10-Minute Tank Top Arms
Sam CameranesiDescription
If you’ve got 10 minutes, you’ve got time to tone those arms! Sam Cameranesi is going to coach you through this workout with energy galore and tips to modify. This 10-Minute Tank Top Arms workout uses a mat and two sets of dumbbells, one heavy for the bigger lifts like bicep curls and a lighter set for lat raises and front shoulder raises. Push-ups? Of course! Tricep work? Yup! This entire workout blasts the arms and shoulders all while staying low impact.
After a quick warm-up, you’ve got six basic moves to march through until you get your one and only breather before starting the whole thing over to repeat. Of course we saved the best for last! Stick around for the last two minutes and Sam is going to slay your arms with a finisher that will also push your heart rate up and burn up the calories!
Beautiful, sculpted arms are truly amazing but remember, this is all about functioning in your everyday life! We know people who strength train are known to have younger bodies than their actual chronological age. You might be 60, but your strong arms say you’re only 45 and still going strong! In addition, those who continue to strength train as they age are more independent than their peers and more likely to be self-sufficient well into old age!
So get that mat, pull out those dumbbells, and give yourself 10-Minute Tank Top Arms!
Hey, Get Healthy U TV. I am Sam Cam, and I'm gonna be leading you through this 10-Minute Tank Top Arms Workout, all low impact, all about the upper body, today. We will be using a mat to come down for a little bit of pushups. Two sets of weights with you today. Maybe a lighter set of weights and a heavier set of weights.
I've got eight pound weights and 12 pound weights with me. We've got a quick warmup, 10 minutes to burn out the upper body, and then you're off with the rest of your day. So separate your feet nice and wide. We're gonna take this quick warmup. Arms go overhead, deep squat down.
Roll those shoulders back. Take one more all the way down. Good. And then slowly reach it back. We're gonna do arm circles, one arm forward and back.
Just waking up the joints here just a little bit. Opposite arm comes forward. Good. Right there. Give me two more.
One and two. Good. Just give yourself a few hugs. Forward and back right there. Good.
Flap those wings. Shoulders up, back, and down. Give me two of those backwards. Good. And then two forwards.
Right there. Good. We are ready to get right into it. So I'm gonna have you come down into a high plank position right here. Stack those shoulders directly on top of your wrist.
Just find a high plank, right? If you need modification, it needs to come down. Now you're just gonna start with two shoulders tap. One, two, and then press back into a down dog. Pull yourself into it at high plank position, two shoulder taps, trying to keep those hips stable.
Press back right there. Two shoulder taps, one, two. Waking up the shoulders, press back, pull forward. Two, right there. Good.
One more. You can drop those knees down. Shoulder, shoulder, press back, right there. Just a few more seconds, waking up those shoulders. And then we're gonna grab those weights, and we're gonna go right into our upper body workout.
Shoulder taps. Give me two more. Just like that. Press back. Pull forward.
One, two, last one. Give me one more. Are you feeling that core, right? Squeeze, back. All right.
Now walk those feet in. Grab your lighter set of weights right here. We're gonna grab those weights, and you're gonna bring those hands right in front of those shoulders. And we're gonna start with a front raise. Palms facing in.
You've got 30 seconds here. Squeeze your core. So lighter set of weights, because our arms are nice and long. Long levers, forward and down. So squeeze your core.
One straight line from your head, all the way down to your tailbone. We're gonna be moving right through these movements together. So we've got 30 seconds here. You're already halfway. Shoulders remain down.
Stop as soon as those arms are right in front of shoulder height. Good, you've got five more seconds. Stay with it. Yes, you can. Breathe.
Shaking is good. You have two, and one. Now arms are gonna go out to the side, right here. So we've got a lat raise. Arms are long.
So longer lever away from the body is gonna make it a little bit more challenging, right? Squeeze. Again, lighter set of weights so that you don't injure your shoulders. If you can go heavier, by all means. You're halfway through your lat raise right here.
I'm gonna grab my heavier set of weights for this next one, for a hammer curl. So if you need a second set of weights, grab them, but you still have five more seconds in this lat raise. Yes. Soft bend through those knees. You got it.
Two and one. Quickly pick up those set of weights. Hammer curl. Palms face in. One.
Hands go all the way up to your shoulders and back down. So we're here for 30 seconds, burning out the biceps in this hammer curl. Palms face inwards, no swinging. Good. Squeeze all the way up, back down.
So we're just gonna be moving through. I want six movements, and we're not gonna take any breaks. So you're gonna notice that we're keeping constant tension on the upper body. You got five more seconds here. Breathe.
Shoulders down. Two and one. Single arm cross body bicep curl. Right there. Cross that body.
Good. So palms can face forward and you're gonna try and cross over to the opposite shoulder. So kind of like you're buckling that seatbelt and back down, but again, no swinging. So we keep our weight forward, heavy through your heel. Slight tuck of the tailbone.
Good. Shoulders remain down. You have five more seconds. How many can you get? It's slow and controlled.
Doesn't need to be fast. Right here. You're gonna hang on to those weights. We're gonna hinge forward for a back fly. In three, two, one.
So hinge forward. Arms are gonna go back and wide. Back fly. If you need to separate those feet for a little bit more of that stability. Good.
You're squeezing your muscles through your upper back. So I'm gonna face the side for a second. You're gonna squeeze those shoulder blades together. Notice how I'm not swinging those weights. You've got a soft hinge forward to pinch through the upper back.
If you need drop weights, right, a little bit lighter, or maybe one arm goes first. If you've got those heavy weights, and then the other. Three, two, one. Same hinge forward. You're gonna roll those elbows back and you're gonna do tricep kickback.
30 seconds here to burn out the triceps. Breathe. Arms stay high. So you're just kicking back those arms. Shoulders remain down away from your ears.
Right here. You have 15 more seconds. Stay with me. You've got a 30 second break, and we're gonna do that whole thing again. Breathe.
You have five, four. Give it to me. Three, two, and one. Drop those weights for a quick second. Flap out those arms.
We've got 30 seconds. We're gonna do that same thing again. And then we have a finisher at the very end. So take this time to kind of stretch out those arms if you need. Grab a different set of weights.
Maybe you're good where you are. We have 10 more seconds. I'm gonna pick up my lighter set of weights. And we're gonna go right to that front raise again. Shoulders up, back, and down.
You have five more seconds. Breathe it out. Four, three, two, front raise. So your palms face inwards. Stop at shoulder height and slowly bring it back.
Stop at shoulder height. Good. Slowly bring it back. So you should definitely be feeling the top half of those shoulders right here. Breathe.
Core stays tight, so you're not arching through that low back. You gotta squeeze your booty. Yes, it's all about the upper body, but our lower body is helping us find that stability through the floor. Good. Right here.
Squeeze. You're over halfway. Yes you can. You're moving right on to the lat. Raise arms, go out to the side, along to a T.
In three, last one right here, two, one. Arms go out to the side. Breathe. Now, this is not a shoulder shrug, so you keep going. It's not this, right?
Arms stay long. Shoulders down. Chest stays tall. Right there. You're gonna feel that upper back, 'cause we worked those back flies.
But I want your shoulders to press down, like you're squeezing an orange underneath your armpits. Right there. Yes. Good. You're over halfway.
Stay with me. We're gonna pick up the heavier set of weights, if that's an option for you. If it's not, you stay here. But we're in our hammer curl in five, four, three, two. Quickly grab those weights.
So if you're changing weights, it's a quick transition. Hammer curl up, and down. Now, if you have a lighter set of weights, and you're like, "I just wanna rep it out," go for it. But if you're with these heavy weights, I want you to really focus on your form. No matter where you are, it needs to be controlled, right?
So we're not swinging those weights. We have total control over those weights in our hands. Breathe. Core stays tight. Shoulders down.
Burn out those biceps. You got it. Tank top arms all the way. Right here. Yes you can.
You have four, three, last one right here. Two, cross body biceps. Cross that body. Release it down. All right, so if you can go faster than me, by all means, go a little bit faster.
But I want you to do it with control. Squeeze those shoulders down. You should feel biceps, now more of the front side of those biceps. Right there. Middle upper half of those biceps, strong.
Core is tight. Don't let a low arch through that low back happen. Right here. You have five, four, hinge forward to a back fly. We're gonna use that upper back in three, two, one, hinge forward.
Separate those feet a little bit. It's a back fly. Again, so it's all about the upper back here, not the shoulders. Squeeze. Remember, we've gotta soft hinge forward at the hips, so we're not using our shoulders, right?
Hinge forward. Find this position first. Arms are semi-long, or you've got a soft bend through those elbows. Squeeze. Right there.
Good. You have 10 more seconds. Yes you can. If you're feeling it, that's exactly where you wanna be. It should be a little bit of a struggle.
Right here. You've got four, three. Give me two more just because you can. Right here. One more, one more, one more.
Right there. Good. Same hinge forward. So stay here. Lift those elbows first.
We're gonna kick it back for those tricep kickbacks. Right here. You're almost done with the circuit. Breathe. Elbows stay high.
So notice how my elbows aren't dropping. You keep those elbows lifted and you press back. Don't swing the weights. Stop like right here when your hands are by your hips. You have halfway right here.
15 seconds. Breathe. Rights triceps are burning. I know, I know. Right here.
Stay with it. 10, 9, long spine. You have five. Four, get to those weights, 30 seconds. Here we go.
Two, one. Ditch those weights. So, the weights go away. You have 30 seconds to get yourself ready for this EMOM. It is every minute on the minute.
So I'm gonna show you as you're taking a break. You're gonna walk out to that high plank position that you started out today. Two shoulder taps. You give me one pushup. You walk yourself back up.
I want you standing all the way up. Next time you go down, you give me two pushups and you come back up. We're gonna see how many we can get in these two minutes. Are you ready? In five.
Grab your breath. Four, three, arms go overhead in two, one. So walk yourself down. Find yourself in that pushup. You give me two shoulder taps.
One pushup. Walk yourself all the way back in. Arms reach high. Back down. So you give me those two shoulder taps again right here.
One, two. Now it's two pushups. One, two, walk you back up. No, you might notice that you're gonna slow down. I want you to try and keep a consistent pace.
So if that means going down to your knees. I'm on three pushups right here. Where are you? You can come back up to that high plank, and you walk it right back in. Right there.
Yes you can. Now you're back here to that high plank. Again, knees come down. Find four pushups this time. Core is tight.
Right here. Are you feeling those shoulders? Are you feeling your triceps? You're maybe even feeling those biceps, right? You have two shoulder taps, five pushups this time.
One, two. Maybe you do two on your toes, and maybe drop down to those knees. Right here. Are you slowing down? If you are, that's A-OK.
I want you to stay whether you've got 30 seconds left with me, right here. Okay. You're at six. If you're still with me, one, two, you got it, three, four, five. Give me one more.
Six. Find that high plank. Walk it back. Right here. You've got 15 seconds.
How many can you get in? Right here. Two shoulder taps. Stay stable in those hips. Drop it down to one, two.
You have seven more seconds. If you don't finish, that's A-OK. Right here. I've got three. Let's go, two, and one.
We're gonna finish it out, because we can. Ooh, awesome work. So we got seven push-ups in that last round, if you stayed with me. If you didn't, I want you to come back to this consistently and see how many you can get in those two minutes. So quick cool down.
Arms go overhead. Ooh, breathe. Arms go back down. Reach down. Arms go overhead.
Let that heart rate come down a little bit. Roll those shoulders up, back, and down, two times backwards. Right there. And then shoulder roll forward. One and two.
Reach your left arm high to the sky. Pull with the opposite arm up and over, side body stretch. Bend right there. Squeeze. Come back to heart center.
Reach the right arm high. Left arm grabs. Pull yourself over. Okay. So low impact all about the upper body.
But did you notice that your heart rate came up right there? Ooh, you can stay low impact without jumping. Pull your left arm across your body. And now relax your shoulders down as you pull in. Belly button to your spine.
All about that upper body. You guys just crushed that 10 minute workout, all about the tank top arm upper body. So again, like I said, come back, do this a few times. See how you improve, right? Maybe you'll grab a little bit of heavier set of weights.
Maybe you're able to stick with it a little bit longer. Flap those wings. And that was your 10-Minute Tank Top Arms. Come back, try it again. We've got amazing other 10 minute workouts, yoga, stretch, full body, whatever you need.
It's here. Come check it out. And we'll see you next time.
How many times per wk should we/I do upper body or lower body wk outs? Also, do you have a 10 minute lower body wk out?
great ten minutes to get the slow morning body going, thanks
Great short workout in preparation for summer and short sleeves, Sam! Added to my playlist and I plan to do it 2-3 times a week on days when I don't strength train.