GHUTV LIVE! May 2017
Chris FreytagThis is take four. Are we actually live? We've been trying for five minutes to get live. This is the Get Healthy UTV live Q and A for the month. We've never done it on Facebook live, we always come live on Google hangout, so this is kind of exciting, I think...
Oh my gosh, we're live. Oh, yeah. Yes. Officially, we made it. I'm Chris Freytag founder of Get Healthy UTV, and this is Lindsey Bomgren, one of our amazing trainers Hi.
At Get Healthy UTV. So we were trying to come live. Thanks for all the hearts, you guys. We were trying to come live on our computer using the laptop and it kept kicking us out. Let me talk about stress.
So poor Lindsey runs in here. I was running late. I was like, my baby's crying, I'm sorry. Her 10 week old baby was crying, Hello, we've all been there. So here we are, you guys, we are really excited to be here.
So typically we come live for an hour. That's what we've done in the past. And here she is postpartum, just having a 10 week old baby. She says she's tired. I'm post-menopausal so I'm like on fire, is there anything cold around here?
So seriously, we can cover all of your questions. So we hope that you guys will start to ask some questions. If we don't see questions coming up, we'll start to talk about some of the questions that we get asked continually on our websites, Nourish Move Love, Lindsey's website, and of course Get Healthy UTV. So let's just see Lindsey. I think I can just scroll, Oh gosh, here I go.
We can't use the computer, so we have to go this way. So let's see if we can... I see everybody who's joined, but I don't see... Oh, Kate says what an inspiration. Thank you, Kate.
Lisa is asking changes you have made due to menopause. I am finding weight, packing on just looking at food. What I would say for myself, I'll answer this question for menopause is you've gotta keep muscle building. You got to keep strength training because muscle is the to metabolism. And I find that even as I get older I do notice that my joints ache a little more, I need a little more recovery, I need a little more warmup, but that muscle building activity is gonna help you with your weight in the menopausal years.
Plus I think it's just drinking enough water. I need more sleep more than I ever have, and poor you. She needs to sleep just 'cause she has a 10 week old baby. But anyway, so that would be my information. Look at Emily's asking workouts that are great for post-baby.
So what are you doing right now at 10 weeks? 10 weeks. Yeah. I took it slow right away just kind of doing... Just starting to get outside and start walking.
Fortunately, we were able to get outside. So taking it slow right away and it's always listening to your body and how it feels. But actually I started with I did the baby bump fitness system on Get Healthy UTV. And I filmed that while I was pregnant where I was just hitting my third trimester. So I was like 30 weeks pregnant when we filmed that.
You're adorable. And the low impact workouts. So actually, although it was for pregnancy it was a great way to jump back into postpartum recovery. So you've been doing those workouts. I did those workouts to start my postpartum.
And how are you feeling? Because I know this was your first baby. I remember feeling like your abs take a little bit of time before they've got that strength and then of course the incontinence and all that good stuff. I did have my first incontinence issue while jumping, while on workout. But yes, like you said, it's harder than I ever thought.
I'm back to square one, doing pushups on my knees, made sure let my abs heal, talked to my midwife. and they were like, now you're good to go. But I really haven't been doing crunches regardless. I was never a big crunches fan anyways. So a lot of planking starting on my knees, getting up to my toes, doing push-ups, total body set that really engages.
I remember I waited until six weeks to do anything with my three kids. And then I slowly just build it. I think the major key, and I know I've heard you say this is listen to your body 'cause everybody's different. I wanna preface a couple of things. I love all of your cute little faces that you guys are putting across the screen.
We're getting a lot of questions and we're gonna try to go in order do not be upset if we miss your question or don't go in order because it's really hard to see on this silly little phone and we couldn't get the-- I saw one back, someone asked they were training for a Spartan race and they were asking about that. So go ahead, what did... Spartan races are tough, You need both strength training and endurance, cardio endurance. And I think you also have over overcome some fears for a Spartan race. You have to really get in touch with, I can do this other people are doing it around me.
So that would be my opinion on that. I saw the tummy fat, how to burn tummy fat for a 59 year old. You guys the only reason I smile and laugh is because, Oh my gosh, she and I are on two different ends of the spectrum. I'm like, everyone's gonna be asking about menopause but you know what happens is as we get older, when fat settles, it does love to settle around the mid section and it gets everybody so mad. I talked to my girlfriends were like can I just take this and put it right up here or push it down to my toes or something.
But here's the thing you gotta eat clean, you gotta drink a lot of water, you gotta get sleep and you gotta exercise. And I know those sound like a lot of gottas, like Oh gosh, that sounds so tough but it's actually not as tough as we like to make it. If we think about eating more healthy and your body does become more sensitive to a lot of things as you get older, if you drink water, if you move your body and it does like... Low impact workouts are great. Just get that strength training, get that cardio, it's gonna make a difference.
Let's keep going here, we've got some more questions about how do you stay motivated to exercise as we age? It doesn't matter what age you are, you gotta stay motivated. I would say, honestly, this is the hardest it's ever been to motivate myself to exercise being post-baby because one, I'm not in the studio or in the gym constantly like I used to be and going to those things are luxury and two I'm sleep deprived and so you're just tired. But finding motivation and honestly, how, is like, if I'm gonna work out at home, I get hold of you having a workout video, a full video, 'cause I am following something. Like if I'm doing 10, if I say, Oh I'm gonna do 10 burpees on my own.
I'm like, I hit nine, I'm tired, that's good. But if I'm doing a video, it's like, just keep going follow moves. And you and I are both such group fitness people but I gotta tell you out there, those of you who are saying, I'm not motivated to stay with exercise, group fitness is like accountability times 10. And then there's something about that family of people that you're exercising with, whether you're in the same room or it's online or it's a Facebook group or whatever it is, but it keeps you going. I'm the same way.
Like when I'm doing a workout with friends or with a video I'm gonna do the whole workout, when I'm by myself I'm totally satisfied with like five pushups or... So it really does make a difference. And I should say, as all of you guys are writing questions right here, I should say that we are giving away the Get Healthy UTV gold membership for $20 for the annual membership right now. So our lovely coworker, Molly is on the other end of all of this right now she's adding links to any kinds of questions that we're answering and she'll add the link to the Get Healthy UTV. If you click on that link and use the coupon code Chrisgold20, you'll get a gold membership for 20.
And the gold workouts are the live workouts, The gold workouts are the live workouts. And Lindsey is just coming back and doing her first gold workout in a couple of weeks. June 5th I think. That's like in three weeks, maybe two weeks. Yeah.
Yeah. So Lindsey is joining us as we have a great group of live gold trainers, it's really been fun. We have Jody, Leah, you, me, Kate. So we've got five trainers so far doing the live stuff So it's gonna be-- And that hits the motivation if it's live, it's even better. It is and you know, I did the live workout, myself, when I was in Phoenix and it was Jody and Tia, one of her other team members and I was outside in the beautiful, warm, sunny air, it was seven in the morning in Phoenix and I was like, this is what it's about.
I am so passionate about helping, I know you are too. Women find a way to stay motivated. Someone says how many times a week should I do hit workouts? I think that's a great question. The market's kind of become saturated with hit and hit, hit hit and honestly, I think there's a skew perception of hit.
So you can take a class at the gym that says it's hit but hit has broad meaning. Hit high intensity interval training is actually you're going very, very hard Falls to the wall sorry for the expression but that's what it is. And so not all... It depends, make sure it's a hit workout, but if you're doing hard high intensity interval training I would say max three times a week Bingo. And a lot of times people say they're doing hit but they're actually not doing hit like you're really pushing yourself.
I like what you said. Probably the biggest mistake people make is going too hard every day. Because your body breaks down and then you feel too inflamed. I notice that, especially with age those of you asking about age. I now noticed if I go hard too many days in a row, I feel inflamed, I feel tired, my joints hurt when I give myself those couple of days rest, I feel better.
So I agree with you. Look at all the smiley faces. Yes. Rest is our friend you guys. I can't drop pounds, Lisa says, because I had breast cancer feel good working out but the scale is my enemy.
For first of all, Lisa, huge congratulations to you. Oh my goodness, you are a warrior. Working out with all that going on. It sounds like she's post breast cancer, but it takes Tamoxifen. And I have a couple of other friends who are on Tamoxifen right now.
So congrats to beating breast cancer and being cancer-free. But yeah, the scale can be your enemy. And I know that Tamoxifen makes it hard but here's the thing, just keep your positivity up, drink a ton of water, probably go a little lower impact like don't overheat your joints and stay consistent and maybe go just a little longer, that's sometimes... Because if you're exercising a little bit of a lower intensity, I don't know if you are Lisa, but that would be what I'd say. So anyway-- And I get those scale questions all the time and it I just...
I know it's so hard 'cause I'm the same way I tell people, don't worry about the scale. And here I am, I'm getting on the scale now 'cause I'm postpartum trying to get back to my pre-baby weight. But really it's not about the scale it's really how you feel, how your clothes fit all those things, the scale can be such an enemy. Don't let the scale, rule your life I tell people that all the time especially as I've gotten older, my weight fluctuates like two pounds sometimes in a day or within the month I can fluctuate like three to four pounds easily. And if I let that dictate my mood, Oh my goodness.
So don't let that be your telltale. For me, honestly, I mean this, for me it's if my jeans feel right. And I don't wear a lot of blue jeans 'cause I'm always wearing Lycra, so every time I'm like put those blue jeans on, making sure they still fit. Sandy says so confused on daily calorie count. My fitness pal tells her 1200 calories a day based on goals of one to two pound weight loss a week spark people say 1300, Oh my gosh, that sounds so low to me.
I'm looking at those numbers going, Oh my gosh I would be starving. I would be like this. I don't count my calories, but I know I eat more than that. I would say, kinda the rule of thumb at prevention magazine we always said 1600 for losing weight. I think people underestimate how much they're eating.
And not everybody, but a lot of people say, I only eat 1500 calories, but really they're eating more like 2,500. I feel like for maintaining you at 2000 to 2,500. But I feel like I wouldn't go lower. Maybe you're eating too little Sandy because if your body's in that starvation mode, you don't have the energy and you don't get that rev going. And your body retains.
So if it's retaining every calorie that it gets your body is really holding onto what you are eating and like you said, your metabolism isn't. And the other thing is to your point, you don't really need to count calories if you are eating a good mix of carbs, fats and proteins and the real food, you're not eating a bunch of packaged food. I don't know anybody who gained weight and came to me and said, my God, I overate bananas and apples. You know what I mean? Like really nobody gains weight from bananas and apples.
So I would be careful not to go too low. If you're gonna count anything, I tell people, count your grams of sugar. If you wanna count something, count your grams of sugar 'cause sugar can be a culprit and it's in so much stuff. And I would say, try to aim between like 35 grams of sugar a day, especially if you're Added sugar, you mean. Added, yes, yes.
So you're not counting an apple if I'm eating an apple but anything like a package, anything that has sugar on it, counting your grams of sugar. That's excellent advice. And that is like the evil carb. Today I did weightlifting class followed by yoga Pilates class, this is Carol. I did no cardio, which I normally do every day.
Is it okay to skip cardio for a day? Oh my gosh. Yes, it is. 150 minutes of heart pumping cardio a week for heart health that's kinda the rule of thumb. So that's two and a half hours of cardio a week split any way you want it on seven days a week.
So absolutely. Some days for me are just yoga or stretching. And I would say doing cardio everyday can be detrimental too, because well, one you're looking at burnout depending on what type of cardio you're doing, so making sure you're getting a good mix of cardio, the elliptical, the stair machine, high intensity interval training, like mixing up that cardio for sure, swimming Yeah. I agree with you. I'm looking at one of our team members writes what's the gold workout tomorrow, she wants to know.
Hey, all you gold members. Tomorrow's workout is called centered and strong or centered and core of course I can't remember. But it's all about strength, balance and core tomorrow. It's gonna be like, not yoga, it's gonna be different. It's gonna be led by Leah, who is an accomplished actress.
Wait till you meet her, she's like phenomenal. that's gonna be really fun. I better do that. Let's see what else we've got here. We've got, hi Allie from Mankato.
Hi Allie. What exercises help with the role? We were kind of talking... Look at Samantha. You look great, Lindsey.
Oh, thanks. Postpartum looking good. I'm feeling very sleep deprived, my hair's a little mess. We're holding her eyes up with toothpicks. What exercises help with the role?
I'm assuming you mean the role of fat that belly pooch. I think we've done now three or four live Pilates workouts because we're trying to really give you guys a good sampling of Pilates 'cause I started Pilates when I was in my mid 30s and I was starting to have some back pain. I'd already had three babies and I was like what is going on with my back? I was doing a lot of jumping around and I wasn't stretching a lot. And I started having this back pain and I got certified in Pilates and it's been a life changer for me.
So I feel like it helps with the role, it helps with core strength and it helps with your back. I would check that out. Let's see what else we got for questions. I'm doing shakeology and your exercises and I've lost 12 pounds. Congrats, that awesome.
12 pounds is a lot. Congratulations. For 10 burpees, do I get a beer? Jonathan, I don't know if you're listening or if you're just being silly but I think you should put the beer on the ground and take a sip after each burpee. I love it.
It's so hard to do this with your finger. I love group fitness, oh Gigi, you're the cutest. I think that's awesome. Joan says one topic you seem to avoid are those who have hypo-thyroidism. It would be great if you had tips for women who suffer from this.
It's not a question we avoid but hypothyroidism is a... There's a lot going on. Yeah. And it's so case by case. I'm actually hyperthyroid.
And it is so case by case to, like every case is different And what are you doing to manage it? I recommend one, making sure you're seeing an endocrinologist, that's dealing with your thyroid and two, a lot of actually, yes, fitness does play into it, your eating, your lifestyle and hyperthyroidism tends or hypo tends to have a slower metabolism as well and so you're looking at that weight gain, how am I keeping pounds off? But yet you're kind of like in that brain fog, maybe craving more carbs. So I would say make sure you're talking to your endocrinologist, trying to sleep is really important making sure you're getting your eight hours of sleep. Sleep is so important and women's hormones fluctuate so much so it all depends to, the hyper and hypothyroidism depends on what lifestyle you're in.
So me having it at my age is different than when I'd have it post-menopausal 'cause it's so hormonal based 'cause it deals directly with your pituitary glands and your hormones. Yeah. And I have a couple of friends who are hyper, like you and I have a couple who are hypo and a couple are taking Synthroid. Some of them are managing it through a naturopath. Joan, I would really suggest that because my girlfriend who's hyper, she was pretty sick and they told her we're gonna radiate your thyroid.
And she said, absolutely not, absolutely not, I will not let you do that. And so she went to a naturopath, she got all of this great advice about what supplements she should be taking in terms of herbs, in terms of hormones, not hormones, I shouldn't say that, but herbs and all different things. And she ended up fixing all her numbers through food and herbs and natural supplements. So I would check that out. We do have an article on Get Healthy UTV.
And Molly, if you could put up in our, we have an article about hyper and hypothyroidism on our website. So maybe that will help you to, Joan, but I would definitely see a naturopath that would my. Yes. I also was the same way they wanted to radiate my thyroid, I didn't let them do it and we're back to pretty much normal. So Jonathan now curls beer, I think he's being silly.
Gail says, I love you, that's so sweet. How do you know what your min-max heart rate should be? So heart rate is one of those things, again is personal. I've always told people when you get a heart rate monitor here's how you figure out what your zones are. You start exercising and then when you're in that, like, okay I feel like I'm working really hard, you look down at the number.
The days that you are working up to your max, max, max, you look at the number, you kinda get to know your zones yourself. But there are some heart rate zones out there, Sally Edwards, if you Google Sally Edwards, she's the queen of heart rate training. She has unbelievable website that is so detailed about how to find your zones whether it's your aerobic zone, your anaerobic zone. So you can do that 220 minus your age plus your activity level. So if I went like 220 minus 51, I don't even know what that is.
I can't, I'm so tired. I don't know the math, and then you go plus or minus four your fitness level, up five or 10. Here's the thing I know after doing exercise so much, and you'll have to tell me, I know from looking at my heart rate monitor that when I am in the 140s and 150s I am really working hard. As a matter of fact, 140s for me personally is like my main zone, when I'm in the 150s and up to 160, that's when I'm like almost anaerobic. Now I had people come to my class to tell me they're 180 and they're not.
Don't compare your heart rate to other people either because... The size of your heart is different for everyone. Some people have small hearts, bigger hearts. The talk test is a great one too Knowing like if I can still talk while I'm working out or and then when I can't anymore, then you know you're in your you know. But if you really want a number.
Yes, your numbers. And polarusa.com, Polar USA, the Polar heart rate monitors they have some great charts online too I would check that out. Lisa loves her live workouts, yay. Look at Don, she came. I'm so excited, Don.
Yes, going live June 5th. She's excited to try your live workout. How can I quit emotional eating? Oh, Carrie, I know that is a hard one, 'cause a lot of times emotional eating obviously it's not about the food, it's about your mood and it seems... Food is as much of a, drug, might not be the right word but it's-- Comforting measure.
Comforting. Yeah. And so a lot of times you eat a lot and then you go, Oh, why did I do that? Then you get more depressed. I think some of it is really becoming very disciplined about what times of day and what types of foods are your triggers.
And for most women, it's evening. And I think it's because you're vulnerable and you're tired like both you and I are so tired. Your emotions are kinda letting down your, your biological clock is ticking down. And I think you have to be really careful in the evening. Yeah.
And if often when you tend to like sit down in front of the TV or Netflix or something like that and you can grab a bag of chips and you can just lose track of, 'cause it's just one after the other, after the other. So setting out portions it's not-- Portions are a good idea. Yeah. So setting out your portions pre-portioning a bowl of popcorn or pre-portioning that bowl of whatever that snack is. But also I think it's a habit.
And finding something to replace that habit. So for me, it's tea, especially at night 'cause nighttime-- Tea helps you. Tea helps me. So tea is my replacement. So it's like, Ooh, I'm really craving that something, I'll have a cup of tea first, if I'm still craving it then I'll go ahead and have.
That's true. I do that too, I do tea at night. It really does comfort me and just stops me from eating. The other thing I do is I'll put a piece of bubble gum in my mouth. 'Cause like it's kind of sweet and if I'm chomping, so I'll have a cup of tea and a piece of bubble gum and it sounds like a weird combo, but it helps me.
Melissa is asking, are we really gonna do a live step video? We're not gonna do a video, but Oh, I'm sorry but we're doing a live workout so I guess you could call it a video. We were gonna do it next week but then we realized it was memorial day. So we canceled the next week because of memorial day. We've already got four live workouts in May.
So it's gonna be in June some time. And I was a big step teacher. I love it. I love it. I love step, Oh my gosh, I love step.
So get ready, Melissa, we'll let you know when it's coming. Are you wearing like the ones in-- I am not putting on a leotard. Although I do have a leotard with the belts. I have it, but I'm not wearing it. At least I'm not planning on it yet.
Lisa says, I'm trying to increase my healthy fats. She said it's hard. I'm gonna let you answer that. I'm just gonna say thoughts on keto eating plans. Molly, would you put up the link to the blog?
Malia Frey wrote this really great blog that's on our website, Get Healthy U about keto versus paleo. I'm not a huge fan of the keto eating plan but I want you to read this blog because Malia is a true diet specialist. She's been writing on dieting for a long time, dieting in the good sense of the word, not like doing crazy diets, so please read that. But increasing healthy fats, there's so many good healthy fats. So many good healthy fats, I live off healthy fats.
Are you craving any right now? All the time, seriously, avocados and nut butters, especially right now I'm nursing so I'm definitely upping my healthy fats. Which is good, that's good. Yeah. But there's a lot of ways to do it.
Frying your eggs, if you're an egg person in the morning, frying your eggs in coconut oil or ghee or a grass fed butter. Coconut oil is my favorite. Adding, if you've heard of bulletproof coffee, if you're a coffee drinker, adding healthy fats to coffee it also helps slow the metabolization down of coffee, healthy fats to your smoothies. Do you do chia seeds, flax seeds? Chia seeds.
I love chia seeds I do both. I'll alternate in my smoothies all the time. That's your omega-3, that's AOL. And if you're prepping your smoothies in bulk, like I always make two at a time, 'cause I hate washing the blender. Adding chia seeds helps it stay longer too.
It gets thicker. Yes. I always add chia seeds if I'm gonna let it sit in the fridge for a little bit. I do the same thing when I make two. If you literally, sometimes when you put smoothie in the fridge, they get thin and runny.
But if you add chia seeds, they stay gelatinous, I love it. Let's see what else we got. What besides fruit can help with sugar cravings? I'll tell you what mine is on... Look at Gigi's like, so worth it, sign up for, Get Healthy UTV I have a huge sweet tooth.
I would sit with a 1/4 of ice cream and I would be face down in it if I didn't have my common sense with me. I'm a Greek yogurt person, but I am so dairy, doesn't bother my stomach. I will take Greek yogurt 'cause it's nice and thick, I'll put a little sweetener in it, either stevia or honey, I mix it in, I put like pistachios, I'll put fruit in there, If I have fresh fruit, at this time of year I have fresh fruit, but sometimes I put frozen blueberries or cranberries and then I'll put cacao chips, chocolate chips, 65% cacao. And for me, that can be my thing that satisfies my dessert. How about you are you a sweet person?
I love sweets. Even more so because and let my when people ask what were your pregnancy cravings? I didn't really have pregnancy cravings as much as I just gave into my indulgences a lot more. And so that has carried over kinda created bad habits, but sweet tooths have definitely been something that I've been a lot more and healthy fats for me are definitely. So I go straight for the nut butter, give me a big sprinkle some chocolate chips.
Oh my God. And the healthy fats keep you satiated. So you do crave less sugar when you're satisfied. Yes. So I'll go for a big spoonful of the Trader Joe's mixed nut butter, I literally finished the jar off before I came here, is to die for and put some chocolate chips on it and it's amazing.
I bought the Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's is so great. We have a great blog about our favorite things at Trader Joe's. I just bought the the almond butter. It's a little runnier, but it's really smooth.
And you know who eats a ton of almond butter in my house? Is my puppy. I put it on her bones when we're leaving and she'll just get so excited to lick it so I can get her into her kennel. Yes. My other favorite sweet tooth, like favorite, favorite, 'cause I love cookie dough, I crave cookie dough, is literally I'll take oats Rolled oats and I'll grind them up so it makes out flour and mashed bananas in there and chocolate chips.
It tastes like cookie dough, bananas, oats and like oats that are ground, so oat flour. And you have that just recipes on Nourish Move Love. It is. In ball format like roll ball format or you can bake it and make cookies out of it. I love little energy balls.
Oh, live off them and fatty food lovers. We are all ball at Get Healthy U, we have so many energy ball recipes. we love medicine balls, we love stability by Hey. Hey, by the way we're drinking BiPro protein water tonight. I know I've talked to you guys about this before.
This has 20 grams of protein. I'm gonna turn it around so you can see it. It is like drinking a protein shake. So we are just drinking it right now but it is an excellent source of protein for after a workout, for post-workout or before. I was telling you I drink it 1/2 before 1/2 after and it tastes amazing.
So you guys-- Or before a nursing marathon at night. That's right. Oh gosh. So that's a added note. It's a really good way to get your protein on.
And I love that there is it's stevia actually it's not no sugars added. Yeah. No sugars added. I love the low sugar. It's filtered water, whey protein, phosphoric acid natural peach flavor and stevia.
She's got the berry. That's my favorite. Peach and berry are my favorite, truly I'm kinda obsessed with this. You can buy it at, BiProusa.com or at Amazon. I buy it by the case because then you save money.
So that's that's my faith. Let's see what else we got going here. Hold on here. Kim says, love you, Chris, what kind of workout can you do with a bad back? So I've had a bad back, my bad back has gotten so much better.
I'm that person who used to complain nonstop about my back. I honestly could barely do a forward fold in yoga, and I teach yoga. So it was just super upsetting mentally and physically. For me, what's helped has been, so when you say what kind of workout can you do? There's a lot of things you can do once you solve the bad back problem you need to stretch every day.
The thing that changed my life was every morning I get up in the morning, I put heat on my back, I have a portable heating pad that I bought at relaxtheback.com. So I'm not tethered to a plug. I walk around for like 10 minutes, 15 minutes with this heat on me. I then laid down on the floor and take one of those massage balls I get all those tight muscles. And I've been doing that literally 365 every day for four years and my back pain has pretty much gone away.
But-- That's a commitment though. It is a commitment, but it has changed my life. So that extra 10, 15 minutes a day to me it's what keeps me from having the bad back. But that being said always be aware of your core. I'm sure you tell people that, you've gotta keep your abs tight, you've gotta strengthen your core with like planks and squats and lunges even are a good way to train your core 'cause you really have to think about your form at all times.
And then you could probably do a lot of different workouts. It's just, you have to be aware of your core, skip the plyometrics until the back pain goes away 'cause you don't want it that jarring. When you say that. Angie says, I appreciate the article on adrenal fatigue. What calendar would be good for someone to follow with adrenal fatigue?
That's tough because you have to solve the adrenal fatigue through a lot of different things. But I think any of the calendars once you've got your energy level up. In the Facebook group Like you said, back to that hit thing, three days a week, all the calendars none of them have more than like-- No, they're all really well mixed. We are actually, for May, right now we're doing fluid strength and body weight fusion. So there are tons of your workouts.
So I don't know if you've seen in the Facebook group, any of you guys who are in the Get Healthy UTV Facebook group I love body weight fusion They are into these workouts. They've been doing a lot of your move, body weight burnout, barre cardio. They've been doing all of our body weight fusion workouts that you and I did together, so I love those workouts, Angie, I think you could really do any of the workouts, quite frankly. Whoops. I'm on the wrong item here.
Let's see. Should I focus on how many calories I'm burning to help focus on weight loss? Or if still, how many calories I burn a day? What do you think about that? It all depends, but honestly I wouldn't focus necessarily on calorie burning.
If you're really focusing on weight loss, I would focus on moving your body daily, but really focused on the food. Food is gonna be the big portion of the weight loss journey. And you can't out-train a bad diet. You don't wanna get on the treadmill and go for 800 calories. You're gonna like, you know what I mean?
Just gets boring, it's hard, it's mentally challenging. So I love what you just said, just move your body for the love of movement. Get in that nice workout, 1/2 hour, an hour, a day but really focusing on what you're putting in your mouth. And when you're moving, you're usually craving or wanting to eat better too. Especially I would suggest if you're really focusing on that calorie burn, working out in the mornings.
If you're a morning person, it has to work for you, working out in the morning person you're going to burn calories all day long and it really sets the precedent for the day. If I work out in the morning, I'm way less likely to go for that 10:00 a.m donut because that doesn't sound good. And I just worked way too hard for that and I want good stuff. So let's see. I bet.
Oh, thank you. Lisa says you guys rock. Kim says she loves Weight Watchers. I love weight Watchers, I think it's a great program and it's really well structured. Mitzi says her body fluctuates three to five pounds from morning to evening, why so much?
First of all, gravity is the major ager. We're constantly fighting against gravity with our life. And as we get older, everything is like sinking down towards the floor. I'm always like, can we pull this stuff back up? Good Lord.
But it's just a fact that when you get up in the morning, you are lighter than you are in the evening. Gravity has kind of pulled things down, you've eaten food. So you've probably put food and liquid into your body. Hydrate. And you're more tired.
So that just can be the way it is for when And hormones play a major role in if you're retaining water and hormones are, especially for women, hormones can play a major role in your weight, depending on where you're at in your cycle. If you're post-menopausal, if you're... Well, and to that point, if you're eating a lot of sugars see that's the other problem is that your insulin is going crazy. And if your insulin is going crazy, to try to get the sugar out of your bloodstream, it can't get it all out so it stores it as fat. Insulin is the fat storing hormone ladies, we gotta remember that.
So if you're eating tons of sugary food all the time and your insulin is working overtime it's depositing it right here on the good old abs. So think about that. Is 125 pounds a good weight for 54 year old women connect. Depends on how tall you are. Who knows depends on how tall you are, it depends on your body frame.
It depends on your bone mass Composition. I have seen four women in a row all weighing 150 pounds, all different sizes ranging from size six to size 14, literally all weighing the same. So it really depends on how much muscle you have. I weigh more than most people think I do because of muscle or at least I like to think that's why. No.
Yes. Right? Absolutely. And don't you feel like it just depends on even your bone structure. Yes.
And like you said you can look at four women that weigh the same thing and a totally different and some women naturally carry more muscle mass and look more ripped in some, it's just-- Everybody's different. So stay away from... You guys are giving each other advice. I love it, it's fantastic. So Robin says, let's see.
So we talk about making our bodies skinny, what makes your eyelashes so full? Oh, you're funny, Robin. They're eyelash extensions. I've had them on forever. I'm allergic to mascara so I can't put mascara on my eyes.
So they're extensions that are very fun. They look amazing. Does a person have to work out daily and how long? I take a day off every week, do you? Yeah.
Well, right now I'm taking a lot more days off. And because working out is affecting my milk supply too but right now I'm striving for three to four days a week. And I used to be six days a week. So now I'm striving for three to four days a week. I used to be six days a week.
And honestly, for me, it depends too. If I... One how my body's feeling, if I need rest, I've kind of gotten in that flow where I know, but-- Well you have a brand new baby so everybody gets a hall pass with that. Yeah. And two, it depends on the workout length.
So if I'm just gonna go for, it depends what you're considering a workout like if I'm going for a 20 minute run one day then the next day working out, if I'm doing like an hour long strength training class plus hit or something like that, the next day taking a rest day. So it depends, right now my workouts are like 20 to 30 minutes. And with a 20 to 30 minute, I would strive to do that. I would wish I could do it five to six days a week, right now, I'm more at three to four, but my goal would be five to six with that. If I'm doing hour long And you'll get there.
Workouts maybe adding a little more rest. So for me, that's really good advice, for me, now I'm working out pretty much Monday through Friday because that's my teaching schedule, and so now on Saturdays and Sundays I kinda call those my rest days. I don't lift weights on Saturdays and Sunday, sometimes I do. 'Cause sometimes I miss a day during the week due to my work schedule or something. But I typically take what I call two rest days and then they're more like I go walking with my girlfriends or I do something that's still moving my body but not intense.
Sundays always my rest day. It have been, it's always been. You gotta listen to your body. I think that's really important. And I still consider yoga a good workout.
I still can do that part of my workout routine. So that would be still workout day for me. Absolutely. And I have to say, hi Liam, my aunt Oh my gosh, see my brain isn't working you guys, my sister-in-law I said my Liam, that's my nephew, says hi Liam, hi buddy. He works out, it's the cutest thing, Chris, I have to send you videos.
Seriously, he... So Meghan, my sister-in-law does How old is he? All my workout videos. And Liam is three years old and he does burpees. I've ever see him, Lindsey, I see you on the TV, jumping jacks, burpees and pushups, like the cutest thing, way to go, Meghan, you are setting the most amazing example for him.
That is stunning. And all you people who work out at home, all your moms who work out at home when your kids are seeing you, monkey see monkey do. As they grow up here, you are with this 10 week old baby. My kids are active and active in different ways. They all enjoy different types of activities.
But they have seen me since the day they were born put activity as a top priority on my list. And they have it as a top priority on their list too and I love that. And I told him, literally I was talking to a girlfriend at church stage, she was like, "I was working out "post-pregnancy to da da da." And I'm like, it's hard, honestly, I'm not even doing it for weight loss to get back to my... I'm doing it because it's what makes me happy. I was like, especially in the beginning, in those first six weeks not working out was really hard for me because of the fact that it makes me happy.
movement makes me happy. It isn't just about weight. The whole concept of taking care of yourself. There was a point in my life where, Oh, wait, I think when I was in my 20s, especially, I mean, 20s or 20s but I was more concerned with my weight. Now, I'm just concerned with how I feel as a person.
How is I feel as a woman, like my mood and my energy levels and the way I interact with other people and it becomes your whole body. It's not just about weight loss. But those are cute messages they're sending you. Kristen says, after weight training my clothes are tighter and my weight went up, is this normal? That's probably just because you've been...
Some people will say, Oh, I lost weight because I sweat a little bit but a lot of times I think it's inflammation. Well, right. Whatever muscles you're working your blood flow is going to those muscles. And they're naturally gonna be a little bit more incautious. so it's like afterwards after you lift biceps you're like, yeah, check on my bicep.
Yeah, look at me. And that's why ladies do pushups before they go. All those Instagram flex Friday photos, you bet they'd been doing curls before they post those. Yeah. So it is normal, Kristen.
Tanya, I do not exercise much, if I join the gold, am I gonna be able to do it? Yes. Is it for those that are already exercising a lot? So this is something to know about Get Healthy UTV. We have everything from beginner workouts to the very advanced.
And so if you go and peruse the website, you will see like for instance, walking tone and move to lose our two brands are beginner programs. And we have a lot of members who love walking tone. That's been a favorite, which by the way, we've been talking about that, we need to feel more walking videos. So that, and when I say walking, it's indoor walking with weightlifting in between, those are really good. Lindsey's new baby bump fitness program.
It's great for the pre pregnancy person but when I was watching you film it, I was like this is gonna be great for everybody from a low impact or beginner standpoint. For sure. Absolutely. They're hard, it was hard at 30 weeks pregnant but I'm doing them postpartum and I'm like, man, this is still really-- But a beginner would do. Yes.
I feel like I'm a beginner again. I've hit the cycle. I literally went from the most advanced since I was ever in my career to now back to the beginner stage. And you'll look back in no time. And the live workouts, Tanya are, we always give modifications.
So there's always two of us in the live workouts and there's always one person giving modifications. So all I say is, sign up girlfriend, start joining us working out with us and I think you will have a lot of fun and you can take it at your own pace. Laura, ever considered taking your live show on the road? That would be fun. Where do you live?
One place is Arizona, California. Let's do it. She'll come with her 10 week old baby and I'll come with all my menopausal problems and we'll just talk about everything from the 20s to the 50s. I love it. I love it.
Let's see, Jerry, how do you find a good naturopath? Oh, a good naturopath. You have to... My personal opinion is start asking people Referrals. Referrals, because I wouldn't just Google.
You could just Google, now we do see so many reviews but every time I look at reviews, I know there's reviews on everything. Amazon taught us to run our lives by reading reviews. But those are random people you don't even know. So are you gonna take their advice? I like to ask friends.
That's how I find like everything in my life, how do you do this? Ask around Or actually a great resource 'cause Get Healthy U members have a huge Facebook community. The Facebook page is really active. And so you can post on there, "Hey, I live in this place," Minneapolis was where we are, "Anyone else in this area, you so-and-so." So that's a great resource too. So if you are not a part of that Facebook group you have to be a member of Get Healthy UTV.
If you are a member of Get Healthy UTV ask to join Get Healthy UTV members, it's a group in Facebook, just ask to join the group. We always check to make sure you're actually a member. 'Cause we're not gonna let strangers in that group. It's a really positive engaged group. Yes.
So engaged. And we wanna talk about whatever we wanna talk about and we don't want strangers in there. So there's rules to the group. It's all about supporting each other, so check it out, join us. We have a...
That's a great thing. You could probably get some good advice from those women too. Let's see. I'm four years, Carol says, I'm four years into maintaining a 200 plus weight loss. Carol.
Let's give Carol... Right. 200, Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Your advice is so great, I saw you live at Ty's this year.
Oh, thank you. That was a place that I spoke at, two mornings in a row, back in the fall. So thank you, Carol, that's really sweet of you and congratulations. Congratulations. That's amazing.
That is amazing. And that took some serious work. 200 pounds doesn't come off easily, good job girlfriend, I'm so proud of you. Lisa asks, are you using Polar heart rate monitor in the past or wait, are you using polar heart rate monitor like in the past or did you switch to the Apple watch? You'll have to answer what you're using.
I am wearing an Apple watch, so I did switch. Here's why I switched. I wore a polar heart rate monitor for over 10 years, every single day. I am very in tune with my own heart rate and I started... Here's what kinda got me off the polar watch.
I was mostly really tracking my heart rate when I was spinning, teaching spinning, and our bikes register with the chest straps so I didn't even need the watch anymore. So I kinda stopped wearing the watch. I was just wearing the chest strap and then the Apple watch came out and I wanted to be able to see my email and my maps and my, this, my, that. So I went to the Apple watch, quite frankly, I don't really think that this heart rate monitor is as accurate as wearing a chest strap. I take it with a grain of salt.
It just kinda tells me where I'm at for the day or for the workout, but I don't use it like the Holy Bible. I do think polar is a much better product in terms of heart rate, but I love all the little things that the silly Apple watch does. So it's hard decision, do you use a tracker? It's funny. I feel so naked 'cause like I hold him all the time.
I always wear it on his hand. You take it off. I take it off now. But Polar. Yes, I wore Polar.
And I was gonna say when we were talking about heart rate earlier, the earlier heart rate question about that as well, if you wanna be really accurate I think you have to be across the chest, the devices, all the Fitbit everything that's just on your wrist right now, like you said, take it with a grain of salt, they're not a 100% accurate but if you're using them as a consistent measuring tool, they're gonna, if you're using the same tool consistently it's gonna give you the same reading. So it's consistently gonna give you the same reading but if you want your real true heart rate I think you have to be wearing the strap. And I'm to that point when I was answering that question earlier, silly me, I was just kind of assuming you were wearing a heart rate monitor when you are... When you mentioned the talk test you can figure out your heart rate through perceived exertion, like how you're feeling. But I like Polar, I think it's a good product, but it depends on what your goals are and what using it for.
And I do love just seeing like look at it and said goal achieved. Everyone loves... I love when it vibrates and you're like, yay, I met my goal. Yeah, it's hilarious. Is it horrible to eat later in the evening, I track my calories and sometimes have calories left at night, I always feel guilty for eating after 8:00 p.m Oh no, you don't have to feel guilty.
I wanna hear your opinion on this too but I would say the only reason I suggest to people don't eat later at night is because that's when we're most vulnerable. Like I said, so people tend to let go and eat maybe too much of the wrong foods because they're tired. Second thing is if you eat a ton of food right before you go to bed, your stomach is working hard to digest so you might not sleep as well. But there are people who work weird hours and they eat dinner at 10 o'clock because of the hours that they're working. Or like my friends who work in the news world they're getting up at 2:00 a.m, they eat breakfast at 4:00 a.m.
I think it's not horrible but I think you have to just control but if you have extra calories, Hey have a couple of snack. I think it's like all these articles or something came out like no eating after 7:00 p.m and all this stuff for weight loss. And I think everyone got really hooked on that. And for me, honestly, it's intuitive eating it's listening to your body. And so if I'm hungry at night, like I said, I eat there's no cut off, I'm not like 8:00 p.m I don't eat anymore.
If I'm hungry, I eat. But kind of a good measure to, or that for me is you should wake up hungry 'cause you've been sleeping. And I know that I was either eating too much too late or that if I don't wake up hungry, 'cause I always wake up hungry 'cause my metabolism is ready to go. I'm a breakfast eater. I like that as a real time.
That's kind of how I monitor. I'm like, Oh I definitely didn't eat. I didn't wake up hungry this morning. I definitely ate way over in course last night I think that a lot of trainers just use that as a rule just to control people like, Oh, don't eat after 8 p.m. There is no magic to that.
When I lift weights as hard as I can, this is Janet, where my form Let's see where my form start to fall forward. Wait, I'm not getting this. I lift as hard as I can where my form will start to fail towards the end but I'm never sore the next day. I hear what she's saying. So she said she's working to fatigue, but she's not sore.
Yeah. So my suggestion on that is I don't know when you're lifting heavy if you're doing like a total body workout or what muscle groups are focusing on but I would really try to target if you're trying to get really fatigue those muscles, two muscle groups maybe even one muscle group depending on the muscle group when you're strength training. To choose two muscle groups and go after them and repeat the same movement. So literally I only go to the gym on Saturdays now it's mommy's getaway day, I go on Saturdays and because I don't get to go to the gym that often literally when I go to the gym, I choose, I chose two movements yesterday when I worked out. I did squat rack and I did assisted pull-ups and I just did that on repeat five sets, 12 reps.
And because I know I'm fatiguing those muscles and I'm definitely gonna get sore. So to that point, which that is really good advice if you're trying to really feel that soreness, but to that point, there's nothing wrong with a total body workout and not being a 100% sore. I tend to do total body workouts now and by the end of the week I'm sore. I'll be like, Oh, my butt is sore or my biceps or triceps are a little sore but they're not like horribly sore. So you don't have to be a 100% sore to be having gains if that makes sense.
For sure. Absolutely. But if you absolutely feel like, Oh my gosh I could do a 100 more of these, go heavier. I would say you are you should be failing your last two reps. If you're doing our true strength training workout.
Like you said, if we're doing total body, which 90% of my total workout because I'm a group fitness junkie it's the total body and I love it. I will say, all of you who do the types of workouts that Lindsey and I instruct, here's what I'll say, I look around my group fitness room, I look at all these members who are Get Healthy UTV members we're fit, we're healthy in mind and body. And I'm always like group fitness works because you're accountable, because you're always getting total body workouts in you're doing cardio and strength at the same time, you're consistent and there's just something to be said about that. And it's way more fun. And there's that element of fun in it too.
I gotta tell ya. So how do you know if you're eating too much or too little when you're working out three days a week? Well, you kinda know if you're hungry or not, for sure. Right. And it depends on the type of workouts you're doing.
I would say on the days that you are working out is when you can... I tend to focus on my maybe more carb heavy meals, things like that versus on the days that you're not working out on your rest days maybe focusing more on your greens and really the veggie heavy stuff. I know like I plan my days on now 'cause I'm working out three to four days a week as well. The days that I choose for me and my husband to have red meat are the days that I'm working out and stuff like that. To feed your muscles.
That's good. Jean says, thank you both for your positive energy. You're welcome, Jean, thanks for joining us. Oh cute. I love you both.
This is from Living Well with Nick. Such a great inspiration, the health and fitness space, ah thank you so much. Do you have a favorite vegan protein powder brand that you recommend? I'll tell you mine and you can tell me yours. I obviously I'm always talking about BiPro at Get Healthy UTV we work with BiPro.
We love their whey protein,. This is not vegan, this is whey protein the protein powder and the protein water, which I love. But if you are looking for vegan, I like Aloha. I have had great success with that. They have some that involves pumpkin seed protein.
And to that point, so that's what I was gonna say is for me, pumpkin seed protein is the smoothest when it comes to a vegan protein Vegan they're a lot more granular 'cause it's like the pea in the ham. The pea in the rice are not necessarily my favorite. So I found a pumpkin seed protein on amazon.com on Amazon. It's pure pumpkin seed protein powder and it is so incredibly creamy, it's really delicious. So I would look for something that has pumpkin seed in it.
That would be mine. Do you ever use vegan? I actually, if I'm gonna go, like you said, 'cause it is more granular like the Vega vega one, Yeah, Vega vega. However you say it Tomato, tomato. Right.
Those are okay. I actually like a more collagen based like the Marine collagen, if you're trying to get away from... 'Cause normal collagen has bovine heightened. Except I don't think that if you're vegan you're gonna do the Marine collagen, right? Is it so..
Do they? That's a good question. I don't know. That's a really good question. I think that vegan can you do Marine college?
I think you can. Is it seed vegetables? Is it vegetables or is it from? We need to find that out Living Well with Nick. Right.
You tell us I don't know the vegan guidelines 'cause I'm not vegan I think it would be interesting to find out on the college and powders because that is... I'm gonna look that up, I'd like to know that, but also Pumpkin seed. Pumpkin seed protein, try it out. It is super creamy, creamy, creamy. I will not criticize their way of voting for someone who's is just what?
I think she's got a political stance right there. We're not gonna talk politics on here. Nobody needs to get in a bad mood. Do I have to lift heavy weights? This is, is it Valarie?
That's a pretty name. Do I have to lift weights to see definition? I have a torn rotator cuff, I can only lift 10 pounds right now. Just more reps. How many days a week?
So 10 pounds girlfriend. I love that. Like she says do I have to lift... 10 pounds is a good amount of weight. Those are heavy weight Especially for total body group fitness training.
Yes. When you're doing a lot of reps 10 pounds will absolutely give you definition as well as body weight training. With a torn rotator cuff though, you're gonna have to be careful and sometimes you can get away with just still using those eight and 10 pound weights and you can make it into a long many years. And other times you'll end up with a surgery depending on how horribly it's torn, which we don't know. But I think 10 pounds is a lot.
Yeah. Especially for total body training and higher rep, if you're going high repetition, like-- How many days a week would you recommend for total body? Like kind of what you're saying, three to five. That's what we're thinking. Gigi, how do you know if for sure your cortisol levels are high?
I've tried to cut down on strenuous long workouts to see if it makes a difference on my body, any suggestions? So Gigi is a member of our Get Healthy UTV group. She posts all the time, you're the best GG. You know if your cortisol levels are high if you are feeling super fatigued, stressed, again we have a great article and Get Healthy U about stress and cortisol. You're typically gaining weight in the middle, you're sleepy during the day, you're just not feeling yourself.
I wanna know how you feel but for me at age 51 now too many strenuous long workouts in a row really take a toll on my body. I used to just go and go and now I'm like, all right, it's time for a rest day. That doesn't mean I can't still do them because I still do them and I'm still gung ho, but I just need to take a rest day in between. For me three really hard days in a row I need a fourth day it's going to be more my yoga day or my walk day. Yeah.
And for me, and like you said, right now, I'm able to work out, work out I could power through when I was in my "prime," but for me it's a lot like I can tell my cortisol levels are more like stress work-related, I'm running myself to the bone, saying yes to way too much stuff. And I can tell because my attitude takes a major hit. But something to be cognizant of 'cause we are doing so many hit workouts and things like that, and people work on the morning, do your hit workout and then you go straight for that cup of coffee, you're fueling cortisol, 'cause your cortisol levels are high and then when you have coffee right after it's also fueling that. So, for me that's something that I have to be cognizant of is when I have my coffee and comparison to when I'm working out too. That's a really good piece of advice although I'm not sure I can take it.
I know, it's hard. I don't know, I'm like what? I have to skip my coffee? Good luck to you Gigi. Take a rest.
I know that girl works hard. I see her posts. Valeria is asking do I still have a promo code for Get Healthy UTV? So if you wanna be a gold member. If you want to join as a gold member which is the advanced membership you have access to the live workouts.
If you're a gold member, then you need to go to the, we posted it, but we'll post it again, to the gethealthyutv.com/gold and put in the coupon code, chrisgold20 and you will get the entire year for $20. That's insane you guys, you don't... All these workout videos, it blows my mind because I'm like integrating the live workouts do you know how much people pay to go to group fitness classes and live workout? They pay $20 a class. Yes.
And we've made this so affordable so people will ask, well, Oh gee,-- The thing is, that's what I tell my girlfriends because I have a bunch of girlfriends now who are like new moms they're like I can't get to the gym, I'm like Get Healthy UTV and honestly, if you don't like it which you're going to like, but if you don't, it's 10 to $20, like you've bought, like you go-- you spend that on coffee. If you go to a group fitness class and take a group fitness instructor you don't like that's gone, but you get 80 workout videos. You get how many different group fitness instructors like-- It's awesome. And that's what's so great is there is variety. And for me personally, my goal was to bring in instructors to Get Healthy UTV that were great instructors, that had great energy, that were really good with form and creative with their workouts.
And I think we just have an amazing group of women that are really-- Who have different niches. So it's pretty cool. And I was sitting at an event when this guy looked over at me, it was kind of funny. He was kind of like looking at me, he goes, wait, he goes, I see you on my wife's iPad all the time. It was so embarrassing.
Like not embarrassing was funny. He's like, I think my wife works out with you all the time. I bet she does, he goes, she's gonna be so mad she's not here. That's so funny. It was hilarious.
This Maggie says five years ago today she started working out with us. Yay. I choose your cardio kickboxing workout program and you've helped me keep my college weight off, way to go Maggie. I love it. We're coming to the end here.
I don't know if we've covered all these questions, they're so many. Give me a good smoothie with chia seeds. It's gotta be somewhere in your blog for sure. There are, and here's my daily one, I put berries, avocado, chia seeds, a scoop of BiPro protein powder and almond milk that's my everyday go to That's classic, classic berries almond milk. Roxy loves almond butter, she does.
I have a feeling that we have not seen a lot of questions. Let's see lately. Let's see if there's anything else left. I'm just looking to see if there's anything else. What's your thoughts on drinking apple cider vinegar for weight loss?
Do you do any apple cider vinegar or not? I don't really and it's the acidity on my teeth and stuff. So I personally don't right now. because even I've changed over my typical-- You just had a baby. Yes.
You're not gonna really change. I do use apple cider vinegar, I use it for alkalining and I also use it... It's a fermented food too. So in the morning and one of the things that it is kinda known for is helping to anti-constipate you. So for a lot of females I'm sure you talk to clients who say I'm constipated, nobody wants to talk about it but like, I can't go what's going on.
So it will help in the morning. Is it gonna make you lose weight? No. Nothing makes you lose weight. You gotta eat healthy and move your body.
But it is good for fermented food, good for gut health too. Let's see if we can see anything else. Perimenopause, bloating, Laura, I'm gonna tell you right now it's stay away from chemicals, stay away from food coloring, stay away from MSG, stay away from packaged food, it wreaks havoc on your body. And actually, no matter what age. And I bet with nursing are you staying....
you prior... You're already a clean eater but you probably stay away from everything that you can. Yeah. I'm trying to be, and like I said at you my body's craving, 'cause I think it's way smarter than I am after all this I'm like, my body knows what to do. When I'm craving I do.
After the miracle of birth, your body is smart. Lindsey's workouts are tough, says Gigi. You're funny. They all love your workouts always like, Oh today is a Lindsey. I love it.
It's so good I'm doing my workouts now and I'm working out with myself and I'm like Oh, man. Look at this, Look how cute Emily, read that one. I discovered Get healthy UTV from Lindsey's blog after I had my first child, oh congrats on your first babe, the workouts have been perfect for the short amount of time I've been on those... I've had time between those three hour feedings. Yes.
Nice work. Is isn't that amazing? That's amazing, I'm so glad. Congrats on your new babe. I'm so excited.
It's so fun to hear those stories. It's working out at home. We have hit an hour. Oh my gosh, that went so fast. I know, it's kinda crazy.
And you got to get to bed, you're tired. You've got a new baby, so sweet. We're gonna have to get Brody on here. We're gonna have to show you guys, he is the cutest little gem you could eat them up. And I gotta tell you to Get healthy U office, we are very baby and puppy friendly.
We love babies and pets. They're all welcome here. And typically on any given day we have at least one of each in this office, so we love it. Hey, all of you for joining us, thank you so much. It's really fun to see Lindsey back in action.
I am so excited to be back and do the live workouts. I'm so excited. The baby bump fitness system, if you guys haven't tried it yet, I love those workouts. I love them. They're solid workouts that are low impact and you're watching Lindsey who's got this baby bump and you're thinking to yourself, okay, if she can do it I can do it.
So it's fantastic, I love that program. And then Lindsey will be her first live workout in two weeks, right after memorial day. On June 5th, which is actually kicking off the summer shape up challenge that I'm doing with Get Healthy UTV. We created a special calendar, that's gonna go, it's a 28 day calendar, it's gonna start on June 5th, and it's all Get Healthy UTV workouts. And it's all workouts from my programs on Get Healthy UTV which are the baby bump fitness system, the metabolic reboot, the barre sculpt and body weight fusion.
Yeah. A lot of bs goin' on, Lindsey Bomgren. So all you have to do is go to Nourish Move Love your blog, and sign up-- Sign up for my email list And then you get the calendar You're gonna the calendar and you're gonna get a free workout video. If you're not a member of Get Healthy UTV. If you're not a member, yes, So if you're already a member Get Healthy UTV you could just follow this calendar with Lindsey.
you could follow this calendar, just make sure you're on my email list. It's gonna go to everyone on my email list this week on Tuesday, and-- But if you're not a member of Get Healthy UTV and you're watching us, you should join so you can do the summer shape up. And I think it's really fun 'cause she's saying she's getting back into shape while you guys are... Look at her. I'm gonna tell you right now.
I'm trying to get my strength back you guys. It's hard, pushups. She's a trainer though. It is, it is. I'm really trying to get that strength back up.
And so I'm really excited to work with you guys 'cause I'm gonna be doing this calendar too. So I'm really excited about. I was telling the story of right after my first baby, which was 25 years ago. I did some jumping jacks and I started peeing my pants and I did some pushups, I was stupid, I start crying. I was 26 years old and I was like, are you kidding?
This is me, this is all I got? This is it, this all I have, What's wrong with me? And then of course you gain your strength back and you are able to not pee when you do jumping jacks things get better, but it's really fun to watch you. So that's really exciting. That's starting the summer shape up with Lindsey.
So you have to check that out and we'll put a link to Nourish Move Love up so that you guys can find it if you'd like her especially your Facebook page. So that's it, we're done. Thank you so much, everybody for joining us. We really appreciate that you take the time to spend with us. This was our first time on Facebook.
So give us your feedback, whether you liked it on Facebook or whether you liked the Google hangout. 'Cause we want to do what's convenient for you. And we also, this is the first time we tried to Sunday night, 'cause we've done other nights a week. We're getting some hearts. Maybe people like Sunday night, could be right.
So great at home. All right. Have a great one you guys. Thanks so much, thank you, Lindsey. Thank you.
We love you, are so happy to have her back. It's awesome. Take care everybody, have a great Sunday night and we'll be talking to you tomorrow if you're gonna do the live workout with us see you later. Bye.
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