10-Minute Power Walk
Sam CameranesiDescription
If you like this workout, we have lots of other walking workouts to check out ranging from a 2000-step workout to a 5000-step workout! Let’s get walking!
Hey, hey, Get healthy U TV squad. I'm Sam Cam. I'll be your trainer through these next 10 minute power walking workout. All you need is your body weight. We're gonna get right into it with a little quick warmup and then we're gonna start walking.
It's just 10 minutes. Roll those shoulders to the back right there. Go ahead and roll the shoulders to the front right there. We're gonna do some shoulder rolls while we start walking. Last one.
Right here you walk. Right, right. Okay, so right away, this is your home base. This is where we always come back to. We're gonna get 10 minutes of walking in.
So whether you're doing this like right away to warm up your body, or maybe you're doing this 10 minute workout after another workout, we're gonna walk it out. Roll the shoulders to the back right there. Good. Find that beat. You've got it.
Roll the shoulders to the front, let's go. Good. One arm at a time to the front. Front. There you go.
Now go to the back. It's back, back, back. Right there. Now march. Good.
Walk it out right there. Roll the shoulders down. Stay light on those feet the entire time. Let's go. Let's walk it.
Side step to the right. Right, left, right there, good. So it's just a side step. Stepping right and left. Tapping the foot.
It's right, left, right there. You've got it. Can we go two to the right, two the left? Let's go two times to the right. Now two times to the left.
Can you pull the arms back? Stay a little lower in those legs. Good. Right there. Back to your single.
Right. Let's go. Arms go overhead. Pull right there. Down and up.
Walk it out. Let's go. Good, so we're gonna go singles and then we're gonna go doubles to the right. Singles right here. One.
Again, keep the singles. Four, three. Double it out. Pull the arms right here. Again to the right.
Walk it out right here. You've got it. Good. How do we feel? Okay, our heart rate is starting to elevate.
We feel good movin' the body. Good, last time. We're gonna pull the arms a little wider. Two steps to the right. Pull, pull.
Left, right there, pull. You've got it. A little intention and intensity behind your movement. Boom. Walk it out.
Go! Right there. You've got it. Now we're gonna warm up with some kicks. Using that lower body, we start low for the hamstrings.
As the hamstrings feel more ready, you bring it a little higher. Kick, kick. Now it's through the heel. You're still stepping. Right there, we're counting those steps today.
Come on. Good. Kick it out. Pull the arms back. Now can you kick a little higher?
If the hamstrings allow. Right, if the hamstrings aren't feeling it, stay low, stay low. Engage the abs. Tuck the tailbone just a tad. Right there.
You've got it. Boom. Four, three, two. Walk it out. Let's go.
Okay, so those hamstrings should feel ready right there. Box step, forward, back, let's go. It's forward, forward, back, back. Right there. Two forward and two back.
Forward, forward, back, back. Okay, so this is what we call that box step. Right there, two front, two back. How do we feel right there? Use the legs.
Stay a little lower. Four more. You've got it. Three more right there. Now we're gonna add a knee pull.
It looks like this. Step, knee, pull, and switch. Step knee, pull, and switch. Boom, so you got the back half of that box step. On the first box step, you step and pull that knee.
Pull. So you take the second step out of that box step. Yes! Crunching of the abs as you pull the arms down. Boom.
Right there. Good. You've got it. Last one. Box step it out.
Go. Right there. Forward, forward, back, back. Add the knee, pull. Three, two, one, let's go.
Step, knee, pull. You've got it. Boom. Right there. Come on.
You're using the abs to crunch that knee towards your chest. Big range of motion with those arms overhead right there. Come on. Last four. Yes, you can.
Box step right here, forward, forward, back, back, let's go. Right there. Come on. Pull the arms. You've got it.
Move those feet. Looking good, squad. Right there. Okay, we got double knees on the right. Double knees on the left.
Right here. Boom, boom, boom. Two knees each side right there. Come on. Boom, boom.
Right there. You've got it. Pull. Can we do singles? Let's try it.
Single knee pull right there. Come on. Three, two, one. Walk it out right here. Woo!
How do we feel? That heart rate is starting to rise. We're really moving those feet today. Let's try those side steps. Four, three, two, one, let's go.
Pull the arms right there. You've got it. Can you stay low in those legs? You're moving laterally side to side. Box step, box step, go.
Right here, right here. You got it. Pull. Okay, we got that single knee pull. Let's try it.
Step, knee, pull, and switch. Step, knee, pull, and switch. Double knees right here, step. Double, double right here. Yes, you can.
You know the pattern. We're just moving that body right there. Okay, now we go to singles. Try it. Step, pull, step, pull.
Use the core. Come on, eight, seven, six. Step it out. Four, three, two. Let's walk it.
Go. Woo-ee! All right, getting those steps in today. If you're starting to feel those shoulders creep up in your ears, relax them down. Pump the arms right here.
Forward and back. So I always like to say that your upper body, your arms, are your second set of legs especially when it comes to walking, jogging, running. Right there. Use them to help you out. Okay, we're gonna go out, out in, in, with the feet.
Out, out, in, in, right there. So you get a little wider and you bring those inner thighs together to squeeze right there. In, in, out, out. Woo. You got it.
So we're just moving right left, right, left. Switching the pattern of the legs right there. Come on. It's four more. Three.
We're gonna stay wide with the feet. Last one. Stay right here. Just wide, wide. So it feels a little different right here.
Yes, you can. Wide feet. Now it's a hamstring curl. Pull, pull right there. Okay, that heart rate should be climbing.
Now pull the arms wide. Right there. You're kicking that heel to the glute. For all of our Get Healthy U TV members, right, this is what we do a lot of times in our warmup. Why not add it into a walking workout?
Come on. Eight, seven, six. We go in, in, out, out this time. Start on the end right here. In, in, out, out.
You've got it. Boom. Right there. We look good. We feel strong.
Good. Walk it out in the center. Right here. Right here. Walk.
Walk. You've got it. Knee lifts to the front. It looks like this. Knee, knee.
Reach the arms overhead. Pull the knee to your chest. Now pull the arms down. Pull, pull right there. Use the abs.
Tight core. Yes, you can. Grab the apple and pull it off the tree. Yes, you've got it. Walk it out.
Let's go. Okay, we've got a grapevine to the right and then we march it out in the center. Looks like this. Side, back, side. Walk it for four.
Side, back, side together. Walk it for four to the right. Okay, so it's a grapevine. Then you walk it for four in the center. Side, back, side together.
Just walk it out side, back, side together. You wanna add some arms? Pull. Just walk it and bring it down. Pull right there.
Adding a little dance if you would like, 'cause we're moving the feet. Moving and grooving. Side, back, side. One more. Each side.
Go! Pull. You've got it right there. Side, back. Now walk it right here.
Walk it out. Good, we're just gonna start to tap our feet right and left. Right, left, right, left. So this is the feet pattern. Just side to side.
Hips start to go to the corners. You're light on your feet. You're just tapping side to side. Now add the arms. Press, press, press, press right there.
You got it. Press and pull. Big reaches across that body. Now same with the feet. You're gonna tap the feet to the back this time.
In four, three, same thing. You press it to the back. Press, press, press right there. So now you're tapping to the back. We have two of each.
Side, side, back, back. Side, side. Come on. Stay light on the feet. You've got this.
We're almost there. 10 minutes flies by. Walk it out right here. Boom. Good.
Right here, right here. We're gonna go fast feet. So take those feet a little wider for your last eight counts. Yes, as quick as you can, you can stay here or you can move faster. Let's go right here for eight, seven.
Can you bring those hands up? Five, come on. Four, run it out. Three, two, one, rest. All right.
That was your 10 minute power walk. Separate those feet nice and wide. Deep squat down. Reach those arms overhead. Inhale.
Exhale. Let it all go. Deep squat down, reach. Inhale. Exhale, let it all go.
That was 10 minutes of your power walking. Right foot goes forward. Hinge forward. Point that toe up towards the sky. Hello, calves.
After those just 10 minutes of walking, hopefully we got somewhere close to maybe 0.7, 0.8 or even a full mile. You can log this as an indoor walk. Stand up and switch. Left heel digs forward. Hinge over.
Say hello to your hamstrings. Flex the toe up towards the sky and breathe. Okay, so maybe somewhere in between 0.7 and one full mile in 10 minutes. That's all you need. Bring the feet together.
Roll yourself up one vertebrae at a time. Head, neck, shoulders come to the top. 10 minutes power walking. If you need more time to stretch, we have awesome 10 minute stretching workouts. A couple are led by me.
Take some time and we'll see you next time.
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