Cardio Kickbox
Chris FreytagDescription
No equipment needed
This is a cardio-based workout with simple and effective boxing moves that will get your heart pumping in no time. Constant but not complicated drills including kicks, punches, and blocks will blast fat while boosting your self-confidence. It’s a fast-paced cardio kickboxing routine that’s easy on your joints.
This cardio kickboxing routine is a steady, cardio-paced workout that’s full of punches, jabs, kicks and blocks. These powerful boxing moves will get you in your aerobic zone, allowing you to burn fat and calories while feeling strong and confident. Improve muscle tone in the upper and lower body as you go through each move and get motivated with Chris.
This no-nonsense cardio kickboxing workout is fast-paced and fun while still being easy to follow. Each move will help you build strength and endurance, while also getting your heart rate up. Chris will start with punches, add in kicks and knee-strikes, incorporate blocks and fast-feet to get you sweating and give you a cardio workout like none other. Improve your confidence and mood with this fun, fast-paced cardio routine that truly incorporates boxing basics; no dance-y moves or hard-to follow choreography here.
Throughout this cardio kickboxing workout, Chris will give you pointers on technique and provide plenty of modifications so that it’s accessible for all fitness levels. She’ll also do the workout with you every step of the way, motivating you to keep your energy level up until the very end.
This cardio kickboxing workout is a non-stop, high-energy routine that’s full of fun and effective moves. Cardiovascular exercise not only burns calories, but is important for your heart health. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of heart-pumping exercise per week, and this is the perfect place to start. Whether you’re new to kickboxing or a seasoned kickboxer, you can modify each move to suit your fitness level and reap the rewards of cardiovascular exercise. Feel energized, strong and powerful with this fun, heart-pumping cardio kickboxing class.
All exercises you perform are your own responsibility and you perform them at your own risk. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider before starting any physical exercise, fitness or wellness regiments of any kind.
Level: All Levels
Equipment: Bodyweight
Instructor: Chris Freytag