GHUTV LIVE! Tips for Avoiding the Holiday Weight Gain
Chris FreytagDescription
During this months GHUTV LIVE Q&A, Chris Freytag provides tips for avoiding the holiday weight gain. If you’re looking for motivation, jump into the Barre Sculpt & Strong 28-day Calendar to sculpt lean legs, toned arms, defined abs, and firm glutes.
Well, hello everybody, how are you? We are live. This is our 'Get Healthy U TV' Q and A monthly session. My name is Chris Freytag, founder of 'Get Healthy U TV'. I have the lovely Sam Cameranesi with me.
Hello. How are you? Good, how are you? Good, I love these Q and A's, they're always so much fun. We take questions from all of you members and if you're not a member you just happen upon us on Facebook or on Instagram.
Hi there? Hey? We take your questions. Today's subject was going to be all about holiday weight gain and just kind of how to deal with your holiday schedule and how to deal with the highs and lows of the holidays and the stress and the good parts and obviously stay healthy. But we will take any questions.
So I just wanted to preface that, that you can bring us on any questions about fitness, fashion, food, whatever you want to talk about. Friends, we're here for you. So we do have some pre asked questions. We do have some pre-asked questions and we have some big announcements coming tonight. I know we have some really fun things to tell you today.
So stay with us about halfway through, we're going to talk about some of that. For those of you who are new and I'm looking at 'Get Healthy U TV', hey everybody? Checking out Facebook and then of course our Get Healthy U TV page on the website. Yup. 'Get Healthy U TV is a streaming service.
We stream workouts, we have over 250 workouts, we add a new one every Monday for our gold members. We add new programs every quarter that are for our premium and gold members. I've been making fitness videos since I was a baby. For like 25 years and so we are both very passionate about workouts that are like in a group kind of a setting where someone's telling you what to do. So you're actually getting more done than if you just stood there and stared at the wall by yourself.
So for those of you who aren't members, we'll give you more information about that as you move along. If you are a member this month we are following the New Barre Sculpt and Strong Calendar. Yup. As a Facebook group, any of you who are in the private Facebook group, we follow a calendar together every month of the year. We've been doing this now for almost four years and it's really fun I think it gives people a purpose.
They print out the calendar, they see what workout comes the next day. Every month we do different calendars, what was last month? I can't even remember. Was it... Why am I blank?
Oh my gosh! We're totally blank. We get so many of 'em- It wasn't Fit Over 40. It was LIFT, it was LIFT. Yeah, yeah.
It was Low Impact of Functional Training, so that's a whole style of workouts, we always throw in some... Whoops, my phone is ringing, go figure. We always throw in some yoga, some Pilates but this month we're following the Barre Sculpt and Strong. Now, just to preface that, Lindsey is the leader on most of these. Yes.
If you guys know trainer Lindsey, she's amazing, she loves Barre. You can see a little bit of this, the latest or newest of the bar program. Lindsey's leading, she's by the way... You can't even tell she's like six months, seven months pregnant in that picture. She was kicking my butt like my legs were shaking in the light.
Please, I kept thinking, please don't have the camera focusing on me. I was so sore the next day. But in this calendar there's a whole variety of different Barre workouts. Yup. Barre's hard.
It's those small minute like muscle groups that you're recruiting that you don't normally do every day. And I mean you really start to shake and the after-burn, I feel like is- Is intense. Now for those of you on Instagram, you're not seeing what the others are seeing on Facebook. We're previewing some of the Barre workouts. Man, they are tough.
It's that little bit like you said, a pulsing. Yup. The plies, the squats, the ab work, the arm work, it's just pretty amazing. So, if you are new to 'Get Healthy U TV,' checkout that calendar Barre Sculpt and Strong, if you are not new but you didn't know, we followed a calendar together, join our Facebook group 'cause we do that. Okay, let's get into the questions 'cause that's what you're all here for, let's do it.
All right, so kind of starting with some of our more holiday topic ones. Yup. Can we talk about cravings and how you kind of have all those cravings over the holiday. She explained how she feels like she's a bottomless pit sometimes, after having a long day. So can we talk about curbing those cravings?
Yeah well, so first of all, sugar is very addictive. I mean, sugar has been compared to cocaine, I mean- Yeah. If you've ever watched the documentary 'Fed Up' with Katie Couric, it's a pretty eyeopening documentary about the way your body reacts on sugar and you crave more. So at the holidays, one of the problems is there's a lot of sugar and alcohol around. And of course depending on what kind of alcohol you're drinking it can turn into sugar.
So we have to be really careful. What couple of the things that I talk to groups about at this time of year is first of all, don't bring a lot of sugar into your house. I mean, you're gonna go to parties, you're gonna go places where there's going to be indulging treats and desserts and gooey hooey dips and that kind of stuff. Try not to bring it into your house unless you're entertaining for some reason, but you don't wanna have to always go for those items during the holidays. Second of all, I do this, I know and of course I'm a health nut so...
You decide if this is for you, but I always make a couple of desserts that are things that I want to eat that are low sugar that maybe have sugar substitute like a stevia in them that maybe are made with oatmeal or no flour and butter, but something else. And honestly, when my kids were little they would be like, "Oh my gosh! Mom, no way." They wanted their sugary desserts but as my kids have gotten older they appreciate some of those healthier tasting cookies. Yeah. It's kind of a joke with like my friends or it's like, "Oh gosh!
She's gonna bring something, the health edge to it." But people do appreciate it, even when I do that, people appreciate and they go, "hey, I love that dip you brought, what's in that?" Or "I love those cookies you made or those cupcakes." So try to bake or cook with a little bit of a healthful edge have a few things. And then the other thing I'm gonna say about cravings is get yourself a bunch of cut up veggies, get some hummus, get some almond butter, get some... So that when you have that need to munch that you aren't going into all those crunchy hooey gooey stuff that you like munch on like carrots and almond butter or celery and hummus, it's so much better for you. That's what we do. Christmas is one that my aunt always does and love my aunt but my whole family, we bring the fruits and the veggies 'cause otherwise they're not there.
And so you... It is helpful to bring something that you know that you're gonna eat 'cause otherwise you might even be starving 'cause you're not gonna eat the rest of it. Well and drink a lot of water. Yes. Especially on days where you know you're going to parties or you're know you're going to events.
Water will help to satiate you a little bit and keep you from craving all the salt and sugar. Yep. It's a never ending cycle, salt, sugar, salt, sugar, so... Awesome. How do you address it when family gives you crap because you don't wanna indulge in that?
It happens. Well, at age 54 I've developed thick skin and I don't care. I mean, when people say to me, "Oh my gosh! here she comes, she's not gonna overindulge or whatever." I'm like, that's fine, I don't have to. And as a matter of fact, when I was younger, when I was your age, overindulging didn't affect me the way it does now.
Now it affects my sleep, it affects the way I feel the next day, it affects my mood, it affects my brain power, everything. And I think in some of you who maybe are in your fifties or older, probably could relate to the fact that you feel different now. And so I just... When someone makes fun of me, I'm like, that's okay. It's kind of like online, when someone decides to make fun of me, I'm like, that's okay you can have your opinion, I'm not gonna let it bother me internally because I'm gonna be who I am and I'm proud of it.
So I think you have to do that too. That doesn't mean I don't indulge, I mean believe me, I am like a sweets lover but I'm very methodical about knowing okay, I'm gonna indulge but I'm gonna be... I'm not gonna overdo it, I'm gonna have a cookie, I'm gonna have a piece of cheesecake, whatever. It might be I'm gonna have a glass of wine or a couple glasses of wine but not go hog wild. Right.
Awesome, okay. What do you do when you have had enough for the day drinking and eating, but friends are still kind of going at it and then they're wanting you to drink or do more? Well, one of the things that I've noticed is they will say to you, "Oh! Have a drink or do this or do that." But when you say no, they honestly don't care, they just move on. Most people are just concerned with themselves.
And I find like when I'm even out at night and a lot of times like let's say we're out with family, we are out with our adult kids and there's a lot of people in their twenties who can just keep going and going, I just drink water, I just do my thing. I still can have a ton of fun but I'm not overindulging whether it's eating or drinking and kind of do my own thing. And honestly, when someone says, "hey you want another drink? You say, "no, I've had enough, I'm having a glass of water." You know what they say? They usually go, "Oh!
Okay," Move on, they're doing their thing. So again, it goes back to thick skin, have some thick skin people. How do you resist temptations in the break room at work when there's holiday treats almost every day? Been there. Okay, so yeah, right?
And by the way if you're just joining us on Facebook or Instagram, we are talking how to avoid the holiday weight gain and temptations that are gonna happen in the next six weeks. Yup. So yeah, it's pretty typical at work that there's tons of snacks and treats and people bring in home baked goods and you have like potluck luncheons where there's all these hooey gooey things. One of the things that I've always said about anything that's kind of that grazing type of atmosphere is get a plate out, whether it's in the break room of the office or at a party, put the things on it that you wanna eat all at once. So you look at what you got and then slowly but surely eat that at your desk or whatever you're doing.
The problem is keep going back for more. When people go for one bite, then they walk through the break room, do it again, do it again, you don't realize how much you've eaten. But when you actually put it on a plate, you're like, "okay, I'm satisfied with this amount." Again, a lot of this it comes down to your ability to talk to yourself. Yup Positive self-talk like, hey, I want to eat these things. I'm going to try these few things but I'm also going to be moderation because I know how bad I feel when I don't stay in moderation or how I don't sleep well or whatever it might be.
So it's not about not allowing yourself, it's about being smart. Yeah and when I used to work in the corporate that... I mean, I went through the month of December, they do almost every day. And I guess one thing that helped me is that knowing we had a calendar of like what was happening that day. And I was like nope, I'm not gonna indulge in that day but you know what I'm gonna do this day 'cause I really like tacos or whatever.
So you can kind of pick and choose. And I was kind of that person that I would bring in healthy treats and I got so much crap for it, but I was like known as the healthy nut in the office and I was like, you know what I kind of have this like... So I just went on this girl's weekend, a couple of weekends ago, kind of to your point. And everyone was bringing something, I said I'm bringing a dessert dip and immediately in the text group, everyone's like, "oh my gosh! What is a dessert dip from Chris?
Yup. And they're like, "what is it, is it hummus?" And I'm like, no, I'm not gonna tell you. So, the reality is it's that cookie dough dip that we put up on Instagram. I don't know. About a month ago.
About a month ago and it is made with chickpeas, but it tastes like cookie dough. It has some protein powder in it and some vanilla and some other almond butter and stuff. Yup. And everybody loved it. They were making fun of me at first but then they all ate it and then everybody wanted the recipe.
They all wanted the recipe. Thick skin people, #thickskin. Okay, you are gonna love this question, fitting in a walk-in when there's snow and ice on the ground, what do you do? Oh my gosh! Okay, I hate winter.
I just do, I don't usually use that word. I'm usually really positive but I just really despise cold weather. I just hate being freezing cold and so I get it, it's hard but what I do is I create a group. I have a walking group, we egg each other on, we motivate each other. So typically in the winter, we're gonna walk on weekends, that's what we do.
Hey, any of you girlfriends if you're online, shout out to you. And we make a time that we're gonna meet and we put on our Sorel boots and our polar tech tights and our long parkas and our hats and our really warm gloves with hand warmers in there and guess what? Our dogs love it. And we go out in that cold and we just keep going and honestly, we get hot. But it's the motivation of meeting a group that really gets me there.
I also just commented on this as of this week, normally in the warmer months, I work out in the morning and I walk my dog in the evening. But now when the weather changes, I now need to also walk the dog in the morning because by the time I am done working for the day and it's after 5:00 p.m and it's pitch black, I have zero motivation to go outside. So I just started flipping my schedule where I'm making a little extra time in the morning and then maybe work a little longer in the evening. But you just gotta do it, I mean, Nike's made hundreds of millions, probably billions of dollars on that saying, just do it. We have Anya wondering what the big announcement is.
Of course she is wondering. She can't wait for anything, it's coming. We're gonna talk about it halfway through the hour, we'll talk about it in a few minutes. 'Cause we do have something super exciting to talk about. Yes we do.
So, let's see, do you bake cookies? This is a tradition for her and her family but would love to know your thoughts on like do you actually bake them? Are there healthy recipes out there? Yup, I bake cookies. My family, it's also been a tradition in my family.
My mom used to literally kill herself making like 20 different types. I thought that was too many, but that was a really big tradition in our family. And then we'd have the cookie plate and everyone would love it over the holidays. So what I do is I make a couple that are tradition and have like a filling of my family. Cut out cookies have always been something that my kids always decorated when they were little, I decorated when I was little.
So I always do cutouts, the true sugar cookies, sugar, butter, make the batter, the yummy frosting, everything. And then I often will make gingerbread because I love gingerbread, but I'll make a few and then I always make like I mentioned earlier, one or two healthy alternatives that I like to eat that are something that I'm going to indulge in the evenings. And my kids have become more interested in some of the healthier treats, my husband has definitely over 30 years become more interested. And for instance, our daughter is now vegetarian, she was vegan. So we did a lot of vegan baking for a while, which delicious.
Yeah. So yeah, it's about the only time of the year that I'm truly a baker. 'Cause I'm not usually like a baker. Let's see, deciding what to eat or not to eat and fitting in workouts during the holiday season, do you find that it's more difficult during the holiday season to fit those in? We talk about this every year, every year because it is harder to fit them in because you are busier over the holidays.
I don't know about you and you'll have to jump into but I have more evening events in the months of November and December more than I actually wanna go to. It's like a holiday happy hour and a this and a that and there's just always something going on. Last week I had three of the five weekday nights, I had something going on, this week two of the five, no it's gonna be three of the five for me this week. And that's a lot for you. Yeah.
On a weekday . It gets hard and then you're more tired so it's harder to get up and do the workouts. So here's what I would say, first of all, if you are super deprived on sleep, choose sleep. Because when you are so tired and you try to go work out, often you don't even put forth the effort. Have you ever been just going through the motions where you think I would be better off in bed right now?
Yeah that was me about two weeks ago. About two weeks ago? Yeah, so if you feel that way then catch up on your sleep that's important. But if you can fit in short workouts, if you can go like for instance on 'Get Healthy U TV,' we have so many 10 minute workouts and 20 minute workouts. And for anybody who says, "well, does 10 minutes work?" I want you to try one of our 10 minute workouts, we have about 50 of 'em.
Yes. You sweat, you get your heart pumping, you burn a hundred calories. I mean, it's for real. So maybe if you go from instead of doing your hour-long workout in the morning, but you go to your half hour workout or your 20 minute workout, you're still getting that body moving. Maybe if you are a six day a week kind of a person, you go down to three days a week during the holiday, just don't go cold turkey nothing.
I can't believe the number of people I talk to that go, "Oh my gosh! I didn't do one thing over the holidays," because it's so hard to get back into it. Yep. Keep your toe in the water a little bit for your mental health and your physical health. I was gonna say for that mental, there's so much going on, it is a great mental relief even if it's 20 minutes like hap on, put up a DVD in or whatever, you're 'Get Healthy U TV.' 'Get Healthy U TV' or walking outside again if it's warm enough out or just bundle yourself up.
But like the mental aspect of that just feels so much better, you can then go back to whatever you're doing afterwards. And that's why I've always been a morning exerciser for the last like 20 plus years. Because especially the holidays, the evenings you might go, "Oh, I have nothing going on tonight," and by 3:00 p.m. guess what? It's dark out.
All of a sudden or someone says, "hey, meet me for a drink," or someone says, "Oh! There's this party or let's go holiday shopping or whatever." So if you get it done in the morning, then you can be a little bit more relaxed about the evening. We have a question from Carol and I really like this question. The holidays are always stressful, fun, but stressful, do you have any stress relief recommendations during the busy time? Well, it is stressful like I agree, fun and stressful.
That's probably the two words I would use to describe the holiday season. This year more than ever I'm trying to be more prepared like pre-think gifts. I mean, I tend to be one of those people that on December 20th, I kind of start freaking out. So I'm trying to pre-think gifts, we're actually doing way less gifts in my family now. Yep.
Nobody feels the pressure to give everybody in the family a gift. Sometimes we just do gifts if something comes to mind that's super exciting and we do it. So kind of keep that low pressure. I try to do a little more yoga, a little bit more deep breathing, a little more sleep. I mean, honestly sleep is such...
It like repairs your mind, your body and I think when we are super sleep deprived, it's easy to let stress invade your world. I try to have a little bit more alone time, just take some time where it's like, okay, I'm going to... Today like for instance, I'm gonna wash my hair today, I'm not gonna let anyone get in my way. It feels good or I'm gonna take a bath or I'm gonna go to a yoga class or something like that. So, those are some suggestions.
I mean stress is just inevitable during the holidays based on schedules, but I think a little pre-planning and a little me time and then what was the second part of the question? Fitting in the workouts? Yeah, fitting in the workouts like we just talked about. Go with a shorter workout, just don't skip it. Go with a shorter workout or cut one day out a week or whatever it might be, if your holiday, is hard on you.
And every Christmas we've traveled, now this year I am hosting. But in my family we move it around. Yup. And every Christmas holiday, I do 'Get Healthy U TV.' This little computer right here, I bring it in my hotel room. Last year, we were in Chicago and my youngest sister, I would call her in her room and say get your butt up here, we're gonna do work out and she like, complaining.
I'm like get up here and then we did body weight workouts in my room. I remember 'cause Lindsey was barking at us, telling us what to do and my sister's like, "this is so hard." But you get it done and then you have a much better day. And bring your family members into it, I did the same thing last year 'cause I think Christmas is the one day that like everything is closed. You can't really go to Lifetime or anything and I had Chris barking and my mom in my ear and it just felt good. We went downstairs, we escaped the dog, we escaped my dad, everything, we went downstairs, we did it together.
And then we were able to just kind of go on with our day, so it is a great stress reliever and you get your day started. I love it. All right, so stay tuned we still have the fun announcements- We have a fun announcement and I am looking on Instagram, I haven't seen a question. I've seen a lot of people joining but if anyone has a question, even on Instagram would you ask away 'cause we're taking questions off of Facebook and our Get Healthy U TV page. So we have someone who just joined 'Get Healthy U TV.
Yay! She just got the program but is a little overwhelmed. Where do you start? Okay, so we created a video it's under Tech Tips. So if you go to the Get Healthy U TV website and go to Tech Tips, we try to create a video for common questions.
So, my Instagram says it's reconnecting, there we go. Members asked the same question over and over, we make a video. We created a video called, How To Navigate The Get Healthy U TV site 'cause people would say, "I don't understand premium versus gold, I don't understand how to sort the workouts, I don't understand how to connect my TV to my laptop or my how to use my iPad," or whatever it might be. "I don't understand how do I make it look like an app on my phone." All of those questions we've got little videos for you. Start with the How To Navigate Get Healthy U TV that video, I put that one together.
It's a couple of minutes, but it really really gives you an overview and then look at a couple of the others and then join the Facebook group. Because I'm telling you right now, all of you Facebookers out there, GHU-TV squad, you women are truly amazing. Yes. I typically go in at night to the group and when I go in and look, there are questions for me and people have already answered them for me. I love it.
They'll be like, "hey Chris, where do I find ," and someone else has already answered, "Oh! Right here." And I'm like, I love you guys, I love you, man. I think another thing if you're wondering where to start with workouts like the Facebook group, ask people where to start 'cause they'll have great... They've done 'em all or have done a few of 'em. So if you join the Facebook group there'll be great resources.
We also do mark every workout that is beginner, Beginner. So it has a little like orange tab that says Beginner. So, you know, Oh! This would be good for me or any calendars that are geared towards beginners, we wrote beginner on it, so that you can kind of go, "all right, this is better for me." Because we really do have all levels fitness in our membership. We do.
That's what makes it good. Back to a few mere holiday questions, do you have any fun ideas for a great holiday gifts for fit friends? ♪ Fit friends ♪ Well, if it's just for a friend, a lot of times I do... Gosh! I'm trying to think of some of the things, do you have any ideas too?
I mean, depends on what your budget is. Yeah. Even fit friends... I tend to do candles a lot, I love candles or essential oils because a lot of people who exercise do love essential oils. Water bottles.
Water bottles. Yeah, cute water bottle. These Yetis are the best and make a great water bottle or coffee. Most people who work out also drink coffee. They do.
So a cute coffee mug, gift card to... Or something from your favorite fitness store or Dick Sporting Goods. Yup or your favorite like restaurant that like Crisp and Green, I know a lot of my friends for you Minnesota people, Crispin and Green is a great one. Yup, yes absolutely. Restaurants that you enjoy going to maybe with them that are a little bit healthier.
I don't know that's also an option. Right, right, I love it. We have somebody asking, are you doing the 12 days of Christmas again? Oh! I'm so glad you asked, I am talking to Spry about it right now.
This would be our fifth annual 12 days of fitness, it's been so fun over the years. Where every day I demonstrate a different product and then we give a discount on that product. So stay tuned because they've had a lot of changes this prime, just kind of waiting to hear back from them. But I do think we're gonna do it. Perfect.
We have Deb commenting, "great socks for workout make great gifts too." Didn't think about that. Oh! Deb, good idea, great. 'Cause socks makes such a freaking difference. They do.
Whether you have a performance sock on or just a cheap cotton sock that makes a big difference, that was a great idea. See you people are so creative, I love it. They answer our questions for us. I know. Okay, here is a non-holiday question, but a good one, is it okay to foam a roll before you get sore or should you wait until you're really sore?
Foam rolling is just like therapy, okay? So think of it as a daily thing to do, whether you're sore or not. I kind of look at foam rolling as just a way to stay healthy. I know that I'm abusing my muscles to some extent , on a daily basis. So foam rolling just gets out the knots, improves the circulation, gets rid of...
You got fascia under your skin, it's like webbing and when it gets super tight that's when you start to get aches and pains and stiffness and soreness and so you just kind of want to break that fascia up a little bit. So it doesn't matter when you foam a roll, you don't have to do it directly after a workout. I do it in the morning that's what I do before I even work out, I just roll out and kind of get rid of my knots. But yeah, I would say, look at it more as therapy like you would look at a massage, you go get a massage whenever you have time to do it, right? Right.
That's how I would look at it and it's very worthy and very smart to do. Yes, keep up on that 'cause when you get real tight, it's almost harder. Yeah. Okay, we kind of covered this but how do you stay off the couch when it gets dark and cold at five o'clock every single day. I don't.
I get right on that couch. No, I'm kidding. Do you? So that's why like I said, I've just kind of... I do prefer to work out in the morning and then like do something a little more active in the evening like walk the dog in the evening.
But when it gets cold, it just gets cold and it's dark and I'm not gonna do that. So I flipped the switch a little bit and I'm doing a little bit extra activity in the morning and then at night I am doing less. I think it's your body's like circadian rhythm too where it's dark, you're already in your pajamas by... I mean I was joking the other day on Instagram, all of you Instagrammers, I put a little post up that said, daylight savings for me. It's the first day of the year where I say I'm not going outside after 6:00 p.m.
till April. But maybe there's things that you could do in your house at night or maybe there's activities that as the holidays approach, I find myself cleaning and doing laundry and doing things that need to get done to get ready for the holidays because I'm entertaining and I have so many people coming. But I mean, it's a true issue, like do you find yourself spending more time like sitting around at night? I actually... So funny thing my schedule is super busy in the winter, so- Oh!
She coaches dance, she coaches high school dance. Yeah like- That's a whole different. Most days I don't get home until nine but like I prefer having it that way just 'cause I would, I would go home and sit on the couch and so it keeps me busy. But I'm less busy in the summer and I find myself feeling the opposite during the summer. That's funny 'cause it is totally opposite for me and being an empty nester now, I mean when my kids were little, I never sat on a couch because it was like by the time you got them home from school and did dinner and then you finished your work and then went and drove them to every sport .
And now I do honestly find myself spending more couch time, but I also find myself making time for more podcasts, more books, catching up on series and things that I want to watch. And if I know that I've been active in the morning, I don't feel quite as guilty about it. Absolutely. Going back to... We just have a suggestion, would you ever make a video about foam rolling?
Oh yeah! Well, let's see did we do... Okay, we have an article on gethealthyu.com about foam rolling as well as a download. We did a... One of our actual members, one of our squad members asked for a download that she could print out and look at the different exercises, so we did make that.
But yeah, that's a good idea. I feel like we did, I feel like we did some sort of a video, I have to look back, it was a couple of years ago. So we could definitely put that on our rotation to add a new one. I did do a video on low back pain and how to roll out your low back 'cause you don't want to take a foam roller straight up and down your back. Your foam roller is for your hips and your legs and your shoulders, but you don't wanna go down the center of your spine and I showed in that video how to use a massage ball.
Yep. And I use that daily, it is literally what keeps me upright. I share it with so many people that I finally just made a video of it, so I could email my friends and all of you that video. So do check that out, that's on 'Get Healthy U TV' for low back stretching. But Sam we'll add that to our 10 minute videos.
We will. Foam rolling. What are your thoughts on wearing a weighted vest while walking? She actually used it during a kickboxing class yesterday and she said her body is aching, but what are your thoughts on that? Yeah, I don't know if I would use it during Kick box because jumping up and down that just might be hard on the joints, you're weighting the joints.
That's why I always tell people like when they lose weight, they have this joyous like feeling because think of all that weight, bearing down on your joints all the time, it really helps when you lose weight. So that being said, I don't know about the weighted vest while jumping up and down, but while walking it's great. It just gives you more resistance against gravity. For me, I just won't wear it in the summer because I just feel like I look funny and call me... I'm not being vain but I just don't like the way it looks.
So I don't really... And plus you get too hot, I mean so hot, but in the winter you got your winter coat on, I mean, it could be good so I would try it. Yeah. I would definitely try it. Do you have any motivational podcast recommendations to help get moving when the weather is less than ideal if you're walking alone, any good podcasts that you recommend?
I am a podcast lover, but I listen to a lot of like entrepreneurial podcasts, so I love the Guy Raz, 'How I Built This.' But you don't have to be an entrepreneur to listen to that. No, not at all. That is an amazing podcast, he literally interviews all these people who've started crazy companies like Zappos and Tom's Shoes and Angie's Boomchickapopa and Stacy's Pita Chips. And like just... It's so interesting to hear how these people developed whatever it was, from nothing and so it's pretty cool.
I love that. Well, you don't even have to be local, I like By All Means, which is why one of our local gal, she is the editor in chief of Twin Cities Business Magazine. And she interviews Twin Cities entrepreneurs and business owners and again, I just love listening to people's minds and how they came up with it. I listened to Rachel Hollis's Let's Rise podcast, I do like that. She had Tim McGraw on, two days ago.
Oh! I'm gonna have to listen to that. I love Tim McGraw. And they were talking about his fitness routine, so I love that. I love Oprah's Super Soul Sunday, I listen to that and I love Dr.
Hyman, he is a natural path... Well, I shouldn't say not natural path, he is a true doctor but he does a lot of functional medicine. He has two podcasts, one's called House Calls, one's called Doctors Pharmacy. I even have my husband listening to that one now and I really, really love it. And that's just...
There's too many podcasts, I don't even know how to pick, there's probably about 10 more that I have on my watch list that I wanna- Yeah, it's definitely like what you're interested in. I have a few friends that love like murder mystery ones, which I have not tapped into. I'm not fiction person. Me neither. I'm more of the health fitness, all that, entrepreneurial ones too but- Well and the best thing that I...
The best gift I got last Christmas was AirPods. Oh! The best. My husband gave them to me and it has changed my world because when I had my earphones connected to my phone and then the leash for the dog, like everything would get all toiled, especially when you're in a winter coat and a hat and a scarf and a... So those little AirPods- Game-changer.
Amazing. That's a great Christmas gift. Guys, that's a good Christmas gift. We have Tina, she is two months postpartum. Do you have any tips on how to get back on track?
She finds that is hard to make time and she's also very, very tired. And I don't know if this is your first baby, Tina or your third baby or whatever it might be and Congratulations. It is a hard time, be kind to yourself. Be kind to yourself. I can't believe some of the new mamas that I know, how hard they work.
They're working, they're working out, they're doing all these things. When my kids were little and I had three kids working full-time, my workouts did suffer. They did. I mean, I'll be really honest. There was a point where I felt like working out once a week was a like gift of glory for me at that point.
And when I switched my full-time job to be in fitness, then things started aligning and I was able to work out more. But I think you have to just find little pockets of time. That's why we love 'Get Healthy U TV' because a lot of new moms will say, 10 minutes is all I've got and you gotta feel good about those 10 minutes 'cause 10 minutes is better than nothing. And if you're doing 10 minutes, five days a week, that's better than doing one workout once a month. You're gonna end up with better overall health.
So give yourself a little grace, do something at home that's easy to do. I always tell people, if you say, "oh! I have a brand new baby at home but I'm gonna sign up for this CrossFit class that's a 20 minute drive." You're never gonna go. Yep. You're never gonna go because your schedule is gonna get foiled.
But if you say, "hey, I've got a pocket of time and I'm gonna open my computer and do a 10 minute workout." Boom! I even noticed coach Lindsey, the other day, she started to work out and she goes, "I only got 10 minutes in and then-" you know Yeah. Her baby was crying and ready for food and then she was like, "maybe I'll get back to it later." But she was like, "I got 10 minutes then." And it really, I mean, I don't have kids so I don't know what it's like but it makes you kind of shift your mindset of like, yeah, 10 minutes is- 10 minutes is worthy. Absolutely. It is worthy.
Absolutely. Hey, should we talk about our- I was gonna say it's 1:30. Okay. So for those of you who have stayed with us, let's talk about our exciting news and then we'll continue to answer questions. So again, I always go back to the philosophy of, if you ask, we will listen.
And for years, Sam can attest to this, people have been saying, "why don't we have a live get together? Why don't we do something where we can all meet each other? Why don't you do a live, a weekend or something?" So guess what? We're doing it. We are doing it.
We are having the first ever Get Healthy U TV fitness weekend coming up in April of 2020 here in Minneapolis, where we are based. Believe me, we would never ask you to come to Minneapolis in January. 'Cause we know you wouldn't come. But it is actually pretty in April. I know it's hard to believe.
It's a full weekend. Now, I've been teaching at fitness conferences for well over a decade. And it's been something that has been so important to me because when I go to fitness conferences, I just come back rejuvenated. I have a new renewed interest in myself and my fitness level and I meet new friends and I come up with new ideas and I've tried new things and I've pushed myself and I come home just like ready to go. It's like any kind of a retreat that you sign up for or a self-development retreat or a yoga retreat.
I just ran into someone today who said they were leaving on a 10 day yoga retreat. That's a long one. But this is our fitness weekend, you can see it up on the screen if you are on our Get Healthy U TV page. It is right at the bottom of the screen. Just scroll down and you'll see the little ad to get your ticket now, to sign up.
If you are on Facebook or Instagram, we're gonna put links in the comments. Yup. And if you are on our email list, we will be sending you an email. So we sent out an email last week. Now it's only October.
It is. And we got a lot of sign-ups and we were really excited about it. So many of you Get Healthy U TV squad members are like, "I'm coming, I'm coming." People have already been talking about meeting each other. Some people have talked about their husbands are coming with them. Yeah, I love that.
And then they're going to like go to the twins game and they're gonna do some sight seeing and stuff like that. So if you are interested, it's gonna be a full weekend of education, of fitness, of friend making, of memory making, of pushing yourself past limits that you might be kind of holding back on, of helping you think about mindset differently and food differently. We're gonna transcend all of that. We have trainers coming. Yeah.
Of the five trainers, four of them are coming. Awesome. So you can meet the other trainers that you have been working out with for the last few years. We are really excited. We are.
So respond to that, email... Space is limited, that is the one thing for our first fitness weekend. We have limited space. So we were pretty shocked at how many people signed up just in one week. Just last week.
And it is only October. So don't miss out on the opportunity to join us. I would be so pumped to meet you. And like I just said, anytime I am at a fitness weekend, it is like this renewed, jazzed up feeling. And I look at it almost like for me, all my girlfriends that we would meet at these conferences, other trainers, we were all educators at these conferences, we'd literally, were like kids, we'd be like, okay, I'll meet you.
All right, let's share a hotel room. We had so much fun. So I'm super excited for those of you who are interested. Yeah. And we have people wondering if husbands can come.
Bring husbands, bring your friends. They probably don't wanna come to the fitness conference, I don't know if they'd love that. But they can come to Minneapolis. Well, they could join in on the workout or something if they wanna sign up but they probably don't wanna... Well, it depends if they wanna pay for it .
But I just read one comment where someone said, "thank you for having it during a Twins home game." I'm like, I didn't even know it was the Twins home game but that sounds fun. Target field is amazing. Yeah. Awesome, okay. Sign up, sign up, sign up.
Yes. So, we have people asking what your favorite holiday treat is? Okay, well, I love sugar. So I just mentioned earlier, gingerbread. I love gingerbread, I love pumpkin pie, I've always loved those cinnamon type spice desserts.
I don't know why. I mean, since I've been a kid, my birthday is on Halloween and I always had an apple crisp or a pumpkin pie for my birthday cake instead of birthday cake. So that's always been my thing. I love gingerbread so much. I love ice cream, like peppermint stick ice cream.
My favorite dessert at Christmas is peppermint stick ice cream with like a hunk of gingerbread or something like that. I'm not like a huge chocolate person. I do like chocolate, but I don't crave it. But I love fruity trudy type dessert. So that would be what I go for.
I love red wine and especially at the holidays, I love that with like a good Hors D'oeuvre. But though my indulgences would probably be a good glass of red wine with maybe some dark chocolate or ice cream and gingerbread. There you go. At first, I'll probably think about 10 other things I loved. He'll top any of those.
Yeah. Okay, we have somebody, Trisha, she commented yesterday on your Instagram poll. She says, Chris, first of, thank you for all that you do. Could you talk about exercise and aging? She is 44 and she struggles with not being able to train like she could when she was 40.
She goes, "I'm feeling a lot older. I've tried different modalities, recently started running again, but finding out that it's hurting your joints." Any thoughts on aging and staying in shape? You're asking the expert. So fun, isn't it? It is truly a mental game.
It really is. Because I'm sitting there and you say 44, I'm like, oh! Girlfriend, just wait 'til you're 54. 'Cause 44 was good. But things do start to change.
You need more recovery time. That's one of the things that happens with aging, is your body requires more recovery. Just like anything. When I was talking about indulging earlier, when you'd have like a big night and you ate a pizza at two in the morning, like, you woke up the next day and you were pretty much okay. If I do that now, forget it, I'm down for the count for like a day.
So you need more recovery time for your muscles and your joints. You might need to be kinder to your muscles and your joints. I don't know, because everybody's different. Some people can stay running 'til they're 80. For me, running in my 40s is when I kind of had to stop.
It was super depressing for me actually, mentally, because I identified as a runner that was kind of like I always considered myself like runner at the top of the list. But for some reason, my left side of my body, my knee, my hip, everything just really gets screwed up when I run consistently. So I stopped running and started walking. And a lot of people say, "well, walking, that doesn't work." Yes it does. Because I walk like every day, burn several hundred calories, it keeps me energized, it strengthens your legs.
it's not gonna necessarily strengthen your upper body but it's a good form of movement. Maybe you do need some lower impact things. Maybe you just need to, like for me, high-impact a couple of days a week but not every day of the week. Yup. Because as I've gotten older, I need that little bit more recovery time.
I have some friends who are in their 50s, they do no high-impact. I have friends who have had knee replacements or knee surgery or hip things going on. And they say, "you know what? No, anything that you're teaching us, Chris, in our class, I'm just gonna modify it and do it lower impact." The one thing I would say is if you're competitive, it's hard. Because for instance, when I'm standing next to this lovely girl, well, she's almost 30 years younger than me, right?
So when I watch her jump up and down, I'm like, oh! I just wanna do that. I just wanna hold those weights and do that. And it's not that I'm negative but it hurts my body. It's just I'm not as capable of doing that.
I'm still capable of pushing myself. I still love a good challenge. I still want to work out hard for my body and meet my goals. But I just have to change things a little bit and that's what happens with aging. I think what I've seen happen with a lot of athletes is because they can't do what they were doing before, they just quit.
Yeah. So they go, "oh! Man, I was an athlete, I was in such good shape, now I'm 50 pounds overweight." Well, don't let that be your... Don't let that be the excuse that you say, oh! Well, I can't do it so now I'm just gonna be a blob.
Just modify. Aging is a hard process. It is a hard process. You have to keep that positive attitude and say, listen, you still have a lot of years left ahead of you so don't just go for more years, go for good years and take care of your body. Yeah and you just gotta be smart about it.
I've even had just a few minor injuries and I'm like, it's not even worth pushing it to what you did, used to be able to do. Well and I always tell people like, if you're training for a marathon, then you have to run. Like you have to. If you're training for a triathlon, you have to swim . But if you're just training for life, like you wanna stay fit, you wanna look toned, you wanna have a clear head, you want your heart and all your health numbers to be in check, then cross-train, listen to your body, don't overdo it.
There's no badge of honor because you jumped up and down 50 times. Right. Do what works for your body. Okay. We have a member saying she thinks that you have awesome advice and you're super motivational.
Have you ever thought about doing a podcast? A lot of people have asked me that. Like, "oh! How about start a podcast?" I'm like, oh! How about fall over dead?
I just have such a tight schedule right now. You do. And I would need to cut a few things out of my life in order to add that in. And maybe I will. I mean, maybe I will in the future.
But there's just so many podcasts out there right now that I feel like there's a lot to listen to already but I'm never short on words. So yes. Thank you for the recommendation. We have somebody asking, are apples high in carbs? Oh my gosh!
I love this question. You do. Apples are natural carbs. So who cares is my answer. Nobody is 20 pounds overweight 'cause they overindulged in apples.
I have never, in the history of my career, had anyone say to me, man, I wish I wouldn't have indulged in all those apples. I mean, I am super fat because of apples, said no one ever. So I do not worry about the carbs in fruit ever or vegetables. They are natural carbs. They are healthy.
Fruit is so different than added sugar. Fruit, yes it is fructose, but it is combined with fiber. And when it is combined with fiber, your body uses it differently than just that added sugar shot into your system. So plus all fruit is combined with extra antioxidants and vitamins and minerals that your body needs. They help you feel satiated.
So eat an apple with zero guilt ever. Nobody gains 10 pounds 'cause they ate one apple a day that just doesn't happen. And I mean, like I eat a banana every day and I still argue with my older sister who says, "bananas make you fat." I'm like, really? I can't even go there with her anymore because I'm like, every athlete eats a banana every day. Every day, yup.
So don't worry about fruit. Don't worry about those carbs. Worry about the carbs coming from processed food, bags, boxes, cartons, crunchies, salties, nacho platter that you ordered, loaded potato skins, those are your problem. We have somebody saying that she strength trains three days a week. The scale goes up and down but the clothes are getting smaller in size.
How do you get the scale number to go down? Throw it out. Thank you. Throw out the scale. Because if your clothes size is going down, who cares what you weigh?
Yup. And as a female, your weight is going to fluctuate about five pounds a month based on your cycle. So you have this 28 day cycle and you go through the beginning and then the end and then the beginning and the end. And sometimes at certain parts of the cycle, it's easier to get inflamed and weightlifting causes inflammation. And actually I know that when I am either over lifting, I'm super sore, I'm giving myself no recovery or I'm getting very little sleep, I weigh more.
So do I, yup. And then when I get some good sleep or I just let my body recover a little bit, I weigh less because it's based on inflammation of water table in your body. If you're just fluctuating a couple pounds but your clothes size is going down, I'd be like, hip, hip, hooray. Super excited. You're obviously losing body fat and gaining muscle, which makes a really big difference.
I always go by how my clothes fit. Always. If my jeans don't zip, there's a problem. Right. But if I've gained a pound on the scale, I don't care.
Yup. 10 pounds, 20, that's a problem. Is it bad to work out after a meal? She said she always works out in the afternoon so she eats lunch then waits about 30 minutes to work out. Does it have the same effect?
If it doesn't bother you, that's fine. Most people do not like to have a full stomach when they're exercising because all the blood is rushing to the digestive system. And either A, they're gonna feel sluggish, B, they're gonna be burping or feeling like acid reflux or whatever or not be motivated enough to get their heart rate up high enough. So you have to listen to your body. But if that 30 minute window is good enough for you, I also don't know what you're eating for lunch.
So if you're not eating a very big lunch, maybe 30 minutes is just fine. I find that like, I can eat breakfast in the morning and then work out like an hour later and I'm fine. But I tend to not eat a lot before a workout. Yeah, me neither. Going back to what we're talking about with the cycle, is that cycle still relevant during peri or menopause?
You still have a cycle during perimenopause and menopause. Now post-menopause, that's a whole different system, a whole different thing because once you're post-menopause, meaning no period for over a year, then your hormones aren't doing that dip throughout the month. But in perimenopause, which are the years leading up to menopause and then menopause is that time when you are missing your period for a couple of months then you might get it back and then you miss it and then you might get it back. You just feel cuckoo banana because instead of having a regular schedule, hormones are really fluctuating at odd times of the month and you feel nuts in some cases. Some people can regulate through it, some can't.
That's why you get the hot flashes and the fuzzy brain and forgetfulness or that's why you feel low energy at certain times. So it all depends on how you can muddle through it. But you are getting that lift of estrogen and progesterone throughout the month and then lowering, it just gets, for lack of better words, messed up. It's not as... And some people never have a regular cycle anyway but for those of you who are like, I...
So many women will say, "I was so regular for so many years of my life and now I feel like a complete crazy human." Because your cycle's all over the place. Just hold on tight. Once you get through menopause, it's like everything goes like this. Smooth sailing. Flat line.
No, well, just flat lines. Okay, we have a question from Tina, how do you stay disciplined when it comes to food such as portion control and not eating too much junk? She goes, "I love exercise, but I also love food." Yeah, I love food too. How about you? I do too.
I love food. Okay, there was a diet long time ago called Volume Metrics. I'm not a huge fan of diets, but the one thing I loved about this one was it was eat foods that are low in calorie in volume, where you don't feel guilty about it. So like fruits and vegetables, I eat so many. Like I never feel guilty to eat broccoli dipped in hummus or cauliflower or celery and carrots dipped in guacamole.
Like I never feel guilty about that 'cause I fill myself up with vegetables. So that then when I do get a side of cheesy potatoes or whatever, I'm not as interested in having a huge portion. And I will tell you, like in the years where I was traveling a lot for work and I would be in airports and I would be so hungry, it's like my schedule hadn't worked out, you literally have so little self control. Because you're so hungry, you think, oh! I just have to eat this thing and you eat too much of it.
So load yourself up. On the whole concept of Volume Metrics was eat large volumes of food that is low in calories and high in nutrients. Fruits, vegetables, those are really the two main categories that give you tons of bang for your buck and they're low in calories and you can feel satiated and add in those healthy fats. 'Cause if you are eating healthy fats, you feel satiated longer. And when I'm eating nuts and seeds or I'm eating like guacamole, avocados, I just feel satisfied.
If I never give myself those healthy fats, I've always got that hankering for more. Yeah. Yeah. Good suggestion. Okay, supplements.
What are the best ones to take? What do you suggest? What do you take? Okay and I'm just looking at our Instagram. I'm looking at everybody.
So you guys are not asking a lot of questions on Instagram. Let's see. Oh! Okay. So back to supplements, I don't take a lot of supplements in the summer.
For those of you who live in warm weather all the time, lucky you. So in the summer I'm getting adequate vitamin D from the sunshine, just being outside. I eat a lot more fish and sea foods so I'm getting my fish oil, my omega-threes. I tend to just have more energy from daylight and I just don't take a lot of supplements in the summer. In the winter, I was just commenting to my husband that I've started back on my vitamin D 'cause I realized that I haven't seen the sun.
My skin has not seen the sun in like two weeks. I feel like forever already. Like two weeks. So I always take a vitamin D supplement in the darker months. I started taking my fish oil again because I'm not eating as much fish.
And so everybody needs fish oil. If you do not eat any seafood, you need to take a fish oil supplement 'cause the EPA and the DHA and the ALA, those are the three omega threes. The EPA and the DHA are only in seafood, in fish. You can't find them anywhere else. ALA is in chia seeds and flax seed and walnuts.
You can get that ALA in a lot of places, but the EPA and the DHA, you need seafood. So if you're not eating seafood, start taking a fish oil, they are not fishy in flavor at all. Do you take fish oil? We were actually just talking about this. I need to find one that is not super fishy.
Right, Nordic Naturals is the brand that I think is the best. You can get them at Wholefoods, you can get them online at Amazon and they are not at all fishy. And even my kids when they were little would take those. Kids are super particular so try that out. I've been taking some B12 at this time of year.
I just, because of the less daylight, I feel a little bit lower energy and B12 is gonna be that giver of energy. Also, if you eat a lot of meat, you probably don't need the B12, but it just depends. And then I don't take calcium personally because I do bone building exercise every day. But if you are doing zero weight lifting, let's change that. Let's get you lifting weights.
Let's get you doing some bone building type of activities. Or if you're slight, I have a few friends, we have a few friends in common who are very tiny people and their doctors say, "you've got to keep that bone mass up to reduce your risk of osteoporosis." Then you do want to take some sort of a calcium supplement. I have taken a multivitamin over the years. We've worked with some different vitamin companies that have given me multivitamins and I do like them but I just, I don't necessarily feel the need for that. I kind of supplement where I need.
Magnesium, I take extra magnesium. I was gonna say magnesium. Magnesium will help reduce muscle cramps and stiffness. And as you get older, our friend who was saying I'm 44, just wait 'til you're 54. You get out of bed like the tin man.
And so I love having magnesium and magnesium also helps with sleep. Sleep, yeah. And that has been good for me too. Yes, awesome. Oh!
And I do take collagen. Oh! Yeah. I've been taking collagen for about six years because your body starts to produce less collagen. Skin, hair and nails, that's primarily why I take it.
Okay. Yeah. Which bypro-protein powder do you recommend for a person that works out for about 30 minutes? So Bypro rebranded, those of you who know that we work with Bypro because we love it, Bypro rebranded. They used to have just one brand of protein powder, they now have three different brands.
I like the Elite. That is their regular, that is their longstanding formula that they've always had. It's good, it's certified for sport, it has zero additives. It is just whey protein. I love it.
It gives me no stomach issues, no gas, no digestive problems. It's readily used for the muscles because it is high in leucine, which is one of the immuno acids that's important for muscle synthesis. So I love the Elite. Now, they made a Bold, Bold is one of the brands and Bold has extra added fat in it. So it's gonna keep you satiated longer.
So if you're somebody who drinks a protein shake and then doesn't eat until noon, you might like the Bold. It's cheaper, it's a little less expensive based on the way the whey protein is... Let's see. I can't even think right now. But there's a couple of different ways to create whey protein.
I can't even think of what I'm trying to say, can you? No? It's not condensed. Okay, menopause brain forget it. We lost her.
You lost me, but it's a little bit different formulation of the whey. So like my kids like the Bold, they liked the way it tastes and they like that it's cheaper, easier on their wallet. The Renew is a little lighter on the stomach, a little lighter flavor, it's geared towards seniors. It's geared towards people who maybe just had surgery are recovering, it's geared towards people who have stomach issues. So there's three different types now and I recommend the elite for me.
That's what I- Awesome. So we have about five minutes left- Oh my gosh! Thank you for staying with us all of you. Yes. Okay, last minute question.
Last minute question, would you consider making more 20 minute full body workouts? Yes, for sure we would. Yeah, that's a really good question, so we are going to be doing some 20 minute chair workouts coming up. We will be. Sam and I are filming those.
When I say chair workout, I mean, you will be sitting in a chair. We get so many requests from active people who are stuck in a boot, who have had a hip replacement or a knee replacement, or have an ankle injury or whatever it might be. We have people who are senior citizens and say, "sitting in a chair is my speed." So we're gonna create a series of chair workouts that are gonna be 20 minutes long for those. But we'll add some, the Power 20, if you are a Get Healthy U TV member, check out the Power 20. Those are all full body, 20 minute workouts and they still...
I filmed those about four years ago and they're still like some of my favorite. Some of your popular ones? Yeah and they're some of my favorite workouts 'cause they are some of the more fun formats, I think they're kind of bootcamp ish or circuit workouts. But yeah we'll... She remembers everything, she's writing it down it.
I got it down . We'll do more 20 minutes. We have, let's see, a guest question, she's trying to lose weight but because of bad bilateral knee osteoarthritis and balance problems, she does not know how to exercise to get the weight off. So you need to do some form of cardio to burn up calories. I mean, strength training is going to rev your metabolism for sure over time which is important.
It's gonna help you build muscle, it's gonna keep your joints healthy. So there's a million good benefits for lifting weights and it will help you lose weight over time because as your body is becoming more metabolic if you will, you'll burn more calories every single day. But that extra burst of just getting off those extra 300 calories from cardio or and also for your heart health, if you are overweight is super important and good for your health numbers. With your knee problem, I don't know exactly what you're limited to. I mean, a lot of people with knee injuries can still bike.
Yep. Can still do an elliptical machine, I would recommend those for sure, they're low impact. Swimming is always easy on the joints. However, I don't like getting in a swimming pool, especially in the winter so I don't recommend it to everybody 'cause I'm like how compliant are you going to be? But it is a good form of exercise, there are some great even water aerobic classes that are intense.
You could do any kind of like a peddling machine, there are a lot of machines that just can sit at the bottom of your couch and you peddle your legs up and down like you're on a bike. I just sold one yesterday on Home Shopping on Shop HQ, a cute little peddler that for instance my mom loves 'cause you just have it sitting down on the floor under the couch and there's several different brands of that. And then of course, some people with knee injuries can do yoga and yoga like a hot yoga class that'll burn some calories and strengthen the muscles around your knees. If your knee injury is such that you need to strengthen your knee, then any kind of a movement that you can do that is low impact like an elliptical, like a bike, like a peddler, will help you to start strengthen those muscles. So I think I have one thing that I wanna share.
Okay. And then I think that we should just give them the exciting news one more time for people that might have hopped in late. And then I think we're ready to wrap up. So, we have a member she is 53, totally understands in slowing down, however she keeps moving thanks to Get Healthy U. She said she started her health journey with us at 'Get Healthy U TV' at 156 pounds and now is at 114 pounds.
What! That's awesome. Yeah, at four feet, 11 inches. Oh my gosh! So she just kinda wanted to give a little shout out, thanks to you watching with encouragement, all the 'Get Healthy U TV' coaches.
She says, thank you, thank you, thank you, she realized that it's a process of a lifetime but she is very thankful. Okay, first of all, she's 53? Yes. Awesome, I don't know who you are, but please email me. We would love to see a before and after picture, if you'd be willing to share it.
Before and after pictures can be very powerful for people to see that you can make a change at any age. So email me, chrisatgethealthyu.com, all right? Email me, I would love to hear from you. Congratulations! That's proof that you just have to move.
You do. And it's just those little baby steps. It is not that one big step, it's not joining that CrossFit class and killing yourself every day. If that works for you that's great, but for most people starting with baby steps and slowly but surely adding on and then eating healthier and doing things that are healthy for the mind and the body it's a life changer. So I'm super excited, congratulations!
That's great. Yup and then one last time our- Okay, let's talk about our fitness weekend coming up in April, 2020. Yes, you've asked for it, we are doing it, we are finally doing it. We are going to have a live fitness weekend with the Get Healthy U TV trainers, it is at a hotel in Minneapolis, it is April. So we promise you, we're promising no snow.
Cross your fingers. Yeah, cross your fingers. But it'll be the beginning of spring. We're gonna have a bunch of fitness classes, we're gonna have swag bags, we're gonna have educational classes about mindset and food, we're gonna do group activities, we're gonna meet friends. This is a great way if you've ever been that person who goes on...
I've gone on a lot of professional development weekends. Yup. Where I've gone by myself or with a friend to just kind of do some professional development for business. I've taught at fitness conferences for 15 years and they're so renewing. They are.
And refreshing so maybe this is your holiday gift to you, shopping for yourself. We will put the link up it's on the Get Healthy U TV page, it's in the comments. It's on the Facebook page. We'll add it to Instagram. We want you to be able to sign up, we just opened sign up and we're having a really good response.
So don't miss out because there is limited space available and we're so excited. I can't wait to meet all of you who are coming, it's gonna be so much fun. So just wanted to share that with you. Good luck through the holidays everybody, we do come live once a month. Yep.
We'll see you... Are we gonna come live in December? December? We haven't set a date, but I think so. Typically we come most months of the year, answer questions.
Don't give up on yourself, adjust your schedule to meet your holiday needs and most of all enjoy it because it is a fun time of year. It is. And I'm gonna pull everybody and ask when is it okay to put your holiday decorations? Yep. I wanna know, is it too early?
'Cause I kind of wanna do it. Oh! All right, will all talk about that later. Talk to you later, thanks so much for joining us. Have a great day.
I've found that even three years post menopause I still have the times of the month when I am more prone to bloating and sluggishness.