, but you're not gonna squat, all right? We are gonna start in exactly 10 seconds.
Woo! Okay. In exactly 10 seconds. So remember, your dead lift is your booty towards the back wall. And then a squat, right?
And a deadlift and a squat, all right? Two, one, let's go. Deadlift. Squat. So as you squat, slightly widen those feet.
Deadlift, squat. Deadlift, squat. Shoulders back and down. 3, 2, 1. Now, one weight.
One weight. You're gonna squat right, left. And you're gonna snatch, right- you're gonna squat left-right, and snatch left, all right? Are you ready? Ready.
Time is not behaving. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Squat, squat, up, down. Squat, squat, up, down.
Squat, squat. Pull, push. Down, down. Up, down. Pull, push.
Oh yes, come on. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Done! Your next progression: lat raise to a tricep kickback. Lat raise to a tricep kickback.
Are you ready? In 4, 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Lats, and kickback. I'm gonna turn sidewards.
Hinge it forward, elbows stable. Up. Woo! I'm sweating, girls. Woo!
Come on, strength. Breathe. Woo. 3, 3, 2, 1. Nicely done.
You got a jack with a butt-kicker. A jack with a butt-kicker. Okay, out, in, up. Or in, out, up. Two, one.
Let's go. Kick, in, out, up. In, out, up. In, out, up. Lot of thought.
Think about it. Hup! Feel like I'm doing hopscotch. Haha yes, exactly! Add some attitude.
Come on. 3, 2, 1, out. Woo. Second round, coming at you. Deadlift side squat in 4, 3, 2, 1.
Let's go. Deadlift and squat. Now I want that squat a little wider than hip-width apart. Sit into the glutes, down, shoulders back, nice. Chin off your chest.
And I want you to push your glutes to the back of the room. Come on, 3, 2, 1. Out you come. You've got a squat right and left with a snatch. Three...
This one I have to really modify. Yeah It's different. Two, one. Let's go. Right, left, push, up.
Left, right, hup, come on. Push, pull, hup. Sorry, Sam, I'm off. You got it! Push, pull, hup!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Done. Nicely done. Lat raise, tricep kickback. Lat raise.
3, 2, 1. Hit it. Lat raise, and kick. Pull. Now keep your core strong.
Oh my gosh, girls, I am a sweaty mess again. Come on. Eight seconds. Yes, you can. And yes, you will.
3, 2, 1. Done. You've got Jack with a butt-kicker. Jack with a butt-kicker. In, out, kick.
Hopscotch. Hopscotch. Two, one. In, out, pull. In, hup!
Knees are soft. Woo! Come on, come on. Stay strong with it, you got it. Oh yes, we've still got it, Sammy.
Pull. 3, 2, 1. That is your second Tabata done. Nice work. Nice work, team.
You've got your third one coming up. Third one coming up. Your first exercise is: lateral lunge, hammer curl, and up. Or lateral lunge, up, hammer curl. There's your modification.
Less core, less on that full body, all right? I gotta have some water. Woo! Pick up your weight. Feel free to start your timer over, Shelly.
We like an honest instructor. You do? Then I love that. In four- We know they always say at home, right? They're always like, "um, that wasn't 20 seconds!" Now, in 4, 3, 2, 1.
Let's go. Down, pull, down, up. Into that glute. So one leg is extended, one leg is bent. Push it back, come on.
Lunge, curl, push, pull. Lunge, curl, 3, 2, 1. Nicely done. Your second move: 45-degree sumo to a front jump squat, in 4... 2, 1.
Let's go. Sumo to the front, and jump. Sumo to the front, and jump. Off to that back, into the corner. Turn the toes out.
Modify where you need, team. Modify where you need. Come on. Out you come. Nice work.
Woo! Nice work. Dumbbell swing. One dumbbell. One dumbbell.
Three... I'm gonna turn sideways. No, it's not a squat. Let's go, ladies. It is a glute squeeze.
Come on. Whoa! Really think about the backside of your legs here. There you go, Sam. Squeeze.
Squeeze. Hip hinge. Yep. I love it! Two, one, out.
Nice! Four jabs, four hooks. We like a little kickbox. We love kickboxing. 3, 2, 1.
Hit it. One. Pull. Now use that core. Use that core.
Come on, come on. Visualize pounding. Come on! Hup! Hook!
Hook! Jab, hook! And out you come. Nice work, team. Woo.
All right, we going again. Lateral lunge, right-left with a curl. In 3, 2, 1. Hit it. Man, that rest feels shorter and shorter.
Doesn't it? It feels like it's three seconds. Woo! Come on, team. Yes, you can.
You can do anything you put your minds to, right? Yes. Yes. 3, 2, 1, out you come. 45-degree sumo.
So you are off to an angle. You're to the front, with a jump squat. In two, one. Hit it. Down, front jump.
You don't have to jump. Now, if you're not wanting to jump and you're modifying like Chris, you can try and add another level, all right? As you come to the front up on your toes, squeeze your glutes. Nothing wrong in that. 3, 2, 1, out you come, nice work.
Dumbbell swing, ladies and gents, dumbbell swing. All right, toes turned out. Two, one, let's go. As you come up, I want you to squeeze the glutes. It's a power move.
So use the glutes, use the glutes. That weight is not moving with the upper body. It is moving from that thrust or the drive in the glutes. 4, 3, 2, 1. Drop it.
Four jabs, four hooks. Four jabs, four hooks. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Push.
Hook. Push, to the front. Nice! Jab it. Use that rotation, use that core strength.
Come on. Feel it in my core. Yes. Two sets of obliques, use them. Hup, push, two, one, and out you come.
Nice work, team. High 10. High 10, ladies. Love it! Three Tabatas, done.
Done. Three done. Woo! Woo! It's killing me.
I don't know about you, girls, but I'm getting old and this really tells me I'm old. But you know what? We keep going, right? We keep going. Our next Tabata: lunge, curtsy, lunge, together.
Weighted or body weight, you get to choose. That is the starch, all right? Are you ready? We got a little extra time in there. A little extra time in there.
You gonna lunge back with that right leg. And I'm gonna start my- Start that over. I'm gonna start that over. 3, 2, 1, let's go. Lunge, curtsy, lunge, together.
Lunge, back, pull, together Be parallel to each other. and then you're gonna cross it over. Cross it over. Adductor, abductor. Quad, glute, hamstring.
3, 2, 1, out you come. Lateral jump squats. You're here, here. 3, 2, 1. Let's go.
Down. Low, low, low, low. Push, push, push. Keep it low, team. Keep it low.
Keep that center of gravity. I want you really rooted and grounded in the floor. Down, down. 3, 2, 1, done. Nice work.
Pushups. Woo. Pushups. Pulley legs. Pushups.
And I'm gonna do them on my weights, team. And I've got the modification back here. Two, one. Let's go. Come on, keep your head above your heart.
Remember, when your heart rate is high, the last thing you wanna do is drop your head, right? Keep your head above your heart. Come on, Sammy. Come on! Two and one.
Nice work. You've got a plank ski, so stay on your on your knees. Plank ski. Into the plank. You're gonna pull it in right to left.
Cool! Two, one, let's go. Push, pull, push, pull, in, drop the glutes. Come on, head up. Woo!
Hup, pull, push, pull. Five seconds. 3, 2, 1. From the top, team. Ooh!
Curtsy or lunge, curtsy lunge. And together. Here we go. 3, 2, 1, hit it. Lunge, curtsy, lunge, up, lunge.
Switch, push, pull, parallel and to the back. Parallel, cross, and up. 3, 2, 1, out. Nice work. Pushups.
Pushups? No, I lie! Lateral squats. Oh, darn. I thought we were gonna skip those.
3, 2, 1. Hit it. Down, down, down, down. Constant tension on those quads. Keep it low, team.
Keep it low. I'm watching my ladies. Look at that modification. Chris is low. She's using the legs, she's using the glutes.
And out you come. Nice work. Pushups. Now, your pushups. I know they're here to hold me accountable, and so are you, right?
Are you ready? Let's go. Pushups. Come on. Take it at your pace.
20 seconds. 20 seconds. Come on, you've got eight seconds. You got it. Woo.
Woo! 3, 2, 1. Stay down, plank, ski. You're brave, I need padding under my knees. I've got so much padding, Chris.
No! Hahaha! 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Come on.
Come on, ski. Come on down that black diamond. Drop your glutes, bend the knees. Push. Now watch Chris, she's walking.
I love that, Chris. I'm gonna wipe... my sweat because it's disgusting. Come on, and out. You, come, nice work, ladies.
Oh man! High five. Woo! High 10, high five, high 10. Okay, that's four out of five?
Yes. Girl! One more. We've got it. One more.
For this one, you're gonna relay your mats out. All right? You're gonna lay your mats out, team. Woo! All right, so, our first exercise is a glute bridge.
You can weight it, you can put your weights on your hip flexors. Our second exercise is a burpee. Oh, what? And then we move from there. Two more, all right?
Are you ready? Let's lay it down, let's lay it down. Weighted or unweighted in three... In two..., one. Let's go.
Push. Now, you never fully settle the glutes on the mat, all right? I want you to push with the heels and loosen your toes in your shoes. Up, down, up. Oh, yes.
You know what's coming. It's a burpee and you love them, right? Push, pull. 3, 2, 1. Swing it over, ladies.
Woo! Woo! Swing it over, ladies! Chris is gonna give you you that modification in the burpee, all right? 3, 2, 1, let's go.
Come on. 20 seconds. Woo! My mat does not wanna stay with me. Nope.
Hahaha. Come on. Ground yourself. Woo! Woo.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Nicely done. You've got a plank row. You've got a plank row, team. Down in that plank, option, on your knees or toes.
3, 2, 1. Pull. Pull. Now, as you pull those weights, pull them towards the hips, not towards the chest. Not towards the chest.
We are working into the back. We are holding the chest. So make sure your elbows are soft. Three, two, and one! Our last exercise is a donkey kick.
Yes! Say what? Yes! Say what? 3, 2, 1.
Here we go. Come on. Come on. Push, pull. Hop down.
Now look at that height. Look what Chris is doing. I love that, Chris, come on. 8, 6, 4, 2. And out you come.
Nice work. One more round. On your back, on your backs. Are you ready? Come on, Chris.
Come on, Sammy. Last block, here we go! We got it! Two, one. Hit it, bridge and up, down, up, down.
Squeeze your booty. Squeeze your booty. Come on. You only have 20 seconds and that means that you can really dig deep. Dig deep, team.
You've got 4, 3, 2, 1. Flip it over. You've got a burpee. Everyone's favorite. Oh, yes.
I'm doing a slow burpee, but you could also just do squats if you want. Yes! Exactly! Exactly. And I'm gonna show you something else.
Two, one, watch. Here it is. Here it is. Keeping your head up, keeping that burpee but slowing it down. Alright?
Or you can speed up like a little Duracell bunny in the corner, here. Go, Sammy! You got it! Three. Find your variation.
Find your game. Nice. Plank row. Plank row. Let's go.
Let's go. Almost there. Yes! One, hit it. Pull.
Pull. Now as you're rowing, think about this. Don't rotate the body. Don't rotate the body. All right?
Keep it tight. Keep it parallel to the floor. Keep your chest parallel to your mat and just pull and push. In 3, 2, 1. Nicely done.
Donkey kicks, our favorites. For the win. Woo! I'm gonna do leg lifts, A different variation this time. Perfect.
Two, one. Let's go. Use that core as you extend the legs, that core is working. Woo. All right, Sammy, I love that!
Now can you gimme a little kick higher, straight up toward, oh! Look at that! Look at that. Come on! 3, 2, 1.
Come on to your knees please, team. Nice work! Alright, push back into child's pose. Push back into child's pose. We are gonna stretch it out.
Woo! Sweaty McVetty. Oh! All right. Now I want you to push your glutes into your heels and your fingertips into your mat, but lift the elbows off your mat so you get a nice back extension.
Hold it there. Hold it there, team. Woo. And now onto all fours, please. Hands underneath the shoulders.
And your knees are underneath your hip flexors. Now I want a neutral spine. So this is not neutral. This is not neutral. I want a flat back.
And you pull in your navel into your spine. Hold it there for me. Hold it there. Four, three. Now we get to cat-cow stretch, round it out and extend, round.
Extend. Two more, team. Push that booty back, or rather the gluteus. One more. Nicely done.
Now dig your toes into your mat and I'm gonna ask you to shoot the glutes towards the ceiling and push your heels towards the earth. Now think about getting your chest towards your quads so you get a nice opening in the shoulders and back. Hold for four. Feels so good! Three, two, and one.
Bend you knees, team. Walk your hands slowly towards your feet. Coming up, we're gonna face the front. Nicely done. Open up the chest, palms towards the ceiling.
Squeeze the shoulder blades and lift the chin. These are soft. Keep that body active. Lower body, nice work. Let's take the right arm up, drop gently and apply pressure onto the right elbow.
Stretching out the tricep, right? Feels good. Woo. That goes by so fast! But really, it's quite brutal, isn't it?
It's the charms. Gently pull down and extend and release. Two big breaths in. In you come, and out. And don't forget, if you need more stretching you know where to go.
We have so many things available on GHU TV. Squad, thank you so much for joining us. My name is Shelly, together with Chris and Sam, and this is Hit. Have a great one.
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