GHUTV LIVE! Mix Up Your Workout and Everyday Routine
Chris FreytagDescription
How to Build a Home Gym on a Budget
Watch our free 10-minute workouts
Join the 28–Day Veggie Challenge
Hey, hey. We're busy typing away. Hi everyone, oh, woops, and there goes Instagram. How are you guys? This is the GHUTV, Get Healthy U TV live Q and A hour for the month of August, saying August almost kills me.
I can't believe it. My name is Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV, and I've got the fabulous Sam Cameranesi with me today. Hello. Also known as Sam Cam, my sidekick for sure, and one of our trainers. And we are here today with our monthly Q and A.
If you are new to this, and I'm gonna try to get Instagram again, this Duck tape wasn't, you know, , in our world of tie technology, we're using Duck tape or Gaff tape. But, what I was going to say is we do a monthly Q and A. So if you're new to this, once a month we come live, it will live on the Get Healthy U TV Website. Website. It also lives on...
The business Facebook page. Our business Facebook page, the Chris Freytag Get Healthy U page. It also lives... I think those are the two places. Those are the two places.
Okay, so let's try to add in our Instagram friends. Hold on tight, everybody. We just took a major fall on Instagram. We're checking the connection. This is the way this day has gone.
Hello, Instagram, I'm Chris Freytag, I'm already talking to Facebook, and Get Healthy U TV, over here. I tried to go live and my phone fell down. But we have an hour of Q and A. This is our monthly Q and A for Get Healthy U TV. So, if you happen to come on here, join us, today, we've got a lot to talk about, in terms of changing up your routine, since everyone's just a little sick, shall I say, of COVID.
Now, let's precedent, let's say first, of course, we want everyone to be safe. We follow mask guidelines, here in our studio. Sam and I have been together for six months, so we're like family. She's in my bubble. But anyway, a lot of people are stuck at home, and rightfully so, we're trying to be healthy, we're trying to stay safe, and people are working out at home and asking a lot of questions about how to change up their routine, how to plan their week, or their month, how to try new things.
And so, we are gonna talk about that today. So, hi everybody over here on Facebook. Or on Instagram. There's Sam. Hello.
Okay, so we're gonna get right into it. We have a lot to cover today. We've had some, we always offer you guys the opportunity to ask the questions, to pre-ask them. So, Sam has a load of those. We also take questions on the fly, for the next hour.
We're ready to settle in and talk to you. So, feel free to go ahead. And then we're gonna also talk about home gyms, also, when we're talking about changing up routines. Yes, absolutely. So actually that'll kinda get us kick started here.
How can I exercise on a limited budget? Very good question. Here's the answer, Get Healthy U TV. Yay. Yay.
So, we are huge fans of group fitness, the concept of someone telling you what to do, so that you aren't just trying to come up with your own routine, or read a workout online and kind of say, "Okay, do this exercise." Okay, you do it. "Okay, now do this one." I love when someone is telling me what to do. I've been in group fitness instructor for 30 years and I love going to other people's class. I like taking Sam's class and having her tell me what to do, because then I work harder than I normally would. So, if you aren't a Get Healthy U TV member, we can tell you more about how to become a member.
We give a amazing deal the first year, for either our premium or our gold membership. And then, in the year two it's full price, but still at a really affordable price, it's either 69 for premium for the year, or 149 for gold for the year, that's for the whole year, that's not per month. But really, at home, you could, and again, you just segued us right into talking about this free download we have. So we'll have our fabulous audio and visual people, back behind the scenes here, put a little link up on the screen for you guys. You can download this.
And I'm sorry, Instagram, we'll give you a link later. But it's just a little download, that you guys can download, that Sam and I put together. We wrote what we think you should have on a budget to get started with your home gym, and kinda how to set it up, and how to get started. But you could honestly start with body weight. Get Healthy U TV, and I also see at other programs, if you're not doing ours, there are a lot of body weight workouts, very effective.
If you could invest in a set of dumbbells, that would be the next step. Because dumbbells are awesome. And by the way, on this how to build a home gym on a budget, all you have to do is put your email in, and then you click at the top, it says, "Download the guide here." And you have a whole guide. So check that out. The other thing I would say is, you could add in things like a band or some other things, go ahead and download the download.
I won't go through what the whole thing says. But, you can stay pretty good on a budget. Now, there is one little problem happening in our country, and that is a lack of dumbbells. Best of luck finding those. There's no toilet paper or dumbbells in the U.S.
No, I'm kidding. But I heard there is gonna be a problem with toilet paper again. Did you hear that? Oh no, I didn't. Oh my lord.
But, that being said, I've seen dumbbells on Facebook Marketplace. Yes, I was just gonna say that. Or T.J. Maxx and Kohl's will have 'em, here and there. Yeah, they get weird odds and end shipments.
So, you can try that. The only problem with going into T.J. Maxx is that you end up buying a whole bunch of crap you don't need. Yes, a bunch of other stuff. But Facebook, it's amazing.
A lot of people are selling their dumbbells that they used during quarantine or whatever. So definitely check that out. Honestly, I would say that you could have a mat, dumbbells, and a subscription to GHU TV, or a way to find workouts online, and that's it. That's all you need, yep. You could get totally fit from just that.
Absolutely. And also in the summertime, when there's nice weather, check that out. Stay with us though, because those of you who are on Facebook and Get Healthy U TV website, we have some really fun pictures of home gyms from our Get Healthy UTV members. We'll save that a little farther down the road. So, stay with us here.
Okay. Awesome. All right, moving on. How can I reshape my body after 50 years of age? Oh my gosh.
I have literally lately been thinking a little bit about age. I mean, I don't let age define me, but I'm 54. No you don't. And some days I'm like, ugh, I can't believe that I'm this far along. You know?
Anyway, it's just, I have these thoughts sometimes. But the other flip side is, oh my gosh, I might have 40 more years to go. More years, yeah. That's a lot of living. That means that I'm like halfway through my life.
And I mean, that's a whole, that's like going back to when I was 10, and going forward. So that being said, you're never too late. You're never too old. The thing is, when you get to be over 50, right, they said over 50, you just have to be a little more mindful about your joints, a little more mindful about injury. You can't necessarily just jump into exercise, two feet, and feel good the next day.
When you were 25, you could try something new and you might be sore, but it was like, eh, whatever. But now you have to think, you know, let my joints acclimate, let my body acclimate, get my heart pumping, and get my lung capacity up there, do some recovery work. So that's really, you have to kind of come up with that. We do, at Get Healthy U TV, we have a Fit Over 40 calendar. We do.
As a matter of fact, one of the things that Sam and I are working on this week is a Fit Over 60 calendar. That is just even a little bit more joint friendly, focused. So, get ready for that. But I think you start with baby steps. Do not, that, to me, is the difference between age 25 and age 50, is don't jump head first into something, and just go, "Oh, I'm gonna go run a marathon." You know what I mean?
Give your body a chance to acclimate. I love it. We have a lot of questions rolling in. Okay, talk to those people who are watching. I'm gonna hit some of the ones that are just rolling in, to make sure that we get them answered.
We have somebody saying that she has a treadmill, and a Nordic Track. "Can you recommend any certain machines "for cardio that burns a lot "of calories without stressing the joints?" She says, "I love your videos at Get Healthy U TV." Okay, but she wants a piece of machinery? Yes, that's what it sounds like. She wants a piece of equipment. For cardio.
You have a treadmill and a Nordic Track, wow. I gotta be honest, Nordic Track, that was a Minnesota-based company, I mean, decades ago, then they sold. But that Nordic Track, that thing is fricken hard. I don't know. I mean, right?
It's the ski thing. Oh my God, that, for me, is like . But treadmills can be very low impact. You just have to get out of the mindset of saying that you have to sprint or run fast, like, use a treadmill to walk. I use a treadmill to watch my favorite shows, or to do intervals.
And speaking of, again, something else that's happening, that's really exciting at Get Healthy U TV, is we are adding tread programming. Yay. It's coming up. It should be available, I might say, end of September, I gotta see. We're gonna film it right at the beginning of September, like literally September 1st, we're getting everything ready.
But then we have all of the backend stuff that we have to do. But we're gonna have running workouts for you, walking workouts, run-walk, we're gonna have walking and running bootcamps, where you're on and off the treadmill. And so, you'll get an opportunity to use that cardio piece of equipment. So, my favorite would be a treadmill, because you can use it for walking or running for hills, for intervals, whatever. Ellipticals are great.
I love ellipticals too, but I feel like I work harder on a treadmill. Same. And I think, too, like I've actually gotten my mom to walk at an incline and she's like, "That is hard." And so, walking at that incline really is like... And you get the back of your legs. There's just so much going on with that.
So, treadmills are great for just a lot. Treadmills are great. And her mom is my age. I know her mom. So, that's a good piece of equipment.
Bikes, of course, are awesome too. Bikes are low impact. Low impact. Biking is great as you age, so it's another fun cardio piece. Okay, let's see here, we have, "I know that you promote clean eating.
"Do you know anything about South Beach Diet? "And if you do, how do you feel about it?" I really don't know that much about South Beach Diet. I wanna say it was a Rodale Publishing's diet. I'm pretty sure it is. Now, Rodale Publishing sold.
I used to work for Rodale and Prevention Magazine for 15 years. And I'm almost 100% sure SoB came from them. I'm not really sure how it works. I do think it's kind of similar to the Dr. Atkins, like just eat less carbs kind of a thing.
So I couldn't tell you. But eating less bad carbs is an amazing way to eat, that's called clean eating. You don't need a diet for that. If you can just get rid of processed food. Literally, if you can get rid of processed food that has artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives, weird chemicals.
If it has 50 ingredients on the back of the label, you're probably eating something that's fairly weird. If it's shelf stable for like 10 years, that's also a food that has a lot of chemicals. Just eat more real food, mostly plants, not too much, that's the best diet I know out there. And that still includes, like I eat potatoes every day. Do you eat potatoes?
You do eat potatoes. Yeah, sweet potatoes, yeah. Almost every day or... Yeah. Me too.
I have not gone on the kick lately, of having them, but normally I would say I'm kind of missing 'em. So, definitely, yeah. I eat white and sweet potatoes. I eat beans. I eat chips, and I eat things like that, but I eat healthier ones.
But I just eat a lot more fruits and veggies. And I think that's important. But, I honestly don't know the rules of the SoB diet. And then, just to hit it, Chris, because this has been asked a few times. I'm gonna not pronounce this correctly, but a lot of people are using the Xyngular products, I guess, and are having great results.
She's been working out, watching calories, but not seeing a lot of results from that, and using the products. What are your thoughts on those? So, Sam asked me this right before we came on camera. "Do you know what Xyngular is?" I'm like, "No, I have no idea, I've never heard of it." We quickly looked it up. It is a weight loss supplement program.
They're supplements you take for weight loss. And I have no idea what they are. I'm pretty sure they don't work. I'm just kidding. But here's the thing, don't rely on what you're taking to lose weight, rely on your habits.
A supplement does not make you lose weight. I mean, if it has a little extra green tea in it, great, green tea is good for you. If it has little extra caffeine, or ginseng to make you feel better, whatever, great. Those things help you feel better, but they don't make you lose weight. What helps you lose weight is eating healthy, exercising, sleeping, drinking water, and doing the habits, consistently, that make a difference.
So, I never spend money on supplements, and I would never have one of my clients spend money on a weight loss supplement, because no supplement can make you lose weight. No. Awesome, so that kinda takes care of that. How do you find, how to track your macros? How do I find, like for myself?
I'm just looking. I think for you, but also how would one, so she was looking to track those as well. So, to track your macros, there are a lot of apps that will do that for you. My Fitness Pal does track them for you. And a lot of the people in Get Healthy U TV use My Fitness Pal to track their workouts and to track their nutrition.
And I think macros is just a interesting way of thinking of how you're eating. I grew up in the era of count your calories, count your calories. Calories still do matter, by the way, if you eat too much, you gain weight. I mean, it's just, it's an energy equation, energy in, energy out. So, calories matter.
But the type of calories matter even more. So when you look at your macro split, if you start saying, "Okay, I wanna eat 50% carbs, "and 25% fat, and 25% protein." It's just kind of a, I think an easier way of deciding what you're gonna eat for that day, making sure that you're getting a healthy amount of carbs, fats, and proteins. And then, once you start tracking your macros, you can see which of those macronutrients you're heavier on. I eat at least 50% carbs, the recommended is 40 to 60, I think is, or 45 to 65% of your daily intake. And the reason I'm at least 50% is I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
I mean, already today, I've eaten grapes, blueberries, apple, and carrots. And I ran out of, normally I would have already probably eaten cauliflower or broccoli or something, with lunch, but I didn't have any today. My meal prep went real bad on Sunday, so I have to get to the grocery store. But, I mean, and I ate some hummus, so that's beans. I didn't have a sweet potato today, but I probably will tonight.
So, all of those are carbs. I'm gonna ask, there's one question on Instagram, saying, Go for it. "What do you think about a hormone diet?" There are some great hormone diets out there for women in their menopausal years, especially as your estrogen and your progesterone are changing. And there are some things that help, like seed cycling, like which seeds, nuts and seeds you eat, like sunflower and pumpkin seeds are good at one part of your cycle. And, a little bit of that information.
But also know that what helps regulate your hormones is fruits and vegetables and water. So, eat more fruits and vegetables, get away from preservatives, and drink more water. And that's gonna help regulate your hormones. Awesome. For those of you on Facebook, I know that we're having some technical difficulties.
It sounds like there is a black screen. You can hear us. I see it back on now. So just stay with us. We're back.
Getting a black screen is better than seeing us. You can hear us, right? That's all that matters. Good, so we're back with that connection, if you lost us for a little bit. Let's see.
We have a member, she is 55 plus years old, in decent shape, and she loves Get Healthy U TV, but she would like to get rid of about 15 pounds. What is the best of your workout calendars that you can recommend? She needs a challenge, but she kind of wants something a little bit easier on the joints. At age 55, again, it's gonna, like, the older we get, the one thing I'm gonna say is get away from all the bad food, because it affects you so much more. Just like I was saying about exercise when you were younger, you know, when you were 25, you could eat a whole pizza at night and get up the next morning go, "Oh, well." That doesn't go so well when you're 55, you don't feel good, it stays around longer.
So, really get your eating habits in check. That being said, in terms of exercise, if you're, just 'cause she's just ramping up, right? She's trying to ramp up and lose the weight. Yep. Start maybe with some things, like the walking workouts, because the walking workouts are so good on the joints, but you can really put forth a lot of effort.
Walking indoors is like marching, right? So, you can go like this, or you can pick your feet up and you can really move it. When I'm filming a walking workout, I'm always dripping in sweat. I really, for me, I get a good workout out of it, if I put forth my effort. So, check out the walking workouts, those are easier on the joints, and we do a little less deep squats and lunges and stuff like that, but there's still lower body and core work and upper body in our walking workouts.
I would say, ramp up with those and then get into some of the other low impact stuff. We have a lift program, which is low impact functional training. We also in the gold workouts have no jumping strength. We do. We have some low impact workouts in gold.
We actually have a low impact section. Do we? Working on it. We're working on it. We're working on it.
We do in the gold, but I'm working on it in the premium. There's just a few more videos. So, in the gold, you can actually sort by low impact and find those workouts that are lower impact to the joints. But that low impact does not mean low intensity. That's what you have to really remember, is that you can keep things low impact, but still pump that intensity up through range of motion, through effort, through getting your arms above your heart, through heavier weights.
So, it's still really doable. So, when you talk about a calendar to use, right, she's talking about that? Yep, calendar. The "Fit Over 40," I love that calendar, because it has a few, or more low impact. I love "Walk, Sweat, Sculpt." I love "Serious Strength." I mean, that does have some jumping, but you can modify it, but it's seriously good strength for us older gals, that need to keep picking those heavy weights up.
Any others that you can think of, calendar-wise? We do have "The Lift," we do have, to go along with... Oh, we do have a lift one. Yeah, so low impact again. And we are coming up with this calendar for over 60.
And one of the things that we hear from people who are in their sixties, early seventies, and you guys freaking rock, you rock. Oops, I lost my Instagram people. There we go. Sorry. I'm sorry, I lost you there for a minute.
One of the things that we hear from some of the seniors, is that getting down and up and down and up is really hard on you, going from the floor to the, you know, standing, from the floor. So, we're gonna be really conscious about picking some workouts where that's not happening. And eventually we'll film more of those too. That will be great for you guys. Yeah.
Along the lines of working out, can you talk about the difference between Tabata and HITT, and the recommended length of those types of workouts? Okay, so Tabata is HITT. HITT is the overall umbrella, high-intensity interval training. And high-intensity interval training means work-to-rest ratio. And high-intensity interval means they're gonna be hard.
Because you can do an easy interval workout. You could go out and walk your dog, and go a little faster, a little slower, a little faster, a little slower, that's an interval workout But high-intensity involves pushing yourself. Now, Tabata is one protocol within that umbrella. So, Tabata is created by a Japanese, I think he was a, god, I don't know if he was a chiropractor, or a doctor, or what the deal was, or a scientist, or some sort of a trainer, but it was this guy, his name was Tabata, last name Tabata. And it was this concept of 20 seconds hard, 10 seconds of rest, eight cycles in a row.
So, people would go for four minutes. And he figured all this science out with runners. It was started with running. So you'd run for 20 seconds, pullback for 10, run for 20, pull back for 10. You'd do that eight cycles in a row.
And he said that was the best way to train your heart efficiently and effectively without over-training, and stuff like that. So, Tabata intervals became really popular, they still are, and we use them with strength training, we use them with cardio, we use them with anything, 20 seconds hard, 10 seconds rest. That being said, eight cycles in a row. That's not the only type of interval. Sometimes I teach a HITT class, every Thursday, we have a bunch of HITT on Get Healthy U TV, And I vary all the time, Some days I do 30 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, sometimes I do 30/15, sometimes I do 40/20, sometimes I do.
But typically your interval, your work ratio is gonna be short, because you're pushing really hard, and then you tailor back. So, if you were doing high intensity intervals, you're not gonna have a five minute work period, because how can you push yourself so hard for five minutes? It's gonna be a little shorter of an interval. Hopefully that makes sense for you guys. Okay.
"When do you know that you are ready for heavier weights? "I've been using five pounds. "I feel I can start using heavier, "but when I switched to 10, they are very heavy. So she went from five to 10? Yeah.
Yeah, so how about try and eight in there. And if you don't have eights, do you have threes, maybe, where you could hold a five and a three in each hand? It's simply amazing that every little increment makes a difference. Huge difference. You think, "Oh, what's the difference between five and 10?" A lot.
Even when you go from 10 pound dumbbells to 12 pound dumbbells, we talk about that all the time. It's a huge-- It's a huge difference. It's a huge jump. I wish they had some in-between there, just because-- Yeah, like an 11. I mean, 'cause you would think, "Oh, if I can do 10, I can do 12." And it's a whole different workout.
When I dropped down to tens, I'm like, dipty-dipty-do, it feels so easy. And when I'm using my 12s, I'm like, I'm like dying. So, it's kind of like, those little small increments make a big difference. So, I'd say go in between there. How do you know when it's time to go up in weight?
When you can do the recommended amount, and you don't feel any fatigue. If you're like, blah, blah, blah, you're doing your bicep curls, and there's zero fatigue, it's time to move up. By the last few reps, you should be like, holy cow, I can barely curl that up again. Muscle fatigue is your goal. If you are trying to build muscle, get more toned, lose fat, muscle fatigue is your goal.
We have somebody here who says, on Instagram, "I love the lunge-a-palooza calendar." That was a free challenge we have. We also have, on Get Healthy U TV, by the way, you guys, we have a bunch of challenges and fun things that you can do. And one thing I quickly want to mention is we have a whole bunch of free 10 minute workouts. People will ask us, sometimes, "What can I try before I buy?" Like, "I don't know if I wanna sign up as a member. "I just wanna see what you guys are all about." We have created a library of free 10 minute workouts that are awesome.
All of the trainers, so we have, now we're up to like, how many local trainers do we have? Minneapolis, we're based in Minneapolis. Two, three, four. I always rely on her for all the smart stuff. Eight or nine, I think.
Eight of us, maybe? Maybe even 10. Oh my gosh. Somewhere between there. So we've got a lot of fun variety in those 10 minute workouts, where you guys can try a yoga workout, try a HITT workout.
They're all 10 minutes. Try a low body, or a upper body, or try a core workout, or try a stability ball workout. Here's one. Gee, what was I doing there? Jump lunges, that's for sure.
That was a bodyweight HITT. There's Leah, doing her stretch. She has two stretch and recovery 10 minutes, which are awesome. She's a dancer, can't you tell? There's Lindsey, our little powerhouse.
She's got a whole bunch of fun 10 minute workouts. There's Shelly, another powerhouse. So, there's Kate. Kate has so many Pilates workouts. She's really amazing, when it comes to core and beginner workouts.
So, try them out. If you guys are interested in seeing what Get Healthy U TV is about, try out our 10 minute workouts. We'll give you that link to that free page. There's over 60 of them on there. And we do have, we're filming.
Sam just got her first 10 minute workouts on there. So there's a couple of Sam's workouts. And then, Tish and Sheila, our two new trainers, we're filming them, coming up. So, I just wanted to mention that, if you're looking for something free and something to try. And also for people who are asking where to start, 10 minutes is a great place to start.
You don't have to jump into a hour long workout, or 30 minutes, like start with 10 minutes, you will get sweaty, and you'll feel it the next day. Right. And honestly, if you went for a walk, let's say you walk your dog, 'cause it's nice weather. So you go walk your dog, and then you do a 10 minute workout every single day, you will see a difference. You will, especially if you were doing nothing before.
It's just amazing to me that people discount 10 minutes, when they're actually doing nothing. I'm like, well, hey, give it a try. We have somebody saying, "I am able "to lift heavy but slower, especially with squats. "For long-term results, is it better "to lift lighter and go faster with you, "or lift heavy and go at a slower pace?" And the answer is both. Both.
You need both. So it's important you do both. I often talk about this when I'm instructing you guys, is that I talk about sometimes when I load up heavy, I just have to go slower. Part of it is age, I used to be able to go faster. But I also wanna do it right.
I wanna hold really good form so I don't get injured. So I lift and lower slower in a squat when I'm holding 24 pounds. When I'm holding no weight, and it's just body weight, I can go faster. But when you are lifting heavy, and you're going slow, you're training strength, you're training that muscle strength. Like, how much can I lift, doing a limited amount of repetitions?
Muscle endurance is doing the same thing over and over, repetitive, repetitive, repetitive motion. So, think of, in your everyday life, raking the leaves, or shoveling the snow, or, those are Midwestern terms. Some of you might not have to do that. Some of you don't have to do either one of those things. But that's that repetitive motion, and that's called muscle endurance, and you wanna train that too.
So, I think it's great to do both. And, I know, and I know Sam too, 'cause we work out together, we do both every week. We have some days where we're doing fast endurance type stuff, and other days where we're slow and heavy. Yup. And, I mean, some days I just wanna go heavier, just to get a little bit more of that fatigue feeling, but some days you just wanna get that cardio and move a little bit faster.
So they're both really, really good. We have a couple people on Instagram saying that they love the lift workouts. Awesome. Yay. Okay.
We have Ellen asking, "Do you post any diet plans "on Get Healthy U TV?" We really don't. So, a couple years ago, like at least two years ago, maybe three, we started asking if anybody wanted meal plans, if they wanted, and we got some answers, yes, yes, yes. So then we started offering them, and nobody was using them. It gets complicated. And I kind of am a preacher of learn how to eat, so that you can decide what to eat.
Instead of me telling you what to eat, learn how to eat so you're in charge of you. Because a diet to follow works great, but most people don't... Stick with it longterm. They don't do it for more than a month of their life, or their year. You're not gonna follow a piece of paper for the rest of the year.
You gotta understand how to eat, then you make wise decisions. So, I'm all about teaching you how to eat, rather than telling you what to eat. And once you understand how carbs work in your body, and how protein works in your body, and how fats work, and why you need a variety, and what are the good ones, and how to avoid processed food, then you start to say, "Hmm, what am I going to have for breakfast?" "I'm gonna have a protein shake, or oatmeal, "or eggs," or whatever works in your lifestyle and your personal likes, too. So, yeah, we don't really do that. We have had some Q and As about...
Nutrition. Nutrition and meal prep, so you can go back and watch some of those. And in our Facebook group, our private Facebook group, a lot of women share a lot of nutritional information in there. Okay, let's see. We have Cheryl, and she says that she has fibromyalgia and arthritis.
She is also dealing with Morton's neuroma in her left foot. What are the best workouts for these type of issues? So she has fibromyalgia and Morton's neuroma. So, fibromyalgia. And arthritis.
And what? Arthritis. Okay. And fibromyalgia, you get a lot of pain, obviously you have to talk to your doctor, because I don't know if there are certain limitations, based on your situation, of overdoing it, because inflammation is a big part of both arthritis and fibromyalgia. And so, definitely talk to your doctor.
Osteoarthritis and basic arthritis actually feel better with movement, because you get that synovial fluid moving in the joint, and mobility of the joints helps to relieve some of that pain. And so, light and maybe lower impact exercise is really good with arthritis. I would say you probably wanna stay low impact, right? Because, probably any kind of pounding is gonna be very difficult. So, definitely stay low impact, but that doesn't mean low intensity, as we already discussed.
Morton's neuroma in your foot. I thought I had one, actually, at one point. It's like a weird nerve thing, between your second and third, or third and your fourth toe, and it's like a, I don't know how to describe it, but it's some sort, and I'm no doctor, but it's like some sort of nerve thing that causes nerve pain. And you need to go to an orthopedic, or a podiatrist, or some sort of a doctor that can look and see the degree of it. There is surgery for Morton's neuroma, but there also are things you can do with padding in your shoes, or inserts between your toes, sometimes like a toe spacer.
I don't have all information on that. For me, myself, I started noticing some weird nerve pain in my right foot, between my second and third toe, and I just massage it all the time, like I use our Theragun. Theragun. On it. And I start putting better inserts in my shoes, and not walking around barefoot, and that helped a little bit for me.
But definitely, if it's been a long time, and you're getting a lot of nerve pain, contact your doctor And then, as far as exercises on Get Healthy U TV you could try out, if you can't put any pressure, chair workouts. Chair workouts are good. Are great. We've had great feedback on those, as far as like, you are still getting your heart rate up. We were sweating so much by the end of those.
Hip flexors were on fire the next day. Actually those chair workouts are really intense on hip flexors. Like, you can skip the hip flexor part. You don't have to keep lifting your legs, because oh my gosh, like seriously. Sam and I filmed those and we're like, these are no joke.
No joke, yep. And there's other ones out there too. So those are great ones to do, as far as exercising, if you really can't put any pressure on that foot. We've had quite a few questions come in. So let's hit this one, Chris.
"Can you recommend best protein powder? "And let's talk about collagen." Okay, yep. So, protein powder and collagen. So, protein powder, you guys know, at Get Healthy U TV, and myself, personally, we are huge fans of BiPro protein powder. I have been taking BiPro for over a decade.
So, it's been a long time. They were a family run business, out of Minneapolis, and I knew the family, and they sold to, I forget the name of the, it's a big food company, but they've still kept their little office of people. There's still that same kind of family backed program. It's all clean whey, without additives and weird stuff in it, that's why I like it. I think a lot of protein powders give you weird stomach issues, whether it's gas, or gurgling, or bloating, or whatever.
So just clean whey protein is my favorite. And I use their elite protein. We talk about it a lot, where we're gonna be doing some more talking about it on Facebook, 'cause we have a partnership with them. Whey protein is the most readily used by muscles, because it is high in leucine, which is one of the amino acids, which is responsible for muscle synthesis. So, that's why I really liked the BiPro brand, and I like whey protein.
But if you do not, if you're a vegetarian, or a vegan, some vegetarians will use a whey-based product, but if you're vegan and you want a plant-based protein, there are so many good ones out there. I just recently tried the Four Sigmatic protein. I liked it. It's probably, on a scale of one to 10, I'd give it like a six or a seven, 'cause it does have that plant-y taste to it. Taste to it.
But I like it. I like pumpkin seed protein. You can buy it on Amazon. It's literally ground pumpkin seeds. Yes, there is a lot of healthy fat in it though, and magnesium, so don't be totally afraid of the fat, but it is so creamy.
It is ridiculously creamy. So, that's a good one. Collagen is awesome. I take collagen every day. I started like six, eight years ago when I started having really weird skin issues, and I was kinda freaked out, and I read about it online.
Collagen is great for hair, skin, and nails. It's a completely different protein profile than whey protein. So, there's nine essential amino acids and 11 non-essential. So, I think there's 20 amino acids, nine of them need to be taken in through food, 11 of them are made in your body But the profiles are different. So like, whey protein has, like I mentioned leucine, and some of those, the BCAAs, that are good for muscle synthesis, whereas collagen is made of a different amino acid profile, that really helps with hair, skin and nails, it's not necessarily geared towards muscles.
So you can take both. I guess that's what I was getting to is that some people put a scoop of whey and a scoop of collagen in there. I use the whey in my protein shake, and then I typically take the collagen pills at night, 'cause I keep them on my bedside or in my bathroom, and I just remembered to do it at night, so I don't forget. But I do have a whole thing of the powder too, and I sometimes use it. Do you use it, or no?
I do. You do? Yup, every day. And I actually take a pill in the morning. It's just easy for me to remember.
Along the lines of BiPro, we have somebody asking if they have non-whey, she prefers plant-based. So, does BiPro specifically have? BiPro is all whey, so they are not up plant-based. But like I said, I just mentioned the Four Sigmatic, which is like mushroom-based. I know that sounds gross, but it doesn't taste like mushrooms.
A lot of people like the Vega, or the Vega, I'm not sure how you say it, but that is a very popular brand, I've heard a lot of people talk about. I like, like I said, pumpkin seed protein powder. My daughter was a vegan for years, now vegetarian, and so, she and I tasted a whole bunch of plant-based proteins way back when, to figure out what was the best, and we loved that one. That one. We have Michelle asking, she loves cardio and getting a good calorie burn several times a week.
"Why is it so hard to slow down and do a yoga class? "What are the benefits?" Well, you must be a type A, or a high energy person. Because a lot of us get addicted to that cardio high, myself included. And my cardio high is probably different than Sam's cardio high. She can push herself way more than I can push myself, at my age.
But for me, pushing me, like it that's my world. I feel good. I love that cardio rush. I just love it, the endorphins that release. But the thing about recovery, especially as you get older, is that you realize like your muscles get sore, they get tight, you worry about injury.
It's no fun to live in pain. You know, I always joke that like 25 years ago, the word pain never came out of my mouth, and now I'm always like, "Oh, my back hurts." And now it does. My foot hurts. My knee hurts. So, it's managing your body's ability to keep moving.
And so, recovery workouts are so important. And yoga is just good for the mind. Honestly, I'm as high energy as they get. And that deep breathing is so fabulous. And every time I take a yoga class, or teach one, I really got into teaching yoga years ago, I got certified 10, 15 years ago, and just keep going.
I'm not currently teaching one weekly, and when I do, I just subbed one last week, and I was like, why am I not making myself do this more often? Because the way I feel afterwards is so redeeming. I don't even turn on my watch during yoga, because I'm like, I don't wanna look and go, oh, I burned a hundred calories, 'cause that's not why I'm doing it. So, just enjoy it for what it is. And it is important, especially as we age.
Yeah. The benefits are crazy, as far as the mental state goes, but I know, actually, you'll be proud of me, like a week ago my body was so sore, and I did, I just did a yoga workout and... You did? I did ,because I couldn't, I was like, I don't know if I could I'm so proud of you. do high impact right now.
I just couldn't do it. And so, it got me thinking like, why don't I do this more? And every time I do it, I say that same thing. I love that you say that. I love that she admits that she needs it too, 'cause she is like a go hard.
Go big or go home kind of a gal. So that's good. And because used to being a dancer, I used to love stretching every day, and I don't do it as much anymore, And I'm noticing like, ooh, hamstrings are a little bit tighter than they used to be. And by the way, if you do stretch, like if you are a stretcher, but you're wondering about the deep breathing and that part of yoga, we have free meditations on Get Healthy U TV. So, we have a whole bunch of between five to 10 minute meditations that are all done by my daughter.
She's way more zen than me. And, she's a meditation teacher and a Reiki instructor. And they're all about deep breathing and just helping you relieve stress or anger or emotions. And so, check those out too, they're all free. They're in the 10 minute workouts, you can find them there.
We have somebody asking, "Chris, "is it true that running will not help "with weight loss and shedding fat? "You should do HITT workouts instead, "to see those results instead of steady state cardio?" Both work. it's just about energy and energy out. The thing about HITT is that you get more done in a shorter period of time. And so, what you're doing is you're taking your heart rate and you're pushing it, and you're pushing it, and you're pushing it, and you're testing it.
So you're strengthening that heart muscle. And pretty soon your cardio area gets bigger. For beginners, a lot of times their cardio area, where they feel good, that comfortable cardio area is small. And so, by doing HITT, it's like you keep testing that heart muscle. Pretty soon, that area gets bigger, and now you have a bigger area to live in.
And so, then when you go out for a run, you're like, "Ooh, I feel better than I ever have," because before you weren't quite as fit. But it's about how many calories you burn. You tend to burn a lot of calories with HITT, that's why people like it, because you can get more done in a shorter period of time. But I mean, both Sam and I will tell you that we're fans of both. Like, I need my one steady state cardio a week, I just love that endorphin rush.
Endorphin, yeah. But I also love HITT. I think one of the biggest messages we're giving you guys today is variety is key. Two things I'm gonna tell you about fitness to be successful, consistency and variety, period. Change things up, don't keep it boring, you'll literally start to get so sick of it, maybe in a week, maybe in a month, maybe in a year, but you will get bored with yourself, and so will your body.
And number two, consistency. It's not what you did once. It's not because you ran a 10K once. It's because you take care of your body every single day, and that makes a difference. Something else I wanted to mention was that we were back with those home gyms.
I just wanted to quickly mention that a lot of our members, and we should probably just quickly share some of these photos. We asked in our private Facebook group, if you are a Get Healthy U TV member, we asked you guys to take a picture of where you work out in your home. Because, before we show them I just wanna quickly talk about this. It's a total trend. And even since the pandemic, but it's a total trend to work out in your home wherever you want.
Like you don't, back 10, 15 years ago, everyone wanted a workout room in their house, like, "Oh, I have to have a workout room." Nope, now people don't. People literally make a workout space out of their family room, their living room, their bedroom, their garage, their office, you kind of stick the equipment there. And one of the biggest things that we're finding is people are exercising near their big screen TV. So you don't have to have dedicated space. So anyway, we asked people to send us a picture, it was kind of fun.
I don't know if our tech people can pull it up, but we have a couple of pictures of where people are working out, to inspire you. So, check this out. This is Cynthia's home gym. So look at that. I love it.
She just has her computer, her big screen TV. She can put it away if she wants to. Let's see, who's next? This is Maria's. Look.
Wow, nice variety of equipment, along with everything else. And she's got some toys there, maybe kids. Judy's home gym is coming next. Love this. Again, look at this.
This is the family room. They just pull their weights out, their mat out, right there, she's got her calendar right there. I love it. Let's see. April's home gym.
Okay, I'm in love. Love this picture, with the dog. Obviously, both Sam and I have a golden retriever. We're obsessed. So, okay.
Who's gym was this? April's? This is April's, yeah. April, we love your dog. And we like your weights too.
Let's see, Sean. Look at this, near a window. Yes, because daylight matters when you're working out. It feels good. Let's look at the next one.
We got Anita. Everyone just kind of piles their stuff to the side. I love that. And she's got a bike, so that's fantastic. Oh, Anya and Molly.
These are part of our GHU TV staff, actually. Look at Molly, there. Okay, how cool is that? They put words on the back of I love of the motivating the wall. Words in the back.
And then, they've got a big screen TV there, all their weights. You guys rock. Let's see the next one. We've got Mary. By a window, look at that.
Look at that trend though. It is your living space, it's not a specific room. You guys, you have such cute home gyms, and great equipment. All right, let's see. We've got Liz's home gym, right in the wine cellar.
Perfect. The first time I saw this, I thought it was a bunch of weights. I was like, that is impressive. Okay, I'm gonna give Liz the number one award for she's got her workout, then she takes a sauna, sweats it all out, and then pops open a bottle of wine and relaxes. I'm coming to your house.
And do we have one more? We have one more. Yeah, this is, I guess another Liz. I hope we got the names right, if we didn't, you guys, we're sorry. Look at this, again.
Just in their living space. So, I hope this motivates you to say, and those of you on Instagram, sorry, you couldn't see that, but you can see it, if you go back on Facebook, this just, I hope this motivates you to say you don't need much, like no more excuses. If there was one thing that the pandemic taught us is that habits need to change. And people started going, "Oh my gosh, "my gym is closed, and what am I gonna do?" And people started working out at home, and then they start realizing, you know what? I don't need the fanciest equipment.
I need to set a dumbbells, I need a TV, or my computer, and I need somebody to motivate me. And it's time-saving too. I love this, we have Mary saying she has sliders under the couch, so she easily slides them out and then slides them right back underneath. I love that, that's fantastic. Thanks, you guys, for sharing your home gyms with us.
I love that. And we do see a lot of pictures in our Facebook group, often, and they typically do have a pet or a kid in them. In them. It's the best. And it just as a mood booster too.
I also wanna give a little shout out to Marsha. She said, she did Pilates thinking that it was gonna be a waste of time. And she goes, "Holy bananas, I was so sore the next day." So, same thing as like a yoga, Pilates, like it's lower, like where you're not getting that heart rate necessarily as high as you're used to, but it will literally leave you sore the next day. My Pilates certification was the hardest certification I got. Oh, absolutely.
The hardest one. I literally had to study. Like, it wasn't just learn how to motivate people. I had to literally study the anatomy of the body. It was intense.
And I'll tell you, when you are really doing Pilates, holy mother, you feel you're abs. Yeah, oh, absolutely. We have Mary asking, "What do you think "about tonal or mirror with the new technology?" You know, that mirror that it's like the actual-- What do I think of that program? I haven't tried it. I don't know.
But it's like, obviously it would be a competitor to Get Healthy U TV. You're getting your workout through a mirror. I don't know how it works, though. Do you have to have their mirror? Yes, I think so.
So you have to buy their mirror. So again, whatever floats your boat. My goal is to motivate you. So, I think when you're looking for a workout program, you need to find out, do you like the trainers? Do you like the motivation?
Do you like the way that the product is delivered? Is it nice quality? Are you able to move around in your home, or when you're traveling, if you ever do that again in our lifetime. So, that would be my advice. Let's see here.
What is the best way to shift fat from the middle section? So she says, "I don't eat processed foods "and I work out about six times a week, "six times a week with a mix of Pilates, weight and Zumba. "But how do you get rid of that tough middle section?" And it depends on age. If you are in the menopausal years, the hormones are changing. And so, more than ever, she said she eats healthy.
But really, really, really make sure you're eating healthy. Like, put that down on paper. Look and see, are you having anything that might cause tons of inflammation and/or water weight, that kind of thing. And then, amp up your workouts just a little bit. Any time you keep doing the same thing over and over, and getting the same results, then it's time to change.
I think, who was it that said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting something to change. It's not gonna change unless you change. I don't know, was that Einstein or was that. I feel like it might've been Einstein. I feel like I should know this, 'cause you used to tell me this all the time.
So change it up, change up your workouts. Maybe you need to go a little harder. Maybe you need to try something that's just a little more intense, burn up a few more extra calories, or change out the weights that you're using, or whatever it might be. But it sounds like it's time for a change, to shake it up. Okay.
This one's a long one, so stay with me. She is 32 and has been a 5:00 am exerciser for over 15 years, mainly cardio. She's subscribed to Get Healthy U TV to start working on strength and muscle endurance. She says, "When I do pushups, even modified, "in order to have full range of motion to do a pushup "I literally collapse to the floor. "Is it important to have full range of motion and do fewer, "or do more and use half range of motion and not collapse?" But she says she loves Get Healthy U TV.
Okay, that's awesome. That's a great question, because this is something I talk about a lot, pushups. So, pushups are hard, they are so hard, and they require a lot of strength. So, if you've never been a pushup person, and all of a sudden at age 52, you're trying pushups, it is going to be a challenge. And it's going to take more than a week to get strong enough.
So, my recommendation is to go on your knees, or get your butt in the air. It doesn't matter, those are going to release the amount of body weight you're putting into the pushups. So, I can see myself, right here. And I'm attached to a microphone. But I'm just gonna move my chair, right here.
So, if you're on your toes, and you're doing this, look at my arms, that's not a pushup, right? The pushup is all about the pectorals. Yeah, hold the table, Sam. I got you. If you're doing this, that's not a pushup.
Okay, you gotta come all the way down and all the way up. So I feel those pectoral muscles working. So if that means go to your knees, if that means get your butt in the air, so it's less weight. If that means doing it into a table, work out a progression, work out a system where it's a progression, and you get stronger. But you gotta get that full range of motion in that pushup.
So that's a really good question. I would say, go for the range of motion, less body weight, more range of motion, get stronger. The other thing that people do wrong in a pushup is this. So the minute you get your elbows out to the sides, look at my neck. So, the minute I start doing this, all of a sudden I'm scrunching my neck, I'm using my trapezius muscles, I'm getting a neck cramp.
So you really need to keep your elbows back, and trust your triceps. And for a lot of women, if you haven't been lifting weights, your triceps are super weak. So, between your chest and your triceps, you collapse to the floor, 'cause it's like, I can't do that. So, just give yourself grace and work on a progression. Chart it.
Chart yourself. See like, did you start against the wall, and then you moved to a table, and then you moved down to a chair, and then you moved down to a step, and then you moved down to the floor? Did you start on your knees and your butt in the air, and then start flattening out your back? Just go for progression. Progress not perfection.
So, keep working on it. I love it. This is a great question, as far as kind of like what we started out our topic with today. She wants to workout at home, and has been, but during quarantine it feels like she's never leaving her house. How do you make exercising exciting and new again with staying at home?
I know, that's what I was saying earlier, is that working out at home has always been a part of my life, between the gym and working at home, I mix it up, but I've always been able to go places, right? I mean, all of a sudden you're in your four walls, doing the same thing every day, and life just becomes uber mundane. So, for sure following a calendar, like doing different workouts every day. People get kinda stuck in their rut, where they're like, and I hear this from some of our members, where, "I keep repeating "the same workout, 'cause I like it." We have over 250 workouts, like, go crazy and try something different. Go Rogue.
'Cause it will make you feel excited. Get outside. Walk, run, walk-run. Go out in your lawn and take your, we've seen a lot of people who take their laptop outside on their porch, and they're out on their deck, or their porch, and they're doing their Get Healthy U TV workout. The month of March, when I was in Arizona, and I had my kids with me and my niece was with me, we would take my laptop outside in the beautiful pool, at the pool deck.
And we would turn on a Get Healthy U TV workout, and we would do it outside. And that just felt good to be outside. So, change up the workouts, change up the routine, get outside whenever you can. And hopefully, eventually, I think it's gonna be a while, but life will go back a little bit to normal. Absolutely.
We have somebody asking if we have any plans for beginner yoga programs, like beginner, beginner. Ooh, I'd like to know more about that. Who asked that? Someone on YouTube. Someone on YouTube.
Send us an email. You can go to Get Healthy U TV and click on "Contact Us," and then you get a little area where you can write. I'd love to know what you're looking for. Like, when you say beginner, what do you mean by beginner? Because, typically, in yoga, it'll start with like, getting you through a down dog flow, and then give you some-- She's saying teaching individual moves in flows.
Interesting. Okay, well here's one thing I would say is, I don't know if you've tried Sheila's yoga yet. Sheila was new to us back in, was it January, February? Yeah, the beginning of the year, yep. January.
Yeah, so she started with us in the beginning of 2020. I met Sheila 15 years ago at Pilates training, and she's adorable. And we just couldn't get her She is cute. on our schedule, 'cause she was teaching on Mondays. And finally, we got her to come with the lives.
So she teaches slow flow and hatha. And both you and I have done it. Have done both of them, yep. And I feel, that's a little more beginner. 'Cause I feel like Sheila really kind of...
She really goes through each..., Pose. So try those out. If you are a Get Healthy U TV member. Try out Sheila's slow flow. And these are gold workouts too.
So let us know that. But a slow flow and hatha. And tell us if that meets your needs. The other thing I would say is, now I'm thinking about this. We do have a program called yoga floetry, and that is a friend of mine, Jennifer Gallardi, she's out of LA.
I love the whole yoga floetry workout, it's 60 minutes, so it's our longest yoga workout. But they're also in that program, is a tutorial. It's a 15 to 20 minute tutorial on how to do some of the poses. And that, I always give that link to people when they're saying, "I'm not quite sure "if I'm doing down dog correct," or whatever. I give people that link.
So, do check that out too. And then let us know if that meets your needs. Okay. I don't even know about this, so I hope you do. Uh-oh.
We have somebody asking, "I recently noticed "on my activity watch for the Apple watch. "There is a trend for VO2 max." Did you know about that? On the Apple watch, there is a trend? Yeah. What do you mean a trend?
I don't know. I just copied the , I'm gonna be honest, copied the question. She said, "They don't know much about this measure. "Curious what you think is a good number to have for this. "If you are willing to share what your number is?" Where do you find this VO2 max?
Somebody might have to tell us about this, 'cause I don't know about it either. So, your VO2 max, your VO2 is like your oxygen consumption. And, for instance, at certain health clubs, they can measure your oxygen consumption. You put on that oxygen mask thing and they measure your VO2 and kind of tell you where your whole range is. But I'm just looking on my watch to see if I can find, is it in the heart thing?
I've never seen it on the workout part. Have you, Sam? No, I have not. There is a cardiac thing, but there's a heart, I'm looking for the heart. There is a heart.
Do you have the heart on it? I have the heart. Yep, here it is. Okay, here's the heart. So here's my resting heart rate.
But I don't see anything about VO2 max on here. All right, we need more info. Let us know where you're finding this VO2 max. But what would you say, I mean, what would you say if somebody was looking for their max heart rate, how do they find, Because everyone's is different. Everyone's is different.
Hers is different than mine. You can't compare yourself to others, because you will literally go insane. Everyone's heart is different, and it's based on fitness level, mostly genetics, a lot of genetics, and some age related things, and medications. So, as people get older, a lot of people are taking different medications, whether it's for any kind of an ailment, or heart issues, or cholesterol, or any of those kinds of things. And that can also change your VO2 max But, typically the best way to find it out, we do have a blog that we could send to you that kind of talks about heart rate, and how to figure out your zones.
But the best way is when you get that Apple watch is to pay attention. So, you're working hard. And when you're really pushing yourself to your absolute max look down, and what is that heart rate? And do that for a week, two weeks, three weeks, and start to know where your max heart rate is. That's kinda how you find out.
Like, I know that when I am pushing myself to no end, let me see that, okay, thanks. I don't think mine's accurate. So then you would know that that's your top heart rate, right? And then, you know when you're kind of dogging it, where your low heart rate is, and that's how you make your zones. But, for instance, to my classes, there are a couple girls who come to my live classes, who, their heart rate is always at 200.
Like, that's absurd to me. I mean, if I got my heart rate to 200, which I don't even know if I possibly could, you would definitely have to call the paramedics. They're both tiny, tiny people. Their heart must beat really fast. They have a different sized heart.
It's their genetics. And they said, "Well I've always "had that high of a heart rate." So again, if you've checked it with your doctor and that's, so own your own zones when it comes to heart rate. When it comes to your cardio fitness and your VO2 max, I don't know where you're finding it. I do see it in trends now, Where did you find this? That's what they're saying.
So it's in your activity app on your phone. Oh, you gotta go to your phone. So you are way more into it than we are. We didn't even do it. So this one, and then you click on trends.
So, your VO2 max, it's about pushing yourself, right? And cardio fitness is predicting it off your watch. But part of the problem, too, is if you turn your workout app off when you finish your workout. But I don't know, I honestly don't know. So, sorry, that was a really long-winded answer.
We did talk about heart rates at least. But I'm gonna look into this VO2 max. Me too. I mean, most of the time I have heard about people getting it tested at the gym using the mask. The mask, yep.
And it's really important for athletes. For us every day athletes, it's like, that doesn't necessarily totally affect you, but if you're a runner, you're trying to win a race, you're trying to get out there and improve your triathlon speed or something, VO2 max is very important, and that's something you would want to know about. But for us everyday people, obviously we pay a little less attention to that. We are just like four minutes away. So, we do, Chris, have somebody asking, "Are you gonna add some longer walking videos, "like three to four miles to Get Healthy U TV?" Ah-ha, good question.
That's gonna be part of our tread program. So, our indoor walking workouts are aerobic based, where we're marching, and then we might do a sidestep and fun stuff. I mean, I love the walking workouts, but we're adding these tread programs. And we're gonna have 30 minute walks on there. So, now, again.
So if you don't have a tread, you could kind of take it outdoors. You could definitely take it outside and just listen. But typically, in 30 minutes you're gonna get like two miles, or a little more than two miles. So you could do two of them. We're gonna have three different walking workouts.
So you'll be able to, like, you could threaten together two of them, that would be an hour of walking, and you'd get four miles. So, that's coming, hold tight. Coming. "How important is hydration to your health? "And how much water or hydration "should you be getting each day?" Water is such a big part of your health.
It's the easiest health tip that anyone can give you. It's free. If you're willing to drink tap water, which literally, like I have for a decade, made a game with myself not to buy water. 'Cause I'm like, why buy water, when we have water? Now, some cities have horrible city water, and then you do buy tap, I mean you do buy bottled, or you do get a filter, like we have a filtration system at home.
And then, when I travel, I'll buy one bottle of water and then I just keep refilling it wherever I'm at, 'cause I'm like, nobody in New York seems to be dying, so I guess I can buy their, I can drink their water wherever I'm at. Unless it tastes like, there are a couple of places I've been, like some places in Florida, the water is horrible. But anyway, that being said, hydration, your body is 70% water, somewhere around there. Hydration is absolutely key. When you're dehydrated, systems shut down, your body doesn't work quite right, you can't sleep, you're inflamed.
Water is the flusher of, it's the best detox out there. So drink as much as you can. The old eight glasses of eight ounces, that's 64 ounces in a day, is a pretty decent kind of go-to rule to follow. There's no total science behind that, quite honestly, like if you look it up, nobody said, "Oh my God, we did all these studies "with people's bodies, and this is the perfect amount." That's just a good number to go for. I was just joking the other day about somebody I saw who said they're doing 128 ounces a day.
Holy moly. That's a lot. That's a lot, yeah. I average about 64. What are you?
I would say somewhere between 64 and 90. Yeah, she's a major. I do. I gotta do a better job. I gotta do more.
I mean, like today I've already drank three of these. What? I guzzled water after that workout today. I don't know. Sam, oh my gosh.
And I did two right away. This is my second. Get goin'. I'm almost done with my second, though. I'll fill it up the third time.
So it's very important to your health. Look it up. It is the easiest health tip I can give you. Hydration is key for every system in your body. And it's very hard, hard, hard to over-hydrate.
You will hear about that. Like in marathon runners, sometimes, when they're drinking gallons and gallons and gallons of water. But here's the other thing that's happening to those people, they're also depleting themselves of their electrolytes. So, they get in this weird, I forget what it's called when you're over-hydrated. There's a word for it.
But it's very rare that that would happen to any of us. Normal people, who exercise normally. I'm putting my foot in my mouth. Who's normal? I'm not normal, so don't go with what I say.
Well, it is two o'clock. Now I'm drinking my water. Yeah, she's trying to go. It's two o'clock, and so, we are kind of out of time for questions. So, I bet that Instagram is gonna just hang up on us, because that's what happens after an hour.
So if I miss you Instagram, thanks for joining us, everybody. If you wanna watch this replay, if you do, on gethealthyutv.com, right? Or Facebook, the Get Healthy U page, the Chris Freytag Get Healthy U page. We'd love for you to check it out. We come live every month.
Try to cover different topics every month. We've hit so many different topics. And we try to have a little theme, but we will answer anything on the fly. Any questions. We have some of the other trainers join us from time to time.
It's been a little hard since the pandemic started. But now, as things are easing up, we'll maybe get a third trainer in here, one of these days, in the next few months to come. Everybody hang in there. Take care of yourself and your family. And we too can do this, you guys.
We can. We're gonna get through this and stay healthy. You know, they keep talking on TV, wear a mask, social distance, do this, do that. Those are all such important things, but don't forget, eat healthy and move your body, so that... And hydrate.
And hydrate, because those three things are also great for staying healthy. So, really proud of you guys for saying that you are going to take care of yourself. Join Get Healthy U TV. If you want more information, email us, tell us, Let us know. 'cause we can help you and get you the deal.
We love all of you members. You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for being with us! We have lots of fun stuff coming. We do.
All right, take care.
I'm 54 and have been noticing some elbow discomfort. Any suggestions on how to train the muscles around them to help ease this issue?