GOLD Rhythmic Repetitions
Lindsey Bomgren
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Join us for this Get Healthy U TV workout, exclusive to those with GOLD membership! A strength workout like you’ve never done strength training before — Rhythmic Repetitions! You’ll need a heavier and medium set of dumbbells for this 45-minute, full body strength workout.
We are going to work each muscle group to fatigue with a serious of Rhythmic Repetitions; focusing on the eccentric portion of each movement. We’ll start with slow repetitions and time under tension, and progress to tempo movements which may also raise your heart rate a bit, but strength is the name of this Rhythmic Repetitions game. The goal is to start with heavy weights and only drop to lighter weights when you need to. Muscle failure is our goal with this strength format, but Lindsey will continue to challenge you to push out just one more repetition.
Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Equipment: 2 sets of dumbbells (heavy and medium)
Instructor: Lindsey Bomgren
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