GHUTV LIVE! Can you boost your Metabolism?
Chris FreytagDescription
Join GHUTV trainers Chris Freytag and Sam Cameranesi for the next GHUTV LIVE Q&A on Thursday, March 16th at 1:00 p.m. CT. They will focus their discussion on metabolism and address questions from the audience.
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We are live. Hello, all you Get Healthy U TV members and anyone else who is catching us here. My name is Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV, and I've got the lovely Sam Cam, who is everything to Get Healthy U TV. She pretty much has her hand in everything. And she's also one of our trainers.
And as you can see, Sam is in studio and I am remote. Sam, how's it going in Minnesota? It is rainy and cold, unfortunately, but everything else is going smoothly so. But rain, I like the word rain, not snow. And I am in Arizona.
I wouldn't dare tempt any of you Midwesterners with a glimpse of my back sunshine. So that's why I've got a white wall behind me. But anyway, we're so glad to be here. This is our April, April, listen to me. This is our March LIVE Q&A.
We try to come live almost every month. I bet we come a live about 11 times a year. With Q&A, we usually have a topic that we wanna cover, usually based on what you guys are telling us you wanna talk about. We do spend quite a bit of time in these Q&As talking about nutrition because as you know, we are an exercise-based website, but healthy eating is a huge part of working out. Healthy and also aging gracefully and feeling good.
So, I love spending this time that we have often talking about nutrition. I know we get a lot of pre-asked questions. Sam did set up this live event so that there were some pre-asked questions that you guys have. She has a whole list of 'em. Feel free to ask questions on the fly.
Our topic today is can you effectively increase your metabolism over 50, and if the answer is yes, which it is, how do you do that? Because I know a lot of you're feeling like the word menopause has got you down and hormone changes and just feeling like you are less capable maybe or less energy. How can we change some of that? So let's hit some of that up. We also today are going to talk about our app.
So many of you new members, we love it, but are now saying, "Wait, what? You got an app?" "It's in the app store. I'm not quite sure how to use it." And we'll talk about using the app. Yeah, we're gonna talk about, you know, you can use the app anywhere you go. When I travel, the app is my best friend.
I love it. When I'm at home I use Roku, when I'm traveling I use the app. So let's talk about that. Anyway, Sam, let's get right to questions. Because an hour always goes so fast, doesn't it?
It really does. And then, of course, we'll take any questions on the fly, too. So kind of going with what you said, Chris. The menopause and metabolism, we have quite a few members saying, you know, they're 45 to 50 going through menopause, struggling with the weight loss, especially around their midsection and they're also unable to do high intensity exercise. So what's kind of your advice or expertise as far as going through menopause, struggling with that midsection and not able to do high intensity exercise?
Okay, so one thing we have to do is get our mindset right when we get to that point of life. And for those of you, I'm 57, I get it. I tell Sam all the time, it's very humbling and I have to have that level of acceptance that my body has changed. That I can't do some of the things that Sam can do the same way she can. It doesn't feel good, it's hard on my joints, I don't recover quite the same.
So it's a level of acceptance to say, "Okay, I'm not doing the high impact anymore. I'm protecting my knees. I'm trying to be hip friendly or joint friendly." I get that, but do not think that low impact is synonymous with low intensity. You can stay low impact and you can still be very high intensity. And I have really tested myself on that.
And actually, Sam, you have too, right? Absolutely. We always shock ourselves when we're doing low intensity. So basically, I shouldn't say low intensity, low impact. So low impact means no jumping.
So instead of any kind of a plyometric, which means to jump or like a jump squat or a jump lunger, which yes, automatically gets your heart rate up very high, I get that. But, by giving more range of motion, bigger ranges of movement and being more involved, you know, any kind of exercise, you can just kind of half, half, I hate to swear but is ass a swear word? You can kind of half ass it and just kinda go like this. Or you can be really intense about it and paying attention and putting your mindset into it. So just because you are lower impact does not mean you have to be low intensity.
Now, that being said, my heart rate doesn't get as high as it did when I was 30. I get that. I don't get up to that point anymore 'cause it's just too much for me. And so, but it literally you just have to get away from thinking, "Ah, I used to be so much better." No, it's just everything changes. So you can still do low impact exercise, you can still do strength training, cardio.
Sam, repeat the question again. What other thing they wanted to know? About the midsection? Was it the midsection? Yeah, just like kind of your advice on going through menopause and having that midsection kind of being that tougher area to kind of target.
So one of the reasons the midsection becomes that way is the hormone changes. Estrogen and insulin are really two of the hormones that cause a lot of trouble and will cause some belly fat. Estrogen is obviously decreasing for most of us as we are getting older, but insulin is so interesting because even unrelated to menopause, it happens in guys, too. They start to get a midsection. And if your insulin is spiking or your insulin gets out of control because it can't clean up your blood sugar, your high blood sugar all the time, you can result in a lot of belly fat and diabetes.
And insulin is that hormone that's secreted to kind of mop up the blood sugar in your body. So many people are in shock how high their blood pressure is as they get older. But if you are a little bit less active and your food choices involve chemicals, artificial flavors, fake sugars, just a lot of ultra processed food where all the nutrients have been taken out but you're eating really, really processed flour, really, really processed foods causes inflammation, it causes high blood sugar. So white flour turns to sugar in your system right away. And I find with a lot of people who are in my age group, they're shocked at what their blood sugar is and they really have to look closely at what they're eating.
And just because you could eat, I'll just use this as an example, but Doritos when you're in your 30s and nothing happened to you, when you're in your 50s you don't feel as good from Doritos. And maybe it's the red food dye, maybe it's all the chemicals, maybe it's causing inflammation in your body. Maybe it's spiking your blood sugar even though it's not a sugary food, but it's an ultra refined grain which spikes your blood sugar 'cause it turns to sugar in your body, and then spikes your insulin. So, when you get older, your food choices, you can look at it like, "Oh sad, I can't eat the things that I used to eat when I was 30." But I don't look at it that way. I look at it like, "Wow, now it's a time of my life where I have more time for education," and the world has gotten smarter on food so personally, I'm interested in it.
I'm like, "Tell me more about food and what would be a better choice for me so I feel better, so I reduce belly fat, so I have more energy, et cetera." Does that make sense? And of course, exercise. Exercise is the key. We become less active in our 50s. We just do from a natural standpoint.
Like when you were younger you were probably chasing kids or you were doing things that moved your body more. And now, at this time in my life, I am literally working, so I'm standing here at a computer all day or I have to intentionally move my body, but I don't have a lot of movement in my day unless I make it happen. Absolutely. Another question- It seems like, "Darn, when's this gonna happen to me?" No, I actually had a moment yesterday, and honestly, the last couple days 'cause I haven't had anything going on in the evenings. And so normally I am moving around but I'm the same way as Chris.
I'm sitting at a desk all day. You know, we're talking, we're on Zoom calls, we've got meetings. And yes I get my workout done in the morning, but then at night I'm like, "All right, I could just move from the kitchen counter to the couch." And so I've been kind of forcing myself, and unfortunately in Minnesota it's very cold out so I don't like to go outside, which is where I am hoping that the sun is going to shine here pretty soon because I need to move my body. Pretty soon we'll be back to our evening walks, which is so soothing mentally and physically. Yes.
We have a woman in her late 50s getting back into working out yet again. Moving every day for 16 days straight and has been kinda doing your 80-20 rule as far as eating clean. Her first question is, how many days of cardio, weights, and core? Like, what's kind of the breakup throughout the week would you suggest? So I know it can be overwhelming, but here's the deal.
The guidelines or like a rule of thumb is about 150 minutes of heart pumping exercise a week. 150 minutes, that's two and a half hours a week. And so what is heart pumping? Heart pumping means that you are no longer breathing through your nose like this. I mean, because I'm obviously like aerobic right now.
I'm with oxygen, but I'm not working very hard. So heart pumping means You have to breathe through your mouth. So like a power walk, this morning I took a four mile power walk because I was like, "I gotta do something this morning." And I wasn't going to do a weight workout today because I did a really heavy weight workout yesterday. I was gonna give myself one day of rest because when I was younger I might not have but as I've gotten older I've decided to. So anyway, heart pumping exercise, 150 minutes a week.
So how you divide that is up to you. Whether you do 20 minutes a day, 30 minutes a day, you do one hour one day, you skip a day, you do a one hour the next day. It's kinda nice to sprinkle it throughout the week, I promise, and that's the bare minimum. So if you do four and a half hours instead of two and a half, one and a half hours, or two and a half hours, yay you. You know, if you do 300 minutes instead of 150, that's the bottom barrel guideline.
And then two strength training sessions a week for the whole body. So whether you do two whole body strength training sessions or you do an upper body day, a lower body day, and a core body day, or whether you do one full body day and then you do a lower, upper, core, I mean, there's so many ways to divide it. Now I know it can get overwhelming for those of you who aren't fitness professionals 'cause you're like, "Okay, but you know, Chris, this is natural to you. I don't know how to do it." That's why we set up calendars for you guys. Now I have to make one thing clear though, that's kind of important for you to understand, is that we are huge fans of circuit and interval workouts.
Because a lot of the Get Healthy U TV workouts are movements with weights that involve repetition and a range of motion with a pace. We always tell you to keep your own pace, but you're moving and it increases your heart rate. So it is a twofer, if you know what I mean. Two for one. You are getting your heart rate up so it counts as cardio, and you are lifting weight so it counts as strength.
So it's like for us strength and circuits and intervals is the best multitasking workout where you can count it for your cardio minutes and your strength minutes at the same time. So how incredibly wonderful is that if you're a busy human. However, there are days where I just, like I said I did a power walk today, or there are days where I just do, you know, like Sam's a dancer, she'll do a dance workout. Or there are days where I'm just gonna do something that is only cardio or only strength, and that is totally fine, too. So when I'm dividing up my week, it depends.
Like when I'm in Minnesota, I do Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday are circuit interval type workouts for me. Friday is pure cardio. Friday like is start the weekend. I do pure cardio, I just get my heart rate up, I just sweat, it feels so good. And Saturday and Sunday are rest days for me.
When I was younger and I had little kids and I was super busy, I took my rest days during the week. I remember like Tuesdays were super busy 'cause we had dance and we had hockey games at night. And I'd always think, "Well, you know on Tuesdays, I'm not going to do as much on Tuesdays." Or I would take maybe Fridays for my kids was busy so then I did do a weight workout on the weekend, a Saturday or a Sunday, because my week, you know, your life changes with your lifestyle so you have to be willing to change your schedule, too. I love throwing in a yoga. I did yoga yesterday.
Sam and I made a rule for ourselves that we're gonna do yoga twice a month, right? Yes. And you would say that's not very lofty. Twice a month you're like, "Come on, can't you do better?" Well here's the thing. I'm a yoga instructor, but if I'm not teaching the class, I'm not typically making the time for yoga because I'm just too busy.
So I'm doing that. I like to take other people's classes, and I did that yesterday and it was like freaking awesome. And I can already tell the difference in my hips so I know I need to do that more. So, divide up your week how it works for you. It depends on where you live.
Do you get outside? Do you do a lot of walking? Do you like the interval and the cardios? And our walking workouts, our indoor walking workouts are great cardio workouts. So, just divide it up how it works for your body, but I would say at least 150 minutes of heart pumping exercise, at least two strength training sessions.
Use your core. In every strength training session, if you ask me, we're always talking about core, but we also have certain workouts that are called like cardio core or just Pilates, that kind of thing. And if you have time to throw in a yoga workout once a week, which we typically do on our calendars, do it. Because especially as we age, joint health is everything. Chris, there is a second part to this question, however, I kinda wanna just go back for a second 'cause you kind of touched on it.
And we've had a couple people kinda mention they love our workouts but they do feel that we move too fast. And so just kind of maybe comment on just like, A, we're working on it, especially me. I'm somebody who is a little bit younger and does move faster. It's something that we're working on. But any tips and tricks to feeling as if you're still accomplishing our workouts even if you're not moving at the same pace that the trainers might be?
Yeah, so we've had a lot of discussions about this as of late. So a couple things I wanna comment, and granted we are very aware that we're a fitness professionals. We get it. So for us, it feels very natural and we feel very competent in modifying, as well as kinda doing our own thing. And so for us to expect that from you I know might be harder.
We try to constantly say go at your own pace. Slow it down. If you're squat, curl, press, you do one to our every two, don't feel defeated. So as a fitness professional, I don't feel defeated. I'm like okay, "Sam, you do two.
I'll just do one," 'cause I have confidence though, that I'm capable. That's what I'm capable. I don't feel bad about myself. I get though, if you're at home and we're moving quick and you're like, "Wait a minute. They just did 15 of those and I just did five of 'em and now I feel horrible." So I wanna get across the fact, don't feel horrible.
Pace is everything. I've been teaching live classes for over 30 years and when I see people in my class, they're all moving at their own pace. There's no medal for moving quickly, especially as you age. Second thing, I'm 57, Sam is, what are you? 31.
31, yep. Yep. I have a son turning 31. So she's the same age as my kid. I mean, I just recognize the difference in my bodies.
And I tell Sam and I tell Tara, I'm like, "You guys move so fast," because they're dancers, they're strong, they're young, and they can move really fast. If you do any of my workouts, you will notice I go a little bit slower. Now, if you do a workout that I put together seven years ago, I'm probably moving faster than I am now. I don't feel bad about that because that's who I am and because I'm aging so know that. But, a couple other things.
We do have some workouts that do move slower. We have beginner workouts. Our walking workouts are slower. However, like even our walking pace, if you were to say that's too fast, you can slow it down. But that being said, one little point is we are going to start what we're calling a true beginner series and we're gonna classify that as true beginner or just aging.
Meaning, you wanna take care of your body. You don't wanna hurt yourself. And so we're gonna be moving a lot slower, a lot more intentionally, and they're gonna be less complicated moves. We're going to be filming those in May and we'll start releasing those this summer and we'll continue to add on to those. So those will be good, too.
But in the meantime, I am telling you, own it. Do not feel badly. Slow it down. Now, I understand if you feel like you missed the instruction, but I really feel proud of our instructors. I feel like we are really good at cueing.
And so, even if they're moving faster than you, you're getting that cue of like squat, curl, press. Keep your chest up, sit back, knees over the toes. We're giving you all the right cues for you to be successful. So don't feel bad to slow it down. And I belong to a lot of, believe me, I have checked out all of our competitors.
That's what you do. You check out your competitors. And there are a lot of, you know, if you have fitness professionals that have been teaching group fitness for a while, they're capable of moving a little faster. But again, I never feel bad about moving slower, myself personally. So I hope that you guys can feel that way, too.
But we're aware of it. Did I answer that properly, Sam? Yes, you did. Going back to our first part of the question. So they were asking about the split of workouts throughout the week.
This individual, again, she's late 50s, has also been eating way more veggies in the last six months or so. But she says she's feeling super bloated. So her question is, should she cut back on some veggies and amp up proteins? She goes she understands that everybody's different, trying to give herself some grace, but feeling a little bit bloated with adding way more veggies into her diet. That makes sense.
I mean, your body has to get used to it. Your gut has to get used to it. Your gut flora is everything. 70% of your immune system is in your gut. like your gut is everything.
And so if your body hasn't been digesting vegetables for 40 years and you start, first of all, yay you! I'm so proud of you. But you're gonna have to slowly ease into it. You're also gonna find that there are certain vegetables that feel better for you. Like I love cruciferous vegetables, but I have forever, so I never get bloated from them.
But I have so many people tell me, "My gosh, if I eat broccoli or cauliflower, I feel so bloated." So you have to ease into it. Check out on an array of vegetables. Sometimes it's like, "Oh, peppers don't feel good for me, but I really like carrots and celery," or whatever it might be. Also, cooking the vegetables can often make you feel less bloated. So if you're just starting to add more vegetables to your routine, maybe instead of raw, of course I don't know how you're eating them, but instead of raw, which I love raw veggies, but steam them, roast them.
So when you cook them they're gonna be a little bit less bloating, if you will. But good for you. Adding extra protein though is super smart, especially if you are in that midlife and you are lifting weights. We really have to add protein to our body to keep feeding our muscles, and I am even really conscious of it. So adding protein to your diet also is great.
And it's great that you're back into exercising. Just pay attention to your calories and stay away again from chemicals. Sometimes people are like, "Oh yeah, I eat broccoli, but I put Cheez Whiz on it and I'm really bloated." I'm like, "Hmm, I don't think it's the broccoli. I think it's the Cheez Whiz." So, pay attention to what you're putting on your veggies, too. Don't ruin 'em with with something full of yucky chemical.
All right, the most popular ask question this week is wanting you to talk about intermittent fasting. So first off, can you talk about it and secondly, can you talk about how you feel about it? Yeah, intermittent fasting is actually really great. I mean, it's great in so many ways. It's honestly more like a calorie restriction program.
So the reason it works for a lot of people is it has you eating less calories than you normally would and calorie deficit is how you lose weight. So if you're trying to lose weight, it's calories in and calories out. Of course, the type of calories do matter. We've been talking about it now for 20 minutes. But the number of calories do too.
You can't get away from that. You can't eat 50 chicken breasts and expect to lose weight. So, intermittent fasting often just has people in a restricted calorie system, therefore they lose weight. So that's great, but it's not magic. When people go, "Oh, intermittent fasting is the only way to lose weight." No, that's not true.
Calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. If intermittent fasting is one of the tools you like to use, perfect, use it. That's great, but it is not the magic sauce. That being said, there has been some studies that show that intermittent fasting, having periods of time where your body is not constantly digesting food is healthy for anti-inflammatory reasons and good for your organs and you can, my goodness, you just Google anything about it and you'll hear as long as you're looking at sources that you trust. I follow Dr.
Hyman, I follow a couple other functional medicine doctors who talk a lot about intermittent fasting and how it can be worthy for your overall health. Now there's different schedules. Like people will say, "Oh, I only eat eight hours a day and then the other 16, I can't eat." Like to me, that is so restrictive. I would not be able to live on that. Some people do different systems, but I kinda look at my own self.
So in a normal, I'd say maybe 250 days out of the year, I'm at home and I can stop eating somewhere, I don't know, depends on the time of year, but six or 7 PM and then I don't eat again till after my morning workout at 7:00 AM the next morning. So, I'm really intermittent fasting for 12 hours, which is really good. So I kind of look at that as that's kind of my intermittent fasting. But then, when I'm out of town or I'm going out on the weekends or we go out to dinner, I might not eat till 8:00 PM and I don't stress out about it. 80-20 rule.
It's like no big deal. Then I maybe only have a 10-hour window or a eight-hour window where I don't eat, if that makes sense. But there are some health benefits to it. One of the feelings though I have is, for me personally, I just know if I become obsessed with food if I'm constantly thinking about exactly how many calories are you eating and when I'm eating it and saying I'm not allowed to eat at this time. But then when I can eat, I just personally become obsessive and I've got a very, like personality like that.
So for me, I don't wanna get involved with intermittent fasting being on the schedule where I'm out to lunch and I go, "Oh, well it's not my eating window so I'm just gonna sit here." But then I'm gonna get really angry and then when it is time to eat, I'm going to overeat or I'm gonna, I don't know, it just causes too much stress for me. So for me personally, it's not really something that I'm interested in sticking to all the time, but I do think the concept of having a period of time where you don't eat is a good thing. Awesome. We have a question rolling in. Is it true that weight training burns fat and cardio kind of burns like more weight or helps you lose weight?
She is hearing so much about in order to lose fat you need to lift weights. What's your kinda thought on that? Well that's just such watered down science. It's just you get all this crazy crap online. But there's two sources of fuel, fat and sugar.
Converted sugars, glycogen in your body. So when your heart rate is lower, you burn more fat. When your heart rate is higher, you burn more sugar. That's just the way it is. So, if you're lifting weights and your heart rate is like 90 or something, so you might be using more fat as fuel at that moment.
If you're running and your heart rate's 160, you're probably using more sugar as fuel. But honestly, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you're using as fuel. That's getting too scientific and too crazy for most of us normal people. So really, what matters is burning up the calories and then eating healthy.
That being said, a lot of strength training can ultimately help you lose fat because it helps to increase metabolism, which is our subject today. Muscle burns more calories at a resting heart rate than body fat does. So more muscle on your body, the more calories you're gonna turn through every single day to help you burn off fat and lose weight. So as we're aging, it's so important because so many people do so much less muscle work as they age, and it's really important for us to keep that muscle on our body. It's a more metabolic source of body composition.
It's a more metabolic thing in your body. I can't think of the word right now. But less than body fat. So think of body fat like cotton candy. It just kinda sits there.
Think of muscle is like meat. So it's just more compact, it's more dense, and it uses more calories to stay alive. So ultimately, more muscle on your body could burn more fat, if you will. But don't get so concerned with which fat or fuel you're burning when you work out. Just work out.
Do you have any comments, people are asking with the whole metabolism concept, does menopause affect your metabolism? Like does it actually get slower as you get older and how does that work? So menopause is one of the factors, but it is not the main factor. Like when people say to me, "Well, I'm in menopause, so I'm just gonna be this way." It's like, no! No that's not true.
Your estrogen and your progesterone and your testosterone are decreasing. And it depends on the levels, and if they're all kind of decreasing equally in the right proportions, you should be okay. And I mean, we're not gonna get all into hormone replacement, but bioidentical hormones can be very, very helpful. But they aren't the answer. I mean, I have women who go, "Well, I went on bioidentical hormones, I still haven't lost any weight." Well, no kidding, because what's happening as we're getting older is our body composition is changing.
We are losing muscle if we are not actively replacing it starting at about the age of 35. So if you are losing muscle, now you're 50 and you haven't been really strength training at all, so now you've lost about a half a pound to a pound of muscle a year since you were about 35. Your metabolism's gonna go down. You're gonna maybe burn three, 400 calories less a day than you were back when you were 35. But if you're still eating the same, you're gonna gain weight because it takes 3500 extra calories to gain a pound of fat.
Well if you're eating an extra 400 calories, 500 calories a week, you're gonna gain a pound every, you know, what is that? Seven weeks. And you're gonna go, "Gosh, what's going on? I gained five pounds this year." "I gained 10 pounds this year." So you can't blame it only on menopause. Now, yes, you'll go through mood swings, and yeah, things get harder.
Things get harder. They do. My husband just read this book and I think about it a lot. It's called "The Gap and The Gain", and it says basically everything in your life, you can look at it from a gap perspective or a gain perspective. Like you can look at it and go getting older sucks and my metabolism seems like it's flowing because I'm losing muscle and food affects me differently.
I get so, you know, chemicals make me feel blah, blah blah. So that's the gap. The gain is, "Hey, I'm getting older. I personally have more time on my hands now. Staying healthy feels good.
I've learned more about food over the last two decades than I could have ever imagined. And eating healthy feels good and now I really wanna teach my family about it and help them learn how to fuel properly. And I have to exercise differently. But look it, I can still exercise and I'm looking at that second half of my life going. I want it to be good.
I now have a grandchild and she's so freaking much fun and I wanna be able to be really active with my grandchildren. As they get older I wanna do stuff with them." So you look at it from a different perspective. So, menopause is one of the factors, but it is not the main factor. And that's, insulin is really the biggest problem. We already covered that.
Blood sugar is such a big problem. Our world is, literally we're just, everyone's got type 2 diabetes. I'm like, "Oh shoot, I have type 2 diabetes." It's like, "No, you have type 2 diabetes. Guess what? You can change it.
You can go on medication if you want to, but it is the easiest lifestyle disease out there to change. And if, there are a lot of ifs because maybe you have some genetic predisposition or some other thing happening with your body that I'm not medically, obviously capable of knowing about. But for most people, it's a blood sugar problem. It's an insulin problem. You change the way you eat, you start exercising, and you can get rid of your diabetes.
So metabolism does slow down a little, but it's what you eat, it's how you move your body, it's controlling your insulin. Learn your sleep 'cause sleep habits in menopause start to get hard. So really being like, I had to become very mindful of my sleep and how to get more sleep. It's having more time to manage stress because stresses are different as we age. We have different, maybe heavier stresses in our lives, but now I have more time to manage my stress.
So, you know, you have to look at it from that perspective. Perfect. We have a question coming in. Can you talk about increasing your NEATs. So non-exercise activity thermogenesis, for those of you who don't know what that acronym NEAT is, and how that can increase your calorie burn in addition to exercise throughout the day?
Yeah, so NEAT, N-E-A-T. It was Dr, I can't remember his name, Levine! His name is Dr. Levine at the Mayo Clinic, who I think was the first person who really started this non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Basically kind of the concept of like European say, "Americans are crazy." We go to the gym and we kill ourselves for an hour and then we sit our butts on the couch and eat potato chips.
You know what I mean? Like that just is not smart. And non-exercise activity thermogenesis is just walking around. I think of New Yorkers. Every time I'm in New York, I think, I look around and I go, these people are walking five miles a day just to and from their job, to and from the market.
They're not getting in their car. I call it the suburban mom disease. All of a sudden all you do is get in your car in your garage, drive somewhere, get in your car, drive back, get outta your garage, go in your house. I mean, you're just not moving. We kind of engineered activity out of our lives.
And then the computer and the internet changed everything. Our jobs now are just literally so sedentary. So, one of the things, I'm standing right now as I'm talking to you. I'm not sitting. Even standing will burn a few extra calories per minute.
Walking treadmill desks. Just standing alone is great. Dr. Levine did all of his research on a treadmill desk, where he had a treadmill with the desk on top and now they make all these attachments to go on top of treadmills, and he had everybody walking at 1.5 miles per hour. Not at three miles or four miles, because it's really hard to type when you're really walking.
But just moving their feet for four hours a day on this treadmill, and they were burning like 300 extra calories a day, which adds up. If you're burning 300 extra calories a day than you were before, you're gonna lose like a pound almost every two months. And that maybe doesn't sound that much, but if at the end of the year you've lost six pounds, those could have been the six pounds that were bugging you in your middle or whatever. So it's just all about finding ways to move more, too. Like hmm, I know it sounds silly but park farther away in the parking lot, or take the steps instead of the escalator, or walk to the market or bike to the market or walk the dog or whatever it is.
You're not sweating. You don't necessarily even have to be wearing workout clothes, but you're moving. That's even as our Apple watches, right? At like the 50-minute mark if you haven't moved in that hour, it will make me though, especially when I'm not with Chris. I'm running laps around my counter for a couple minutes, 'cause I'm like, "Okay, gotta move my body." So- I love that.
It'll tell you, "Stand up," and you're like, "Oh my god, stand up." I'll just stand up and I'll march. Yep. Or I'll kinda like walk around my house like you just said, and then the watch will say, "Okay, good job. You stood up." I mean, if you follow us on Instagram, we did get Chris doing it the other week before she left. So we like to take a little quick.
She's like, "What are you doing?" I'm like, "My watch told me to move. So I'm getting up." Let's see, any thoughts on MCI oil. MCT oil, I think they mean. That's kind of what I was thinking. Like is there something an I that I don't know about.
Is she frozen? All right, Chris is currently frozen. Let's see if we can get her back. We are talking about MCT oil. We'll see if we can get her back here.
And she knows a lot more about MCT oil than I do. So I will comment. There was another question here talking about, give me a second. Does anyone have one of the treadmill desks? I personally don't.
I know Chris and I have kinda done a few little exercises with the treadmill desk. She actually got sent one to her and we did check it out, and they definitely are kinda worth the hype if you do have to be walking a little bit slower. Like she said, kind of like one to 2.0. I even think 2.0 is a little too fast because you obviously need to be still typing on your computer. You can't be moving and exerting too much energy.
But I definitely think that they're worth the hype. Again, if you can fold them, if it works in your layout that you have, I would say definitely consider them. I do not have one on my own, but I definitely know a lot more people that are bringing them into their homes to stay active throughout the day. So, let's see. I'll take more questions and then we'll ask Chris as soon as we can get her back.
We'll keep that MCT oil question for her because she is the pro on that one. Amy says that she is cutting out processed foods and sugar and making sure that she has about 12 hours between dinner and breakfast. She's down eight pounds and of course doing Get Healthy U TV workouts. Super proud of you, and I think we did talk a little bit about that intermittent fasting a little bit before, and I think we might have Chris back. Is she back?
We do. I'm gonna hook up my phone. Can you hear me? I can hear you. Okay, hold on.
Oops, where do we go? Geez. Gotta love technology. I'm gonna hook up my phone so I don't have to hold it. Okay, can you see me okay?
We can see you and we can hear you. Okay. I don't know what happened. I assume that you were just answering some questions in my absence. Yes, and then I was like, "We're gonna leave the MCT oil for Chris," 'cause I'm like you are that probably more expert on that one than I am.
Okay, did I just freeze again? No, I'm okay. So MCT oil, honestly it's good. I mean, medium change triglyceride oils, they're healthy oils. That whole thing of putting it in your coffee 'cause it kept you satiated.
It was like eating fat in the morning to keep you satiated. Great, I mean, but it's not magic. Nothing's magic. That's the thing. Nothing's magic.
It's about eating healthy, getting a good mix of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, healthy carbohydrates. It's about drinking water. It's about moving your body. It's not sexy, it's not magic. It just takes time.
And I think that's the thing that people really struggle with. And I know, I used my husband as an example in a post recently because he always does these quick fix things. We've been married for 34 years and he's just always doing these quick fixings, which he knows. I mean, believe me, I've educated him a lot. And finally this year he was like, "I'm really, really going to lose 20 pounds and I'm gonna do it this way," or 15 pounds.
And he was gonna do it the healthy way. And he started in October, and honestly, he started really changing his habits. He became really smart about habits. He was asking me questions. He was doing things that matter.
And become Christmas, he was kind of like, "You know, I'm not losing weight. like this whole healthy thing, okay great. Yeah, I maybe feel a little better, but I'm not losing weight." Well guess what? I said, "Stick with it. Just stick with it." Well all of a sudden, the weight started coming off in January, in February.
Because it's like the tortoise and the hare. It's like the slow and steady wins the race. It's not easy. You start changing habits, you start changing maybe one at a time and slow but sure, you'll see results. There's just no quick fix.
Does that make sense? It does. I think sometimes, we as humans think like that, either weight gain or us not feeling well. It kinda hit us like a brick wall and we think that it happened overnight so we think that we should be able to take it off overnight, and chances are that it didn't happen overnight, right? And so we have to kinda take that same process to feel better about ourselves.
So definitely makes sense. I'm so proud of all of you Get Healthy U TV members or anyone else who's listening and is like, "Okay, I'm ready to change my life." You are never too old. You are never too late. I'm working with my 84-year-old mother, and dare I say, it might be a little late for her, but that's one of the reasons I'm here in Arizona. I am literally making it my mission to spend time with her almost every day.
I'm trying to getting her moving and getting her walking again and helping her understand how to use her core muscles. And there's just a lot. She went through some series of falls and she's got some broken bones so we're working through it, but it's like take care of yourself. You will be so happy as you get older. And it's hard to think about that when you're 30 or 40, but I know those of you in your 50s it kinda slaps you in your face and you go, "Whew!
Man, I better start exercising," or "I better start paying attention to what I eat. I'm sick of headaches, I'm sick of feeling tired, I'm sick of this, I'm sick of that." So you're never too late. Just get on the bandwagon. Start small little changes and it makes a difference. What are your thoughts on blood flow restriction training?
Don't know anything. I don't even know what that is. What's blood flow restriction? Just came through so I was like, Chris is like, I don't know- I don't know it. Blood flow restriction training?
I'll look it up. I'm gonna look it up. Why would you reflect? It's gotta be some term for some form of exercise. Yeah, it's some form I'll look it up.
of exercise. All right, let's see. Another- Go ahead. Go for it. One more question and then one of the things we wanted to cover today too for all of you Get Healthy U TV members is how our app works.
We're so happy about the app. We took a survey and found out that so many of you are using the app, and so there's so many of the questions that come in. We thought it would be nice to take five minutes to talk about the app, too, but ask one more question, Sam, and then we'll get into that. Because it's our favorite thing to talk about exercise, what is the best watch setting for our Get Healthy U TV workouts and exercises? Like what do you put on your watch?
So if I'm gonna be doing one of our circuits or interval workouts where I know I'm gonna push myself, push myself as relative to my body, I might not be pushing myself the way Sam is pushing herself but I'm still pushing myself. I put on high intensity interval training. So I put on HIIT 'cause I know that that's gonna take into consideration cardio and strength. When it's a straight up strength workout, I just turn on strength. When it's straight up cardio, I just turn on cardio.
When it's kickboxing, I turn on kickboxing. So, you know, there's all different settings. And if I'm doing something where it's a little more low key, I might put on cross training because it's not going to be as intense. But I would say most of our workouts, the high intensity interval training is a good setting. What do you do, Sam?
Yeah, I would do the same thing. I feel like most of ours are HIIT workouts is what I typically put it on. And then just like Chris said, I sometimes, actually for kickboxing, I'll do HIIT. I don't know why. I've never really checked out the kickboxing feature on there.
And then there is a barre or Pilates. So if we're doing some of those workouts that are definitely lower intensity but high repetition with lighter weights, I definitely choose the barre option on that one. That's interesting that you've never done the kickboxing. But they're all kind of similar, so, you know. Yeah.
I mean it's not- And it all comes out in the watch. It's not the Holy Bible, people. It's not the Gospel. It is just something that motivates you. Like I never sit there and go, "Wow, I only burned 350 calories.
I'm so mad at myself." I'm like, "I might have burned 325, I might have burned 400. The watch isn't perfect. All I know is I worked hard and I feel good about it and it registered on my watch and I can look at my circles," and you know that kinda of thing. Do you wanna talk about the app? There is a question that I'm actually curious what your answer is, but hopefully we'll get it before the end.
Well, go ahead. Ask that and then we'll get into the app. We still have 20 minutes. Because you are now a pickleball player as well, we have somebody asking any recommendation for warm-up exercises before playing pickleball, and then just a potential thought, would love a video for that. Oh my gosh, yeah.
Well, you know pickleball is, it is not maybe as intense as tennis but you are moving laterally, forward and back. You're doing quick pivot motions. You're using the upper body. So for me, it's funny 'cause my girl friends and I, we talked about this. We didn't always warm-up.
We would just show up at pickleball and be like, "Okay, let's go." But now, I've been doing kind of the same thing that we do. We have a workout in the free workouts. It's a 10-minute warm-up. Sam, I did the 10-minute warm-up and I think you did the 10-minute cool down. So, we have that workout and it is like opening up the hips, runners lunges, walking lunges, doing a couple of squats, reaching up high, taking deep breaths, rotating through your core, doing some core rotation, maybe some hamstring curls, or butt kickers as we call them just to get so work up that lower body.
And then for my upper body, I just do arm circles. I'll just get those shoulders lubricated. And then usually when you get out onto the pickleball court you start just volleying with the other players at first. Just kind of, you know, so much camaraderie. You start volleying, hitting the ball, so you do start to warm-up that upper body.
But definitely hips, knees, ankles, glutes, like back, wake those up before. And I take five, 10 minute. Awesome. Maybe there will be a 10-minute warm-up for pickleball in the future. Yeah, maybe.
All right, Chris. Let's talk about the app. Let's talk about the app because the app, we introduced the app to you guys a year ago. We finally got an app a year ago. It is a big ordeal to create an app, so we're super proud of it.
We have surveyed you guys recently and you guys are using, according to the survey, our Roku, Fire TV, and the app the most. Now, yes, I do use my computer every so often. Like I'll put a workout on my laptop. If I'm using my phone I use the app, or some people use a tablet. But the majority of you are going to Roku or Fire TV, which we have a channel.
So let me just quickly mention that. If you have a Roku TV, all my TVs are Roku, you go into it and where it says Apps, you search for Get Healthy U TV. Put the whole name in. Don't just put Get Healthy U, don't put my name 'cause it'll say that channel doesn't exist. Put the whole name, Get Healthy U TV, and you'll find our channel, you'll download it, and then boom.
So I just turn on my TV and then I go to Get Healthy U TV and I look up all my workouts on the big screen TV. But that being said, the app is so handy and I've become more and more likely to use my app in situations where I'm away from my home like I am right now. So here's how. We're gonna go through a series of some things 'cause a lot of you guys ask questions like how do I use the app? Well, it's pretty intuitive, so let's throw it up.
Our production guys are pretty helpful here. We have some things for you guys. So it's a quick way. We have a Discover button at the bottom. So if you look at the very bottom of the app, and I was going to be looking at the app while I was talking to you guys, but now I'm using my phone for Zoom, so I'm reading this on the screen.
But that little Discover button is just a great way for you to kinda see what's going on. It discovers workouts that you might have started so you can continue watching. It'll talk about new workouts. It'll talk about most popular workouts. So it's just a good thing.
Let's go to the next one. So then you can click on Workouts at the bottom. And when you go to Workouts, you can see, you can click Free, which are gonna be all of our free 10-minute workouts. You can click the little video icon, which is gonna give you things like these Q&As. Am I right, Sam?
I can't read what it says about that, what that other icon is. Under the free? No, the one that's under Premium. Under Premium there will be workout type and workout length. No, no, no.
There's four squares on that first thing and I can't see it. Oh, got it. It's Free, Premium, Gold, and Live Events. Events, that's what I wanna say. So perhaps the Q&As are on the web events.
I kind of think they are. And then you've got the Premium and the Gold. So if you're Premium member, you have access to Premium. If you're a Gold member, you have access to both Premium and Gold. Use both.
There's great workouts in both. Once you click on Premium or Gold, you're gonna come to a screen that says Workout Type or Workout Length. So most people will either sort by, I want 20-minute workouts, I want 30-minute workouts, or they're gonna sort by type. I want a kickboxing today. I want barre.
I want cardio and strength combo workouts. I want HIIT. whatever it is. You click on that and that's how you get to the workouts. Okay, next screen.
So let's just say you clicked on Premium workouts and then you get into, are these timed workouts? Yeah, it's by time, right? 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Yep, those are by time. 40 minutes.
Yep. Wow. I'm testing my new eyes, you guys. I had a eye surgery. I'm sorry, I'm so close to the camera, I'm looking at my phone.
My eyes are working pretty darn good, though. So this is sorting by length of video and it's gonna come up 10-minute, 20, 30. If you click on 10 minutes, it's gonna show you all of them. You can either scroll in the row or you can click on it and then it'll become columns and fill up. So it's very easy to find your workouts.
And so, you can also go to type of video and then you can say, "Well, do I want abs or do I want barre? Do I want beginner?" Or whatever it is. So there are a lot of ways to sort. And we keep the Gold and the Premium separate just so it's easy for you. If you know that you're a Premium member, you're only gonna go into the Premium workouts.
If you know that you're Gold member, you can go into either. Let's go to the next. Calendars, okay. So Calendars are on the app and that's really exciting. They are not on Roku and Fire TV.
Roku and Fire TV are like Netflix and Peacock and Prime. They don't have that capability of adding a calendar. So if you are using those types of devices, then you download your calendar onto your computer. You have to find out the name of the workout and it's very easy to sort and find. I usually find a workout under 30 seconds on Roku.
But that being said, the Calendars are on the app. So if you look at it, you can sort by Calendars. You see that's one of our navigations at the bottom. And then you look at the Calendars, you can scroll through and pick 'em. We make it very clear which ones have Gold workouts.
So if they don't say the word Gold on 'em, they don't have a Gold workout. So you know as a Premium member, I can do that calendar. If you're a Gold member, you can do any of the calendars, but there are certain ones that we mark, so you know that there are Gold included. Then you go and you click on the Calendar and you're gonna get the opportunity to download the calendar to your phone. So you'll be able to download it to your phone and then you'll be able to click on the workouts.
But all the workouts are down below the calendar that correspond with that calendar. So it's super, super convenient. Okay, and then we got an area that's My Stuff, and this is where you're gonna see the workout videos that you downloaded or you added as a favorite. We'll talk about downloading 'cause this is a really awesome feature on the app, you guys. You do not have to have internet to watch a downloaded video.
So whenever I'm going on a road trip, I get my app and I download shows that I'm gonna watch while my husband is driving. And I download them 'cause I know I'm not gonna have internet on the road. Same thing here. You download a workout, any workout. You get to the workout, you click the Download button and download it to your device.
It is going to stand that device for you to watch it until you log out or you decide to exit out. But people are telling me, "My downloads are disappearing." Well, my question back is, "Are you logging out?" You can swipe out of the app, that's fine. You can swipe out, but don't physically exit yourself out. Like don't sign out 'cause if you sign out you will lose your download. So if you're leaving on a trip and you download like four videos, don't log out.
Just keep logged in. You can swipe out, but don't log out. And then you'll have all your downloads. And that's super exciting because we talk to a lot of members who say that's an amazing feature, they love it. Favorites feature, too.
If you wanna save your favorite workout videos for easy use you can just click on that Plus button and then it's gonna be marked as a favorite. It's gonna be in My Stuff, so it's gonna be there for you. So many people are like, "I wanna know my favorites." Well, guess what? If you're using the app, it's very easy to find your favorites now, which is super exciting. And then on the Player feature.
If you are, and I love this too about the app, if you are watching a video and you're like, "Ah, I got distracted by my dog," or "My kid said something," or whatever happened, you can click back. You can go forward or back 10 seconds. Or if you wanna rehear a cue about the body part or something, it's very easy. And then the Search feature is very easy again. You can search using the Search Bar and you can click that magnifying glass that's typically on all apps.
And then you can search, for instance, just for the word walk and it's gonna bring up all walking workouts. That's gonna bring up Gold and Premium. So that's why I love using the workout sorting feature. Go to Workout, click on Premium or Gold, sort by type, go down to walking, and then you're gonna find all the ones that you're looking for. So you can do either.
If you're looking for a particular workout, that helps. And then the More feature. When you click more on any carousel, it will pull up a full screen of all the workout videos in that category. So if you're like, ooh, you're kind of just scrolling, you're like, "Oh, I love all these barre workouts." Click More and then they're all going to appear in a vertical layout, which is really, really convenient. So it's good.
So that's that. And Sam, also, you can mirror it to your big screen TV. So if you are like, "Okay, well I have this little phone, but I wanna put it on my big screen TV." If you have a smart TV, you can do that, too. So seriously, I understand why so many people are using the app. It's fantastic.
Now that being said, quickly, Sam, sometimes things load a little slower to the app than they do to the website. So let me just quickly talk about that if that's okay. Yeah. If you're a Gold member, we do a live, not a live, we do a new workout. We drop you a new workout every Monday and Friday if you're Gold member.
And typically on the website they're appearing around 5:00 AM Central Time, five to 6:00 AM. But they're hitting the Roku, Fire TV, and the app more like 11:00 AM. So just know that. It's just a whole separate process. They're three different entities.
Think of them as three different people, if you will, or three different machines and they have to be loaded differently. So you won't see the Monday and Friday workouts till about 11:00 AM on Mondays. The Premium workouts we drop twice a month and they're usually somewhere about the middle of the month and the end of the month, give or take, no specific days. So you'll find those on the app. And then Calendars, they sometimes take an extra day or two to get over to the app.
So once they appear on the desktop on your computer, it sometimes takes a day or two. But we're on it. Believe me. We are on it. We are getting everything loaded, right Sam?
We are. And there's a lot of people behind this wonderful business. So just because we are talking about the app and we did have some little app issues yesterday, there are some comments on Facebook about how Android isn't working or they've contacted customer support yesterday. Just know that they're like, we are a lot of people deep in this company. So if you did contact customer service yesterday, give 'em a couple, like 24 hours and I'm sure they'll get back to you.
If they still have not, you can definitely reach out to Chris and I. But they deal with a lot of different brands too, so just give them at least 24 hours to get back to you, but they should get back to you. Yeah, our marketing company, they are experts in this. Yes. And they not only help Get Healthy U TV, but they help other subscription-based websites that are non-fitness related also maintain these things, so they know what they're doing.
It's not like Sam and I trying to figure this out. That'd be scary. God forbid. But there has been a problem with the Android app and we apologize. I mean, if we could fix technology for everything, we would, but we can't.
So just hold tight. It's coming. Chris, there is a question about, it would be great if we could search by trainer. As far as I know, and I was doing some looking as you were talking on the app, that is not a feature on the app currently. Maybe it's something that we can talk to our team about.
It is however, a sorting feature that you can get on online. So if you're looking on your computer or on your phone at gethealthyutv.com, you would want to go to browse under blog. It's Meet Your Instructor and if you hit the instructor, all of our workouts that we lead are gonna be under our names. So you won't find the workouts that we are backing up. You'll find the workouts that that instructor is leading.
That is currently not on the app as far as I am concerned, but maybe something that we can talk to our tech team about and see if that would be a feature that we could sort by in the future. I have a feeling that it is on our wishlist. Yeah. It's something we've talked about. So Sam, we'll make note and we'll talk to our team about it again.
But also, there has been an update on desktop. So when you just open up any category, when you just open Gold workouts or Premium workouts, either one, just open it up, you don't even have to do the sorting that you said. There's a whole left-hand side of the page that lists everything there. You could just click on, "Oh, I just want kickboxing and I just want Sam. Let's see if Sam listed a kickbox." Or you could just click on Sam and just see all of hers.
So it's super easy on desktop. Awesome. More to come. More to come on the app. Absolutely.
Is there anything else, Chris, that you wanted to cover on the app? No, that's it. We're just so excited about it. It's been such a good addition and thanks for all your feedback everybody. And we know that it's a favorite way to use our website.
We survey you guys all the time pretty often because we really wanna know what are your favorite workouts? What are the things that you like best? How long do you workout for? How many days do you workout? What type of workouts are you looking for?
What things don't you like? For instance, when we just talked about moving too fast. Okay, we love having that feedback 'cause we are here for you. Our goal is to do what works best for you. So Sam can attest to the fact that we get workout ideas from our members.
They'll be like, "Hey, could you put this format together?" And we're like, "Sure, let's do it." So we really appreciate it. So when you see a survey come in your inbox, please fill it out. It is literally, like this is a community. We wanna serve you so let us know the good, the bad, and the ugly. We love it.
I feel like Chris, now would be a good time to kinda talk about our, first off, like a little teaser for the new calendars coming up in April, if you remember what they are. If not, I do. And then if you wanna tease our September. Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's talk about it. Okay, quickly.
So we put together a Low Impact Premium and a Low Impact Gold Calendar, Low Impact Max Premium, Low Impact Max Gold. We're so excited about it because so many of you have said, "Just please give me a straight up low impact." We do have one other low impact calendar on, I don't know the exact one, but we needed more than once. So guess what? 'Cause there's so many workouts. So if you're a Gold member, do both calendars.
Do the Premium and the Gold. And if you're a Premium, do the Premium one. So we're super excited about that. The Menopause Muscle Builder 2.0 was a challenge that we did back in January and it's getting loaded up to the desktop and the app as we speak. So you should see that soon, too.
So Menopause Muscle Builder Two. We have something super fun. So we're gonna follow the low impact calendars in the group for April, but we have something super fun for May. Sam, we're doing the, is it the 328? 328, yep.
I'm spilling all the beans. So 328 is a method that has been wildly viral on TikTok, and we giggle about it, but it's fun. It's like three strength workouts. Two, is it three? Sam, correct me, three strength?
Three strength, yep. Two Pilates. Yep. Three strength, two Pilates barre, and then 8,000 steps a day. A day, yep.
So encouraging you to move your body in steps. So we put together a whole calendar for the 328 program, which is kinda fun. That will be coming in May. And then in September we are finally having our live event. So those of you who know, who have been OG Get Healthy U TV people, we decided to have a live event where we could all meet each other for those of you who wanted to come in Minneapolis in 2020.
We started marketing it in 2019 and it was for April of 2020. And like a hundred of you signed up and I'm sure we would've had a few more sign up, but then COVID hit and the whole world shut down. And clearly, the only thing to do was cancel the event and return everybody's money. So that's what we did. And it was sad, but that was it.
So literally at that time, Sam and I were like, "Okay, 2020, let's do it in 2021." Well, no one had any idea what was in the works for the next two years, but 2021 we weren't comfortable with it. 2022, to be honest, we weren't comfortable with it. We really toyed with it, but we weren't ready and we didn't think everybody else would be either. So 2023 is our year. It is in September because we would never ask you to come to Minneapolis in December, January, or February.
So it is in September. We surveyed you guys, again back to surveys, what's the best time of year where you have time to come and give a weekend to yourself of self-care. And so, September was the time. So it's September 23rd and 24th, is that right, Sam? Yes, it's September 23rd and 24th of 2023.
Yeah. So people would fly in if you're from somewhere else on the 22nd. It is gonna be full two days of unbelievable fun. Workouts, workshops, learning, meeting all the trainers in person. Food, we'll be providing breakfast and lunch every day.
It's gonna be near the Mall of America. So there's great entertainment and fun. It's super easy and accessible from the airport so you won't need like a rental car or anything. Yes, it is an investment in yourself. It's going to cost you, but it's totally gonna be amazing.
I did decades of fitness conferences in my younger part of my career and I loved 'em. I went to a fitness conference a month. I actually taught at them, but I loved it. It fueled my self-care and my motivation, everything so much and just escalated everything that I felt about my health. So I'm just so excited about it.
So that cat's outta the bag. We're not supposed to really talk about it yet, Sam. Well, people need to mark their calendars. That's why you joined the Q&A because if you listened for a full hour, you got the insider scoop. All I can say is people are excited.
So if you stayed till the very end, you got to hear a little inside scoop. So Chris, we're at the- And we- Go ahead. We are at the hour, I was just gonna say. Yeah. In 2020, we had a limit on how many people could fit in the room.
We were doing it in a smaller venue. And now we have a little more space, too. So if we have 200 people that wanna come, we could probably fit 200. But we're figuring somewhere around a hundred or so will come. All right.
Well that's the insider scoop from Get Healthy U TV for the next couple of months. We are at the end of the hour, Chris. Fun. Thanks. Sorry for, I guess I must have had technical difficulty.
I don't know. My internet is great, but you know, who knows? Thank goodness we have more than one device. So, I'm glad I could log back in. Fun to talk to all of you.
Thank you, Sam. Thank you production for always being our behind the scenes gurus. And we'll see you next month and we'll see you in the Facebook group.
Excited for new aging workouts.