Chris Freytag

GHUTV LIVE! October 2017

Chris Freytag
Duration:   1  hrs 2  mins


Thanks for tuning in to the October GHUTV LIVE Q&A with Chris Freytag and Jodi Sussner, where they answered viewers’ health and fitness questions live on air! Keep an eye out for the next GHUTV LIVE event!

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How are you? I'm Chris Freytag. I'm Jodi Sussner. Hello. And we are coming live tonight with our monthly Q & A for Get Healthy U TV.

So if any of you guys are Good Healthy U TV members and you've seen our emails, or perhaps you've seen on Facebook that we were gonna go live tonight, hopefully, you will join us. So we're just waiting for everything to connect. We're using a platform called Be.Live TV and sometimes it takes a little bit of time to make sure that everything is connected and people are finding us. So we're just gonna hang out here for a moment and make sure it all works. And if you've ever watched one of my lives before, sometimes I have a guest.

Hi, there's Molly. Hi, Molly. Now we're getting some people. It takes a few minutes. But if you've ever seen a Get Healthy U TV live before, here's what we do.

We just take your questions for an hour literally for a full hour. And it seems to go really quick because there's so many questions. And then what happens is it goes onto the Get Healthy U TV website. So if you've ever missed one or you're like, "I wanna watch some of the past ones." You can just go right to the website, click on live broadcast, and you can watch old ones. But tonight, sometimes I come live alone.

I'm Chris Freytag, founder of Get Healthy U TV. And other times I bring one of our lovely trainers with us. And today I have the beautiful, talented Jodi Sussner with me. So I'm so excited. Let's start saying hi to people.

We've got Donna and Nora. We'll start putting some names up. We've got Jasmine and Liz. I saw a hi from Atlanta. Terry.

I know I've seen hi from- It's warmer there. Jane, two for one, she says, and Robin and Kelly. So as we get a couple hundred people coming online, we are so ready to answer questions. Gerri says so excited to see you both. So start asking questions, you guys.

We have some pre asked questions that we can start with. But often what happens is the questions are coming in and they're coming in so fast that I can't get to them all. So I'm just looking to see. so many of you guys are saying hi. Two for one.

You're making my nights saying hello. Here's Kelley from Atlanta. Hi from Marquette, Michigan. I just saw. I must be going the wrong direction here.

Here we go. Oh my gosh. Here's Carrie Carrie's one of our Get Healthy U TV peeps. We'll start with Jo Ann. She has a question right away.

Can you recommend a good plant-based protein powder? I'll just quickly tell you if I use a plant-based 'cause I tend to use whey, you can do, I like Aloha. And I like Vega One. I think it's Vega One. And it's the one I was gonna mention as well, I love.

And usually, I like one that has some pumpkin seed powder in it because it's creamier. That's my personal opinion. 'cause usually you get a pea protein or a hemp seed protein. They're are little chalkier. Catherine says you ladies are amazing.

Oh, you are amazing. How can I get back on track with my weight loss asks Lisa St. Jean. Well, that's a really loaded question because there are a lot of things that you need to do. But go ahead, Jodi.

Well, getting back on track I think sometimes people think it's all or none. If you're coming off of, sounds you want to get back on track. So you've done this before and maybe before it was six months ago, three months ago, years ago. You have to just start, number one. And don't set such lofty goals that if you don't do all or none, that you've somehow failed.

It's consistency. I think you and I would both agree. And both of us love intense workouts and training, but at the end of the day, baby steps are the key to success. As when you go off the rails and push yourself too much, you end up quitting. So Lisa, baby steps, girlfriend.

Join Get Healthy U TV start with our walk and tone program. Jodi has a low impact functional training program coming out in January, which is so awesome. We have a bunch of low-impact stuff. So join, join, join. And we're gonna, by the way, we have the lovely Molly behind the curtain.

I always say she's behind the curtain. She's one of our team members and she's gonna be putting up links. Like for instance, she's gonna put up a link to a checklist that we made actually for tonight. It is a workout checklist. So you guys can download it.

If you wanna know, it's what to do before and after the workout, free checklist. And then the other thing we have is a coupon code for you to join Get Healthy U TV for $20 for the first year. Hello, does it get any better? We're getting tons of hi's. Here's another one.

What's a good way to get started exercising. So clearly this is on people's mind. I'm just gonna say a few things about, we just mentioned baby steps. But you got to get your butt out of bed. Now, I'm a little biased.

I like to exercise in the morning. Ideal but whenever you can. I just think if I don't get up early because maybe my kids have a program or something, as long as you're doing it. You're doing something is ideal. I agree.

But the point I was gonna make is in the morning you have less distractions. So I find when people are new to exercise if I get them going in the morning, they tend to be more consistent than if they wait for the evening because stuff happens. It's so easy to set excuses for it. But when I think about getting started exercising finding something that you love. Bingo, she just won the lottery.

Find something you like. There are different things that work for different people. So it's not that you have to do high intensity interval training. Well, if you don't love that, you're not gonna do it. There are so many great programs on Get Healthy U TV that they're anything from walk and tone to strength, training, to yoga, everything.

And I would say honestly, like for instance running has always been my thing. I used to love to run. It's my head clearer. It's my thing. It's where I listen to my favorite tunes.

And I honestly, can't run much anymore. There's something with my left knee. It's not good for me. So I've been really enjoying power walking and focusing on how I can get my heart rate up. And I've been enjoying I love my group fitness.

So sometimes you have to ebb and flow with what your body tells you. But I love that you said that, find your favorite thing. We are getting some really awesome- look at this. Hello Tonita. Hi Tonita Hey honey, how are you?

We love you. Lisa is telling us that she lost 100 pounds. What? Hello. Good for you.

I'm so proud of you. Keep it up. Any recommendations on how to get fit in your 50s? This young lady is in her 40s. Are you even 40?

I am. I'm in my 40s. I'm 42. And I'm turning 52 a week from today. So here's the thing.

You gotta be careful with your joints because as you get older, sometimes things start to- like I was just talking about my knee or my shoulders bugging me or whatever. Here's my saying, motion is lotion. Motion is lotion. So as you get older, you are doing yourself a disservice if you aren't doing something to keep those joints lubricated. Start with baby steps, start with something you like, start low-impact.

Consistency is the key, especially as we get older. Do a little bit every day to get started. Because if you come out of the gates and knock yourself out you're gonna be so sore. You're not gonna feel comfortable doing it again. So, and she says, I am so out of shape.

So here's the thing. Gina, you need to draw the line in the sand. Make a contract, literally. Write it out or type it out yourself. Share it with somebody and have someone else help you stay accountable.

And print it out and put it on your mirror in your bathroom. And then look at it every single day or join Get Healthy U TV and do one of our calendars. Do something. An online community, a friend, a workout buddy, a spouse whatever it is can often be the differentiator. Check this one out.

Look at this. Let's see. I'm all or nothing. Thank you for this encouragement. And so glad I'm doing the beginner workout right now.

I think that's really common. All or nothing, that you feel like you have to do high intensity workouts every single day in order for it to be effective. You need to move your body every day. Well, all or nothing or black and white thinking, Whoops, I just screwed up our screen. Here we go.

Is typically how you self sabotage yourself. These comments. So don't screw yourself over, my friends. Do not. Let's keep moving.

We're getting a lot of questions here. Any tips for beating food addiction? Hannah, here's a couple of questions for you. First of all, are you tired? Because I find out when I'm tired or bored and I'm sitting in my office and I'm like kinda head bobbing.

What do I do to, for energy? Well, two ways to energize your body, exercise or food. Exercise creates energy. Food is kilocalorie. Basically calories are energy.

So if you're not moving you tend to eat because you're either bored or tired. So that's one question. The other thing is you have to develop habits of things that get you away from the food. So if every time you sit down to watch TV, you're gonna eat food. Change that with a different habit like get a big glass of water.

Can you see my water? Or get something else that you like to drink or nibble on something that's low calorie. You have to find a way to trade out that habit. You said something key there where drinking water. Dehydration is really common to then trigger food addictions and trigger foods.

There's certain foods for you. You have to figure out are there certain foods that you just can't stay out of. Mine used to be, I don't really eat them anymore because I have to keep them out of my house, but Twizzler bites. Really? Oh my God.

I just, I don't know. It's the chewy sweetness I'm looking at you I'm like really? I know. I don't eat them anymore because they're just horrible. It's like a sugar pack.

My trigger food is cereal, I'll be honest. I could open a box of cereal and I could pour milk over the top and I could eat the entire box in one day and I just had to stop buying cereal. I only buy one kind of cereal that's not the addictive type. So avoid the trigger foods if you can as well. Let's keep moving here.

So is yoga as effective for weight training as for... I'm sorry, is yoga as effective as weight training for strength? Absolutely, yes. It depends again how intense the yoga is, but down dog and down dog push-ups and planks. It's body weight.

There's so many body weight. And if you learn how to do crow pose or tripod or if you're doing any of the stuff on the floor on all fours, that's really amazing. Now, are you gonna get a super toned tricep from yoga or bicep? It depends. If you're looking to build big muscles you're probably gonna need to pick up some heavy weights.

And I think spend where you're coming from. If you haven't strength trained and now suddenly you're using your body weight for strength it's strength training for you. Well, interesting. So last weekend my husband went to a hot yoga class. We were out of town and he went on Friday.

He used to go like three times a week to yoga and he hasn't been going for the last month due to schedules, just not to yoga. He's been doing other exercise. But he did a hot yoga class. He was literally sore till yesterday. So it is definitely good strength training.

Something new too. So Monique try it. Good luck. Jane says she feels really stiff in the morning. Being that I'm the old lady of the two.

What do you do, Chris? I literally, I get up in the morning and I'm telling you, I used to just pop out of bed and I never understood why people needed long warmups. And now in my 50s, literally I stand up. I'm just being honest with you guys. I'm like the tin man.

I stand up and I'm like, okay. Get on my two feet, move. Seriously, and it's all of three seconds, but it's your joints, as we get older osteoarthritis is just wear and tear of the joints. So I do things to build range of motion. I do shoulder rolls and hip rolls.

I lay on the floor in the morning and just do happy baby pose and bridge pose. But you have your certain exercises? You have your routine. And it only takes me five minutes. Perfect.

But when you get up? Right, when I get up. I have a foam roller underneath my bed and I wake up and I just do a couple of rolls up and down my spine I get up and just start just even doing some stretching forward and some squats. I have early morning Pilates clients and I try to show them stuff. And when I'm stiff and sore, I'm embarrassed that I can't do it.

So I find I need to foam roll and move a little. Here's the thing, we're human. So I know for a fact, that's one thing in 2018 I'm going to work on is more yoga in my life. I teach yoga. I know you do too but you don't do the whole routine when you're teaching.

And so I need to go to yoga because for me, that's almost like dessert. It's a treat. It's a mental focus too. There's a meditation aspect that you don't get when you're teaching. So here we go.

Here's the checkout list, you guys. So check out if you wanna download that pre and post-workout checklist. Lisa says, she's good at working out, love your workouts, terrible eater. Start every day on the right track and then goes off the rail by 2.00. That is, you are not alone.

You are like in, it's so common. What would you say? Well, I love that you asked me that because often I have nutrition coaching clients and what happens when they go off the rails late in the afternoon or early afternoon like that is they haven't eaten enough throughout the day. So there's a phrase that I tell my clients that I'll teach all of you eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. You're eating less and less throughout the day.

Start your day with more and fuel yourself ahead. So you don't get those cravings and that crash in the afternoon where you just need to munch everything in sight because you haven't eaten all day, you got too busy. And that's pretty typical of men and women where they go, "I'm just gonna get through the morning. "I'm just gonna have a cup of coffee "and I'm gonna wait until noon." But you're actually sabotaging yourself because you're not starting that metabolism. You're not getting your body going.

And so you're in that starvation mode then you shove a bunch of food in and you feel sloppy and tired and then you're down on your self or eating the wrong foods. So I like your advice that's super smart. That's so nice, Jannita Is that how you say it, Jannita? The variety of workouts is her favorite. Thank you, honey.

We love all of our members. What do we think about ketogenics? What do you think? I just had a client I work with she's working with me on this. And I think that diets are your diet, what you actually eat versus going on a diet.

And I think different diets work for different people. So a ketogenic diet can be done wrong where you're eating high fat. And then because you are not used to that and you get to a party and suddenly you have a bunch of sugar a bunch of carbs. You're sort of Sabotaging yourself. -defeating the purpose.

So I think it can be done but you have to make sure that you're still getting all of your other macronutrients in your vitamins and minerals from vegetables. And it's just too easy just to eat fat. And you're eating nuts all day. Go with different styles of eating but when you go on a complete diet and for instance, for me, ketogenics, it's too much fat. I don't feel that good.

Now believe me, I love healthy fat. Already today, I've eaten avocado. I'm not afraid of fat. And I've eaten almond butter. I've already eaten a lot of fat but I don't feel good when all I eat is fat.

And that's the problem with a keto diet is that typically like they, you just pile in the fat and you're void of some of the other nutrients You miss some other nutrients. S it's important not to go all or none and only fat. So I think you should play around with it a little bit and add more fat if you need fat. Oh, look at this. And do you like how we both wore black?

We didn't even plan this. We both wore black. And then of course, we're both in Minnesota and we're both blonde, fair skin. Hello. You go to New York and you feel like you stand out when you've got blonde hair.

You live in Minnesota and you look like everybody else. It's all the same. That's how we look like. I love it. Hilarious.

Carrie asks if we're gonna have more resistance band workouts. Yes. Did you do a resistance band workout? I did one I think where I was your backup and I was dying. Remember that?

That might've been resistance band. Oh my gosh. CRT with the band. Cardio resistance training. And then we did a resistance band.

I feel like you did one early on. No, you did. I know you did. So we've already got two and we've got more planned. We're already planned through December.

And here's the thing, we're like kids in candy store. There's so many different workouts we wanna do, but yes, we are adding resistance bands in 2018. Don't you worry, we'll do more. What's your favorite quick dinner? That's a really good question.

I'll say something. When my kids were younger, my go-to was grilled chicken. We grill outside year round in Minnesota in my house, anyway. So throw grilled chicken breasts on the grill and make some potatoes. I literally would just hash up sweet potatoes, regular potatoes.

And I would either, you typically roast them, but also tacos. I'm a taco girl Especially with kids, I feel with families. Wen you said chop up, I tend to go with breakfast for dinner when I need something quick. So I'll chop up potatoes, onions and any vegetables I have leftover in my crisper, chop them all up and make a hash. So if you use coconut oil, every vegetable you possibly have, onions and potatoes, chop it all up and just saute it in a pan, add eggs, boom, breakfast hash.

Well, I make quinoa on the weekend. So what I'll do is I'll make a batch of it, put it in a Tupperware in the fridge. And then I do what you do. I will take an, sometimes I make odd combinations but I'll take any vegetable that I have in my fridge, like you said, a little coconut oil and I like the taste of coconut oil, if you don't olive oil is fine. I love avocado oil lately.

Yeah. I like that too. It's so good. And then I'll throw chicken chunks if I have them or whatever's leftover. I love that mixture.

Shove it all in there. Add a couple spices, put it on top of the quinoa. You got dinner. So after an illness, I have adrenal fatigue. I'm 36 and I'm the biggest fan.

and am the biggest I have ever been. There we go. I have no energy at all. So adrenal fatigue. Do you wanna make any comments?

Well, first of all, I think you have to be really good to yourself and you have to pay attention to the times of day that you have the most energy. And even though we're saying exercise in the morning, if that is your most tired time, then you have to rest when you need to rest. And when you can, anytime you have energy, make it five minute walk, five minute stretch. Don't feel like you have to get 30 or 60 minutes of exercise. Over time, as your adrenal fatigue improves, you'll be able to exercise for longer.

And that's all assuming that you're being supported by a doctor and getting different kinds of herbs and supplements. Definitely get supported by a doctor. But I do wanna say something, people with adrenal fatigue you need to make a mindset shift. So you have to really catch yourself when you're making negative comments to yourself like, "Oh, I'm so tired. "Why is this happening to me?" Because you get in this downward spiral.

And I really believe in the law of attraction. The more negativity you speak in your head, the more negativity you attract. So you're gonna have to really work on that positive thought process. And to your point, start slow. Just move your body and start to see if you can feel any better.

And just small bits of time throughout the day. If you need motivation to exercise, join Get Healthy U TV and join our Facebook group. 'Cause I gotta tell ya that private Facebook group they are the most motivated. Shout out to all of you who are in that Facebook group. If you can get on there you will get so much love and support.

I can't even believe the way we all support each other. And these women, they're like, you mention, I'm having a bad day and they're at your side in two seconds. I think they've created friendships. It's amazing. So join us on there.

We love it. Stacey says "I'm 50, do fitness kickboxing "three to four times a week. "Can't seem to lose the back fat/shelf. "What can I do to get rid of it?" Well, I'm glad you're doing cardio kickboxing. That's awesome.

You're getting that cardio in. Totally. But you need some strength training for your back. Definitely renegade rows, mid back poles. We have a lot of workouts on Get Healthy U TV that are focused on the upper body or on the core.

I can think of a few. We have HIIT core. Lindsey has a couple that are just focused only on upper body or core. We have arms and abs. And in fitness, the resistance bands that people were talking about earlier.

Those are really great for mid back. You're bending over and doing rows if body weight kinds of things and planks are difficult for you. But I love the idea of resistance bands and strength training, for sure. Hey Molly, if you can put up a link to our blog called 'How to Get Rid of Back Fat'. 'Cause we know that that is back fat problems whatever you wanna call it, it's a typical area for women.

So we'll put that up for you, Stacey. We're getting so many great comments here. Do you have to modify for shoulder pain and knee problem? Oh my gosh, Judy, have you been like, are we souls sisters or what's going on? I have a bad right shoulder and a bad left knee.

What do you do, Chris? So for my shoulder, for most of it it's been rest, but one of the things for me is that I sleep on my right side. So I literally, I'm getting really personal here. I made my husband switch sides with me, after 10 years. That's okay.

After 10 years. I'm like, "We're flipping sides of the bed." Because I have to sleep on the other shoulder because I'm constantly crunching it. I also really careful my push-ups. I try to use anti-inflammatories on topical and stuff like that. For my knee, I've just been really careful on form for squats and lunges.

I've been lucky that squats and lunges don't hurt me. Walking doesn't hurt me. Running hurts me. If you feel like you need a doctor's, you might want to get also checked out by a doctor to get a reading as to where in the knee the problem is, is that kneecap, is it meniscus? I think you need to find out what is wrong before we're modifying exercises.

And maybe you've already done that. But if you have an underlying injury, you've got to heal that first before you layer in exercise Now, if the problem is lack of strength, just start out slowly. Don't overdo it, work to muscle fatigue give yourself a rest and then build more strength. Maria is asking for live workout calendars. Yay, Maria.

We have so much fun. Well, we have the go gold calendar. We have the trainer's challenge calendar and between us people here on Facebook live. Between the hundreds and thousands of you. We're doing a new trainer challenge end of January.

So it's gonna have all different workouts. It's got some really super fun things that you are not gonna wanna miss. Want burst training, help. What does that mean? Do you know what that means?

Is burst training basically like a HIIT type training? So Brenda, if you can just type, that on there real quick. Burst training, I'm assuming you're meaning anaerobic bursts. It could be. And that's HIIT class and we have a lot of HIIT training on Get Healthy U TV.

Hello, Beverly, how are you? And CH says, "Good to listen to you." Thank you, you guys. Lisa, "I would love if you could put together "a meal plan for the week." I'm sure that's what it is. "I'm 52 and gained weight because of menopause." Well, we do have some meal plans on Get Healthy U TV. We have a book called clean eating.

We also have a healthy guide to clean eating in the store at Get Healthy U TV. But when it comes to a meal plan, we actually haven't put that completely together. That's a good idea. The thing is our goal is to teach you how to eat so you can plan your own week because what we find is if you give somebody, eat this for a week, they do it. They do it.

But then what about the next week? And you don't wanna eat that. And you're like, "Well, no, I don't wanna repeat that. "So now I'm gonna go back to my pizza and chips." What we wanna do is educate you so that you say, "I understand food "and I can now plan my own week." I think of food as fuel. How do I fuel my body for the day?

So if you have ideas for recipes but you know how to fuel yourself, that's better than here's your weekly diet. This the saying, it doesn't teach you. And we do have a course that's coming out in January called the whole body reset. And it's a ton of information about understanding food better so that you can meal plan on your own for the rest of your life. So just keep that in mind, coming in January.

How long do you need to work out? Go ahead. How long do you need to work out? Well, it used to be, back in the '90s, we all did a ton of ton and ton of cardio, hours of cardio. And I remember guys at the gym I worked in would say, "Well just burning some muscle today, "are you, Jodi?" And I was a trainer.

I have a master's degree. And I should know better than that but that's what we did. We did a lot of cardio. And now, we're going more toward HIIT and strength training. I think we've gotten smarter about exercise.

So I don't think it's really about the total time, but the effort that you're putting forth and the variety that you get throughout the week. And using your muscles. Back in the early '90s, women were just starting to lift weights. Before that, it was cardio, cardio, cardio. And then we started realizing, muscle is the secret to looking good and metabolism.

The one thing I would say is the CDC does recommend two and a half hours of cardio a week, a week. That's just for heart health. That's not saying I wanna lose weight. That's just saying we all have a heart in our body. And it's the number one killer of women in America is heart disease.

So you're supposed to get that heart pumping for two and a half hours a week, 150 minutes. So you can divide it however you want, 10 minutes on Monday, 20 minutes on Tuesday, like to your point. And then two strength training sessions a week is what the CDC recommends just as guidelines. Let's see. When is most beneficial to exercise for weight loss?

We were talking about that earlier. It does not matter. Here's my quick response. And then go ahead. But a calorie burn at 6:00 AM is the same calorie burn at 6:00 PM.

It doesn't matter. It's what fits in your schedule. Agreed. And we talked about the most beneficial exercise for weight loss. I would say the most beneficial type of exercise, as a general statement, I'm gonna say strength training and then mixing in cardio.

I think that you need to have both. That said, it depends on where you're coming from. If you have been doing cardio like crazy and eating less and eating less and eating less from your teens to your 20s and you're at 50 and all you've done is eat less and exercise more and eat less and exercise more. You've really slowed your metabolism. Then you have to get strength training in.

You've got to rebuild your metabolism, boost up that muscle. If all you've done is cardio, to your point. If that's all you've done. Now, if all you've done is strength training, and you never really get a good calorie burn, I'm gonna say, add in some cardio. So it's that half meet balance, a happy mix.

It's gonna depend on the person in that case. And also going back to what you said earlier, do what you like to do because I know women who've said I lost 50 pounds doing Zumba. I lost 50 pounds doing HIIT. That's because they glommed onto it. They were like, "Hey, I like this." And so you do it regularly.

But at Get Healthy U TV, our goal is to I would say 90% of our workouts are combination of strength and cardio together. So we're all busy women, most of us. So the whole idea of just only doing a cardio and then only doing my strength training for me, sometimes is a daunting responsibility. You feel like you failed because you didn't have two hours in the gym. So I would rather just get her done in half hour.

And do it in the same workout. Look here, I've got a sister in sisterhood with the cereal. I love that. Okay, Lana. Let's see.

You guys are making such nice comments. Let's see. I have knee issues and struggle with lunges, especially jump lunges. Well, one, I would say don't jump. I know that sounds like, "But I'm sick of modifying, Jodi.

"I don't want to." You've got to focus on full range of motion. What's the first thing we do when something hurts? We make it small. Well, now if we make it small, which is I get it. if you do that, Less muscle activation.

now you're not moving your joint fully. So maybe have something near you, a body bar a wall so that you have the support to get up but try to go for full range of motion. So because jump lunges are hard on the knees. And if you're older, I don't know how old you are, Shelly but your joints have tads from wear and tear. And you're starting to feel some pain.

And you're like, "I don't wanna get injured." There is nothing wrong with intense reverse lunges instead of the jump lunges but make them full range of motion. I'm about to sneeze. So I'm gonna let you, well, I keep doing this to our screen. I'm sorry. I feel like I'm gonna sneeze.

Maybe not. Here we go, Jodi. There you go. "Hi Jodi." Hi, Dawn , "Arthritis in my knee hinders me sometimes. "So any ideas with that arthritis?" I love to do strengthening for the knee without, so let's say that lunges hurt, squats hurts, Jodi.

Now, what do I do? There's an exercise called the quad set, where you sit against the wall and you extend one leg straight you bend the other knee into your chest, tighten your thigh muscle, lift your leg, tighten it and lower it. It is non-impact. You're actually not bending or straightening your leg, but you're strengthening the muscles around your joint. I would do quad sets with clients all the time, 10 reps each leg.

Do that kind of thing to strengthen so that you can get back to squats and lunges safely. Leg extension, you obviously can't see my leg coming up and down. The other thing I would say is the lovely Molly behind the curtain, our coworker, would you put up the link to the blog about lower body exercises for bad knees? Because there are alternatives to squats and lunges like glute bridges on the floor, like leg lifts or put a band between your ankles and do side and side. I call it tik tok with the band or things where you aren't bending the knee joint with body weight, full range of motion.

That's really what you're trying to avoid. So don't feel like if you can't do squats or lunges you can't strengthen your legs. So it's just all or nothing thinking. There's so many other options. Good luck, Dawn.

Let's see here. Hold on. Why won't this move? There we go. Joint supplements.

I'm currently not taking a joint supplement. Although I shouldn't say that. I take a collagen. I take collagen type one and three every night. I take it at night because I remember it sitting right on my sink and that's for skin, hair, nails.

And I love it. Type two collagen is for joints. And I've just recently started taking that in the morning. You're not supposed to take them all at once. And so I take my type two separate from my one and three.

A little secret if you're like, what is that orangeness in here? So I do a collagen protein. I don't take a specific supplement for my joints but I do a collagen protein in my water. And then I have an emergency in here just in case. And so which kind of protein are you using?

What is that? A Vital. Vital Proteins. So a lot of people have been asking me about Vital Proteins. It's a great brand.

I tend to use Neocell. I like the Neocell. It comes in powder and it comes in what do you call that? Pills. I haven't tried that.

So I trust what Chris says. Whatever works for you. And we do have, Oh my gosh, Molly put up the link, if you would please, for the collagen blog. We have a ton of information about type one and three, type two. Now I should say you can take glucosamine.

I know people have had good success with taking glucosamine for joint health. And then of course, motion is lotion, move your joints. Here we go, Dee. "I'm at a crossroads. "I am a strong person.

"I have quite a bit of muscle mass. "I have strong legs "but I really wanna do push up, pull up. "And I feel like I just can't do it. "I feel like I'm just not strong enough "to do my push/pull my own body weight. "What can I do?" Dee, you can do it.

What do you say? Jodi is a crossfitter. I honestly, so I'm tall, long levers. I always tell my shorter friends. I'm like, "Listen, you have an advantage.

"You're shorter. "It's a short lever. "It's physics." And they get mad at me because it's like, "I got to pull myself up and I'm heavy." I have strong legs. I have bigger legs and I'm proud of them. No, you don't.

They're strong and I'm proud of that but it's harder to do a pull up, I get it. So what I have to do for pull-ups is bend over rows, banded poles. If you have access to a bar and you're trying to practice pull ups there, put a band on and give yourself some assistance. Nothing improves pull-ups than actually doing pull-ups So when we say, get a band. Here's what the band is.

It's called a super band. And it's one big loop. And it's not like a thin little bit, like a resistance band that we use in our workouts. It's thick. It's like two inches thick.

And flat. And so what you do is you take it over the bar and you loop it. So it has a big loop. You put your foot in that loop and you pull up and it makes such a difference. I do assistant pull ups all the time.

That's how I have practiced to get stronger. Doing that range of pull-ups. Nothing improves pull-ups like doing pull-ups And same thing with push-ups, nothing improves a push-up- So start on the wall, do your push-up on the wall move to a chair, do a push-up in a chair move to the floor on your knees, then move to trying to do it on your toes. Agree. And we've we have a hand release push-up in one of the workouts, I forget which one.

It's one of the gold live workouts. So Dee, if you are a gold member join us with those, but you're getting full range of motion. You lower your chest all the way to the ground. I actually did that on Monday. Leah led the workout on Monday.

And so she's like, "Hands release push-ups." "I'm like, "Oh, gee, girlfriend." So good luck, Dee. Becky, "I wanna lose the belly fat and the muffin top." Don't you love the names that we have for all this? Sounds cute, doesn't it? It's gonna be diet and what you do for training. But go ahead, Jodi.

Well, and I love that, that you said diet because we like to say that bodies are built in the kitchen. You've said, you can't out exercise a bad diet. So start with that diet eating clean foods. There's the link on there, I know too, the clean eating. But with exercise combination HIIT, 'cause it's burning fat and calories all day long and strength training.

Especially some of the stuff that we do with core work. You have a cardio core workout I know. We have so many on Get Healthy U TV. If you are not a member of Get Healthy U TV, we have it might be close to over 150 workouts now. And there is such variety.

Jodi has led I dunno, 20 workouts. There's a lot of workouts. I've got a ton of workouts. We have five trainers on the gold program which is the live workouts. If you're a gold member we have five trainers on the premium program too.

So there's a lot of variety. So check out some of those higher intensity like the HIIT and the circuits and the intervals. And I wanna just add because, so you're 43, I'm almost 42. I find that as I get older, I do need the combination of the high intensity stuff and the rest and recovery stuff. I taught a live yoga class a week ago and I was worried.

I'm like, "I hope people really try. "And they hope they love it." Because we know it's important to have balance in the high intensity and the lower intensity stuff to combat stress weight gain, high levels of cortisol. So make sure you're getting in that rest, and some of that lower intensity exercise as well. I like that. I think that's really important.

And I think people sometimes shy away from yoga 'cause they think, "I'm not burning enough calories." but listen, this is the whole picture. This is the journey. So if you don't do any recovery or flexibility, you will end up, getting injured. Molly just sent us a little message. And she said "People are asking what exactly is HIIT training." Fair question So let's quickly explain.

It stands for high intensity interval training. And what makes it different is the word high intensity. So you can do intervals doing anything. I can do an interval with my finger and go like this for 10 seconds and then rest. And then this, and then rest.

It's called work to rest ratio. So that's interval training. The high intensity interval training is where you push yourself as hard as you can for a short period of time. That's your work. And then you rest for a short period of time and you go back and forth.

It burns a ton of calories. It burns fat effectively, science has proven. It gets your heart rate up. Now, it takes a little bit though to get the heart rate up. You can't just get out of bed and full fledged started sprinting up.

You got to warm up. It takes a little bit of time so that heart rate is working towards that optimal. But I love Tabata intervals. Do you wanna explain what that is? Well, Tabata is 20 seconds of high intensity as hard as you possibly can.

Of course, after a warm up, like you mentioned, and 10 seconds of recovery. 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off and you do eight rounds of that. So you end up with four total minutes. But we do Tabata workouts where they're 30 and 45 minutes long just to get that extra little boost in there. But it's those eight minutes segments that the man that created this Tabata workout Thank you.

But I wanna add with high intensity interval training, a good measure of are you working hard enough is if you cannot breathe through your mouth. Let's say you're you're doing jumping jacks and you're like this. If you can breathe through your nose like that, sorry if you can breathe through your nose it's telling you that you're aerobic that you have more to give. So maybe you're jumping harder you're getting deeper into a power jack or a lower in a squat so that you have to like and suddenly you have to breathe through your mouth. That's telling you that you're getting your intensity up.

If you're not wearing any kind of heart rate monitor. You've got to be breathing through your mouth. If you can keep your lips closed the whole time you are not high-intensity because typically by the time you're high intensity, you are like . You are trying to get oxygen in. Let's keep going.

Asking about, should I do yoga and strength and then run. Are you asking which order you do this in? I'm not sure. "I'm starting back working out again "after health reason break." It doesn't matter. I like to do my cardio first.

That's me mentally, because I get my heart pumping and then I would rather do my yoga afterwards when my muscles are nice and warm and stretched or my strength, but there's no magic. You can do whatever works for you. Paleo, someone's asking quickly about paleo. We just talked about keto diets. It's kinda similar.

But well, yes and no. It's more animal food based. And the reason I'm not paleo is because I could never give up beans and legumes. No way Jose. I'm sorry.

I was thinking of paleo. As I always tell my kids, eat real food. Just if you can grow it or pick it and grow it meaning beans, legumes. So I probably am the moderate version of paleo, where if it's real food, you can eat it I'm just plants. I eat as many plants as I can, but I do eat animal products.

I do eat fish and chicken. I do eat some dairy. And so it's all in what works for you. But for me, paleo doesn't work. 'cause I'm not giving up my hummus on a daily basis.

Maggie asks, "As soon as the cold weather arrives "it's dreary." You know what? Maggie, good habits. And you have good habits. Maggie is a part of our Get Healthy U TV group. Hey.

If you have good habits, then motivation gets you started habit keeps you going. That's one of my favorite things. So in the middle of the winter, when it's dead, dark out and freezing cold, getting out of bed does not sound good but I do it because it's habits. That's what we have to do. And get outside on the days that it is sunny, even if it's cold, I bundle up and I try to get outside just to get a little sun.

Having vitamin D levels checked by your doctor, making sure that you it's possibility to supplement that if you get in that dreary mood. In Minnesota, you should take vitamin D. 'Cause I don't know about you. I'm not in the sun in the winter time. Hey, Maggie.

We love you Maggie, Team Extreme. She was from my old Team Extreme which then became Get Healthy U TV. So good to hear from you. Chris Reid, look at this. You want to read this one?

Well, let's see. "At "50 and a half, "I feel like I physically struggle to get my workouts in. "I'm always pulling something or dealing with an injury. "I stretch and I stretch. "I'm happy when I work out.

"So it's not only affecting me physically "but emotionally as well." Good job. "I feel frustrated and I just don't feel good." So you're frustrated because you're dealing with an injury and you're stretching and it's just not getting better is how I'm reading that. I would say that often if you're stretching, depending on the injury you could be putting more instability into the joint, doing things like foam rolling. And there's probably a foam rolling article. We actually have a printable.

You can print it out. Perfect. It would potentially be better than stretching. So look into the foam rolling. I'm sure Molly, at some point will add a link to that.

But that's one way to just look at building stability into the joint and then adding in your exercise so that we're preventing injury versus keep stretching that old injury. Don't overstretch. I've got a really good example. Thank you for saying that. So I saw my brother this weekend.

He's an orthopedic surgeon and I said, "What's going on with my knee?" And he said to me, it doesn't hurt to do squats or lunges. It doesn't hurt to walk, but it hurts to do pigeon pose. And I love pigeon poses. It's one of my of my favorite poses and I show it to him and he goes, "Oh my goodness." He goes, "You are starting to get something wrong "with your inner meniscus where the hamstrings "attach on the inside of your knee." And he said the worst thing you can do is press all your body weight into that meniscus, which is what pigeon pose does. Now, for the majority of people, pigeon pose is awesome.

And on my right leg, pigeon pose is awesome. But on my left leg, he said, "Why would you keep forcing yourself to do that stretch "when you've obviously got something started on that knee?" But here's my little piece of advice as I am now turning 52 next week, Chris, and any of you who are in your 50s or 60s, menopause and hormones plays a freaking number on your body. And I'm using a very careful F-word. Freaking. I have times, there was a point, I'm just gonna be super honest.

And this was about a year and a half ago, two years ago but I was just starting menopause. I was 50. I would get up in the morning to go teach class. And I just felt like crap, like serious freaking crap. And I would get there and I'd look at everyone exercising and habit kept me going.

And I was teaching the class, but I was so low energy. And I'm going through the motions. I'm not feeling myself. And I'm thinking, "What is wrong with me?" But I didn't give up because it's become such a habit in my life. And so I kept going and then all of a sudden, three or four months after that, I just felt this miraculous energy.

And I felt great. And I'm like, it must've been a hormone load. My doctor said to me when I had gone to the doctor like a year ago, she goes, "You're all the way through menopause." I'm like, "I am?" She's like, "Yeah, you made it." I wasn't even aware but the hormone dips and ups now just recently. I said today in our Get Healthy U TV crew, our private Facebook group I said, "I wasn't feeling it this morning." I got to the gym. I taught the class but it just wasn't my usual kill it kind of attitude.

It could have been hormones. It could have been sleep. But the thing is you just keep going because the alternative of not exercising as we age is worse. I'm not gonna give up. Believe in yourself, Chris.

Because as you get older, you will be so happy that you stayed with some physical activity. And no matter that is, you have to change it as we get older, but just don't give up on yourself. That was my soap box for the night. I'm learning for over the next few years. So you 40 somethings, we need to listen.

Let me tell you when I was 42, I felt like Wonder Woman. You know what? It's coming so I'll be ready. So here's one, go ahead. Hi ladies, could you please advise on exercise routines during pre and- Oh God, here we go.

Oh no. Well, I would say, I don't know if there's a magical exercise for menopause. I would say the stuff that you do that just makes you feel good. Now there's gonna be days where you bust butt and you're done and you're like wiped out. But overall, 75% of the time exercise should re-energize you, once you've started, once you've got over that hump of like, I don't want to do this today.

But actually choosing something that makes you feel good Just do not stop. Do things that work for your joints. And the thing is on those days where you're like "I don't know if it's my hormones playing a number on me "but I don't feel good." Just get your freaking butt out of bed and do something that you will thank yourself. And the consistency is the key. That and I wanna add we've said this before, but strength training.

I wanna say that. Yes, yes, yes. Women, you're gonna hate this. But women from the age of 40 lose one pound of muscle a year unless they do something about it, meaning strength training. Men lose one pound of muscle a year from the age of 50.

So we lose it early. It's not fair. So we just have to strength train. If you start in your 20s and 30s, yay. But you are never too late or too old to get started.

Gayle is asking for another Buff Body Yoga. And guess what? You promised. Is it next week? Do you remember what's on the calender?

It might be next weekend. Lindsey is leading it. Do you know? And then she does it with light hand weight. I did the first Buff Body Yoga.

I'll be there. She's doing the second one. And it is either next week or the week after. So get ready to Gayle. Look on, go to the website and look for the upcoming workouts.

Sara is asking about my foundation, oh my god. But my sister just said this to me, my sister called me and she goes, "What foundation were you wearing in that photo?" I was laughing and she's younger than me. I go, "Wouldn't you like to know?" No, I'm kidding. I use Make Up For Ever. It is a brand.

That's the name of the brand make Up For Ever, And it's their HD makeup. I started wearing it when I started working in TV and it is just the lightest easiest foundation. So it's called Make Up For Ever. You get it at Sephora. Gerri's asking for step routines.

We've got more step routines coming. I feel like there's one more this year. I know there's one more. And I have to say that. So Chris did, I believe it was CRT.

What was basic step and the resistance. I loved that. And I loved it because it was just, we talked about bringing back the basics and I had a routine that was we added some stuff and then we added some stuff and it was like, wow. Wait, that one was really fun. What was that called?

It was totally fun. It was some work your- Was it Butt Burning Cardio? Butt Burning Cardio. Oh my God, I loved that workout. How do we pull these names out?

I don't even know. Because you wanna work butt, butt burning. We've talked about that that we wanna do more just really good basic aerobics step. And so if you guys are members of Get Healthy U TV, what we've done is in all of the programs for the premium which is the regular level, we just use hand writes. That's our pretty much our standard.

But in the live workouts, we have a library so far of like 40 live workouts. And we add a new one every Monday. We do fun stuff like medicine balls, resistance bands, kettlebells. We have another kettlebell coming, step, Pilates, all kinds of fun different stuff. So check it out.

But Gerri, yes, we will get to another one this year. And we promise to keep adding it. Janie's asking, what do you think is the best diet for losing 50 pounds after the age of 50? The word diet just bugs me sometimes because it's not about getting on or off something it's about healthy eating. Start eating as many plants as you can.

Real food that grows comes from a plant, animal or a tree. Try that, plant, animal or a tree not a box, bag or fast food restaurant. I've heard pick it, pluck it or grow it. If you pick it, pluck it or grow it. That's it.

I love it. Or if it comes from an animal like chicken or fish. If you will eat those products, those are good for you because weight loss will be the by-product of your healthy eating habits but you've got to start with healthy eating habits. And you know what? You also have to get honest because a lot of people like that word fine.

"I'm fine. "It's okay. I'm fine. "I'm all right." And it's like, "Are you really fine? "If you have an extra 50 pounds, you have to carry around "are you fine?" No, you are not fine.

So Janie draw your line in the sand. Let's get you going, join our Get Healthy U TV Facebook group, if you're a member because we are the most supportive people ever. And I say this to everyone, especially women because we're sold and we all love our wine. Sorry, but I just wanna add that. Be conscious of how much wine you're drinking.

I think sometimes we look at it as like, "I just had a glass of wine." But if you're doing that every day and you're having two glasses, you have to cut back. Did you really just say that? I did. It's true. You can be like, "I eat really clean.

"I don't know why I'm not losing weight." I'm just gonna tell you you should have two glasses of wine a day. If you're over 50, damn it, do it. No, I'm kidding. You do have to be conscious. I had this conversation with a girlfriend this weekend.

What I said, it's the one glass of wine per night is not what's killing you, but it's the two or three. And then it's also if you add in other bad habits. If you're gonna have a bowl of ice cream, you've got to give something else up. You gotta be conscious of how many calories you're taking in and how many sugars whether they're alcohol sugar or regular sugar. So just be conscious.

I was totally kidding. Mine is meniscus. So you've got your MRI, Judy. I'm getting my scan. I don't think I've got too bad of anything going on.

Thank God. So how do you access Get Healthy U TV? Molly, the lovely Molly, one of our team members is putting up links. Janie, go ahead and look for that link. It says

Just click on the link. And then we gave you a code that is about Chris Gold 20. So you get the membership for $20 for a full year. Now I just want to reiterate that, $20 for a freaking year. That is a $1.60 per month.

Are you worth that? You absolutely are. I spend $20 a week at Starbucks, for goodness sake. I shouldn't. So do it for yourself, Janie.

And if you join, Janie, make sure you call it out. If you get in the Facebook group, once you're a member let us know, we'll welcome you in. We will support you and help you. I'm in that Facebook group many times a day. I get alerts on it so I always see it on my phone.

And I'm like, Hey, Hey liking this and loving that and commenting. So we always see you there. So anyway, here we go. So Liz, Oh, aren't you sweet? When's your birthday?

My birthday is on Halloween. Gosh, if you were was gonna say today, I'd be like, "Hold up." A week from today, I've been a witch my whole life. No, I really feel like I have these weird energies. I think I was born on Halloween for a reason. I feel like I can read people sometimes.

Last year, I was forced. This is the truth. Last year, I was working at Avon on my birthday, on Halloween. And they sent me this email. They're like, "Chris, will you dress up for Halloween?" I'm like, "On national TV?

No." So then it came out that everyone was gonna dress up and all the models that were on my equipment were gonna dress up. So I had to dress up and I was mortified and I dressed up in '80s aerobic gear and I wore a leotard and tights on TV. It was crazy. So that was enough for that. I'm done.

I'm actually not wearing a costume this year. But I do love Halloween. So thanks for asking Liz. Let's read this one. Go ahead.

So this is from Gerri. Gerri, "Do you think calories in is the same "regardless of time of day? "I found since menopause if I eat after 7.00, "I gain weight. "But if I do not get my calories "in during the day, I'm hungry at night." Agreed. So we talked about this earlier where I don't think that eating, Eating ice cream at night is going to literally sit in your body and the energy that's there is unused.

So it affects hormones with it having that sugar spike at night. And you will have all that sugar and then you just go to bed. So it's going to be stored as fat. So basically, the moral of that story is have ice cream for breakfast. No, don't.

No, wait, don't have ice cream for breakfast But you're right. If you have it late at night it is more likely to be stored as fat. So we said earlier you've got to eat a larger breakfast, a larger lunch. Try not to just eat everything at the end of the day because blood sugar is all jacked and crashed. Well, that's the reason that you see this and have heard this in the media for so long.

Don't eat after 7:00 PM because if you eat a ton of food that jacks your sugar up, your blood sugar up, and then you go to sleep, it's unused. Your body doesn't need to use it. And it just stores it as fat. I will eat, Tonight, I didn't really, I'll probably eat when I get home. But normally, I'll eat before 7.00 or 8.00 and then I don't eat after I'm just full after I'm done.

Satiated. Yeah, I'm satiated. I don't keep eating late at night. Plus I feel sluggish if I have food in my stomach when I go to bed. Well, I have food in my stomach but tons of food, I don't feel good.

So eating more throughout the day. When I say eating more I don't mean eat a lot. I mean make sure you're eating throughout the day versus getting really busy, and I didn't have time to eat. And so then I'm gonna put all my calories at night. That's not good.

And by the way, ladies drink, drink, drink water. You got to drink a lot of water. Flush out those toxins, get your body hydrated. It makes a difference. You guys are saying such nice things.

Here's another one. Here, let's see what she says. "I love morning shakes for my on the go breakfast." Me too. "I get up 4:00 AM for work." Wow, Jen. "Is there a brand of protein powder "that works better than others?" I'm going to tell you, I use ByPro, we talk about it all the time.

We're doing a sale on ByPro next week for my birthday. Jodi, look around the office. I can't wait. There are boxes. There are boxes and boxes of ByPro in this office.

It's a whey protein. Whey protein is the most readily used protein for your muscles. And if you're trying to build muscles and feed muscles, actually, protein, doesn't build muscles. It feeds muscles. But whey protein is the best.

And then you wanna hide leucine content which is one of the amino acids. It's one of the BCAAs and ByPro is high in leucine which is why I love it. However, there are a ton of people out there who don't eat any dairy or don't eat any animal products. So in that case, we were mentioning earlier Vega One. Is it Viga or Vega?

I think it's Vega like I think a vegan. V-E-G-A. So Vega One, Aloha. I actually, one time ordered pumpkin seed protein off of Amazon. I never had that.

It is creamy, super creamy because sometimes pea proteins or hemp protein centers tend to be grainy and chalky. And then max intake, since it's your breakfast, when I make my shake, it's actually my breakfast. So I go for about 400 calories, total. Total calories. And then we look at for women typically 20 to 25 grams of protein.

You're trying to get that in each meal. Perfect. Good idea. Leg lifts are great. If you have arthritis, especially if you have RA which can be very painful.

Definitely do the things that your doctor tells you to do and leg lifts would be a really good exercise. Mostly seated. Strengthen your quadriceps to support your knee joint. "How much good fat is too much? "I have a tablespoon of flaxseed in my porridge in the morning." No problem.

"Half a fourth of an avocado. "And some Greek yogurt." That is not too much fat. Absolutely not. I eat that with each meal, personally and I have five small meals a day. So I tend to, I don't know if you'd call that grazing but I have five small meals a day, and I have fat with every meal because it improves your satiety.

Did I say that wrong? I feel satiated when I have enough fat. Wow, you just knocked that one out. Good job. I had enough fat, it was good for my brain.

I tend to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner I'm a three mealer but I have a little snack in between. Typically, I have a afternoon snack and an evening snack. I tend to go about 50% carbs because plants are carbs. And then I go 25 protein, 25 fat. And I eat fat with every meal too.

I'm usually between 10 and 20 grams of fat with a meal I feel so happy when I eat fat. I feel satiated and I was so angry in the 1980s when no one was eating fat. We were starving ourselves. Well, no, we didn't eat fat. What was wrong with us?

But your brain is fat and water. So screw the '80s. We are back to eating fat. "I have plantar fasciitis in both feet." Oh my goodness, that is painful. "And a split tear on a tendon on my left ankle." Oh my goodness, Jennifer.

Get in that cardio. A bike might be okay because less body weight. Biking, elliptical. Biking, elliptical. What do you think about the rower?

You might not have access to the rower, but oh god, that's good. If you get into water, definitely, 'cause the hydrostatic pressure around your joints helps to heal your joint. So it's actually a really great- I have a really close friend. She's one of my hockey mom friends. She lives in St.

Louis and she teaches flasher size. Do you live in St. Louis? By chance Because she has the best flasher size class ever but it's less impact on the joints. So that might, Jennifer, water exercise might be your answer for a little while till it heals.

And we do have a whole blog about plantar fasciitis. I've had it. Have you had it? I have. Well, side note on plantar fasciitis.

I found personally, it wasn't about when I strengthened my pelvis and my lower back meaning pelvic stability, core strength, the more Pilates and yoga I do, the less likely I have plantar fasciitis 'cause the less weight and beating I do on my feet because I'm lifted and strengthened from my center up. That's really smart. Also for me, I had to sleep with a boot up. I did that too, horrible. That was the final thing for me Hi, Gigi.

Gigi, hey. How are you? She's another Get Healthy U TV member. And she's a big part of our group. "Are the workouts for my TV?" Karla is asking.

Yeah, Karla, you stream to your TV. So what you do is you either use Apple TV, Chromecast, Roku or you take an HDMI cord, which you can get for a couple bucks, plug it into your computer, get the video up on your computer and just hook it up to your TV and it'll mirror on your TV. So no problem. Please explain how being a member works. So I'll just quickly comment.

Once you're a member you log in. So you go to the top right corner, login. Once you log in, you can go in the program area and you can pick any workout you want out of any programs. You can go into the calendar area and pick a calendar to follow. Some people just like having a plan.

And you can go into the live area if you're a gold member which is what we're giving you the coupon code for. And you can pick any of the live workouts which are a little bit, they have a little variety to them and they're all 45 minutes. In the program area, you'll see that some are 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 and 60. So we have a big variety. But you can pick out any workout you want.

Lots of people love following calendars, would you say? I think people love to print it. And every day, just check the box that you did it. And we follow a calendar together in the Get Healthy U TV members groups. If you join the members group, you can follow the calendars along with us.

Mike Iserman, how are you? Mike. How are you? He's one of our Minnesota buds. I know, another Minnesota trainer.

Ghay is asking, "If a person is preparing "for lengthy fast, what daily vitamin set?" I don't honestly know because I've never done a lengthy fast. Have you? I have not. And when we talk about lengthy fast. There's fasting for different reasons, know, whether it be religious, cultural, goal setting family, et cetera.

So good for you for setting a goal and for whatever that reason may be. I would say that making sure you're getting in your B vitamins. Because they're water-soluble, you can take them in every single day depending on how many days this fast is lasting. But definitely, B vitamins. As you're drinking your water, if you could get some electrolytes.

There are electrolyte tablets, those Nuun tablets. I use those. Do you use those? I tend to use Emergen-C because they're electrolytes too and your vitamin C. So you can do the Emergen-C or you could do like these little N-U-U-N tablets.

You can get them on Amazon but they give you your sodium, your potassium, your magnesium because you don't wanna get lightheaded. That would be the key. Agreed. My teacher team wants to exercise while we meet daily for 10 minutes. Oh my gosh, I love that.

We have a bunch of 10 minute workouts. But I would suggest. Here's a quick idea for you. If you got 10 minutes I would do the first minute just warming up your joints and then you could divide it up so that you do 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest. So let's say the first exercise is jumping jacks do 30 seconds of jumping jacks and then rest 30.

Then the second exercise might be push-ups. 30 seconds of push-ups, rest 30. So pick out eight different exercises. So you do a minute warm up, eight different exercises in the middle, one minute cool down. And you talked about you have 10 minute workouts on Get Healthy U TV.

So is there a section, where we just click on those and follow the 10 minute workouts? Well, we're actually adding that as a sorting field. But I'm so glad you just said that because we do have a dropdown. If you go to the dropdown, it says, Get Healthy U TV 10 minutes free workouts. You don't even have to be a member.

You can just look at them for free. You don't have to be a member. It's a great place to start. But if you're just in a room and you don't have time to turn on the TV you can literally do calisthenics. And what you suggested, you have 30 seconds of jumping jacks, 30 seconds rest, 30 seconds of a strength exercise.

What she's saying is basically you're alternating cardio, rest, strength, rest. You're getting everything in, in 10 minutes. Maria asks, do you ever do any meet and greets? So glad you're asking this, Maria. You're so sweet.

What a good idea? I know, I did a meet and great with Team Extreme several years ago. They were my group that followed my 10 pounds slim down extreme. And it was super fun. There were like 20 women who came to Minnesota and it was just great.

And I taught a workout and they all had a dinner and it was super fun. But it is something that we've been thinking about doing some meet and greets in the future like a retreat a thing for a two day thing. So stay tuned for that. We also are doing an e-course. That's not necessarily a meet and greet but it's gonna be a little more personal where we're gonna have a more private group where we will do office hours and chit chat with specific things pertaining to the course.

We have run out of time. It's 8.00 PM I know. So let's just se, did we miss anything. You guys I'm so sorry. We tried to cover most of what you guys are asking.

Becky, here's just one last one, is asking about macronutrients. Becky, the e-course, whole body reset is coming in January. And we go through the entire breakdown of how to count your macros. But I just said my macros were about 50 carbs, 25 protein, fat What do you? I find that I think it came originally from the zone diet, but I love the 40, 30, 30 where you've got 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein.

But there's a balance too. Once you learn how to eat clean, you start to know what to have. I don't like to count them. I feel like my head gets in the wrong space, then I'm counting calories and counting macros. You wanna be able to learn how to do it initially and what your body needs and how the balance of macros works for you, as far as energy and weight loss or muscle gain goes, whatever your goal may be.

But then staying even keel on it instead of always keeping track of them. And in the e-course, we teach you how to count them and how to do it just because people don't understand what macros are. Some of you at home, might go, "What the hell are macros?" Macro is macronutrients. That's carbs, fats and proteins. But here's the thing.

I always thought I was following the 40, 30, 30 zone diet too. Until I started tracking them and I don't I eat so many plants that I am 50% carbs. So anyway, you guys, we have run out of time. Thank you to Jodi. We love Jodi.

Jodi is smart. She's educated. She's fun. She's brilliant. She's beautiful.

We love having her on Get Healthy U TV. So if you join as a gold member, you can work out with Jodi anytime you want. She's got tons of workouts. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate your investing your time with us.

If you wanna join, we gave you guys some links. If you want the pre and post workout checklist, we gave you that link so that you could just print that out for free. We put up a whole bunch of different articles that might help you. We try to come live in the evening, once a month at 7:00 PM, different day of the week. We announce it on Facebook and Instagram so that you guys know.

So we just wanted you to know. Still look at people are saying, "We love you. "We love you." Thank you, guys. You guys are good for our heart. And if we didn't get your question, we apologize.

Like I said, it always starts off with like, "Oh my goodness, is anyone gonna ask a question?" And then bam. And then when they hammer through so we're answering them quickly too. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everybody from the bottom of our heart.

Hope to see you in the Get Healthy U TV Facebook group. We'll watch for you. We'll watch for you. And until next month, happy Halloween. Bye.

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