10-Minute Booty Band Workout
Shelley HawkinsDescription
For this 10-minute booty band workout, you’ll need a booty band and a pair of dumbbells. Shelley will cue you on the booty band and how you place it on your legs. Don’t have a booty band? You’ll still get a great workout even if you do it with bodyweight only! From goblet squats to reverse lunges, deadlifts to side leg presses, this 10-minute booty band workout tackles all the lower-body muscles you can find!
Squats and lunges are used to take on your large muscles like the gluteus maximus and quadriceps. Side leg presses and lateral lunges tackle your outer and inner thighs. When the phrase “feel the burn” was invented—this is the kind of workout it was made for! It won’t take 10 minutes for that burn to kick in, but if you stay for all 10 you’ll definitely know you did the work needed for a strong lower body.
We love the booty band because it is small and portable and inexpensive, but it packs a punch! There’s nothing else like it when you are working on a stronger lower body. Like dumbbells come in lighter and heavier sizes, the booty bands get more challenging the thicker they are. Color determines thickness and varies with different manufacturers, so check with the brand you buy. But keep in mind: just like you have different sizes of weights, it is good to have a variety of band sizes as well.
Either as a standalone for a quick workout or tacked onto another short workout, you’ll love having this 10-minute booty band workout in your arsenal!
Hey, they Get Healthy U TV squad. My name is Shelley Hawkins, I'm one of your G H U TV trainers and I am here today with a 10 minute booty band workout. 10 minutes in and out, and you're done, all right. Let's get started. You're going to need a body band or a booty band.
You're going to need a weight or two, you decide, heavy or light, your choice today all right. We're going to start with a quick warm up. We're going to get straight into it cause there's no time to fuss. Turn your feet out slightly. Heavy in the heels.
Toes are light in your shoes. Let's take a big breath in team, and exhale. And a big breath in, and exhale, nicely done. Two more, big breath in and exhale. One more for me, now give me that squat.
Low range of motion, just a short range of motion to start. Push and pull, push, and pull. Keep it coming team, you've got four more. You've got three more. Into your feet, come under your hip flexors, deadlift two to reach for the toes and drive it up.
Keep coming, reach for the toes. Drive it up. Keep coming, two more. Pull, shoot those glutes to the back. One more, nicely done.
Now turn it wide. Give me four Sumo squats, take it low and drive. Low and drive. You've got two more. Pull, one more quick hip adduction, right and left.
Let's open up the hip flexors. Keep it tight, knees are soft. You've got four more. Keep coming. Pull, push.
Nice, upper body is stable. Last one, beautifully done. All right, we're going straight into the meat and potatoes of this workout. You have got a goblet squat with a rear lunge. What I'm going to do first is I'm going to pop my band on, all right.
You've got three choices above the knees, easiest. Below the knees, a little more difficult. Around the ankles, kind of insane, but you get to choose all right. Now because of the band rolling, I need a short range of motion. So if you're coming back into that lunge, don't worry about going too deep.
I want you just to think about tuck in, making sure that your form is correct and you don't have to go into a big range of motion. All right. So I'm going to start my watch, we have got one minute. Slowly does it. Goblet squat, straight into your rear lunge.
Are you ready? Three, two, one. Here we go. So squat it up, lift, rear lunge. Yes.
Squat, lift, rear lunge. And squat, heavy in the heels. Light in the toes. Squat. You're going to drop those glutes all right.
I want those glutes low. It is not a hinge forward. It is a squat, push, pull into that rear lunge. Push, pull, shoulders are back, chin is up. Squat it for me.
Up and lunge. Keep coming. Squat, up, lunge. Now I've got a narrow stance, all right. A narrow stance in that lunge, you do not have to go too big.
Keep it tight, come on, push, pull, rear lunge and push, pull. You got four, three, two, one, nicely done. Our next progression is a staggered stance deadlift with a rear lunge. Rear lunges today, you're going to get plenty of them. All right.
So I'm going to ask you on every staggered stance deadlift with a rear lunge, you're going to switch, okay. So it's alternating sides. Ground your right foot. Here's where we go. Come down two and up two, rear lunge and switch, staggered stance.
Down two, up two, rear lunge and switch. Deadlift, pull, rear lunge and up. Lift that heel. Deadlift, knees are soft, rear lunge, and up. Keep coming, deadlift.
Push your booty back team. Nice long lever in the spine. Let's go. Deadlift, up, rear lunge and pull, switch. Deadlift, up, rear lunge, you've got one more for me, deadlift, up, rear lunge and out you come.
Beautiful. Now you have got a squat pulse with an adduction. All right. I'm just going to fix my band. They do like to roll.
Take the opportunity between between progressions, just to fix your bands. So wide stance. You're going to pulse three, two, one, adduct right. Three, two, one, let's go. One minute starts now.
Low, control. Push. And as you come up with that adduction, I want you to flex your butts. Incorporate that outer thigh. Keep coming.
Push, two, three, up. Big muscle groups here, right? Your heart rate's going to come up, of course it is. Two, well mine is definitely. Come on, two, three, up, flex your foot, keep it tight.
Three up, it's hover, hover, hover, and press. Yes. Keep coming. Three, press. Keep it going team.
Low control, low, low, low control. You've got eight seconds. Keep coming, hup. Push, push, pull, can you give me two more? Let's just do two more.
Come on team and up. One more, two, one, and up, nice work. Our next progression. Step, together, step and a jump squat. Now you don't have to jump.
You can come up on your toes and then you can load again. Or you can step, together, step, low, up. All right. Four, three, two, one. Let's go step, together, step, push.
Step, together, step, jump. Now I want tension. I want tension on that band. Come on. Push, pull, hup.
Push, pull, hup. Push, now the lower you go, the stronger those quads are having all, the longer the quads are under tension. Let's go. Come on, push, pull, hup. Come on, keep it tight.
Woo. Heart rates coming. Remember come up on your toes if you don't want to jump. You're here. Let's go, hup, push, shoulders back and down.
Chin up, show me that smile. Come on, come on, hup. You got 10 seconds. Push pull team. Let's go.
Four, three, two, one, out you come. Nice work. All right. Tap out. Right left.
And then you've got a knee to the front. You're going to lift the knee like you're crunching, all right. Low squat. I'm going to show you from the side. Fixing my band.
Right? Fix my band. Here we go. Four, three, two, one, low. Tap, tap, knee, knee, tap, tap, knee, knee, from the side, pull, push, into those laterals, hup, hup, tap it low, crunch it.
Tap it, crunch it, come on. Low, low, up, up, low, low, hup, keep it coming. Woo. Pull, push. 10 minutes is going really fast.
I want you to dig into it. I want you to give me everything you can, for 10, 10 minutes not seconds. Go, go, hup, hup. Eight, six, four, two, and out you come. Nice work.
Alright. Next progression. Narrow squat with a Superman or Superwoman press. So this is what it looks like. Squat, lift.
Squat, lift. You are flying high. Are you ready? In four, three, feet hip width apart, two, one. Let's go.
Squat, glute press. Don't bend the knees. Don't bend the knees. Push. Sit into the heels, light in your toes.
Now keep going and remember this and then as you drive up your hinging forward with the glute press. Keep it going. Down, Superwoman or Superman. Come on, hup, hold it a second. Hesitate at the top, fly for me team, come on.
Down, up, down, up. You got it. Push, pull. Come on 12 seconds. You can do this.
Together we are so much stronger. Come on. Up down. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Done.
All right. Our next exercise is lunging laterally. You're going to come up, you're then going to curtsy. You've got 30 seconds on the right, 30 seconds on the left. I've got you.
Don't you worry in three, two, one, lat lunge. Tap, curtsy. Now remember that lat lunge, you're driving into the glutes. Drive it, push it, into that lunge. Drive it, push it, curtsy.
Yes. Down, up. You want more you can add weights. Hold it. And curtsy.
Come on. Hold and curtsy, working adductor. Abductor, working into that outer glute. Come on. You've got eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
Switch sides, down, up, curtsy and lateral, up, curtsy. I'm going to show you from the side. Keep it going. Do not stop. Do not stop all right.
Push, pull, into that rear. Push, pull, curtsy. Let's go down, up, curtsy. You've got eight seconds team. Come on, go push, pull, curtsy.
Can you give me two more? I know, I know I'm pushing one more for me. Down, up and curtsy. Beautiful work team. Take that band off.
Take that band off. We're going to stretch it out very quickly. That is your 10 minutes booty band workout. Fast, to the point and boy, you can add it on to any workout. You can work out on its own, or you can add obviously core, upper body, you name it.
So much available out there. All right, standing on one leg. If it helps take that arm out slightly and give me a pelvic tilt forward. So you're opening into the hip flexor and into that quad. Sweaty Betty here.
I sweat no matter what, what day it is, what year it is, what month it is. Let's switch sides. Pull the heel of the left foot into your glute. Pelvic tilt forward. All right, so I'm going to show you from the side.
Instead of here, you are here. Open that hip flexor out, hold it four, three, two, one. Let's take it down into a nice long lever into that lateral squat or lunge. If you need more, take it to the ground. And then you can lift the toes off the floor, giving your adductor a little extra with that stretch.
All right, hold it there team. All right. Back to the center, take it down to the other side. Lift the toes if you want or you can be right here, your choice, your workout, your choice. Hold it there four, three, two, back to the center.
Let's walk our feet in slightly underneath your hips, hands onto your quads. We're going to round it out, bring it all the way to the top and extend the tailbone. Can you give me two more? Oh yes you can. Come on and extend, last one and extend.
Bring your feet in. Let's take a big breath in team and exhale. One more big breath in and exhale. And that my friends is your 10 minute booty band workout. Thank you so much for joining me.
loved this! challenging and done in 10!